e^^ujwiwwi.'wg. 1 i —' '•"• '*""•'"'•"•'-"•'"•'wiJmWiiii^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwuwWiiuiimMwuagpi.r"at'^-•••-•••--^••^^ vo&ao. POTSDAM, ST. LAWREJNOE COUNTY,.-JS. Y., WED^PMDAY, 31AUCIT 2(5, 18(52. suuVntcnceM 1 !" . 6ttufei,.. Published mw/ WeJiK»ilnj" ffjifaja^aj f , Kdjtor* iV gyojIMftfejmMj, •, . , , .., .•. &&#:&$, :r A • -:: A '-' K A't RS « i' A Jj»V.EB$ 16 tti Ihr J " '". - - o 0$ - '•*••• ^ a ,buvorates. WWHimmxlimiRtatbp.ro who ad- rortlao EcttaWity, ' " rroiwlont.(v!vMl«liiJts««J lio,na^.(l)r )II WV»J«<kf Steam Power Preftg l»rli>tora, P0teJ)AM,«.V. Every description-or plain anil faucy Job nrintlujc, promptly executed, at thu lowest living mica. BEI0GE'& HOTEL, t~^"~ Coruorpfifutu.anal jPark streets, CANTON, ht. Lawronco Cpauty, Nmy Passengers conveyod' to and from 'tho c ebarge. . .... .,..-. ,, . nuo Column , onify0Kt> - unaXMaraaWtWHWi. , One half Column ono year, 0w>fourth*Colnma*n»y<— •••--•^ -»gfe . York. . cars -free-off AMEEIOAN HOTEL, And gouqraffitaiiio dffloOjJMarkot street, oppMUeiKlm,! ii ' ' . .,VOISDAM,N. Y. ;.- ,. • Miia. WIIJIAII Ci^iut,IM|grlolor, . ST. LAWRENCE: HOTEL, COBMEU .at .JUui .A)(ft„Ja* I, Kra Siwats,, . . po S8jVK! &?»-,- . •„'• A.M, jp^SQ^Pyypristbt. ^ WOODHXJEF HOUSE,. ^1 >VATKKK)\BJJ'/elI);r,goa,CoanfylJIow Y«r»,nud v - ST. LAWBOOK .HOTEL, Q^DENaBDltpii. • | 1). DonsKT, Lcsseo and Proprietor. ^BAlipwiN HOU$E, ,. ., I Oirni'i'tirCatliarinc and Division streets,, OSBENBBUBGB, N; Y. ' •-'•-••' jEBHMn RUfiWIH, Proprietor Carriages will bo bi readiness at tbo Rail Road depot- and steamboat landings to convojPtiaEecngors unit log- ({ago to and from tho JiotiseJ'reo of charge. , ST. LAWBENGE EXCHANGE, " (late Washington Hotel,).. i.-,.' ORDEN3BORGH, NKW YORK, w.c. Hsu, ......... s,.,,.Ptoprji-ttjr v , fiood 'Sheds and Stables. •Passengers conveyed le itndfrom.the'bousefreoflf charge.',. Torms one dollar per day. J3 ly. AMEIUt.C! AN "jppyiBIft, jjfiahlngtpaaud iVrsetml-tHrotits;, TOWS,S.Y.. ON THESTAGEMNB BEIWfiE8.CteoM*rOtB.ft' Hlsworth^Ttforracrly East Plo^poat; J.St. Lais, Co., N( J. tB&B&HSSS POWER S'V irf I »«!•'* PRESS Ifctvlng jiurotiafled a^iyW t'&tyo Cyllmkr j'rt^fl, ft Baboock J»b I*ro»H, Stwim Eiigmo, a lumifro*!'fonts OJ D»iW.lj'.(w,yuuLj)iitWri9lufovtjri > p damrlyiiwifora j g o m ^ t e | p b Office, «r«"ftrii i^iuwttfto doftf»mtftl)% and at tho lowt-it pri poHS«l. Ortlore8*)Hcf' "" *-• - " llctuln, OrJnra 8*)nc|icil Tm-fyiUttwJ^grpmmas, fill! <"&\l0iitlDii to our ^jfeP*Vfr t^te-fAvrib-wirt&Wiiit' *r . .,-. . '(. -,. -.v-OirU; UAICEIl & CO., PnoPiBicrjRfl. »jT--5-v-7Tr'-' +r*-^«i*>- -• OldEtee Jnswaaice Agemp •MBJI7 •»© liiohi'linhleit'ai lotf byf Insuranco iTiSlS5lpott dwolltligs anil •^>m!V.'l^r^»¥ll^??he^ll»iffllli!)«>aiiia<;hloo . lulpijkbl^loTdoSBusflhiii hfOpliy. Mann amount iTlago du-nllbms, iosin'i'd fur one jfcir or.t'ur a term of years, atfewrofiw. JW t m v I n a u s - n n c o Co,—-Jj.ijsr«mi>, O/ja. JljwpipmtnnWjCn^rat Yoiia.(,1n. JPIioUilx-Ittnu'tiiicc, pflj—Jturarau'tCoss. Casit Wcff-.' • • .'«w;ooo: N o r t l l w C H t c r n I n s . Co.—Ortwrldo, N. V . v '-lOm^MtBi} :•.-:• i^ioofieo- , {Jflgii AsBel?, .1.. - .S300,tMO. : JUamtirlnsiuvlnce Car—KKK ¥o»>t /, CagUtopta-.' 03pOiOOO- .. IHassrtSoiiiiis. tr,.^SKasradfiro, Jt«»r- . Cash Assets...- ... . 8226,000. tile Rei'iinty- j\ll persons wb« ili'Sln* t<» obtain ij or ilaitij,«9.by' nreu i |a)JX."?„!«'loUOr,. ,R nK«Mi)8tl9^ or |hut»g«.im are. are ijmtea. io npi^y u> rlotBr, " jmp personally .or by Iy«0rt ,Vpr tbe cwivvoUipce of tWInliSWBftHH ohirlghbnrtaif li>*m)| SJesurK. «nO" ^T^t'Ulttt, dMlaHacnii[ JiUUltKWCHEttiripPi at Norf.,lfi; J. Jf,BiiMfcof»'l!lyiit>'0,a»d.A..li'«OTK, fe»i.,».( (i.1 ton, wrti kwiifilnffk«.nnvv4 toul frill W i r * x u b u x w tttpi'rfcctfrffi'lhsoriim'n;'' ' ' - .i -WjiiKKOWIJ-ki, Atresr. ;l"wsn<u, Jan. H1861. . lf |,&'p'lCKIXSON, mfutuf AS-VI1EL WA L, Proprietor j. WATCHES SS90;pfc.rOTEHtY. DART & TAPPAJJ,: AXTOENETS . AND COCNSELOBS, Devoting thomBotyea oxouistTOjy tothopraottco oTXaM 1 - in all its branehe", POlSDAtf, SVLA Jf. CO., 'i^TJ W. A. DART, Notary'PubllOi'u < i'. •' c. O. TAPPAN, United States Commissioner A-ttoraay?. &c.» .POJSJAJI,^^-. All business' entrusted will attended to witbonC delay-. • /&• 0£«x in P««'i.B(«*. -ffia E. & N. OBABY, ATTOWJEYS' AND 000NSE10R3, Potsdam, St. Lawrence Connty, New, X 01 *, . - Will devote tholr attention to tho practice of tbo law in tbo several Courts'of this Stato'rbfld will rallbfully uttend to all business entrusted to IhjMr'caro. ^f- Particular attention paidrocollectlng. WM. H. WALLACE, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOE A^5 COiaiSElOB, Polsdam, St. lowircnco Coonty, "Now York, hereanor'givo'hul undlvhldd'Qttontion to the proo, of bis profession, hUho cour|ta ot jhliSlato, nice East Bideof Market street, oyer Wilkinson's AIK3ifS.P#TEIt; . ATTORNW; STJUOIISK i S S cbtelSEI J3R, Coltoh, "Si I^w%cScouMty'';%ovr''YoVlr.'' : CoUccttog.'.pwwyanojpgjtS'SuMtipof rt>tthr\U)y and promptly attended to. §A!ivtlJEi;'»^6lBfiOSf, ' ' " ATT0l&lt*'1ato"^erSEU)S,-' : ' - Potsdain, St, lawrenco County, Ncw.Ynri. ' ta bo found in tirarn. Tlwy have Jnst ccivednspleniHi'" J # « S t , - * f a B ' best & < lS i lne y i!ri({ style aad trorranli'd. ' ' ."-• '. Uly It: ::''|ti^i54Ci^T^EBs, Resident ! ^ ^ Dentists, D RS, t l , having citmplptod an ctftg^ut siiil of Pontal 1*0001* irt'lJwromjo & J^idd'a Block.^ove letter f«qIlU.j$('tban s ^ T (or tmrsiiing UJO ililioceut brandies of t(ioir jirpfcsaion J>c>ti, :}ISGHpilCXL AND OKEHAXTt'lE BKNTlSTitV. ^JSspcclaiAitcrttion given to tJio |>n!sei-valUm of tUtV&Ttriua Oatu^tS, iimt IT powIbL? to j>rc«ln(lo the a^dj)Hbirof tl!6 ^iterjite-reswrt,*' (artjitewl Jcntore,) oH^liicli, In most Uistuioos, Silver is "^ood t* T Go!d.ls^lWUer,'f . r - ESicn of wiilcliwo coirairuutta scvfrsriiftt.'rpjit styles^ imid iij; iha bait tiosslblornhnnnr. CHLOHOtfOH?! WA EXWH iktm^nlstrrott if dctirai. A'dykCk cratli 'OFIIOEBOW. 1 8A*V mfiP.U. B0W5LUI ISUlTHEItli CiiQtoo, Dec 23, I860. . SMy- Liyerj rfTyEgitiwtirtWrtffcoopflOriilcIrtJS. IJVRBY on Bny- X ruTTTKffilrcwt—OffliaJat ilw Amnrlcan Ilotol—nn«l Um prt-parcd tn wflit •jrtcafltom^ra a( all li<iur», noil fiiniirtli tbijn) »'|(Ji ^^ IlC8 ^ l«ftO^ to U*' hn<l lu imvn ffnr Jfrtty BtnKOiff'T Soulli OftttUiji, Plerrppoui and (JiiiUm,u-aU'aal.2O'»cU»ck.l > .il-,rctanjlnMatl0o'cV.n A. si. tiAvn^atAniAV, /**v« Geo. W. Melotte, D$JTAL SUB&EOU; rtlAKh-S ii|«(3ure m J.ifp/jiHngihucUrizoiiMO.Ti.t-'tluJii X »Uil vMufiy thutlw! ha4 porrtMHietitiy kio'ii.',, him «o»r«t the oincotof tUola.e Dr. I/mia I*arki;r, i'«rn«*r cf fclm im.i aiarkot Strccrt*,. . i^o-rsx^^a-ivt, aw. TKT. KlVE YEAH8 PKAOnOE. l«mi(; >»f thf nrat otneca ia the SUit«, wli*r« bo !m» jjjtadt* J.i.n.S'Jf jirnctjcaJIy aa\asiniU->i w.tlt ,ii! ilin jip- proved ii>*'A!nnl80f JnatirtliisArtirtcJai TwfHh.w.Ui ih.- fttipi-ov^ipoiitH [n all the r.irlduti br^ivlti-i *>f Uja {«•(, fwMjrni, Uo PofifK-ctfaHy oftutH Ma uervtc-^ (» ati (i[.|»rff ufciUvv nl(ii illaiirimioailrfK pablln. i« it.wh wl»i) biw tbo l«^a( rlgbt Ut two tbo (>iobrated Patent Vulcaaite Ih&o, Vor ArtUt.-ialTe«tti( «*.H. lu V-aC« of ijfflil i>r ftttrcr I*lat»', M nicli tsftoportor u> vit\t&r, ami l*ss ecp&nxiKt «wn Gold. fey U«H lO'-EHVl altevlul-saiviiniry <•< fli in A u u ^ l , -Hiw w»»rti Mo«r ilftbte to.tfel «at cf rt*i«iir; citnwo«l Jh- uUHy t» KtVoi to tlw) operator, EO r^sttrt-o t!w; uuKiUi aiul fain' ly Uicir oriainaj form. Tlio *faso ami D-.tsfi.rl iritli w/Jich Ibcy are worn, tiictr tAgtitnviift, Tastcleasnciw A CIcanlJt»e««, havBC""" t«<it!ip*/D»lru«twi m tUt3 maimers ivrffei*- oiico «ver jilrolhtra. if3«y vriu>U)jva isstol GoW Witt SUvt»r PVtto tevtt Bafa- 0litrttc.1 tlic Vutisuiik*. Eaa!„ahd profct ,i ^ CALLAXD pSAMISE.Sl'ECIJJKXi^- T^tl* UisrrU!it-ffit©«W»niI8itvcf I'late if i*r*-f».-CTfO. l J arlieyl^r fttteotioa paiit to Filling 'J'eeth, tcKia nxirMivd w*th !tifii|«3p»» Improved « e t f » a « l l u g B a t t e r y t «tib Huh- or w> paai ftiritefilar at&nittM* J*TW U> rcgajlatin,: C>»il«jits Tpetit. h't*.t»m, Mairli. II, (?^i U ly-"' B*n^k^nitthiiiK and* arriapcJlliking. rru!»: M'lsaCBJiffit uk^y !<(-.-.< M. ST. HJ>A >i*¥ a»ft S ^ i w u ^ l w i ' . fa y MUHII Bunk nf^r tf,.> M rAwrrtj<r'» H"t'l KalC-rftjj!"- * •» -ic-i BJ».: «Atij'ti'-(i«i «»iar4st»v^t All -f-tr««(jiTHinpily ait<*i»fAl Li M ^ hKS no, 1-JI1 39 1? J^ g|^. M«Ut. BY ALBION- K. SIBHCHASST. 'Tls riigtu, itecp night, mil «lurfcnens relgnrj-suisreme. PiJr eartb t» «biul JWCJ in a d.irItso»i« vnt, Ptic radiant .tun lias shed hta Ja.it brlsbt Iwam Una sonic In granOour in tbe aitunt Woil. SJIVI; wlioit th" aoft WUut Ihroiisb Lh" tr**o-tou bloviffl, All Nataro 'a fau&ncil lo rtlllnBJ» flntl rci-yao- .Tbafi'atbcr'-tleongjjlor'a sought bis n»tlvu yrovcj r Tii* tiilibcsniuf! niulrrel "a so^tght Iita wvii-lKiwwo tree; Tbe [lr<'l«tiA *Mgi« and liio tfcud'ir U>^'oF *- Bav n each & baliitatl"fi wlit-re they (I? To r*»i. rr*/M»j man baa wnglil bis « ' ' '. Atld^ftfkiies-1 thadu* the living and DIT Wealth, lies him down »f» ben of Jti^.ti Ii( gortfcotii room tvlib-jot a single 'latr * Ibcft'toarfeeit tlio ipntrast of stern Put-nti. r With UttorclM&nfcft aitJ.teon.ti vf 9fra* Fair Iimor^noe -ieopi sweet I >, /PArlrt^ ;.>*.iisbt. W"hM<: nuvt n.mbwn^i ti h'< ^--T . H - th»n„-iit Pool d'toda of darknorfa In liie dark zr" WT-IUBIII . BroUier wrongs br&thter 0 , in drt)o uf old. XJm Bghcmtng villain oxcoiles Ids pi rt; •n.« sasaailti slrlicofta fatal bbw for COLD; Gold, risbliy termed Ibc "run of c t - r r evil '* Y- niio faUhfal Servimt ^f—tbo 1&\ i! But njurn again wfll c u w e - l w ia« ana*.-. And 0-wItiieiJi (ico-b^/ofc bit shi-jiatf fact. JU /rafid tui toomiU, U tuaj^>£r, tbe sluf-i, yy i£n iutad puUed la iii»- aayi* «f -»i>^:e Ab I *abtc tri^bt, til? Jrowctd !».!« ed Are so:>-. JTor ovffrbaad that ma.U.bf£r* <irb lull* uu : PyTvoja, MARCH 20, I&»2. '«j i-t.'tt'u;i v\tzry nmail, 'fc>aiilii;wUt«r ranger. •I'htiji. yun RIII'L ski::," fifiiii Ht*Ui. 0 !1 lay Vi.n a five tlmt*5-'.>u -i^Oii't pnt a £ j r»!H" Hlittt'wiitMn t!i*« outi'r dri'l^ (,f tho ' ' v\fm:-<\ a ilnr-t. •ui \vye, W, .Jll t I Svlll, „(! t4..\ M'!IH:;IIJ I elu b.'t. 1 tl p> liny (jonu ywi .l-.n't !ii! tin- Mil's i^yo <uice,''*9aid a mor* eiutinmrf member of the Ktfmn Ailca corpd, "I'lafjk yonr inoncy,gentlemen—I in goud fur a do^eu or two more jt:dt such- wager» - hov them ail writ downs Mister Sergeant, so theroeajo'SWriOinjstake."' . •. rieth's inSitattoh wa3.Jtespp«dod to by miarly half tho lueuibera of tbe euiupany, an4 oc| flgunna np the ag"rejfitlo ol all the lUik.^lt'amonnted to nearly two Hundred •lutlara. bnt at each successive wafriir the chaheus fur his winning were niade much .smaller ai. the last one lie had offered him n-i|itired him to hit tho ball's eye twice out cf three times, and beat lii.-r t h r e e antago- mik'i. innHter. ''Kyfs fruiit."' always seomr>g to be _"eyes left,'' and "uye* li^l^t'' rippuura t J hv "uyos front." r i'ho Ethan Allrn finardH havi- r.-i.-i'iitly been innstfrod into thetoH'vienof yqcle riam; and if thuy ever i<et into an en^aire- nrcat, wu^ by V> the rcb^ti v.lm become taf- (;ets of Both S(arlj, th" (,'ivfii ^fuulltair) Sharp Shooter. A r»iitrat>and'. tin; company, and llp,ujrli he aii|..-an",l vory j Hol<!ier'»'Tent, i n t h e Morning, awkward at first in the ranks, IK i - f.ist: ' 'juirin* the positions and bearings of .a wi-U | '1'lip iadies Y*$ like to kqpw how tlte o'er* ilrillud soldier. Tlio frrnatrat difficuliy In.', l,,vid suldiei-'passes tlio. day's irio$t .un-ro- has to encounter is his left haudedin'ss. I mantic hour ; and ft gl^fihM' writer in the while his crpoked eye only troubles his drill | Sprit of the Titiiia \Mii sfeetrJIies the fiirie' Yesterday I saw a boy. bluek as anlhm- cite with large, lustrous eyes an>l teeth as white as purest ivory, lie sv;i.s thiiteun years old, rjern in Kentucky, but for sovpruL years ha3 lived near Hover. His master ho •i . . ,, , . i> I " lfc i>3 lluu v.wiM ijiiuuiiii iui Mi^vii* x vim u n a \-aaw,go»tlemen,'"siud3eth,"l jest want »»» lwas » sentleman. owned urenty-four i ^ t a n6tio th =, W3 . mnBtac ho is like .. x .r/:. g .''i lu '. u< 1 D *. ^ T , , ' ,...' J.. IT,..'. 1 slaves No matte where saw lum. onto- M o( y lan < s in tho pietl]re3 , anJhn3 combed what circuiujtaiices, but behuld tiuu ' - ' against f rolt-eaU :—-Of courad all wero out at rail, call; then they, have folded the bkyikets, und the corn shucks are ueafjy swept up, boarded m. and tho blankets' laid bn top; (Jid is washing in the basin ontside-^-his brawny itaek open to the rooming air. Jol|iij, witk-fl,' prido peculiarly his own, comb- ing his dark hair so exquisitely. The ser-. peani? wbridfil's "what they've got for break- fast" and nihkes a bad face at the -word pork, and: is>. arraugiug; to fry tho rem- nan^ of last njgkt's boiled. hominy; whilo .Vlait i3 off to the spring for water, harnessed with, the fiyc c'anteeni Tom fidgeting aronnd,*ahd-wtristl!h*' Canaan,' iD-aTemork- ably rapid manner, wonders, in his turn, whether to .yfgai his gray coat or blouse, or ifit is not cold enough for fioth. Tom h«a dcr : to make one more bet. 11! lay ten dollars j that j'll hit the Mi's eye.three times-pro-j 7' " u,u ; ""T"" ! vidin'that the winner sU g? over to'the j * £ $ ' i tnvnrn ami trout, tna <v»mnflitv. i 2 . . MUt$Um%. I tnvorn and treat the compairy.' I "I'll take that wager," said the commander i oi the rangers stopping forward and deposit-, int? the stakes, "and ifyou win I shall not, only cheerfully disbnrse it in tho manner yon ' have auagested, bat receive you into the | corps and famish yoa with a uniform free of i expense.". «•. ! "'tOdgi on yonr head, Captin," answered Setli; '"and e f I dorrt win I'll bo round to- j morrow and stand treat agin." | The three sharn-shpoters suggested the idea oi having a rest for ^iheir rifles, as the range was long, anrl ttie slightest variation of the aim would citirry the shot wide of the i M •„ ,„ „„,,;„, ,„ji, •. imwk.1mt.Botb argaeriagainstit.and appeal- i n P f" do r0 " n """' . . „., ~i LiSTi.™™,!.. : "Isyour master »seeessi/jjiistr Ho was secesh.ina.-oi, but IK l>. I it down straight 'like an in versed hazel bush ' l over a wobdehuck's hole,' as the sergeant circumstances, but behuld him | or half leaniif" h-- r „-™? nb0 I 1 '' "" & °'M says, and toob" peculiarly savage. I s I :t ereasy shirt of sna I-eolored jran. the eon-1 ^ Jown tho ^ j •„,,. ^ "«>of ^ ume negro doth, such as one half the South- j ( , |ku oth j dmw , ^ k aQ( j eniaruiyia, Coinpel!edt. J wear. H.s slouch- { |uuk it J b^t ^ saved rations goto the «lh n .tiStipp«lV.ck up«,,his_h^d. / ,h.iw- |cij| fulu] ' and he , ^ £ rnMl ing a countenance indicativt' of in'-olji^-nrp. As it is my way to gain inf'umation from all possible sonrces 1 engaged him in convi'i-sa- tion. "Well, my boy. wh.it i "Irick, Massa." He runs his eyes over nu* to seee wh it I i am up to. ••Where do you live?" About fourteen mil^s from Dover.Massa. lyo SETH STMMt. ed toj thu:eomrnariiIei'. j ':^oa^ seeir Captin, it's all very well at: i taTtceJ^'So^ nat ft •Won't do in the wood. "'It <& no itio talking bcijut it, dad. I'm fite the en-'niy. 'Hi'' Cnion is in langvr - N'ennofii s TO dan/.-r. and Hard scrabble in par'tickier's in danger, and fn boundforto go.' find i.ut anoth-- ...-..., , woods wftep59lffJ)3iB and wolves are about; and I kiiMSf^nteS it wohldn'fe-do'ia the battle fie(<l^|nji^,gve3y soggr wpntd.kerry anigger a3..g|eS|S5in the 3oqth to use as- rests for tBiffisSiJffin'irons.'*". , ••^TjfiisMrgtm^tmtJ>rOTitited , , aifiWie decideti | UlaShe^ilotsfehouid be mdde:offliand, and If-nma won't 'iffitnip, ill J tliatiton seconds shpnld b^.allfr^edsin.ta.kiug cnitin' station, darnesl i ainr,'au|£,t!te cieee was at the,s.£otiWer. .. \i_ l '*,*_ •eJ&Kj^-^Y.> 1-.Z- i-?-ii.'j si' .. nov,\ Tl is. af? I happened to know, wa-i correct boot and clothes brushes, and rattan brooms for the streets, etc..) Tom slaps me on the back, and vociferously shouts :—'.How are yoa, Jim i, (Whistle.) 'Washed your face? guess not !'• (Fidget and whistle.) 'Ba, Jim! got" any m'on.ey'? fro np to the sutler's and get a pound of butter—that's a good fel- low.' (Pigeon-wing, whistle, and exit be- tween naps in the tent) 'Good-morning, Jim!' says (jid, 'get me my coffee 'while yon are abbot it,' wilt yon? Here's my cup. . > 1 1 fafloff herd! milk-woman, give me a pint I men ( i[ my murjiij _£yecents;bere'syotui money. ' Wints.aue'niilk for your coffee, Jim?' iters, now i^'j and get some, 'forb it's gone,'. The testimony, the master appearing with ereat i 3( , r ( .ij lt & ap p 0 a,ted sergeant of the gnaftj boldness at luneral Ur.ints iea.U,uurters t „'. t!ay . m r ^ l ^ p j. 8 e e h im fbrtflying. to let it be known he was, f.,r tlio L m . u. ,, Rans yr ilireard i y wi ^ &il!i fc^ m i i h an J ••Are you a slave, Hick? •• , ;ia w]lu h afUiX loat of bf ^j .kiifejn "1 was a slave, but t'se fref n^vr: 1^-f 1 . *i ,- ..«."- '^ •„.... ..'._ i-t. _i—I"T tiseated. old i Mr lii KKLP YOUlt PliOHKUl Y XlXTiSHJ Jrt f-Z 1 >. Continental Insaraucc Co. ^ S9DO.OOO Commenced business iglft. QapUoland SarplUs, ...... ^.. soco.oob .'1 , TpBN'EJt^S WAT^R FBIOOF PS1SEE1S:; J^EATIEE ! '' •'. < $08C8|XtB.'43 , ,~ " "' J. L_,OF2D S.- »,... J.S.tOItD, Agent. Potsdam, Jan, Sa. KC3: fir ty Cl»r "of HnrOtor*. Capital and Surplus, . J ..... »350,OO0 ClnrofSo»naTfn. Capital and Sorplns, .... S33Ot OO0 Phosnix* Qf Brooklyn Capital and Surplus 9310,000 <Wc«ccrR MOM. Capital and Surplus, $320,000 All tbeso companies are sound and reliable. H.Hf. RKDWAY, Aeont. Potsdam, Kov. 1£60. ,. ; S*-ly a. r. WELCH, WAECrf MAK.EKANDJBWBLBK. •• POTSDAH, n. T., Sbop In ibLCt front of Italic ft Dlalsdcll's Crockery Stozo, facias Mala Street, near the Bridge- Particular att^atipn paid to repairing elects and Watches, and tnalp3 itnslcal Instruments. Re- Uovtn^ that ho can give general satisfaction, h* soUo t a sbaro of tbo putoltc natrcnagc. 3-S6 x. w-EionT, PAINTER. aLAZIEB. AND PAPER ttASOEB, POTSDAM, K. T. Shop over I.. C Myers ffiacisautb *U»»i>, umr Uve SI. I^tttrenco Hotel, on Main Mm-i quick. 'ITlal's what t told th Officer, ahtl thai - \chat ! t-'H wu ' Thi» spsn-ch, o! .1 hard :".-!<d lirwu Mm,, tain boy with a rifle in his hao.l. was made not long since to the officer of a ii-en ting ! atatidn in Montpeiier, Vermont, w! •»liad interposed some objections to the stout lad'- enlisting, to wit: that- his visual organs pp-- scnted o decided, case of strabismus tint his body was slightly angular, that h- style of speech and manner shock'-l *h' eyes^a^^SBWfc^fiX the gentlemanly cull'-/ ; r i' M^M^^Ensfira^K who had thniwn do' meaf3tora,forn'OTd»%^''bpiifflfe'as; 'and n&o because thi> aiip&aK^ifcta tacnrably feft-handed. ••How'old arc you*"' asked the [Jcntee ant. '•Twantv lastgras-s." "What has be*-n yri: ipsii^sss ?"' "Cottin' logs and S!K« .tin'-bars in winter and drivfn' cattie a.*>,l HK-W^* gra*? in ,scm mer." "Shooting bears, eh ?" "Yeas, ehootin' bars."' "Then 1 SBpnose yotS wottld take aim at a tree in one direction, and hit th" bear in an other," said tho officer, derisively. '*l*m afraid, in battle, you'd be much less danger- ous in the enemy's ranks than in otrrs." "I know I'm a leetie" cock-eyed, cer, but I've fetched mauy a bar ... than a hundred rods, an! at Utrkey shoots, the "IfeftMyB'cffief w& paJnleii in gaudy edl&rs, ; 6Ke-of life, and the bull's eye was ' hand, his coffee.' farther up pie street I ! met the guard of bnr comp'anyj'nitTelieYed, 1 andInmgryas bearahi thsspring,- rnshing . down the way in overcoat, and rat- tling cartridge boxes, shouting—s&eakfast for the guard,' at the top of their Inngs, and -Where were you when tie: lifhl w L> su- ing on at Fort Donelson.' "At home, bnt when M:--.\ f -.ed i]e fort was took he started ns all off for rle Sonf, phwed.ort.thc lea side, in tlio region of t h e ' bnt , ws ^ aw * y 1 an ' J c0,m ' ' !uw " u> u °W<perceiv*that tli^y are jist-irl thmVto'save hea^with three archa drawn around it. " " l ^ . ^mefent - , m.,-.-, i . , -. ;•„ ,1K 1 theb ' bac<!,n: ' for " to a!l swarm of toffee- anal wis^erstood that from the center'. , Thl3 n ?' ^3'Z. -'r ul't™ l-r™, ,f #ir t- si: J ,. t. i ^ M L inherent weuKne?s ol t i e oenier sto^,^ of oftho btUTS eye each shotshonldbemeasnr-l . ,,.. .,„. ,„.„ „ „„.•»„•,., ( n e a / ' . » sba^shoote" «nd the backwoods-' f*f s,a ; he m ^Z fi i^'i ' ratta-dte#>lot8 fbc the first lire, which fell to j hl3 ^"'vf;™. ( -' ha ' tels - "*"*• ho w f "T»'« e iT r i i f , ',^™ ,,. h o run Sonth. became perverse and v.erud "gMP|%. fcnner , one uf whom took h a . & Xorth with much fleetiuv.^. Xot p6s»hOB,ari(l in a ready and adrdit manner 1 « « B « , ' M , .\fSu- 'onlywere these twenty fonr started South. | " , tSTO'toe Others were as follows,aceordm" *« > - . . ' . . . . ' tor k of. the target markers: lovers had- sarmnnded t h r o t t l e containing the remnant, for a second crop, and had well- nigh persuaded the guardian 'aghel, Amos, that the guard had had theirs; So, I reach my tutit. and finishing my breakfast, hang up my cup, and, lighting my pipe, saunter to parade to see the .' thousandth and uard oneth mount thne." A. 1 Two inches ftuin th, the kit arm- ilsssjruck wjjh^in- out- s T . H. GOl'UDIXG, JI A C It I N 1 POTSDAM, S". Y. BAymond-Strcct, near tho Raltr-ia! Depot Solicited. jmsojr&BfWEriri, Kmm^mfis6am£Sm s ki4^,'' •••• •- ~ ~ - w - •slrcot, op stairs, joibrtowEU., m. Offlco No. S&gloBhHlki BOSHC* W. jdbSM'i • ' SAWYER Se ItUSSEIiI,, ATTORNHYS XKft <S3DKS®i01>S"lAl! TiAW. Canton, St. fc»w. Co., N. \ ' . . - . Wit. H. SAWX?Ri,,, ,.' l©I38;Sit,..a^EI^ J. F. HAVENS, A TTORNSr a OO'tWSTBiCX'O'ft' AT'ttA W, OIBM opposite County, Clorlijs omco on Court Street, CANTON, St. ^o.^r4liOE qp„ N. Y. '""" CO. BATES, r SURflEOJJ JkStt SITYSICIAV. rOKDAll.st, towronraifcunty-Jii. y, Offloo on MM SlVoot.TnWiKlSfslfifiSt. .—••—•,, i.n;-i',v,(-s*uti,,.»Wi.,,,' ,i,,„. Dn.w, H, yffifrjwgat. omooovef p.TuBrtB%Bt«n,.n^Qlnina U"> Dental Rwins, OorncVtf HatkW©u*EluWlte6t*r . ^!><>M.«ti»i»H"»*vW ,TE«bkS!'' •,' . i N. B. Partloutaisattotiyon palih to. tlio Ul8casos,ot loinalcsandClillitWU. . RomoeopalliloJtemoi V kept ctinlfiintly.en baud, etiargoa tnodoroto^at ,,lolc«,f^|is^ltatloiu)'rWn!, 186?.. l^%Wj^ti,. i'dtisf «i' Htb 4i5ws.esi4tillslim&t«tiii'.tiia koHior M family timinW, wlifth Ho *in mhi' mwmi& Kbw prlcog ror cash Or rofttly poy. PitrolmRor^ wlf^flnd^ti i*> tholr aiivniilngo to ctm ntiii esamliio 1»;f»iro ptirelifrs- UigPlHOWhTO. .T. H. SHELBY, - I1KAI.ER IN BOOKS AUb feTATIOWiRY,' IterlntilnaU P 0 T S B A M , Now VorH, would rrtpaotMIJr Invito the attontloirof tho public to S™ »xt«»lw Sto/H,, Oomoonp, como all, andojnmlno iho prices, tuuloonihuro ttioW wltll theSo aiWilliy any otbcr8iorolnihuVr«dolnNortl»ii Now York. Our Itow W wm lTl«U o'vwthliig III the ISiallonory ami n. mtmimon, bivilorta Stoves, Pirmpii, TlljT-VJW,"'Slli»t Il-oti, Wire, Also plows, Hay CuttonljOom eiiollorn, finttlrn and other Agricultural ImpldDUuia. UanuISUituvi Tlo.ndShocMr.QBTOrfc,. ... ,. , ., atOrfl », F. WEI.CH WATOK MAKER s^-SNU— AND DEAteR !M Au^WiUostHrtloltljuSiaUy koklii a First- Class Jo'WoirJObJrK' -, JtE'%Skiit,Q.' i' ', Jj all tho dDparlmpuIn aftofo .nnmeTi'MoXifv ,i0no, MUUiw. - "' a ! i l y > INSOKANOE. Agent for tfiti slotropolttan Siock Fire Insurance &>., " " CJPW.lt, And tlio*KnultahIo.I,lfo^ss.urauce Co., .Ouiton.fl. Y., KoV. 1st, J8«!. Now York. . . . S300.000 . . .-3336*00. • New York. 2S Cm .... J. 8. I.ORD, SUCbES&It'K DVFP, $AHSB& .1 CO., DEALER:!^ BOOTS AND ^HOES O F B V E R Y V A R I E T Y , . . .02. . QSDCB1M&—A gimi Assortment a>,|san%i>n 16ml- Prnnsos's BMICK, M.uutEr-sn.,I > ,oisi)AJi, N. T. Howard 'Association, Philadelphia. ,i iloicnohmfJ'lMR'tulfen tUfaMtsacsf byjtiK£ial KnAcm- Bieiil/oi'acKttit/'ijfluii.WA-aait JJSlrestcd. n«lioW Kiln mainiinif CTrsufcWteaita.alnl-tip.i'fiitiy/uii BUSil/oi'ttc /frtitfofluil S6* uait wuW WMtiU Ml ChHinicbisMV . ' fcVfffilrt'Sf 0&raWrf!fln«&!M«lt'Ol'j!afl». Tl/rKJ)t<Iol«U>VlPI': rinm g»tls,by-tw Acting Sur JVLeeou.. YALUAllUK Wl-OBTS-on SliernmtorrliOM, niiuTrtnor lifsciiaMi of the Sexual Orgurfij, nnd on tbo miwHolUedlcaeranlovod;.la.tho .Dfifiiiasary', .sent In free of oharacs ^vo or tbrco SlimiWr post4» u«Wbfc. AdJfUs 1?>j i. S v!e| ? g^ llmrnrd AssofiuHtuajJil HOt'OtlTON, mhStMPIilladolpllla.l'a >^ 8Hl<H-B'll''8 Jlfa!ffjj^^mblliiintot, ; NEWBLe^KfiBBM^TIlKET, SltlFRi* (SHUBlijJWtn |s-.prci>arcd to du fualnni .JSJL S'0rSV|iO<illWu»lV iu>U I". » lunnni<r in ch e «i HrOTHttslactKu. tr,» employ" <'f b " ' worRmra, m„l -warrtauMUs work, . Tiiiinkjiii I'm- last r., OJIJ. , i. roruV|(<', • l».l t', > |h.lUtll> K. KIIKPAHU. lMUutani-ie. v. WATKIXS .V I.KKT. I'l-oprtetora of l*0la,ltiM 1'onU'lrv aU'l'Mncii'n" Sl,-.p, Mnnutlu'lurrrrt of-^l'o'vQp, 1'lown. Hollew W.n'.'. Mill CnatlUEs nnd MaehlueiV flnnlors in Iron. Sleol, Nulls, Shelf anil Heavy llimlwe*, Imlla Rtibbm' and l^-atliei •sltlnu. Copper, Itheet Iron and Tin W.ir> " "--'• \t\ UrucotlPs, M.irUclStreet, ' ' I-fflSIUW, N Y. IIKVIIY W1TKISK, ' 0. W. I«KT • "BOAltBrarQ' HOUSE. frtouds, nrul tho lluMIOBChonitty, that lie h»« opinio.! it, arrtli und fomuiodlonsiBoUmiiNa l'Ion»s en MAIN STRKKT, Smml (mfliilnj JiSist.n/lJK 81. Laww tt*4, a=»ot»cia.3*i,-3>a'. ~TSr. Oonil nadniiimodaClais for boanlllnj by tlio dny or „,.,„,.,,. woek. 'formsrensinralilo,ttmlsallsfaotlonKuarnnt«e*.- a i ,op ,V nmo'ii r\ l>otfon«i|i> snlliilM .. J . 1 • PERKO N. O. JIIOORIC, I'miuiiiicTon ^•tnuiuu, Nov. 20,1801. 17 1> "~ ~ OAltiUIOK Si MUNSOW,— IrtlAMtHS^iv Stpv.6?, Sfeoot; Iron & Tirt Wa.ro, w tKAfl m% SAVES srot;TS!, San l'ans,tliiuko(irhHd8it6bts,-!ftnu*'8tovo l^irnlluro, i "• aanlife..J!oi,.tol. . JobWovkorqvprKitfflcrlnlipn, oxoeuteil pioinplly, and at inniloralo prle.oil. ' Storo, In Honsoa'KDWolc", Bist Dido Sbtrltet Street, roJSDAMJ'if.'Ys » 2f,iy L SQOPS, I'nckaso" «r, J'Mcote forwarded through Adams' or other IMproHa 06s. Ooro of Army and Navy MXIH-CSH, No. lio^ Ponn. Av- elino, will lie promptly Uollvorcl to the Cnmpoer NdVdl Blalloiw deolanatcil A 1 * U.S. A PABTRtDGB, AltMl-N & CO. OA.BINET AND FUtUflTURS TYARB MAKERS ' vAns nooss ASB snor On tho ISlalid. opposite tno EptscopalCbnrcb. a . rl. BaTCQBLnsn, CTUUK SARtstiDGr, c. A. AKXIS 'f. Hamess.'Sadfllcs & 1 runk; At the Olil Stand of Lemon & Allen, COBSCn Or HA1H AXn MASSCT STU CRT, rOTSOA « . W B bavo oa band tbe most extcn&lvi ussortmentof everything In our lino to be fosmil In the county ,—which WO will soil o*fc a.a. reasonable prices as tbo times will admit or. All tforX monufsclnrcd at oot os tablUhmcnt Is under bur tnuncdlnto observation and direction 5 and bavine a thorough practical knowledge of tho business, all orders vrTiroo promptly executed, food satisfaction guaranteed. A wordto tho also Is sufficient . 30 call In an! ex- amine tbe artlclo, wlticU wJllbosbownyoiKhi'tfrfnlly. and no faultlonnd If-yoo don't buy. To (ho tradowowlsll toflaywo^hall, as ounal, keep Pnll Assortment of naruoss and Carriage 'trimmings, which will bo sold at as low prices (con- sidering tho quality) as can bo bottpht In tho County. JAMES 1.BJION. Potsdnm f October. 1800. D O O H S , S A S H , W J N D S , &<r. DOORS, SASH, & ItliINO they allnrs try tdcaonnt me eont'." "Count yon out! Wlut do yon 1 _ _., that?" "Wal, I aint so profertabls to the turkey .match-makers as some of the rest on 'em— for when I get this rifle 0' dad's on one 0' the birds, you can reckon Ih.u lie's mine." -Axe yoa also a good shut with the mus- ket?" . "Don't know i;»thla' bvoat tliat fifnd 0* shootin' iron." "But ours is an infantry con.p.my, and •ftso use smooth bores," suggested tlio officer.' "W.il, Captain, il yo don't cafkilafo to go to kill, I aint your man. If yeou dew, you'd better take me and riry bar-killer." "Oh, it's impossible that yoa si;. 5J op- pear in our ranks with a dark bai:,! ', wea- pon—our muskeU are all bright led, Vou must leave Uiat weapon behi. "Can't dew it, Captin. Where .. bar- killer goes, there I go. Xesrer go anywhero without it. Tou see it's a snre thing." "t have no tnidence of it beyontl your Wortl," said the Lieutenant, beginning tg be iptorested in die somewhat uncouth indi- vidual. "But 111 put your shooting skill to tlio test, and if yon can make three as good shots as three sharp shooters in my corps, Til enh'3t yon, henr-kiHerand all." "Give ns your'fist ou that, Mr., Officer,'! returned the new recruit, extending his very rough, tan browued, freckled hand. ''If you vo got three men in your corps that ken outshoot fSetk Stark, I'll go hum .and. ..help dad kerry on the farm." * The match was forthwith got up, and tbreo oftho prtyatos of tho Ethan Allen Rangers wero selected for the triaL^ ^ch of therh worefitSaoclas sjiarp s l i o o ^ , and partionlar- ly well skillea in the tujo. I' A target, rogrJsenUng an Judian„otHe(, Kali^^Vo^^l^aalfejFStrut mtSoft®irfteFiS»1e%1 shot, ,'•'::., - ,. &X Ranger No- 3—Pat a half moon in bull's jeye—fata!. SeQt Sttirk—Khot perforated thecenterof tho balPs eye. Thfe» was considerable huzzaing at the result of the first round, especially among the spectators, and those of the rangers who batl any of Ufeh 4 funds on the result. -.'©tfisWsiWoijd'ronad the rangers were SCoredaa having made butter shots than before, bat/no score for the backwoodsman. ft was now the tarn of tlio bettors to huz- za. althbngh 1 soteral of them had lost hy Mr. OfB-1 Seth's first shot at more j The third found resulted eveu better for rangers than either of the others, and An 1812 War Story. • fui! iwiug we believe has never been 1 print. Ogden Hoffman tised to tell •.r}'. He wa3 in the great fight be- Caustitution Und Uuerriero, and BritiijliSsfojii^ ca^rjaij^sailiBg PEftRO &WAND, It A v i ICO inurcUaaijti tlvoonUColntorostin ttu> <tn»t» ii (ormerlv owncti by A. PItlDK, arc now pri^ar^d ta.airnl9h,ln hir«o or suinll t]uantltct., m wivoli-*nlf or rot alt. tlio very best firllclo of Doors, Sash Sc ISIimls, iir ? t:oft, ! 8 ,LM J HtO lowest po8Hlblo (irrcfta. uiift'lfts Und long exporlonco In this bnalnoss, thoy foolarjaurod Uiut thoy con glvo tholr customoraontlro flatlslaotton,bolb. ns toprlco, qoallty or hiii.bor.ami atylooCworbatniishlp. Thoyiio'airt «OMtftrttly on bnnd» an"d'"'mnko to order Window frames, Chain-Pump Tubliiff, do., 4o. Sash Pali, ting,,Olailpg, Cilnaa OwtllnR, Stlcltlus Moulding*, of all klmTrj', niiil ,1'limlnft tioiio on short uotlco. Also, a Grlftdutoritf Ibr (jnmlltiff Axflfl, Scythos, A-r. Llbornl diacomH to tbofyJerladlnB by tlio year, AtlorderafromftbroftU^romptly^ttonttcdto. -Ucd Building ontnol9land, ,T._I». HAND. DOORS, SASl[&13IJNm p 1 M ANUPAOTCRHDr-an Tor intle, WlioToaal niitl Hctall,by B. SWAN, i POTSDAM, N, Y. A ttjtirsloraby -mail, or otliorwlso promptly oxo DbOrfl, Odnlllion Slzo, from 75 cents to $i us. Rlln\Ui,«pjuifOeontsto«l Jilpor Window. Susu, IVb'm a io noonts per I.liiht. Planing, Ptllllttmtnnd GI«ilHK done to order. »j)-8hop, troitsTileef l1wHl>cr. melr Hie- fjrl Mill. »' lv rangers positoins in from ol the Company ut' Kan- gers, to witness tho apparently unequal con tost. Two men wore detailed toslaud with- in'six rods on either side or the painted In- dian, to make a record of each siicces--'"' shot, and before thoy left (he ranks, their comnuls puttie many good-natured but slight ly sitrcaslical remarks at the 'o\pen.-e of the cross eyed volnnteer. "Bill Barton, be careful where you stand when that chap bfay.es irwin." said a ranger to one of the (argot 'markers "the safest place will be behind it." "Bettor gel uuder the hank. I till; Ihei'e'i no calculating where his bullets may strike," said another. "I think tho only sure place is in the i, ,ir .o£the breach," added a third Almost every 0110 in tlio ci,r|>s \ohintei r od a jocose opinion in roloronce tn thetrook ed oyed, crooked foniretl and otlierui.-e 1111 couth looking bnckwoodsina, home of which reached the ears of 80th. who, suddenly far ing the company, which was standing at e.i-e. nnd pricking up his ears, said: •• perhaps .1- how sonio on yo wud like to bet a sum mi them 'ore throe sharpshooters," said Sei-h pulling out ofhis capacious pocket a rnvas.v looking wallet, which seemed rather pleth.i io of bmlk bills considering tho r-nnfso. seedy geor of the confident rifleman. "I'll lay ye anything from ri sheet of glogorbrond l» a tow dollar bill that I'll take tho consult out o'-yoh or your sharpshooters at rifle .-llootm' wraslijl*, hugg'in', or in a regular knock down and'"drag oont lltp." "I'll bot you a dollar yon don't hit the board once out of throo times," said on,-, of tho rangers. , "Dono—I'll tnko that bot, and double ihe stakes," replied Soth, drawing forth a one dollar note, and plncing it In the hands of tho Orderly Sofgennt, whilo tho ranker diil the same "I'll go >ou 11 live ,h,i|itr bill Hint yon will th- score waj brought in accordingly, but there appearing no score for tho would be recruit, the shouting wa3 tejtjfic, and many rude jests were again made at Seth's ex- pense.- "Jlonght yon not as well wait till the um- pires hev decided, before you begin to larf at a feller?" ejaculated Seth. "I've seed many a turkey trial decided agin the scor- ~era.~ "Why. yon don't suppose you've hit the target but once ?" askiti a^ranger who had a V staked oii the result- :, Mcbbe I don't suppose -o and m.-bbe I do." replied Seth 1 II er. > yon ten to one," said the confident soldi-T. J 'lake my ndviee, and don't you dew it," ausuen-d Heth. •oh. ho '. doni dare, ell? Can't go one j against ten ?" ejacnlated the fellow. •• Waal, you kin pnt up as many tens as you please, and eft can'tidver 'em, why you kin pick up your change agin." •Try him I try him! he's only blnfliug I only coming tho brag game I" said several of the m tiger's comrades. • I'll go my pile on that," said the confi- .dct.t >ne, and he forthwith produced sixty dollars, .which Soth covered with only six; but it must bo remembered thatthodehis were terribly against him inasmuch as the scorers' jrepott, if confirmed, would of coursegiv^e tho stakes'to his antagonist Tlio umpires, consisting of one officer of the 'company, who had no special interest in tho result, and two civilians, who w.ere ox- port iii the sport of rifle shooting, furUinith visited the tho target and examined the sev- eral hits, nnd on comparing them with tho record of the scorer3. it appeared there was djo mistake- "Thcitliit in tho bull's eye is a magnificent shot, bnt how so small a'sltignsthatgrcony's rifle carries, could make so Inrgo an orifice qs^Iuttds, is!».- niysstory. to me, u . remarked one of tll'o civil umpires. "I ngi'ee with you," replied the other civil- ian." v f'lt'is a remarkablo perforation, certainly," added the officer of the rangers, examining tlio hole with scrutiny, ami Uien turning the targofc around, they weie all struck with the fast that thpshot of the smallest bored 1 Ifle had readily pierced much tho largest hole thi-flngli tho board. "Sep hero too," ho con- tinued, finding the corresgoudjng hole iii the trunk ol tho tree-againlEwliicli.the "counter- feit- semblance", of tho,savage chieftain had rested, "canitlJo,pi)s^iblf> that.two bullets have, passed through this Orifice ?" The snggestioii.was improbablo, butsome- whatstarthng. It was again examined with keencts-serutiny than before; and for the pnr- -poso of solving the loast doubt in the matter it tyaaagreod to cut around tlio-correspond- ing perforation in tho treo, and to tho depth of tltp spot where tho bullet had lodged. A carpenter was forthwith sent for,, -with in- structions to bring the proper tools for tho job. In a-few minutes .ono was procured, and ho went to work with a morticing chisol and-mallet, under direotion of the umpires, and after, toiling somo ten qr fifteen minutes, horenibved oi cubo.of wood out of the jroo of abbnt five inches iu depth, which on bijing carefully split open, throo slugs, pressed firmly against onch other, with but little] va- riation lrom a truo lino, wero taken therefrom to ,tho wqndor and surpriso of tho umpires. Tho ffdUbi wns solved.' Seth Stark's bullets hnd traversed tho same holo and had lodgod •together, TKo-'iluzzas and tho laugh were now upon the'dthey sirtB, hufc"tlie 'contest was so ro- mnrkSbla'rtnil deoisiVifi—tho victory so com- plotOf-itllnt riven! those who had lost money lvC tliti Trlsult, joined with others in rendering nil homage to tho cccohtric bnckwoodsman. S»lh was I'ortflwith enrolled in Ihe ranks of 0111 , - , , . . - for th of Dover, andi an hundred times twenty-lour | from Clarksville, Nashville and all akui •; thej Cumberland. When Donelsoti flU th.t cor-1 ner stone of the edifice of the secessionists in one comer. In former Iet- ^OTvJhowstavery was being. lb. W^'fa'io^m^^Miai Uulf States teen : were becoming densfiiyjwffeajTOpajStteain.,. ll " *- constantly flowing' frOTri-'tlie^WorlP^'^a* 1 by-ond-by the troops .which luiV9?,iJbMffvic-, --asa^Bis JK^c^^_«.<'^t»TOi3« torions at-Donelson .wit! appear at. Chatta- <h>w^ 6n,|Ot3fm^«^ea*a« f nooga and Jlemphis, fSen at iew Orleans, dats.wheri tJer^ttS'wr'ftf tno tint a a r r w How can the corner stohejn its nature want- men conl* bo seen ready with their match? ing hardness and capaeitv for resistance'. 1 locks; an officer came in haste to captain wfthstand the shivering shook;. It will nod. 1 ^aac Hull and asked for orders to fire. What has been soon at. Donclson will be re- 1 "^ T o' 3**>" w « the ^" et response. As they peated all over the SoHth. DTsintregration . come still nesrcr,arid the British vesselponr- onco begun will go on with increasisinir ra-, «d in her fire, the first Ueutenant of the Con- pidity, and wbeiitliis >var is over tho world j stitttlion came on the poop «pd begged per- will see slavery as a political institution I mission to' retqhi tho broadside, saying that shorn of its power—as an economic system I the men could not be restrainfed much kin- profitless—and instead of beine ordained of. gor. "Not yet," was th* indifferenfr reply. Heaven, favored of t iod, nurtured by his ; Still nearer tho British ship came, and the 1'rovidence. it will appear in a fair waytobe, American prisoners, who. wore in tho cock- blotted from existence. Such, it deems, to l"t of tho Guerriero afterwards said that me, are the readings of the present hour. CARLFTT"' tliey began to believe that their own coun- trymen tvere afraid to measure their strength with that of the enemy, and this thought javo them moro pain than the, wpnnds A COMP \sio.v„rR";T"thjt:K. - V vory learned and compasionate Jndgo in Texas, on pac- ing sentence on John Jones, who h a d been convicted of murder, concln.led his remarks as follows:—"The fact is, Jones, tho Court did not intend to order, .you to be executed before next-spring, but tho weather is very cold; our jad, unfortunately, is" inv& very bad condition; much of the glass m the windows is in snch a, dilapidated, state that no fire can be made ta render your apartments coftM >fj!at broadside 'settled tlieh- opponents, and fortabie;,.besides owing to the great number I w | wn the smoke cleared away the Com- of prisoners, not more than one blanket can | nW( i orc ' S . tights were to he seen split from be allowed to each; to sleep sound and wa istband to heel. Truly the Commodore comfortably, therefore,, would bo out of the! hadasoul "toobigfor his breeches." Hoff- question. In consideration of these cirnini- \ m!in lrsai\ | a a,ja thftf njill, nothing discon- stanees. and wishing to lessen your suffer- eerted, gave his orderW'with perfect coolness, tugs as much as possible, tho-Court, in the , u ,j orJ|y changed his tights when the which some of them were stiu suffering, [n a moment tho Guerrier gallantly 'Tame forward, showing her burnished sides; and as tho swell carried her close to the very muzzle of "Old . Ironsides," Captain Hull, who'was then iraite fat and dressed ih fuli tights, bent himself twice to the deck, and' with eveiy mnscle and vein throbbing with oxcitomen t shouted out as he. made another: l ' gyratiop,."i\ow, boys, poor it into them." •^Tlia"' ' '- " "' l """ * * exercise of its humanity ah'd coinpas.- hereby order you to be executed tu-ntoirew morning, lis soonn.after breakfast as may ,i e convenient to the Sheriff and agreeable to yon" Ihilieh coniuiandw's sword was given up to hinj. Bight Gr^at Bhiilers. We We'll wager our old hat that not half a dozen outside the printing fraternity can read the following. To the latter, however. it will bo as -plain as daylight. QI-KRV.—Can you not divine the signs ol tho times ? The rebellion uow raging in the Southern \ of the Republic is without a in any *; of tho world's history. Its ..are the basest ol scoundrels, und the yo\ eminent will em -an opportunity to tiieiu from the face of tho earth. When they 1 1. I n firiu" upon l'oit Sumter, shall fall into the JB@P~®g nPtln- l-'eileral -j. In believing (hat there would bo a di- authorities, their" necks will he worth simply vj,i(,,i Xortli. nnd an apathetic Federal Uov- 0. The t is unsheathed, and "down with p-vtiineut. the rebels," will be the 1 of all right-minded. -5 j„ believing that they would have the men, the world over. Such of the robula as I ]„.;,*• sympathies of Europe. ^ are loft lrom the halter .should bn made to 4. [n behoving that the bonds of their iuffor s t r i p e s till they see *,* in the con- i < -onfedm-aey would readily bo taken in give below an articlo from the col- umns of the Religious Herald, a Babtist pa- per uf Richmond. Vu. It shows so mucn inoie . .,li|e-s i.l'judgmeut and candor of mind Hun vv c 'an: in the habit of finding in our ^oiithci 11 exchanges, that we deem it w-.ithy of special notice. II says the South has made at least eight great blunders, and ontimonites them as follows : stellation of the Union. Ti!<*.••: I'VSSKS. -^'I'lio I'ongrt-sionul Committee on Ihe oondnot of the war have been curious about- tho [lassos ubielt have been indiscriminately issued since the rebel- lion broke onl Ono of the persons captured by our troops beyond 1 -Manassas, in the real of the rebels, had in, his possession a. pass signed by tho Provost Marshal as lato as tho 7th of March. There was also fount! 'upon his person a large number of important doc- uments belonging^ to Beanrogard, showing that tho barty-eaptured was closely connect- ed with the rebel commanded Tho passes issued by the Provost Marshal to visit the army of tho P o t o m a c , were offoet.nn-1 to pass tho bearer through our own and the rebel liues. It was undoubtedly in this way that the rebels obtained their information that our army was about to march, and wcro ndnionished that it was time to evacuate -Manassas. "I say, boy. whose horso is -that yotl are riding?" •- _ "Why it's daddy's." "Who is yor daddy?" "lion't you know?' Why,it's Undo Pete Jones.'' • - "Ho yon w o niso0"6f-your uncle?* "Why, yes, 1 calcnlato I aiu. Von. sen. dad got to bettwldowor, and marriotl moth er's sistoit so,l reckon he's my uncle." "Papa," said n>•littlo girl tho other day., "people talk abont tlio United States anno iy—why dont'iliqp. talk about this AV/ *n|.' Don't the soldiersflfiuit logins well ns anus.'" Ktirope. 0. I iv believing that the military power of the Vorth would be directed in a crusade against slavery, rather than be employed for the overthrow of treason, and tho estab- lishment 1.1' the Union and Constitution. 0. In believing that Northern courage ami physrpto -were 110 iijnjch fof ( Southern, or that"in tuittle ono Southerner equals five Yankees. 7. In believing that tho flag of Cotton Oligarchy would wave over tho Capitol at Washington, and the roll of slaves bccalled on Bunker Uill. 8. In believing that the fnncieil..omnipo- tence of of cotton wo\ild dominate the com- merce of tho world. »„,, % . Tho Western panel's SCQ no need of fun in tho recent rebel defeats. Tlio Louisville lleniocmt M not Very serious. John C Brockhigridgo is fanning for the confederate congress. Ho must think it is sumewhero in tho neighborhood if Nash- ville or Xew Orleans. . If Bucknor Was, as has boon declared, pne of tile- "great guns" of rebellion, he certainly goes of very easily. ' ••— ..." Ih-eckiuiidge, Bucknor and Hartjoo, gr&ifj gun., of rebellion, only showed their Bfec'ch- os atBowling Oreou. .".'..••• If'.reff Davis Wants lOm&el into n safe place, wo ndsisoltiiii.to climb a high tree and drawvit up offer him. .:!l Koni'teeii JJltirs of prairio liens liitTO 'JtM t en sent fmiill Chicago to linb;lai«l>i» lm&$ re intended for tineeu Viotona's hennery. I had rather have a good man's prayer* (aid up in Heaven for me, than anything a King coold give. It is good to ask' for phy- sical and eyeraaT'thiOga'rT-wo: need them, and we get them. It is good to ask for se- cular benefits; bat rib "innn's. life consist- oth ijotia the abundance of tho" things which he possesseth;" a man's life is'joy, peace, faith, immateriality—it is heart.' In that realm where heart is, there is the realm of God's answering of prayers; and there he hears us pray for others, and others pray for as. Arid the prayers are not instantly an- swered. The answers art* reserved,, because, the multitudes of things asked for have to bo wrought out, and not because Ood. is in- different, or wishes to tantalize His crea- tures. I do not think that Ood sits and tri- fles with us, as we do with our children when, we hold ont tempting fruit towards them, and then, when they, have reached after it, and almost clasped it, draw it back. There is no such, trifling with ua by tho Divine Be- ing as that. Bnt if my child asks me for a tubi'ose, though I plant a bulb immediately, and comply with- his request at the earliest possible moment, months necessarily elapse before ho gets the flower. And tho reason why our prayers are not answered at once, is not because God would: tantalize us, bnt because things for which we risk are so large, and require snch a development, that there is of necessity a space between asking nnd the getting.—F r o m Iieeefier's Sermnnx. Wm Incidents. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Com- mercial relates the following incidents oftho battle of Foi't Henry : " A friend of Mine shqfyed' me tho plate on his belt, which had been struck by a bul- let, and fli'e U in TJ. S. entirely obliterated and yet lie .was not hart. Another bad the pictures of his wife and mother ih separate cases, in,Jus1ide pocket, and a balfpassed through bo^andjaflg^'in the inside one, saying.his life. ^e,Kas't,iie gfctnres.to send to,)ib3. wife by express; jt memBei' of the Sth'SpsSQuri hits a half dollar in, his, pocket, which was.stfnok with so.uracil force as to bend Jhe ejfges together and enclose the ^GmebaTi. JL Colonel of one of the regi- meStsJound Tolit of his men hid behind a siaMji; tufa riding up with great gravity, ask eJ"&ern'if,iiat stump needed so large a g'aard, A. 'private Soldier received ten wounds, and yet sat ou a log, and loaded and fired as long ns he could see the ene- -V SEt'ESn FKHAI.K O.vl'OHT. The Louisville Journal has the following anecdote of Gen. Bueli: "A few days ago, as Uen. Buell was riding on horseback through the streets of Nash- ville, an aristocratic lady, a Mrs. W., living in a fine large house, stood at an open door or window, waved a Rebel flag toward him, and cried, "Hurrah for Jeff Davis and the Southern Confederacy?" The'Ueneral rein- ed In his horse, turned towards the lady, touched his hat with all the courtesy and Suavity for which he is remarkable, and, snr- ||£jfiS|gjhfi,fine house from top to bottom :|ntrjjfiy||tepf a connoissnre, quietly re- mrjfEe3; ' ^ S ^ ^ ^ B e n t house for an hospi- tal" ' In It^'jr&'J^teAours every room was full of ss& soidrepaprj^w. was politely requested to take crolfllMhem. We heartily congratulate her ed privilege of ministering to the nei suffering patriots.". A; \- G e n . T h o m a s A. Davies. The following sketch of Gen. ThomasA. Davies whichwe take from the New York Herald, will be found irlteresting to mahyof * oar readers : , "Gen. Thomas A. Davies, who Has just, been made, by the President and senate, a Brigadier General, is a native of St. Law- rence county, in this State. , He entered the military .A&ffirleuiy at "West Point in 1825, and graduated with honor in 1829. He was attached to the Regiment then commanded by Col. 2ktchary Taylor, afterwards oar Pres- ident. It was then stationed at Prairie du Chfen, in Illinois where taent. Davies im- mediately repaired and he remained there with Gen. Taylor two years. He enjoyed in a high degree the confidence of that difltin- guishedomcer, and it was a favorite remark of hisjthat if he wanted anything promptly done and well done he called on Lieut. Da- vis to do it. In 1831 Lient Davies was or- dered back ti West Point to assume there an important military command. In 1832 he resigned from the.jo.rjny. and.engaged in commercial business in this city, as a clerk in the house of Goodhue & Co, Mr, Da- viescontinned in the active discharge of mer- cantile affairs for abont thirteen years, when he retired from business, and has since con- tinued a resident of this city in private life. "Although a firm and consistent demo- crat, and warmly attached to the principles and policy of that party, as was his father, Judge Davies, of St. Lawrence county, and ever yielding and earnest support to its can- didates, yet on the publication, of the first message of Jefferson Davis to his rebel Con gross, at Montgomery, Mr. Davies avowed his determination to stand by the Union, and act only with those who would rally to its defence. -When the attadk Was made on our flag at Fort Sumter, he, in common with our whole pupulation, rallied to vindi- cate its honor, to avenge the insult offered to it, aud to sustain the Government, the Constitution and the Union. He immedi- ately tendered his services to the Command- er-in-Chief, and soon after was elected and appointed Colonel'of the. Sixteenth Eeg'r mont N. Y. V. This regiment was mainly composed of sons of St. Lawrence, frieBds of Col. Davies, or sons of his friends., ne joined the regiment at Albany on the 1st of May, and brought it np to a splendid suite of dicipline, when ho loft jthero with it for the Potomac, about tho close of Juno tot. On the 1st Jnly ho was placed in cornrnatld..... of a brigndo, consisting of tho Sixtieth, Eighteenth, Thirty-first. and Thtety^ecppd regiments N . Y. V. This brigade lie crjm- inandedtilll after the battle of Ball Bt% when some of the regiments were-'CbangjgoV and he continued an Acting Brfgadiej; Gen- eral until afctint the 1st of October last, ' General Davies' brigade composed tlto,loft wing of our army on its 7 march to and at the batflojof Bull Run. He commanded Unit wing of onr army at that battle, ano Bsffciir the defeat of our forces on the riglij; ^Ulg, on that ever momorable day,, the. jliprly as Is woll known, fiercely attcked dmS&witig, • but were gallantly repulsed Djrtbs WWWji of General Davies,. aided *by Horita ,i^W Greene's batteries. Gefjeral Davies WongM off his brigade frerft.tM'field j)l battle in or ,der to denfewille. ,Wnere, onUeqeril Jfp Dowef s ailwtuj aUd-onliis passing fllroagti lo, Wrahitigton, General' Davies was" nloocd incommana^fffiihrmy, and imiJor lis' ©yo and command it whs brought in safety to Al&andvia.' Ctbnoral HcDo'wll^n^tliFrOn! fiial report oftho battle, says;. 'OolantllM vies, in tho sevornl places his dply ctuled him, did most effectt^ogervlco/and behaved tothe-aostgnUnpfepftigoigk^c ,1 if. "Ge&eraJ Davie^"jliamf|^rjp.5pri)rttotod jby the President 0lidtSgftaiifJ4gaU«nt«rWSf ^ctAtthafc*9*aBjrjth^totJ#e,e|jip^ taMid thdrawUjnoft f IiOuTMeu M # n o « , been confen?ett.'' ~- P ft '• '1. ll. V -[1 -"ffTji •pt|itililj'ili,,'rr^-i '^f^E?'_¥aw jfi v e^^w^w^^^W* 1 ^-. f t^n- u ' w M** , / % +^,rr " l ^ ' J ' ^ s, »1 - i J&ilt. •'(< jt-iiV f i t / 1 AuV A-W R '^^*^&^m-i ^»ir^$ : i^^ C %%8££^rim^^&m&!#w.erf*& t •i .y**-** -ti ^r&Ji % 27-,

vo&ao. POTSDAM, ST. LAWREJNOE COUNTY,.-JS. Y., …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031769/1862-03... · e^^ujwiwwi.'wg.1 i —' ''•"• '*""•'"'•"•'-"•'"•'wiJmWiiii^

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Page 1: vo&ao. POTSDAM, ST. LAWREJNOE COUNTY,.-JS. Y., …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031769/1862-03... · e^^ujwiwwi.'wg.1 i —' ''•"• '*""•'"'•"•'-"•'"•'wiJmWiiii^

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vo&ao. POTSDAM, ST. LAWREJNOE COUNTY,.-JS. Y., W E D ^ P M D A Y , 31AUCIT 2(5, 18(52. suuVntcnceM1!" .

6ttufei,.. Published m w / WeJiK»ilnj" ffjifaja^aj f ,

K d j t o r * iV gyojIMftfejmMj, •, .

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S t e a m P o w e r Preftg l»rli>tora, P0teJ)AM,«.V.

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ij or ilaitij,«9.by' nreu i |a)JX."?„!«'loUOr,. , R

nK«Mi)8tl9^ or |hut»g«.im are. are ijmtea. io npi^y u> • rlotBr, " jmp personally .or by Iy«0rt ,Vpr tbe cwivvoUipce of

tWInliSWBftHH ohirlghbnrtaif li>*m)| SJesurK. « n O " ^T^t'Ulttt, dMlaHacnii[ JiUUltKWCHEttiripPi at Norf.,lfi; J . Jf,BiiMfcof»'l!lyiit>'0,a»d.A..li'«OTK, fe»i.,».( (i.1 ton, wrti kwii filnffk «.nnvv4 toul frill W i r * xubuxw tttpi'rfcctfrffi'lhsoriim'n;'' ' ' - .i - W j i i K K O W I J - k i , Atresr. ;l"wsn<u, Jan. H1861. . *»lf

| ,&'p'lCKIXSON,


AS-VI1EL WA L, Proprietor j.



• Devoting thomBotyea oxouistTOjy tothopraottco oTXaM1-in all its branehe", POlSDAtf, SVLA Jf. CO., ' i ^TJ

W. A. DART, Notary'PubllOi'u < i ' . • ' c. O. TAPPAN, United States Commissioner

A-ttoraay?. &c.» .POJSJAJI,^^-.

All business' entrusted will y° attended to witbonC delay-. •

/&• 0£«x in P««'i.B(«*. -ffia •


Potsdam, St. Lawrence Connty, New, X01*, . -Will devote tholr attention to tho practice of tbo law in tbo several Courts'of this Stato'rbfld will rallbfully uttend to all business entrusted to IhjMr'caro.

^f- Particular attention paidrocollectlng.


Polsdam, St. lowircnco Coonty, "Now York, hereanor'givo'hul undlvhldd'Qttontion to the proo, of bis profession, hUho cour|ta ot jhliSlato, nice East Bideof Market street, oyer Wilkinson's


Coltoh, "Si I^w%cScouMty'';%ovr''YoVlr.'': CoUccttog.'.pwwyanojpgjtS'SuMtipof rt>tthr\U)y and

promptly attended to.

§A!ivtlJEi;'»^6lBfiOSf, ' ' " ATT0l&lt*'1ato"^erSEU)S,-' : ' -

Potsdain, St, lawrenco County, Ncw.Ynri. '

ta bo found in tirarn. Tlwy have Jnst


J#«St, -* faB' best

&<lSilneyi!ri({ style aad trorranli'd. ' ' . " - • ' . Uly

It: ::''|ti^i54Ci^T^EBs,

Resident ! ^ ^ Dentists, DRS, t l , having citmplptod an ctftg^ut siii l of Pontal

1*0001* irt'lJwromjo & J^idd'a Block.^ove le t te r f«qIlU.j$('tban s ^ T (or tmrsiiing UJO ililioceut brandies of t(ioir jirpfcsaion J>c>ti,


^ J S s p c c l a i A i t c r t t i o n given to tJio |>n!sei-valUm

of tUtV&Ttriua Oatu^tS, iimt IT powIbL? to j>rc«ln(lo the

a^dj)Hbirof tl!6 ^iterjite-reswrt,*' (artjitewl Jcntore,)

oH^liicli, In most Uistuioos,

Silver is "^ood t*T

Go!d.ls^lWUer,'f . r -

ESicn of wiilcliwo coirairuutta scvfrsriiftt.'rpjit styles^ imid iij; iha bait tiosslblornhnnnr.

CHLOHOtfOH?! WA EXWH iktm^nlstrrott if dctirai. A'dykCk c r a t l i

' O F I I O E B O W . 1 8A*V m f i P . U . B0W5LUI ISUlTHEItli

CiiQtoo, Dec 23 , I860. . SMy-

Liyerj rfTyEgitiwtirtWrtffcoopflOriilcIrtJS. IJVRBY on Bny-X ruTTTKf filrcwt—OffliaJ at ilw Amnrlcan Ilotol—nn«l Um prt-parcd tn wflit •jrtcafltom^ra a( all li<iur», noil fiiniirtli tbijn) »'|(Ji ^ IlC8^ l«ftO^ to U*' hn<l lu imvn

ffnr Jfrtty BtnKOiff'T Soulli OftttUiji, Plerrppoui and (JiiiUm,u-aU'aal.2O'»cU»ck.l>.il-,rctanjlnMatl0o'cV.n

A. si. tiAvn atAniAV, /**v«

Geo. W. Melotte, D$JTAL SUB&EOU;

rtlAKh-S ii|«(3ure m J.ifp/jiHngihucUrizoiiMO.Ti.t-'tluJii X »Uil vMufiy thutlw! ha4 porrtMHietitiy kio'ii.',, him «o»r«t the oincotof tUola.e Dr. I/mia I*arki;r, i'«rn«*r cf fclm im.i aiarkot Strccrt*,. .

i^o- rsx^^a- iv t , aw. TKT.

KlVE YEAH8 PKAOnOE. l«mi(; >»f thf nrat otneca ia the SUit«, wli*r« bo !m» jjjtadt* J.i.n.S'Jf jirnctjcaJIy aa\asiniU->i w.tlt ,ii! ilin jip-proved ii>*'A!nnl80f JnatirtliisArtirtcJai TwfHh.w.Ui ih.-fttipi-ov ipoiitH [n all the r.irlduti br^ivlti-i *>f Uja {«• (, fwMjrni, Uo PofifK-ctfaHy oftutH Ma uervtc-^ (» ati (i[.|»rff ufciUvv nl(ii illaiirimioailrfK pablln.

i« it.wh wl»i) biw tbo l«^a( rlgbt Ut two tbo

(>iobrated Pa t en t Vulcaai te Ih&o, Vor ArtUt.-ialTe«tti( «*.H. lu V-aC« of ijfflil i>r ftttrcr

I*lat»', M nicli tsftoportor u> vit\t&r, ami l*ss ecp&nxiKt

«wn Gold.

fey U«H lO'-EHVl altevlul-saiviiniry <•< fli in A u u ^ l ,

-Hiw w»»rti M o«r ilftbte to.tfel «at cf rt*i«iir; citnwo«l Jh-

uUHy t» KtVoi to tlw) operator, EO r^sttrt-o t!w; uuKiUi

aiul fain' ly Uicir oriainaj form. Tlio *faso ami D-.tsfi.rl

iritli w/Jich Ibcy a re worn, tiictr

tAgtitnviift, T a s t c l e a s n c i w A C I c a n l J t » e « « ,

h a v B C " " " t«<it!ip*/D»lru«twi m tUt3 maimers ivrffei*-oiico «ver jilrolhtra.

if3«y vriu>U)jva isstol GoW Witt SUvt»r PVtto tevtt Bafa-0litrttc.1 tlic Vutisuiik*. Eaa!„ahd profct ,i ^


T^tl* UisrrU!it-ffit©«W»niI8itvcf I'late if i*r*-f».-CTfO.

lJarlieyl^r fttteotioa paiit t o Filling 'J'eeth,

tcKia nxirMivd w*th !tifii|«3p»» I m p r o v e d

« e t f » a « l l u g B a t t e r y t «t ib Huh- or w> paai

ftiritefilar at&nittM* J*TW U> rcgajlatin,: C>»il«jits


h't*.t»m, Mairli. I I , (?^i U ly-"'

B * n ^ k ^ n i t t h i i i K a n d * a r r i a p c J l l i k i n g .

rru!»: M'lsaCBJiffit uk^y !<(-.-.< M. ST.

HJ>A >i*¥ a»ft S ^ i w u ^ l w i ' . fa y MUHII Bunk

nf^r tf,.> M rAwrrtj<r'» H"t'l KalC-rftjj!"- * •» -ic-i BJ».: «Atij'ti'-(i«i «»iar4st»v^t All -f-tr««(jiTHinpily ait<*i»fAl

L i M ^ hKS no, 1-JI1 39 1?

J ^ g | ^ .

M « U t .


'Tls riigtu, itecp night, mi l «lurfcnens relgnrj-suisreme.

PiJr ear tb t» «biul JWCJ in a d.irItso»i« v n t ,

Ptic radiant .tun lias shed hta Ja.it br lsbt Iwam —

Una sonic In granOour in tbe a i t u n t Woil .

SJIVI; wlioit th" aoft WUut Ihroiisb Lh" tr**o-tou bloviffl,

All Nataro 'a fau&ncil lo rtlllnBJ» flntl rci-yao-

.Tbafi'atbcr'-tleongjjlor'a sought bis n»t lvu yrovcj r

Tii* tiilibcsniuf! niulrrel "a so^tght Iita wvii-lKiwwo

t ree ;

Tbe [lr<'l«tiA *Mgi« and liio tfcud'ir U> 'oF *-

Bav n each & baliitatl"fi wlit-re they (I?

To r*»i. rr*/M»j man baa wnglil bis « ' ' ' .

Atld^ftfkiies-1 thadu* the living and DIT

Wealth, lies him down »f» ben of Jti .ti

Ii( gortfcotii room tvlib-jot a single 'latr *

Ibcft'toarfeeit tlio ipntrast of stern P u t - n t i . r

With UttorclM&nfcft a i tJ . teon. t i vf 9fra*

Fair Iimor^noe -ieopi sweet I >, /PArlrt^ ;.>*.iisbt.

W"hM<: nuvt n.mbwn^i ti h'< ^--T . H - th»n„-iit

Pool d'toda of darknorfa In liie dark zr" WT-IUBIII .

BroUier wrongs br&thter 0 , in drt)o uf old.

XJm Bghcmtng villain oxcoi les Ids pi r t ;

•n.« sasaailti slrlicofta fatal bbw for COLD;

Gold, r isbl iy termed Ibc " r u n of c t - r r evil '*

Y- n i i o faUhfal Servimt ^f—tbo 1&\ i!

But njurn again wfll c u w e - l w ia« ana*.-.

And 0-wItiieiJi (ico-b^/ofc bit shi-jiatf fact.

J U /rafid tui toomiU, U tuaj^>£r, tbe sluf-i,

yy i£n iutad puUed la iii»- aayi* «f -»i>^:e

Ab I *abtc tri^bt, til? Jrowctd !».!« ed Are so:>-.

JTor ovffrbaad that ma.U.bf£r* <irb lull* uu :

PyTvoja, MARCH 20, I&»2.

'«j i-t.'tt'u;i v\tzry nmail , ' fc>aiil ii;wUt«r ranger. •I'htiji. yun RIII'L ski::," fifiiii Ht*Ui. 0 !1 lay Vi.n a five tlmt*5-'.>u -i^Oii't pnt a

£jr»!H" Hlittt'wiitMn t!i*« outi'r dr i ' l^ (,f tho ' ' v\fm:-<\ a ilnr-t. •ui \vye,

W, .Jll t

I Svlll, „(! t4..\


I e lu b.'t.

• 1 tl p> liny (jonu ywi .l-.n't !ii! tin- Mil 's i yo <uice,''*9aid a mor* eiutinmrf member of the Ktfmn Ailca corpd,

• "I'lafjk yonr inoncy,gentlemen—I in goud fur a do^eu or two more jt:dt such- wager» -hov them ail writ downs Mister Sergeant, so theroeajo'SWriOinjstake." ' . •.

rieth's inSitattoh wa3.Jtespp«dod to by miarly half t h o lueuibera of tbe euiupany, an4 oc| flgunna np t h e ag"rejfitlo ol all the lUik .^ l t ' amonnted t o nearly two Hundred •lutlara. bnt a t each successive wafriir t he chaheus fur his winning were niade much .smaller a i . the last o n e l ie had offered him n-i|itired him to hit tho ball's eye twice out cf three times, and bea t lii.-r three antago-mik'i.

innHter. ''Kyfs fruiit."' always seomr>g to be _"eyes left,'' and "uye* li^l^t'' rippuura t J hv "uyos front."

ri'ho Ethan Allrn finardH havi- r.-i.-i'iitly been innstfrod into the toH'vien of yqcle riam; and if thuy ever i<et into an en^aire-nrcat, wu^ by V> the rcb^ti v.lm become taf-(;ets of Both S(arlj, th" (,'ivfii ^fuulltair) Sharp Shooter.

A r » i i t r a t > a n d ' .

tin; company, and llp,ujrli he aii|..-an",l vory j Ho l< ! i e r ' » 'Ten t , i n t h e M o r n i n g , awkward at first in the ranks, IK i - f.ist: ' 'juirin* the positions and bearings of .a wi-U | '1'lip iadies Y*$ like to kqpw how tlte o'er* ilrillud soldier. Tlio frrnatrat difficuliy In.', l,,vid suldiei-'passes tlio. day's irio$t .un-ro-has to encounter is his left haudedin'ss. I mantic hour ; and ft gl^fihM' writer in the while his crpoked eye only troubles his drill | Sprit of the Titiiia \Mii sfeetrJIies the fiirie'

Yesterday I saw a boy. bluek as anlhm-cite with large, lustrous eyes an>l teeth as white as purest ivory, lie sv;i.s thiiteun years old, rjern in Kentucky, but for sovpruL years ha3 lived near Hover. His master ho •i . . , , , . i> I " l f c i > 3 l l u u v.wiM ijiiuuiiii iui Mi vii* x vim u n a

\ -aaw,go»t lemen, ' "s iud3eth ," l jes t want » » » l w a s » sentleman. owned urenty-four i ^ • t a n 6 t i o „ t h = , W 3 . m n B t a c h o is l ike . . x . r / : . g . ' ' i l u ' . u < 1 D * . ^ T , , ' ,...' J.. IT , . . ' . 1 • slaves N o matte where saw lum. o n t o - M o ( y l a n < s in t h o p i e t l ] r e 3 , a n J h n 3 c o m b e d

what circuiujtaiices, but behuld tiuu ' • - ' against

f rolt-eaU :—-Of courad all wero out at rail, call; then they, have folded the bkyikets, und the corn shucks are ueafjy swept up, boarded m. and tho blankets' laid bn top; (Jid is washing in the basin ontside-^-his brawny itaek open to the rooming air. Jol|iij, witk-fl,' prido peculiarly his own, comb­ing his dark hair so exquisitely. The ser-. peani? wbridfil's "what they've got for break­fast" and nihkes a bad face at the -word pork, and: is>. arraugiug; to fry tho rem-nan^ of last njgkt's boiled. hominy; whilo .Vlait i3 off to the spring for water, harnessed with, the fiyc c'anteeni Tom fidgeting aronnd,*ahd-wtristl!h*' Canaan,' iD-aTemork-ably rapid manner, wonders, in his turn, whether to .yfgai his gray coat or blouse, or ifit is not cold enough for fioth. Tom h«a

dcr : to make one more bet. 11! lay ten dollars j that j'll hit the M i ' s eye.three times-pro-j 7 ' " u , u ; ""T"" ! vidin'that the winner s U g ? over to'the j — * ™ £ $ ' i t n v n r n a m i trout, tna <v»mnflitv. i 2 . .


I tnvorn and treat the compairy.' I "I'll take tha t wager," said the commander i oi the rangers stopping forward and deposit-,

int? the stakes, " a n d ifyou win I shall no t , only cheerfully disbnrse it in tho manner yon ' have auagested, b a t receive you into the | corps and famish yoa with a uniform free of i expense.". «•. !

"'tOdgi on yonr head, Captin," answered Setl i ; '"and e f I do r r t win I'll bo round to- j morrow and stand t r e a t agin." |

The three sharn-shpoters suggested the idea oi having a rest for ^iheir rifles, as the range was long, anrl ttie slightest variation of the aim would citirry the shot wide of the i M •„ , „ „„,,;„, ,„ji, •. imwk.1mt.Botb a rgae r i aga ins t i t . and appeal- i n P f " d o r 0 " n " "" ' . . „., ~i L i S T i . ™ ™ , ! . . : " I s y o u r master »seeessi/jjiistr

Ho was secesh.ina.-oi, but IK l>.

I it down straight 'like an in versed hazel bush ' l over a wobdehuck's hole,' as the sergeant

circumstances, but behuld him | or half leaniif"

h - - r „-™?nb0I1 ' ' " " & °'M says, and t o o b " peculiarly savage. I s I :t ereasy shirt of sna I-eolored j ran. t h e eon-1 Jown t h o j •„,,. ^ "«>of ^

ume negro do th , such as one half t he South- j ( , | k u o t h j d m w , ^ k a Q ( j eniaruiyia,Coinpel!edt . Jwear. H.s slouch- { | u u k i t

Jb^t ^ s a v e d rations goto the

«lhn . t iStipp«lV.ck up«,,his_h^d. / ,h.iw- | c i j | f u l u ] ' a n d h e , ^ £ r n M l • ing a countenance indicativt' of in'-olji^-nrp. As it is my way to gain inf'umation from all possible sonrces 1 engaged him in convi'i-sa-tion.

"Well, my boy. wh.it i "Irick, Massa." He runs his eyes over nu* to seee wh it I i

am up to . ••Where do you live?"

Abou t fourteen mil^s from Dover.Massa.

l y o


ed toj thu:eomrnariiIei'. j ' : ^oa^ seeir Capt in , it 's all very well a t : i taTtceJ^ 'So^ na t ft •Won't do in the wood.

" ' I t


no itio talking bcijut it, dad. I'm fite the en-'niy. 'Hi' ' Cnion is in

langvr - N'ennofii s TO dan/.-r. and Hard scrabble in par'tickier's in danger, and fn bound for to go.' find i.ut anoth--

. . . - . . . , , woods wftep59lffJ)3iB and wolves are about ; and I kiiMSf^nteS i t wohldn 'fe-do ' ia t he battle fie(<l^|nji^,gve3y soggr wpntd.kerry anigger a3..g|eS|S5in the 3 o q t h to use as- rests for tBiffisSiJffin'irons.'*". , ••^TjfiisMrgtm^tmtJ>rOTitited,, aifiWie decideti

| UlaShe^ilotsfehouid be mdde:offliand, and If-nma won't 'iffitnip, i l l J t l iati ton seconds shpnld b^.allfr^edsin.ta.kiug cnitin' station, darnesl i ainr, 'au|£,t!te cieee was at the,s.£otiWer.

. . \i_ l ' * , * _ •eJ&Kj^-^Y.> 1-.Z- i - ? - i i . ' j s i ' . .

nov,\ Tl is. af? I happened to know, wa-i correct

boot and clothes brushes, and rattan brooms for the streets, etc..) Tom slaps me on the back, and vociferously shouts :—'.How are yoa, J im i, (Whistle.) 'Washed your face? guess not !'• (Fidget and whistle.) 'Ba , J i m ! got" any m'on.ey'? fro np to the sutler's and get a pound of butter—that 's a good fel­low.' (Pigeon-wing, whistle, and exit be­tween naps in the tent) 'Good-morning, J i m ! ' says (jid, 'get me my coffee 'while yon are abbot it,' wilt yon? Here's my cup.

. > 1 1 fafloff he rd ! milk-woman, give me a p i n t I men ( i [ m y murjiij _£yecents ;bere ' syo tu i money.

' Wints .aue 'ni i lk for your coffee, J im? ' i t e r s , now i 'j and get some, 'forb it 's gone,' . The

testimony, the master appearing with ereat i 3 ( , r „ ( . i j l t & a p p 0 a , t e d sergeant o f the gnaftj boldness at lunera l Ur. ints iea.U,uurters t „ ' . t ! a y . m r ^ l ^ p j . 8 e e h i m fbrtflying. to let it be known he was, f.,r tlio L m. u. ,, R a n s y r i l i r e a r d i y w i ^ &il!i fc^ m i i h a n J

••Are you a slave, Hick? •• • , ; i a w ] l u h afUiX l o a t o f b f ^ j .kiifejn "1 was a slave, but t'se fref n^vr: 1 -f1. *i ,- . . « . " - ' ^ •„.... ..'._ i-t. _ i — I " T


old i Mr

l i i

K K L P Y O U l t P l i O H K U l Y XlXTiSHJ Jr t f-Z 1 >.

C o n t i n e n t a l I n s a r a u c c C o . ^ S9DO.OOO

Commenced business iglft. QapUoland SarplUs,... . . .^.. soco.oob

.'1 , T p B N ' E J t ^ S


PS1SEE1S:; J EATIEE ! ' ' •'. < $08C8|XtB.'43,,~ " "'

J . L_,OF2D S.-• »,... J . S . t O I t D , A g e n t .

Potsdam, Jan, Sa. KC3: fir ty

Cl»r "of HnrOtor*. Capital and Surplus, . J . . . . . » 3 5 0 , O O 0

C l n r o f S o » n a T f n . Capital and Sorplns,.... S33O t OO0

Phosn ix* Qf B r o o k l y n Capital and Surplus 9 3 1 0 , 0 0 0

<Wc«ccrR M O M . Capital and Surplus, $ 3 2 0 , 0 0 0

All tbeso companies are sound and reliable. H.Hf . R K D W A Y , Aeont.

Potsdam, Kov. 1£60. ,.; S*-ly

a . r . W E L C H , WAECrf M A K . E K A N D J B W B L B K .

•• POTSDAH, n. T., Sbop In ibLCt front of I t a l i c ft Dlalsdcll's

Crockery Stozo, facias Mala Street, near the Bridge- Particular att^atipn paid to repairing elects and Watches, and tnalp3 itnslcal Instruments. Re-Uovtn^ that ho can give general satisfaction, h* soUo t a sbaro of tbo putoltc natrcnagc. 3-S6

x. w-EionT, P A I N T E R . a L A Z I E B . AND P A P E R ttASOEB,


Shop over I.. C Myers ffiacisautb *U»»i>, umr Uve SI.

I^tttrenco Hotel, on Main Mm-i

quick. 'ITlal's what t told th Officer, ahtl thai - \chat ! t-'H wu '

Thi» spsn-ch, o! .1 hard :".-!<d lirwu Mm,, tain boy with a rifle in his hao.l. was made not long since to the officer of a ii-en ting

! atatidn in Montpeiier, Vermont, w! •»liad interposed some objections to the stout lad'-enlisting, to wit: that- his visual organs pp--scnted o decided, case of strabismus tint his body was slightly angular, that h-style of speech and manner shock'-l *h' eyes a SBWfc fiX the gentlemanly cull'-/ ; r i'

M^M^^Ensf i ra^K who had thniwn do'

meaf3tora,forn'OTd»%^''bpiifflfe'as; 'and n&o because thi> aiip&aK^ifcta tacnrably feft-handed.

••How'old arc you*"' asked the [Jcntee ant.

'•Twantv lastgras-s." "What has be*-n yr i : ipsii^sss ?"' "Cottin' logs and S!K« .tin'-bars in winter

and drivfn' cattie a.*>,l HK-W^* gra*? in ,scm mer."

"Shooting bears, eh ?" "Yeas, ehootin' bars."' "Then 1 SBpnose yotS wottld take aim at a

tree in one direction, and hit th" bear in an other," said tho officer, derisively. '*l*m afraid, in battle, you'd be much less danger­ous in the enemy's ranks than in otrrs."

"I know I'm a leetie" cock-eyed, cer, but I've fetched mauy a bar ... than a hundred rods, an! at Utrkey shoots, the

"IfeftMyB'cffief w& paJnleii in gaudy edl&rs, ;6Ke-of life, and the bull's eye was

' hand, his coffee.' farther up pie street I ! met the guard of bnr comp'anyj'nitTelieYed, 1 andInmgryas bearahi thsspring,- rnshing . down the way in overcoat, and rat­

tling cartridge boxes, shouting—s&eakfast for the guard,' at the top of their Inngs, and

-Where were you when tie: lifhl w L> su­ing on at Fort Donelson.'

"At home, bnt when M:--.\ f -.ed i]e fort was took he started ns all off for rle Sonf,

phwed.ort.thc lea side, in tlio region of t h e ' b n t , w s ^ a w * y1

a n ' J c 0 , m ' ' ! u w" u> u°W<perceiv*that tli^y are jist-irl thmVto'save hea^wi th three a r cha drawn around it. " " l ^ . ^mefent - , m.,-.-,i. , -. ;•„ ,1K1 t h e b ' b a c < ! , n : ' f o r " toa!l swarm of toffee-a n a l w i s ^ e r s t o o d that from the center ' . , T h l 3

n ? ' ^ 3 ' Z . -'r ul't™ l - r ™ , ,f #ir t- s i : J ,. t. i ^ M L inherent weuKne?s ol t i e oenier sto^,^ of

oftho btUTS eye each shotshonldbemeasnr-l . ,,.. . , „ . ,„.„ „ „„.•»„•,., ( n e a / ' . » s b a ^ s h o o t e " «nd the backwoods-' f * f s , a ; h e m^Z fi i 'i ' • ratta-dte#>lot8 fbc the first lire, which fell to j h l 3 ^ " ' v f ; ™ . (-'ha ' t e l s- "*"*•ho wf "T»'« e i T r i i f , ' , ^ ™ , , . ho run Sonth. became perverse and v.erud " g M P | % . f c n n e r , one uf whom took h a . & Xorth with much fleetiuv. . Xot p6s»hOB,ari(l in a ready and adrdit manner 1 « « B « ™ , ' M , . \ f S u - 'onlywere these twenty fonr started South. | " ,

tSTO'toe Others were as follows,aceordm" *« > - . . ' . . . . ' tor k of. the target markers:

lovers had- sarmnnded t h r o t t l e containing the remnant, for a second crop, and had well-nigh persuaded the guardian 'aghel, Amos, that the guard had had theirs; So, I reach my tutit. and finishing my breakfast, hang up my cup, and, lighting my pipe, saunter


parade to see the .' thousandth and

uard oneth

mount thne."

A. 1 Two inches ftuin th, the k i t arm-

ilsssjruck wjjh in-


s T . H . G O l ' U D I X G ,


BAymond-Strcct, near tho Raltr-ia! Depot Solicited.

jmsojr&BfWEriri, Kmm^mfis6am£Smski4^,'' ••••

•- ~ ~ - w- •slrcot, op stairs, joibrtowEU., m.

Offlco No. S&gloBhHlki BOSHC* W. jdbSM'i • '

S A W Y E R Se I t U S S E I i I , , ATTORNHYS XKft <S3DKS®i01>S"lAl! TiAW.

Canton, S t . fc»w. Co., N. \ ' . . - . Wit. H. SAWX?Ri,,, ,.' l©I38;Sit,..a^EI^

J. F. HAVENS, A TTORNSr a OO'tWSTBiCX'O'ft' AT'ttA W, OIBM opposite County, Clorlijs omco on Court Street,

CANTON, St. ^o.^r4liOE qp„ N. Y.

'""" CO. BATES, r

SURflEOJJ JkStt SITYSICIAV. rOKDAll.st, towronraifcunty-Jii. y,

Offloo on MM SlVoot.TnWiKlSfslfifiSt. .—••—•,, i.n;-i',v,(-s*uti,,.»Wi.,,,' ,i,,„.

D n . w , H, yffifrjwgat. omooovef p.TuBrtB%Bt«n,.n^Qlnina U"> Dental

Rwins, OorncVtf HatkW©u*EluWlte6t*r . ^!><>M.«ti»i»H"»*vW ,TE«bkS!'' •,' . i

N. B. Partloutaisattotiyon palih to. tlio Ul8casos,ot loinalcsandClillitWU. .

RomoeopalliloJtemoi V kept ctinlfiintly.en baud, etiargoa tnodoroto^at ,,lolc«,f^|is^ltatloiu)'rWn!,

186?.. l^%Wj^ti,. i'dtisf «i' Htb 4i5ws.esi4tillslim&t«tiii'.tiia koHior M

family timinW, wlifth Ho *in mhi' mwmi& Kbw prlcog ror cash Or rofttly poy. • PitrolmRor wlf^flnd^ti i*> tholr aiivniilngo to ctm ntiii esamliio 1»;f»iro ptirelifrs-UigPlHOWhTO.


IterlntilnaU P 0 T S B A M , Now VorH, would rrtpaotMIJr Invito the attontloirof tho public to S™ »xt«»lw Sto/H,, Oomoonp, como all, andojnmlno iho prices, tuuloonihuro ttioW wltll theSo aiWilliy any otbcr8iorolnihuVr«dolnNortl»ii Now York. Our Itow W wmlTl«U o'vwthliig III the ISiallonory ami

n. mtmimon, bivilorta Stoves, Pirmpii, TlljT-VJW,"'Slli»t Il-oti, Wire,

Also plows, Hay CuttonljOom eiiollorn, finttlrn and other Agricultural ImpldDUuia. UanuISUituvi Tlo.ndShocMr.QBTOrfc,. ... ,. , .,


» , F . W E I . C H


s -SNU—

AND DEAteR !M Au^WiUostHrtloltljuSiaUy koklii a First-

Class Jo'WoirJObJrK'

- , JtE'%Skiit,Q.' i' • ', Jj all tho dDparlmpuIn aftofo .nnmeTi'MoXifv ,i0no,

MUUiw. - " ' a ! i l y

> INSOKANOE. Agent for tfiti slotropolttan

Siock Fire Insurance &>., " " CJPW.l t ,

And tlio*KnultahIo.I,lfo^ss.urauce Co., .Ouiton.fl. Y., KoV. 1st, J8«!.

Now York. . . . S300.000

. . .-3336*00. •

New York.

2S Cm

.... J . 8. I.ORD, SUCbES&It'K DVFP, $AHSB& .1 CO.,

DEALER:!^ BOOTS AND ^HOES O F B V E R Y V A R I E T Y , . . .02. .

QSDCB1M&—A gimi Assortment a>,|san%i>n 16ml-Prnnsos 's BMICK, M.uutEr-sn.,I>,oisi)AJi, N. T.

Howard 'Association, P h i l a d e l p h i a .

,i iloicnohmfJ'lMR'tulfen tUfaMtsacsf byjtiK£ial KnAcm-Bieiil/oi'acKttit/'ijfluii.WA-aait JJSlrestcd. n«lioW Kiln mainiinif CTrsufcWteaita.alnl-tip.i'fiitiy/uii BUSil/oi'ttc /frtitfofluil S6* uait wuW WMtiU Ml ChHinicbisMV .

' fcVfffilrt'Sf 0&raWrf!fln«&!M«lt'Ol'j!afl». Tl/rKJ)t<Iol«U>VlPI': rinm g»tls,by-tw Acting Sur JVLeeou.. YALUAllUK Wl-OBTS-on SliernmtorrliOM, niiuTrtnor lifsciiaMi of the Sexual Orgurfij, nnd on tbo miwHolUedlcaeranlovod;.la.tho .Dfifiiiasary', .sent In

free of oharacs ^vo or tbrco Sl imiWr post4» u«Wbfc . AdJfUs 1?>j i . S v ! e | ? g ^

llmrnrd AssofiuHtuajJil HOt'OtlTON,


> ^ 8 H l < H - B ' l l ' ' 8

Jlfa!ffjj^^mblliiintot, ; NEWBLe^KfiBBM^TIlKET,

SltlFRi* (SHUBlijJWtn |s-.prci>arcd to du fualnni .JSJL S'0rSV|iO<illWu»lV iu>U I". » lunnni<r in ch e «i HrOTHttslactKu. tr,» employ" <'f b " ' worRmra, m„l -warrtauMUs work,

. Tiiiinkjiii I'm- last r., OJIJ. , i. roruV|(<',

• l» . l t ' , > | h . l U t l l >

K. KIIKPAHU. lMUutani-ie. v.

W A T K I X S .V I.KKT. I'l-oprtetora of l*0la,ltiM 1'onU'lrv aU'l'Mncii'n" Sl,-.p, Mnnutlu'lurrrrt of-^l'o'vQp, 1'lown. Hollew W.n'.'. Mill CnatlUEs nnd MaehlueiV flnnlors in Iron. Sleol, Nulls, Shelf anil Heavy llimlwe*, Imlla Rtibbm' and l^-atliei •sltlnu. Copper, Itheet Iron and Tin W.ir> " " - - ' •

\t\ UrucotlPs, M.irUclStreet, ' ' I-fflSIUW, N Y.


• "BOAltBrarQ' HOUSE. frtouds, nrul tho lluMIOBChonitty, that lie h»« opinio.! it, arrtli und fomuiodlonsiBoUmiiNa l'Ion»s en MAIN STRKKT, Smml (mfliilnj JiSist.n/lJK 81. Laww tt*4,

a=»ot»cia.3*i,-3>a'. ~TSr. Oonil nadniiimodaClais for boanlllnj by tlio dny or „ , . , „ , . , , .

woek. 'formsrensinralilo,ttmlsallsfaotlonKuarnnt«e*.- — a i , o p ,V n m o ' i i r \ l>otfon«i|i> snlliilM .. J . 1 • P E R K O

N. O . JIIOORIC, I'miuiiiicTon ^•tnuiuu, Nov. 20,1801. 17 1>

" ~ ~ OAlt iUIOK Si MUNSOW,— IrtlAMtHS iv

Stpv.6?, Sfeoot; Iron & Tirt Wa.ro, w tKAfl m% SAVES srot;TS!,

San l'ans,tliiuko(irhHd8it6bts,-!ftnu*'8tovo l^irnlluro, i "• aanlife..J!oi,.tol. .

JobWovkorqvprKitfflcrlnlipn, oxoeuteil pioinplly, and at inniloralo prle.oil. '

Storo, In Honsoa'KDWolc", Bist Dido Sbtrltet Street, roJSDAMJ'if.'Ys » 2f,iy

L SQOPS, I'nckaso" «r, J'Mcote forwarded through Adams' or other IMproHa 06s. Ooro of Army and Navy MXIH-CSH, No. l io^ Ponn. Av-

elino, will lie promptly Uollvorcl to the Cnmpoer NdVdl Blalloiw deolanatcil

A1* U.S. A


' vAns noos s ASB s n o r On tho ISlalid. oppos i te tno EptscopalCbnrcb.

a . rl. BaTCQBLnsn, CTUUK SARtstiDGr, c . A. A K X I S

'f. H a m e s s . ' S a d f l l c s & 1 r u n k ;

At t h e Olil S t a n d of L e m o n & A l l e n , COBSCn Or HA1H AXn MASSCT STU CRT, rOTSOA « .

WB bavo oa band tbe most extcn&lvi ussortmentof everything In our lino to be fosmil In the county

,—which WO will soil o*fc a.a. reasonable prices as tbo times will admit or. All tforX monufsclnrcd a t oot os tablUhmcnt Is under bur tnuncdlnto observation and direction 5 and bavine a thorough practical knowledge of tho business, all orders vrTiroo promptly executed, food satisfaction guaranteed.

A wordto tho also Is sufficient . 30 call In an! ex­amine tbe artlclo, wlticU wJllbosbownyoiKhi'tfrfnlly. and no faultlonnd If-yoo don't buy.

To (ho tradowowlsll to flay wo^hall, as ounal, keep P n l l A s s o r t m e n t of naruoss and Carriage

'trimmings, which will bo sold at as low prices (con­sidering tho quality) as can bo bottpht In tho County.

JAMES 1.BJION. Potsdnm f October. 1800.

DOOHS, S A S H , W J N D S , &<r.

DOORS, SASH, & I t l i INO

they allnrs try tdcaonnt me eont'." "Count yon out! Wlut do yon 1 _ _.,

that?" "Wal, I aint so profertabls to the turkey

.match-makers as some of the rest on 'em— for when I get this rifle 0' dad's on one 0' the birds, you can reckon Ih.u lie's mine."

-Axe yoa also a good shut with the mus­ket?" .

"Don't know i;»thla' bvoat tliat fifnd 0* shootin' iron."

"But ours is an infantry con.p.my, and •ftso use smooth bores," suggested tlio officer.'

"W.il, Captain, il yo don't cafkilafo to go to kill, I aint your man. If yeou dew, you'd better take me and riry bar-killer."

"Oh, it's impossible that yoa si;. 5J op-pear in our ranks with a dark bai : , ! ', wea­pon—our muskeU are all bright led, Vou must leave Uiat weapon behi.

"Can't dew it, Captin. Where .. bar-killer goes, there I go. Xesrer go anywhero without it. Tou see it's a snre thing."

"t have no tnidence of it beyontl your Wortl," said the Lieutenant, beginning tg be iptorested in die somewhat uncouth indi­vidual. "But 111 put your shooting skill to tlio test, and if yon can make three as good shots as three sharp shooters in my corps, Til enh'3t yon, henr-kiHerand all."

"Give ns your'fist ou that, Mr., Officer,'! returned the new recruit, extending his very rough, tan browued, freckled hand. ''If you vo got three men in your corps that ken outshoot fSetk Stark, I'll go hum .and. ..help dad kerry on the farm." * •

The match was forthwith got up, and tbreo oftho prtyatos of tho Ethan Allen Rangers wero selected for the triaL^ ^ c h of therh wore fitSaocl as sjiarp s l i o o ^ , and partionlar-ly well skillea in the tujo. I'

A target, rogrJsenUng an Judian„otHe(,

Kali^^Vo^^l^aalfejFStrut m t S o f t ® i r f t e F i S » 1 e % 1 shot, , ' • ' : : . , - ,. &X

Ranger No- 3—Pat a half moon in bull's jeye—fata!.

SeQt Sttirk—Khot perforated thecenterof tho balPs eye.

Thfe» was considerable huzzaing at the result of the first round, especially among the spectators, and those of the rangers who batl any of Ufeh4 funds on the result. -.'©tfisWsiWoijd'ronad the rangers were SCoredaa having made butter shots than before, bat/no score for the backwoodsman.

ft was now the tarn of tlio bettors to huz­za. althbngh1 soteral of them had lost hy

Mr. OfB-1 Seth's first shot at more j The third found resulted eveu better for

rangers than either of the others, and

A n 1812 W a r S t o r y .

• fui! iwiug we believe has never been 1 print. Ogden Hoffman tised to tell •.r}'. He wa3 in the great fight be-

Caustitution Und Uuerriero, and BritiijliSsfojii^ ca rjaij sailiBg

PEftRO &WAND, I t A vi ICO inurcUaaijti tlvoonUColntorostin ttu> <tn»t» i i (ormerlv owncti by A. PItlDK, arc now pri^ar^d ta.airnl9h,ln hir«o or suinll t]uantltct., m wivoli-*nlf or rot alt. tlio very best firllclo of

Doors, Sash Sc ISIimls, iir? t:oft,!8,LMJHtO lowest po8Hlblo (irrcfta.

uiift'lfts Und long exporlonco In this bnalnoss, thoy foolarjaurod Uiut thoy con glvo tholr customoraontlro flatlslaotton,bolb. ns toprlco, qoallty or hiii.bor.ami atylooCworbatniishlp.

Thoyiio'airt «OMtftrttly on bnnd» an"d'"'mnko to order Window frames, Chain-Pump Tubliiff, do., 4o. Sash Pali, ting,,Olailpg, Cilnaa OwtllnR, Stlcltlus Moulding*, of all klmTrj', niiil ,1'limlnft tioiio on short uotlco.

Also, a Grlftdutoritf Ibr (jnmlltiff Axflfl, Scythos, A-r. Llbornl diacomH to tbofyJerladlnB by tlio year,

AtlorderafromftbroftU^romptly^ttonttcdto. -Ucd Building ontnol9land,

,T._I». HAND.

DOORS, SASl[&13IJNm p 1

M ANUPAOTCRHDr-an Tor intle, WlioToaal

niitl Hc ta l l ,by

B. SWAN, i


N, Y.

A ttjtirsloraby -mail, or otliorwlso promptly oxo

DbOrfl, Odnlllion Slzo, from 75 cents to $i us. Rlln\Ui,«pjuifOeontsto«l Jilpor Window. Susu, IVb'm a io noonts per I.liiht. Planing, Ptllllttmtnnd GI«ilHK done to order.

» j ) -8hop , troitsTileef l1wHl>cr. melr Hie- fjrl

Mill. » ' lv

rangers positoins in from ol the Company ut' Kan-gers, to witness tho apparently unequal con tost. Two men wore detailed toslaud with­in'six rods on either side or the painted In­dian, to make a record of each siicces--'"' shot, and before thoy left (he ranks, their comnuls puttie many good-natured but slight ly sitrcaslical remarks at the 'o\pen.-e of the cross eyed volnnteer.

"Bill Barton, be careful where you stand when that chap bfay.es irwin." said a ranger to one of the (argot 'markers "the safest place will be behind it."

"Bettor gel uuder the hank. I till; Ihei'e'i no calculating where his bullets may strike," said another.

"I think tho only sure place is in the i, ,ir .o£the breach," added a third

Almost every 0110 in tlio ci,r|>s \ohintei r od a jocose opinion in roloronce tn thetrook ed oyed, crooked foniretl and otlierui.-e 1111 couth looking bnckwoodsina, home of which reached the ears of 80th. who, suddenly far ing the company, which was standing at e.i-e. nnd pricking up his ears, said: •• perhaps .1-how sonio on yo wud like to bet a sum mi them 'ore throe sharpshooters," said Sei-h pulling out ofhis capacious pocket a rnvas.v looking wallet, which seemed rather pleth.i io of bmlk bills considering tho r-nnfso. seedy geor of the confident rifleman. "I'll lay ye anything from ri sheet of glogorbrond l» a tow dollar bill that I'll take tho consult out o'-yoh or your sharpshooters at rifle .-llootm' wraslijl*, hugg'in', or in a regular knock down and'"drag oont lltp."

"I'll bot you a dollar yon don't hit the board once out of throo times," said on,-, of tho rangers. ,

"Dono—I'll tnko that bot, and double ihe stakes," replied Soth, drawing forth a one dollar note, and plncing it In the hands of tho Orderly Sofgennt, whilo tho ranker diil the same

"I'll go >ou 11 live ,h,i|itr bill Hint yon will

th- score waj brought in accordingly, but there appearing no score for tho would be recruit, the shouting wa3 tejtjfic, and many rude jests were again made at Seth's ex­pense.-

"Jlonght yon not as well wait till the um­pires hev decided, before you begin to larf at a feller?" ejaculated Seth. "I've seed many a turkey trial decided agin the scor-~era.~

"Why. yon don't suppose you've hit the target but once ?" askiti a^ranger who had a V staked oii the result-

:, Mcbbe I don't suppose -o and m.-bbe I do." replied Seth

1 II er. > yon ten to one," said the confident soldi-T. „ J

'lake my ndviee, and don't you dew it," ausuen-d Heth.

•oh. ho '. doni dare, ell? Can't go one j against ten ?" ejacnlated the fellow.

•• Waal, you kin pnt up as many tens as you please, and ef t can'tidver 'em, why you kin pick up your change agin."

•Try him I try him! he's only blnfliug I only coming tho brag game I" said several of the m tiger's comrades.

• I'll go my pile on that," said the confi-.dct.t >ne, and he forthwith produced sixty dollars, .which Soth covered with only six; but it must bo remembered thatthodehis were terribly against him inasmuch as the scorers' jrepott, if confirmed, would of coursegiv^e tho stakes'to his antagonist

Tlio umpires, consisting of one officer of the 'company, who had no special interest in tho result, and two civilians, who w.ere ox-port iii the sport of rifle shooting, furUinith visited the tho target and examined the sev­eral hits, nnd on comparing them with tho record of the scorer3. it appeared there was djo mistake-

"Thcitliit in tho bull's eye is a magnificent shot, bnt how so small a'sltignsthatgrcony's rifle carries, could make so Inrgo an orifice qs^Iuttds, is!».- niysstory. to me,u. remarked one of tll'o civil umpires.

"I ngi'ee with you," replied the other civil­ian." v

f ' l t ' is a remarkablo perforation, certainly," added the officer of the rangers, examining tlio hole with scrutiny, ami Uien turning the targofc around, they weie all struck with the fast tha t t h p s h o t o f t h e smallest bored 1 Ifle had readily pierced much tho largest hole thi-flngli tho board. "Sep hero too," ho con­tinued, finding the corresgoudjng hole iii the trunk ol tho tree-againlEwliicli.the "counter­feit- semblance", of tho,savage chieftain had rested, "canitlJo,pi)s^iblf> that . two bullets have, passed through th i s Orifice ?"

T h e snggestioii.was improbablo, butsome-whats ta r thng . It was again examined with keencts-serutiny than before; and for the pnr-

-poso of solving the loast doubt in the matter it tyaaagreod to cut around tlio-correspond­ing perforation in tho treo, and to tho depth of tltp spot where tho bullet had lodged. A carpenter was forthwith sent for,, -with in­structions to bring t h e proper tools for tho job. I n a-few minu tes .ono was procured, and ho went to work with a morticing chisol and-mallet, under direotion of t h e umpires, and after, toiling somo ten qr fifteen minutes, horenibved oi cubo.of wood out of the jroo of abbnt five inches iu depth, which on bijing carefully split open, throo slugs, pressed firmly against onch other, with but little] va­riation lrom a truo lino, wero taken therefrom to ,tho wqndor and surpriso of tho umpires. Tho ffdUbi wns s o l v e d . ' Seth Stark 's bullets hnd traversed tho same holo and had lodgod •together,

TKo-'iluzzas and t h o laugh were now upon the'dthey sirtB, hufc"tlie 'contest was so ro-mnrkSbla'rtnil deoisiVifi—tho victory so com-plotOf-itllnt riven! those who had lost money lvC tliti Trlsult, joined with others in rendering nil homage to tho cccohtric bnckwoodsman. S»lh was I'ortflwith enrolled in Ihe ranks of


, - , , . . - for th of Dover, andi an hundred times twenty-lour | from Clarksville, Nashville and all akui •; t he j Cumberland. When Donelsoti flU th.t cor-1 ner stone of the edifice of the secessionists

in one comer. In former Iet-^OTvJhowstavery was being. l b .

W^'fa'io^m^^Miai Uulf States teen : were becoming densfiiyjwffeajTOpajStteain.,.ll" *-constantly flowing' frOTri-'tlie^WorlP^'^a*1

by-ond-by the troops .which luiV9?,iJbMffvic-, --asa^Bis JK^c^^_«.<'^t»TOi3« torions at-Donelson .wit! appear a t . Chatta- <h>w 6 n , | O t 3 f m ^ « ^ e a * a « f nooga and Jlemphis, fSen at i e w Orleans, dats.wheri tJer^ttS'wr'ftf tno tint a a r r w How can the corner stohejn its nature want- men conl* bo seen ready with their match? ing hardness and capaeitv for resistance'. 1 locks; an officer came in haste to captain wfthstand the shivering shook;. I t will nod. 1 ^aac Hull and asked for orders to fire. What has been soon at. Donclson will be re- 1 "^To' 3**>" w « t h e ^"et response. As they peated all over the SoHth. DTsintregration . come still nesrcr,arid the British vesselponr-onco begun will go on with increasisinir ra-, «d in her fire, the first Ueutenant of the Con-pidity, and wbeiitliis >var is over t h o world j stitttlion came on the poop «pd begged per-will see slavery as a political institution I mission to' retqhi tho broadside, saying tha t shorn of its power—as an economic system I the men could not be restrainfed much kin-profitless—and instead of beine ordained of. gor. " N o t yet," was t h * indifferenfr reply. Heaven, favored of t iod, nurtured by his ; Still nearer tho British ship came, and the 1'rovidence. it will appear in a fair way to be , American prisoners, who. wore in tho cock-blotted from existence. Such, it deems, to l"t of tho Guerriero afterwards said tha t me, are t h e readings of the present hour.


tliey began t o believe that their own coun­trymen tvere afraid to measure their strength with that of the enemy, and this thought javo them moro pain than the, wpnnds

A COMP \sio.v„rR";T"thjt:K. - V vory learned and compasionate Jndgo in Texas, on p a c ­ing sentence on John Jones , who had been convicted of murder, concln.led his remarks as follows:—"The fact is, Jones, tho Court did not intend to order, .you to be executed before next-spring, but tho weather i s very cold; our j ad , unfortunately, is" inv& very bad condition; much of the glass m the windows is in snch a, dilapidated, state that no fire can be made t a render your apartments coftM >fj!at broadside 'settled tlieh- opponents, and fortabie;,.besides owing to the great number I w | w n the smoke cleared away t h e Com-of prisoners, not more than one blanket can | n W ( i o r c ' S . t ights were to he seen split from be allowed to each; to sleep sound and w a i s tband to heel. Truly the Commodore comfortably, therefore,, would bo ou t of the! h a d a s o u l " t oob ig fo r his breeches." Hoff-question. In consideration of these cirnini- \ m!in lrsai\ | a a,ja thftf njill, nothing discon-stanees. and wishing to lessen your suffer- eerted, gave his orderW'with perfect coolness, tugs as much as possible, tho -Court, in the , u , j orJ|y changed his tights when the

which some of them were stiu suffering, [n a moment tho Guerrier gallantly 'Tame forward, showing her burnished sides; and as tho swell carried her close to the very muzzle of "Old . Ironsides," Captain Hull, who'was then iraite fat and dressed ih fuli tights, bent himself twice to the deck, and' with eveiy mnscle and vein throbbing with oxcitomen t shouted out as he. made another:

l' gyratiop,."i\ow, boys, poor it into them." •^Tlia"' ' '- " "'l """ * *

exercise of its humanity ah'd coinpas.-hereby order you to be executed tu-ntoirew morning, lis soonn.after breakfast as may ,ie convenient to the Sheriff and agreeable to yon"

Ihilieh coniuiandw's sword was given up to hinj.

B i g h t G r ^ a t B h i i l e r s .

We We'll wager our old hat that not half a dozen outside the printing fraternity can read the following. To the latter, however. it will bo as -plain as daylight.

QI-KRV.—Can you not divine the signs ol tho times ? The rebellion uow raging in the Southern \ of the Republic is without a in any *; of tho world's history. Its . . a r e the basest ol scoundrels, und the yo\ eminent will em -an opportunity to tiieiu from the face of tho earth. When they 1 1. In firiu" upon l 'o i t Sumter, shall fall into the JB@P~®g nPtln- l-'eileral -j. In believing (hat there would bo a di-authorities, their" necks will he worth simply vj,i(,,i Xortli. nnd an apathetic Federal Uov-0. The t is unsheathed, and "down with p-vtiineut. the rebels," will be the 1 of all right-minded. -5 j„ believing tha t they would have the men, the world over. Such of the robula as I ]„. ; ,*• sympathies of Europe. are loft lrom the halter .should bn made to 4. [n behoving tha t the bonds of their iuffor stripes till they see *,* in the con- i < -onfedm-aey would readily bo taken in

give below an articlo from the col­umns of the Religious Herald, a Babtist pa­per uf Richmond. Vu. It shows so mucn inoie . . , l i |e-s i.l'judgmeut and candor of mind Hun vv c 'an: in the habit of finding in our ^oiithci 11 exchanges, that we deem it w-.ithy of special notice. II says the South has made a t least eight great blunders, and ontimonites them as follows :

stellation of the Union.

Ti!<*.••: I'VSSKS. -^'I'lio I'ongrt-sionul Committee on Ihe oondnot of the war have been curious about- tho [lassos ubielt have been indiscriminately issued since the rebel­lion broke onl Ono of the persons captured by our troops beyond1 -Manassas, in the real of the rebels, had in, his possession a. pass signed by tho Provost Marshal as lato as tho 7th of March. There was also fount! 'upon his person a large number of important doc­uments belonging^ to Beanrogard, showing that tho barty-eaptured was closely connect­ed with t h e rebel commanded Tho passes issued by t h e Provost Marshal to visit the army of tho Potomac, were offoet.nn-1 to pass tho bearer through our own and the rebel liues. I t was undoubtedly in this way that the rebels obtained their information that our army was about to march, and wcro ndnionished that it was time to evacuate -Manassas.

"I say, boy. whose horso is -that yotl are riding?" •- _

"Why it 's daddy's." "Who is yor daddy?" "lion't you know?' Why, i t ' s U n d o Pete

Jones. ' ' • -"Ho yon w o niso0"6f-your uncle?* "Why, yes , 1 calcnlato I aiu. Von. sen.

dad got to be tt wldowor, and marriotl moth er's sistoit s o , l reckon he's my uncle."

" P a p a , " said n>•littlo girl tho o ther day., "people t a lk abont tlio United S t a t e s anno iy—why dont ' i l iqp. talk about this AV/ * n | . ' Don't the soldiersflfiuit logins well ns anus.'"

Ktirope. 0. I iv believing that the military power of

the Vorth would be directed in a crusade against slavery, rather than be employed for the overthrow of treason, and tho estab­lishment 1.1' the Union and Constitution.

0. In believing that Nor thern courage ami physrpto -were 110 iijnjch fof ( Southern , or that"in tuittle ono Southerner equals five Yankees.

7. In believing that tho flag of Cotton Oligarchy would wave over tho Capitol a t Washington, and the roll of slaves bccal led on Bunker Uill.

8. In believing tha t the fnncieil..omnipo­tence of of cotton wo\ild dominate the com­merce of tho world.

»„ , , %. Tho Western panel's SCQ no need of fun

in tho recent rebel defeats. Tlio Louisville l leniocmt M not Very serious.

John C Brockhigridgo is fanning for the confederate congress. Ho must think it is sumewhero in tho neighborhood if Nash­ville or X e w Orleans. . If Bucknor Was, as has boon declared, pne of tile- "great guns" of rebellion, he certainly goes of very easily. ' ••— .. ."

Ih-eckiuiidge, Bucknor and Hartjoo, gr&ifj gun., of rebellion, only showed their Bfec'ch-os a tBowl ing Oreou. . " . ' . . • • •

If'.reff Davis Wants lOm&el into n safe place, wo ndsisol t i i i i . to climb a high tree and drawvit u p offer him.

.:!l Koni'teeii JJltirs of prairio liens liitTO ' J t M

t en sent fmiill Chicago to linb;lai«l>i» lm&$ re intended for tineeu Viotona's hennery.

I had rather have a good man's prayer* (aid up in Heaven for me, than anything a King coold give. I t is good to ask' for phy­sical and eyeraaT'thiOga'rT-wo: need them, and we get them. I t is good to ask for se­cular benefits; b a t rib "innn's. life consist-oth i j o t i a the abundance of tho" things which he possesseth;" a man's life is ' joy, peace, faith, immateriality—it is heart.' I n that realm where hear t is, there is the realm of God's answering of prayers; and there he hears us p ray for others, and others pray for as. Arid t h e prayers a re no t instantly an­swered. T h e answers art* reserved,, because, the multitudes of things asked for have to bo wrought out, and not because Ood. i s in­different, or wishes t o tantalize H i s crea­tures. I do not think tha t Ood sits and tri­fles with us, as we do with our children when, we hold ont tempting fruit towards them, and then, when they, have reached after it, and almost clasped it , draw it back. There is no such, trifling with ua by tho Divine Be­ing as tha t . Bnt if my child asks me for a tubi'ose, though I plant a bulb immediately, and comply with- his request at the earliest possible moment, months necessarily elapse before ho gets the flower. And tho reason why our prayers are not answered a t once, is not because God would: tantalize us, bnt because things for which w e risk are so large, and require snch a development, that there is of necessity a space between asking nnd the get t ing.—From Iieeefier's Sermnnx.

W m I n c i d e n t s .

A correspondent of the Cincinnati Com­mercial relates the following incidents oftho battle of Foi't Henry :

" A friend of Mine shqfyed' me tho plate on his belt, which had been struck by a bul­let, and fli'e U in TJ. S. entirely obliterated and yet lie .was not hart. Another bad the pictures of his wife and mother ih separate cases, in,Jus1ide pocket, and a balfpassed through bo^and ja f lg^ ' in the inside one, saying.his life. ^e,Kas't,iie gfctnres.to send to,)ib3. wife by express; j t memBei' of the Sth'SpsSQuri hits a half dollar in, his, pocket, which was.stfnok with so.uracil force as to bend Jhe ejfges together and enclose the ^GmebaTi. JL Colonel of one of the regi-meStsJound Tolit of his men hid behind a siaMji; tufa riding up with great gravity, ask eJ"&ern'if,iiat stump needed so large a g'aard, A. 'private Soldier received ten wounds, and yet sat ou a log, and loaded and fired as long ns he could see the ene-


The Louisville Journal has the following anecdote of Gen. Bueli:

"A few days ago, as Uen. Buell was riding on horseback through the streets of Nash­ville, an aristocratic lady, a Mrs. W., living in a fine large house, stood at an open door or window, waved a Rebel flag toward him, and cried, "Hurrah for Jeff Davis and the Southern Confederacy?" The'Ueneral rein­ed In his horse, turned towards the lady, touched his hat with all the courtesy and Suavity for which he is remarkable, and, snr-||£jfiS|gjhfi,fine house from top to bottom : |ntrj jf iy| | tepf a connoissnre, quietly re-mrjfEe3; ' ^ S ^ ^ ^ B e n t house for an hospi­ta l" ' In I t^ ' j r& 'J^ teAours every room

was full of ss& soidrepaprj^w. was politely requested to take c ro l f l lMhem. We heartily congratulate her ed privilege of ministering to the nei suffering patr io ts ." .

A; \-

G e n . T h o m a s A . D a v i e s .

The following sketch of Gen. ThomasA. Davies whichwe take from the New York Herald, will b e found irlteresting to mahyof * oar readers :

, "Gen. Thomas A. Davies, who Has jus t , been made, by the President and senate, a Brigadier General, is a native of St. Law­rence county, in this State. , He entered the military .A&ffirleuiy at "West Point in 1825, and graduated with honor in 1829. He was attached to the Regiment then commanded by Col. 2ktchary Taylor, afterwards oar Pres­ident. I t was then stationed at Prairie du Chfen, in Illinois where taent. Davies im­mediately repaired and he remained there with Gen. Taylor two years. He enjoyed in a high degree the confidence of that difltin-guishedomcer, and it was a favorite remark of hisjthat if he wanted anything promptly done and well done he called on Lieut. Da­vis to do it. In 1831 Lient Davies was or­dered back ti West Point to assume there an important military command. In 1832 he resigned from the.jo.rjny. and.engaged in commercial business in this city, as a clerk in the house of Goodhue & Co, Mr, Da-viescontinned in the active discharge of mer­cantile affairs for abont thirteen years, when he retired from business, and has since con­tinued a resident of this city in private life.

"Although a firm and consistent demo­crat, and warmly attached to the principles and policy of that party, as was his father, Judge Davies, of St. Lawrence county, and ever yielding and earnest support to its can­didates, yet on the publication, of the first message of Jefferson Davis to his rebel Con gross, at Montgomery, Mr. Davies avowed his determination to stand by the Union, and act only with those who would rally to its defence. -When the attadk Was made on our flag a t Fort Sumter, he, in common with our whole pupulation, rallied to vindi­cate its honor, to avenge the insult offered to it, aud to sustain the Government, the Constitution and the Union. He immedi­ately tendered his services to the Command­er-in-Chief, and soon after was elected and appointed Colonel'of the. Sixteenth Eeg'r mont N. Y. V. This regiment was mainly composed of sons of St. Lawrence, frieBds of Col. Davies, or sons of his friends., n e joined the regiment at Albany on the 1st of May, and brought it np to a splendid suite of dicipline, when ho loft jthero with it for the Potomac, about tho close of Juno tot. On the 1st Jnly ho was placed in cornrnatld..... of a brigndo, consisting of tho Sixtieth, Eighteenth, Thirty-first. and Thtety^ecppd regiments N . Y. V. This brigade lie crjm-inandedtilll after the battle of Ball B t % when some of the regiments were-'CbangjgoV and he continued an Acting Brfgadiej; Gen­eral until afctint the 1st of October last, ' General Davies' brigade composed tlto,loft wing of our army on its7 march to and at the batflojof Bull Run. He commanded Unit wing of onr army at that battle, ano Bsffciir the defeat of our forces on the riglij; ^Ulg, on that ever momorable day,, the. j l i p r ly as Is woll known, fiercely attcked dmS&witig, • but were gallantly repulsed Djrtbs WWWji of General Davies,. aided *by Horita ,i W Greene's batteries. Gefjeral Davies WongM off his brigade frerft.tM'field j ) l battle in or ,der to denfewille. ,Wnere, onUeqeril Jfp Dowef s ailwtuj aUd-onliis passing fllroagti lo , Wrahitigton, General' Davies was" nloocd incommana^fffiihrmy, and imiJor lis' ©yo and command it whs brought in safety t o Al&andvia.' Ctbnoral HcDo'wll^n^tliFrOn! fiial report oftho battle, says;. 'OolantllM vies, in tho sevornl places his dply ctuled him, did most effectt^ogervlco/and behaved tothe-aostgnUnpfepftigoigk^c ,1 if. "Ge&eraJ Davie^"jliamf|^rjp.5pri)rttotod jby the President 0lidtSgftaiifJ4gaU«nt«rWSf ^ctAt thafc*9*aBjr j th^totJ#e,e | j ip^ taMid thdrawUjnoft f IiOuTMeu M # n o « , been confen?ett.'' ~-


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