An Effective Amparo


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Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2002 23:53:39 -0500

From: "E Bryant Holman" ( An Effective Amparo

No curandero would ever work without an amparo. Ifyou cure a person who has been "mal puesto", the spell,after leaving the body of the victim, will just go rightinto you, and you will either become sick, in grave danger,or you will just have aches, pains, and a headache. In anyevent, it is not worth it, so don't even try!

The best amparo is one that comes naturally, and that isthe fact of being "cruzado": having a very clearly markedcross on the palm of ones right hand.

After that, an effective amparo is one that is givento you by a powerful curandero, who would have to be morepowerful than any brujas or hechiceros against whom onemight cross swords, if one were to remove spells from"patients", or if one were to go about conjuring up spiritsand "opening the windows" to the spirit world.

Barring either of these circumstances, the mosteffective sources of amparo are:

1. The Santa Cruz

2. San Miguel Arcangel

3. San Cipriano del Campo Mayor

The most effective use of the Santa Cruz is thepractice known as "persinarse". There are several sayings,which are repeated to give force to this practice, and thenthere is ritual itself.

One crosses oneself, in a motion that the staff goesfrom up to down, symbolizing the planting of the cross onGolgotha, over the bones of Adam, and the crossbar is fromright to left "porque el demonio siempre se arrima por lamano izquierda" - to show that one moves from the evil to

the good.

First one crosses oneself on the forehead, across

the eyes, with the words "Por la se�al de la Santa Cruz"(Through the sign of the Holy Cross)

Next one crosses oneself over the mouth with thewords "De nuestros enemigos" (From our enemies)

Next one crosses ones heart with the words "L�branos

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Se�or Di�s nuestro" (Free us Lord our God)

Then one crosses oneself from the forehead to themidsection and from shoulder to shoulder with "En el nombre

del Padre, Hijo y Esp�ritu Santo, Am�n" (In the name of theFather, Son, and Holy Ghost, Amen), and on the last syllable

of "Am�n" one touches ones heart, and then kisses oneshand, which is held in the sign of the Santa Cruz.

The sign in which one holds ones hand when one doesthis is thus:

The thumb is upright and the forefinger bent, withthe thumb in front as you look at it, forming a cross. Thethree remaining fingers are held straight up symbolizing thethree nails. You must only use your right hand.

Here are the saying that are associated with the"persinarse":

"Cruz SantaCruz FuerteTe convidoEn la horaDe la MuerteCon los clavos Me persinoY me abrazo de la CruzEn mi cabecera pongo

A mi verdadero Jes�s"

"Holy Cross,Mighty CrossI invite you

in the hour of my deathWith the nails I cross myselfI embrace the CrossAnd on my bedstead Iplace my True Jesus."


"�Porqu� nos persinamos tantas veces?Porque endondequiera nos persiguen nuestros enemigos.

�La Cruz tiene virt�d para librarnos de nuestros enemigos?

S�. Tiene virt�d, por haber muerto Cristo en ella.La primera en la frente

Para que nos libre Di�sDe los malos piensamentos.

La segunda en la boca

Para que nos libre Di�sDe las malas palabras.La terceraa en el pecho

Para que nos libre Di�sDe las malas obras."

"Why do we cross ourselves so many times?

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Because wherever we are, our enemies follow.Does the Holy Cross have virtue to free us from our enemies?Yes. It does have [that] virtue, through Christ having died on it.The first on the foreheadSo that God might free usOf evil thoughts.The second on the mouthSo that God might free usOf evil words.The third on the breastSo that God might free usOf evil works."


The prayer of San Miguel Archangel:

"San Miguel Arc�ngel,

defi�ndenos en la batalla.

S� nuestro amparo

contra la perversidad y asechanzasdel demonio.

Repr�male Dios, pedimos suplicantes,

y t� Pr�ncipe de la Milicia Celestial,arroja al infierno con el divino poder

a Satan�s y a los otros esp�ritus malignosque andan dispersos por el mundo

para la perdici�n de las almas.


"Saint Michael Archangeldefend us in the battleBe our protection

against perverstiy and sorceryof the devil.Repress him, God, we supplicants pray Thee,and you Prince of the Celestial Militia,fling into hell with your divine powerSatan and the other milign spiritswho go about dispersed in the worldfor the loss of souls.Amen"

In order to have amparo either before one opens the"window to the spirit world", or if one fears one has beenhexed, or if one is attempting a limpia and fears that the

spirits that are cast out will go into oneself, one praysthis prayer, with the following acts:

1. Take a picture of oneself, or the person who willreceive the amparo, and place it between to images of SanMiguel - one image above and one below. If no picture isavailable, write the person's name on a pice of paper andsubsitute it for the picture.

2. Place a red candle (preferably an actual votive

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candle with San Miguel's image on it) over the images andlight it, and pray the prayer.


The use of San Cipriano as an amparo.

1. Place and image of San Cipriano over the name orphotograph of the person who will have the amparo.

2. Light a purple candle, preferably a votive candleof the saint himself.

Pray the complete set of prayers including the threecreeds each time you perform any cures, limpias, or spells,especially if you are working with dangerous spirits, likethe Santisima Muerte, for instance.

The complete set of prayers to The Glorious MartyrSan Cipriano Translated from the Spanish by Bryant "Eduardo"

Holman, Special advocate of the those who are bewitched orare in danger of being so. Also for travelers, those inprison, and especially for women in childbirth.

In the name of the All Powerful God, Creator of heavenand earth, of all the saints, martyrs, and confessors, of allof the Virgins and the blessed, of all of the angels andseraphins and so many powers and denominations that serveand praise the Divine Majesty on His high throne, Isupplicate such a sweet Lord, that to me these may beconceited so many virtues that this prayer contains, so thatthe demon is buried away from me in the hour of my death,through the intercession of San Pedro and San Pablo, through

the obedience of Isaac and Jacob, through Zacar�as and thatof Jacob, through the supplications of those who keep vigils

in the praise of the Lord, through the sacrifices and themartyrdoms of all the Holy Apostles and through the bushthat Moises saw burning, even though the fire consumed itnot, that I may see myself free from all the harm of ghostsand diabolical visions, the same to many who may pray,burden or assign to other persons this prayer, as waspromised to your clarified martyr San Cipriano, that thosewho occur to him may be see themselves free of sudden death,of lightning, of earthquakes, of fire and of calumnies, ofevil tongues, of evil thought of visible enemies and if someperson attempts some evil against them, that person willbecome shamed and remorseful and publicly declare his guilt.



Omnipotent and eternal God, I supplicate thee through thehumanity and poverty with which thou wert born, through thepainful circumcision, through the copious perspiration ofblood that thou hadst in the Prayer in the Garden, throughthy most holy passion and through the intercession of SanMiguel, San Gabriel, San Juan Bautista, Santo Domingo, San

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Sebasti�n, San Fabi�n, San Marcos, San Lucas and all of thesaints in the court of heaven, that I may see myself free ofall harm and danger of relapse especially through theintercession of my beloved and blessed martyr San Cipriano,that thou mayest concede to me as much as this devotion asksof thee. Amen.

Here one prays three Credos to the Sant�sima Trinidad andthen the following.


Most glorious bishop and martyr San Cipriano, Isupplicate thee through thy most bitter martyrdom andthrough the glory that thou dost enjoy in the company of allof those whom like thee have obtained the most happy anddeserving crown of martyrdom, that thou mayest free me fromthe sorcery and enchantments of the infernal dragon, fromsudden death, from lightning and earthquake, from evilneighbors, from dangerous highways, from robbers, from

prisons, evil tongues, from false testimonies and in theend, that placed at thy feet and covered with thy vestmentsI may be free from all of my enemies both visible andinvisible and that covered with the cloak of Magdalena thatI attain a pardon such as that of that blessed saint that mysoul be purified and my luck be happy. Amen.


Bishop San CiprianoOf the greatest fieldFree us from all sorceryAnd of all sorcerers.

So immense is thy powerThat the Lord conceded to theeThat in the hands of the sorcererNone can even compare.

Thou hast promised to succorHim who is in needThou dost heal the enchanted.

With the greatest brevityThou givest libertyTo the unhappy prisoner.

Of all that which is afflictedThou art the celestial consolationThou art the stairway to heavenOf that which to thee has occurred.

Thou dost give protection to the invalidThou givest company to the travelerAnd thou art a sure consolationTop him that acclaims thee constant.

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At all hours and instantsAgainst lightning and earthquakesThy avocation is sweet,Who has thy devotionWill never be seen in prisons.

Thou dost bury the temptationsWhich the demon presents to theeWhom thy prodigies don't decreaseThou dost free from evil tongueAnd from false testimonies.

Therefor he who is in prayerMight be carried in thy company,Thou hast promised that he would beFree from persecution.

The woman who is in the afflictionOf her childbirth will pray to thee

And if with faith she invoke theeThou wilt mitigate her longing,Thou dost protect through thy virtueAll who invoke thee.

The persons who had this prayer and wished to reachas many virtues as they have conceited, should pray three

Credos to the Sant�sima Trinidad, and on Sundays a PadreNuestro to San Cipriano through the intention of those whomay have been hexed or in danger of being so, and also forthose travelers, prisoners and women who will give birth.The woman who is in labor will go without danger if she haslived in the grace of God, since the Lord concedes to us as

many as he finds convenient, always if we labor under theHoly Law.



Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2002 22:36:59 -0500

From: "E Bryant Holman" ( My First Limpia, or, "Against the Gallina Negra"

I have visited several times now with Carlitos who, asyou know, is a powerful curandero who lives in GomezPalacio, Durango. Carlitos is going to instruct me from someof the ancient books he has, and he is going to help me withthe book on curanderismo and brujeria that I am going topublish.

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On Thursday of last week, I spoke to an American couplewho have been here for about four months now - mostlystaying at a place that they believe to be La Esmeralda, asmall community near here across the Rio Conchos fromOjinaga: but where they actually are is a neighboringcommunity of San Francisco, or San Pancho as it is popularlyknown, which is just over the hill from La Esmeralda.

I told them that I knew San Pancho very well, as I usedto visit there a lot, when I dated a girl from there, Eva,some ten or so years ago, when I was first working on thisbook. I said that I liked the girl, and everything was finewith her and her family, except that I finally got fed upwith all of them because of their obsession with brujeria,which seemed to dominate their thinking, to the point that Ifinally just left the girl, because I didn't want to hearany more about it.

The couple said that this was uncanny that I shouldmention this, and they had the same impression, and that

this brought up some items that they had not discussed withanyone else. So, to make a long story short, it is clearthat the woman, Connie, has been bewitched and that her lifeis in mortal danger.

They have been staying at the house of a man who hascertain characteristics related, in a way, to schizophrenia- he talks to himself and repeats things over and overagain. He rides a burro around, and I have seen him manytimes, but I have never spoken to him. The funny thingis that I took a picture of him on his burro several yearsago, and it is on the background of an old home page ofmine, located at

Recently, Connie said that she saw a mark on this man'sarm - three red dots in the form of a perfect triangle - andwhen she asked the man what this was, responded by asking,"Sabes de las brujas?" Later, Connie saw these same threemarks on her own body, and later on, when she looked theywere gone.

I asked Cuca about this later that day, and she saidthat Connie was in mortal danger, that she was going to die.I asked her if she could cure Connie, and she said that shecould, but then the "mal" would go into her, and she wouldbe in danger. She said that this was "La Gallina Negra" [The

Black Hen or Black Pullet] - a particularly powerful andevil type of magia negra. You can look that up on theinternet, on Google, and find references to this, which aretaken out of the Book of San Cipriano, by the way. an example of what I am talking about.

[Actually, the name comes from the 18th century Frech grimoire"The Black Pullet," in my opinion -- cat]

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I asked her if Carlitos could cure her, and she said that he certainlycould - that he was more powerful than any practitioners of La GallinaNegra. I knew that already, actually. So I told Connie that she didn'tneed to worry, that she was going to be all right, but that she hadbetter not go anywhere, and that she had better be available whenCarlitos got back from Gomez.

What suddenly worried me greatly was when it suddenly occured to methat this was a Thursday, and that the next day, Friday, was one thedays in which the witches can hear you when you are talking aboutthem. So, I knew that Connie and her husband, Darren, would talk aboutthis between themselves, and the witches would hear my name, and Iwould be in grave danger. So, it happens that Carlitos had given mehis card and told me that I could call him there in Gomez any time Iwanted to, and that he would be available for me. So I did just that.

At first I tried him at home, and he didn't answer, so I called him onhis cell phone, and I spoke to him, and I told him my situation. Hetold me what to do to be protected for now, and that when he got home,

he would provide a protection for me on his own altar there, and Iwould be completely safe, with an "amparo". What he instructed me todo is the following:

Take two images of San Miguel Arcangel, and place one above and onebelow a photo of yourself - or of the person who will given theamparo. Get a red candle (preferably a veladora of San Miguel himself,which I just so happened to have), say the prayer to San Miguel(which happens to be on the back of the veladora - that was handy!)and light the candle and set it on top of the images.

Later, I talked to Carlitos again, and he said not to worry about athing - that he had placed an amparo for me and that when he got toOjinaga, he would fix everything. I thanked him for that, and I tookhome a novena of San Miguel, and I have started that. Last night I wason the third prayer.

For my images of San Miguel that I placed my photo between, I usednovenas, since I have a whole lot of them anyway.

Connie and Darren were supposed to come back that evening, but Ididn't see them until the next day, Friday. When they got there, Idecided that, since Carlitos had an amparo for me, I would be safe indoing a limpia for Connie. So, I did just that.

I gave her a copy of the novena of San Miguel, and told her to look athis picture, and meditate on that, and to take off her glasses and

baseball hat. Next, I did three persinaciones, and I told her to, atthe point that one usually kisses the cross and three nails that onemakes with one's own hand, that she do that herself - on "amen" shekiss her own hand. After that, I got a small crucifix and just madethe sign of the cross in the same pattern as one does with thepersinacion, and I prayed the Doce Verdades del Mundo while doing so.I then pulled the evil ("males") out of her fingertips, and I said,three times: "Espiritu de Connie, ven y no te quedes", to which Iinstructed her to reply "Ay Voy".

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After that I annointed her on the head with Perfume de Siete Machosmixed with holy water, and I asked her to turn around, and, into thecenter her back, just below her shoulder blades, I blew one strongpuff, and told her she was ready.

I told her to bring me a photo of herself, which she did later, and Iput it in with mine between the two images of San Miguel, and told herto pray the prayer on the back of the candle. She asked me if sheshould do so in English of Spanish, and I told her either one, and shechose Spanish.

She said that she felt a lot better: That, up until then, she had felta terrible depression, and that this ritual had completely lifted it.I was glad she felt that way, but I was not so sure myself about theeffectiveness of all of this, and I called Carlitos again later, and Itold him all of the new details. He did not say whether my effortswere worth the trouble or not, frankly, but he asked what her namewas, and I said "Connie", and he said he would put up an amparo forher, too, and that she would be safe. Later on, I told her so.

Connie has had sort of like premonitions, which I would say areprobably like communications from her guardian angel, at variousstages in this. And she is sure that she was informed that I amsupposed to begin practicing what I have learned, and that this iswhat I was doing here.

She said that she was pretty sure that the witches were spying on her,and I told her that they would probably just send ghosts to do that,but that she would know that they were coming personally to spy on herif she saw either a small owl - a lechuza - or a ball of light. Shesaid that she had indeed seen a ball on light - in the room where shewas the night before, up in the corner.

She also said that she had heard a voice, and that shecould not make out all of the words, but that one word thatwas repeated a lot was "regresar" and "regresando". I toldher that the witch was complaining that Carlos was going toturn their magic back on them ("regresar el mal"). When Italked to him about that, he said that this was true. He wasvery angry because they would have tried to harm me, andthat he was going to punish them. "Estan jodidas," he said.This is going to be a classic "pleito entre brujos". Cucasays he is going to take away their power. But I think he isgoing to do worse than that.


there is a picture of the traditional gallina negra, aSpanish breed, which is what one uses in the ritual ofinitiation to the secret knowledge of the sect. However,these hens are not available, and so, the witches hereperform another kind of sacrifice instead, which is sounspeakable, that I won't even speak about it. But, sufficeit to say, that if you knew what I was referring to, you sayto me - tell Carlos to to his worst!

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Connie and Darren are moving to another place. They weremoving today, and they stopped by to see me a couple oftimes. Connie's sister in law is a publisher and moviemaker, and Connie is going to help us get our book published(I say "our" book because I have a feeling that Carlos isgoing to contribute so much stuff that I will have to givehim credit, in all fairness).

Carlitos had some input from the spirits that guide him,concerning the book. They want to make sure this book hasinformation which readers who have undeveloped "dones"(plural of "don" - to be clear here) will need. What theirconcern is (the spirits, that is) that these people, if theychoose to take up magia blanca, that they have amparo, andso it is especially important that I include certain prayersfrom these very old books, which I must recommend for thispurpose.


Oración al Glorioso Mártir San Cipriano

Ntra. Sra. de la


Dulces Nombres

The complete set of prayers to The Glorious Martyr San


Translated from the Spanish by Bryant “Eduardo”


 Special advocate of the those who are bewitched or are in danger of 

being so. Also for travelers, those in prison, and especially for womenin childbirth.

In the name of the All Powerful God, Creator of heaven and earth,of all the saints martyrs and confessors, of all of the Virgins and theblessed, of all of the angels and seraphins and so many powers anddenominations that serve and praise the Divine Majesty on His highthrone, I supplicate such a sweet Lord, that to me these may beconceited so many virtues that this prayer contains, so that thedemon is buried away from me in the hour of my death, through theintercession of San Pedro and San Pablo, through the obedience of Isaac and Jacob, through Zacarías and that of Jacob, through thesupplications of those who keep vigils in the praise of the Lord,through the sacrifices and the martyrdoms of all the Holy Apostlesand through the bush that Moises saw burning, even though the fireconsumed it not, that I may see myself free from all the harm of ghosts and diabolical visions, the same to many who may pray,burden or assign to other persons this prayer, as was promised toyour clarified martyr San Cipriano, that those who occur to him

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San Joaquín

San Ramón

Santa Rita

Ntra. Sra. deGuadalupe

may be see themselves free of sudden death, of lightning, of earthquakes, of fire and of calumnies, of evil tongues, of evilthought of visible enemies and if some person attempts some evilagainst them, that person will become shamed and remorseful and

publicly declare his guilt. AmenPRAYER 

Omnipotent and eternal God, I supplicate thee through thehumanity and poverty with which thou wert born, through thepainful circumcision, through the copious perspiration of blood thatthou hadst in the Prayer in the Garden, through thy most holypassion and through the intercession of San Miguel, San Gabriel,San Juan Bautista, Santo Domingo, San Sebastián, San Fabián, SanMarcos, San Lucas and all of the saints in the court of heaven, that I

may see myself free of all harm and danger of relapse especiallythrough the intercession of my beloved and blessed martyr SanCipriano, that thou mayest concede to me as much as this devotionasks of thee. Amen.

 Here one prays three Credos to the Santísima Trinidad and then the



Most glorious bishop and martyr San Cipriano, I supplicate thee

through thy most bitter martyrdom and through the glory that thoudost enjoy in the company of all of those whom like thee haveobtained the most happy and deserving crown of martyrdom, thatthou mayest free me from the sorcery and enchantments of theinfernal dragon, from sudden death, from lightning andearthquake, from evil neighbors, from dangerous highways, fromrobbers, from prisons, evil tongues, from false testimonies and inthe end, that placed at thy feet and covered with thy vestments Imay be free from all of my enemies both visible and invisible andthat covered with the cloak of Magdalena that I attain a pardonsuch as that of that blessed saint that my soul be purified and my

luck be happy. Amen.

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San MartínCaballero

El Niño Fidencio


Bishop San CiprianoOf the greatest field

Free us from all sorceryAnd of all sorcerers.

So immense is thy powerThat the Lord conceded to theeThat in the hands of the sorcererNone can even compare.

Thou hast promised to succorHim who is in needThou dost heal the enchanted.

With the greatest brevityThou givest libertyTo the unhappy prisoner.

Of all that which is afflictedThou art the celestial consolationThou art the stairway to heavenOf that which to thee has occurred.

Thou dost give protection to the invalid

Thou givest company to the travelerAnd thou art a sure consolationTop him that acclaims thee constant.

At all hours and instantsAgainst lightning and earthquakesThy avocation is sweet,Who has thy devotionWill never be seen in prisons.

Thou dost bury the temptations

Which the demon presents to theeWhom thy prodigies don't decreaseThou dost free from evil tongueAnd from false testimonies.

Therefor he who is in prayerMight be carried in thy company,Thou hast promised that he would be

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Free from persecution.

The woman who is in the afflictionOf her childbirth will pray to thee

And if with faith she invoke theeThou wilt mitigate her longing,Thou dost protect through thy virtueAll who invoke thee.

The persons who had this prayer and wished to reach as many virtues

as they have conceited, should pray three Credos to the Santísima

Trinidad, and on Sundays a Padre Nuestro to San Cipriano through

the intention of those who may have been hexed or in danger of being 

 so, and also for those travelers, prisoners and women who will give

birth. The woman who is in labor will go without danger if she has

lived in the grace of God, since the Lord concedes to us as many as he finds convenient, always if we labor under the Holy Law. 

(click here to see the CREDO)

Santa Cruz de Caravaca Amulet Most spells that are used in Mexican magic are love spells, and one of the most famous isthat of Santa Elena de la Cruz, which a lot of people have memorized, albeit in slightly

different versions. Others are for healing, typically. One such prayer and ritual is thehealing spell of the Santa Cruz de Caravaca. This name is also the title of a small bookletwhich contains many very old prayers, various versions of which are used by curanderosfor different purposes.

This amulet has been "prepared", which is to say, it has been rendered effective and givenpower by a Mexican curandero, Carlos Cisneros, of Gomez Palacios, Durango, who usedthe curing method from the ancient grimorio La Clavícula del Rey Salomon. This involvesa series of special prayers to the seven spirits of the seven days, plus setting the amulets outin the light of the waxing moon, and the use of both incense and special perfume.

Besides the healing spell below, the Cruz de Caravaca is actually worn or carried as aprotection against all forms of evil - particularly against black magic. There is a book orprayers used by curanderos, known as La Santa Cruz de Caravaca, and the prayerinvoking the power of this cross is central to the collection.

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The following is a description of the healing spell, in the original Spanish, and after that,my translation:

Para potenciar tu bienestar...Receta de la Cruz de Caravaca

En qué casos la utilizo:

· Últimamente mi salud está pasando por un mal momento.· Un familiar está atravesando una enfermedad y deseo que se recupere lo antes posible.· Quiero mejorar mi estado de salud.

Qué necesito:

· Una vela de color azul.· Un papel fino.

· Celo.· Una foto de la persona enferma.

Este ritual lo puede hacer la persona que está enferma, o bien un familiar o amigo ennombre de ella. La duración del ritual es de nueve días.

Comenzamos. Escribe en un papel el nombre de la persona que se encuentra mal. Una vezhecho esto, enrolla el papel alrededor de la vela y pégalo a ésta con celo. Si tienes una fotode la persona enferma, ponla al lado de la vela. A continuación, enciende la vela, y en unaposición de recogimiento y oración, inicia el ritual repitiendo la siguiente oración, ya seamencionándote a ti o a la persona que quieres que mejore:

"Santa Cruz de Caravaca, me acojo a tu poder grandioso para que tu fuerza aleje de mivida cualquier mal o enfermedad que me aqueje y retire las penas que me afligen. Oh, CruzCelestial, por el poder del bien, líbrame de todo mal. Incline el Señor su oído a mi súplica,con la cual imploro el amor y la comprensión para mi salud. Guíame, Santa Cruz deCaravaca, en el tránsito de mi vida terrena e ilumíname. Presérvame en los momentos máspeligrosos de mi vida, sobre todo cuando mi salud está un poco precaria. Te suplico, SantaCruz bendita, que tu apoyo llegue a mi vida y yo me encuentre bien para seguirmanteniendo mi fuerza de voluntad y mi salud. Amén".

Si eres creyente y deseas hacerlo, reza tres padrenuestros cada vez que repitas esta oración,

en acción de gracias por los favores que estás pidiendo de antemano.No olvides dejar la vela encendida durante unos trece o veinte minutos cada día. Al novenodía, tendrás que dejar que se consuma por completo.


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Si observas que la persona enferma no ha notado ninguna mejoría en su salud, puedesrepetir de nuevo el ritual pasados unos diez o quince días. Ten en cuenta que es unaoración muy poderosa si la haces con fe.


To strengthen your well-being.Recipe of the Cruz of Caravaca

In which cases it is to be used:

· Lately my health is bad.· A relative is experiencing an illness and I desire that she recover as soon as possible.· I want to improve my state of health.

What I need:

· A blue candle.· A sheet of fine paper.· Celophane· The sick person's photo.

The person who is ill could perform this ritual, or a relative or friend on behalf of her.The duration of the ritual is nine days.

To begin, write the name of the person that is ill on the paper. Once this is done, wind thepaper around the candle and hold it to the candle by wrapping celophane around it. If you

have the sick person's photo, put it beside the candle. Next, light the candle, and in aposition of seclusion and prayer, begin the ritual repeating the following prayer, eithernaming yourself or the person that you want to see improve:

"Santa Cruz de Caravaca, I take refuge under your grandiose power so that your forcedistances from my life any wrong or illness that may trouble me and retire the pains thatafflict me. Oh, Celestial Cruz, for the power of the good, liberate me of all wrong. Inclinethe Lord to hear my plea, with which I implore love and understanding for my health.Guide me, Santa Cruz de Caravaca, in the traffic of my terrestrial life and illuminate me.Preserve me in the most dangerous moments of my life, mainly when my health is a littleprecarious. I beg you, blessed Santa Cruz, that your support come into to my life and I be

well in order to continue maintaining my willpower and my health. Amen."If you are believer and you want to do so, pray three padrenuestros every time that yourepeat this prayer, in action of thanks for the favors that you are requesting beforehand.

Don't forget leave the lit candle during about thirteen or twenty minutes every day. On theninth day, you will have to leave burning until it burns out completely.

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If you observe that the sick person has not noticed no improvement in their health, youcould repeat the ritual again about ten or fifteen days later. Keep in mind that it is a verypowerful prayer if it is done with faith.