'"t H t _*r^ ,*!§$ <'*** >v ^ ,v ft « * •s<£ ft < •s V f cW4 tT' *i-J tfjTTj i_ , & "VAtf" WAGENEN, H>« removed hli _ttt7__rOB »Q lOS EAST -4- DOMINtdK ^T- Opposite the Post Office, " to the £•**' »UHVk „.- 0_T»!BAL -•'„!S§ i MilLi45_ "• _ _ L _ E A8_1OT, BOMfcH. Y ooMMK^ A 4rai^ y AtoaA»cS;..r n «}»n6 j _ _ i _ _ . . ; _SeAS_BB. A _ _ 0 A _ * . . _ , * . * » _ FrRK ARSOCIA'nQM.;...,...:.. HIWffAl^HmKi;.^T.i, T ..-Ne»HampWre 8T,rATJI,gIBEAWP3IABiW«-.8t. Paul, Minn MII.WAintEKl(«0HiNIOB' ..... «i.Mlli»uket NATTON__i'.".. : ;_..".,—..... Hartford, Conj aOOHKST«Ba«BIIAM..,B*>0ii«!t«». N«W York __.L_.._._._ ............. B u f f a l o . N. Y * umsmrtm—...—^-—- New Yori -. "-«iim>'7.(r.wg »?__-• irNe»York ._..: ^.NewforJ ,_.-.____* Yoi* g, Yorfc «W' ^HfeMLfflNQ L*?A*ABCHARD CONNER-WRITES OF THE NATIVES OF-rTRE.4Sl.AN0S d Village Insuraneejplace&at* wring •edof80to.40per^t.,", , ./ ,• r. ,Rpladelpnia, Pa SBuHehjliia, Pa The LRiiKnaRc, Custom* «_d fcaarae- t _ J « t i c e - _ tfe<* I»eW»e _ 1 _ _ P _ 1 = l t » P lTiPH — pcfciillar Evangelistic They burn aha;^jf|at|, j "are s&" _*©eM@3$yp£^ : ^ As wat-^r ^ii^Reftls 3frlS'so vi t-~____,...i— =..., X„,l, QTBMtTiAlJJAMa ^••a ••.»»-»*•. ••<«••! ^' WJT0*IilM , « ,—-„ _ t T- TlKHJEFrS&flOAKnf'0O.--.-i~~.gew Yprij NATrONAL BOBHTY OO.—«,..,...,New Tort Money lowied on Bona end Mortgage. u Insurance. If yon *r«nt the BEST INSURANCE COMPANIES B ... Inroio* with' „- ; ••.--'• JAMES H. tnEonmoe Companlee repreeenl Mtai.m...........-- «-*'HarHord ~HOfflesifSiRni^ssK«*»ii.'i.»»»T».*».»^-!* , *-»"-Ot JieW-XOX» MVerpool * Undo* * Qlobe.. . ^ ....... ^ngwd Phcenbc ,1 ."....'..". ? l LP ,u ^5 or r Oontlneatil ....... ——o** 8 ??? 1 .* ipgnraBoe Oo. Worth Amerloe gMejelphte Bun. ,.„....J^...^.ss...........^orlMtaoa North Brltiia * MerotatBe ................ Herch«nt«\... of Keweri^H, J Wllllamaburf C i t y ..... i... ..New Yort Hanover.. ............. of hew Yori Dutches* Oo. Mnttiel....".... .. New York MUm, Ufe end Aeddent ...... ........ :.. Tra*sler»* Lite end Aoddeat nd Stoployei Ltablllty. MotropoUUBFUUGUM Insurance Oo.New Yort I have for tale deelrable Dwelling Home prop erty r r'V*«aBtIiOti—FWnwat renosable prices, -Snd-lMs lately predicted that pnrcba»er» at thtf time wlU be .oarlate, uf a uroBt. Peroral TjweB. UK* I*t JAMM H. flBABLW soBthes. aching, bufnirig^feet. This ri'iedicated skin-resti;ng powder is -Very" effective lor, any skin . Moubl e,. and is , a perfect xvonder.'for comfort* mig the feet .Dtist 4t in the* .-£&>e%mg& -twieg^a '" 1 "~ lllc'tliodc of Snln Mokammedum * . . .. [Special Correspondence.] .^MANILA, Jnixe 28.—The inhabitants .oti^eseJ8lands r exc6pf^Lle\5LahQrigi5gg I Rteall of fhe Malay jace, subject to via Ihle admistufes vnW thV SpanlaTfa m the n6rthern=portion and in tlie-southem- a race of Mohammedans, who came to JVKMaaab- before Magellan and "con- verted" the-natives to their particular variety of religion. They used as eflfect- AU drdg^ists. "asc. and 50c. Sample free. GO)BmJE , rfff9? i DKRreo,.-9&R , ES , 0ra>. OT. Banhs. T HE ROME SAVINGS BANK—105 BOBIH Sum Srajan. BankingHwn9a. m., to 12:15 p.m..and2 to LiubUlttee, 1 depoeltore,, WONDER FLOUR TrTlE- ffRHAaL, Surplus with stocks at market value 8O7,2G0.M Burploa with itocka at par v a l u e — 801,910.19 ofrioiRB. —. %VTLLrAaaB.HUNiraGT^ s ^MyeBtj; A ^ ' ACKLKY P. TULLEB, 8d Vioe Prealdent, CHABI^ES F. BARNABD. Bed. and Trees, TIMJBTIM. ' [ Wardwell, William B. Huntington^, HaweV D. Spencer. JohSUT^IiielL -twi-cjasy P, Tuller. Henry Barnard, Wheeler Armitron*. Jonathi Jl J, 8, Movrrr, trrGTro^ell, Jonathan B: Haielton, James JctmtiftS. ^Kftjaer^AraMtEong, Sri ___ n _ HTBearleir^ JoBnT), Oxner, Dyett, . Franklin A. EthrUge, . Bitmnel H. Beach. ^ .'. /^.NEIDA COUNTY SA¥BTGS BANK - Now ID ita New BanSlneHonjey 178 Wert Doml- nick Street, Eome, ». Y. /.:.*. JP»y» SH J'er Cent. Interert to Depoaltort. S-:- OWKN E OWBNS*P«»Sdent.,, . •.«& D.. ROBSala,. let Pice Prealdent .P. I.OI33- BOTH, 94 Vice President -y--SOBS tt-fiDWAal^aecreUryaadXreaiarer. i._.- . . . . . wthna«a.~~„ .. •-'••> OVenE.iOweh«, . CharleeBathhun, -~. A.a.Ke««lnRer, • - • J o h n a WardwaU, , - .".'; REouisBoth, Thomasip^Boberbj, R-Mr Orton, D. I. Greenfield* Upward 0. "Wlggina, George F, Hodge*, John B. Idwardi. J. D.HlgKini. T HE»ABMEES NATIONAL BANK or BOKI, Paid Up Capital or »WO,OeO, 8u»pioJf anaTEciaiviaBaipronti orrioins, W J P. KTNQ8I.BY, Prealdent, - KDWABD CX3M8TOOK. Vioe Preeiaentp SAMUEL WAKDWILL, Caibier, DtBXOTOBSr um mmm - Every Package) Guarwiteed- The roUowlBg Flrtt Olaaa Grooeri BeU It: Hra. K. O. Boylaa. v A. B. Dewier. Hra. J.Heti, Roberta A Oo. •TrKZwu, \ - Charlee Hemmeau, WUllam Wolff. Mra. V .Day. P. H. WeUiel, D.'J.Koley, - " John PUlmore, H: L. Waebbnr», W. H. Byan. George PNelea. U. Duly. PR1C& NO^ MORB TttAM THR JUST AS <JOOD. Tour grocer 1B authorised t o REFUND YOUR MONEY If not just u represented- JOHNSON,& MURRfAY, Wholesale Acenta, Utica, N. Y. LyNCfUo^lgfoR A IIOT'toAisi--'? Lemon Vanilla Jelly. f4pfea to and Oiwymb^r Ice C|fi|^. White I&outitaln i'^MaJte. ;'. ; -"-i'C, -•;••''- Everythtail suggestive of e ; for one of oijr his hmcfrah&trtdJNt ss, as H,-J(^.^i$npe4- ^fjfst days. Tq ;thi^ erj(J darken thedlnln'^Mpm. Haye,th09pm. decorated witjfc^phs grqwln^;JLftj)o<&, and' with buncll^l^llfe'rns gatHer^idtrrpm; J ^ h o ^ ^ i l ^ ^ r 4 n a 4 « ^HvinVfeat- -JSeX -i^Id^3ira~^olit. B*ws^fojH|,n*hotJr or Brore tba^^ »fy; be thoroughly linpregkjated iikh' t|ie dresslngf. If there aVVdpy cqW vefeia,bles p.our "bollinff. waier on trtern JtpJrinseatt an.y nrevlou^sauce of dress^ lug, 'drain ^8 nfflsPioate s e p a j a M y MJtTl the woods. Blac^$^on the centejco?'tit\e.",,,tbie...French* dressing Arrange'a table a low disJh^ojgiQie featliepy i$$M hair.' : «a-ver : ^'t!i|a'cn plate; ..gjasses"; chipped iai,- jgyffl^yhlch wflj-hft.; m James H. Grogaer D. TuUob,- E. TJ. Howlaad, J. J. Burnt. J. Behan, - J. B. Fitch, F. Havens, A 0 . Tbomaa, ' Thomai Boylan. FILIPINO MOHAMMEDANS. . - ive weapons as even ijhe Spaniards, these sons of the prophet, for they drove their theology down the throats of the heathen with sword and cannon. Mr. W. C. - Kaelin, an American mer- jchant in Manila, has in his possession today an old time brass cannon—so ©19 irideed that Ahs "Spanish found it on Mindanao when they cam^ there first. It is apparenjfly of old Moorish work- manship and' must date almost as far back as when cannon werefirstmade— almost as. iong'ago^in feet, as when peonle began to make the motber-in- iasw nnd, stovepipe-iokea. - This-cannon is of uncommonlyfineworkmanship. The Malay peoples speak as iriany as 80.different difllpntfl, hTrt-thgrlflra to be divided into three leadingLgroups-^-Ta* galos, Visayas and Sulus. The Tagalos ^ r e tbopartieolar variety with whom we are having the little discussion at pxea- thing except, .capacity for small sized deviltry. The Visayas belong to tiie ,middl6-group.of the,Philippines, and are larger than the Tagalos. Those who know them say they: possess the capac- ity for steady work, which, if true, pxits thexnforabend of the Togaloet ~;" " Next there' are the. Snlus-7-tbat is, MohajBmeaans who inhabit the south- ern part of the islands—theStilu arcM- pelago- They-retain the religion that glasses will, makifhem more;temp|ingr Than Ss- Hio^gh 1 *!)^^!* \w*f!©4i.ot A i l ^ l i l ^ T^erns are alwkys'^iiggestlve of thei co°l. shady noqksxrf {j|^^ooas.'and.are ek'pe-" cially suitable for^jjot. Aveather" decora-; tlons. ' ltz2. . ' ) ' PKESS^p' VEAL. _____ " -"BoTT^rgRoufd^^^eal u^TTelferjr^rf of skin and grl$t|j|j|<a'n be removed, sa-V- lng all the V£E&&P$Uest bits of meat. It is a tedious ttisk, but well repays the Finest Product -3f J. P. Engtieyt- BurlOlney, ' B L. Steven*, " 'A. P»'I'uUerr John©. Okner, Xdward Oomatock, WiW.Wardwett f^Hit« niMtnatm. John R. EdwardJ, Charlee Rathbun, Bamuel Wardwell,. John a Wardwell, H. J. Hitchcock. Barthotomay's Homer T. Fowler. ^HS-STBST NATIONAL 1 BftgB. 'BANK OF Capital - - - •100,000 8* Owjcmut .3. 0. BIBSKLLLPrealdent, _ ,- .M.3L* HUN33NO.TON. V4c«Pw«Iaent __JEJ^BHKErJ5Y, Oarmier ^^Thomaaa.H»il CalvinFetrie, _.. -J. D. HlMUa, Edward _. John Q. Ulaaoll, JohnD.it W. K. HnnHngtoH, F. K. BheUey; J. Lowell Wjniama, 109 W. DOHTHICX STBKT. - - -nr- 11 in . •- s:-«r,x Famett^ Special Brew. MaefEen~l^ei^f 1 Imported Hope and Halt. 400 years ago. and are followers of the ihet-vvho acorn the white hisrfB theology. Not even Spanish prieets have ever been able to bend their necks, and they are not fond of the company of white men. In government they rnii a side show of their own. and have a" .sul- tan who was no't mncb more than nom- inally tributary to"" Spain: It will be pains tafieti. Pfac0' all the meat thus collected while-\ya*m -into a ^hoppjng bowl, and season-iveU wWi salt, pepper and butter. Oft<Sjji>.cjulte fine a n d p r e s s firmly Into any.ttfcjh 11 that will give tpe ghapo of a loaf of cake when jt is cold. Set on the ice overnight. When ready to servv H, s^iRjpipife around the^edge of, the meat, and^turn out on a platter. AVith a very sharp jfertlfe stlce vety thln,- still leaving itln-t^e loaf shape 1 . -Place It on a bed of lettuce k>aveg garnished vlth the stnaftradtihesln redano-whiter. of, plainer ta:rra,goa yinesav, Qhe-'ha^bf ilfk jtMsjpi^nfMl salt,''and ^ne^quarter of a teaspodnfuf- of White peppeV,' knd W-i% •*of lettuce or'othen^een sa,la4 on.atplsat'- '£'er,.po.U!r' oh it. the meat and/garnish with ttte' V.ess,ta;bifis. | 'A'' few ' nasturtium leafeswlU add p/Quaney ; t o t h e s a l a d , "or a little wateV. cresp may heused VKith the w h a t e v e r .drrhk^5n»a]y 0 be 'sWf'yea^Ubefi milk, tea, or le;rrf6^ae. The toin^rna^ ,.„,.,- ...... be iee-^coldj'-ba^^tfi^.of-ih^4ce4ftj^ -Ie4uce, the. cpmbtotftlon^d^-^lngilaj-ge^ - Iy up'pn the "meat" onhand-and the Way in -iy^teh^iMif as—^oolfced^- -r-Bojiied;-- niistt ,usu'ailx needs more in the way of sea- 5'iioning than roast: meat; a, few-drops of oriiOn Jtiic'e or a teaspoonful of finely -jch^pied-c^iUcesJs^r^quentljLa decocted addition. The radishes-may Be cut in fancy shapes, LEMOtt JELLY. For making fhjEjIIiy, follow IfigSirec- Uona given on the'package of gelatine used. After making, set away on the ic^ for several- hffiTrs t0-harden. uslhKl' ave""mTnu"te*s.^ more selatine;j" accordingly for hot weather than fo> cold. Whe«vready to serve, cut the solid gelatine into, cubes and pile carelessly in small glass dish- es at each plate, ^"hls Is t o b e served TvlTR r n e a C sal # t. Peel and ciu; ,u»'the cucumbers, -rnlx-w-Uh the cahbage and wprinkle-ayeiL Qiem the salt: let'stand one hour, tben drain. Mix th?. ground muatard"-wlth a irt;tre'."or"th , e vln?glr7amris?5ald-the-re* mattider of the vinegar; when'hot; add Lthe-mixed, jnustard" ftnxTcTfit^jr itroajer T O M A T O A I 0 ^ m r * I B E » . S A i A t > , : Take the tomat&efrand cucumber^ frerrt the ice, and cut them into small pieces and put them Into it. gass dishlnaUer 1 - nate layers, and Serve with any dress- ing preerred, either mayonnaise or French. ' : , A GOOD FB32$Ca DUESSlNO, ; One^half teaspoohul salt, a llltle pep- per, two- tablespobhfuls. of vinegar and four tablespoonfuYi 'olive oil^^jaili to- ^ ^ ^ I ^ X T K ^ T W w ^ T a n 3 # 4 Kether the drylngredlcnts. add the olt wasfiredinto them by the brass canndn> „*,„*£ tfth»Whiv. and then the Igor Sale" in Kegs mtf TBottJes,. aid CH "^ " f ''• Draught by " ' R. L. UTLEY ROME, N.Y. the pleasant task of TJricle Sam to send" a couple of his regiments down there with a few rapid ¥re guns, just to let them know things are not as they .used to ba The soldier boys would like no better fun than to go and open up the fabulously rich Suln archipelago. __ iuaily. the queerest" Tittle people" outside of monkey folk are certainly to be. found here. They are aborigines of the islands, those who inhabited ttnem iefflru the; Malay npw. which in tarn gives place tojhe white man, who con- quered the small creatures. They are the Negritos, often called Aetas. A full grown young Negrito woman whom J know is about the size of a well grown READY FOR FALL. ^erytntog4n^rir-stock atlfrper fe --"-S-cent. discount daring August and •'•••• * ttarbfiBlrsBlected - In Central New York. i, I WHEELHOIISIL £(L Mfg. Jewelers and SllvcrRiultliH. S»10ene»eeSt. UTIOA ^ 5 S S B J. D. Corcorai Co., slowly, stirring thoroughly, and then the Vinegar, still sttrtllBg nil thoroughly. VAmLLAJfCfi CIIBAM. . One' quart of^sca:j.aingjinIlk poured sTowTy over three beStfen eggs and two cups of sugarf RetuVh to the Are and cook fifteen minuted* h> a dish set in boiling water. Whe4 pool, add one pint of cream (new, riebj.mllk will be very- satisfactory and is better tor children) and flavor with vnnlflQ, FreeaE*fathe usual way, _.'__ *• waiTEjaoijfiT'ATisr CAKE. , . , One cup sugar, on^-half cup butter, three eggs, one-half cup hillk, two cups of Hour, into whlcfe ,19 gifted two teh- spoo&fbls cream of tfeaf and. onetea- spoonfu soda. Flavbriwith almond. CHOW CIJOW. One,bead of- cabbage cut fine, two qparts of small string beans, one quart of lima beans, one dozen cucumbers, one quart ef small white onions, eight peppers, cut fine,, one-quarter otapemnd- pf mustard seed, bne-half of a pound of ground mustard,, two quarts of strong elder vinegar, ongjialf^oi^a cupful of 10 minutes. Partly cook the vegetables, i^abii-£XCfipllon!rfJlie.«^ _ eunibers and peppers. When this Is done, and the salted vegetables drained, put all together In the hot vinegar, and boil EGG DUMPLING FOR S0?EW OR SGtfP.- •Put one- tablespoonful of butter «nd .oa'e-Jialflota cupful .ofJmllk.in*Jiaiifie..-, p a n «and h e a t t o a boiltng point, Add; tldlokly one-half of a cupful of dry flour and stir until the mixture becomes a "thick, smooth paste: take from the fire and set aside until quite cool. Add the. beaten yolks-of two £ggs,. onfi-ouarter of a teaspooriful of salt anyone table' 1 spoonful of finely elmppeS parsley and beat until thoroughly mixed. Add.grad- ually.tBe whites of the eggs whipped |o a_. stiff froth: Drop small teaspoonfula of tills mlxture-lntoJwillnK broth or sajted 'water, boil and turn until done-^tbout five minutes. Drain and serve a* a"«ar*- Tttslrto a stew orfrlcaseee.xjr lna:*oupr CORN OMETJET. Take well-nlled ears of sweet corn, and, with a linen cloth, remove all the silk between the rows of kernels. Cutthfc *- kernels down .through the center, being careful not to loosen them from the <?ob, and then take out-the, pulp by pressing downward with a knife. Ik) three ta/ble spoonfuls of the green corn pulp add the FOR YOUR'SCRAP BOOK. well-^featen'.yplks of three eggs and •a little salt. Beat the whites ito aVktlff froth, and mix with the corn and yolks, pour into a hot (buttered) frying pan, •cover, and set back Wlrere It wilt c o o k ^ ?FESsON;—|-t>awH>HHwpr—Wherrsetrfoli serve at once on a very hot dish, week. Then take l$5T#inalI cucumbers, three heads of caulufr$fer, one quart of snjall, white oniong^^epHu^of^ni^feir- tliiiui pods, three heads• o£ ceteTyraiBS ; |- cut in^squattia and ^vrapTh wasea^Sfir soak over night in strbng brine. Steam the vegetables, except ;the cucumbers, until tender, add thfe -.vinegar mixture —fBRimiRE DKDSSW HDKRTmBS and RIBiLIEBS and-tefestaad48fraRgJ#egk, Thenpat4b» -~JSJBSSB?rJ^§A if f o i & a jhejneajMfePljl rkttrtd^hr-a-ito-ttle anil beat slowly;- . i one cupful of browushgar and one-half -of-a—cupful -of oorn)rtaro}t-wltij-a-4litle- the liot lliiild, addltidthecontentsef kettle, stir until ^t PKBSONAL SBBY10K Ih^^mmmmfmammm T™ HK SENTINEL'S WANT COLUMNS Aretfpento OfttHfied atboeriUtm&^L 0/- Lost, Foaad, Darcalae, Mtutoal, . BeifiiuraEta,- AttctloeflalM, BoovutoLet. P^ Housei to Lett rLota for Bale, Help Waited; MMdnaaoM, *» Kxchaage, Property Horeeaand OarrlagM, Change*, Bemqval, Pentonal,' Repairing, Plaata and Flowera, MJwMllaneoui, " IConeytoLoan, Bltuatloni Wasted.' Moving and Bto^ag^ 'idXSur-"- Agents and SUeceUaneoui for Bale, -—i- ,„.«6Betf, BMI Setate for Bale, Beal Xatat* for Bent, VaSaeMOardf, - nnanctaL ^MW<dAaaoanOMsnt«,OfflclatNotioM. ' -^JtOrft—K '4fcovt---- Mot $U**t$4aiH0c. '' '- t?. ttCBwresbtteaMKiuakyottwMhtoaiseomplltb at jaatlaM nam WHt rMti t rt AMo'OUVEs'oiNTMENT I U WWrWH ASTHMAHAY FEVER Telephone Oeaaaetioa Day wrlligkt. ^ IHXXH-OOBOOKAK BLOCK, -, ml mwn Dowmnow »T*MMt. B UY YOUE^PiJOTACLlES aaaiEYE- GLASfiiES now and take J advantage ot --PBICES. Choice Recipes FromWihy Sources a_ of Ackhbwl^lfglfWgrt-i. _y Take four gtmrtB^ofFvjrtegar, ohecup« tul of mustard, otfe j_>lespoan£ul of olive oil, one teasp<!kiiiful Salt, aiid one- half or a tablespoodful of tUrrheiie pow- der. Mix together _nj-let stand-for *• PICNIC FIG. CAKE, Two eupfuls of sugar, two cup of butter, one cupful of milk, four «ven eupf^sot_urT-_4ve^gg«rtwe^tea-^ spoonfuls of cream of tartar, opwof soda, sifted with ttte flour; m i i . tbe" butter and sugar .until creamed, add the unbeaten yolks of the eggs, ad_ the milk ami..the flour elswly, hefitliB_rair the time, lastly the whites of thp espa. Flavor two otipfuls of chopped Hg_.an4 mix in. Bake quickly. Wheft cooled. paper for the picnic lunch; or frost-the Under side for borne use. yon »n» weP, tio remain wpli, «,rirt grAw Watcheii, Cloclri; jewelry and Bilver- Ware. -Tine-wmtcli iept_tag a snei_ityi & G|tii$_iat, i_OTiKWl*bui8to_St. m '.At 1 '. PL L DV SURE s JOHN H. CHAMrOND, 7 D___S IN COAL ASrtl % 0 O D , Flagging and Cut Stone. OKODP OF NEGRITOS. Ainerican_child of12 yeflis. atefierce"and wild Jooking, theifc fes> t^res are flat, and'the5_.ada iioVeipfi with the heaviest^ and most matted wool any creature's head could support. Mentally I judge that thetttmoal:i!t_ ture that dould be besfewea M them would enable them to count 6[0. Afatn-, ily of them would be a great attraction^ to an Asriericah. circus. v ELIZA ABCHABP CONNER. ' Trim* wash and Ifry^a lar&b's liver.' Lard, it well with jal.t pork, arid dredge With salt and peppM^^t^^eep^^^anpUt; layers 'ef thinly sSeed^earrots end efi^ ions (two good siz*e*d',6p6s. of each), a stalk of parsley, di^ef; ^ c e l e r y , aria' a? clove. On this lain.tM prepared liver, "pour Into the pan &tie>$tipful .6*f boiling ^wafer-or stock. cover^lS^yJg-d-pl ..... moderate oven f^M'jJyb hbiirs and a alf. Thicken- the M$#!t-and.'.serve" With _.__.._.„_ x Jse'lectiiuchTSWd^r^t'i it-,-aerymg the vegljSb^lnT^ separatid^sl-^^ stronger and better each day. By the jsahie_means, if y_oU are not well, you ma; become well. _. _ " _ .'. ..', Food is ,the*^_ila% 'of, thg ISU&SF.^it the TOoffis impoverished and uiinaturaij _o-the-bo_y WH^bev-^-_fVfboa^s^eodi by Which Is -rieaiit a properly cAoked^ -food that Contains ail trie propertied In con-get propottloh to nourish allthe jjarts "Will think the catt befor^.the hofse" '<§} when we <juote^you" A Good Crash Hat for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __*l!te m gair of Heavy Work Frose^fer^.-. _ . _ . . ; _ M Fine Fancy Hose for. _• * _ . . .V. A GoSd Mari'istilt for_-__.____ AnAli-WoolSuit for._4_„_:__._. Under ordinary circumstances r 'i_s would be _._-„-__P^%"' -________§ # -teue r bi?tthis^ale4s^ut^f-tbe-ordiftaryr- _frto"f_Try over^"*f3-^Sum_er _tocgr -Calt-afid inspect the Bargains." o* the" bbdy--t_eh the body rijay '"&fe> healthy and vigorous*'"To M healthy And vigorxiuSyrOUf foodrhuit cofttalS th| fnatertaT tKkt' nilkes teeth, h6iie~, gierve;' muscle, brain, alio the niaterTaTfbrihelit, *ahd energy*' ' ; ' ' , >-4-i'/ '.". ' . !'..• The trouble isHh'at "very fe^v parehti urlderstand h&iy ta .select fbodeont&lni' gr^ali' these p»>pe«_s r -Jahd lnae*u*lf W6uld take, a long timef^Ieatn bbW to Yard _ft4}_^'_K_U*Wl_MftHm 'Street- i- '":' * - •"• • Telephone connection, lw w__i_6iiofttBi- / -flTW^P .WWip^|^^^^iW^^_F^^W h VW/|»^_^^ is END _JI«P J ja*t«_a'» A Retoelllpna Subject. . Photographer^MadaEtt, 1 can't give you the desired pose unless you look at that little spot on the Wall Mrs. Rural—Nevef you mind about no pose, 1 _ not gain fer be took as though I was.tryln ter squittt thi-ough a peek, liole. I'm stariil straight ahead* or this thing don^t SQ- through.-^_t- change. - " ' ' ; '- The Beat Remedy for Flax Mr. John MathlRS, a well known stock dealer of P _ a i _ , Ey.j _y«i ' _ttef' stif' fering for oyer a week with 8 _ , jind tbfc physician having failed to relieve m » , l was advised to try, (marnberlain's Colic, ______ , Cholera and Dlknbea Bemedy, and have =============4«i* l»l«a«_e of riattoif that * _ h*lf of P_CK I_n; ; otie bottl* eni«>_fci'» ;for-_Ie by SPICED P U S H E S . .-;jj» -;., To seven pounds b"t|i|l^es^iby? f<)Ur pounds of sugar, '|f#;0u_es of ^tlok cinnamon, one oune^f|*hole cloves ahd one pint of vlnegafe'^Sitb the'down Off alt the peacheg and?i^tti®(ntrialargej stone jar, with thcMi^e? tied lri bags. Boil the xinegar ari(|#iigi* fogethefelftjr,: -five minutes and p(«_ifco1^i^e^peacne%.^ and spice. Do thls'^fe ?three days^M' succession, then pttt^lt^tf*^ %tti|Hana cook slowly until Ibf-^e^hfisafetelftl der. :,'.-• ,"ffi"fe-- . ":•__' WAL^T'#ffiftiiprG* O n e - h a l f b(5x g e l f ^ h f d _ ^ l t _ _ i j h e ; ibalf/ptrit cold w a t e ^ | f n ^ ^ ^ i s * b 0 g f J, Bronghton Sc Gtiim, OxngfWM. ' "jaw*" cLAea. jnurtatm' _ned put from tbe SmUM prlnUry. W_B yea want a ^ of p _ _ « w_l oVme, we are aabjeettowawr'"'"— pour over It o n e $)p& hf bblllflgr wSater; peri add tw~ i---^^^**^^*™*-***-^ flUjartered/one jfii^fe. arid Jul -,^-., tb taste. Set 'on lp% : ''|iaWeri 1 .'' SetyS' with' whipped crealoSi&i:. "'' , What shall thehtbther d^? ;She,|ifibut* BlAiptif^ -jJi* #*i Wr' the' eiitlfe. 'Jtffltillfi &n^' take' Opjy ntlturaiiy di"- ganised- food.' JSMchfondrts^tHe Sbred* -"ded tv"hble Vv*"heaV'BiScuit n i # e ' o f '1®$ •entlte Wheat; iifrht and" short .without adding to or takirigf. anything : f£o_-lt.- . _ u have a food i«:Shr?edded%bea.t-Bisv cU}t. therefore, as" it ^as.ofgajhjzedjft thfe process of $iqvtthi \, ••>> -** - ;-Theie blfcfujt-'•:#* .^ftlread^: l>alt«d; alfea^y for u^e; ana.are'mkflfe . : Irbin -tbe "whple* wheat vberry,- ;wlil*'r over-. oome'lndtgesttdft .afta "cTSffstipatlon^ "an_ J$H aid Yn buildings and ofganiainfe the 'D0dy,«r6'nliS_&Tm fttl conditiotts. ' .•*•'• 4. tobfc book, jfetttltled. "*te £VJtaii 'Questlbh^'cOntftlnihgoVer 250 recipes and ^nmtfer 6f.e_eptl0nalihtereat tb libusir Bn_RY^AX_^tJATEA^TBED7 BY ALL LBAPINQ-QROOERS ^ :pS(' i B * i 85_2!*yft to » hlgh'grade of Janoy Spring Wheat _o_. Buy it and ____ JA* _*___J_ m w&tep*- »i» ~e finest df Pure Foods, as it oontalne all of the health giving properties of the wheat. r^ ^_ K^font g__ does not keep it let na know and we will _Ti»e jon whert-to-gefe-it. U MOWER, Mill Agent. 0£8hUo's(>)i__pttoC^ antee: "AU we wkWyoiiia to u»e two- thirds of the cont*n„ of this bottle faith- fully, then if yoa':#«Mi<*-*|* are ttptfe benefltiea •™ara-_l^wP»''**:_W' glit and he i_y.r«faU the price Price 8«c, 50c. and f T Sold by B aoa _ Graves •. vV '•":'•-'. '•.' 1 li'J .' " uiiifiijfflMi Qoicxty cure coi ' anct invigorate the gripe or _u»a«te—: Bleerf, Hamlla'e _ a^rsbnUd "•"''"'"*- •••'•••• •^oi'cester,.'!Maigjii^, aAttifaetory. P ^ . ; m ^ . | _ t ^ m . £ ; : &)^ by; _i»_at6n *-"_*»m^v_ •». maran-: _^^ilf|| : 04>^^ft,^. #p*N3lfVl-" -l^HFiCiiJI^ <-' - -_ySM 4ne__n„-X3#ti*ir=~P^ '^*i;'_ w^^M^tm^m:^ •h_ am»OT__ftwa^w_a_a»jia J w »%t-ARE GENERAL AGEtJTS-FOR THE - - —• ENSILAGE^CUJXERS yfyteh have w«.ny points*? rhertt;. * GASOLINE^ m ENGINES eai be witad upon. All sizes from*! tb ^ " ?g*ho_e poweh , . , . . . ^ s . . » * * .WE CARRY A SPLENDID LINE OF . . \ i Wagons, Harness, track and Stable Supplied __^__J^f_AUCHlNeitVrWlS- MILLS, Bte*~ ~ • ^- ooObs. ! i w MI.U_ f. »*_. -~*K «<a_ T_0JVH_-I 12 to IS Mfay- ctt« St,, UU«u BDY OUK r - ' W&W it- ' •mm ^i__s : _ _ _ _ - ; 'Vr|®_f! •-5L_Sftt^ . "ARRIVAlsCSlIi 0P0$? Cr«»_fl^|^ »p^®2__S Nsw.46BKj?Alt cap o h l f e ^ ^ .-Sandy g«Jo>$f$te today^;:W^.'-:w^ turffi>W^ _ _ _ "thesteffl^Wfilp the B^fWWWWf, vM^-^y'ik'j.-:/- pr^^_SfBhanj] the^lli^W . Thon_lf$lEi! n ^ ' yeUow^f^^ltha ' sigu'.$-&#B$rai* hol8te4;-fethe?pe BheiB ; pWii|9a#Mj not very bjeantlfpj - l o e _ ttd^bevtf»:/Si yacntSrEK^^ privato«S_iaf ,: fi€ the n^val^ _WPVi ,theta_-rall, r SEhe the hook ^rete, i observew, . .•• •* ThiT^hjB#pig she was fitted wit voyage, acrosi th stt pped at Falrlle Olydertltt t*"a* once repotted on obAngi*,**^ car IilghtiviffSt tow ot | h e yact wind being light. t_ett:aDpulp15 di -Tiifrdiaienalbai Length K 482utoftt water line 80 feet 0 Inches, draught men__17-to_r nickelsteel andr As-soon-atthe- sort, the steam. ; TompkinsviUef-S choreiaat the' 4 _ The dri_tiHgral 1nt Ihe hour c tMo_HJSI : l_j ih6-npr*rbay. J on shore oppoeite Several boatspst them-oarxylpgxe: t_____e_rj_i eraft.* No one w cop challenger, t Hogarth,.pollt«l3 approached the have to get .theli _ In: which Was «w«ytowardstb fot%_ae-_lpm« the- sloop Bcrot tain.- BogarttL nehayed 'B^aul than;-satisfied^ 1 *Lifi&, .delis mbsfc sanguine more than realls "n_^iffi*_xi_ of the boat, 1 w wlthtbe genem -got^fom^_di_ .saudy Hook." D r , 1 _ d Ma< was aboard tbe: for Captain Mat h _ _ g after tl Erin.- The.doot belrigdellghteff said that not an had tKcurrCd yaohtaiWith.Sl! Faixlfe _fvSiW able winds Wei Shiiar5eleu r ^K Man and oati course at a ten-1 went, raopofchly Then the. weath s_tLej_£n__t during that day moderat*_uH? weather set 1H, which the Erii oLthe.Erin.and th»t thfcShartu Op- the Aotn piblej tip #ft Matthews figu ^^b__s3rdfl •Wiien;tfie-Sh«S had her flying; ing greeting it j_®__d#»< —-Before BAinn madefo^TJotit- thelltk and 1 -Th*eya_lfc8aui the 16th ther< djr^hbfcihip^jr '•,-£&**• ton Coleman c dioceieof Deli somechnrchJ the country, ^ _;ttit Rpurple ninefeei Btead, onnbti htototj^fh*: —^—^^Uai| a 1 _HIGAflOi_ f^^iiifepm! i;d_si' ! j#iii WBttl chairman of that the hoi co_i__pl S^h|^f^ i__Mm "Mywlfeha in every mm was terrible swollen a_ he)i)&m*'_. i . .,_. J sbe tried the Sold y fff^p-f*-"^.^w^ w^wmS»^v^f'w^

um mmm - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031997/1899-08-17/ed...^HS-STBST NATIONAL 1 BftgB. '— BANK OF Capital - - - •100,000 8* Owjcmut .3. 0. BIBSKLLLPrealdent,

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Page 1: um mmm - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031997/1899-08-17/ed...^HS-STBST NATIONAL 1 BftgB. '— BANK OF Capital - - - •100,000 8* Owjcmut .3. 0. BIBSKLLLPrealdent,

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tfjTTj i _

, & "VAtf" WAGENEN,

H>« removed hli

_ttt7__rOB » Q l O S E A S T

-4-D O M I N t d K ^ T -

Opposite the Post Office, "

to the

£•**' »UHVk „.- 0_T»!BAL -•'„!S§ iMilLi45_ "• _ _ L _ E A8_1OT, BOMfcH. Y

ooMMK^A4rai^yAtoaA»cS;..rn«}»n6 j _ _ i _ _ . . ; _ S e A S _ B B . A _ _ 0 A _ * . . _ , * . * » _ FrRK ARSOCIA'nQM.;...,...:.. HIWffAl^HmKi; .^T. i , T . . -Ne»HampWre 8T,rATJI,gIBEAWP3IABiW«-.8t. Paul, Minn MII.WAintEKl(«0HiNIOB'.....«i.Mlli»uket

NATTON__i'.".. :;_..".,—.....Hartford, Conj aOOHKST«Ba«BIIAM..,B*>0ii«!t«». N«W York

_ _ . L _ . . _ . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . B u f f a l o . N. Y

* umsmrtm—...—^-—- New Yori -. "-«iim>'7.(r.wg — • »?__-• irNe»York . _ . . : ^.NewforJ

, _ . - . _ _ _ _ * Yoi* g, Yorfc



d Village Insuraneejplace&at* wring •edof80to .40per^t . ," , , ./ ,• r.

,Rpladelpnia, Pa SBuHehjliia, Pa

T h e LRiiKnaRc, Custom* « _ d fcaarae-t _ J « t i c e - _ tfe<* I»eW»e _ 1 _ _ P _ 1 = lt»PlTiPH — pcfciil lar E v a n g e l i s t i c

They burn aha;^jf|at|, j "are s&" _ * © e M @ 3 $ y p £ ^ : ^

As wat-^r ii^Reftls 3frlS'so

vi • t - ~ _ _ _ _ , . . . i — = . . . , X„,l, QTBMtTiAlJJAMa

^••a • • .»»-»*• . • • < « • • ! ^ ' W J T 0 * I i l M , « , — - „ _ t T- TlKHJEFrS&flOAKnf'0O.--.-i~~.gew Yprij

NATrONAL BOBHTY OO.—«,. . , . . . ,New Tort Money lowied on Bona end Mortgage. u

Insurance. If y o n *r«nt t h e

BEST INSURANCE COMPANIES B . . . Inroio* with' „-; • • . - - ' •

J A M E S H . t n E o n m o e Companlee repreeenl

Mtai.m.....—......-- «-*'HarHord ~HOfflesifSiRni^ssK«*»ii.'i.»»»T».*».»^-!*,*-»"-Ot JieW-XOX» MVerpool * Undo* * Qlobe.. . ^ . . . . . . . ^ n g w d Phcenbc ,1 ."....'..". ?lLP,u^5orr Oontlneatil ....... — — o * * 8 ? ? ? 1 . * ipgnraBoe Oo. Worth Amerloe gMejelphte Bun. ,.„....J^...^.ss...........^orlMtaoa North Brltiia * MerotatBe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Herch«nt«\... of Keweri^H, J Wllllamaburf City. . . . . i... ..New Yort Hanover.. — . . . . . . . . . . . . . o f hew Yori Dutches* Oo. Mnttiel....".... ..New York MUm, U f e end Aeddent...... . . . . . . . . : . . Tra*sler»* Lite end Aoddeat n d Stoployei

Ltablllty. MotropoUUBFUUGUM Insurance Oo.New Yort

I have for tale deelrable Dwelling Home prop ertyrr'V*«aBtIiOti—FWnwat renosable prices,

-Snd-lMs lately predicted that pnrcba»er» at thtf time wlU be .oarlate, uf a uroBt. Peroral TjweB. UK* I * t JAMM H. flBABLW

soBthes. aching, bufnirig^feet. This ri'iedicated skin-resti;ng powder is -Very" effective lor, any skin . Moubl e,. and i s , a perfect xvonder.'for comfort* mig the feet .Dtist 4t in the*

.-£&>e%mg& -twieg^a '"1"~

lllc'tliodc of S n l n M o k a m m e d u m

* . . .. [Special Correspondence.] . MANILA, Jnixe 28.—The inhabitants

.oti^eseJ8landsrexc6pf^Lle\5LahQrigi5ggI Rteall of fhe Malay jace, subject to via Ihle admistufes vnW thV SpanlaTfa m the n6rthern=portion and in tlie-southem-a race of Mohammedans, who came to JVKMaaab- before Magellan and "con-verted" the-natives to their particular variety of religion. They used as eflfect-

AU drdg^ists. "asc. and 50c. Sample free.

GO)BmJE,rfff9?iDKRreo,.-9&R,ES,0ra>. OT.


• BOBIH Sum Srajan. BankingHwn9a. m., to 12:15 p.m..and2 to

LiubUlttee, 1 depoeltore,,


TrTlE- ffRHAaL,

Surplus with stocks at market value 8O7,2G0.M Burploa with itocka at par v a l u e — 801,910.19

ofrioiRB. — . %VTLLrAaaB.HUNiraGT^ s ^MyeBtj; A ^

' ACKLKY P. TULLEB, 8d Vioe Prealdent, CHABI^ES F. BARNABD. Bed. and Trees,

TIMJBTIM. ' [ Wardwell, William B. Huntington^,

HaweV D. Spencer. JohSUT^IiielL -twi-cjasy P, Tuller. Henry Barnard,

Wheeler Armitron*. Jonathi Jl

J, 8, Movrrr, trrGTro ell,

Jonathan B: Haielton, James JctmtiftS.

^Kftjaer^AraMtEong, S r i___ n _ HTBearleir^ JoBnT), Oxner,

Dyett, . Franklin A. EthrUge, . Bitmnel H. Beach. ^

.'. /^.NEIDA COUNTY SA¥BTGS BANK - Now ID ita New BanSlneHonjey 178 Wert Doml-

nick Street, Eome, » . Y. /.:.*. JP»y» SH J'er Cent. Interert t o Depoaltort. S-:- OWKN E OWBNS*P«»Sdent.,,

. •.«& D.. ROBSala,. l e t Pice Prealdent . P . I.OI33- BOTH, 94 Vice President

- y - - S O B S tt-fiDWAal^aecreUryaadXreaiarer. i._.- . . . . . wthna«a.~~„ .. •-'••> OVenE.iOweh«, . CharleeBathhun, - ~ . A.a.Ke««lnRer, • - • J o h n a WardwaU, , -

.".'; REouisBoth, Thomasip^Boberbj, R-Mr Orton, D. I. Greenfield* Upward 0. "Wlggina,

George F, Hodge*, John B. Idwardi. J. D.HlgKini. •


Paid Up Capital or »WO,OeO, 8u»pioJf anaTEciaiviaBaipronti

orrioins, W J P. KTNQ8I.BY, Prealdent, - KDWABD CX3M8TOOK. Vioe Preeiaentp


um mmm - Every Package) Guarwiteed-

The roUowlBg Flrtt Olaaa Grooeri BeU It: Hra. K. O. Boylaa.

v A. B. Dewier. Hra. J.Heti, Roberta A Oo.

•TrKZwu, — \ -Charlee Hemmeau, WUllam Wolff. Mra. V .Day. P. H. WeUiel, D.'J.Koley, - " John PUlmore, H: L. Waebbnr», W. H. Byan. George PNelea.


JUST AS <JOOD. Tour grocer 1B authorised to

REFUND YOUR MONEY If not just u represented-

JOHNSON,& MURRfAY, Wholesa le Acenta, Utica, N . Y.

L y N C f U o ^ l g f o R A IIOT'toAisi--'?



Je l ly . f4pfea to and Oiwymb^r

Ice C | f i | ^ . White I&outitaln i ' ^ M a J t e . ;'. ;-"-i'C, -•;••''-

Everythtail sugges t ive of e;

for one of oijr

h i s hmcfrah&trtdJNt s s , as H,-J(^.^i$npe4-

^fjfst days. Tq ;thi^ erj(J darken thedln ln '^Mpm. H a y e , t h 0 9 p m . decorated wit j fc^phs grqwln^;JLftj)o<&, and' wi th buncll^l^llfe'rns gatHer^idtrrpm;

J ^ h o ^ ^ i l ^ ^ r 4 n a 4 « ^HvinVfeat- -JSeX -i^Id^3ira~^olit. B*ws^fojH|,n*hotJr or Brore

t b a ^ ^ » f y ; be thoroughly linpregkjated i ikh ' t|ie dresslngf. If there aVVdpy cqW vefeia,bles p.our "bollinff. waier on trtern

JtpJrinseatt an.y nrevlou^sauce of dress^ lug , 'drain ^ 8 nfflsPioate s e p a j a M y MJtTl

the woods. Blac^$^on the centejco?'tit\e.",,,tbie...French* d r e s s i n g Arrange'a table a low disJh^ojgiQie featliepy i$$M hair.' :«a-ver :^'t!i|a'cn plate; ..gjasses"; chipped iai,- jgyffl^yhlch wflj-hft.;


James H. Grogaer D. TuUob,-E. TJ. Howlaad, J. J. Burnt. J. Behan, -J. B. Fitch, F. Havens, A 0. Tbomaa, ' Thomai Boylan.


ive weapons as even ijhe Spaniards, these sons of the prophet, for they drove their theology down the throats of the heathen with sword and cannon. Mr. W. C. - Kaelin, an American mer-jchant in Manila, has in his possession today an old time brass cannon—so ©19 irideed that Ahs "Spanish found it on Mindanao when they cam^ there first. It is apparenjfly of old Moorish work­manship and' must date almost as far back as when cannon were first made— almost as. iong'ago^in feet, as when peonle began to make the motber-in-iasw nnd, stovepipe-iokea. - This-cannon is of uncommonly fine workmanship.

The Malay peoples speak as iriany as 80.different difllpntfl, hTrt-thgrlflra to be divided into three leadingLgroups- -Ta* galos, Visayas and Sulus. The Tagalos

^ r e tbopartieolar variety with whom we are having the little discussion at pxea-

thing except, .capacity for small sized deviltry. The Visayas belong to tiie

,middl6-group.of the,Philippines, and are larger than the Tagalos. Those who know them say they: possess the capac­ity for steady work, which, if true, pxits thexn for abend of the Togaloet ~;"

" Next there' are the. Snlus-7-tbat is, MohajBmeaans who inhabit the south­ern part of the islands—theStilu arcM-pelago- They-retain the religion that

glasses will, makifhem more;temp|ingr Than Ss- Hio^gh 1 *! )^^!* \w*f!©4i.ot Ail^lil^ T^erns are alwkys'^iiggestlve of thei co°l. shady noqksxrf { j |^^ooas . 'and.are ek'pe-" cially suitable for^jjot. Aveather" decora-; tlons. ' l t z 2 . . ' ) '

P K E S S ^ p ' VEAL. _ _ _ _ _ " -"BoTT^rgRoufd^^^eal u^TTelferjr^rf of skin and grl$t|j|j|<a'n be removed, sa-V-lng all the V£E&&P$Uest bits of m e a t . It is a tedious ttisk, but well repays the

Finest Product -3f J. P. Engtieyt-BurlOlney,

• ' B L. Steven*, " 'A. P»'I'uUerr

John©. Okner, Xdward Oomatock,

• WiW.Wardwett

f^Hit« n i M t n a t m . John R. EdwardJ, Charlee Rathbun,

Bamuel Wardwell,. John a Wardwell, H. J. Hitchcock.


Homer T. Fowler.



Capital - - - • 1 0 0 , 0 0 0

8* Owjcmut .3. 0 . BIBSKLLLPrealdent, _ •

— ,- .M.3L* HUN33NO.TON. V4c«Pw«Iaent __JEJ^BHKErJ5Y, Oarmier

^ ^ T h o m a a a . H » i l CalvinFetrie, _ . . -J. D. HlMUa, Edward _. John Q. Ulaaoll, JohnD.it W. K. HnnHngtoH, F. K. BheUey;

J. Lowell Wjniama, 109 W . DOHTHICX STBKT.

- - -nr- 11 in . •-


Famett^ Special Brew.

MaefEen~l^ei^f 1 Imported Hope and Halt.

400 years ago. and are followers of the ihet-vvho acorn the white hisrfB

theology. Not even Spanish prieets have ever been able to bend their necks, and they are not fond of the company of white men. In government they rnii a side show of their own. and have a" .sul­tan who was no't mncb more than nom­inally tributary to"" Spain: It will be

pains tafieti. Pfac0' all the m e a t thus collected while- \ya*m -into a ^hoppjng bowl, and season-iveU wWi sa l t , pepper and butter. Oft<Sjji>.cjulte fine a n d press firmly Into any.ttfcjh11 that will g i v e t p e ghapo of a loaf o f cake when jt is cold. Set on the ice o v e r n i g h t . W h e n ready to servv H, s^iRjpipife around the^edge of, the meat, and^turn out on a platter. AVith a very sharp jfertlfe stlce v e t y thln,-still l eav ing i t l n - t ^ e loaf shape1. -P lace It on a bed of le t tuce k>aveg garnished v l t h t h e s tnaf tradt ihes ln redano-whiter.

of, p l a i n e r ta:rra,goa y inesav, Qhe-'ha^bf ilfk jtMsjpi^nfMl salt,''and ^ne^quarter o f a

teaspodnfuf- of White peppeV,' knd W-i%

•*of lettuce o r ' o t h e n ^ e e n sa,la4 on.atplsat'-'£'er,.po.U!r' oh it. the meat and/garnish w i t h t t te ' V.ess,ta;bifis. | 'A'' f e w ' nasturtium l e a f e s w l U add p/Quaney; t o thesa lad , "or a little wateV. cresp may heused VKith t h e

whatever .drrhk^5n»a]y0 be 'sWf'yea^Ubefi milk, tea, or le;rrf6^ae. The toin^rna^ , . „ , . , - ...... be i e e - ^ c o l d j ' - b a ^ ^ t f i ^ . o f - i h ^ 4 c e 4 f t j ^ -Ie4uce, the. cpmbtotftlon^d^-^lngilaj-ge^ -

Iy up'pn the "meat" onhand-and the Way in -iy^teh^iMif as—^oolfced^- -r-Bojiied;-- n i i s t t ,usu'ailx needs more in t h e way of s e a -5'iioning than roast: meat; a, few-drops of oriiOn Jtiic'e or a teaspoonful of f inely

-jch^pied-c^iUcesJs^r^quentljLa decocted addition.

The radishes-may Be cut in fancy shapes, LEMOtt JELLY.

For making fhjEjIIiy, follow I f igSirec-Uona g iven on the 'package of ge la t ine used. After making , set a w a y on the ic^ for several- hffiTrs t0-harden. uslhKl' ave""mTnu"te*s.^ more selatine;j" accordingly f o r hot weather than fo> cold. Whe«vready to serve, cu t the s o l i d gelat ine in to , cubes and pile carelessly in small g l a s s d i sh­es at each plate, ^"hls Is to b e served TvlTR rneaC

sal#t. Peel and ciu; , u » ' t h e cucumbers, -rnlx-w-Uh the cahbage a n d wprinkle-ayeiL Qiem the sa l t : let 'stand one hour, t b e n drain. Mix th?. ground muatard"-wlth a irt;tre'."or"th,e vln?glr7amris?5ald-the-re* mattider of the vinegar; when'hot; a d d

Lthe-mixed, jnustard" ftnxTcTfit^jr i troajer

TOMATO A I 0 ^ m r * I B E » . S A i A t > , :

Take the tomat&efrand cucumber^ frerrt the ice, a n d cut t h e m into s m a l l pieces and put them Into it. gass d i sh lnaUer 1 -nate layers, and Serve with a n y dress­ing preerred, e i ther mayonnaise or French. ' : ,

A GOOD F B 3 2 $ C a D U E S S l N O , ; One^half teaspoohul salt, a l l l t le pep­

per, two- tablespobhfuls. of v inegar and four tablespoonfuYi 'olive oil^^jaili t o -

^ ^ ^ I ^ X T K ^ T W w ^ T a n 3 # 4 Kether the drylngredlcnts . add the olt was fired into them by the brass canndn> • „*,„*£ tfth»Whiv. and then the

Igor Sale" in Kegs mtf TBottJes,. aid CH "^ "f ''• • Draught by " '


t h e pleasant task of TJricle Sam to send" a couple of h i s regiments down there w i t h a few r a p i d ¥re g u n s , just to le t t h e m know t h i n g s are n o t as they .used t o b a The soldier boys would l i k e n o better fun t h a n to go a n d open u p t h e fabulously r i c h Suln archipelago. __

iuaily. t h e queerest" Tittle people" outside of monkey folk a r e certainly to be. found here . They are aborigines of t h e islands, those who inhabi ted ttnem iefflru the; Malay npw. which in tarn gives place tojhe white man, who con-quered the small creatures. They are the Negritos, often called Aetas. A full grown young Negrito woman whom J know is about the size of a well grown


^erytntog4n^rir-stock atlfrper fe --"-S-cent. discount daring August and

•'•••• * ttarbfiBlrsBlected -

In Central New York.

i , I WHEELHOIISIL £(L Mfg. Jewelers and SllvcrRiultliH.

S » 1 0 e n e » e e S t . UTIOA

^ 5 S S B

J. D. Corcorai Co.,

slowly, stirring thoroughly, and then the Vinegar, still sttrtllBg nil thoroughly.

V A m L L A J f C f i CIIBAM. . One' quart of^sca:j.aingjinIlk poured

sTowTy over three beStfen eggs and two cups of sugarf RetuVh to the Are and cook fifteen minuted* h> a dish set in boiling water. W h e 4 pool, add one pint of cream (new, riebj.mllk will be very-sat isfactory and is better tor children) and flavor with vnnlflQ, FreeaE* fa the usual w a y , _.'__ *•

waiTEjaoijfiT'ATisr CAKE. , . , One c u p sugar, on^-half c u p butter,

three eggs , one-half cup hillk, two cups of Hour, into whlcfe ,19 gifted t w o teh-spoo&fbls cream of t f e a f and. o n e t e a -spoonfu soda. Flavbriwith almond.

CHOW CIJOW. O n e , b e a d of- cabbage cut fine, t w o

q p a r t s of smal l string beans, one q u a r t of l ima beans, one dozen cucumbers, o n e quart e f small w h i t e onions, e i g h t peppers, cut fine,, one-quarter otapemnd-pf mustard seed, bne-half of a pound of g r o u n d mustard, , two quarts of s t r o n g elder vinegar, ongj ia l f^o i^a cupful of

10 minutes. Partly cook the vegetables, i^abii-£XCfipllon!rfJlie.«^ _ eunibers and peppers. When this Is done, and the salted vegetables drained, put all together In the hot vinegar, and boil


•Put one- tablespoonful of butter « n d .oa'e-Jialf lota cupful .ofJmllk.in*Jiaiifie. .- , p a n «and h e a t t o a boiltng point, Add; tldlokly one-hal f of a cupful of dry f lour a n d • stir unti l the mix ture becomes a "thick, smooth paste: t a k e from the fire a n d se t aside until q u i t e cool. Add the . beaten yo lks -o f two £ g g s , . onfi-ouarter o f a teaspooriful of sa l t a n y o n e table'1

spoonful of finely elmppeS parsley a n d beat until thoroughly mixed . Add.grad-ually.tBe whi te s of the e g g s whipped | o a_. stiff froth: Drop small teaspoonfula of t i l ls mlxture-lntoJwillnK broth or sa j ted 'water, boil and turn unt i l done-^tbout five minutes . Drain a n d serve a* a"«ar*-

T t t s l r t o a s t e w orfrlcaseee.xjr lna:*oupr

C O R N OMETJET. Take well-nlled ears of sweet corn ,

and, with a linen cloth, remove all the si lk between the rows o f kernels. C u t t h f c * -kernels down .through t h e center, b e i n g careful not to loosen t h e m from the <?ob, and then take out-the, pulp by pres s ing downward wi th a knife. I k ) three ta/ble spoonfuls of the green corn pulp add t h e


well-^featen'.yplks of three eggs and •a little salt. Beat the whites ito aVktlff froth, and mix with the corn and yolks, pour into a hot (buttered) frying pan,

•cover, and set back Wlrere It wilt c o o k ^ ?FESsON;—|-t>awH>HHwpr—Wherrsetrf oli

serve at once on a very hot dish,

week. Then take l$5T#inalI cucumbers, three heads of caulufr$fer, one quart of snjall, white oniong^^epHu^of^ni^feir-tliiiui pods, three heads• o£ ceteTyraiBS;|- cut in^squattia and ^vrapTh wasea^Sfir soak over night in s trbng brine. S t e a m the vegetables, e x c e p t ;the cucumbers , until tender, add thfe -.vinegar mixture


and-tefestaad48fraRgJ#egk, T h e n p a t 4 b » -~JSJBSSB?rJ^§A if f o i & a jhejneajMfePljl rkttrtd^hr-a-ito-ttle ani l beat slowly;-

. i

one cupful of b r o w u s h g a r a n d one-half -of-a—cupful -of oorn)rtaro}t-wltij-a-4litle-

the liot lliiild, a d d l t i d t h e c o n t e n t s e f kett le , stir u n t i l ^t




WANT COLUMNS Aretfpento OfttHfied atboeriUtm&^L 0/-Lost, Foaad, Darcalae, Mtutoal,

. BeifiiuraEta,-AttctloeflalM,

„ BoovutoLet. P Housei to Lett rLota for Bale,

Help Waited; MMdnaaoM, *» Kxchaage,


Horeeaand OarrlagM, Change*, Bemqval, Pentonal,' Repairing, Plaata and Flowera, MJwMllaneoui, " IConeytoLoan, Bltuatloni Wasted.' Moving and Bto^ag^

'idXSur-"-Agents and SUeceUaneoui for Bale,

- — i -

, „ . « 6 B e t f , B M I Setate for Bale, Beal Xatat* for Bent, VaSaeMOardf, - nnanctaL ^MW<dAaaoanOMsnt«,OfflclatNotioM.

' - JtOrft—K '4fcovt---- Mot $U**t$4aiH0c. '' '-

t?. ttCBwresbtteaMKiuakyottwMhtoaiseomplltb at t » jaatlaM nam WHt r M t i t


Telephone Oeaaaetioa Day wrll igkt.


m l mwn Dowmnow »T*MMt.

BUY YOUE^PiJOTACLlES aaaiEYE-GLASfiiES now and take

— J advantage ot


Choice Recipes F r o m W i h y Sources a _ of Ackhbwl^lfg l fWgrt- i . _ y

Take four gtmrtB^ofFvjrtegar, ohecup« tul of mustard, otfe j_>lespoan£ul of olive oil, one teasp<!kiiiful Salt, ai id one-half or a tablespoodful of tUrrheiie pow­der. Mix together _ n j - l e t s t a n d - f o r *•

P I C N I C F I G . CAKE, T w o eupfuls of sugar , two

c u p of butter, one c u p f u l of milk, f o u r « v e n eupf^sot_urT-_4ve^gg«rtwe^tea-^ spoonfuls of cream o f tartar, o p w o f soda, sifted with ttte flour; m i i . tbe" butter and sugar . u n t i l creamed, add the unbeaten yolks of t h e eggs, a d _ the m i l k ami. . the flour e l swly , hefitliB_rair t h e time, l a s t l y the w h i t e s of thp e s p a . F lavor two otipfuls of chopped Hg_.an4 m i x in. B a k e quickly. Wheft coo led .

paper for the picnic lunch; or frost- the Under side for borne u s e .

yon »n» weP, tio remain wpli, «,rirt grAw

Watcheii, Cloclri; jewelry and Bilver-Ware. -Tine-wmtcli iept_tag a snei_ityi

& G | t i i $ _ i a t , i_OTiKWl*bui8to_St.

m '.At 1 ' . PL L DV S U R E s


7 D___S IN

COAL ASrtl %0OD,

Flagging and Cut Stone.


Ainerican_child of12 yeflis. ate fierce "and wild Jooking, theifc fes> t^res are flat, and'the5_.ada iioVeipfi with the heaviest^ and most matted wool any creature's head could support. Mentally I judge that the tttmoal: i!t_ ture that dould be besfewea M them would enable them to count 6[0. Afatn-, ily of them would be a great attraction^ to an Asriericah. circus.


' Trim* wash a n d Ifry^a lar&b's liver.' Lard, it well with jal . t pork, arid dredge With sa l t and peppM^^t^^eep^^^anpUt; layers 'ef thinly sSeed^earrots e n d efi^ ions ( two good siz*e*d',6p6s. of each), a stalk of parsley, di ef; c e l e r y , aria' a? clove. On this la in . tM prepared liver, "pour Into the pan &tie>$tipful .6*f boiling ^wafer-or stock. cover^lS^yJg-d-pl. . . . .

moderate oven f^M'jJyb hbiirs and a alf. Thicken- the M$#!t-and.'.serve" With _.__.._.„_x Jse'lectiiuchTSWd^r^t'i

it-,-aerymg the v e g l j S b ^ l n T ^ s e p a r a t i d ^ s l - ^ ^

stronger and better e a c h day. B y the jsahie_means, if y_oU are not well, you ma; become well . _. _ " _ .'. ..',

Food i s ,the*^_ila% 'of, thg ISU&SF.^it the TOoffis impoverished and uiinaturaij _o-the-bo_y WH^bev-^-_fVfboa^s^eodi b y Which Is -rieaiit a properly cAoked^

-food that Contains a i l trie propertied In con-get propottloh to nourish a l l the j jarts

"Will think the catt befor^.the hofse" '<§} when we <juote^you"

A Good Crash Hat for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __*l!te m gair of Heavy Work Frose^fer^.-. _ . _ . . ; _ M Fine Fancy Hose for. _• * _. . .V. A GoSd Mari'istilt for_-__.____

AnAli-WoolSuit for._4_„_:__._.

Under ordinary circumstancesr'i_s would be

_ . _ - „ - _ _ P ^ % " '

-________§ #

-teuerbi?tthis^ale4s^ut^f-tbe-ordiftaryr-_frto"f_Try over^"*f3-^Sum_er _tocgr

-Calt-afid inspect the Bargains."

o * the" bbdy--t_eh t h e body rijay '"&fe> healthy and vigorous*'"To M h e a l t h y A n d vigorxiuSyrOUf foodrhui t cofttalS t h | fnatertaT tKkt' n i l k e s tee th , h6iie~, gierve;' muscle , brain, a l io t h e niaterTaTfbrihelit,

*ahd energy*' ' ; ' ' , >-4-i'/ '.". ' . !'..• The trouble isHh'at "very fe^v p a r e h t i

urlderstand h&iy ta .select fbodeont&lni' gr^ali' t h e s e p»>pe«_s r-Jahd lnae*u*lf

W6uld take, a long t i m e f ^ I e a t n bbW t o

Yard _ f t 4 } _ ^ ' _ K _ U * W l _ M f t H m 'Street- i- '":' * - •"• •

Telephone connection,

lw w__i_6iio fttBi -/ -flTW^P .WWip^ |^^^^ iW^^_F^^W hVW/|»^_^^ is END



A Retoelllpna Subjec t . . Photographer^MadaEtt, 1 can't give

you the desired pose unless you look at that little spot on the Wall

Mrs. Rural—Nevef you mind about no pose, 1 _ not gain fer be took as though I was.tryln ter squittt thi-ough a peek, liole. I'm stariil straight ahead* or this thing don t SQ- through.-^_t-change. - " ' ' ; • '-

The Beat Remedy for Flax Mr. John MathlRS, a well known stock

dealer of P _ a i _ , Ey.j _y«i ' _ttef' stif' fering for oyer a week with 8 _ , jind tbfc physician having failed to relieve m», l was advised to try, (marnberlain's Colic,

_ _ _ _ _ _ , Cholera and Dlknbea Bemedy, and have =============4«i* l»l«a«_e of riattoif that * _ h*lf of P_CK I_n; ; otie bottl* eni«>_fci'» ;for-_Ie by

• SPICED P U S H E S . .-;jj» -;., To seven pounds b " t | i | l ^ e s ^ i b y ? f<)Ur

pounds of sugar, ' | f # ; 0 u _ e s of ^tlok cinnamon, one o u n e ^ f | * h o l e c loves ahd one pint of vlnegafe'^Sitb t h e ' d o w n Off alt the peacheg a n d ? i ^ t t i ® ( n t r i a l a r g e j stone jar, with t h c M i ^ e ? t i ed lri bags. Boil t h e xinegar ari( |#i igi* fogethefelftjr,:

-five minutes and p(«_ifco1^i^e^peacne%.^ and spice. Do th ls '^fe ?three days^M' succession, then pttt^lt^tf*^ %tti|Hana cook slowly until I b f - ^ e ^ h f i s a f e t e l f t l der. :,'.-• ,"ffi"fe-- . • ":•__'

WAL^T'#ffiftiiprG* One-half b(5x g e l f ^ h f d _ ^ l t _ _ i j h e ;

ibalf/ptrit cold w a t e ^ | f n ^ ^ ^ i s * b 0 g f

J, Bronghton Sc Gtiim, OxngfWM. ' "jaw*" cLAea. jnurtatm' i» _ned put

from tbe SmUM prlnUry. W_B yea want a of p _ _ « w_l oVme, we are aabjeet to wawr'"'"—

p o u r o v e r It o n e $)p& hf bblllflgr wSater; peri add tw~ i---^^^**^^*™*-***-^ flUjartered/one jfii fe. arid Jul - , ^ - . , tb taste. Set 'on lp%:''|iaWeri1.'' SetyS' with' whipped crealoSi&i:."''

, What shall thehtbther d ? ;She,|ifibut* BlAiptif -jJi* #*i Wr' the' eiitlfe.

'Jtffltillfi &n^' take' Opjy ntlturaiiy di"-ganised- food.' JSMchfondrts tHe Sbred*

-"ded tv"hble Vv*"heaV'BiScuit ni#e'of '1®$ •entlte Wheat; iifrht and" short .without adding to or takirigf. anything :f£o_-lt.-. _ u have a food i«:Shr?edded%bea.t-Bisv cU}t. therefore, as" it ^as.ofgajhjzedjft thfe process of $iqvtthi \, ••>> • -** -;-Theie blfcfujt-'•:#* . ftlread : l>alt«d; alfea^y for u e; ana.are'mkflfe .:Irbin -tbe "whple* wheat vberry,- ;wlil*'r over-. oome'lndtgesttdft .afta "cTSffstipatlon "an_ J$H aid Yn buildings and ofganiainfe the 'D0dy ,«r6 'n l iS_&Tm fttl conditiotts. ' . • * • ' •

4 . tobfc book, jfetttltled. " * t e £VJtaii 'Questlbh^'cOntftlnihgoVer 250 recipes and ^nmtfer 6f.e_eptl0nalihtereat tb libusir


B Y A L L L B A P I N Q - Q R O O E R S ^ :pS(' iB*i85_2!*yft to » hlgh'grade of Janoy Spring Wheat _ o _ . Buy it and _ _ _ _ JA* _ * _ _ _ J _ m w&tep*- »i» ~e finest df Pure Foods, as it oontalne all of the health giving properties of the wheat. r^ _ K font g _ _ does not keep it let na know and we will _Ti»e jon whert-to-gefe-it.

U MOWER, Mill Agent.

0 £ 8 h U o ' s ( > ) i _ _ p t t o C ^ antee: "AU we wkWyoiiia to u»e two-thirds of the cont*n„ of this bottle faith­fully, then if yoa':#«Mi<*-*|* are ttptfe benefltiea •™ara-_l^wP»''**:_W' glit and he i_y.r«faU the price Price 8«c, 50c. and f T Sold by B aoa _ Graves • •. vV '•":'•-'. '•.' 1

li'J .' " uiiifiijfflMi Qoicxty cure coi '

anct invigorate the gripe or _u»a«te—: Bleerf, Hamlla'e

_ a^rsbnUd

"•"''"'"*- •••'•••• • oi'cester,.'!Maigjii ,

aAttifaetory. P^ . ;m^. |_ t^m.£; : &)^ by; _ i»_at6n *-"_*»m^v_ •». maran-:

_^^ilf|| :04>^^ft,^. #p*N3lfVl-" -l HFiCiiJI <-' - -_ySM 4 n e _ _ n „ - X 3 # t i * i r = ~ P ^

'^*i;'_ w^^M^tm^m:^

• h _

am»OT__ftwa^w_a_a»jiaJw »%t-ARE GENERAL AGEtJTS-FOR THE - - —•

ENSILAGE^CUJXERS yfyteh have w«.ny points*? rhertt;.

* GASOLINE^ m ENGINES eai be witad upon. All sizes from*! tb ^ " ?g*ho_e poweh , . , . . . ^ s . . » * * .WE CARRY A SPLENDID LINE OF . . \

i Wagons, Harness, track and Stable Supplied __^__J^f_AUCHlNei tVrWlS- MILLS, Bte*~ ~ • ^ -

ooObs. ! i w M I . U _ f. » * _ . -~*K « < a _ T _ 0 J V H _ - I

12 to IS Mfay-ctt« St,, UU«u


' W&W it- '

•mm ^i__s • • • : _ _ _ _

- ;'Vr|®_f! • - 5 L _ S f t t ^


• 0P0$?

C r « » _ f l ^ | ^

» p ^ ® 2 _ _ S

Nsw.46BKj?Alt cap o h l f e ^ ^

.-Sandy g«Jo>$f$te today^;:W^.'-:w^

turffi>W^ _ _ _ "thesteffl^Wfilp the B^fWWWWf, vM^-^y'ik'j.-:/-

p r ^ ^ _ S f B h a n j ] t h e ^ l l i ^ W

. Thon_lf$lEi!n^ ' yeUow^f^^ltha

' sigu'.$-&#B$rai* • hol8te4;-fethe?pe

BheiB;pWii|9a#Mj not very bjeantlf pj

- l o e _ ttd^bevtf»:/Si y a c n t S r E K ^ ^ privato«S_iaf,:fi€ the n^val _WPVi ,theta_-rall, rSEhe the hook ^rete, i observew, . .•• •*

ThiT^hjB#pig she was fitted wit voyage, acrosi th stt pped at Falrlle Olydertltt t*"a* once repotted on o b A n g i * , * * ^ car IilghtiviffSt tow ot |he yact wind being light. t_ett:aDpulp 15 di -Tiifrdiaienalbai

LengthK482utoftt water line 80 feet 0 Inches, draught men__17-to_r nickelsteel andr

As-soon-atthe-sort, the steam. ; TompkinsviUef-S choreiaat the'4_ The dri_tiHgral 1nt Ihe hour c tMo_HJSI : l_j ih6-npr*rbay. J on shore oppoeite Several boatspst them-oarxylpgxe: t _ _ _ _ _ e _ r j _ i eraft.* No one w cop challenger, t Hogarth,.pollt«l3 approached the have to get .theli _ In: which Was «w«y towards tb fot%_ae-_lpm« the- sloop Bcrot tain.- BogarttL nehayed 'B aul than;-satisfied^ 1 *Lifi&, .delis mbsfc sanguine more than realls

"n_^iff i*_xi_ of the boat, 1 w wlthtbe genem

-got^fom^_di_ .saudy Hook."

D r , 1 _ d Ma< was aboard tbe: for Captain Mat h _ _ g after tl Erin.- The.doot belrigdellghteff said that not an had tKcurrCd yaohtaiWith.Sl! Faixlfe _fvSiW able winds Wei Shiiar5eleur^K Man and oati course at a ten-1 went, raopofchly-Then the. weath s_tLej_£n__t during that day moderat*_uH? weather set 1H, which the Erii

oLthe.Erin.and th»t thfcShartu

Op- the Aotn piblej tip # f t Matthews figu

^ ^ b _ _ s 3 r d f l •Wiien;tfie-Sh«S had her flying; ing greeting it

j _ ® _ _ d # » < —-Before BAinn


thelltk and 1 -Th*eya_lfc8aui the 16th ther< djr^hbfcihip jr

'•,-£&**• ton Coleman c dioceieof Deli somechnrchJ the country, ^

_;ttit Rpurple ninefeei

Btead, onnbti htototj^fh*: —^—^^Uai|

a 1



i;d_si' !j#iii

WBttl chairman of that the hoi

co_i__pl S ^ h | ^ f ^

• i _ _ M m

"Mywlfeha in every mm was terrible swollen a _ he)i)&m*'_.i . .,_. J sbe tried the


y *» fff^p-f*-"^.^w^ w^wmS»^v^f'w^