An Empirical Examination of Sex Bias in Scoring...


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Supplemental Materials

“The Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect: Generalizability of Social Comparison Processes Over Two Age Cohorts From Western, Asian, and Middle Eastern Islamic Countries”

by H. W. Marsh et al., 2014, Journal of Educational Psychology

Appendix A

Big Fish Little Pond: Theoretical Background

Focusing on ASC in educational contexts, Marsh (1984; see also Marsh & Parker, 1984;

Marsh, Seaton, et al., 2008) proposed the BFLPE to encapsulate frame of reference effects that

are based on an integration of theoretical models and empirical research from diverse disciplines:

relative deprivation theory (Davis, 1966; Stouffer, Suchman, DeVinney, Star, & Williams,

1949); sociology (Alwin & Otto, 1977; Hyman, 1942); psychophysical judgment (e.g., Helson,

1964; Marsh, 1974; Parducci, 1995; Wedell & Parducci, 2000); social judgment (e.g. Morse &

Gergen, 1970; Upshaw, 1969); and social comparison theory (Festinger, 1954). In this BFLPE

model, Marsh hypothesized that students compare their abilities with the abilities of their

classmates and use this social comparison impression as one basis for forming their own self-

concept. A negative BFLPE occurs when equally able students have lower ASCs if they compare

themselves with more able classmates, and higher ASCs if they compare themselves with less

able classmates.

Cross-Cultural Support for the BFLPE

One of the goals of cross-cultural research is to test the replicability of existing theories

in other cultures, investigate new angles in diverse cultural contexts, and propose universal, pan-

human theories (Segall, Lonner, & Berry, 1998, p. 1102). In their critique of self-concept

research from this cross-cultural perspective, Marsh and Yeung (1999) noted the need to pursue

more carefully constructed cross-national comparisons in order to evaluate more fully the

generalizability of support for the BFLPE. Clearly, stronger cross-cultural studies need to

compare the results from at least two—and preferably many—countries based on comparable

samples, the same academic self-concept instrument, and the same measures of achievement.

Because of the difficulty in achieving these criteria, apparent cross-cultural differences are

typically confounded with potential differences in the composition of samples being compared

and, perhaps, the appropriateness of materials.

However, there now exists very strong support for the cross-cultural generalizability of

the BFLPE for high school students, based on successive data collections of the Organisation for

Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Program for International Student

Assessment (PISA) data. Marsh and Hau (2003) used the PISA 2000 data based on 103,558 15

year-old students from 26 predominantly industrialized Western countries. Using multilevel

modeling, they found support for the BFLPE (positive effects of individual student achievement

on ASC, but negative effects of school-average achievement on ASC) for the total sample and in

24 of the 26 countries considered separately. Although there were significant differences

between countries, the country-level variation in the negative effect of school-average

achievement was small, thus supporting the cross-cultural generalizability of the BFLPE.

Seaton, Marsh, and Craven (2009, 2010) used PISA 2003 (265,180 students, 10,221

schools, 41 countries), which included more collectivist and developing economies than PISA

2000. They also found strong support for the generalizability of the BFLPE, which was

significant in 38 of the 41 countries. The BFLPE was not moderated by the cultural orientation

or economic development level of the country. This led the authors to conclude that the BFLPE

was a pan-human theory, as it “is not only a symptom of developed countries and individualist

societies, but it is also evident in developing nations and collectivist countries of the world” (p.

414). Seaton et al. (2010) then evaluated 16 potential moderators of the BFLPE for PISA 2003,

finding that BFLPEs were somewhat larger for students who were highly anxious, used

memorization strategies, or preferred to work cooperatively. However, the BFLPE was not

moderated by ability, SES, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, elaboration and

control learning strategies, competitive orientation, sense of belonging to school, or relationship

with teachers; this again attests to the broad generalizability of the BFLPE.

Nagengast and Marsh (2012) used the PISA 2006 database in the largest cross-cultural

study of the BFLPE undertaken to date, and significantly extended the previous PISA studies.

Based on newly developed doubly latent contextual effects models (Lüdtke, et al., 2011; Marsh,

et al., 2009), their results indicated that the BFLPE on science self-concept was significant in 50

out of 56 countries included in PISA 2006, which included more culturally and economically

diverse countries than previously sampled. They also extended the BFLPE to career aspirations

in science, demonstrating that career aspirations were positively predicted by individual student

academic achievement but negatively predicted by school-average achievement. However, both

the positive effects of individual achievement and the negative effects of school-average

achievement on aspirations were significantly mediated by ASC.

In summary, of the three BFLPE-PISA studies, Nagengast and Marsh (2012) reported

that the effect of school-average achievement was negative in all but one of the 123 samples

considered across the three studies, and significantly so in 114 samples. However, particularly

for the earliest of these PISA studies, the countries included were predominantly OECD and

Western-developed countries; this restricted the generalizability of the findings.

Developmental Support for the Generalizability of the BFLPE

For many developmental, educational, and psychological researchers, self-concepts are a

“cornerstone of both social and emotional development” (Kagen, Moore, & Bredekamp, 1995, p.

18; also see Davis-Kean & Sandler, 2001; Marsh, Ellis, & Craven, 2002); self-concepts develop

early in childhood and, once established, they are enduring (e.g., Eder & Mangelsdorf, 1997).

The development of self-concept is therefore emphasized in many early childhood programs

(e.g., Fantuzzo et al., 1996). In a meta-analysis of the reliability of young children’s self-

concepts, Davis-Kean and Sandler (2001) argued that young children have both the language and

the cognitive ability to discuss the self by the time they are in preschool (see also Bates, 1990;

Bornholt, 1997; Damon & Hart, 1988; Lewis & Brooks-Gunn, 1979; Penn, Burnett, & Patton,

2001), but that early childhood programs need a reliable basis for evaluating interventions to

enhance children’s self-concepts (Fantuzzo et al., 1996; Marsh, Debus, & Bornholt, 2005).

However, there is surprisingly little systematic self-concept research with young children,

particularly in relation to individual student, class-average, and school-average achievement.

Hattie (1992; Hattie & Marsh, 1996) reviewed theoretical and empirical support for

stages of growth in the development of self-concept, arguing against the notion of fixed stages

that all persons must pass through. Instead, he posited seven parallel developments that are

relevant to self-concept formation: (1) children distinguish self and others, (2) children

distinguish self and the environment, (3) changes in major reference groups lead to changes in

expectations, (4) attributions are made to salient personal and social or external sources, (5)

cognitive processing capacities develop, (6) children develop particular cultural values, and (7)

children develop strategies for confirmation and disconfirmation of self-referent information.

Thus, with age and development, young children increasingly integrate information from their

immediate environment into their self-concept formation. This is particularly relevant to the

present investigation, emphasizing the integration of external frames of reference and social

comparison into self-concept formation.

During the 1990s, developmental psychologists addressed progressive differentiation

among self-concepts (e.g., Dweck, 1999; Eccles et al., 1993; Eder & Mangelsdorf, 1997; Harter,

1998; Marsh, Craven, & Debus, 1998; Ruble & Dweck, 1995; Wigfield et al., 1997). Harter

(1983, 1999, in press) proposed a developmental model in which self-concept becomes

increasingly abstract and differentiated with age, moving from a global perspective of being

smart, to more differentiated self-representations in specific school subjects. She suggests that

during early childhood the young child can construct concrete cognitive representations of

observable features of self, but has difficulty in differentiating actual and desired attributes, and

incorporating social comparison information for purposes of self-evaluation; this results in

unrealistically positive self-evaluations. At the next stage of development, Harter (1998)

indicates that young children form representational sets of related attributes—what Fischer

(1980) labeled “representational mappings.” However, such self-descriptions are highly

reflective of reductive, good-or-bad, all-or-none conceptions, resulting in unidimensional

thinking. Harter suggested that it is not until middle childhood that children become capable of

integrating information from specific features to higher-order generalizations reflecting trait

labels—what Fischer has referred to as “representational systems”; more balanced

representations of underlying competencies that were more closely related to external criteria.

Consistent with Harter’s framework, there is growing evidence to suggest that the self-concept of

children becomes more accurate (in relation to external criteria) and more differentiated with age

and increasing cognitive functioning (see also Bouffard et al., 1998; Eccles et al., 1983, 1993;

Russell, Bornholt, & Ouvrier, 2002; Wigfield et al., 1997; Wigfield & Eccles, 1992). On the

basis of earlier research (e.g., Nicholls, 1979; Stipek & Mac Iver, 1989), Eccles et al. proposed

that declining self-concepts for young children reflected an optimistic bias for young children

that was tempered by experience, based on feedback and social comparison, so that their self-

perceptions became more accurate with age. This trend is reinforced by changes in school

environments, as educational achievements become more salient and education encourages

competition, social comparisons, and external frames of reference.

Indeed, many authors (Chapman & Tunmer, 1995; Eccles, Wigfield, Harold, &

Blumenfeld, 1993; Harter, 1999; Marsh, 1989; Marsh & Craven, 1997; Skaalvik & Hagtvet,

1990; Wigfield & Eccles, 1992; Wigfield et al., 1997) have offered a developmental perspective

on the relation between academic self-concept and academic achievement. For example, Marsh

(1989, 1990) proposed that the self-concepts of very young children are very positive and are not

highly correlated with external indicators (e.g., skills, accomplishments, achievement, self-

concepts inferred by significant others) but that with increasing life experience, children learn

their relative strengths and weaknesses, so that specific self-concept domains become more

differentiated and more highly correlated with external indicators. It should be noted, however,

that this positive halo effect is normal in young children. As Harter (1999, p. 38) has pointed out,

“Self-descriptions typically represent an overestimation of personal abilities. It is important to

appreciate, however, that these apparent distortions are normative in that they reflect cognitive

limitations rather than conscious efforts to deceive the listener.” In line with this perspective,

Marsh et al. (1998) showed that reliability, stability, and factor structure of self-concept scales

improve with age (children 5–8 years of age). In addition, consistent with the proposal that

children’s self-perceptions become more realistic with age, self-ratings of older children were

more correlated with inferred self-concept ratings by their teachers.

In a summary of this developmental research on relations between self-concept and

achievement, Guay, Marsh, and Boivin (2003) suggested that this developmental trend could be

explained by three factors: (a) Older children have higher cognitive abilities, which improves

their coordination between self-representations, thus leading to better agreement between self-

concept ratings and external indicators; (b) these higher cognitive skills lead older children to use

social comparison processes, which foster a more balanced view of the self; and (c) older

children have internalized evaluative standards of others, which lead to less egocentric

evaluations of the self. These three developmental processes lead to greater accuracy, due to

increased attunement to environmental feedback among older children, thus making it possible

for ASC to predict changes in academic achievement. Using a multi-cohort multi-wave design

(children in grades 2, 3, and 4 tested in each of three successive years), Guay et al. (2003) found

that as children grew older, their ASC responses became more reliable, more stable, and more

highly correlated with achievement. However, due in part to the modest sample sizes (Ns less

than 150 for each age cohort), the age differences in stability and relations with achievement in

multigroup structural equation models were not statistically significant. In their meta-analysis of

studies evaluating relations between math and verbal self-concept and achievement, Möller et al.

(2009) reported that relations among self-concept and achievement were higher when

achievement was based on school grades rather than achievement test scores. Although they

found that correlations among verbal and math self-concept became more differentiated with

age, Möller et al. (2009) reported that relations between achievement and the matching ASC

domain (.61 for math, .49 for verbal) were reasonably consistent over age. However, because of

the paucity of available studies with young children (only 3 of 69 samples reported results for

children in Grade 4 or younger) the generalizability of this finding was not strong.

An important limitation in BFLPE research is thus the lack of developmental perspective

and a paucity of research with younger children. Indeed, very few of the studies reviewed by

Marsh, Seaton, et al. (2008) were based on responses by primary school students. In the first

BFLPE, Marsh and Parker (1984) coined the phrase “BFLPE” based on a small-scale study of

primary students in sixth grade. Marsh, Chessor, et al. (1995) used a matching design to evaluate

the effects of attending academically selective schools on the ASCs of primary school students.

Compared to pre-test measures (prior to selection for selective schools) and compared to a

matched control group (matched on achievement prior to selection for selective schools),

attending selective schools had negative effects on ASC. In related German research, Jerusalem

(1984) examined the self-concepts of West German students who moved from non-selective,

heterogeneous primary schools to secondary schools that were streamed on the basis of academic

achievement. Based on pre-test scores collected prior to the transition and post-test scores at the

end of the first year of secondary school, the effect of attending selective schools on ASC was

negative. Tymms (2001) evaluated the BFLPE as part of a large-scale (21,000 2nd grade students,

1,078 classes, 628 schools) study of school effectiveness. In line with BFLPE predictions, he

found that class-average academic achievement had negative effects on academic attitudes

(which included some ASC-like items). Although these studies are heuristic and collectively

suggest that the BFLPE can be identified in primary school students, it would be dubious to use

them to make generalizations about the sizes of BFLPEs in primary schools, or to compare these

to the large body of research based mostly on students attending secondary schools.

Appendix B

TIMSS Constructs Used in This Study

Math Self-Concept (MSC)

I usually do well in math (MSC1)

Math is harder for me than for many of my classmates (MSC2)

I am just not good at math (MSC3)

I learn things quickly in math (MSC4)

Individual Student Math Achievement

Composite based on Algebra; Data & Chance; Number; Geometry

Class-Average Math Achievement

Individual Student Achievement Aggregated to the class level

Cluster (Class ID; School ID; complex design cluster by class)

Note. Responses to the math self-concept, positive affect and coursework were all along the same

4-point Likert (agree–disagree) response scale.

Appendix C

Reliability Estimates

In preliminary analyses, we estimated the average reliability of the MSC score for each of

the 26 (2 age cohorts 13 country) groups. Due in part to the brevity of the 4-item MSC scale,

at least some of the coefficient alpha (α) estimates of reliability (Table 1) are modest for

purposes of use in manifest models that do not correct for unreliability; reliabilities sometimes

reached a desirable standard of .80, but in other cases fell below an acceptable value of .70 or

even .60. Reliability estimates were systematically higher for the older age cohort (M α = .781)

than the younger cohort (M α = .681). The reliability estimates were substantially lower in the

Middle Eastern Islamic countries than in the Western or Asian countries. Although these country

level differences are evident in both age cohorts, the reliability estimates were particularly low

for the younger cohort in the Middle Eastern Islamic countries (M α = .512) compared to

Western (M α = .725) and Asian (M α = .743) countries. Even though reliability estimates for the

older Middle Eastern students (M α = .687) were still lower than for Western (M = .810) and

Asian (M = .811) students, these differences were smaller than for the younger cohort. Overall

reliability estimates are broadly similar for Western and Asian countries, but lower for Middle

Eastern Islamic countries.

Particularly when reliability estimates are as low as in some younger cohorts from

Middle Eastern Islamic countries, it is of dubious merit to make country-to-country comparisons

based on manifest scale or composite scores, which are the basis of most TIMSS studies, and

which are given implicit support in the test manual. In this sense, these preliminary results

support the need to consider latent-variable models that control for unreliability, but are also

consistent with the logic of country-specific control for measurement error. Similarly, systematic

differences in reliability for the two age cohorts make problematic, those studies that do not

control for these differences in measurement error. In summary, appropriately constructed latent

variable models overcome limitations in large part due to poor reliability that have the potential

to undermine the comparability of comparisons across countries or age cohorts based on TIMSS

data—a critical limitation to TIMSS studies based on manifest models of these TIMSS self-

belief constructs. We also note that reliability estimates based on the trichomized scale scores

provided in the TIMSS database and used in many studies, would result in substantially lower

and more biased estimates of relations among constructs and seriously undermine developmental

studies of the different age cohorts.

Table S1

Variance Components of the TIMSS Math and Science Motivation Constructs Used in this Study

Variances _

Country Cohort Achieve Self-concept

Western Countries

Aust 4 0.899(.043) 0.638(0.035)

8 0.935(.061) 0.859(0.067)

Engl 4 0.931(.030) 0.600(0.024)

8 1.045(.062) 0.923(0.060)

Ital 4 0.835(.031) 0.531(0.027)

8 0.868(.041) 0.641(0.036)

Norw 4 0.780(.024) 0.472(0.015)

8 0.710(.017) 0.418(0.012)

Scot 4 0.807(.029) 0.503(0.019)

8 0.949(.047) 0.515(0.019)

USA 4 0.842(.025) 0.732(0.032)

8 0.941(.033) 0.543(0.010)

Total 4 0.849(.013) 0.724(0.020)

8 0.908(.019) 0.773(0.047)

Asian Countries

Taiwan 4 0.608(.028) 0.394(0.023)

8 1.121(.092) 1.252(0.126)

Hong 4 0.716(.023) 0.437(0.017)

8 0.966(.044) 0.781(0.053)

Japa 4 1.042(.044) 0.362(0.011)

8 1.407(.080) 1.213(0.057)

Sing 4 0.713(.019) 0.637(0.027)

8 1.401(.048) 1.102(0.061)

Total 4 0.770(.015) 0.458(0.010)

8 1.224(.035) 1.087(0.042)

Middle Eastern Islamic Countries

Iran 4 1.085(.051) 0.764(0.049)

8 1.030(.052) 1.025(0.074)

Kuwa 4 1.639(.054) 0.870(0.041)

8 1.040(.038) 0.666(0.037)

Tuni 4 2.109(.070) 0.906(0.024)

8 0.593(.018) 0.716(0.028)

Total 4 1.611(.033) 1.084(0.049)

8 0.888(.022) 0.458(0.021)

Total Over All Countries

Total 4 1.000(.010) 0.600(0.008)

Total 8 1.000(.015) 0.834(0.019)

Total 1.000(.010) 0.717(0.010)

Note. Achievement scores are standardized to have variance = 1.0 within each cohort (across all countries). Self-concept items are standardized to have variance = 1.0 across all 26 (2 cohort 13 country) groups. For self-concept latent factors, variances are for latent variables based on Model ML3 (see Table S2 and earlier discussion).

Appendix D

Support for a Priori Factor Structure

Our a priori factor model (following from Marsh et al., 2013) is a simple model in which

the 4 self-concept items are associated with one latent self-concept factor, math achievement is a

single-item variable (represented by TIMMS’s five sets of plausible values which control for

unreliability), and there is a negative-item method effect represented by a correlated uniqueness

between the two negatively worded self-concept items. We began with single-level multi-group

models (using the Mplus complex design to control for clustering of students within classes and

schools). In the first model (SL1 in Table S2), factor loadings relating self-concept items to the

latent self-concept factor were freely estimated in each of the 26 (2 cohort 13 country) groups;

the goodness of fit was good (CFI = .976; TLI = .942; RMSEA = .062). In the next model (SL2

in Table S2), factor loadings were constrained to be the same in each of the 26 groups. Although

goodness of fit was slightly poorer for this highly restrictive model imposing invariance across

26 groups, the two indices that incorporate control for parsimony were nearly as good for this

highly constrained model (ΔTLI = .003, ΔRMSEA = .001). In Model SL3 we evaluated the

effect of removing the a priori hypothesized negative item method effect, which resulted in a

noticeable decline in goodness of fit (ΔTLI = .027, ΔRMSEA = .012), supporting the a priori

hypothesis and the need to include this effect in the model.

Next we tested multilevel multigroup CFA models. In three different multilevel models

(Models ML1-ML3 in Table S2), factor loadings were freely estimated at L2, constrained to be

equal across the 26 groups within L1 and within L2 (but not across L1 and L2), and constrained

to be equal within and across L1 and L2. Inspection of the goodness of fit indices provides good

support for total invariance across the student and class levels. Indeed, for fit indices that control

for parsimony, the fit indices for the more constrained models are actually better than the

unconstrained model. Subsequent results are based on the highly constrained ML3, in which all

factor loadings are constrained to be the same across all 26 groups at both the student and class

level (CFI = .956; TLI = .941; RMSEA = .054; see Appendix F for the Mplus syntax used to test

this model).

Table S2

Summary of Goodness of Fit Statistics for Multigroup Models of Invariance Over 26 Groups (13

Countries 2 Age) Cohorts: Single- and Multilevel Models (L1 = students, L2 = classroom)

Model χ 2 df CFI TLI RMSEA Description

Single-Level Models:

SL1 1907 105 .976 .942 .062 No invariance

SL2 3383 180 .958 .939 .063 Invariance over 26 groups

SL3 5448 206 .931 .913 .075 SL2 with no negative item method effects

SL4 3345 177 .958 .939 .063 Invariance over 13 counties within each of 2 cohorts

SL5 2419 144 .970 .946 .059 Invariance over 2 cohorts within each of 13 countries

Multi-Level Models

ML1 5310 309 .958 .929 .060 Invariance over 26 groups at L1 but not L2

ML2 5465 384 .957 .942 .055 Invariance over 26 groups Within Each Level

ML3 5588 387 .956 .941 .054 Invariance over 26 groups and Level

Note. CHI = chi-square; df = degrees of freedom ratio; CFI = Comparative fit index; TLI =

Tucker-Lewis Index; RMSEA = Root Mean Square Error of Approximation. All analyses were

weighted by the appropriate weighting factor and based on a complex design option to account

for nesting students within classrooms and schools.

Appendix E

Comparison of BFLPEs Based on PISA and TIMSS

Strong cross-cultural studies of the BFLPE need to compare the results from at least two

—and preferably many—countries based on comparable samples, the same academic self-

concept instrument, and the same measures of achievement; otherwise apparent cross-cultural

differences are confounded with potential differences in the composition of samples and,

perhaps, the appropriateness of materials. Addressing these challenges, there is strong support

for the cross-cultural generalizability of the BFLPE for high school students, based on successive

data collections of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) data: Marsh and Hau (2003) used the

PISA 2000 data based on 103,558 15 year-old students from 26 predominantly industrialized

Western countries; Seaton, Marsh, and Craven (2009, 2010) used PISA 2003 (265,180 students,

10,221 schools, 41 countries), which included more collectivist and developing economies than

PISA 2000; Nagengast and Marsh (2012) used the PISA 2006 database in the largest cross-

cultural study of the BFLPE undertaken to date, and significantly extended the previous PISA

studies. In summary, of the three BFLPE-PISA studies, Nagengast and Marsh (2012) reported

that the effect of school-average achievement was negative in all but one of the 123 samples

across the three studies, and significantly so in 114 samples. The average effect size across all

123 samples is -.223 (see Table S3).

Here we provide a detailed, country-by-country comparison of results from these three

PISA studies with the results of the present investigation—the first large-scale cross-cultural

study of the BFLPE not based on PISA. Importantly, the consistency of the BFLPEs for both

cohorts for the TIMSS data in our study is even stronger than in previous cross-cultural studies

based on PISA data. Thus, the average BFLPE ES across 123 samples based on PISA data (59

countries sampled in one or more data collections in PISA2000, PISA2003, and PISA2006) is

-.223, while the average BFLPE ES across 24 samples (12 countries 2 age cohorts) in the

present study is -.377. Furthermore this general trend is reasonable consistent across overlapping

countries that participated in both PISA and TIMSS. This might seem surprising, in that PISA

data is based on somewhat older students—15-year-olds—than even the oldest TIMSS cohort,

and our results suggest that the BFLPE is somewhat stronger for older students (-.292 for Year 4,

-.426 for Year 8). However, these findings are consistent with our a priori predictions based on

the local dominance effect when comparing results based on school-average achievement (PISA)

and class-average achievement (TIMSS). Nevertheless, there are a number of critical differences

between TIMSS and PISA sampling designs that might explain, in part, these differences but

also dictate caution in interpretation of the results.

Table S3

Summary of BFLPEs in Three PISA Studies and the Current TIMSS Study


2006 2003 2000 Year 4 Year 8

Science Math General Country Math Math

-0.154 Azerbaijan

-0.177 Argentina

-0.168 -0.281 -0.23 Australia -0.358 -0.627

-0.231 -0.483 -0.23 Austria

-0.183 -0.447 -0.12 Belgium

-0.118 -0.372 -0.26 Brazil

-0.073 Bulgaria

-0.234 -0.427 Canada

-0.118 Chile

-0.08 Chinese Taipei -0.475 -0.180

-0.129 Colombia

-0.123 Croatia

-0.221 -0.446 -0.24 Czech Republic

-0.19 -0.296 -0.17 Denmark

-0.182 Estonia

-0.254 -0.301 -0.14 Finland

-0.226 -0.383 France

-0.301 -0.713 -0.3 Germany

-0.148 -0.174 Greece

-0.209 -0.200 Hong Kong -0.441 -0.549

-0.209 -0.323 -0.05 Hungary

-0.173 -0.209 -0.18 Iceland

-0.195 -0.235 Indonesia

-0.191 -0.103 -0.24 Ireland

Iran -0.175 -0.362

-0.222 Israel

-0.212 -0.409 -0.36 Italy -0.482 -0.907

-0.097 -0.307 Japan -0.247 -0.482

-0.105 Jordan

0.05 -0.014 -0.02 Korea

Kuwait -0.089 -0.342

-0.187 Kyrgyzstan

-0.118 -0.221 -0.06 Latvia

-0.554 -0.2 Liechtenstein

-0.135 Lithuania

-0.076 -0.428 -0.17 Luxembourg

-0.16 -0.33 Macao-China

-0.061 -0.357 -0.08 Mexico

-0.136 Montenegro

-0.287 -0.696 -0.26 Netherlands

-0.235 -0.314 -0.26 New Zealand

-0.198 -0.168 -0.18 Norway -0.134 -0.527

-0.126 -0.279 Poland

-0.274 -0.205 -0.18 Portugal

-0.269 Qatar

-0.087 Romania

-0.222 -0.187 -0.21 Russian

-0.141 -0.181 Serbia

Singapore -0.211 -0.585

-0.189 -0.411 Slovak Republic

-0.188 Slovenia

-0.08 -0.244 Spain

-0.177 -0.202 -0.33 Sweden

-0.198 -0.446 -0.17 Switzerland

-0.176 -0.194 Thailand

-0.117 -0.161 Tunisia -0.117 -0.314

-0.109 -0.252 Turkey

-0.225 -0.344 -0.23 United


England -0.294 -0.359

Scotland -0.418 -0.282

-0.352 -0.23 -0.26 United States -0.352 -0.502

-0.158 -0.24 Uruguay

-0.177-0.303 -0.197 Cohort Mean -0.292 -0.463 -0.377

57 41 25 N of Countries 12 12

-0.223 Grand Mean -0.377

Note. Results for PISA 2006 are taken from Nagengast & Marsh (2012); results for PISA 2003

are taken from Seaton, Marsh, and Craven (2009); results for PISA 2000 are taken from Marsh

and Hau (2003); results the two TIMSS age cohorts are from the present investigation. BFLPE =

big-fish-little-pond effect, the effect of school-average (PISA) or class-average achievement on

academic self-concept.

Appendix F

Mplus Syntax for Model

TITLE: Model ML3 (see Table S3) Invariance over country & cohort; decomposition of effects;


MSCp1 MSCn2 MSCn3 MSCp4 MAch group MACHB;


! HOUWGT is the weighting variable in the TIMSS database; incorporates six components;

! three have to do with sampling of the school, class and student, and adjustment factors

! associated with non-participation at the level of the school, class and student.

cluster is TIDCLASX7 TIDSCHX7;

! cluster by classroom and school;

grouping is group

(101=grpA 201=grpB 501=grpE 601=grpF 701=grpG 801=grpH 901=grpI

1001=grpJ 1201=grpL 1301=grpM 1401=grpN 1501=grpO 1601=grpP 102=grpxA

202=grpxB 502=grpxE 602=grpxF 702=grpxG 802=grpxH 902=grpxI

1002=grpxJ 1202=grpxL 1302=grpxM 1402=grpxN 1502=grpxO 1602=grpxP);

! Define the 26 multiple groups in terms of 13 countries x 2 age cohorts;


group = IDCNTRX3*100 + cohort;

MACHB = CLUSTER_MEAN (MAch); ! Define group to be a unique combination of country (country ID code multiplied by 1000) and age !cohort (1 or 2); Define MACHB to be the class-average of individual math achievement

!The define function is executed before the group labeling function previously described.






! Two-level analysis uses MLR estimator and complex design;



MSCW by MSCp1@1.00 MSCn2 MSCn3 MSCp4 (1-4);

MAchP1W by MACH@1.00; MACH@0;

mscW on MAchP1W;

!CUs for negatively worded items

MSCn2 with MSCn3;


MSCB by MSCp1@0.900 MSCn2 MSCn3 MSCp4 (1-4);

MAchP1B by MACHb@1.00; MAChb@0;

mscB on MAchP1B;!

!fixed factor loading of first indicator of each factor to provide common metric standardization;

!The syntax ‘(1-4)’ following the factor loadings for both within and between models constrains

!the 4 factor loadings to be invariant over level;



mscW on MAchP1W (b1A1);



MSCW by MSCp1@0.900 MSCn2 MSCn3 MSCp4 (z1-z4);


[mscp1-MSCp4]; [MSCB-MAchP1B@0]; [MACHB];

MSCB by MSCp1@0.900 MSCn2 MSCn3 MSCp4 (z1-z4);

mscb on MachP1b (b2A1);


!Model definition is for grpA (the first of the 26 (13 country x 2 cohort) groups

!values in parentheses define constraints on parameters z1-z4 are the four factor loadings

!that define the four factor loadings for the latent math self-concept factor.

! Because the z1-z4 are used for all 26 groups, the factor loadings are invariant over

! 13 countries x 2 age cohorts; These can be altered to constrain factor loadings for

!countries, cohorts or to have no invariance constraints;

! The expression ‘mscW on MAchP1W (b1A1);’ defines the regression of effect of L1-Achievement

! on L1 self-concept and gives this value a lablel (b1A1) that is unique for each group;

! The expression ‘mscb on MachP1b (b2A1);’ defines the regression of effect of L2-Achievement

! on L2 self-concept and gives this value a lablel (b2A1) that is unique for each group;



mscW on MAchP1W (b1B1);



MSCW by MSCp1@0.900 MSCn2 MSCn3 MSCp4 (z1-z4); !(B1-B4);


[mscp1-MSCp4]; [MSCB-MAchP1B@0]; [MACHB];

MSCB by MSCp1@0.900 MSCn2 MSCn3 MSCp4 (z1-z4);

mscb on MachP1b (b2b1);


<<< Model specifications are shown for the first two and last of the 26 groups; All other groups are defined in a similar manner>>



mscW on MAchP1W (b1XO1);



MSCW by MSCp1@0.900 MSCn2 MSCn3 MSCp4 (z1-z4); !(XO1-XO4);


[mscp1-MSCp4]; [MSCB-MAchP1B@0]; [MACHB];

MSCB by MSCp1@0.900 MSCn2 MSCn3 MSCp4 (z1-z4);

mscb on MachP1b (b2XO1);




mscW on MAchP1W (b1XP1);



MSCW by MSCp1@0.900 MSCn2 MSCn3 MSCp4 (z1-z4); !(XP1-XP4);


[mscp1-MSCp4]; [MSCB-MAchP1B@0]; [MACHB];

MSCB by MSCp1@0.900 MSCn2 MSCn3 MSCp4 (z1-z4);

mscb on MachP1b (b2XP1);


model constraint:

!Model constraints are used to define new parameters based on those estimated in the model

!that can then be used to make more specific comparisons

! new(b1g01);b1g01 = b2A1 *2 * (.124**.5)/(.523**.5);

! new(b1g02);b1g02 = b2B1 *2 * (.124**.5)/(.523**.5); !……………………………… ! new(b2g01);b2g01 = b2XA1 *2 * (.233**.5)/(.523**.5); ! new(b2g02);b2g02 = b2XB1 *2 * (.233**.5)/(.523**.5);

! B_G_ -0.373 0.012 -32.381 0.000 0.000 ! Stand in relation to ach for each cohort(L2) and SC across cohort (L1+L2)

new(b1g01);b1g01 = b2A1 *2 * (.124 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b1g02);b1g02 = b2B1 *2 * (.124 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b1g03);b1g03 = b2E1 *2 * (.124 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b1g04);b1g04 = b2F1 *2 * (.124 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b1g05);b1g05 = b2G1 *2 * (.124 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b1g06);b1g06 = b2H1 *2 * (.124 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b1g07);b1g07 = b2I1 *2 * (.124 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b1g08);b1g08 = b2J1 *2 * (.124 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b1g09);b1g09 = b2L1 *2 * (.124 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b1g10);b1g10 = b2M1 *2 * (.124 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b1g11);b1g11 = b2N1 *2 * (.124 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b1g12);b1g12 = b2O1 *2 * (.124 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b1g13);b1g13 = b2P1 *2 * (.233 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b2g01);b2g01 = b2XA1*2 * (.233 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b2g02);b2g02 = b2XB1*2 * (.233 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b2g03);b2g03 = b2XE1*2 * (.233 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b2g04);b2g04 = b2XF1*2 * (.233 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b2g05);b2g05 = b2XG1*2 * (.233 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b2g06);b2g06 = b2XH1*2 * (.233 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b2g07);b2g07 = b2XI1*2 * (.233 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b2g08);b2g08 = b2XJ1*2 * (.233 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b2g09);b2g09 = b2XL1*2 * (.233 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b2g10);b2g10 = b2XM1*2 * (.233 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b2g11);b2g11 = b2XN1*2 * (.233 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b2g12);b2g12 = b2XO1*2 * (.233 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

new(b2g13);b2g13 = b2XP1*2 * (.233 )**.5 /((.523**.5));

!26 new variables—one for each group are defined and each is set equal the effect of

!L2 Achievement on math self-concept (e.g., b2A1 was the label for this value in first group;

!The .523 the average within-group variance of the latent self-concept factor (the sum of

!variances at L1 and L2 as there was latent aggregation; The values .124 and .233 are the average !within-group variance of the L2 achievement (as this was a manifest variable defined by manifest

!aggregation; !In a separate analysis the 26 new variables were defined as the effects L1

!Achievement on ! L2 math self-concept.















! create 13 new variables that are the average of the 2 age cohorts for each of 13 countries;

new(b1g_ b2g_);





! create 2 age-cohort means (averaged across 13 countries within each age cohort);

new(b_g_); b_g_=(b1g_+b2g_)/2;

!create 1 grand mean;

new(ss1 ss2 ss3);

!create 3 new variables to represent sums of squared deviations; These sums of squared deviations are ANOVA-like decompositions in which the sums of squared deviations between individual parameter estimates and corresponding means are computed. In this example the decomposition is based on the average of the ESs for the BFLPE for each of the 26 (13 countries x 2 age cohorts). However, simple variations of this syntax were used to decompose variance associated with each of the parameter estimates


!compute sums of squared deviations for Main effect of differences across 2 age cohorts;

!Create sums of squares groups;



(b_g10-b_g_)**2+(b_g11-b_g_)**2+(b_g12-b_g_)**2+ (b_g13-b_g_)**2);

!compute sums of squared deviations for Main effect of differences across 13 countries;




























!compute sums of squared deviations for Age-cohort by country interaction;

new(west1);west1= (b1g01+b1g05+b1g08+b1g11+b1g12+b1g13)/6;

new(east1);east1= (b1g02+b1g03+b1g06+b1g09)/4;

new(MEI1);MEI1= (b1g04+b1g07+b1g10)/3;

new(west2);west2= (b2g01+b2g05+b2g08+b2g11+b2g12+b2g13)/6;

new(east2);east2= (b2g02+b2g03+b2g06+b2g09)/4;

new(MEI2);MEI2= (b2g04+b2g07+b2g10)/3;

!compute means for 3 country groupings x 2 age cohorts;




!compute means for 3 country groupings (averaged over age cohort);




!compute difference for pairs of countries;




!compute deviation of each country from grand mean;

new(ss4); ss4= 12*(westT-b_g_)**2 + 8*(eastT-b_g_)**2 + 6*(MEIT-b_g_)**2;

!compute sums of squared deviations for Main effect of differences across 3 country groupings;

new(ss5); ss5 =







!compute sums of squared deviations for Age-cohort by 3-country grouping interaction;



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