Addressing Preliminary Curriculum Audit Findings thru Quality First Instruction October 2, 2008


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Addressing Preliminary Curriculum Audit Findings

thruQuality First Instruction

October 2, 2008

Two Fundamental QuestionsDoes the system have instructional

programs that are planned, aligned, executed, and assessed in accordance with generally accepted appropriate principles and standards.

Does the system conform to the standards of quality in instructional organization.

Curriculum Audit Exit Interview Comments…. Lots of planning efforts underway. Next step

is not prevalent. Appears to be a wide range of perception

regarding current reality v. preferred future. Students don’t get equal access to learning,

due to variances in instruction. Data for decision-making not down to the

teacher level. Data is not consistently used to inform instruction.

“Lots of interventions” but predominately based on programs. Does not have to be program-based.

7 Central Actions Needed1. Create a culture that supports change – why, what, how – re-

culturing may be the key issue2. Focus on instruction vs. structure3. Develop relationships within the school – collaboration.4. Address the needs of all students from our most challenged to

our most capable learners.5. Data-based decision making – what is important? What is

likely to be tested? Assessment OF learning vs. assessment FOR learning

6. Emphasize the transition years.7. System – support vs. regulation; commitment vs. compliance.

The Vision Should Be Our Work

Committing to a uniform, consistent instructional model supported by all teachers and administrative leaders may be the “tipping point” in a schools’ journey from good to great.



Common Instructional Model The Art and Science of teaching

How do ALL teachers BEGIN the lesson?

How do ALL teachers END each lesson?

How do ALL teachers ENGAGE students in their learning?

How do ALL teachers help students PRACTICE what they are learning?







Rigor/Relevance Framework


Teacher/Student Roles


StudentThink & Work


Professional Learning Community4 Fundamental Questions

What is it we want all students to learn? How will we know when each student has mastered

the essential (core) learning? How will we respond early when students are not

learning? How will we deepen (stretch) the learning for students

who have mastered the essential (core) knowledge and skills?

Unifying principle – we have not met our fundamental purpose until all students have learned at high levels.

Purpose Statement – the PLC Driver

The purpose of our school is to see to it that all our students learn at high levels, and the future of our students depends on our success. We must work COLLABORATIVELY to achieve that purpose, because it is impossible to accomplish if we work in isolation. And we must continually assess our effectiveness in achieving our purpose on the basis of results – tangible evidence that our students are acquiring the knowledge, skills, and dispositions we feel are essential to their future success.

From: “On Common Ground – The Power of Professional Learning Communities”

Professional Learning Community

This model demands embedded professional development.

COLLABORATION is not an option. Teacher isolation is “old school.”

Leadership must understand and support the principles of a PLC.

Teaching to ‘D’ becomes the vocabulary of accountable talk. As a PLC, instructional strategies and successes become part of every department and faculty meeting.

What About the “Not Yet” Teachers Who Do Not Volunteer?

Leadership must make it very clear – this is how we do business at “We All Learn Here” Elementary, Middle, High School.

Our adult unity of purpose is vital to our learning success.

No compromise. You will be held accountable for our

instructional model. I personally will help you in any way I can. We are all learners. I will lead the way.


Teachers do pay attention more to what you do than what you say!

The Change ProcessYou cannot change anyone else. You

can only change yourself.

You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.

But, you can salt his oats.

CELEBRATION Instructional risk-taking on behalf of

student learning becomes the culture of high expectations.

Teacher recognition programs are vital. “If we don’t feed the teachers some may

eat the kids.”Engaged students make learning fun for

all involved.We work smarter – not harder.

Content Is at the Core

Shift from convivial talk to deep dialogue and discussion of practice linked to learning goals and research on student learning

Everyone needs supportEveryone needs support when they take new riskswhen they take new risks

Effective support for teachers is the key to

enhancing professional practice and improving student achievement.

Critical Program Elements

Coaching is a developmental model that builds on existing strengths. It is not a deficit model designed to “fix.”

Conversations between coaches and principals about teachers’ work might cause tension.

Coaches’ roles and responsibilities are clear to all. Coaches’ roles are honored and their time not diverted to other school needs.

A coaching program requires clear, explicit, and continued support.

Coaching is like a bumpy road when…

Bumps in the road…that are a barrier and danger to coach role

How the principal introduces the coach to the staff

How the staff views the alignment between the principal and the coach

How the principal views coaching as an intervention to improve teaching and learning

#1 Barrier and Danger Zone




TrustTrustworthy Trusting

I do what I say. I keep my word. I keep confidences. You can count on me.

I have faith in you. I will take a risk with you. I don’t have to control everything. I am vulnerable.

With thanks to Ann Delehant, Senior Consultant, NSDC

The Importance of Trust

Schools with low relational trust have 1 in 7 chance of showing gains in student achievement.

Schools with high relational trust have a 1 in 2 chance of showing gains in student achievement.

Bryk & Schneider (2003), Trust in schools: a core resource for improvement. New York: Russell Sage Foundation

Some coach words about…


Assumptions About Committed Listening

Committed listening is a skill that requires discipline to master and maintain at high levels.

Most people can significantly improve the quality of their listening.

When we listen in a committed way we transform our relationships, both professionally and personally.

Some coach words about….


Coaches to the rescue!“Masterful coaches inspire people by helping them [teachers] recognize the previously unseen possibilities that lay embedded in their existing circumstances.”

Robert Hargrove

Coaches to the rescue! Coaching is the practice of providing deliberate

support to another individual to help her/him become a reflective practitioner and/or achieve a goal.

When should an employee have coaching? When they are assuming new job duties To develop or provide new skills through on-the-job training To introduce new procedures or technologies To enhance performance and correct deficiencies To prepare individuals for career development To develop members of a work team

Coaches Accountability 45% - Collaboration planning, coaching, classroom

observations and feedback 15% - Demonstration/Modeling teaching effective

instructional and assessment practices

10% - Research and data analysis 10% - Assessment support, progress monitoring, and

materials/intervention resource 5% - Coaches’ training/professional development 5% - School-based professional development for all

teachers 10% - Site Leadership Team meetings, miscellaneous site

support, log time, etc.

Principal Accountability Ensure coaches spend time in classrooms to

improve instruction. Meet and collaborate regularly regarding

math progress and instructional focus. Keep the lines of communication open, meet

with coaches weekly. Empower coaches, their success is a

reflection of your support.
