Age certificate rating


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Age Certificate Rating –Untitled

BBFC – British Board of Film Classification

The Guidelines

When the guidelines are applied there are two main principles which are followed:

First, films and videos should be allowed to reach the widest audience appropriate for their theme and treatment.

Second, adults should be free to choose what they see, provided it remains within the law and is not potentially harmful.

Considering my opening sequence contains some drug use, following the guidelines I think my film would be rated at either 15 or 12/12A.

This is what would be permitted in a 12/12A rated film.

Whereas this is what could be seen in a 15 rated film and how it differs to that of 12/12A films.

Therefore based on the BBFC guidelines I think my film would be rated 15 because although the drug use isn’t glamorised nor is it providing instructional details it is showing the taking of the drugs not just the effects of the drugs.
