Atelier 1 romain thévenet - intro27eregion


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romain thé

«Dear designers… a few similarities between the design of a lamp and the design of public policies»

let’s choosean example

design lamps

a pretty, smart and ingenous lamp

practical and usable


adventure partner

technical & powerfull

what’s the connection with the public sector ?

accueils au publique

city halls

websites & IT

social services

corporate communication

administrative management

what if public policies were engaging ?

what if public policies were engaging ?

what if public policies were friendly ?

what if public policies were engaging ?

what if public policies were friendly ?

what if public policy were qualitative ?

what if public policies were engaging ?

what if public policies were friendly ?

what if public policy were qualitative ?

what if public policies were built for real people ?

what if public policies were engaging ?

what if public policies were friendly ?

what if public policy were qualitative ?

what if public policies were built for real people ?

for ingenous local authorities !

comparingtwo ecosystems

the Petzl organisation

the founder: Fernand Petzl

a vision: good products for sports and climbing

with many constraints

upscaling and diffusion

the public sector organisation

elected officials

a vision: a better life for people

with many constraints

upscaling and diffusion

what we need to achieve this goal :


drawing and models


focus groups

resistance tests

What about the design of public policies ?

drawing and models


focus groups

resistance tests

an iterative way of thinking

creativity and drawing

consider opportunities before problems

to be in « beta » mode

rather making for thinking than think before build

Quality, Cleverness, Desire…

What values for a design of public policies ?

How to consider citizens not as consumers ?

How to share design for communs not cost-killing ?

How to be respectful of people ?

How to consider design not just hype but in a long term relation with public policies

How to consider an ethic of design ?

EmpathieDans la






Dans cette période de crises économique, sociale, démocratique, écologique, de sens, nous pensons qu’il est

possible d’imaginer un nouvel esprit de l’action publique locale que nous nommons "Régions ingénieuses".

Nous faisons l’hypothèse que l’avenir n’est pas à la frime ni au gigantisme, mais à un subtil mélange

d’inventivité et d’humilité, de qualité et de sens, et que c’est peut-être la combinaison de petits acquis qui

permettra de renouer avec les grandes conquêtes. Pour que les Régions deviennent vraiment ingénieuses et

ne soient pas le résultat d'une logique ultralibérale de réduction des coûts, il est nécessaire de rappeler les

valeurs qui inspirent leur façon d'être et d'agir :

Le manifeste des Régions ingénieuses

Quality, Cleverness, Desire… Empathy, Integrity, and Frugality

