Benefits and beyond c. 11 equity




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Thomas E. Murphy 1

Benefits and Beyond, C. 11

Equity BenefitsThomas E. Murphy

30 November 2010

Thomas E. Murphy 2

You own the company!

30 November 2010

Thomas E. Murphy 3

Our employees own the company. (Avis Car Rental)

Could this be the ultimate link among leaders, employees, and owners?

Focused application of the Agency Theory Aligning Total Shareholder Return between

traditional and employee shareholders New strategy: “attitude of ownership.”


30 November 2010

Thomas E. Murphy 4

What’s the down side?

But . . . . It can be powerful

Line of Sight Dilution Stock needs large

public ownership to exploit market dynamics.

During market slides, it could have reverse effect on employees.

30 November 2010

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Lyle Everingham – in W. Virginia

30 November 2010

Thomas E. Murphy 6

401(k) included company stock. Matches are often made in company stock

Kroger grew in employee ownership from 1% to 33% in 3 years with its 401(k).

Profit Sharing Retirement Plans included company stock and provided good accumulation of wealth. (P&G)

ESOPs are totally company stock based.

Retirement Plans and Stock

30 November 2010

Thomas E. Murphy 7

Discount Stock Purchase Plans (with “DRIPS.”)

Brokerage fee free stock purchase plans Stock option plans Restricted stock and Restricted Stock Units Stock Appreciation Rights (SARs) All of these can lead to substantial wealth


Other Plans – A U.S. Culture

30 November 2010

Thomas E. Murphy 8


30 November 2010

Thomas E. Murphy 9

U.S. companies prefer variable compensation plans.

U.S. companies want “balance” in their rewards: short term (cash); mid-term (annual bonus); long term (stock and stock options)

Equity can provide an opportunity to pay less than the market in cash compensation.

Equity can be a factor in recruitment and retention.


30 November 2010

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Balance – short, medium and long term reward plan

30 November 2010

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Equity can provide an opportunity for a new level of employee communication.

Equity should not be reserved for “executives only.”

More companies have gravitated toward broad based stock, restricted stock, and options plans.

What about the “global” use of equity? The U.K. is an exception, but inhospitable tax and policy treatment in EU.


30 November 2010

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What are they?

30 November 2010

Thomas E. Murphy 13

Grantee can buy stock at market price on date of grant (the “strike price.”)

Options can be exercised when vested. Vesting can be graduated or cliff. Vested options can be exercised over their

term, which is usually 10 years. Options are often granted annually. The “option spread” is taxable (ordinary

income) to the grantee when exercised.

What is a Stock Option

30 November 2010

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The “strike price and the spread”

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Incentive Stock Options (ISOs) are not taxed until the recipient sells the exercised stock.

NQSOs are taxed on exercise. Typical exercise: see page 337. What is a stock swap: see page 338. What is a “cashless exercise?” Why would a

company offer these? See page 338.

Stock Options – Mostly NQSOs

30 November 2010

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As compared to shareholder? No money down.

If stock price goes down, no actual loss to Optionee.

Except lower total reward

Employer’s costs

Allocation of Risks – Big Jump?

30 November 2010

Thomas E. Murphy 1730 November 2010

Options require large grants!

Thomas E. Murphy 18

Options are compensation; therefore, they should be taxed as income. But, when and at what value?

When there is a spread? When they are exercised? When they are granted? Note the cost of dilution: cents per share (at

page 340 of the text). What about the discount value of options as

a method to value? (The time value of money)

Costing Options

30 November 2010

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FASB and No. 123R. Must be charged “their fair value” at grant.

One method is the Black Scholes formula which considers term of grant, grant price, volatility of price, and other factors to estimate their value at grant.

This represents new expense for companies, and caused some employers to re-think offering options. The charge against earnings could be significant.

Cost of Options

30 November 2010

Thomas E. Murphy 20

What happens when the market price of the stock is below the strike price?

“underwater options”

Is the notion of an “ownership society” in trouble due to the bear market of 2008 and 2009?

Deep Thoughts . . .

30 November 2010

Thomas E. Murphy 2130 November 2010

Restricted Stock – less costly?

Thomas E. Murphy 22

No stock is actually issued. No dividends and no voting rights are

available, except in some cases the employer can pay a cash equivalent of the dividend.

They are an unfunded promise to issue a specific number of shares when the restrictions lapse.

Taxed upon vesting. Withholding can occur by simply reducing the number of shares delivered.

30 November 2010

What are RSUs? Same as RS except:

Thomas E. Murphy 23

RS and RSUs provide added advantages There is less dilution? Granted in similar fashion. For RS, grantee can make an §83b election. Charge to earnings at grant – but known

value. Query: do restricted stock grants represent

lower risks to employees? (See page 342)

RS and RSUs

30 November 2010

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What are Stock Appreciation Rights? What are their design features? What about dilution? What are the risks? How are they expensed and taxed? How are they “paid off?” See illustration at page 343

Other Equity Grants

30 November 2010

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Do they affect behavior?

30 November 2010

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Do they really motivate and change behavior?

How are they abused? Mega grants and back dating.

How significant is the dilution problem? Line of Sight and “Pepsi Share Power.” What are the employer’s choices if the

options granted are “underwater?”

Some Problems with Equity

30 November 2010

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Maintain the grant and hope for an increase in price.

Option holders turn in their options and are given a “scrap value.”

Options are turned in and new ones are issued in their place at the lower, current market price. (or exchanged for RSUs)

Options are simply re-priced with a lower strike price, or are “backdated.”

The Choices for Underwater

30 November 2010

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Do they get any of these opportunities? How do you think they react to the choices

in the previous slide? So, what is another approach to equity that

might really affect behavior and satisfy the interests of shareholders?

What about shareholders?

30 November 2010

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A different trigger – performance based vesting!

30 November 2010

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Link vesting to the attainment of certain performance standards.

What standards? Total Shareholder return? Earnings per

share? Profits? Sales increases? EBITDA targets? Market share improvements? Indexed stock price increases, unit performance, department performance, individual performance?

Performance Based Equity

30 November 2010

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There is an issue concerning the accounting treatment of performance based equity?

How are they charged to the financial statements?

What impact does it have on the previous stated “abuses?”

How do they work? See example at page 349.

Performance Based Equity

30 November 2010

Thomas E. Murphy 32

Does employee ownership cause them to “think like owners?”

What should be the elements of a “culture of ownership?”

How would you design and evaluate such a program?

See: Van Meter Co. at page 351. Effectively communicating the things within their line of sight that affect the stock price.

Does it work?

30 November 2010

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The concomitant opportunity

30 November 2010

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Pay lower fixed compensation.

Communicate with employees on a higher level.

Opportunity to engage employees in the affairs of the business

The Power Potential of Equity to Create Team-Based Alignment!

30 November 2010