BffiMME» · •* Mat genera C...


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•* Mat genera


a two aeatcd

now. iralBta cleaned dellcate~C3lor.

; linings a spe-, ALBOT, lomlnick St

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>f 'groups and

« sure of getting



After » Batt le Between t h e British iwd B 0 ers~*he Bwghjjrt F ,g l# . ^itjTG**i&

, Karljr Jp^thj. kiq^i^tyu&igf^f t»JSt«Of*f•?**«*. »V,xt|« itfl»r''-*Xp t^th'*: v*iwfa '..-•- .,. - .V, ',;.. • *,'-'?'• . '•*,''.,

V Mgioua C«nang of Syracuaa. '

SYBtopsB, oot 30 —About mm famlUee. were visited on Saturday by the 1,000 Christian workera^}Btan^jeat*yro: •iBg^tBe-xeUgtous -eenftus-^f-^rSeuser -'"* Oyer ,6Q, OOP reoords were obtained andin-fprmatlon ofTgreat value" s e c u r ^ The visitors. W/enb-by twos. - _T___T__

JThe number of denomlnatiojisjtep^e-sented in the city was a surprise, .Itta the card given to each visitor were print-" elRhteen of tho leading sects. It was

- J that' there were atleaat as.mjany isn^mp^lthe city. One Woman

#"sj« "pHtaiifttrw—therer-Were a: tern

years and. one-tbu..7„ „,T_„ _ . , , , _„ ,,.£y>i -the ,wjt«$l.«e.,p|?wrltiil..|y

^ean,opto||Btics; with' reference, to.,t!h>

ing comtoenP^SjSOvt^is^ in:o|nlng,'' t ^ BoerjlilSltoK,ife^|8:B*fe:^t|° '*?!%r p b n i o ^ ? . ^ J ^ ^ i a ^ | ^ ; % e ^ ] r K j p ! ;

• ^Tffl^c^^i^ltiejjoftfg^^^oe^r^;^

theBr(M'iejft«^ v * <'•; v'A"-' *, * •>

Associated;:Pr$ei from I^ffysniitti. Y ' ^ r n f c f ^ o ^ v W W M S t a S f l w ^ ^ to i h * » ^ w | » l » ^ | ^ $ t h e steamshipEmpresffoFInl^tom-

two hon^. ;jt BSQW* tlie. ctls^ whpdtoe preseat-Stageof thenar uperstiouB has reached fcnd thai; the expected attack on Ladysmlth by the joint Boer forces has, Q ^ a ^ 8 i ^ r j ^ f D ^ @ 7 4 T i s i d # ^ this morning, supplements the Assorted: Press dispatch with the toformatlon that the Bcf* shells were chiefly 4i«eJ*d * | the stationand dattafcijwai Aoge up to the>tlme the message tojaSfelfflftn wasfomp^edv: • -~~ -- - '": ==^--ig=aa=

-Tb&Jiif-bWTyKPi*01 ^ ' j ^ f y * ! 0 ® * w b t # | p # t o h w«expeet«*^on}dJei Bllen|^F:fpeedlly,.aa indto&ft to $ e A 8 S « f e r e * » dispatch ftfJft " smithip|t-I«Htt«r otreeatsi t h e n M i f t f aoyanbe of the Jiwghei force m-Wv British left flank1 ah0.f § the atticlMOT were in PQ way dismayed; thereby and- were ..still full of the same self-coDfldence-and^jdarjEg. they have already exhibited oh Yarions ofics-aions. Apparently, the Boers have con* cenltated for a^preme eftort„at Lajjy^

I B M r - T h e y - baver^witfcdrawn -the! forosa'from other-pnlnta.wjbloh tley jponi elder momentarily to be of less, importance

Sixth t avenue; Ste may' utilize

The ease with wh1iBlfm#r^^«ralzeft"©r Ma id,"be" German porps, whloh Was almost an- -nihllated at ElahdBlaagte, and gew, Lncra Mayer's oolumttj shattered affTai-ana mil, bhow how great are lhelr re cnperatlve powtr*and tli*irr-fei.tlllty QL resonrce. - < • • • • .

The perseverance the Boeri have shown In transporting heivy ordnance and poet-top it In-commapdUgpositioDS has forced Hr)mlratIon\evenr~fi5nT thelf enenrfeii UDlesa.thepreaent attaclcis merely a feint to occupy the British whUe • the Jnvaderi are ofltttni =off ^»p«ife**fon sotJffe ward, the battle;1 f weft :»||eaed* ^h\n morning- niay tlec!d>>>i6i«>:.'Jfe8ne-•-• M the war,': *o far f|-fig^1Hnk; inr.WZesi open b conce»iedr H ' . ' W W - # ' lS QCO.OR OOe BoeiB abflBt.,jC#dMJ»ith aro""abl^"tO?d«»6i^'^ni-3UMw^ thi re, they can hardly.hope to co)je with Geu.. Bnller,a art^f-cia^aoltlnaybe

<ew;^RPHidej8" and'-'inadels" ahdoo-;cp)0p801y a "Shaker.1! Amoh thB.qfiber ^IMinliiMCns were Quakers,- ebrl'stian 36ite|gts,. «SplrltuallsBa, Boies, -Free, hlnJkera ThooHOBhists, Adyeiitifitli <3M-

imm members of the Goapel lilsslbhvSbe S^vajfton Army, the Volunteers ot'AiWief-icatth!e;Rescue Mission and the Brother­hood of Ma.n.. \ " * , - - • '

%i%$ ^reports are now being, tabulated and puf. in form for publication. ; '"'.

•;••.. * i ,000,000 w»rth of K»w s»k. OaS^SBBnaa, Ocij. 80—Ten carloads of.

?aw ;silk,' valued at ft.OCO.OQO;- arrlV*| here last week on the way to iSewfark

Bawttnat It is.very explosive and is nsedi tor making pereoEslon caps for guns.


einglon ofrgoldt niialng: |n



]3a.nth Awca^aftdHa^possible' effect TiBgn trie golij jit^giy bt.tueyworl^ t h e coni' pllation .prfsi^ts $a facta collateft 'by •J?jf* ^a%h.;S6ptb4er, and the director p± ' m p j p p 4 SfHwa ralntv WhKch fiho;w tne fpTiftj. pr^d^rit ef the world by deoades, and years since the 'discovery of America, and when sammarlzsd ehow ttiat.thSvgraftd total 61- gold prbdji^tlon. from l,#tto;and: inolndlng the es,l3j0iSte1 foylSOgiamophts .tqClJX,833,0^9,^00. -AJI exatulnStlMjQf the.ftlnteB of anntjatpti^ aqctlon ahowatbat of the 19 833;9e9,60O f^d.^rodBCert Since 1493,45^^855^00,-or bonBlderably more than one-ha3r77Eaf been prSdnc^d'aiiicft 1860, and ^fii%%%-

300' CANNIBALS KILLED..'.., y'.*

F o m i i Am«rlc*n C o m a l Beiule' » n Jfit-~~, , B«,4ltton Jtato %ttte*i A

'* -EoNjp^Hjjgot. Sff.^li&lLaJvlcea ItoSC tterCongoannoTm^thatCftptiffl'Mohuri,; formerly Vf. 8 . consul a t Zin/.tbar, who. i s commanding'the Belgian force a> Tanganyika- Congo, telegraphs that the expedition has reached the Conso H*ee-4!iater And-^waa engaged a t the

Xhe_JSadf, .;pgowtt«d;"itgqt«it&'

tHI B*in»lu*45l ' •• • J £ " " • . / ; ; • # • ;

wai;a'*%-3E(e|Rl|p wlio„ mkm- drbw"'-"51

the course oHh: Pba;?«aierai^4; IftsJLnighifcto^sgs by', a relat ip '-ojg three Ooij " "'~'""


ornelt Frcthoian l en t ' to HtsH^me' ^b^'3)i3Tnllb«T^aat~pKTfiirBl!a^^ -of-irlr old commander, <3eneral -erookj w $** American Troop.. <m «»*-.natn«n»-h^ms;srcbmpm? ;bee|i blebsed with ,pr<iaper||y «ndrwith "**- •-•—— > "- • «-_.—« »J_— „._„___


solnrow Ezpre«ied, Phe remains of Ed-

Cornell student |t" Friday while in tin the.-Kappa M-

|taken to St. Louis ' was. acjaimpahiad Idrowned man and

Student during the day"w^i#l|'ipS|.Sin by sevefal mi#m,-

liig from China and Japan, and was, de­livered to the Borne, Watertown & Og-denBburg.railroad here by the C. P. E. tvfo carloads of fulminate' of mercury

Jrom the "dynamite works, at. Tresootjt, ^0{jt.rwhfch* 18 operated WSsW XcrklTS weje brought here Friday on the way to New Yprk. The duty on the shipment: $§Qunj*d to |8,700. Thte i s the first cqjBJ&niueht of the product made this faJL ' I t 1B" put up In rubber" Bags and paokeain harrels-filled^»Hh water *iidT|Tend '6f July,: In- a flercei"-bat61e' at

of' the T nn^Crgtftiidi^niiwI peugd anCalthbug ,

tO 1$$ilfe%W&$; ofhii^fentn^f^ pba fraternity. ,. 4!QoUege 4fie'tt w greatly BKwke^^i! terdlCt oBbe # o f atteuaQ^afiaaa,. Alpha f jatie^nijpi; matter; is consjijae] onerandwasrecelt tion. -- - -r~^t,

Mr. Berkley, l i t student, left las t > Whe^ehls wifOj1-tlmeof-theaccli son's death.

Sanguli. Where the, force consisted Of tens companieB with Captain Mohun com­manding, Shoitty after the attack com­menced Baron Dfcamls, the Belgian com--mander, dlspAtched three companies of soldiers to. assist Mohun, and the enemy, consisting of cannibals, who horribly .tor-turstijeir wounded, were finally routed.

It Is estimated that the enemy numbered

, KleoferleHr on th» SUvaMtl. -Nfcw YoBK^dct.-80.^-BusaeU Bage,

said Saturday regarding the Manhattan Elevated Railway .Bltnatifia: "fiSviSry', thing looking to the electrical-equlprnent of the Manhattan lines fa -prograMtjag sat-iefactosHy,--It i s -eat iD3at^a»t^«*t t t t l^(»-^eU--and- los^ and COO be able to save f750,C00 to $t,O0d,Q00 In. yearly operating expensfs,. Jtfr. • Skltt said that be thought the n e w electrical system would be experimentally lh^pera-tlon on some-part'of thecomrlany'Ssys-.teii^early in January. I expect tbe flrit

e^Kw'lOT'be^altuW'tJi i : ^^I*s^x»««i^i^.«b»^*lll4srjttt««-t}it- ^he-termw: \xi< line o?. the ThlWavenue, t , *•«*•*•*« <{t » • «•«•«•! "Service tillze both the mnltiole unit ^ASHIKOTOH. Cot. SO.~I^£hetrnited "can be coin ltiple

sretem—motti^ oii*- every f^F-fndTEjs eleoirictti locoijQtiTftaystemi .according to" -which.aysteift J» bi!8t adaptod;-for6ur re* 8peotlve.IliD,eJjil^4^»tfoHes.,' t

port of tfiitJieadlietTSr Offi'ce »ri6ws c i )ve##ois l l fot trces .a 856J96Splecesof rtjtlCi^ttefr^i'eftfly O^eltCMt iWwase

•^otei " nn-t

expected tte Bbeta wlU return to the * t -tack ofi<aaysnii|h, after t h e y are-beaten off, so long as theyhavea guninposit ion and men willing to face the Britlsb, for they innit be fully cognizantR^hat-the-news of their success wlHbrlag thousands of sympalkizers and adrentrirers to their standard.

The active operations "of the last few days have* shown jaatalry under modern conditions, armed with lone range weap­ons, In an entirely new light, proving

and fu conjunction with foot soldiers. Those cava^meh. have ahown them­selves able to hold Infantry positions against mduntedelnfftntry, which, under previous conditions, they would have been forced to relinquish, while the ac­tual assault ohElandslaagte was*led b y dismounted cavalry.__ _ - _ ,

Report That Boers Havt Won. BERLIN, Oct. 80.—A report received here

from Holland says.ttiat the whole British army at Ladyamlth has sui rendered and that the troops afee now urlsonars of war.


crfas^a u f ~4ti ;^^eBk^j^a,iikiing a notable restrlntletrtobP«atlQ08 of iwud-ulenfc- concerns. Mcr^' than thwe-quar-tefr o f a aililCh letters ,»^a*3?*3cc,el8 sent totbeideadletter office were" subsequently

wonnded. The Belgian force lost nrae men killed and 47 wounded. Th e enemy fled to Tanganyika. • ' ,


and all the details Jalhed to him! He

the accident hap-no way reconciled

he has lost much at the Kappa Al-

d at Itliaoa aje atbej»ftau:;butrth'p js jury exonerating mbemoflhecKiirpa

fta all bianje in : ^e I an eminently just |jsith.:great^atisfafe ^of the unfortunate ilntg.J!or Brooklyn,. was visiting at the

aslprostrated by hey'

order. Under providence each man has been permitted to live his life and do his WOTk as seemed best to him, provided only that he In no wise interfered with the liberty and well being of his fellows. Moreover, the people .ot» this Btate

•are not merely New Yorkers; they are Americans; and-aS: such they have-shared in. the blessings, - that have come upon America during the year that has gone by. It is right that we should give thanks for the prosperity that has. come to the nation; and for the way in .which this great people in-the first flash of Its inigbty manhood .is* moving forward to meet' Its destiny, and to do without tfHnlchiug every duty with which that destiny brings it-face to face. '

Therefore, 1, Theodore Roosevelt, g o w ernorof the state of New York.ldohere-by B&> apart Thursday, the thirtieth day of«November, eighteen hundred and nine-

no, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer. • •. . , ' ' . . *' .» ,':; , Done at the Capitol in tbe/cityof Al-^anj'thisHihlrtieth'day-of October in the; year;ot our Lord, 1899.



. t«il«<|f#'

•WASHiKGTOH, JO. misaloner H.*01ayf

the dtsablllty.act.i .Who has reached t! iiltltd to' $8; m! , mgntfi, whether?!*; every old soiaieif otTil-'yeaisjJii* pensloa unoTe^'^) month. *"*»"•"• • |,,The fact Evans, ' of 06 ke gel serylce in rneuldecldi while the la1

he is disabl

VETERAN8. 1> or Over la Eo-

a Month.

0.—Pension Coin ffls says that under 190 every old soldier. ige of <# years la en-

. pension of | (1 a Isapled or not, and,

s reachad the age to the maximum

whloh is$\$".ja


'WASHIKOTOH, Qot. 30,—Ih* tee United States supreme court today the petition for* si Wpt of cer.tlora.rl, in the S"ayer-weather'.Wlll case,-was denied. •..'.gjKe object of |he petition -was to bring

. . . , thecaseinto the supreme court is ,.,,.<c{«tt|»-wf'tteaa- lstt«n*v{ • . believed that, th* effSctof the decision

\v>^^0^ofeQct , 80 -^The annual rav' reuderecL today will b e j » floallysettletirb . . . *m ^ c r ^ ^ . j - r - ^ i ^ - r v m i ^ r K i - s ^ ^ j ^ l ; ! ^ "Daniel:

Fayerwieatber. v, . . . _ > • The ewe has be^n in the courts several

t lm^Si-^i&tov0lt#*wgemntber of ed-ucatlonnl iustltuiion3, stoctudtng Hanuh .fenCollegfe \-, "• • " •

btirWea month uode* class come t%eV^. have reaohed.;the"« have juafc-'jaentfr' subsequenti be comblnlf%it*,«t!fh5abail.y or dlsabill-Jiits. ofJej^lfifelrMst ii^toJtocieasfi thgrate above fia^m^rijg.^

Oornell >• 0»«ic<r«.xyJ'«a. *HTO»t Oclv .S0.-rTThe;f4a msstthg of *£*'rej--,«.Ttqt |f»fj* ,.. tLmMt

- t 3 ^ e t | i o ^ ^ ^ ^ .-vMfe--#»nirr-«riitfkiiiitfa aitywiig h i d Saturday. PresidentBohnr-

rnan presented to. the trastees adeaorlp-tion.of the oyerorowdlng of blass-rooms, lecture rooms and laboratories, due to the

«.-i-. .. . . . . . - - -. verr?apld-growth-of<3ornellr •Twft$6S» Mlyjged toJhe^Qwneja unqEene|,, and ^goJiere^^^lsittndentsofallkinde. money, draftf, eto,, fbund InlBe-fleaa tnalln nKgregited- a face value of iLiGs^oo. ; ^

Basav n«*t« la HerUatfr.. " * . BiRKiMBB, Ojt. 80 —W. 12 Kay, pro-\itletor of the Spring Side farm, jaat-

UUD| . u ou. B U » » O J « - . . *.0—, r a west of this vlUage, has demonstrated theA able to wo|kj^iafantryi both ajone that finesoiluvthia vicinity toAdaptedto. the raising of bugar beefs and that they

can b e raised here at a profit. Last year Mr. Kay raised twenty-eight Ions of sugar beeta from two acres of ground, which averaged 18 8 per cent, of sugar This year he planted only one acre of biets, and fromriirher raised 1* tons of

CANAOiANS |PR6T£8T. One^aotion Op«o<ii S«nOiDK Trtops t o

South Attic*. MOSTBSAI,, Octi ;8Qlr-Many of the

French-Canadian ^ewspaperBare protest­ing vlgorously-against^ Canada sending troops to help.:KcglandVto the Transvaal, and declare that Canadians should have nothing to 4&..with,_.the,..wars, of the British^ empire, i a - - -Tribune of St. Hyacinth*, "the* perspnil organ of M. E. Betnle% member b t t ^ e . dominion

- parliament fox; that oonBtlttfency, and a man who IS mentioned as apoBslble.mem-ber of the Lauriet^^ c a b t o e M J a i i "Qn when there shall be no other alternative but tbfenter into an imperial federation or to leave the; confederation" we Witt a # hesitate ifc> iibnonnce freely andfranWy^bjf^iPirl^ojaJ^ the con­federationJ* "'•<» •-'• ••.-:'

The Wadihg! trilnfch TJltra'tnontatne or­gan of tStteben^ I * iTerlte. U out for the secession of Quebec ptoylfice_:from the dominion, I« declares the dispatch of a Canadian contingent for South Africa on the demand of the governor general, n m der threat o f dismissing the cabinet, in

• case of non-compliance, marks the ap­proach" of "a new stauggte"for (BOirStltn-tional liberty.

l i s t 3 ear. a,04a ana this jear i t iseatt-mated that there will be a total enroll­ment of 8,000. He s i ld: The staff of in­struction should be increased at once. Al l -of the new buildings needed imme* dlatehr, could be erected for 1700,000, but more is n,eeded in endowment of' 'profess orsbips and laboratories. President ScaurraanliskB that some friend of Cor­nell University endow the great law li­brary of the, institution with f7S,i00 or $JQO,000. . . . . y ' r . .- •

the ill)


jeipllottly say aot atlytb come under * " 1800^—L. . s," h« contlnuedi


OUR of soldiers Who of 75 years, which I

to yon. But no or dUabllltlescan

.Vlc«J?jrMlrtjWf.WoU»ri Ko W o t i i . . . - K*\vLS|ttiC^*|r^.~TherS"wa8- "coii" aiderable- anxiety *Hls morning among, the -Intimate irijinif and, neighbors of Vice Pfesldent^Ho^qtt at Patarson, N. J. , aver % w p ^ taskMr. Hbbart;hirtJhad. a.ebangeloistha wow^havlnK-hufc-faitti i ly-at his bedside during moat of the

' that, hn wan vn>t,Y today. 'A

PROCLAMATION. Gov. Bociacvelt Appoints *hnr»d»r7Nov. ~~r~T»JnfT*SF'oTTfhTiB^

AXBAHX. Oot. 80,—-Gpy, Roosevelt to­day issued 'the following. Thanksgiving day proclamation: - ' -

State of .New York, Executive Cham-


*qCnU*KX4JJj?KM H*'.H»j Ssldanaa of n Oolonl«»tlon Seheme.

NEW- YOBK, Oct* £ 0 . - John MoCuilagh, state superintendent of elections, claims that he has evidence that hundreds of men. have seenred their naturalization papers by fraud and. says that this evi­dence will submitted at once to the proper authorities. '. '

Elliot Danforth, chairman of the ex­ecutive committee, o f 3 h e state Demo­cratic committee,, when shown Supt. MoCullagh'S statement relative to colonization, said: "It's a pretty thing for Republicans to make charges of colonisation against Democrats. The Republicans were the originators of the colonization scheme. "Several years ago, during Thurloff Weed's time, the Re­publicans sent to Philadelphia asking

aid Commissioner reaches the age

the effect of his ay and the depart-e^lme-bacfe^thaV(for^OMee^oHead-pi?e. '^Vt repeaters were sent to New York and

they voted early and often." • -iMrr-Groker-^hen-shown-lSnpt^-Mos- _. ._ Cullagh's statement at the D e m b c t ; a t l o f g 2 £ ^ ^ ' n - o w J :

, . Club looked gr,Imly at It. "Ihaveuoth-nslpu- i>t $18 a Htog-to-say-about- Itr I wilt not dlsonas

1890. Under this McOullagh. Every one knows what I think of him and his acts," he Bald.

i> > Albany Bolltr Maker. Strike. AtBJkUT, Oct, 80^-Commlssloner Web­

ster of the state board of mediation and arbitration Js J u Ifew York, city today holding a conference with Superintendent of Motive Power Waite of the Central-

OIinrs«d With KmheixUsg; SBO,O0O« oBPF*'AMnO,0t*, 20.^The case.of, ex-

^nn^-iTr«a«urer-.-Jbbn C. Itammerta.of Niagara falls, nttder a number oC indlot-

repseaentative of the family said that he did not .consider thatihete had. beeryiny ai,l0,o'nlock this morning before County

HaibaaA Spanked: Xwioa Dally.

beeta,, -He-eold-the twenty-efght-tons-to- # i f ^ ^ ° 5 S The vronmn.pnhmhesiher 'fiusbanrl twice a day, it was explained, and he feared htr. " "Yes, I s'pank him before breakfast and before supper "eioh day, "admitted thede* fendaht. "Blit, why do spank him?" in-

. gmlredhls honor, "Oh,, he deserves it, and it is .good for his; health. „Be eate •mtteii hott ir after Lltfve.him a good 8pjShfcf|ig*r

The case Was continued, that the const mllht Inquire IfiTo, Be* Swlty. The neighbors say that She breaki their win­dows and throws mtisslles at them. ,.

the Borne Beet Sugar Company for $187. The cost of producing them was jaafe |67, which leaves him a, profit of $80 from two acres 6i ground, or $40 per acre.

. H-aler U o w i o Mohbfjd. HAMMOBD.Ind-a Oat. 30.•—John-Altx-

ander Bowie, 8 "divine healer,M~wsm mobbed hete M d a y night while attempt­ing too-deliyetanaddress. SfewaSchssedL by a yelltng crowdand but for the fact? that he managed to board, a trolley car josfc Shead of his pursuers heTwonldLhave »nffese*d serious Injury* ^rhere^has beert much feeling here against Dowle on ac- * t h * ch»f n Setter Schley Fond. count oftHe deatifef a l l t t l e ^ r t siftleted? - - ^ S w ^ m % O c W . = « e ^ e « t o t h e S h a l u

material ohange in Mr>" Hobart'a condf-tion-and t h i t this morning he was quite tv?TnfortabTf>i —--

Vice preeldent Hobtrt Much Wore*. NiW^YoBK, Oct, 80;«-The family of

"VJce President Hobart, who 1B ill a t his hpmeinPaterson, announced this after­noon that the condltionof the vice presi­dent had undergone a marked ohange for t h e worse, in the paat-few-houre<

Later^-Mr. Hobart, although still con­scious, was believed to be sinking. Dr. William A- Newton, the family physl-ctan, Mrfl. Hobart and the nurses are constantly at the vice president's bedside.

.Worklne Hard But Saying- Lltt l* . ~iN*irttJBK, t^ct; 8(»?=#veTythingilbout the headquarters of the rival state com­mittees waB quiet today1. The -chairmen are working! hard butsayingilttle. -Ghair-inan Danforth of the Democratic com-

with- scarlet fever, who,, the Hammond people believe, might have recovered had 8he received the treatment" o f a regular; physician, lhatead of Dowie's methods,. ?

S l o n o n t o Meet Svhn*ferr

Naw YOElt'Oaft. 80.—The big Slosgon-Soh«*fePthre»tftfehts'huliard match wfllJ

B»rdencOnCeit hall. -The conditions of rthe big; matdh. call for 90O' "points a t ; onshlobS caroms, 800 each- evening, and the stakes are $500 a side. While this contest doe* 4mt^invdlve^thechanjplpu-shiRr fojtnosjich tttl'er.exisjhs; atj^is, style of game, the winner will b e recognized throughout the land as the champion a t cushion caroms, since the t w o experts are easily the head of their profession since-Ives's death.

letter sent out by Miss Kdna McGlellan of 105 West 77th streelt^jBEboJj jrajsing.. a "Schley fttndj" are beglhiinir/ to .arrive from all over the' country. Her. 'mail on SatuT^ay-ihcldded letf*rI_from TCxas

The fund is" to bs used for a gold loving cap, or, if the amount_is sufficiently

Skdaou-Compsny on 4he-boller--mak«rtft3^o*BtEI"n mt strike a t tfie W e s t Albany shops, S h e ~** strikers number about 100.

HONORS. Geii.TTeury Given a SoJ>IIe»Ta Burial at __ ,—-jjtrttirjfioir-Ceroetetari • - ~

WASHIKOTON, Oot. 80.-r-Gen. Guy V. Henry was given military Burial at Ar­lington today, his grave being closeto the •Femple'of Fame and within sight of that.

The presideat-and toe seeretary of war and other, members of the cabinet .at­tended the services both at< the church: and at the cemetery. Military escort con­sisted of a battery of artillery, troop I of the 3d cavalry, now stationed at Fort Myer, where Gen. Henry was once in command, and the menjbers o | the <-}uy "\f.-Henry "garrison, a colored, veterans' association, comprising" many of the' old troopers and 10th cavalry who served under Gen, Henry in the west.

St. JolinjChurch, where the first service was held, was crowded and the chancel was filled with flowers, conspicuous among them was a Kteat white wreath from the executive mansion. The presi­dent and Secretary Ttoot^ came together, to tho church, There were present a l io Secretary Hay, Assistant Postmaster Gen eral Smith, Ad^atant General. Cqrbln, GengLEitzbugh Lee and many other/ of Gen. Henry's old friends In the service. The pall bearers were.Geru J: M. Wflson, 'Judge AdvocatftGeneral Llefier, Gen. A. W. Greeley, ehjef signal officer, and Gen­erals Frank, Buggies and Bernard. •

i i i . ~ i


Stock*, Bonda « n d Honey. . NBW TOSK. Oot. aa.-^OpentaK,—Tha. stock

mfljpketQpened_afliili anj»p^*r4-tea4ffl6y Msi the railroads Brooklyn Transit, Leather p f d . Sugar and T. O. I. were UD from l to 1)4. and Louisville & Norfolk pfd. IU,. Otherniae ga<n8 were fractional, bat extended throughout; the list,. Trading was active and, broad.

Noon—Stock prices became reactionary, but there were no conspicuous lostea and the mar­ket became .considerably l e s s Active. Later there was affective bidding trp of Jaonlfttfttet and the Wheeling & Lake Erie stocks, •wlitfch BWencthened the list. Sales of coon, 38tt,8M slmrea. \

Hlonoy at 8. Paper a t BffiSX. . Kx-chanca steady at i&!{M8n& for demand at '48354814834* lor 80 days; posted rates ..... 484)C »nd 4880483H: oommerolal, bilto, 4S91 PUTOI1 certificates, SSU^O). Bar sliver. J Mexican dollars 47)4. Government bonds at rang,' Amer ExpVesa 140K Western Union'.: . Canada Bo MM, O. O. O & St. L . . . COM Dei: & Huason.r-.ISfl Det.L. & W ,191 Lake Shore )09 Manhattan........113 N, J. Oentrak...^A8& No. P»olflc pfd..^. tm N. Y. Central.„.J88« Paolflo Mall 808

^ t J a m i &. Qnu^.lM.

Erie aeoonds....,. Weat Shore «,s..„r»8M lLg,4'flreaae»j«i~

Beadlnir.".!..™.... 8T5f' SHOVD aoaJtn.

, rfaW YORK,?Oct. 80.—9 pi m.-1'rlcen pcravi. tated downward during the afternonn tinder Uio inllufnceot aaffncaala-caU-monoy, rates touoli-iD(t 12. A Kteady dribbling of long stock also qoleteil bullish enthnslaam. • i. '.

Stocks closed active and easy. >*» » AtahUon , , , . .811* Wheeling* L E . . IV do orrtTe'red . (JMf,. Brookfyn Transit- $>% uanadaSoatfacnt. (3 Ones ft Onto...... tTU <JB *<!!.. .; J83M

. . . h*? ml

N J Central, mwtits for embezzling about ^50,000 Of I f^ffl"'-*1"-' county funds and, for forgery, was moved

mltKe expressed his belief that the-Dem °ir«"tiatky}9tlLiB w U I w l n t h e aeaembly. He*atd a ** ^ statement would sooa be ser|t out over

^IhfiUam&aBd aefc slgBSctbyMr, Sfllj-as bees reported would be the esse.

Judge Hiokey at Lookport. It is expect­ed that the drawing of a Jury will occupy


_ Tha Bepoct Ea tt ratart. ALBIHY, Oct. 80.—The state board of

health has made inquiries and ascertained that the report to the' effect that four children were seriously ill at Highland Falls from the effects of vaccination is an exaggeration. Dr. Gilbert Browne, health officer for that district, is author­ity for this statement. •


The.MoUnenx PolBontnjc Oaie, N E W .YOBK, Oot. 80,—The case of Ro­

land B Mollneux, charged with having caused, the death of Mrs, Kate J. Adams last December by poiSonpwas this morn­ing transferred from the court of general sessions to,the criminal term of the su­preme, court; The case. wlU be reached Wicker In the criminal term of ths su­preme court for trial. '

Carnegie Caaalriji Home. . lixuzgeaoh, Oct. 3d;—The White Star Bteame'r Oceanic which is to sail from this port ifov. 1 for NeirYork-Jvia Queens-tdwn l winjaaVe aufohgher paaiSaigerB ior^Paunoefote, therSntYshamhaisaflbr; i o the tfnited. States, and Lady Pauace-fote, Mr^and Mrs. Andrew'Carnegie and A, J. firexel.

The shamrock Baady t o Sail "and M a i B . » V ^ * l l t o ^ » - 3 n d „ M a ^ M Oct. 80.—With her sails

bent and most oT her stores on boards the Shamrock lies in the Erie basin ready to

opTeifc torMmifgbirm ftftMadison^uar^ 4srgerfo.r^»v hiSusei in-Washington for. l^EtheU31yde onr^Tnesday. Captain Rear Admiral Sehley,

A Man Who Walk* da Water. BEBih'S, Oot. 80—Herr Grossman

• -• ••jtBJ6*l*o*«S»atiir«- ' * " ' While thMJ_ WitlBTowK, Oct. 30.—The Grangers -"**»»'«»-» o H h f f r s ^ % n ^ a » » f e a t r r i h t 6 ^

schedd wWdh l i sa id to haVi h a d it* in­ception afetheWatertowh Grange^ harljig as its obj»ot-the Becnring- of a home for worthy Grangera wno are unfortunate, aged or infirm. I t is believed t h a t a suit­able farnMs a home for such Grangers can be bought for about $10,000, and would be self-supporting.


<th* FATild'lkK Oa«i* I t t U t d . New York, Oct 80.—tear t i e ffnal ac

counting of the ettate of William H. Paulding by Mrs7 AnnaM; Paulding, his widow and executrix and sister of Chaun-cey M. Depew, papers were ft led with snr-rogate Silkmau, in White Plains, N. Y., on Saturday, objectiors entered a few weeks ago by the Atlantic Trust Com­pany, hating: been withdrawn & private settlement, ascribed to Senator Depewrs Influence, was effeotid by those interested in the estate. The b»I% o i the settlement haa,noVyet been made public.

\ - I mi . n i • ' . » ' - "

Boch.atar'Man K.lT. Hlmaelf, , RocwkaTOT.Qofc. 8Q —rrederfck Weber-

a carjianter, aged « . years, died a t 5 o'clock this morning from the tffecta of two s#*llowsof mnriatic acid taken with anicld^l intent whU*-> hi* i a l n d WIW ta •» deranged cbndltlon.'

Buaal»»a-Kaw**at Ornt«r. Pttrjc^Mtpmi, Oct.'. SO.^The'Bo^ljsn

cruise* Yariag, wMch iadesigaedAO be -Ihe. fastost-armftrad , YesseLeAJer (daw ever constructed by J he Cramp ship building «r«i|, Will he launphed tonior-*o# withuuususl display._l ___!,. __

Hamburg is attracting much attention by walking on the Hater andJElbe river* by means of ''waterthoes0 o f his ownlu-reution. These shoes appear to be made of ttn plate and are 8£ meters long. Grossman declares that he will shortly walk on the Water from Hamburg t o Berlin. . ,

Hoar Got s t lp . io C«ttf a a Barrel. Mfiw YOBK, Oct 80.—Au advance oMLO

cents a barrel lu alt patent brands p f flour was aintouncedjon Saturday by t h e United States Slour MiUtog Company^ The same Inorease has also been mads b y other large flour njtftnrifacluwra.' The advance i s staeed'to he entirely on a c count of the rlse;in freightJrates. , v -

Oakal t o b s Beopaacd. * MiDDLS^cowir, N^ Y , Oct* 80.—Snpex-

intendent Rose of the Cornell Steamboat Company announces that the .Delaware & Hudson Canal, recently abandoned, will be reopened in the spring between Ctiddebackvllle and Rondout. i -'

I n • - r

Boy Vllfitd for Kanalaasbter.

ionnd guilty of" manelaughter l u the sec­ond degree for the killing of Charles Sul­livan at Chipmunk on the night of July 3 last by hitting h im on the heaoTwltha bottle. The jury made a request that Imprisonment be suspended and a fine only Imposed. Judge Ernsefined the de-, tendanttSOO, ^ ) .- - *

EWotrictty K U U a B b y . -BAf lv l i , Oet 80 —John^ Baker, 14

years old, wal instantly killed Saturday night by coming in contact with a live wire-while trying to obtain enfaanee to the gallery in the Dettfnjger Optra .House by way of the xt>of. I t wasrainlng at the time and the boyra clothes were Iret Three thousand volts of electricity shot throuBh his form and he fell back on the roof, dead, * * % ••*

Del*Httd*OB li.'v* D e i i i * w . .'MM LouU* Naali..... ^M UanhatUa L.„..l'0>4

d o 1st pfd. d o Sd pfd.

kfcuei n.\v.w.. 149 a m Tob»coo.^..,.li2

d o preferred....141 Oonaollahted Hwr.lfcPH federal 8teaj..WB t s Qea Kleotrle, iew3S 74 rnt«r Paper....— Stfti

d o - • do „ pfd— W MetBtBaflway, -10J Padflo Man._ __ ., •Mo,Ka,«at!Jej:.ntdJIS9Wi Piople^Qaa.-,. - it4k BI»wurT*a«Uks.. i®S pSSi»n'l'al»c?.„W^



If any Difflonltlea attend t h e Adeanee: of

-AgnlnatdQ afeTaj-las- ftgn.Baten T«*n»-ferred to the Southern Islands.

MABIXA, Oct. 30 -8:30 a. m.—Gen. Young, with the infantry, is advancing upon Cabanatuan under difflcnltles The country is furrowed with rivers and deep ravines, the bridges over which have been destroyed) the mud is .deep, rations are. short and the transportatiou of supplies has been delayed by low water and the poor conditions of the roads. There are sufficient 8toregt. however, to keep the brigade;. The insurgents for a long time have lived off the country, impoverishing it. The horse's are not yet accustomed to ' . the native grass and' a long, bullock train has left San Fernando carrying "hay for the cavalry, „. , - . >

The Spaniards report that there are no-insurgentB at Cabanatuan. i<

The' gunboat. Laguna de Bay dispersed a force of rebels who were engaged in constructing trenches beyond Santa Rosa. -The boat, was fired upon by a party of Insurgents bearings white flag. She fa now aground. •.» . . .

Numbers' o f : Chinese are.' coming" t e ' Angeles from Tarlac, paying the insur­gents for the privilege

It Is reported that Agulnaldo and the Filipino congress are still at Tarlac.

: There are about 500 insurgents before. Angeles They have been" quiet for the past week,\ Two thousand rebel? are at * BambanV five miles to the north.

Gen Bates-has been recalled from San Fernando and ordered to sail for the southern islands as soon as possible.

Twelve illlptnoa Kitted. WASBIKOTON, Oct. 80—The war do

partment has received the following from Qen. Otis:

MANILA, Oct. 30.—A detachment of Gen. Heirs regiment, 36th volunteers, reconnoiterlttg toward Florida Blanc, West Guagusjt truck a body of Insurgents* in newly constructed trenches. Attacked and drove the enemy, who left four oUl­cers and eight enlisted men k Tied, three prisoners and nine rides. Casualties,


Am. ongar... Tenn. 0..& I..,.„liRk Oht. & WegE....;. fm Atchlnon„ S2U U. 8. Leather..... «l c - r r - ™ ^ . - " - -—%:""'I~ ~^r"~ ' U. 8 . Leather pfd. taw Captain French and Lieutenant Ferguson JMHS**68""—JJSf -iwmjdedrBOtdaugfrrousljfi- -OnfrenHst

do preferred... '0\ EOr. WMt..^-~..W0j O h t * W a i t . . . . . . . 20 Beading . . . . . . . . . . £m BookliTaad...„..l<r> RWftO —Hi 8t Paul .Wi% Bt Paul it Omaha. 1W Southern Paciflo.. 8?M Po Bauway pta... r,c« OnioaPaolflo...... 4?« Baloa Fee pfd.... 7f^ Wabnh . . . . . . . . 8

.1W iocar: neBneryi* 4 M W V Tiltgraph.. tff V 8 Vt . 100H U B K a w t t r e g 1W. a R Hew4» ooap.iao

tin* - i i s « UBtrir»K....w . i4S0M

d o 6'l 00Up.._-ltl?l At»hlHB4>« _ Wl

d o A4'1 . . . . , . M . 67 K K f t T S d l 01

" " " 4*« » T e x F»o »ndj. . .„ t6.. Wert Shore fonr»-lia>i AmAlrPOwirbl*. 411.

^ . l^r.JUsyeXa.l ioneMsajEoj^bina. ' TOROKTO, Out., Oat. 80» A. cgmp

has jast-bsen formed here to. take-over the rights and bhainess of f our large, bl-c-jole concerns, doftg doing bualneaa In Canada, the. American Bicycle Company, -• t M E , &D. Cycls Compaja>r the B. C^ StearsB Company and the Cbi-lsile & Wheeler Saddle Company. The new

-company will e tabliah a factory at To-ionto^iSsp.sble'jpt tuihlng out* 80*000 wheels a year.

MI pi,T<y,-fca, , , ,

Ko Ohapga I n 8chta>'*.Oxdar«. • WA BftiKgt&nV O0t4 SO*—Secretsrr fionjjL laid todaj'thao he*dIdTuot cantempatter^ maldng'any change hi Admiral Schley's orders. So far these are nothing more than a direction to take command of the SMt!irA#»n«a>'itat{om ^hf -date will be deHnltely fixed w%iIfc-W^known exr-actly how soon the 0h(ca|fp jrJlT be ready for-sea: Nothing h«» ti«eh deefded: by-the department as to the dispatohof one or more warships to South Africa.

unrtec—ureamery 20 2,ritallS3CS5. ( EiitSt atrlctly freeh,

rlour—HaxaU * t

Naw York Prodnoa Marktt. ,-NKW YOMC, Oct 80—Flour recelpta, SftO^

bTD1*lsraaIee;S5Wrpn^a«eli staWand weaiorn easier oxcoot for low grad«9 which wera steady, no ch'inge. Winter patents, |3,602|3,B5; winter straights, $3.4&a3.EO; winter oxrtraS, $8.55©SOO; winter low grades, |a.S5OS240i Minneeota patents, J3.95CM 20; Bakers, $3.00© 3J». Bye flour, quiet; sales, — barrels; a;ood to fair. $3 402J3,45; choice t o fancy, 13.45*51375. Wheat, receipts. I0?,rai busheliti sale*. COj.OM bushels. Options dull nominaUj' at hi decline and further decline of H tmddr lafgBJf and unsatisfactory cables In

Archie Hogarth will be in command with Captain Hamilton as nivvigator and Cap­tain Wrlngo as chief ohlcefc FOrtyrthwe of the crew are to sail in the yacht.

• •-il'.-.-'J.'t.'' * WUl Have a *20,000 j?o«Hloii.

NK^fbnK, Oct. 30—StuartB. Knott, who has resigned from the first'vice pres­idency of the Louisville -& Nashville road, will, it is reported ffoifi fioniBrille, be-comefirBt vice presidentiof the Plant sys­tem at a salary of ?30,000 a year. •

„r,'-'^x^ir -

TuiTTLiVAtwr.N.Y.jOot. 80,—Thomas . . . ,.. ., O'Hara, 16 JeaiB old,- was on SattudArRiii-afctheMttext sesj^n^ o f u ^ O n t t r i o

Bill lor canadlaa oWa Patha, ct, 30.---The Canadian ssociatlbn will submit a

TQBOSTO, p Wheelnien's A:

Legislature for the cOhstmctloh :of side-paths. T h e b l l l w l U be similar, to the Ellsworth bill, which i s in operation in New York state, **"" "'*"" *'

W»w Yoife Dramatic Critic Dead. _Na,w YdiK, Oct. 80—Mlsa Jessie

Wood, the dramatto f rmc efTne lOve* nlng Journal, died Th8l"6fehlng at her home on Sss5 43d street. Miss wood had been il l for several\days, but until the lasfcfew hours a fatal termination was hbt considered probable. Her mother and sistersr who are in England, have been notified of her death.

-+ VICINITY. —Several thousand dollars for a u e w

hotel at Little Falls have been subscribed. —There id a movemept itt~Syraouse to

require the Street Railroad Company to equlp-Ite-csrawith vestibules. - _ — ,.

—The Carthage Lumber Company's saw mill lias shut down /or the season. There is very nearly a lnmber famine at Carthage,

"^•TBe general ballots fo be "used in Lewis county at the forthcoming election will be 13 inches wideband will vary in length from 15 to 10 inches. This year,, for the first time, the election of town of­ficers will occur at - the same time as the general election. -•*-lt 'is rumbreii tha"t"TRobeft- "MacKin­

non has offered' to put tip a sop yarn plant at Little Falls, which' will cost in the neighborhood of $300,000, and which will give employment to several hundred men, providing the city will purchase and donate to him the site'he desires, which is the vacant lot between the Mac­Kinnon mill anol Jacob Zoller's cold storage building.

rgeelhtfr fhe^ab-

i»en'cb of ^pofutativo ' "support. Dece-nber; 74 016®74.%c; May, 78^73 6 l(Jc. Ryev matkit Steady; aiate, 0%83o; No . S western.: GSQ •f. 0. b. afloat,-to arrive. Corn, receipts,. 103,TO •bushels: sateo, 30,000 burtieln. Optionn openrd cosy and nominally Ho lower with wteatv and, in anticipation of 'argo receipt'.bec&me dullah'H heavy. May. £8Jfis35Mc Oats, receipts, S9£(JO bnshels. Nominal, no business. Track white, -Stat* iWU^gte; tragfc vhSZa. .ttalMm. tfttJjjyxh

Boma atarkal Qaotiatlona., Bntt«r--dreaniery*li»«, rataJJ SBOSB, dairy

,«doi„£0-, retail SSC&L ir-HwaU flbol. $8.00, pMtiyK.0UO4JS,

whlfo wheat $4.B0, rraham %±S6. Corn and oats V 100 t t , 9001.00, acreeninga

90©|1.00, cracked corn W, tbjpa Vi, braa90, flax aeed oil meal $1.60, Indian mail, fine, $1.00, coarse SO, middlinn, coarse, 80.- fine 06, bay « t o n 13.00 4510.00. baTedh*yl».10Oin, 80, ryastnnr 46Voat ttxaw 40, com, s&te »? bush 55, weatarnEO, oats 83, retail 88, buckwheat Vbuab EC, retail so, rye 45,retafl00. *- .

Hides, trimmed, bulb),* ft 6V(, cows 7, steers 7, murrain and (trobby 4os, trimmed veal sklna up to 10 fcs, ¥ B> 10, untriraraed^ 10 to 15 lis, each SW O$1.00, prime Ho. 1- deacon iklna S6O40, cut and •mall deacon aklns 90©a6, WOOL waahed: V * 186> 30, unwashed 1S®18, lamb pSta, each HOGTt. jhearhnta lOOM taUow in ronntk S %JJ4J*n-'_. deredt

Beetaa, Medium and pea, V btuh J1.46, retail

Beet, tn»r»?et firm? fatnHyjTIlJ.OOJUSCfr, extra r fork, $U.(»Q13.()0;

. _. . . . ,ulei; parfine, western steam. tSXtO nominal.

Kgga, receipts, S.S9) pac»Kf«; market dull;

firm; mess. J90U©3f.O family, abort clear, JltW5«iaOO._ LaTd, quiet;

state and Uennsylvanla. a.-Ha21c,; wee tern. ungraded a t mark, I4&«8e. - bugar, raw. firm; (air refining, S IS 16c bid; centrifugal 35 test, 4 6-iSc; molasses sugar, 8 MOo. EesSaed, 8teBdyrt3iiBh«d,BMwpofw«ered,6Wcf ajtatiu-tated. 5 3-180. ,Doffe«narm; No, 1, a 1-10?. Tallow, steady: city, 45gor country, 4X®4«6. Hay, quiet; Hhlpplng 6SO,70o; good toctooicfr, 7Sa8%o Hops, dull; state common 'to choice, 1836 crop, 6c: 1897- crop,, nominal; 1898 crop. lOatScj. 1899 crop, 14ai5c; Paciflo coast, 1896 crop, 40fc; 1S97 crop, nominal; 1893 crop, liaiic! 1889 crop, 12OJ50. Lead, -nrntket—dflfl; bollten,- -*4=40t erehinga-raprlce, »4.67Ktfc4.fi2ii Potatoes, steady; Long Island,; N.Y., »l.<; Jersey, #1.00

Ojl.20. Onions 85, retail -iOiSOO. ifeats— rork V bbl B.bc. $18, pork f I»70S,

hoga, drecaed.« cwt $3.60«^Oo7nams f t t > u u , retail 14, shonldera7. retsulOOlS, bacon 10, retail BJJ. -iara7 Se«T« rSndere^ Be, V l T r e i a n s . Beef, dressed ¥ c w t . $3 00O6 00, weatern JS.0O3

fetnb lOjJIS, vaal cntlat IS, roaMa t % 4 , etows 8SS10, voal, live weight. Brat quality $6.60, carcaiw

Honey In comb V t H retail 15, beeswax 16<J 18, retail £0. vinegar, pure elder V gal. liftfe re­tail s a l t * bbi 96, retail $1.06, he£iugnt oU *

Fottray-Ohlcken* 9 t> 10018. retail HO'5, fowIaip/retallM.duciulO, S S & »©ia, yo»ng diicls 12, retail VS. "' ,

Wood, hard,V COrd,4ft, $506; soft, 1 ft, $1.75 not split, $3.16 split Coal, grate, delivered, ton, '-..00, egg $5.25, itove $5.60, cn«*t»nt $&S0. pea

Fplltieal n o p h t a t e f . _ V. Haw—YdBK!{ OeLTao.-The New YorK

Herald in itaahnual eleo^bn forecast p're-&Icurin^On%idai'countyl!he-ete<«on-tr> the assembly'of Sullivan, Democrat, and Mar­tin and Mamn, Republicans. TheHer-

FHttt SaUlngr Meat Bold. ' \ BAM FBAHdisco, Oct. o0 —The biggest

deal ever niade in Balling- ships da this coast Was consummated Friday. Asyn- . ^ . . . ^ . . .. . , „ WcatrterteuHb^rr^Mam-3B-it^ ald^oanv«»eiwUtey^«feS^bripj^ purchased the entire fleet of saUingiVea- " ^ "" *"""" ~ " — - * * • -aela owned by Flint to Co. of New York.

MoCoy Ctianengeaini JTrtnlBhitnan Nitf YOBK, Oct. ^^^BEfti"

has Issued a challenge^'ChaTlmplnt, the French fighter who knocked 0ut Jpiiscoll, the.Englishman, with >his feet.- .McCoy Will allpw the Frenchman to nse his feet and plnoe's the money, consideration at $S,0OOaslde. ~JmV^lJ' " '''"''

gay the Repoit;^rtt,ir»Ja».' l&k* 1TBAKC1SCO, oAfe-S0i fih% dfBcers

of the 40:h regiment^ehy that there has been an epidemic of drutikennessaujoiig the teen and that a dramhead court mar­tial was held at CUioinnatl: a*xej?brted.

Ta Conduct.i^a,*l*aa*fi! . - ^W-^YOBK, Ot#|0fe^Th»'-f - United, States battleship.M;a^iiachn|ett«. pas«d out quarantine, this* ffiomin^ for a few days trip at sea to exr^rlment with wire-lesg^egraphy. ./,S!i^^,-''-- "'

Catarrh Qaa Mot 1Sa Oorad with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a Wood or cohatltutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the. blCMandfeucouWurlMes; ~HalI*8 CatarrhtTure ts not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians* in this country for years, and is a regular, prescription. It is com-pQsedjof the best^tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the ,-Hiucous surfaces. The;- perfect combination-or the Wo mgredlentiiJswhat produces such woh-derfut results In curing Catarrh. Send for testi­monials, free.

IF. J. CHENEY « CO., Prop*, To!e4« O. • gold by druggista; price 7 » ,

Hall's ramify Pulsare the best • ' ' <->•->:!>>ii—"•« " " " ' « ! • ' " - j | •

. 260 Men Wanted . -.".^ 4 At the Hat Works,,, 115 North James; street, to have their, old style hats re-blocked into the latest style Guyer, Hun-lap or Knox, S*or a f evdays w* wStt1% block one hat for each person for .00 centg;' -•; •-•..".' • . -.. ~ .:*•• 18*1; pea,' *1.66ffli.70i rei 2 JO wool, market quiet; Siaaeo; Texas dry, 14©v?c

BatMv MMl Okeait. - • NKW YORK, Oct. so.—Butter, receipts am

packagea; market sbtongj state dairy, \GM&tl6; do., creamery, 17QS4'; weatern, da, ntl%4c\ June, creamery, lT023o; factory creamery, Hii OlOVio; Imitation, do.^S^fPOe- Cheese, receipts pil , . .pMkagSa!. 'qniet; targe white, life; small whito, iaj(os large- colored, ls@12Mcr small colored, ls^o.

Wmt^Mtm BCarkat*. OstCAeo^^Oct SS'rOpealBr Whs*t T W ,

P^KTOs'liay.'TSJtc. v^SrB, B8e„ 815fiS»««c; May«MOngc . Oatf, May, 24^®S4?p^ D?c a^assicneork, Dec., *&«; jaaTWw wa. Lard, Jan,,$5.42)i Ba», Jan., $5.00®B.O%.

OktoAoo, Oct. 80 —Hoga—Katlmatfa racwlpU of hoc* today. 8 7 ^ nead} tomorrow, 30.000 head; -leftrbvir, 2,01? lieadi tairly acllve;, inbred and .butchers, S4.1584 42K: gwd heavy, H20^iO. rough htaVy7»'<»0a4a0; Ugh*, $ «M.857 Cattle, Tecefpta, 18,000 bead: market flfm, - We»i«n, ^ c<\v* and helferr, 11.7805 M Texas steers, $8.2534X0; atooi*r« antl feeders, I8.00C4.85 _ OJBPiACb.„ Oct • 80 -CSoatag.-Vfheat, Bee., mm^myimmmfi* -^oot.»»Mci Die., 81?»o; Jan.. tO^cj mmy, 8s%o. Oata. Oct, 8«}^De?,a««c;a»aV aiWo. °«*k,Oct |8.05; Bee;, »8.17«; Jin., *9 70 "May, $8.90. Lard, Oct,, «17J4; UKBC.. $5.S0®r>.22«_; Jan., {J-27«Cr,.4(>.

gives the neitaeeemely ^ t h e ^ p S B P ltcaniDf anlajorltrot afcottt>wehty. ^ taAH druggists ?«Ji«VaJtfe«S»rv Mlksa'.--3

P u i s to atop He^ch^l^ /^c jn j^a^)



->—, S-„L.+. II

ItOHtKG Piiesjinight's horrid plague, la instantly relieved and p«rmanentiy cured •..•fmwm*. Oct. 'gyTJban^ 01n^Dfientr--i^^ to keep it.

»**+*7%i j*na,t« tyv.av^/t^,*'*,jaj• vau , Riba.oct, 94,85; pec., $4.o7Hi; Jan

• a n n a •••***»*. »»to, o t . 80.-8prln(t wheat, Ho. I aortb-

ern,?S}4c; winter; Ko. 8 red. 74c. Oo a, ll ^ »«IK.» eSJ i. Oata Ho s wblte, SOo,

Canal freights—Steady; wheat <u c; flaxseed iU\ corn 3%o and barley 8Hc to New York. Lumber, ai.M) to Albany, $300 to Mew York. . S •'-/*•' '' , Oavaoa, -•:'««%' Tnas. Oct sr-^}otto»-Bwt eetto* f'oaed quiet and steady; mlddHag uptasdt, 7fe,».uOH««gnU,,'!%o. flalet, 8M Dalaat. '•LA^tism tutores.closed firm; Ooi. noMisaM lo»J.7-14*-nae 710* Jau., 7.18c * w » TJHiBt. •$miJuV,MBO; Aug.*?asoiSepfce^SoT11 -* ,

F»*»alaaat. • 3)-CHI ooeaad a t $1,113.'

Hew Tor* Ftodttee Maikal. BepOrttd by BtA't McAdama Son*, SBarritonftl - ...'.. _*. ' „vx* zam^ocuss

KCG3 -There haa been considerable- decrease in receipts this week, bdt it has not served to im­prover tftergen*ral situation of our market, which hns'grown worse rather than better. THedo creasa in arrivals haS been yhielty. in held eggs,

valuer and vety unsalFsxactdrjrottt*---;erator eggs arriving on dock haVag e forward tnovement of this class of

stock. Arrivals of fresh gathered hjkve perhaps . fallen off somewhat also, "but wilfi previous ac­cumulation* In store-ana a generally dnll trade the offerings have continued far more than am -pie, except of such fancy lots as comprise a very small part of tne receipts.' State, average best, per doa.

HOP3.-6ar local marHfltaa shOwarVeTarlifr-tie change since last report Fair business with brewers has been In progress all the wee*, and -the tone of values-has continued rather firm for choice grades, which comprise a,Small part of. i he supply. As usual at this wason of j ear buy ers are picking over the offerings and selecting out the finest growths. Ihe bulk of the samples shown are of Inferior to simply good qualities, and these are.hard to place at anywhere near the pricaatbat owners-had hoped to get. The'En glisb crop is, a large one, fu ly GCO.COO.cwt., and probably more, and the British brewers will take these in preference to going abroad for stock, except a tower price. Cable' adjrlces report an advance in Get many of 334c on the' better grades,and quite a.flimmarket.'. .,- .. State, choice, per l b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . 14' A State, common to prime. . . I . . , - . . . . .— 9 ©13 Btate, 1898, good to prune, par ui.".^.:....10 a l l 8tat^l8»,coinmoatofasp.«-- i i . . . .^. .--7 * 9 State,TB87, per lb.—......^— -. . 4 a ' a k « a - » v ^ ' V n

POTATOB^.^We have bad a very unsat&rac-tory market all the, week. Receipts have neen heavy; there has bren a large accumulation of stock at the railroad yards and much of i t has .been in poor order. The frosts which occurred some tnree weeks ago have; evldehU'f fffecfed a good, deal ot the stock andtlipBnb'en.uent warm. • we»tn«rhasputmaBylptain bad order. Trade has cqsn generally.dull and iinaatisfactory even tor thel^best' grades, and lectstvera have been forcing salett at every opportunity, although the range of prices has shownlittle cnange from the low aubwitlons given a week ago, and toward the close there ta a litUe better inquiry for choice, A?batiy%buur, perbbl ..$t km Sft Weatera W.St..inbuilt, per 180 lbs .„«t OOiat «i

*TIH&morphine or^um1rn-i»rrMuW«L _ , (im*. CDBS AllPaTu. "Oaacehta,****?*"


m mm ••t

,. jbata Batrj Mariats, WATKUTOWS, Oct -'0 - t h e cheese m tJtft Sat-

uSTsWwSs'Saltand lifeless. - Sale*irairc;ot*td-»at inttuehtie buyers to exceed llMefo«;,|*Wsy latgo white and t Mfl proved extreme fe*-1

The official and curb sales follow* ] 1 lots, 500 boxes. UHcr small sutgle toxesfltMo; twit»rHots-08< boxes/ tot%i,00!*Dox:es.


