Alila Ubud - Alila Experience Menu...An impressive trip to visit the magnificently crafted 11th...


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Al i la Exper ience…

Our Le isure Concierge Concept

Discover a dest inat ion that ce lebrates i ts t rad it ions , i ts cu is ine , i ts env ironment , the roots of i t s people and

the ir da i ly r i tua l s .

Be ing on hol iday is much about ce lebrat ing your own choices in l iv ing and cu l t ivat ing your persona l pr ior i t ies .

Because per fect ion is def ined ind iv idual ly , we’ve carefu l ly combined our dest inat ion know-how with a l l the

ingred ients of your l i fes ty le to make your stay a ‘ surpr is ing ly d i f ferent ’ exper ience . Al low our Le isure

Concierge team to gu ide you on your d iscovery of the h idden treasures that abound with in th is fasc inat ing

dest inat ion . Our team are loca l experts who know this reg ion wel l and are pass ionate about shar ing their

knowledge with you. Browse our Al i la Exper iences and choose those that appea l to your interests and

l i fes ty le .

Embark on a journey into the heart of Ba l i , tak ing in

mag ica l v iews of the Tega la lang r ice terraces , cra f ted

spectacu lar ly to fo l low the natura l contours of the

mounta in , before v is i t ing the pur i fy ing holy water spr ing

of T ir ta Empul .

We wi l l then take you to the wor ld of aromat ic sp ices ,

cof fee and tea , where you are inv i ted to sample

d i f ferent sp ices or ig inat ing f rom Indones ia . Last but not

least , v is i t the famous Mount Batur in Kintamani , which

over looks Lake Batur and i ts bubbl ing hot spr ings . I t i s

the largest lake in Bal i , and provides an underground

network of streams and spr ings across the southern

s lopes of the mounta in .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person

charge .


5 hours | m in imum 2 persons

Rp 600 ,000++ per person

An impress ive tr ip to v is i t the magn i f icent ly craf ted

11th century temples around Bal i . S tar t of f a t Goa

Gajah , a cave that was prev ious ly used by monks and

hermits for pray ing . The gap ing mouth of th is famous

E lephant Cave forms an entrance to the cave depic t ing

leaves , rocks , an imals , ocean waves and demonic

human shapes . Fo l lowing th is , v i s i t a tradi t iona l

temple , Samuan Tiga in Bedu lu , before heading to

Gunung Kawi , our las t dest inat ion . Along the journey ,

take in the breathtak ing v iews of the r ice terraces to

your lef t and r ight before reach ing an anc ient tomb

carved out of the rock face of the Paker isan River

gorge .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person



4 hours | m in imum 2 persons

Rp 550 ,000++ per person

Enr ich your understanding of Bal inese l i fe with a v is i t to

the scenic Mengwi Vi l l age and Taman Ayun Temple .

Proceed to the Subak Museum to gain an understanding of

the Subak ir r igat ion system, a UNESCO World Her i tage

pract ice . Cont inue on to Bedugu l in northern Ba l i where

the i s land’s f reshest loca l produce is grown. V is i t the Ulun

Danu Temple s i tuated by the edge of beaut i fu l Lake

Beratan , set aga inst a breathtak ing backdrop of h i l l s .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


5 hours | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 850 ,000++ per person

Archi tecture in Ba l i i s d irect ly re lated to Hindu ism. Every

bu i ld ing , f rom a loca l house to a temple , has a mean ing

and purpose . Learn about the key components and law of

Ba l inese arch i tecture in th is in tr igu ing workshop . V is i t a

loca l compound s i tuated a short dr ive f rom the resort

with our Leisure Concierge , who wi l l share ins ights into

the un ique des ign of Ba l inese houses .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


2 hours | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 275 ,000++ per person

On this ha l f -day tr ip to Bang l i Regency in the middle of

Ba l i , journey to the trad i t ional Ba l inese v i l l age of

Peng l ipuran through a bamboo forest to see a trad i t ional

Ba l inese compound and v i l lage l i fe . Th is i s fo l lowed by a

v is i t to Kehen Temple in the north of Bang l i . Kehen

Temple is one of the largest temples in Ba l i and is a

st i r r ing example of the sk i l l o f the stone carvers of the

reg ion . Founded in the 11th century , the temple has three

courtyards that are each entered through tower ing carved

gateways .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


5 hours | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 600 ,000++ per person

En joy an enchant ing star t to the day as you exper ience a

loca l Ba l inese dance performance at 9 :30am before

cont inu ing on to a text i le factory at Tohpat i V i l l age . Meet

Bal inese ar t i sans , ta lented and sk i l fu l in des ign ing s i lver

and gold handicraf ts . On the way back , pass through the

wood carv ing v i l lages of Mas and Kemenuh , famed for

produc ing h igh qua l i ty , in tr icate wood carv ings made from

very hard woods such as teak , mahogany , ebony and

h ib iscus , most of which are sourced from the is lands of

Java , Sumatra and Su lawes i .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


4 hours | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 550 ,000++ per person

Explore the v i l l ages surrounding Al i l a Ubud and the

Gianyar Regency in a complete ly or ig ina l open-a i r VW

safar i . Fee l the wind blowing through your ha ir as you

watch day-to-day Ba l inese l i fe pass by . Exper ience

Bongkasa Vi l lage with i ts beaut i fu l r ice paddies and the

magni f icent h i l l s over looking Al i la Ubud, ad jacent to a

temple on the other s ide of the va l ley . Re lax at an

authent ic ba le , en joy ing l ight ref reshment before return ing

to the resort .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


3 hours | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 550 ,000++ per person

An unforgettab le countrys ide adventure with magn i f icent

va l ley scenery , t rop ica l vegetat ion and terraced r ice

paddies fed by the UNESCO-l i s ted Subak i r r igat ion

system. En joy an act ive walk in the morn ing or even ing

whi le tak ing in the beauty of Al i la Ubud’s loca l

surroundings .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


1 .5 hours | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 250 ,000++ per person

En joy three hours explor ing the most impress ive r ice

terraces and r ivers ide v iews in Ubud. Our Le isure

Concierge wi l l exp la in the sp ices , f lora and fauna

surrounding you and the ir uses in Ba l inese culture . V is i t a

loca l Ba l inese fami ly compound and rev ive with a

refresh ing coconut dr ink d irect f rom the source whi le

re lax ing in a pr ivate ba le over looking verdant r ice f ie lds .

Enhance th is tr ip with a p icn ic lunch (addit iona l charges

apply) of your favour i te cu is ine . Se lect f rom the menu

opt ions at our f ront desk and conf i rm your se lect ion by

5pm the n ight pr ior to your adventure .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


3 hours | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 395 ,000++ per person

Depart the resort on foot with binocular and books in

hand. Ident i fy d i f ferent spec ies of beaut i fu l t rop ica l b i rds ,

s ing ing in accompaniment to your le isure ly morn ing walk .

Our exper ienced birdwatch ing master and long-t ime

member of the Al i la Ubud fami ly , Sang Putu , wi l l gu ide

you along your way . I f you are lucky and the sk ies are

c lear , you may be able to spot the incred ib le Java

K ing f i sher with i t s v ibrant b lue hues and large red beak

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

Sing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


2 hours | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 250 ,000++ per person

This gent le cyc l ing tour is su i tab le for everyone, f rom

beg inners to sk i l led cyc l i s ts . Cyc l ing a long Ubud’s back

roads , v is i t the trad i t iona l Payangan market where , gu ided

by our Le isure Concierge , you can purchase sp ices and

fresh fru i t to try . Soak in the spectacu lar v iews of verdant

r ice terraces that abound in th is reg ion as you meander

past Ba l inese temples and loca l fami ly compounds .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


1 .5 hours | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 250 ,000++ per person

Warm up with an ear ly cof fee or ju ice and a v iew of the

Mount Batur crater lake as the is land beg ins to awake .

Then i t ’ s downhi l l a l l the way to Tega la lang , r id ing past

scenes of da i ly l i fe , captur ing g l impses of centur ies -o ld

Ba l inese culture and trad i t ions . At Kel ik i V i l l age , you wi l l

meet your p ick-up back to the hote l – in t ime to refuel

wi th a sumptuous late breakfast .

++ indicates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


3 hours | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 550 ,000++ per person

Photo by Thierry Dehove

Go white-water raf t ing on the thr i l l ing rap ids of the

Ayung River with exper ienced raf t ing gu ides at Sobek . A

mix of adrena l ine -pumping fun , exci tement and fantast ic

wi lderness s ightsee ing ! Al i la Ubud takes care of transport

to the ra ft ing star t point north of Ubud. Pr ice inc ludes

towels , showers at the f in ish point , and a l ight lunch of

Western and Ba l inese d ishes .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

Sing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


Hal f day | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 1 ,050,000++ per person (adu l t)

Rp 690 ,000++ per person (ch i ld)

A signature exper ience for the true Act ive Sp ir i t !Fo l lowing a very ear ly departure at 3am, prepare yourse l f

to c l imb to the summit of Mount Batur , reach ing the top in

t ime to catch an unforgettab le sunr i se v iew amongst the

c louds . Trek a long the r idge of the crater to see the

harvest ing of minera l i sed water and the cooking of ‘onsen ’

eggs in the hot steam f issures of th is act ive volcano .Br ing a long your comfortab le , warm and layered c loth ing

with h ik ing boots or sports shoes, sunscreen, sung lasses ,

hat and insect repe l lent .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


7 hours | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 1 ,500,000++ per couple

Discover rura l Ba l i by dr iv ing among the ‘sawah ’ paddy

f ie lds , through the ra inforest and past trad it iona l v i l lages .

Navigate your own powerfu l quad of f - road mach ine or

buggy and exper ience the road less trave l led on your

own. I t might need some extra ef fort but you wi l l be

rewarded with a tru ly exc i t ing exper ience you wi l l never

forget .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


Hal f day | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 1 ,120,000++ per person

Rp 1 ,780,000++ per couple ( tandem)

Hindu astrology is myst i fy ing to most . Discover the

meaning and impl icat ion of your Otanan (Ba l inese

bir thday) and f ind out whether your symbol is a de ity ,

t ree , b i rd or an imal . Exp la ined by an exper ienced

Ba l inese astro loger , you are certa in to be amazed by

how accurate he can read your character and

personal i ty , and to f ind out how compat ib le you and

your partner rea l ly are !

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .


1 hour | Rp 800 ,000++ per couple

Vis i t the beaut i fu l Brahmin compound of the Bal inese h igh

pr iest ‘Pedanda ’ in the sereni ty of Ubud where you can

witness h im perform the r i tua l of ‘Pu ja Mantra ’ and

exper ience a Ba l inese bless ing ca l led ‘Melukat ’ . The r i tua l

i s be l ieved to c lear the mind and c leanse the devotee’s

body and soul f rom both se l f - in f l ic ted impur i t ies and

negat ive in f luences f rom externa l sources . I t a lso

recharges a person’s sp i r i tua l s trength and enthus iasm.

Rece ive your b less ing dur ing a fu l l or new moon i f you

can – i t ’ s sa id to be the best t ime. Reba lance the body ,

centre the chakras and re-energ ise the soul . Work ing to

ind iv idua l needs and di f f icu l ty leve ls , f rom beg inner to

exper ienced, the sess ions inc lude meditat ion and take-

home pract ice poses ta i lored to your needs .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

Sing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


1 hour | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 500 ,000++ per person

This exper ience takes you to v is i t a trad it iona l hea ler for

an a l l -over body assessment and acupressure treatment .

Acupressure is an anc ient technique that gave r ise to the

modern techn ique of acupuncture . The therap is t sets to

work on the feet to re lease b lockages be l ieved to be l inked

to var ious body parts , he lp ing the body to re lax , detoxi fy

and return to a state of natura l ba lance .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


1 hour | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 450 ,000++ per person

An excit ing workshop for those who love s i lver and

jewels . Des ign and make an or ig ina l p iece of s i lver

jewel lery for yourse l f or for a loved one. Before g iv ing

your des igner p iece a f ina l pol i sh , v is i t a loca l s i lversmith

factory to see the handmade s i lver -mak ing process us ing

trad i t ional handmade tools .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

Sing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


3 hours | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 500 ,000++ per person

Engage in an exc i t ing learn ing exper ience that introduces

you to the de l icate ar t of bat ik text i les and des ign . V is i t a

loca l fami ly - run bat ik factory and hand make your own

or ig ina l 40cm x 40cm bat ik des ign . Pract ise the bas ics of

th is t rad i t iona l ar t , drawing mot i fs wi th wax and apply ing

co lours of your cho ice to make your own dis t inct ive p iece .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


2 hours | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 600 ,000++ per person

Exper ience the ent i re journey from pick ing ingred ients at

the loca l market to cooking up some of Bal i ’ s most popular

and exc it ing d ishes . Our res ident chef wi l l be your gu ide

prov id ing profess iona l and informat ive deta i l s of the spices ,

f l avours and techniques . You wi l l be cooking c lose to

nature in an outs ide k i tchen at our Organ ic Garden .

Th is wi l l g ive you a chance to not only ta lk about your

hol iday when you return home, but to a lso cook an honest

Ba l inese meal for a l l your f r iends and fami ly to en joy .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


5 hours | m in imum 2 persons

Rp 1 ,400,000++ per person

Rp 1 ,800,000++ per person inc lus ive a bott le o f house wine

Amid a l l the dis tract ions of da i ly l i fe , i t can be hard tof ind t ime for romance . So whi le you are here , immersed inthe gorgeous beauty and welcome sereni ty of our va l leyretreat , why not treat yourse lves to a romant ic d in ingexper ience for two served by your personal but ler ? Al lowus to ta i lor the perfect menu to be enjoyed in a venue ofyour choice . Re lax over a dr ink with our chef and discussthe menu and beverage se lect ion . I f you would l ike tounwind further with an afternoon in the spa , en joy acouple ’s spa treatment whi le we create the mood forromance .

Venue : ba le bengong , pool garden , pools ide

++ indicates 21% tax and serv ice charge .


Rp 4,900,000+ + per coup le | 5 -course with a bottle of house wine

Rp 3 ,500,000+ + per coup le | 3 -course with a bottle of house wine

The r i tua l s o f yoga a re taugh t th rough a se r ie s o f gen t le f low ing

movements tha t su i t beg inner s or advance s tudents .

Our qua l i f i ed in s t ruc tor w i l l teach you how to ba l ance m ind and

body in the t ranqu i l env i ronment tha t su r rounds you .

++ ind i ca tes 21% tax and serv i ce charge

S ing le supp lement app l ie s a t 50% o f second person charge


1 .5 hours | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 450 .000++ per person

Rp 600 .000++ per couple

Moonl ight Remedies are on ly ava i lab le dur ing the new and

fu l l moon every 1st and 15th day of the lunar month . The

remedy evokes complete mind and soul re laxat ion as you

are surrounded by nature ’s lushness , breath ing in the fresh

a i r and lured by the sound of b i rdca l l s . Dur ing the per iod

of a new or fu l l moon, when the moon’s energy is be l ieved

to be at i t s st rongest , the treatments are conducted

outdoors in a custom spa tent open to nature yet

complete ly pr ivate , harness ing good lunar energy to

promote hea l ing and sp ir i tua l growth .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .

S ing le supplement appl ies at 50% of second person charge


2 hours | Min imum 2 persons

Rp 1 ,650,000++ per person

Kite f ly ing is a favour i te Bal inese past ime among

chi ldren and adu l ts a l ike . Ba l i i s most su i ted for k i te

f ly ing thanks to the i s land’s seasona l of fshore breezes .

On most windy days , k i tes of a l l shapes and s izes dot

the sky . Try your hand at mak ing one of these bamboo-

framed, handpa inted k ites . They f ly very wel l . But even

i f k i te f ly ing is not your pass ion , Ba l i k i tes a lso make

great wa l l hang ings !

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .


1.5 hours | Rp 250,000++ per ch i ld

Paraded through the streets of Bal i on the eve of Nyepi ,

the Bal inese New Year , Ogoh Ogoh scu lptures depict the

form of Bhuta Ka la , wh ich represents the f ive natura l

e lements of water , f i re , l ight , land and a i r . Usua l ly the

characters are very large and creepy and often take the

shape of a scary g iant . Be creat ive and have fun decorat ing

your own min iature Ogoh Ogoh

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .


1.5 hours | Rp 400,000++ per ch i ld

Every v i l lage in Ba l i has one or severa l types of

gamelan that are used for r i tua l occas ions . Guided by

a profess iona l gamelan teacher , learn the techn iques

of p lay ing these d is t inct ive ensemble instruments and

have a go at p lay ing a bas ic melody . You’ l l a lso learn

about the his tory of gamelan and the mean ing of i ts

mus ic in Ba l inese cu l ture .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .


1 ,5 hours | Rp 250,000++ per ch i ld

L i fe in Ba l i i s fu l l o f r i tua l , and coconut leaves have been

used throughout the centur ies in the da i ly needs of the

Ba l inese . With a ‘ teacher ’ to demonstrate and ass is t you,

learn how to make amaz ing coconut lea f creat ions used for

of fer ings .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .


1 .5 hours | Rp 250,000++ per ch i ld

The art of creat ing and decorat ing masks has been

part of Ba l inese his tory throughout the evolut ion of

the wor ld . Combin ing respect for nature and creat ive

express ion , our masks are made of recyc led wood,

which k ids can en joy pa int ing and decorat ing , creat ing

the i r own one-of-a-k ind work of ar t .

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .


1,5 hours | Rp 400,000++ per ch i ld

In Ba l i , even an egg can be a canvas of ar t for Ramayana

stor ies , Ba l inese da i ly l i fe , an imals and nature . Learn the

process of egg pa int ing f rom the master and express your

impress ion of your Ba l i t r ip on an egg . A un ique souven ir

to br ing home.

++ ind icates 21% tax and serv ice charge .


2 hours | Rp 350 ,000++ per ch i ld
