[AIESEC UNAND] Manager Applicants Interview Schedule 13/14



[AIESEC UNAND] Manager Applicants Interview Schedule 13/14

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Requirements :

Comes 15 minutes before the interview

Wearing full formal clothes

Bring 10 copies of your booklet

17th of April 2013

iGCDP department

1. 16.00-18.00 WIB Rahma Jamila F (TN Manager - iGCDP)

2. 19.00-21.00 WIB Phubi Amanda (S n L Manager - iGCDP)

3. 21.00-23.00 WIB Kiki Rizki KA (TN Manager - iGCDP)

18th of April 2013

oGCDP & iGCDP department

1. 16.00-18.00 WIB Wyke Dimas Pratiwi (EXPRO - oGCDP )

2. 19.00-21.00 WIB Gebri sedti Adzani (EXCESS - oGCDP )

3. 21.00-23.00 WIB Rizki Rahmadhani (Project - iGCDP )

19th of April 2013

iGIP department

1. 16.00-18.00 WIB Lausia Aprisal (CD - iGIP)

2. 19.00-21.00 WIB Wulan Anggraini ( ET - iGIP )

3. 21.00-23.00 WIB Rahimulhuda Rizki Alwi ( ET - iGIP )

20th of April 2013

ER department

1. 16.00-18.00 WIB Vetri Avani (BD - ER)

2. 19.00-21.00 WIB Rossy Triana (Relationship Manager - ER)

3. 21.00-23.00 WIB Fiqho Falderiko (Relationship Manager - ER)

21st of April 2013

oGIP & FnG department

1. 08.00-10.00 WIB Fitria Seli irawan ( Expro - oGIP )

2. 10.00-12.00 WIB Helvira Prima ( Accountant Manager - F&G )

3. 13.00-15.00 WIB Zulfiana Hutajulu ( Project financial edu. - F&G )

4. 15.00-17.00 WIB Mazaya Syahana ( Project Financial edu. - F&G )

5. 18.00-20.00 WIB Dara Finanda ( Cash and investment - F&G )

6. 20.00-22.00 WIB Rimbun Pansuri ( Cash and investment - F&G )

22nd of April 2013

oGIP department

1. 16.00-18.00 WIB Viveka Onanda ( EXCESS - oGIP )

2. 19.00-21.00 WIB Rizki Fauzi ( EXCESS - oGIP )

3. 21.00-23.00 WIB Yulianto Eka .P ( EXCESS - oGIP )

23rd of April 2013

Comm department

1. 16.00-18.00 WIB Dora Dwi Astuti (Excomm - Comm)

Good Luck
