ACCOUNT NRE TYPE NRO Mode Of Operation...interest and without demur. (E) To inform the bank of the...


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For Term/ Recurring Deposits: Period

Periodicity Mly Qly Hly Yly On Maturity

Interest Credit A/C

StandingInstructions (SI)for RD

Debit Account (NRI CASA)

SI Frequency Mly Qly Hly Yly SI Debit Amount Period Sl Execution Date

Mode Of OperationSingle E or S Joint A or S F or S L or S

Credit Account (RD)

Full Name :Mr/Mrs/Ms

Father Name

Marital Status

Date Of Birth Gender


Male Female Pan noIf Sta� PF No

Married Name of Spouse

Mother Name

Overseas Address


Mobile No


Contact No


Permanent Address

Full Name :Mr/Mrs/Ms

Father Name

Marital Status

Date Of Birth





Male Female Pan noIf Sta� PF No

Married Name of Spouse

Mother Name

Overseas Address


Mobile No


Contact No


Permanent Address

Occupation: Salaried

Employer’s Name & Address

Phone No

Passport No Issue Date Expiry Date Place Of Issue

Visa Expiry Date Visa/PIO/OCI Card No Seafer Yes No


Self Employed Business Student OthersIf Self Employed or Business Specify Nature of Activities


Occupation: Salaried

Employer’s Name & Address

Phone No

Passport No Issue Date Expiry Date Place Of Issue

Visa Expiry Date Visa/PIO/OCI Card No Seafer Yes No


Self Employed Business Student OthersIf Self Employed or Business Specify Nature of Activities

Account Activity

Channel Facilities


I con�rm that I personally know the applicant/s ........................................................ for the last ..................... months/year and con�rm his/her/their identity, occupation and address/es

Cust ID

Name ...........................................................................................................................................

Address .......................................................................................................................................


If sta� PF No A/C No


Purpose of Opening the Account Source of Fund Expected Monthly Remittance Expected Monthly Withdrawals

SavingRepayment of loansCollectionsInstrumentsOther

SalaryParentsPersonal SavingsRental/Interest/Dividend/Proceeds of Shares/InvestmentOther

Up to Rs 10000Rs 10001 – 50000Rs 50001- 100000Rs 100001 – 500000Above Rs 500000

Up to Rs 10000Rs 10001 – 50000Rs 50001- 100000Rs 100001 – 500000Above Rs 500000


Cheque Book

Email Alert

Please Suggest 3 User ID

(Please Tick)International(EMV Chip)

Yes No



3Yes No

Card Type

Mobile Alert

Mobile Banking

Yes YesNo No

I/We hereby declare that …………………………...........................................................................……. is/are Non-Resident Indian/s holding Indian Passport/s.

For PIO’s I/We hereby declare that …………………………………….. is/are Person/s of Indian origin holding ………………………. (issuing country) passport/s, satisfying one of the following conditions, for which proof is attached: 1. Held an Indian passport in the past. 2. Father/Mother/grandfather/grandmother (name) ………………………… is/was citizen of India by virtue of the constitution of India or the Citizenship Act 1955.

For Seafarer’s: I/We hereby declare and con�rm that I/We am/are Non-Resident Indian/s on contract with ……………………………………. (name and address of the shipping company) registered in …………………………… (Country).

For Accounts in the name of Minors: I hereby certify that …………………………………… was born on ……………………… and attains majority on …………………. and Iam ……………………… Relationship with Minor ……………………………….. Nature of Account ………………. Account No. …………

For Politically Exposed Persons: I am a politically Exposed Person who performs important functions for the State in the capacity as Senior O�cial of Govt. or Political Parties or closely related to Politically Exposed Person/s by name ………………………………………………………………………………

1.I/We hereby undertake:(A) To inform the bank immediately on my/our coming back to India for permanent settlement/residence. (B) To inform the bank immediately on any change occurring in my business/o�ce/communication address/other contact details. (C) In respect of NRO/NRE A/cs, all the debits and credits will be carried out strictly as per FEMA regulations. (D) To pay any overdraft created in my/our account inadvertently together with applicable

Declaration (please tick)

Positions Held Name of the Party/Organization Designation Period of O�ce

Political Party Government Organization

interest and without demur. (E) To inform the bank of the wrong credits in my/our account, pertaining to other customers and refund the same together with applicable interest and without demur.2.I/We understand & declare that:(A) I/We have read and understood the Terms and Conditions (a copy of which I am in possession of ) governing the opening and operation of NRE account under Savings/Current/Fixed/Recurring Deposits Schemes of MDC Bank and those relating to various services including but not limited to ATMs/Debit Card/Mobile Banking/Tele Banking/Internet Banking/Mobile & e-mail alert/IMPs/Cheque Book-Delivery/Acknowledgement. I/We accept and agree to be bound by the said Terms and Conditions. I/We agree that the Bank may debit my account for service charges applicable from time to time. Apart from this the Current Schedule of Charges has been received by me/us and I/We agree with the same. I/We further understand and agree that any subsequent changes in the tari�s/service charges shall be published by the Bank in its website and/or on the notice boards of its branches, which shall be su�cient notice to me/us regarding such change. (B) The above account will be opened on the basis of the statements/declarations made by me/us and I/we also agree that if any of the statements/declarations made herein is found to be not correct in material particulars you are not bound to pay any interest on my/our deposits. (C) In the event of my NRI status is changed in future, my/our existing NRI account will be re-designated to Resident/RFC account (s) (as applicable). (D) Rate of interest applicable, premature withdrawal of the deposit, premature termination of the deposit in the event of death of the depositors, TDS on interest earned and �ling/renewal/cancellation of the nomination will be as per RBI/IBA/Income Tax/Bank’s rules in force from time to time. (E) I/We will not make available to any person resident in India any foreign exchange against reimbursement in India in Rupees or otherwise. I/We hereby undertake to inform the Bank immediately on my/our coming back to India for permanent settlement/residence. I/we understand that the bank may at any time and without

Name of Joint Account Holders (other than user)

1........................................................................................................... 2.......................................................................................... 3......................................................................................... I/We authorize .............................................................................................................................................................. (applicant) to avail of ATM card/Mobile Banking/Mobile Alert/Email Alert/Telebanking Service in respect of all the account linked to his/her/our customer Id(s) mentioned inthis application form. I/We undertake to ratify and con�rm whatever the applicant does or causes to do through these service (s). This authority shall continue to be in force until any one or all of us revokes it by a notice in writing delivered to you.

notice to me/us combine and consolidate all or any of my/our accounts and set o� or transfer any sum or sums standing to the credit of anyone or more of such account in or towards the sattisfaction of any of my/our liabilities to the bank on any account or in any other respect whether such liabilities be actual or contingent, primary or collateral and several or joint. unless and until modi�ed or cancelled by �ling a fresh nomination form/request for cancellation, a nomination once �led will continue to be applicable to the deposit when renewed without any change in the name and constitution of the account. (F) I/we understand that there will be no interest paid in NRE/NRO Current Accounts. (G) Term Deposits will be automatically renewed on maturity for a similar Term at the rate of interest prevailing on the maturity date on same terms and conditions unless instructed by me/us to the contrary or credit to my/our NRE/NRO SB/CA A/c No. ……….. on maturity on receipt of FD receipt duly discharged by me/us/facility for partial withdrawal in units/automatic loan facility. (H) I/we hereby declare that the above details are correct. (I) I/we wish to avail the add-on facility/facilities, as selected above, in my account. (J) For the purpose of availing the services in respect of joint accounts, I/we enclosing the mandate from the joint account holders. (K) in the cases of all types of joint accounts, name of the �rst person will be considered for all Income Tax Purpose. (L) I/we will verify the account details/balances periodically (at least once in every 3 months) and ensure correctness of the same in order to avoid/curtail fraudulent transactions occurring in the account, irrespective of the reasonable care and caution exercised by the Bank.Please open a deposit account in my/our name/s as per the scheme selected. I/we agree to maintain Average Quarterly/Monthly Balance of Rs. ………………………. in the account.


Please pastePassport size

color photographhere

Please pastePassport size

color photographhere



Place ....................................................

Cust ID Cust ID

Place ....................................................





ATM CARD / MOBILE BANKING / MOBILE ALERT / EMAIL ALERT / TELE BANKING – INDIVIDUALS(Applicable for accounts of Individuals having more than one operators)

Signature of Joint Account Holders (Other than user)

I/We ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

(Name/s and address/es) nominate the following person to whom in the event of my/our/minor’s death the amount of the deposit, particulars where

of are given below, may be returned by The Malappuram District Co-operative Bank Ltd., Br ..................................................................................................................


Nomination under Section 45 ‘ZA’ of the Banking Regulations Act,1949 and Rule 2 (1) of Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985 in respect of bank deposits

2. As the nominee is a minor on this date, I/We appoint sri/Smt/..........................................................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................... (Name and address) aged .............................. years to receive the amount of the deposit on behalf of the

nominee in the event of my/our/minor’s death during the minority of the niominee.

Note: *Where deposit is made in the name of a minor, the nomination should be signed by a person lawfully entitled to act on behalf of the minor & strike out if nominee is not a minor. @ Thumb impression(s) shall be attested by two witness.



Name (s), Signature (s) and address (es) of witness (es) @ *Signature (s)/Thumb impression (s) of depositor (s)


Nature of Deposit

Distinguishing No.

Additional details, if any

Name AddressRelationship withdepositor, if any Age

If nominee is aminor, date of birth


For o�ce Use :

Lead ID

Address Proof

ID Proof


Customer Risk Rating Veri�ed with the UN List and no matching details identi�ed

Customer Search made, no Cust ID exists in the name of the applicant

PAN card _______________________ veri�ed through online o�cial link

Clerk Asst Manager Principal O�cer

Low Medium High

KYC Norms complied with

Yes No

Signature of introducer veri�ed

Ye No

Branch : ............................................................................................ Date : ............................................

Shri./Smt./Ms ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Dear Sir/Madam,

Reg: Nomination in respect of your Deposit Account No .................................................................................................................... With us.

Ref: Your application in form DA1............................................................................................................. Dated ........................................................

We acknowledge receipt of your letter of nomination dated ................................................................ Nominating Shri./Smt./Ms ..........................................................

Your Faithfully,



Annexure 1 - FATCA-CRS Self Certi�cation Form Individual – New Accounts

Country # Tax Identification Number% Identification Type (TIN or Other%, please specify)

