Bell Ringer 12/6 Please get out your Open-Ended Response and a writing utensil. Please mark the...


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Bell Ringer 12/6

Please get out your Open-Ended Response and a writing utensil. Please mark the following with the appropriate number:

1 – Topic Sentence that Answers the Question

2 – Examples of Flashbacks that Support Your Topic Sentence (Direct Quotes)

3 – Explanation of How Each Quote Supports the Main Idea

Pds. 4 & 7

Bell Ringer 12/6

Please get out your Flashback Inventory and the short answer we wrote about Sympathy in Tragedy yesterday. Make sure you have a writing utensil and a piece of

composition paper (or notebook paper if that’s what you prefer).

Pds. 3 & 9

English III

EQ: How do Arthur Miller’s choices about structure (particularly Willy’s day dreams of the past) influence how we interpret DoaS as a tragedy?

Agenda Bell Ringer/Discussion


Death of a Salesman Open-Ended Response Writing


DoaS Review

Sympathy in Tragedy

Using your Examining Structure activity, please write a response to the following question in the form of 1 paragraph. How does Arthur Miller’s use of Willy’s flashbacks convince

the readers/audience to sympathize with Willy even though he is not a “great” man?

Give a topic sentence that answers the question

Use at least 2 examples of flashbacks from Death of a Salesman (direct quotes)

Fully explain how all of your proof (quotes) supports your answer to the question.

Bell Ringer 12/6

Please get out your Show vs. Tell Writing Prompt (yesterday’s homework). Read your writing aloud to yourself and fix any errors that

you find.

Mark 1 example of each type of sensory description with a small star.

Do you have an example for all 5 senses?

If you don’t, quickly add the examples that you need in the margins with neat arrows showing where they belong.

Creative Writing

EQ: How do authors use narrative techniques to convey a vivid picture of experiences, events, settings, and characters?

Agenda Bell Ringer/Discussion – Sensory Description


Show vs. Tell Writing Prompt

Peer Review

“Best Line” Sharing/Notecard Activity

Show vs. Tell Writing Prompt

Write me 1 page of a story It’s ok if you don’t finish it.

You will need: At least 1 character

A setting (include lots of physical objects)

A conflict of some kind

Try to include all of the senses at least once. Sight, taste, touch, smell,


Your writing should focus on SHOWING instead of telling.

“Best Line” Activity

Find a partner (or a group of 3)

Exchange your Show vs. Tell Writing Prompt Response

As you read, notice the use of Sensory Description. Does the author show or tell?

Please highlight what you believe to be your partners best “showing” detail – the best piece of sensory description.

Please underline one line that could be better at “showing”

Look for picture-less/intangible words.

Take the line that you highlighted and write it on your blank notecard. Decorate it a little so it’s pretty.
