April 12-18, 2015



April 12-18, 2015

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  • April 12-18, 2015 Vol. XXIV No. 18Official Publication of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro, Iloilo City Tel. Nos. 320-9505 & 329-1625 website: www.ourladyofcandlesnationalshrine.com email:jarocathedral@yahoo.com.ph

    2nd Sunday of Easter (Year B)Divine Mercy Sunday

    Jesus Divine Mercy - Gods Easter Gift to MankindArmando A. Sue

    turn to page 8...

    On the night of Sunday, 22 February 1931, while she was inside her nuns cell in Plock in Poland, Our Lord Jesus appeared as the King of Mercy to Sr. Maria Faustina Kowalska, an uneducated Polish nun from the Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy.Jesus appeared to her clothed in a white garment with two large rays emanating from His Heart, one red and the other pale. His right hand was raised in blessing. His left hand was touching His garment in the area of the Heart. Gazing intently in utter silence at the Lord Who had come to visit her, her entire soul and being caught in unexpected awe and great joy, Jesus said to her: Paint an image according to the pattern you see with the signature: Jesus, I trust in You. I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish. I also promise victory over the souls enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death. I Myself will defend it as My own glory. I am offering people a vessel with which they are to keep coming for graces to the fountain of mercy. That vessel is this Image with the signature Jesus I trust in You. I desire that this image be venerated, first in your chapel, and then throughout the world.The Image of the Divine Mercy represents the Risen Christ bringing mercy to the world. During his homily at the canonization of St. Faustina on April 30, 2000, Pope John Paul II said, Jesus shows His hands and His side (to the Apostles). He points to the wounds of his Passion, the wound in His Heart, the source from which flows the great waves of mercy poured out on humanity. Upon the request of her spiritual director and confessor, Fr. Michael Sopocko, Sr. Faustina asked Our Lord Jesus about the meaning of the rays in the image. Jesus Himself explained their meaning to her:The two rays denote Blood and Water. The pale ray stands for the Water which makes souls righteous. The red ray stands for the Blood which is the life of souls. These two rays issued forth from the depths of My tender mercy when My agonized Heart was opened by a lance on the Cross Happy is the one who will dwell in their shelter, for the just hand of God shall not lay hold of him. By means of this image I shall grant many graces to souls. It is to be a reminder of the demand of My mercy, because even the strongest faith is of no avail without works.

    In the Gospel of John, it is understood that the Blood recalls Jesuss sacrifice on the Cross which is the gift of the Eucharist during the Mass; and the Water - the gifts of Baptism and the Holy Spirit (Jn 3:5; 4:14; 7:37-39).

    It took three years to find someone who could paint the image. By June 1934, the artist Eugene Kazimierowski had finished the painting based on the direction of Sr. Faustina and Fr. Sopocko. But when Sr. Faustina first saw the original image, the only Divine Mercy Image that she saw in her lifetime, she wept in disappointment, complaining to Jesus: Who will paint You as beautiful as You are? In answer, Jesus said to her: Not in the beauty of the color, nor of the brush lies the greatness of this image, but in My grace.Inspiringly, when the Face of Jesus in the Image of the Divine Mercy was superimposed upon The Face in the famous Shroud of Turin, a great similarity was noted. On Good Friday, 19 April, 1935, Jesus told Sr. Faustina: I want the Image to be solemnly blessed on the first Sunday after Easter, and I want it to be venerated publicly so that every soul may

    know about it. With The Image of The Divine Mercy, Our Lord Jesus also requested Sr. Faustina to propagate observance of the Feast of Mercy (Divine Mercy Sunday, on the second Sunday of Easter); the Chaplet of Divine Mercy; the Novena to The Divine Mercy (which starts on Good Friday); and the Hour of Great Mercy (the 3oclock in the afternoon prayer).The Feast of MercyAmong all of these new forms of devotion, the Feast of Mercy holds first place. On this day Our Lord requests the faithful to repent of all their sins; have complete trust in Jesus; to go to Confession; to go to Mass and receive Communion; venerate His Image; and be merciful to others. A total of fourteen revelations were made by Jesus to Sr. Faustina concerning the Feast. Notably, our Lords promise to grant complete forgiveness of sins and punishment on the day of the Feast is recorded three times in Sr. Faustinas Diary. Our Lord Jesus told Sr. Faustina: My daughter, tell the whole world of My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of mercy be a refuge and a shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that

    day are opened all the divine floodgates through which graces flow. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity... It is my desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter.On Being Merciful to OthersJesus Our Lord demanded that the faithful must be always merciful to others in actions, words, and prayers on their behalf. Jesus said to Sr. Faustina: Yes, the first Sunday after Easter is the Feast of Mercy, but there must also be acts of mercyI demand from you deeds of mercy, which are to arise out of love for Me. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere. You must not shrink from this or try to excuse or absolve yourself from it. On the Holy EucharistJesuss revelation to Sr. Faustina on the

  • CANDLE LIGHT (April 12-18, 2015) CANDLE LIGHT (April 12-18, 2015)2 3


    THE PASTOR SPEAKSMsgr. Higinio C. VelardeSa sini nga isyu, akon padayunon ang pagpaathag sang nabilin pa nga mga Sakramento sang aton Simbahan nga wala pa mapaathag, kag gani aton karon hatagan sing igtalupangod ang isa pa gid ka Sakramento nga kasubong man sang Sakramento sang Pagpahauli, ginkambyohan ang ngalan ang Sakramento sang Paghaplas sang Lana sa Masakiton. Sang una ginatawag ini nga Sakramento sang Pagbadlis, sa Ingles, Extreme

    Unction. Gintawag ini nga Extreme Unction sang una tungod kay ginahatag ini sa mga binunyagan nga tagumatayon ukon ara sa malubha nga kahimtangan sa bagay nga ginapanan-aw nga madali na lang sia mapatay. Pero karon, ang ginapanugyan amo nga ginahatag ini sa tumoluo nga, sa tapos na sia makalambot sa panuigon nga may ara na sia nga kaugalingon nga buot kag paghangop, ara sa peligro sang kamatayon tungod sang balatian ukon katigulangon. Kon sayuron, bisan pa indi tagumatayon ang isa ka tumoluo, sarang niya mabaton ini nga Sakramento. Kay ang tig-una nga rason nga ginahatag ini nga Sakramento amo nga paagi sini, ginatugyan sang Simbahan ang isa ka tumoluo nga ara sa malubha nga kahimtangan sa nagaantus kag mahimayaon nga Ginoo agud nga Iya ini mabuligan kag maluwas. Kon sa aton pa, ini nga Sakramento nagaayo sa nagamasakit.Gani ini ginatawag man nga Sakramento nga nagapang-ayo. Kon sa bagay, ang iban nga mga Sakramento, sa ila kaugalingon nga paagi, nagabunga man sang pag-ayo. Halimbawa, ang Kasal naga-ayo sang pagka-maiya-iyahon, ang Kompirma naga-ayo sang kahadlok sa pagpanaksi kay Kristo, ang Pagkompesar naga-ayo sang aton pagkamakasasala. Pero ang Sakramento sang Paghaplas sang Lana sa masakiton may dala nga pinasahi nga pag-ayo. Iya ginadala ang mahigugmaon kag maloloy-on Ang akon taguipusoon puno sang kalipay kag pagpasalamat bangud sang kaayo kag kaalwan sang Dios. Ang aton pagsaulog sang Kwaresma nangin punu sang kabilingdan kag mabinungahon bangud sang pagbinuligay kag kooperasyon sang tanan. Madamo gid nga salamat sa inyo tanan!---ooo000ooo----Sa sining ikaduha nga Domingo sang Pagkabanhaw nga aton man ginatawag Divine Mercy Sunday, nagahiwat kita sang Viatico Publiko. Ginatipon naton ang mga tigulang kag nagamasakit sa isa ka balay kag sila nagapangalawat sang Lawas ni Kristo. Ila nabatyagan kag na-eksperyensiyahan ang kaluoy sang Dios sa konkreto nga pamaagi.Sa sini nga hilikuton, kita ginatudluan nga mag-ulikid kag magtatap sa mga nagamasakit nga katapo sang aton katilingban. Aton ipakita ang aton pagpalangga sa ila paagi sa aton maayo nga pagtatap kag pagkabalaka indi lamang sang ila materyal nga mga kinahanglanon kondi ang ila espirituhanon nga mga kinahanglanon.Subong nga si Jesus nangin maluluy-on sa aton, kita man unta mangin maluluy-on sa iban ilabi na gid sa mga kubos kag nagakinahanglan, lakip na diri ang aton mga utod nga tigulang kag nagamasakit.

    B u i l D i n G T o G ET h E r


    March 26-31, 2015

    Collection and Expenses Report

    For the Period

    March 16-29, 2015

    Total Collection: 479,845.00

    Less: Expenses 473,314.52

    Balance: 6,530.48In the spirit of transparency and accountability, we are submitting a weekly financial report. For details, feel free to come to our parish office at Pius XII Institute or call during office hours at telephone numbers: 320-9505 and 329-1625.

    Fr. Nathaniel G. GentizonEaster Journey

    national Shrine of our lady of Candles

    nga pag-ayo ni Kristo sa mga nagaantus sang malala nga balatian.Ang tinaga nga pag-ayo indi dapat hangpon nga isa ka pagkuha ukon pagdula sang balatian nga amo ang katuyoan sang medisina kag sang propesyon nga manugbulong. May ara man nga pag-ayo nga nagatandog sa kabug-osan sang isa ka tawo nga nagamasakit, sa iya lawas, sa iya kalag kag sa iya espiritu. Kon sa aton pa, ini nga sahi sang pag-ayo isa ka paagi sa diin ang isa ka tawo ginabuligan nga madangat ang iya kapupun-an sa atubangan sang Dios kag sang isigkatawo.Tanan kita nakaagi sa pagbalatian sa bisan ano nga tinion sang kabuhi; ang iban malawig kag malala, ang iban sa iya kaugalingon kag ang iban dulot sang pareho niya nga isigkatawo. Paagi sa sini nga eksperyensya, natalupangdan naton nga may madamo nga mga mabug-at nga bunga sa lawas kag espiritu ang malala kag malawig nga pagmasakit. Ini nagapakita nga ang tawo wala gid sing mahimo kag tama ka kulang sing ikasarang sa atubang sang amo nga sahi sang kalautan. Kon maayo ang lawas, aktibo kita, nagabatyag kita sing kalipay nga may mahimo kita para sa komunidad kag kinahanglanon kita sang iban. Pero kon mag-abot ang masakit, indi na kita makahimo sang dapat naton himuon, naga-depende kita sa iban, daw indi na kita mapuslan kag nahamulag sa aton komunidad. Ang kabalaka kag ang kahangawa nagapabug-at sa aton kag sa masunon ginapaluya ang aton pagtuo.Pero sa pihak nga bahin, ang masakit mahimo man magdala sa aton sa pagkahamtong sang pagtuo, kag nagabulig sa aton sa pag-usisa kon ano gid ang importante sa kabuhi sang tawo sa atubang sang umalagi kag hapaw nga mga handom nga naga-ulipon sa aton. Bilang mga kristiano, ang aton pagtuo nagabulig sa aton sa paghangop sing nagakaigo sa misteryo sang pag-

    antus kag sa pagbatas sini sing may kabakod. Si Kristo nagatudlo sa aton nga ang balatian may kahulogan kag may bili para sa aton kaluwasan kag sa kaluwasan sang iban. Nahibaloan man naton kon paano nga ginhigugma ni Kristo ang mga nagamasakit, kag kon paano niya sila ginpang-ayo sa ila mga balatian.Ang malubha nga balatian kag sakit nagadala sa aton sang kahadlok sa kamatayon kag nagapakita sa aton sang gahom sang kalautan sa kalibutan. Madamo sa aton nga mga Pilipino ang nagahunahona nga ang balatian naangot sa personal nga sala, pareho man sa mga gintoton-an nga nagpamangkot kay Jesus: Rabbi, sin-o bala ang nakasala, sia ukon ang iya mga ginikanan, kon ngaa nga nabun-ag sia nga bulag? Sa Jesus nagsabat: Indi isa sa ila kundi ini agod mapakita ang buhat sang Dios sa iya (Jn. 9:2-3). Si Kristo wala sing sala, apang iya ginkuha ang aton mga masakit, iya ginbatas ang aton mga pag-antus! (Mt. 8:17), agud maluwas kita sa sala kag sa kamatayon. Labot pa, si Kristo padayon nga nagaantus kon kita nagaantus, kita nga mga katapo sang iya Lawas, ang Simbahan.Apang bisan nga ang isa ka particular nga sala wala gid man sing kaangtanan sa isa ka sahi sang balatian, ang balatian kag ang sala may kaangtanan gid man sa isa kag isa sa pangkabug-osan nga panan-aw. Sa konkreto nga reyalidad, ang balatian isa ka timaan sang madalom kag pangkabug-osan nga kalautan nga espirituhanon sa kalibutan. Ang balatian nagapaluya sa aton kag nagapakita sang aton pagkakinahanglanon sang pagtatap kag suporta. Sa sini nga paagi, ang balatian nangin simbolo sang indi mapaiway nga pagkakinahanglan naton nga maluwas gikan sa pinakamataas nga kalautan nga amo ang kamatayon. Kag sa sini nga sahi sang kalautan,ginluwas kita ni Jesus.

    (May kasugpon) Ang selebrasyon sang Semana Santa isa ka daku nga okasyon sang Simbahan Katoliko. Halin sang pagbutho ko sa Katoliko nga eskewelahan sa De Paul College pakadto sa Pius XII Institute of Catechetical and Social Studies akon ginaselebrar kag ginabantayan ang Semana Santa ilabi na gid ang Biernes Santo nga para sa akon isa ka pagpakigbuylog sa aton Amay sa pagkamatay sang Iya Bugtong nga Anak para sa aton kaluwasan. Akon napamalandungan nga ini nga debosyon sa Biernes Santo puno sing kahulogan sa aton kabuhi tungod ang aton mga kasal-anan nadala sa kamatayon sang aton Ginoong Jesus. Tatlo ka napulo ka tuig na nga ako kag ang akon asawa wala gid lang-at nga nagatuman sang amon obligasyon pag-abot sang Biernes Santo kag amo man gihapon ang nagakahanabo sa mga kalsada nga ginaagyan sang prosesyon.Luyag ko ipaabot sa tagdumalahan sining nagaorganisar sini nga okasyon nga kon mahimo tani, kutob sang tanan nga barangay nga ginaagyan sang prosesyon, kuntani wala sang salakyan nga nagaparking sa higad sang kalsada ilabi na gid sa makitid nga kalsada kasubong sang Barangay Fajardo kag Barangay Libertad. Akon napanilagan samtang nagaprosesyon nga ang mga pumuloyo nagalantaw lang. May garahe man sila. Kon tani ila anay ipasulod ang ila salakyan agud matalunsay ang paglakat sang mga tumuluo. Ini nga okasyon tama ka solemne kag daku ang iya kahilabtanan sa aton kabuhi. Ayhan wala gid ini matalupangdi sing maayo sang tagdumalahan. Ini nga butang kon tani pagatalakayon sing maayo sang mga barangay opisyal, sang Simbahan kag sang PNP. Sa sulod sang 365 ka adlaw sa isa ka tuig, isa lang gid ka adlaw ukon tunga lang gid sa adlaw ang mahatag naton sa Iya,

    ngaa indi pa naton ini paghatagan sing igtalupangud ukon kabilinggan.Una, ngaa ginapasugtan ang mga salakyan nga magparking sa higad sang kalsada sa diin magaagi ang prosesyon.Ikaduha, koordinasyon lang sang nagadumala sang prosesyon ang kinahanglan sa mga barangay opisyal kag sa aton PNP.Ang akon lang, nga kuntani hatagan man sing importansya ini nga okasyon tungod para man sa aton tanan nga mga tumuluo ining Mahal nga Adlaw sang aton Ginoo.Ikatatlo, naga double park pa ang iban nga salakyan, ang mga tumuluo nga nagaprosesyon nagakasandad sa paglikaw, gani ang konsentrasyon sa pagpangamuyo mientras nagaprosesyon nagakaguba.Kon tani, ini nga mga obserbasyon hatagan man sing igtalupangud kag sa madason nga mga tinuig kabay pa nga ang mga kalsada mahawan na agud matalunsay ang pagpangamuyo samtang nagaprosesyon. Kon tani, ang mga tao indi lang kutob sa paglantaw lang kundi magbuylog man kay isa ini ka pagpakig-upod sa aton Ginoo sa Iya pagsakripisyo para sa aton. Kon tani ang mga tao maghatag man sing pagtahud paagi sa indi paglaktod samtang nagalakat pa ang prosesyon.

    Virgilio SoledadAng Pagpakigbuylog sa Biernes Santo

    ---ooo000ooo---Isa sa mga importante nga hilikuton nga aton patigayunon sa sining Panahon sang Paskwa sang Pagkabanhaw amo ang Easter Pilgrimage. Ayhan bag-o ini sa inyo pamatian-an. Huo! Bag-o gid man kag aton patigayunon ini bilang ikaduha naton nga tikang padulong sa aton handum nga magpili sang mga bag-o nga lideres sa aton barangay.Ano bala ang topiko nga igapatpat sa sining Easter Pilgrimage? Natapos na naton tun-an ang espiritwalidad sang isa ka lider sang nagligad nga Lenten Pilgrimage. Subong, aton naman tun-an ang organizational structure sang parokya kag ang roles, tasks and functions sang aton Barangay Apostolic Coordinator (BAC) kag Worship, Education, Service, Family kag Youth (WESFY) Coordinators.Paagi sini, mabinagbinag sang mga tumuluo sa barangay kon sin-o ang tawo ang nagakaangay sa isa ka posisyon. Kag maayo man nga klaro na nga daan sa umpisa kon ano ang mga buluhaton sang tagsa ka lider para mapa-iway ang pag-ilinaway kag pagbinahinbahinay sa katilingban.Gina-encourage ko gid ang mga tumuluo sa barangay nga magtambong sa aton Easter Pilgrimage. Para sa detalye sang schdule, palihog lang tan-aw sa Pahibalo Section sang aton Candle Light.

    ---ooo000ooo---Sa palaabuton nga Abril 17-18, ang aton mga aspirants sa Jaro Parish Ministry of Altar Services (JPMAS) magahiwat sang recollection antes sang ila gala uniform investiture. Wala naton anay sila ginpa-sotanahan agud nga mabinagbinag pa gid naton kon sin-o ang desidido sa ila nga mangin akolito ukon altar server.Isa sa mga maayo nga natabo sa aton JPMAS amo nga ang ginikanan sang aton mga acolytes organized na. May ara sila kaugalingon nga officers nga naga-lead sa mga ginikanan kon paano pa gid nila mabuligan kag masuportahan ang ila mga kabataan. Isa sa daku nga bulig sang mga officers amo ang pagdisiplina sang aton mga kabataan kag paghatag sang pamahaw sa tagsa ka may mga paghinun-anon ang JPMAS.Luwas sina, nagapati kita ang pormasyon sang isa ka bata nagakinahanglan sang PARTNERSHIP sang SImbahan kag pamilya agud mangin consistent kag constant ang aton pag-instill sang mga Christian values sa mga kabataan. Ang mga ginikanan ginadihon man paagi sa sini nga mga proseso.---ooo000ooo---Madamo pa gid ako sang sarang mapaambit sa inyo. May kasugpon pa ini sa masunod nga mga isyu. Ini tanan, bahin sang aton Easter Journey!

    Balance as of March 26, 2015 542,084.02 Donation ReceivedMa. Theresa G. Jalandoni 2,500.00 Anonymous 500.00 Ramon, Arlet & Maica 840.00 Candelaria Devotee 500.00 ICDC Construction & Supply 10,000.00 Anonymous 1,000.00 15,340.00 Cash Donations from Donation Box:March. 29, 2015Perez Family 1,000.00 Anonymous 500.00 Anonymous 500.00 Anonymous 500.00 Anonymous 500.00 Jervin & Joanne 600.00 Anonymous 1,000.00 Jocelyn T. Lim Chiu 1,000.00 Donation Box 7,370.00 12,970.00 Total Donation for the week & Donation Box 28,310.00 Cash on Hand-March 31, 2015 570,394.02 rEADErS Corner

  • CANDLE LIGHT (April 12-18, 2015) CANDLE LIGHT (April 12-18, 2015)

    Editorial BoardrEV. Fr. NATHANIEL G. GENTIZON


    PurEZA D. LAcuEsTAArMANDO A. suEAssociate Editors


    News Editors

    juLIETA G. AquILOMA. rOsArIO r. TEjADA

    Feature Editors

    LALAINE D. PAsquINCirculation

    rIcArDO q. FALLAcOrINA IILayout Artist

    ALmA d. bLANCAjuLiE ANN m. bLANCAFLormAriA Ludy wEN horArio

    AshLEy b. LobrEsCorAzoN L. mAjAruCoN

    VIrGILIO sOLEDADContributors

    The Candle Light is a non-profit weekly publication.


    rT. rEV. MsGr. HIGINIO c. VELArDE, jr., jcD, PA Parish Priest


    Parochial Vicars

    rEV. Fr. PHILIPP NEIL y. ANTENOr-cruZ Special Assistant for Temporal Affairs

    rEV. MsGr. ALEjANDrO P. EsPErANcILLASpecial Assistant for Liturgical Affairs

    rEV. Fr. FrANcIscO T. ANGOsTurArEV. Fr. jOENIck s. TErrITOrIO

    Resident Priests

    4 5

    Quote of the Week

    None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have faith.

    Paulo Coelho

    Brgy. San Roque MKK: Church of and for the Poor

    Alma D. Blanca

    source: www.derekleman.com

    (Let us pray for each other)

    :: Gospel Reflection

    Ang Pulong Nangin Tawo


    readings for the WEEk

    BIRTHDAy14 F. Rodolfo Napial16 Fr. Anastacio GonzalesORDINATION12/84 Fr. Tomas Terania13/94 Fr. Narciso Landar Fr. Leonardo Pestao Fr. Jose Alex Serania Fr. Moises Tacardon15/82 Fr. Elmer Tababa15/88 Fr. Manuel Gonzales15/93 Fr. Warlito ProvidoNECROLOGy12 Fr. Tobias Los Baes18 Msgr. Ramon Chiu

    Ika-2 nga Domingo sang Pagkabanhaw, Abril 12, 2015Jn 20:24-29

    APrIL 2015

    HOAYERPERSECUTED CHRISTIANSThat persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church.

    Second Sunday of EasterActs 4:32-35Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-241 Jn 5:1-6Jn 20:19-31Divine Mercy Sunday

    Monday, April 13Acts 4:23-31Ps 2:1-9Jn 3:1-8Tuesday, April 14Acts 4:32-37Ps 93:1-2, 5Jn 3:7-15Wednesday, April 15Acts 5:17-26Ps 34:2-9Jn 3:16-21Thursday, April 16Acts 5:27-33Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20Jn 3:31-36Friday, April 17Acts 5:34-42Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14Jn 6:1-15Saturday, April 18Acts 6:1-7Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19Jn 6:16-21

    Fe Marina S. Siacon

    Mahimo nga kita man may kakulangan sa aton pagtuo. To see is to believe. Amo man ina si Tomas. Nabasa man naton sa Ebanghelyo ang iya mga ginpanghambal sang sugiran sia nahanungod kay Ginoong Jesus. Ara na gid sia sang pagbanhaw ni Jesus kay Lazaro. Ara man sia sang pagpanudlo ni Ginoong Jesus nahanungod sang iya Pagkabanhaw kag pag-abut sang Espiritu Santo. Sa iya pagpamangkot, Ginoo, wala kami makahibalo kon diin ka makadto kag namangkot nga paano namon mahibal-an ang dalan. Sa sini nagsabat si Ginoong Jesus, Ako ang dalan, ang kamatuoran kag ang kabuhi, wala sing makakadto sa Amay kundi paagi lang sa Akon.Ano pa nga pamatuod ang ipakita sang Dios agud kita magtuo? Mga milagro nga aton naagyan sa kabuhi ukon nakita, ukon nabatyagan? Amo bala ini ang pagtuo? Ang pagtuo isa ka aksyon ukon buhat. Pagbuhat naton sang butang nga makadala sa aton sa pagpangabuhi sang isa ka kabuhi nga nasandig sa paghigugma kag mga pagpanudlo kag mga milagro ni Jesus. Isa ini ka butang nga dapat naton pasalamatan sa Dios kay Sia lang gid ang nagtanum sining binhi

    24 Ang isa sang mga dose ka gintuton-an, si Tomas nga gintawag ang Kapid, wala didto sang pag-abot ni Jesus. 25 Gani ginsugiran sia sang iban nga mga gintuton-an, Nakita namon ang Ginoo!Si Tomas nagsiling sa ila, Kon indi ko makita ang agi sang mga lansang sa iya mga kamot, kag magulo ko ang akon tudlo sa agi sang mga lansang, kag magulo ko ang akon kamot sa iya kilid, indi ako magtuo.26 Sang makaligad ang isa ka simana, ang mga gintuton-an nagtipon liwat sa sulod sang balay kag si Tomas kaupod na nila. Ang mga puwertahan natrangkahan, pero si Jesus nag-abot kag nagtindog sa tunga nila kag nagsiling, Paghidait sa inyo. 27 Dayon nagsiling sia kay Tomas, Idab-ot diri ang imo tudlo, kag tan-awa ang akon mga kamot. Dayon idab-ot ang imo mga kamot kag igulo sa akon kilid. Indi ka na magpangduha-duha, kundi magtuo!28 Si Tomas nagsabat sa iya, Ginoo ko kag Dios ko!

    Si Jesus Nagpakita sa Iya mga Gintutun-an

    CREATIONThat people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God.

    sang pagtuo sa aton tagipusuon nga dapat naton saguron, tipigan, palambuon, patambukon, kag ipanggas sa iban. Aton mapamalandungan sing maayo ang mga ginsermon ni Fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon sadtong Sabado de Gloria nga Misa agud mapabakod pa gid ang aton pagtuo.Nagtakop na ang Paschal Triduum. Si Jesus nabanhaw na. Ang una nga punto nga aton talupangdon amo nga ang pagsunod naton kay Kristo wala nagatapos sa kamatayon kundi sa himaya there is no Easter Sunday without Good Friday. Ang aton pag-upod kay Kristo isa ka pagpakig-ambit sa Iya kasakit. Kon nag-upod kita sa Iya, sa Iya mga kasakit, upod man kita sa Iya, sa Iya pagkabanhaw!Ikaduha nga punto, ang Pagkabanhaw ni Kristo sa himaya aton man kadalag-an. Madinalag-on kita over our death, in and through Christ. Indi Sia malayo sa aton, kundi nagaupod kita sa Iya kabuhi, kay ang Iya kabuhi aton man kabuhi. Magtuo gid kita sa Iya.Kon kaisa masulay kita sa pagpanumdum nga wala na sing paagi nga makagwa sa malaot nga butang ukon ang pinakaworst pa gid amo nga wala kita nagapaninguha sa pagpamatuk sang kalautan. Si Ginoong Jesus

    nagatudlo sa aton sang paagi kag ina, amo ang Krus. Sa Krus Sia namatay, apang ang himaya sang Iya Pagkabanhaw nagahikot man sa aton sa pagbag-o. Sa katapusan Iya ginsiling nga sa tion nga kita makulangan sing pagtuo panumdumon gid naton ang daku nga Gugma sang Dios para sa aton kag ang Iya pagkamaluluy-on sa pagpatawad sang aton mga sala. Ang Dios handa pirme sa pagbaton sa aton tungod kita Iya mga kabataan.God will accept us because

    He has made us His adopted children, we are His. He loves us with that love that forgives, love that accepts, love that empowers to do good and overcome evil. Let us ask Mama Mary to help us in our struggle.

    Pamangkot1. Dapat gid bala nga may pinasahi nga natabo sa aton kabuhi agud magtuo kita nga si Jesus, Bugtong nga Anak sang Dios amo ang aton Manluluwas? 2. Nag-abut man bala sa imo kabuhi ang pagpangduha-duha sa imo pagtuo? Ano ang nakapahiuli sa imo sini sa pagbalik sa pagtuo sa Iya?

    It has been two years since I wrote an article about the journey of our Magagmay nga Kristianong Katilingban (MKK). As I have said, we are struggling slowly yet steadily towards total transformation.In response to the growth of our spiritual journey, I will give a few account of how we used our time, talents and treasure to serve God and most especially our neighbors the lost, the least and the last.We have only two Urnas with fifteen families each. Urna 1 holds its Bible sharing every Sunday, 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon with at least 8 to 10 members attending, while Urna 2 schedules its Bible sharing every Saturday afternoon with remarkable perfect attendance or with only one or two absences weekly. Through the Bible sharing, we realize that in our life, we must change for the better, a continuing improvement. We cannot remain passive or stagnant. We must grow and move forward because God does not give up on us. God provides everything so that we can make progress in life and grow in His grace. Slowly, we have overcome our negative values and attitudes. We have left our old ways, and old selfish practices.

    Every first Friday of the month, we hold our Barangay Monthly Mass. Majority of the members of the two Urnas are present with their family members. During the season of Lent, we hold Via Crucis every Friday evening. We also join in the Oras sang Parokya every second Wednesday of the month. We participate in the Saludo sa kay Ntra. Sra. de la Candelaria and

    other Parish activities. We hold prayer vigils for the dead and for the past ten years or more, we have comforted more than two hundred families through our visits and prayers. Our two members who have attended formation on Arimathea had assisted family members of dying persons from the time they were confined in the hospitals until their burial.In response to one of the Parishs vision, to be a Church of the Poor and the declaration of 2015 as the Year of the Poor, our MKK also extends financial assistance to our poor families in time of their bereavement, accidents and the like. Once in a while, we gather the poor and elderly residents to offer them nutritious snacks. We learned to be sensitive to their situation, to be compassionate. We are called to be charitable, merciful and caring in action.In our own small ways, we also help in the reconstruction project of our Parochial House. We have a second collection in our monthly Masses and provided the four sari-sari stores in our Barangay with small plastic jars where customers drop their loose Ang Salubong ukon Encuentro ginhiwat sang nagligad nga Abril 5, 2015, Domingo sang Pagkabanhaw sang Ginoo, alas 5:00 sang aga. Ini isa ka tradisyon nga ang duha ka imahen, ang Mahal nga Birhen kag ang nabanhaw nga Kristo nagahalin sa nagakalain lain nga barangay. Sa sini nga tuig, ang imahen sang Mahal nga Birhen naghalin sa Brgy. Taytay Zone 2 kag ang nabanhaw nga Kristo sa Brgy. Fajardo. Gintunga ang 12 ka mga apostoles kay amo ini sila ang nagatus-ong sa duha ka imahen. Alas 5:15 sang kaagahon nag-umpisa ang prosesyon halin sa 2 ka barangay. Upod sa mga pumoluyo sang mga malapit nga barangay sa Taytay Zone 2 gin-usoy ang mga dalan sang Fajardo Ext., Cuartero, CC El 98 kag naggua sa Seminario. Samtang ang mga pumoluyo sang Brgy. Fajardo kag malapit nga barangay gin-usoy ang Fajardo St., kag nagliko sa Arguelles St. Madamo ang nagbuylog sa sina nga prosesyon kag may dala sila nga mga sulo kag kandela. Nagdugang pa sa masadya nga kahiwatan ang pag-upod sang banda, akolito kag subong man ang presensya ni Rev. Fr. Nathaniel Gentizon kag Rev. Fr. Randy Doromal.Nagsalubong ang 2 ka imahen sa atubang sang kampanaryo sa gua sang Cathedral compound. Ang apostoles nga nagahakwat sang imahen ni Birhen Maria nagluhod sing tatlo ka beses sa paghatag respeto sa imahen sang Nabanhaw nga Kristo kag dungan sila sulod sa compound.

    Nangin madinuagon ang Encuentro bangud sang partisipasyon sang mga kabataan gikan sa nanari-sari nga barangay nga sakop sang aton parokya. Sila amo ang nagbantala sang Maayong Balita sang Pagkabanhaw paagi sa mga ambahanon. Subong man, ginatukar man ang Allelulia ni Hanel nga ginsautan sang mga pamatan-on sang Jaro Parish Youth Ministry (JPYM).Salamat sa mga katapo sang BAC-WESTFY, MKK , ginikanan sang mga kabataan pumoluyo kag brgy. officials nga nagbuylog kag nagbulig agud mangin madinalag-on ang Salubong 2015. Kabay pa nga ang Piesta sang Pagkabanhaw sang Ginoo magahatag sa aton sing paglaum, bag-o nga kabuhi kay Iya ginlutos ang kamatayon. Amen.

    EncuentroJulie Ann M. Blancaflor

    change. There are many ways to serve, as long as we are working for the good of others. We do good works out of love for God. We share not because we seek praise and recognition. It is God Whom we want to please. We are not after of something in return. We only want to share the goodness of God. Last Easter Sunday, we had our Paghakus sa Krus. We went to the houses of our five families whom we consider poorest of the poor. The recipients shed tears of joy when they embraced Jesus hanging on the Cross and as they received the gift packs we shared with them. They realized that there are still people caring for them. Yes, the greatest way we serve others is by giving them Jesus Christ. There are times that we can witness to our faith through words, but we can always witness to our faith by the way we live. It is only through prayers and personal reflection that the Lord opens the eyes of our hearts to realize the great love we have received and the desire to share this love to others.It cannot be denied that often in our spiritual journey, darkness falls, and everything appears to go wrong in our lives. We see no way out of our difficulties, and God seems far away. It is in these times that we need to pray for God to strengthen our faith and keep us walking. God never stops to give us what we need in life. Let us beg the Lord for the grace to transform our fears into trust and our independence into dependence on Him so that we may live only for Him and for His glory.

    29 Si Jesus nagsiling sa iya, Nagatuo ka bala kay nakakita ka sa akon? Bulahan ang mga nagtuo bisan wala sila makakita!source: plus.google.com


    Worship Minis tr y

  • CANDLE LIGHT(April 12-18, 2015) 76 CANDLE LIGHT (April 12-18, 2015)

    Ang KwaresmaCorazon L. Majarucon


    Misa Pro Populo Sponsors/Offerers April 12 Fajardo 19 Cuartero 26 Taytay Zone 2Oras sang Parokya (kada Mierkules)April 15 Benedicto 22 San Vicente 29 Tabuc Suba Ilaya First Saturday Dawn RosaryMay 2 Tabuc Suba ProperJune 6 DemocraciaJuly 4 Ma. Cristina

    Ang Faith Formation sang Parokya magapadayon sa Abril 17 kag 24. Ini kinaandan nga pagahiwaton sa La Isabelita Hall, Jaro Metropolitan Compound sa alas 6 sa gab-i. Ang topiko sang ini nga hilikuton pastoral igapatpat ni Fr. Joenick S. Territorio, Education Ministry Director.Ang Archdiocesan Commission on Catechetical and Catholic Education (ACCCE) nagapahibalo sang paghiwat sang ika-apat nga Summer Catechetical Institute (SCI). Ini magasugod sa Abril 13 tubtob Mayo 16, 2015 nga pagahiwaton sa St. Joseph Regional Seminary, Cubay, Jaro, Iloilo City.Mangin isa ka katekista paagi sa pagpasakop sa sini nga paghanas.Sa dugang nga kasayuran, magpakig-angot sa talatapan sang ACCCE sa Pius XII Institute ukon kay Msgr. Ramon A. Pet kag Mrs. Nima Balones sa sini nga telephone number: 320-1348.Madamo nga Salamat. Ang core group sang Apostolate of OFWs Family (AOFWF) magasinapol sa Abril 14, 2015 3:00 sa hapon sa Pius XII Institute. May pagahiwaton nga Seminar para sa mga Katekista, BAC Worship Coordinators, Service Coordinators kag Volunteer Catechists nga maluyag magtudlo sang Katekesis para sa Flores de Mayo sa mga kabarangayan nga sakop sang Parokya sang Jaro. Ini pagahiwaton sa Abril 25, 2015 alas 8 sa aga tubtob alas 4 sa hapon, sa La Isabelita Hall, Jaro Cathedral Compound.

    Sign Language Class



    Easter Pilgrimage Schedule

    4th Summer Catechetical InstituteBasic Beginners ClassApril 13-18, 20159:00-11:00 A.M., 2:00-4:00 P.M.For Inquiries:Janet: +639302557966Jenny: +639073985720Offered by: DEAF MINISTRY, ARCHDIOCESE OF JARO2ND Floor Mary Queen of the Apostles BuildingPuis XII Institute Compound, Jaro, Iloilo CityBeside Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral

    April, 5:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. 17 Bakhaw, Taft North 18 Calubihan, Taytay Zone II 24 Fajardo, Arguelles 25 Cuartero, LibertadMay, 5:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M. 01 Ma. Cristina, San Roque 02 Simon Ledesma, Democracia 08 Benedicto, Luna 09 CC El 98,Seminario 15 Desamparados, San Vicente 16 Lourdes DB, Jalandoni 22 Tabuc Suba-Ilaya, Proper

    MASSES:Daily: 05:30 a.m. (Hiligaynon) 06:00 a.m. (English) 06:30 a.m. (Hiligaynon) 12:15 p.m. (English, Monday-Friday) 05:30 p.m. (English) Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (English Anticipated Mass)Sunday: 05:00 a.m. (Hiligaynon) 06:30 a.m. (English) 08:00 a.m. (Hiligaynon) 09:30 a.m. (English) 12:00 NN (English) 03:00 p.m. (English) 04:30 p.m. (Hiligaynon) 06:00 p.m. (Hiligaynon) 07:30 p.m. (English)BAPTISM: 11:30 a.m Saturday 11:00 a.m. SundayCONFESSION: 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Tuesday to Friday COUNSELLING: by Appointment

    PARISH SERvICESBarangay Sponsors

    Faith Formation

    Tuman kadamo buluhaton sa KwaresmaGani tuman kasaku katapo sang ParokyaMga kaparian, Obispo kag subong man mga bisitaIni ginaumpisahan sa pagbadlis kag ginatapos sa Domingo de Paskwa.Kasakit, kamatayon kag pagkabanhaw ni Kristo ginpamalandunganAdlaw nga Miyerkules ang pagbadlis ginhiwat sa SimbahanMay ara man sa mga kapilya kag sa tagsa ka eskwelahanNagapapalhit sang abo sa aton mga agtangPahanumdum nga ang tanan may yara gid katapusan.Ini ginasundan sang pito ka BiernesNga bisan sa barangay nagahiwat sang Via CrucisAng mga masakiton ginbisitahan sang mga apostolesNga natapos gid sa adlaw sang Mierkules Santo.Sang Huwebes Santo sa kinaandan ginhimo ang Visita IglesiaKaupod sa mga apostoles, pamatan-on, BAC kag katapo sang ParokyaPito ka Simbahan ang ginbisitahan sa diin ang mga kinahanglanon ginpangamuyuanNangin mapuslanon gid kay tingob nga nagapangamuyo ang tanan.Sa Biyernes Santo nangin mas masako na gidBug-os nga pamilya nagapangamuyo para sa bug-os SimbahanPanahon nga kita nagapangayo gid kapatawaranKay si Ginoong Jesus napatay tungod sa aton mga kasal-anan.Alas seis sang sirom naghiwat sang prosesyonGindugukan sang mga tumuluo nga padayon sa pagdebosyonNanari-sari nga pasos ang aton gin-updanKaupod sa pagsakripisyo ang pamilya kag ang mga kaabyanan.Sabado de Gloria pagkatapos sang MisaTion sa pagpangbendisyon kag pagpangbenditaBinhi, santos, salakyan kag iban paNagalinya para makaambit sang Diosnon nga bendisyon.Domingo sang Pagkabanhaw kita aga pa nagmataPara makasaksi sa pagkita ni Ginoong Jesus kag Birhen MariaPag-abot sa Simbahan, ang dampog nahanda naKabataan malipayon sa pagsa-ot kag pagkantaPagpadunggog sa aton utod nga si Jesus kag iloy, Birhen Maria.Malipayon nga Pagkabanhaw sa tagsa-tagsaAng panahon sang Kwaresma natapos naPatimaan nga sa tagsa ka kasakit ara ang kalipay kag himayaBagay nga aton dumdumon kag iselebrar kaupod ang bug-os nga pamilya.

  • CANDLE LIGHT (April 12-18, 2015) 98 CANDLE LIGHT (April 12-18, 2015)

    Dawn of a New DayThe sun was slowly breaking a canopy of clouds, and soon, the gray curtain was brushed aside and a new day appeared a very bright new day! Easter Sunday! A gift from God! Jesus was no longer in the sepulcher. He has triumphed over death and has raised high giving brilliance to our life. There is no more despair there is only hope. There is no more sorrow; there is only joy. There is no more Cross; only the Crown.A brilliant Jesus, covered with the aura of redemption, was rising higher-higher- His scars clearly seen to remind us of our weakness, and our chance for salvation.Heaven was opening to reclaim our redeemer, heaven was opening to make us understand that its gates are always ready to let us in if we transform and reform.God has no favorites. He deals with all of us equally.The more we humble ourselves, the more he loves us. The more we accept our faults, the more he smiles.We must sink to the ground and kiss Gods feet if we want to be risen by the Lord to a new day.

    Pureza D. Lacuesta

    Sometimes, when we examine our conscience, we are horrified with some actions we ought not to have done, and with insulting words which we ought not to have spoken. Had Jesus not suffered for us, could we have been saved, no ordinary mortal no matter how righteous, could have save souls by dying.After this season of Lent, let us try to turn over a new leaf. Sometimes, its difficult to forgive an errant companion, a disobedient child, or a false friend but, if we could go back to Calvary to the crucifixion of Jesus and proceed to His resurrection, we can see and feel that God is doing all means for our salvation and give us a new day.Can you see the outstretched hand-wrinkled, skinny, trembling? Feel your purse. Hurry! get some coins. Drop it on that palm. What a change! Can you see that smile as He looks up to you? You are resurrected.Did you see that child fall into the canal? You dont know him. Hes dirty and hes crying. You forget your imported shoes. You forget your new skirt. You go to the boy and pull him out of the canal. He looks at you with dirty, but grateful eyes he kisses your hand and you you are resurrected!

    Let us live with God, work with God; work up with God in the morning and say good night to Him when we prepare for our nights rest.If we can give time to worldly festivities, can we not give time to God? If we can go to pic-nic, excursions, and other celebrations, can we not go to a quiet place and say some prayers to the Lord?When I was very young, our Auntie whom we called Big Mama, always called us for prayers. We always said our prayers before meals, during the Angelus, and our evening rosary. In my high school years, the Spanish nuns of the Hijas de Jesus taught us how to visit the Blessed Sacrament we were made to understand what the tabernacle is, and how to be reverent. Today, my devotion to God the Father has grown strong. It is my dawn of a new day. I never let go of my red beads and Fiat octave beads, which is also dedicated to Him. I am glad of this new dawn in my waning years. God the Father, I worship you.Visita Iglesia

    Maria Ludy Wen HorarioThe Chaplet of Mercy is recited using ordinary rosary beads of five decades. The Chaplet is preceded by two opening prayers from the Diary of Saint Faustina and followed by a closing prayer.1. Make the Sign of the CrossIn the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.2. Optional Opening PrayersYou expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls, and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us. (Repeat three times) O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of Mercy for us, I trust in You! 3. Our FatherOur Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, Amen.4. Hail MaryHail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.

    of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.6. The Eternal Father

    Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.7. On the Ten Small Beads of Each DecadeFor the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.8. Repeat for the remaining decadesSaying the "Eternal Father" (6) on the "Our Father" bead and then 10 "For the sake of His sorrowful Passion" (7) on the following "Hail Mary" beads.9. Conclude with Holy God (Repeat three times)Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world.10. Optional Closing PrayerEternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself.

    Praying the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy

    5. The Apostle's CreedI believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended into hell; on the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness

    Amo ini ang akon naeksperiensyahan sang amon pag Visita Iglesia. Nagtipun kami tanan sa PIUS XII kag naglakat pakadto sa amon salakyan nga jeep. Sa tagsa ka jeep may 20 ka tawo. Sa amon paglakat nangamuyo kami nga ubayan kag hatagan kami sing maligwa nga dalan kag ipalayo sa disgrasya. Sa amon pag-abot sa una nga simbahan, ang Our Lady of Fatima Parish Alta Tierra, nagluhod kag nangamuyo kami paagi sa prayer guide. Nangin mahipos ang pagpamalandong sing tampad. Sa ika-duha nga simbahan, Our Lady of Montserrat Parish Gran Plains, may pari nga nagpa-ambit nahanungod sa Visita Iglesia kag kami namati sa iya. Sang nagwa sa simbahan ang amon jeep na abiriya nahukas ang iya wire nga nagakoniktar sa manibela. Nanaog kami tanan kag naghulat tubtob makay-o, pero nahukas liwat ang wire asta lang kami sagwa idul-ong kay indi na kaya sang jeep magbiyahe sang malayo. Nakakita kami sang jeep nga amon masakyan para mapadayon ang amon pagpanglakaton. Ang ika-tatlo nga Simbahan amo ang Spousal of Mary and Joseph Parish Buntatala. Pagkatapos ang amon pangamuyo nasugata namun ang mga madre. Sa amon padayon nga pagpanglakaton sa ika-apat nga simbahan St. Vincent Ferrer Parish Leganes,

    nakasugata naman kami madre pasulod. Kada isa nagpangamuyo sing tampad kag nagpamalandong. Ang ika-lima nga simbahan amo ang Sta. Monica Parish kag ang ika-anum sa St. Joseph the Worker Parish. Kami tanan nagpasalamat kag nagakalipay kay nagpadayon ang amon panglakaton, wala na naga guba-guba amon salakyan. Sa amon paglakat pakadto sa ika-pito nga simbahan samtang naga biyahi, kami tanan nag-istoryahanay sa natabo sa amon kag sa mga experiences sa Visita Iglesia. Sa amon pag-abot sa ika-pito nga simbahan ang pinalangga namun nga National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro Cathedral, nagsulod kami kag nag-atubang sa altar. Nagpasalamat sa Diyos nga nakabalik kami sing matawhay kag malipayon.

    Holy Eucharist is very clear, that He is truly present and truly alive in the Holy Eucharist which we receive during Holy Communion. Our Lord Jesus said to Sr. Faustina: My great delight is to unite Myself with soulsWhen I come to a human heart in Holy communion, My hands are full of all kinds of graces which I want to give to the soul. But souls do not even want to pay attention to Me; they leave Me to Myself and busy themselves with other thingsHow sad I am that souls do not recognize Love! They treat Me as a dead object. On the Chaplet of Divine MercyOn 13 September, still in Vilnius, Sr. Faustina began to write the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. The purpose of the Chaplets prayers are three-fold: to obtain mercy; to trust in Jesuss Christs mercy; and to show mercy to others. Our Lord said to Sr. Faustina:Whoever will recite it will receive great mercy at the hour of death. When this is said in the presence of the dying, I will stand between my Father and the dying person, not as the just Judge but as the Merciful Savior. Priests will recommend it to sinners as their last hope of salvation. Even a sinner most hardenedif he were to recite this Chaplet only oncewould receive grace from My mercy. Through the Chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you ask for is compatible with My will.On the NovenaOn Good Friday, 1937, Our Lord Jesus

    requested Sr. Faustina to make a special Novena before the Feast of Mercy, to start from Good Friday up to the Saturday before the Feast. Jesus Himself dictated the intentions for each day.On the Hour of Great Mercy (the 3 oclock hour prayer) Our Lord specifically asked for special prayers and meditation on His Passion at this specific hour which recalls His death on the Cross, each afternoon at three oclock. In revelations to Sr. Faustina, Our Lord said, in very detailed instructions:At three oclock, implore My mercy, especially for sinners; and, if only for a brief moment, immerse yourself in My Passion, particularly in My abandonment at the moment of agony. This is the hour of great mercyIn this hour I will refuse nothing to the soul that makes a request of Me in virtue of My Passion. As often as you hear the clock strike the third hour, immerse yourself completely in My mercy, adoring, glorifying, invoking its omnipotence for the whole world, particularly for poor sinners; for at that moment mercy was opened wide for every soul. In this hour you can obtain everything for yourself and for others for the asking; it was the hour of grace for the whole world mercy triumphed over justiceMy daughter, try your best to make the Stations of the Cross at this hour, as your duties permit; if you are not able to, then at least step into the chapel for a moment and adore, in the Most Blessed Sacrament, My Heart, which is full of mercy; and should you be unable to step into the chapel, immerse yourself in prayer where you happen to be, if only for an instant

    Jesuss messages to Sr. Faustina are recorded in her Diary of some 600 pages. Born Helen Kowalska on August 25, 1905 in Glocowiec, Poland, to a poor, religious family, she was the third of ten children. Her calling to the religious life is itself extraordinary. In 1924, at age 19, she and her sister Natalia went to a dance party at a park in Lodz. While attending the dance party, she had a vision of the suffering Christ. Going inside a cathedral afterwards, she was told by Jesus to leave for Warsaw immediately and join a convent. That night, packing a small bag, she waited until morning and took a train to Warsaw, eighty-five miles away, without her parents permission, and knowing no one in Warsaw. Upon arrival, she entered the first church she saw (St. James Church) and attended Mass. Meeting Fr. Dabrowski, the priest, she asked for suggestions, and approached and was turned down by several convents, and in one case she was told we do not accept maids here , because she was penniless. Faustina could read and write and had three or four years of education. Finally, the mother superior at the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy accepted her conditionally, provided she could pay for her habit. From this very humble beginning, and with her limited education, her providential journey has provided the faithful with the essential wealth of details about Our Lords message of mercy for mankind. In her Diary, Jesus reveals that mercy is at the heart of the Gospel and is the central theme of the Bible. Jesus once told Sr. Faustina: Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy. This

    message continues to reverberate into our consciousness today as faithful members of the universal Church.Because Love is the very essence of God the Fathers sending to earth of His Only Begotten Son Jesus to save mankind from Original Sin and from eternal damnation, mercy becomes the link that makes this divine love connected to human beings. With love, there is mercy; with mercy from God, there is salvation. Gods boundless and unfathomable love for mankind becomes understandable in and because of Gods mercy for men. Because this divine love is overflowing, it also overflows in divine compassion for man and his salvation. In the grace of mercy is revealed Gods nature of love, and for the faithful person, this love and mercy become the reason for his own response of love for God and mercy towards others.

    In his first Apostolic Visit to the Philippines on January 15-19, 2015, Pope Francis comes to the Filipinos in the spirit of Mercy and Compassion, the theme chosen by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. The Masses and meetings with the priests and religious at the Manila Cathedral, the encounter with Families, the Mass at Tacloban, the visit to Pope Francis Center and the Palo Cathedral, the Encounter with the Youth at UST, and the Feast of the Santo Nio Mass at the Luneta all point to Pope Francis mission of bringing Christs mercy and compassion to the Filipino people. On this second Sunday of Easter, which is known as Divine Mercy Sunday, we are called to manifest our requiting love to Christ for this grace of salvation by sharing mercy and compassion with fellow Filipinos and with the rest of the world.

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    1.) The Divine Mercy Message and Devotion, Revised Edition (Marian Press, Stock Bridge, MA 01263) 2012 2.) Living with Christ, papal visit 2015 3.) thedivinemercy.org/mercysunday/dms.php 4.) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faustina_Kowalska

  • BANNSEngr. Alberto H. Yanga

    Parish secretary

    The couples below wish to contract marriage with each other. For any impediment or serious defects that will prohibit marriage,

    please inform the Parish Secretary or call 329-16-25.

    APRIL 12, 2015 SUNDAy 05:00 a.m. +Dr. Cenon D. Zerrudo by Alice Zerrudo & Children 06:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Catholic Womens League 08:00 a.m. MISA PRO POPULO 09:30 a.m. +Rey, Leon & Ney Tajanlangit, Serafin & Victoria Mallare, Alfredo & Corazon Hugo, Encarnacion & Maria Clara Gonzaga, Eduardo Nuguit, Augustus Bacabac & Luz Tajanlangit by Alice T. Mallare 12:00 n.n. +Purisima Medianero by Nenitte Medianero Haugerod 03:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass for Wilve Marie Jucaban Lombres by Nove Lombres



    FirST PUBLicATiOn

    ARVI TANATE, 29 yrs. old, resident of Buluwangan, Guimbal, Iloilo, son of Evelina Tanate and MARy JOy U. AGULTO, 29 yrs. old, resident of Fajardo St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Eleuterio Agulto & Josefina Umadhay.

    JHERRy G. BUCAIS, 28 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Tabuc Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Juan Bucais & Nilda Gula and MARy GRACE F. DALA, 28 yrs. old, resident of Bahit, Panay, Capiz, daughter of Freddie Dala & Marjorie Fuentes.REyNALDO G. PADERNAL, 29 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Taytay Zone II, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Alfredo Padernal & Victoria Guarte and MAy G.

    BARRIDO, 23 yrs. old, resident of Sto. Tomas, Passi City, Iloilo, daughter of Rolando Barrido & Rebecca Gardoce.MICHAEL M. CIASICO, 29 yrs. old, resident of Blk. 13, Lot 25, Bankers Village, Dungon B, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Romualdo C. Ciasico & Jasmin S. Macuja and JESSA LEE O. DALIDA, 26 yrs. old, resident of Lot I, Blk. 2, Sacred Heart Subd., Mandurriao, Iloilo City, daughter of Walter C. Dalida & Jocelyn L. Oquendo.ROy T. TABURO, 36 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Balicua, Tubungan, Iloilo, son of Emilio Sr. T. Taburo & Estrella C. Tamonan and JONAH A.

    MAPOy, 28 yrs. old, resident of Blk. 11, Lot 11, Parc Regency Subd., Brgy. Balabag, Pavia, Iloilo, daughter of Ruben A. Mapoy & Alicia G. Alojado.ANTHONy JUSTIN T. LEDESMA, 34 years old, resident of Monterosa Subd., Mandurriao, Iloilo City, son of Victor Ledesma & Florence Tse Wing and GRACE P. UADAN, 33 years old, resident of Monterosa Subd., Mandurriao, Iloilo City, daughter of Manuel Uadan & Nemesia Paspe.

    SEcOnD PUBLicATiOnRAyMOND P. BELLO, 30 yrs. old, resident of Dongsol, Pototan, Il-oilo, son of Deolito R. Bello & Marion P. Patoc and SHEENA MAE C. EVAN-

    GELISTA, 27 yrs. old, resident of Javellana Ext., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Leo V. Evangelista & Ma. Grace S. Cape.NILO T. MAGALAN, 37 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Baguingin, Tigbauan, Iloilo, son of Jose T. Magalan & Segondina S. Tayhopon and MICHEL T.

    TAN, 36 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. 3 Poblacion, Tigbauan, Iloilo, daughter of Antonio T. Tan & Fortunata R. Tolentino.RAMIL C. FERNANDEZ, 34 yrs. old, resident of Lawa-an 1, Talisay City, Cebu, son of Regino Jr. N. Fernandez & Veneranda D. Climaco and

    ELLyN JOy E. TABOCOLDE, 32 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Tacas, Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Ramon T. Tabocolde & Martina T. Erio.THirD PUBLicATiOn

    DONALD B. TABINGO, 26 yrs. old, resident of Blk. 4, Lot 15, Bakhaw, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, son of Manolo Tabingo & Celia Tadifa and ROWELA I. SALVANTE, 28 yrs. old, resident of Valladolid, Negros Occidental, daughter of Roy Salvante & Emelia Ilustrisimo.RODELO F. PACUNLA, 34 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Tabuc Suba, Ilaya, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Cornelio M. Pacunla & Felicitas D. Flores and

    LIEZEL S. GRIO, 33 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Tabuc Suba, Ilaya, Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Florentino P. Grio & Norma G. Sardon.JEFREy A. LINGAyA, 26 yrs. old, resident of Dawis Sur, Zarraga, Iloilo, son of Salvador Lingaya & Imelda Aguadera and JENICE M. DEFENSOR, 26 yrs. old, resident of Villa Carmela Subd., Zarraga, Iloilo, daughter of Cornelio Defensor & Lilian Mijares.ROLLy B. CHIVA, 30 yrs. old, resident of Talisay, Bugasong, Antique son of Sofronio Chiva & Lydia Bangcaya and IRENE G. DUMAPIT, 26 yrs. old, resident of NHA Bakhaw, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, daughter of Rustico Dumapit & Melinda Guanzon.


    04:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Rogelio Florete, Sr. & Family; Alberto Yanga & Hollero Family; Randy Lumbaning & Family; Eva Corsino & Family; Fe Marina Siacon & Children; Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Garrido & Family; Ninfa Baylen & Family; Ma. Grace Evangelista & Family; Mr. & Mrs. Felicito Cabrera Jr. & Children; Michelle Ann Cordero & Family; Rosette Tayongtong & Family; Alma Blanca & Children; Abbey Blanca; Adrian Raphael Fabrigar; Braulia Cababasay & Family; Amelita & Analou Enriquez Lazarraga; Jelly Yap & Children; Connie Alenaje & Children; Ma. Fe Penecilla; Giecel Lopez; Loreto Lazo; Corazon Uy Ho; Cesar Ian Claro; Stephanie Amit & Family; Tina Reyes; Franhzi Ferrariz and Special Intention of Marivic John Kane 06:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Immanuel & Ma. Theresa J. Bartolo, Ma. Zhar Lenna J. Armishaw & Feliciano Japitana 07:30 p.m. +Hernani Redosendo by Ma. Elena AlgerAPRIL 13, 2015 MONDAy 05:30 a.m. +Rosalinda, Ramon, Anecita Panes, Leopoldo Sr., Angeles Seeres, Felicula & All Souls in Purgatory by Ramonito Panes 06:00 a.m. +Emma Ong by Lucy & Nita Ang 06:30 a.m. MISA REQUIEM 12:15 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Ma. Fe Penecilla 05:30 p.m. Death Anniversary of Rufina Jacolo by Mila Ramos APRIL 14, 2015 TUESDAy 05:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Marlene O. Tabaosares 06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Dr. Mary Ann Poli-Diaz 06:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass for Joseph & John J. Lira by Dr. Eting Jardenil Lira 12:15 p.m. +Letecia Ceriaco by Reno Ceriaco 05:30 p.m. +Primo Cababasay & Consejo Pedalizo by Braulia P. Cababasay & Family APRIL 15, 2015 WEDNESDAy 05:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Cecilia G. Ramirez 06:00 a.m. +Patricio & Bernardino by Subong & Solas Families 06:30 a.m. +Felicidad Moreno by Moreno Family 12:15 p.m. Death Anniversary of Rey John Villaluna by Villaluna Family 05:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass for the Birthday of Mary Grace I. Baylon by Baylon, Imballa & Tabares Families APRIL 16, 2015 THURSDAy 05:30 a.m. +Leonora Java Gullo by Engr. Rommel S. Sugide 06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Mr. & Mrs. Crispulo S. Celeste, Jr. & Family 06:30 a.m. +Remedios S. Jardenil by Dr. Eting Jardenil Lira 12:15 p.m. +Marina, Maria & Marcelo Ortigoza Sr. by Aida O. Parreo 05:30 p.m. +Jovito Montao, Jr. by Jardeleza Family ARIL 17, 2015 FRIDAy 05:30 a.m. +Joen Padilla by Taniua G. Padilla 06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Mr. & Mrs. Crispulo S. Celeste, Jr. & Family 06:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass for Karin Zerrudo by Alice J. Zerrudo 12:15 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Angelito Celiz & Company 05:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass and Special Intention of Regie A. Badie APRIL 18, 2015 SATURDAy 05:30 a.m. +Jose Antenor Cruz & Milagros L. Lebrilla by Jose Rimi L. Lebrilla 06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Mr. & Mrs. Crispulo S. Celeste, Jr. & Family 06:30 a.m. +Celsa Sobejano by Elen Salazar 05:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Catherine & Ronald Madayag by Norma Madayag

    10 CANDLE LIGHT (April 12-18, 2015)