Adult Social Care - Conditional Grants.pdf


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  • 7/27/2019 Adult Social Care - Conditional Grants.pdf


    Appendix C

    Adult Social Care - Conditional Grants

    Grant ArrangementPurpose of grant

    The conditional grant fund has been aligned to the Adult Soc ial Care commissioning

    strategies and the development of the local voluntary sec tor to provide innovative

    models of service which focus on the key commissioning priorities and the

    Personalisation Programme.

    The grant is aimed at fac ilitating organisations to develop flexible and responsive

    services which will offer choice to service users and carers to purchase services upon

    the implementation of Individual Budgets. The Council has already been through acommissioning process in relation to overarching service provision for information

    and advice, advocacy, support brokerage, direct payments support service, carers

    services and day opportunities. The successful organisations were selected during a

    competitive bid procurement exercise and were evaluated using a price/quality


    The grant is intended to provide organisations with short-term funding that will assist

    in the development and implementation of services. This funding will be particularly

    relevant to smaller organisations to ensure their sustained existence in the coming

    year and to enable them to work with other voluntary sector Providers to formulatepartnerships and soc ial enterprises.

    Criteria for award

    A. Eligibility criteria

    All voluntary sector organisations will be eligible to apply for conditional grant


    B. Determination

    The allocation of funding will be based upon evidence that the proposed service

    model meets the joint commissioning priorities which are outlined in the Adult Social

    Care commissioning strategies. It will also be a requirement that organisations can

    demonstrate that they have consulted with service users and carers in receipt of

    services and that the outcome has influenced the funding application. A panel will

    be convened consisting of the lead portfolio holder, commissioners, care

    management and service user representation to evaluate each organisations

    application. A scoring matrix will be adopted to provide an audit trail for the award

    of grants. Organisations will be eligible to apply for funding to the maximum value of


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    Process outline and timeline

    February 2011 - Voluntary sec tor organisations will be notified of the grant

    March 2011- Dissemination of information to the wider voluntary sec tor on the

    conditional grant application process.

    April 2011 - Funding will be allocated up to a maximum of 75,000

    May 2011 - 50% of payment will be made to organisations

    Length of award

    The length of the award will be for 11 months in 2011/12 which takes into account

    the extension of voluntary sec tor contracts until the 30th April 2011.

    Additional in year funding may become available as attrition from block contracts

    as a consequence of the implementation of Individual Budgets is realised. Awards

    of funding and assoc iated timelines will be apportioned to the remainder of the

    financial year.


    A short form and method statement will need to be completed. This will require

    applicants to outline the service proposal and evidence how it meets the strategic

    commissioning priorities and the Personalisation Programme. Evidence will also berequired to demonstrate service user and carer consultation and how this has

    influenced the application. Organisations will be required to provide a breakdown

    of how the funding will be allocated to the service inclusive of running costs and

    staff and volunteer expenses and to declare any sources and amounts of grant

    funding or other funding that they are in receipt of.

    Those organisations that did not submit a tender in the recent commissioning

    programme they will be required to evidence that they have an Equalities Policy

    and a constitution and provide a recent bank statement.

    Payment arrangements:

    50% of the grant aid will be paid on 1st May 2011

    The remaining 50% of the grant will be paid on 1st October once evidence of how

    the initial 50% has been spent has been submitted.

    Part year funding will be apportioned accordingly.

    Organisations will be expected to submit invoices with supporting evidence in line

    with the spend profile submitted with the application.

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    Failure to supply this information will result in a commensurate reduction in the final


    Funding allocation

    The total budget available to support the conditional grant aid arrangement is200,000. Additional funding may be available in year as attrition from block

    contracts is rea lised.

    The funding allocation is intended to develop the voluntary sector market to meet

    the requirements of the Personalisation Programme and to contribute to the

    provision of services to meet the strategic commissioning priorities not captured

    within the overarching voluntary sec tor services.

    Monitoring Process

    Monitoring of the grants will be proportionate with the level of funding provided.

    The following monitoring thresholds will be applied:-

    5,000 - 10,000 monitoring against the method statement, mid year return and

    end of year return

    10,000 - 75,000 full quarterly monitoring process based on the balanced

    scorecard methodology.
