ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44 … · Web view11:35 Honeymoon In Kabul (CC, Repeat, G) This...


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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44 Index

ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44 Index


Program Highlights................................................................................................................................1

Last Chance To See: Aye-Aye.............................................................................................................1

Poirot: Murder In Mesopotamia........................................................................................................2

Kevin McCloud: Slumming It..............................................................................................................3


Artscape: In Conversation with Virginia Trioli: Gilbert & George.......................................................5

James Martin's Champagne...............................................................................................................6

Poh's Kitchen.....................................................................................................................................7

Strictly Speaking................................................................................................................................8

The Librarians....................................................................................................................................9

The IT Crowd: Italian For Beginners.................................................................................................10

Penguin Island.................................................................................................................................11

Tibetan Eldorado.............................................................................................................................12

A Ripple Of Hope.............................................................................................................................13


Five Daughters.................................................................................................................................15

New Tricks: Shadow Show...............................................................................................................16


Watch Out For…..................................................................................................................................18

Art Nation........................................................................................................................................18


Program Guide....................................................................................................................................26

Sunday, 24 October 2010................................................................................................................26

Monday, 25 October 2010...............................................................................................................31

Tuesday, 26 October 2010...............................................................................................................35

Wednesday, 27 October 2010.........................................................................................................39

Thursday, 28 October 2010.............................................................................................................43

Friday, 29 October 2010..................................................................................................................47

Saturday, 30 October 2010..............................................................................................................53

Marketing Contacts.............................................................................................................................58

ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights

Program HighlightsSunday


Last Chance To See: Aye-Aye

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Stephen Fry and naturalist Mark Carwardine continue their adventure in search of animals on the edge of extinction around the globe.

In this episode they travel to Madagascar in search of the mysterious nocturnal lemur, the Aye-aye. The boys visit Nosy Mangabe, an idyllic island where Mark encountered Aye-aye on his original visit with Douglas Adams.

Stephen and Mark finally encounter a captive Aye-aye in the zoo in Antananarivo which gives Stephen the chance to learn a little. They travel to one of the most delicate eco-systems in the world, the forest of Kirindy. There, they encounter Madame Berthe’s lemur, the smallest of the 100 species living in the country, before seeing a project encouraging people to protect the threatened forest rather than burning it.

Travelling west Stephen and Mark see a project to re-connect the clumps of disparate forest with tree corridors and they also encounter the Indri – the biggest of the lemurs.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Executive Producers: Sam Organ and André Singer; Producer: Tim Green. Production Company: BBC Wales, West Park Pictures.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights



Poirot: Murder In Mesopotamia

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Due to a series of coincidences Poirot (David Suchet) meets his old friend Captain Hastings (Hugh Fraser) at the headquarters of an archaeological dig in Mesopotamia where an Arab worker has recently been found strangled.

All those working on the dig in the Iraqi desert are either friends or colleagues of the project leader, the renowned American archaeologist Dr Leidner (Ron Berglas).

Tension at Expedition House worsens when the beautiful young wife of Dr Leidner (Barbara Barnes) wakes screaming in the night, claiming she has seen a mysterious face at the window. She tells Poirot that for years she has lived in fear of being murdered. She is convinced that her first husband who died many years ago, is still alive and determined to kill her.

The neurotic woman’s greatest fear soon comes true. She is found dead in her room and all those working on the dig are under suspicion.

It is now Poirot’s turn to start digging and he soon finds that sexual jealousy, professional rivalry and dark personal secrets abound in the hothouse atmosphere of Mesopotamia.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Director: Tom Cleg; Producer: Brian Eastman. For A&E Television Networks. Executive Producer: Delia Fine; Supervising Producer: Kris Slava. For Chorion plc. Executive Producer: Phil Clymer.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights



Kevin McCloud: Slumming It

Tuesday, 26 October 2010 New Series

In this two-part series Kevin goes on an epic two-week journey to experience the beauty and horror of one of the most extreme urban environments on earth.

After 10 years celebrating homes in Britain, Kevin now experiences life in India’s largest slum – Mumbai’s Dharavi, made famous by the film Slumdog Millionaire, where disease is rife, water is contaminated and sanitation is basic.

With one million people crammed into one square mile (2.6 square kilometres), Dharavi is one of Asia’s biggest slums and one of the most densely populated places on the planet.

Dharavi has been hailed by architects, planners and even Prince Charles, as offering solutions to some of our largest Western cities’ biggest problems, like crime, lack of community and of sustainable living.

As Kevin enters Dharavi he finds open sewers, rats and hazardous chemicals everywhere. However, he also discovers that it is a highly organised place with thousands of tiny industries.

Over the first week, he fully immerses himself in slum life – eating, sleeping and washing with people with whom he stays. And in doing so, he discovers an extraordinary sense of spirit and community despite the hardships.

*Please note there is an error on the clapperboard. Episodes one and two are on the preview DVD.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Written and presented by Kevin McCloud; Executive Producers: Charlie Bunce, Simon Ford; Producer/Director: Helen Simpson. A talkback THAMES production.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights




Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Once again Stephen Fry and his guests trawl the trackless ocean of knowledge.

Tonight QI’s brain teaser and theme is Letters. To keep his guests occupied throughout the show, QI-master Fry gives them some letters to play with, hoping they’ll make up some interesting phrases.

Panellists are Alan Davies, Bill Bailey, Jo Brand and Jimmy Carr.

By the end of the show Alan, Bill, Jo and Jimmy will be none the wiser but marginally better informed about bears, bulbs and bamboo.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Hosted by Stephen Fry. A Quite Interesting talkback THAMES production.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights



Artscape: In Conversation with Virginia Trioli: Gilbert & George

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

In Conversation with Virginia Trioli features revealing in-depth interviews with major icons of the arts. This week is the turn of visual artists Gilbert & George.

Gilbert & George are two quintessentially English contemporary artists renowned for their distinctive, highly formal appearance and manner. Discussions about their frequently taboo imagery featuring nudity, and depictions of sexual acts, not to mention faeces, urine and semen, makes this interview with Virginia Trioli an unusual one in terms of its subject matter.

Having first come to Australia back in 1973 to perform their now iconic performance piece The Singing Sculpture, the duo returned recently for the 40-year-anniversary of John Kaldor Art Projects. Despite their highly formal manner and appearance, the two men are in reality anything but conventional.

The pair explain they are constantly in dialogue with their audience whom they refer to affectionately as their ‘viewers’. They aim to question, provoke and shock people out of their comfort zones. Their targets are fear, racism, homophobia, vilification and discrimination and most definitely religion. No one is safe. Christians and Muslims are criticised, as are left-wing artists and art critics.

Both celebrated and reviled, in 2005 Gilbert & George represented the UK at the Venice Biennale and their 2007 retrospective at the UK’s Tate Modern was the largest solo exhibition ever held at the gallery.

In this engaging interview Trioli reveals just how outrageous but thoroughly endearing Gilbert & George really are.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Artscape: In Conversation with Virginia Trioli is produced by ABC TV. ABC Head of Arts & Entertainment: Amanda Duthie; Executive Producer: Tarni James; Producers: Jaya Balendra, Jenny O’Meara.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights



James Martin's Champagne

Wednesday, 27 October 2010 Final

James Martin continues on his travels in his airstream trailer round the province of Champagne exploring the culinary heart of France.

For his final stop checking the wonderful local fresh produce, James goes back off the beaten track to Aix en Othe. In Aix en Othe, James visits a vast ‘pick your own’ farm where he finds mouth-watering apples, before going to the local market with his friend, fellow English chef Lawrence Keogh, to find the rest of the ingredients they need for the dishes they are going to cook.

Back at the trailer, parked up in a lush field, James prepares a very French apple tart with quinces, honey and hazelnut crème fraiche. There are celeriac tops for sale, too, and they perfectly complement James and Lawrence’s pan-fried pork loin, which is served up with a spoonful or two of their anise-spiced squash delight.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:James Martin’s Champagne is an Eagle Media production for UKTV Food and BBC Worldwide. (5 x 23min)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights



Poh's Kitchen

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

This week Poh and her good friend French chef Emmanuel Mollois, submerge themselves in the world of salted fish. This method of preserving has been around for millennia and is common across many cultures, providing a cheap and effective alternative to fresh fish without loss of flavour or versatility.

Poh takes us on a shopping trip to her local Asian grocer, a treasure trove of unusual and exotic ingredients and just the place to find a good selection of preserved fish.

Back in her kitchen, Poh makes steamed mackerel with chicken, ginger and coriander. It’s cheap and simple to make, but deliciously complex in flavour and personality. Meanwhile Emmanuel is using salted cod. Using some succulent fillets of the cod, he makes two versions of brandade of salted cod, a wonderfully rich combination of fish, crème fraiche, olive oil and garlic, served with semi-dried tomatoes on garlic toast. This is the traditional method and to keep the kids happy, he also makes his Mum’s version using mashed potato.

Emmanuel travels to South Australia’s beautiful Coorong, where he meets Glen and Tracy Hill who fish and smoke a local icon, the Coorong Mullet. This once pristine environment is suffering through lack of good flows down the river Murray, but as Emmanuel discovers, the Hills still manage to produce a great product.

Stir-fried salted mackerel with pork is Poh’s next dish and for this she needs rice noodles which are an essential ingredient in Asian cuisine and one Poh couldn’t live without. The dried varieties are quite common, but you have to look a little harder for the fresh ones. To find out how these delicate white ribbons of rice are produced Poh visits a noodle factory.

Poh’s Kitchen will be repeated on ABC2 - Thursday, October 28 at 6.00pm.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Poh’s Kitchen is produced by ABC TV. Head of Factual: Jennifer Collins; Executive Producer: Margot Phillipson; Series Producer: Colin Haynes.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights



Strictly Speaking

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Hosted by Andrew Hansen, Strictly Speaking is Australia’s first televised public speaking contest. With the drama of a dance-off, the jeopardy of a successful soufflé and the thrill of hitting the right notes, contestants in this public speaking competition, tackle what for most people is their greatest fear: public speaking…

From all corners of Australia, 27 everyday people with a love of public speaking step up on stage to test their oratory skills and battle fear and nerves in front of a panel of expert judges.

And stepping off the podium, Strictly Speaking reveals the agony and the ecstasy of competition, going behind the scenes to witness the speakers’ preparation and deliberation on the judges’ comments.

In this week’s competition, a law student with a passion for politics, a disability worker who never writes down her speeches and a chef to the stars serve up some discourse on Strictly Speaking.

Joe Rafalowicz, 21, from Adelaide, is a seasoned debater who has addressed UN youth forums and would like to see public speaking regarded as a sport.

Sue Harrod, 51, from Dongarbon, NSW, took up public speaking late in life and has won many local speaking contests, but never writes down her speeches.

Josh Hampton, 42, from Adelaide, has travelled the world as a chef and was the personal chef for composer Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber. His favourite subject is food – whether serving it or speaking about it.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Strictly Speaking is a Co-production between ABC TV and Southern Star Entertainment. Southern Star Entertainment Executive Producer: Virginia Hodgson; ABC TV Executive Producer: Iain Knight.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights



The Librarians

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Frances (Robyn Butler) meets Indigo (Celia Pacquola) the ‘new age’ real estate agent who is going to sell Pearl’s (Victoria Eagger) house. Back at the library, Christine (Roz Hammond) sets up a major fundraising initiative that promises to make a lot of money. After another discouraging rejection letter for his novel, Matthew (Stephen Ballantyne) gets encouragement from Dawn (Heidi Arena) to start writing DVD reviews instead.

With his old band mates Biscuit (Justin Hamilton), Bingo (Tony Moclair) and Skunk (Craig Pilkington) on board, Terry is reliving his youth, playing with his old band - Oils Ain’t Oils… in the garage. Much to Frances’s relief, Indigo sells Pearl’s house, but celebrations are cut short when the mystery contents of the shipping container parked in Pearl’s front yard are revealed.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:A Gristmill Production, written by Robyn Butler and Wayne Hope. Produced by Robyn Butler and Wayne Hope. Directed by Wayne Hope and Tony Martin. ABC TV Executive Producer: Debbie Lee.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights



The IT Crowd: Italian For Beginners

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Tired of a female colleague getting all the attention in executive meetings, Jen lies about being able speak Italian. With the help of a computer program Moss installs for her, she is able to translate for an Italian business partner. But how long will she be able to keep up her charade?

Meanwhile Roy becomes obsessed with his new girlfriend’s sad family history. An orphan, both her parents died in a tragic fire - or did they? Roy is determined to discover the truth. Moss gets the chance of a lifetime, owning an iPod without having to pay for it.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:A Talkback Thames for Channel 4. Written and directed by Graham Linehan, produced by Richard Boden.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights



Penguin Island

Thursday, 28 October 2010

On tonight's episode of Penguin Island, unlucky-in-love Rocky finally finds a mate in Jess, whose previous clutch of chicks has died. But it's very late in the season to be raising chicks before the penguins' annual moult prevents them going to sea. While in the burrow next door, Spike and Tash’s chicks already are preparing to head off on their own.

Jess endures a parasite infestation as she waits patiently with her newborn chicks, desperate for Rocky to return to feed them. He arrives just in time to save their sole surviving chick, Tilda.

Meanwhile, wildlife carer Marg Healy gets her most difficult patient yet when a juvenile Australasian gannet is found on the beach and proves more interested in biting her than in eating the fish that will keep him alive.

Biologist Andre Chiaradia reveals just what penguins get up to underwater by attaching a tiny computerised logging device to an unwitting penguin.

When moulting season arrives, the penguins begin to shed their feathers. Hungry and grumpy they must wait on shore until their new feathers grow so they are waterproof, weatherproof and they are able to return to the sea to fish.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:360 Degree Film. Series Producer: Sally Ingleton; Series Director: Simon Target; Executive Producer: Sally Ingleton; Director of Photography: David Parer and music composed by Dale Cornelius. ABC TV Commissioning Editor: Alan Erson.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights



Tibetan Eldorado

Thursday, 28 October 2010

The strange half-vegetable, half-animal cordyceps sinensis has made Tibet the new El Dorado as pharmaceutical companies in Hong Kong and drug purveyors from Southeast Asia rush for its amazing properties.

The unique combination of wild mushroom and caterpillar grows at 4000m on the high plateaux of Tibet and sells for about 25,000 Euros a kilogram (Aust $35,000). It has been taken by the Chinese and Tibetans for years for its supreme healing qualities and stimulating effect on the immune system. Pandering to the Asian fantasies about aphrodisiacs, it has also become known as the ‘Viagra’ of the Himalayas.

It is transforming Tibet’s economy and its harvesting culture, as nomads and families rush to the high slopes each Spring to trawl for the valuable creature.

But while medical experts are still uncertain what is in the amazing little fungal creature that gives it its anti-tumour, anti-viral properties, Western laboratory technology may be able to reproduce millions of doses of the medicines extracted from cultivated cordyceps. It is a serious potential threat to the boosted Tibetan economy benefiting from this new industry.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Directed by Jeanne Mascolo de Filippis for Strawberry Films.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights



A Ripple Of Hope

Thursday, 28 October 2010

On the night of Dr. Martin Luther King's murder in 1968, Robert F. Kennedy was scheduled to make an appearance in an African-American neighbourhood as part of his run for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Upon hearing the tragic news, Kennedy was forced to make a crucial decision: should he venture into the heart of the Indianapolis inner city and talk to the potentially volatile crowd gathered in a park? What could he say that would assuage their grief? Should he defy the city officials who ordered him to stay away? Would his life be in danger?

A Ripple of Hope tells the dramatic story of that night, and how by keeping his promise to speak in Indianapolis, Robert F. Kennedy was able to help that city avert the violence that swept the rest of the country and make a profound statement about American race relations.

A Ripple of Hope draws on interviews with Kennedy aides and associates, as well as ‘everyday people’ who were in the crowd that night, to tell the story of an inspiring moment in American history.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:The film is produced by Anderson University’s Covenant Productions and directed by Donald Boggs.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights




Friday, 29 October 2010

Kirsten Ross, a young mother, has been abducted. Luther realises that this is the work of Lucien Burgess, a collector and writer on the occult who was suspected of the murder of another woman, Grace Allen, 10 years previously; but Burgess was never charged.

On a deadline to find the young mother before it's too late, Luther and Ripley work into the night to piece together clues and link Burgess to another murder committed 20 years earlier. Luther and Ripley's investigation leads them to the canal, where they find Burgess's narrow boat.

Meanwhile, Luther’s ex-wife’s partner Mark is beaten up. With relations strained between ex- Zoe and Luther, Mark automatically assumes that Luther is responsible and reports the assault. But the culprit is not as suspected, and a further twist emerges as Luther receives a recording of the assault from an unknown source.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Writer: Neil Cross; Producer: Katie Swinden; Executive Producer: Phillippa Giles.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights



Five Daughters

Friday, 29 October 2010 Final

As police converge on the fourth discovered body, the helicopter discovers a fifth lying just 100m away. The coroner tells police he has found DNA evidence for the first time.

The new bodies are identified as Paula and Annette and police have to tell their families the horrific news. They have no evidence to go on, but are investigating Tom Stephens who is behaving very strangely towards the media.

Brian Tobin from Iceni drug rehab makes an impassioned plea that the only way to get the girls off the street and out of danger is to help them beat their addictions. He makes a drastic decision to give Rochelle cash one night to stop her going out on the street when she is desperate to feed her habit.

Further DNA matching leads police to a man who was not even on their radar and Nina realises she was in the killer’s flat, but had a lucky escape. She vows to beat her drug addiction for good.

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Produced by Simon Lewis; directed by Philippa Lowthorpe for the BBC.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights



New Tricks: Shadow Show

Saturday, 30 October 2010

When clips of actress Eva Roderick being assaulted in the 1990 film noir Shadow Show are posted on the internet, the Unsolved Crime And Open Case Squad reopens the investigation into producer Max Stone’s death and Eva’s subsequent disappearance.

Shadow Show was the last film in the career of cinematic auteur Don Maddox (Stanley Townsend). He was known for his bullying of leading actresses, and the clips (which feature Maddox and Eva) are disturbingly realistic.

The detectives find them uncomfortable viewing. Filming was halted by producer Stone, who was later found murdered in his office at Pinewood Studios. Eva disappeared that same night and, with a history of depression and failed suicide attempts, it was concluded she had taken her own life. Her body was never found.

Maddox is now doing commercials and voiceover work. When questioned by the team, he appears to have problems distinguishing fact from fiction. He is clear, however, about one thing: he may have been married to celebrated actress Gloria Wakefield (Sandra Dickinson) at the time, but it was new young starlet Eva, who was the love of his life.

Pinewood’s operations manager, Lottie Davenport (Imogen Stubbs), gives the team access to the Studios and the original crime scene. However, when the body of a potential witness is discovered there, the investigation takes an unexpected twist.

Lane (Alun Armstrong) and Halford (James Bolam) are seconded to the murder investigation team handling the live case. They enter the world of mixed economy policing which, as expected, reveals everything they hate about the modern police force. Reporting to their new action manager, they are delighted to see a friendly face, Emily Driscoll (Hannah Waterman), only to discover she is the action manager.

In a world of movies and make-believe, where everyone is pretending to be someone they are not, can the team find out the truth behind Shadow Show?

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Created by Roy Mitchell and Nigel McCrery. Directors: Martyn Friend, Julian Simpson and Robin Sheppard. Producer: Keith Thompson; Executive Producer: Tom Sherry. A Wall to Wall production for BBC.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Program Highlights




Saturday, 30 October 2010 New Series

In episode one of series eight Harry (Peter Firth) is still missing following his meeting with FSB agent Victor Sarkisian (Peter Sullivan), and the strain is beginning to show on Section D. The team is thrown into turmoil when footage of Harry being executed at the hands of the Sacred Army of Righteous Vengeance (SARV) is posted on the web. Questions are raised about the authenticity of the video; nothing adds up and Ros (Hermione Norris) insists they must proceed as if Harry is alive. But the race is on to find him, because if he has not been killed yet, he most certainly will be once his captors no longer have a use for him.

When Sarkisian turns up dead, it looks like the team have lost their strongest lead. Who took Harry and what information are they trying to get out of him? New CIA liaison officer Sarah Caulfield (Genevieve O’Reilly), cannot offer any answers and the information provided by MI6 officer Stephen Hillier (Andrew Scarborough), turns out to be a red herring.

Help comes from an unexpected quarter when an old member of the team – Ruth (Nicola Walker) returns, fearing for her life.

The team discovers that Harry once thwarted a clandestine operation to smuggle weapons grade uranium into Iraq in order to justify the war. Harry managed to get the uranium out of the country and he only told one other person its whereabouts: Ruth. Now the rogue intelligence officers who masterminded the operation want their uranium back and they don’t care who they have to kill to get it.

When Ruth and her family are kidnapped, the race is on for Section D to save Ruth and Harry and to prevent the uranium from getting into the wrong hands. But they are up against worthy opponents who will go to any lengths to make Harry talk. Will Ros and the team get to Harry and Ruth in time?

PRODUCTION DETAILS:Created by David Wolstencroft. Writers: Ben Richards, Zinnie Harris, Christian Spurrier, David Farr, Jack Lothian, James Dormer, Dennis Kelly. Directors: Alrick Riley, Sam Miller, Edward Hall. Producer: Chris Fry (Code 9). Executive Producers: Simon Crawford Collins, Jane Featherstone, Karen Wilson, Kate Evans. A Kudos Film and Television production for BBC.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Watch Out For…

Watch Out For…Sunday, 24 October 2010


Art Nation

This week Art Nation continues its coverage of the 2010 Melbourne International Arts Festival. Fenella Kernebone gets an audience with Festival guest and the reigning agent provocateur of hip hop - US rapper Sage Francis. Francis’s extraordinary rhyming skills are used to explore topics such as sexual identity, death, mental illness, corporate greed and religion.

Also on the program, Art Nation presenter Geoff Newton encounters the hit production Thyestes, performed by the Melbourne theatre collective The Hayloft Project. Thyestes is the brain child of hot young director Simon Stone who was recently appointed inaugural resident director with Company B Belvoir in Sydney. The Hayloft Project is renowned for confronting, even shocking work, and Thyestes is no exception. What the group has done is to take a classic tale and make it relevant and engaging to a modern audience. This is a skill that many more established companies regularly attempt when producing the classics, from Shakespeare to Beckett, but often end up producing cheesy attempts at modernity.

Plus we visit the Museum of Bad and New Art. Yes there is such a place. Comedian Jon Safran is a dedicated fan and he tells Art Nation when and why bad art can actually be good.

Finally Cloud Control performs a track from their debut album Bliss Release in the Art Nation studio.

Art Nation will be repeated on ABC2 – Sunday, October 24 at 7.00pm.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Amendments

AmendmentsTuesday, September 28Insert Classification:12:30am Media Watch


Insert Classification:3:05am Big Ideas

(PG, sexual references)

Wednesday, September 29Insert Classification:11:00am Big Ideas

(PG, sexual references)

Insert Speakers:12:30pm National Press Club Address: Simon Crean: Minister for Regional Australia,

Development and Local Government

Insert Speakers:12:30pm National Press Club Address: Tim Flannery: Scientist, Explorer, Author

Insert Speakers:12:30pm National Press Club Address: Simon Crean: Minister for Regional Australia,

Development and Local Government

Insert Classification:9:00pm The Gruen Transfer

(M, Adult themes and nudity)

Amend Program Start Time To Read:9:35pm United States Of Tara: Open House

Insert Classification:10:00pm At The Movies


Insert Classification:2:05am Big Ideas

(PG, sexual references)

Insert Speakers:3:00am National Press Club Address: Simon Crean: Minister for Regional Australia,

Development and Local Government

Insert Speakers:3:00am National Press Club Address: Tim Flannery: Scientist, Explorer, Author

Insert Speakers:

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3:00am National Press Club Address: Simon Crean: Minister for Regional Australia, Development and Local Government

Saturday, October 02Insert Team Names:3:00pm Rugby Union: Shute Shield 2010: Grand Final: Sydney University Vs Randwick

Sunday, October 03 QLD, NT & WA ONLYDelete program:11:00pm rage

Insert Program:11:00pm The Pink Floyd Story: Which One’s Pink?

(CC, Repeat, M, Coarse language)Pink Floyd pioneered everything from underground rock to the stadium extravaganza. Previously unseen and rare archival footage plus interviews with four members chart the band's epic 40-year journey.

Insert Program:12:00am rage


Sunday, October 03Insert Classification:1:30pm Message Stick: Bloodlines: The Torres Family

(G, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following program contains images and voices of people who have died.)

Amend Synopsis To Read:5:30pm Art Nation

Fenella Kernebone looks at 'art+soul', the Indigenous contemporary art exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW; 'Guilty Pleasures' features Richard Gill; and songstress Mama Kin performs her latest release 'To My Table'.

Insert Classification:6:00pm At The Movies


Insert Classification:10:00pm Compass: Home, Later On


Delete program:12:20am Movie: Breakfast At Tiffany’s

Insert program:12:25am Movie: Mix Me A Person

(CC, Repeat, B&W, 1962, Movie, M, Contains sex references and violence)A barrister's wife who is a psychiatrist by occupation decides to take on one of the cases that he has failed to win. CAST: Adam Faith, Anne Baxter DIR: Leslie Norman (1962)

Sunday, October 03 SA ONLYInsert Team Names:3:30pm The SANFL: Grand Final: Central District Vs Norwood

Sunday, October 03 NT ONLY

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Insert Team Names:2:30pm The SANFL: Grand Final: Central District Vs Norwood

Monday, October 04Insert Classification:8:00am Wibbly Pig


Insert Classification:9:30am Play School


Insert Classification:6:30pm Talking Heads: Anh Do


Tuesday, October 05Insert Classification:8:00am Wibbly Pig


Insert Classification:9:30am Play School


Delete program:1:10am Movie: Sabrina

Insert program:1:10am Movie: Carrington VC

(CC, Repeat, B&W, 1954, Movie, PG)A British Army Major who is owed a substantial amount of money by the War Office, decides to steal part of the money from the War Office safe. CAST: David Niven, Margaret Leighton DIR: Anthony Asquith (1954)

Wednesday, October 06Insert Classification:8:00am Wibbly Pig


Insert Classification:9:30am Play School


Thursday, October 07Insert Classification:8:00am Wibbly Pig


Insert Classification:9:30am Play School


Friday, October 08Insert Classification:8:00am Wibbly Pig


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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Amendments

Insert Classification:9:30am Play School


Insert Classification:6:30pm Can We Help?


Insert Classification:8:00pm Collectors


Saturday, October 09Insert Classification:11:30am Message Stick: Bloodlines: The Torres Family

(G, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following program contains images and voices of people who have died.)

Sunday, October 10Insert Classification:11:30am Songs Of Praise: Birmingham


Insert program:3:25pm The Wagner Family

(CC, Repeat)A documentary that looks at the theatre Wagner built at Bayreuth, the festival he inaugurated there in 1876, and how the legacy seems to have poisoned successive generations of his family.

Delete program:3:30pm Mr Prince

Monday, October 11Insert Episode Title:6:30pm Talking Heads: Nick Xenophon

Tuesday, October 12Insert Classification:10:05pm Artscape: In Conversation with Virginia Trioli: Sir Ian McKellen


Wednesday, October 13Insert Classification:6:30pm Poh’s Kitchen


Thursday, October 14Insert Classification:11:00am Planet Science


Insert Classification:

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1:30pm Collectors(G)

Friday, October 15Insert Classification:6:00pm Meerkat Manor


Insert Classification:6:30pm Can We Help?


Insert Classification:8:00pm Collectors


Insert Classification:8:30pm Luther

(M, Violence)

Insert Classification:9:25pm Five Daughters

(M, Coarse language, drug use and violence)

Saturday, October 16Insert Classification:11:00am Poh’s Kitchen


Saturday, October 17Insert Classification:7:30pm Last Chance To See: Northern White Rhino


Monday, October 18Insert Classification:12:30pm The Memoirs Of Sherlock Holmes


Insert Episode Title:6:30pm Talking Heads: Firefoxes

Insert Classification:12:35am The Clinic


Tuesday, October 19Insert Classification:12:30pm Architects Of Change


Insert Classification:6:00pm The Genius Of Design: Objects Of Desire


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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Amendments

Insert Classification:8:30pm Seven Ages Of Britain: Age Of Ambition


Insert Classification:9:35pm QI


Insert Classification:10:05pm Artscape: In Conversation with Virginia Trioli: Marianne Faithfull


Wednesday, October 20Insert Classification:6:00pm James Martin’s Champagne


Insert Classification:8:00pm Strictly Speaking


Thursday, October 21Insert Classification:11:00am Planet Science


Insert Classification:12:30pm Agatha Christie’s Partners In Crime


Insert Classification:1:30am Collectors


Insert Classification:8:00pm Penguin Island


Friday, October 22Insert Classification:11:00am Penguin Island


Insert Classification:8:30pm Luther

(M, Violence)

Insert Classification:9:25pm Five Daughters

(M, Drug use, violence and coarse language)

Saturday, October 23Amend program synopsis to read:1:30pm Message Stick: Bloodlines: The Torres Family

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Amendments

Josh Byrne explains how to protect crops from a fruit fly attack; Clarence Slockee looks at tropical ecosystems; John Patrick visits a garden where the owners have overcome challenges with a clever design; and more.

Amend Program Start Time To Read:9:15pm ABC News Up-Date

Amend Program Start Time To Read:9:20pm Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow: Brighton

Amend Program Start Time To Read:10:05pm Football: Peace Queen Cup

Amend Program Start Time To Read:11:35pm rage

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Sunday 24 October 2010

Program GuideSunday, 24 October 2010

4:00 rage(M)Continuous music programming. For information about rage playlists visit the website:

5:00 rage(PG)Continuous music programming. For information about rage playlists visit the website:

6:00 rage(G)Continuous music programming. For information about rage playlists visit the website:

6:30 Charlie And Lola(CC, Repeat, G)

6:40 ToddWorld(CC, Repeat, G)

6:55 Jakers!: The Adventures Of Piggley Winks(Repeat, G)

7:15 Zoey 101(CC, Repeat, G)

7:40 Escape From Scorpion Island(CC, Repeat, G)

8:10 Class Of The Titans(CC, Repeat, G)

8:30 The Legend Of Dick And Dom(CC, Repeat, G)

9:00 Insiders(CC)A not-to-be missed analysis of the week's political news, with interviews, discussion and analysis with Barrie Cassidy and guests.

10:00 Inside Business(CC)Alan Kohler with analysis and comment on the events and issues concerning business, investors and entrepreneurs.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Sunday 24 October 2010

10:30 Offsiders(CC)A show for anyone who's serious about sport, Offsiders will provide challenging, insightful, humorous debate about the topic that dominates weekends - sport. Hosted by Barrie Cassidy.

11:00 Asia Pacific Focus(CC)A weekly analysis of the biggest stories affecting Asia and the Pacific featuring interviews with key decision-makers from across the region.

11:30 Songs Of Praise: School Choirs Showcase 2009(CC)Aled Jones catches up with the Songs of Praise junior and senior School Choirs of the Year 2009.

12:00 Landline(CC)Australia's national rural program, with reports from around the country on rural and urban issues. Presented by Anne Kruger.

1:00 Gardening Australia(CC, Repeat, G)Josh Byrne explains how to protect crops from a fruit fly attack; Clarence Slockee looks at tropical ecosystems; John Patrick visits a garden where the owners have overcome challenges with a clever design; and more.

1:30 Message Stick: Bloodlines: The O'Shane Family(CC)Well known magistrate Pat O'Shane, her sister Margaret, and Pat's daughters Lydia and Marilyn Miller all have remarkable individual stories of accomplishment against the odds.

2:00 Travel Oz(CC, Repeat, G)A travel series hosted by Greg Grainger. Each episode travels to three or four destinations, all within Australia and its territories.

2:30 Daredevils: The Flying Car(CC, Repeat)Two eccentric British men plan to take their unique flying car 6000km across oceans, mountains and desert from London to Timbuktu, but the adventure has some harrowing experiences.

3:30 Young Performers Awards 2010(CC, Repeat)The Australian Idol of classical music, the 2010 ABC Symphony Australia Young Performers Award is a gruelling year-long competition which sees our best young musicians compete for the prestigious title.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Sunday 24 October 2010

4:30 Theatreland: OK - Now Entertain Us(CC, Repeat)The star-studded cast of Waiting For Godot face a first night audience of celebrities and VIPs. But hidden in the shadows are the critics whose judgment could make or break the production.

5:00 A Poet's Guide to Britain: George Mackay(CC, Repeat, G)Program writer Owen Sheers travels to the Orkney town of Stromness, the home of George Mackay Brown, the great poetic voice of the Orkneys and one of the foremost Scottish poets of the twentieth century.

5:30 Art Nation(CC)Fenella Kernebone meets 2010 Melbourne International Arts Festival guest US rapper Sage Francis; Geoff Newton encounters The Hayloft Project; and Cloud Control performs in the studio.

6:00 At The Movies(CC, Repeat)Join Margaret and David as they review the latest in cinema releases.

6:30 Mother And Son: The Card Game(CC, Repeat, G)Arthur invites three friends around for a poker night, although Maggie suggests that snakes and ladders might be nicer. After meeting Arthur's friend Igor, Maggie is sure he is a Russian spy. CAST: Ruth Cracknell

7:00 ABC News(CC)

7:30 Last Chance To See: Aye-Aye(CC)Stephen and Mark travel to Madagascar in search of the mysterious nocturnal lemur, the Aye-Aye. The boys visit Nosy Mangabe, an idyllic island where Mark encountered Aye-Aye on his original visit with Douglas Adams.

8:25 ABC News Up-Date(CC)

8:35 Poirot: Murder In Mesopotamia(CC, M, Violence)When Poirot is on holiday in Iraq, the wife of an American archaeologist is murdered. Poirot must do his own digging to find the killer. CAST: David Suchet

10:15 Compass: Challenging The Chaplains(CC)Investigates support and opposition to the growing number of chaplains in our state schools.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Sunday 24 October 2010

10:50 Killer Whale and Crocodile(CC, Repeat, G)Exploring the soul of creativity and inspiration in two cultures half a world apart, two master carvers visit each other's community to learn and share their culture. Astonishing similarities between their works are revealed.

11:40 Order In The House(CC)A weekly review of parliamentary proceedings.

12:40 Movie: Bride By Mistake(CC, Repeat, B&W, 1944, Movie, G)A rich woman poses as her own secretary to question would-be suitors. CAST: Alan Marshal, Laraine Day, Marsha Hunt, Allyn Joslyn, Edgar Buchanan DIR: Richard Wallace (1944)

2:05 Movie: Anne Of Windy Poplars(Repeat, B&W, 1940, Movie, G)Sequel to Anne of Green Gables. Follows Anne's later years as a town educator who manages to incur the wrath of a wealthy family, due to one of her snobby students. CAST: Anne Shirley, James Ellison DIR: Jack Hively (1940)

3:30 Talking Heads: Psychology Of Success With Guest Michael Carr-Gregg(CC, Repeat, G, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the following program may contain images and voices of deceased persons.) FinalPeter Thompson is joined by psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg, founder of the charity Canteen. Together they examine the psychology of success and look at the formative years of some of the 2008 Talking Heads guests.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Sunday 24 October 2010

Other States:

Northern Territory

6:55 Pingu(CC, Repeat, G)

7:00 NT AFL 2010/11

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Monday 25 October 2010

Monday, 25 October 2010

4:00 First Tuesday Book Club With Jennifer Byrne(CC, Repeat, PG)Filmed at the Melbourne Writers Festival, host Jennifer Byrne and guests debate the merits of this month's two books, 'Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi' by Geoff Dyer and 'The Leopard' by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa.

4:30 Shortland Street

Libby and Kieran strike up a new partnership; Tess and Hunter get drunk on love; and Sophie has a run-in with Dr. Death. CAST: Fleur Saville, Adam Rickitt, Anita Torrance, Lee Donoghue, Kimberley Crossman

5:00 Something In The Air: The Name Of The Game(CC, Repeat, G)Doug and Julia are forced to deal with more flak from his cross-dressing exposure. Meanwhile, Sally and Joe learn politics is about being tough enough to take advantage of every opportunity. CAST: Ulli Birve, Colin Moody

5:30 Gardening Australia(CC, Repeat, G)Stephen Ryan gets to work cleaning up his bamboo grove and demonstrates how to establish, maintain and control it; Angus Stewart shows us his favourite cold-tolerant grevilleas.

6:00 Lizzie McGuire(CC, Repeat, G)

6:25 How To Be Indie(CC, Repeat, G)

6:50 Stoked(CC, Repeat, G)

7:15 Oggy And The Cockroaches(CC, Repeat, G)

7:35 Bindi: The Jungle Girl(CC, Repeat, G)

8:00 Wibbly Pig(CC)

8:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill And His Best Friend Corky(CC, Repeat, G)

8:30 Sesame Street(Repeat, G)

9:00 dirtgirlworld(CC, Repeat, G)

9:10 Poko(Repeat, G)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Monday 25 October 2010

9:25 Pingu(CC, Repeat, G)

9:30 Play School(CC, Repeat, G)

10:00 For The Juniors(CC, Repeat, G)

10:15 Naturally Australia(CC, Repeat, G)

10:30 Neue Freunde(Repeat, G)

10:35 Neue Freunde(Repeat, G)

10:40 Food For Thought(CC, Repeat, G)

11:00 Landline(CC, Repeat)

12:00 Midday Report(CC)

12:30 The Memoirs Of Sherlock Holmes(CC) Final

1:30 Planet Food(CC, Repeat, G)

2:00 Parliament Question Time: The Senate(CC)

3:05 Play School(CC, Repeat)

3:30 Bert And Ernie's Great Adventures(CC, Repeat, G) Final

3:35 Ben And Holly's Little Kingdom(CC, G) Final

3:50 Olivia(CC, Repeat, G)

4:00 CJ The DJ(CC, Repeat, G)

4:15 Edgar And Ellen(Repeat, G)

4:40 Erky Perky(CC, Repeat, G)

4:55 Kaitangata Twitch(CC, G)

5:20 Dani's House(CC, Repeat, G) Final

5:50 BTN Daily(CC)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Monday 25 October 2010

6:00 Travel Oz(CC)A travel series hosted by Greg Grainger. Each episode travels to three or four destinations, all within Australia and its territories.

6:30 Talking Heads: Shay Stafford(CC)Peter Thompson talks to dancer Shay Stafford, who has just returned to live in Australia with her family after 12 years dancing as a Paris showgirl at the Moulin Rouge and the Lido de Paris on the Champs-Élysées.

7:00 ABC News(CC)

7:30 The 7.30 Report(CC)The ABC's flagship current affairs program, presented by Kerry O'Brien. In-depth coverage and analysis of the major daily news events - both domestic and international.

8:00 Australian Story(CC)Stories of contemporary Australian life and people, told by the subjects themselves.

8:30 Four Corners(CC)Australia's longest running TV current affairs program.

9:20 Media Watch(CC)Australia's leading forum for media analysis and comment, presented by Paul Barry.

9:35 Q&A(CC)Live, interactive and unpredictable - Tony Jones brings together a panel of politicians and prominent Australians to answer your questions.

10:35 Lateline(CC)A unique nightly news analysis program bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of Australian and international news and events.

11:10 Lateline Business(CC, Repeat)The day's business and finance news, with the latest trends on international share and currency markets, pointing to what Australians can expect in the day ahead.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Monday 25 October 2010

11:35 Honeymoon In Kabul(CC, Repeat, G)This film follows newlywed Australian couple, Maggie Haertsch and clown doctor Jean Paul Bell, on their whirlwind mission to take medical aid and humour to the children of Kabul.

12:35 The Clinic(CC)Cathy wakes up to see Dan in the next room and wonders what happened the night before. Ed meanwhile wakes up at Patrick's who tells him that he should go home. CAST: David Wilmot

1:30 Parliament Question Time: The House Of Representatives(CC)The House Of Representatives

2:30 SET: Anthony Pateras(CC, Repeat, G)Anthony Pateras is a composer/pianist/vocalist working with notated composition, improvisation and electronics.

3:00 Bowls: Queensland Open: Women's Singles Final(Repeat)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Tuesday 26 October 2010

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

4:00 The Cook And The Chef: Cooking With Grapes(CC, Repeat, G)Raise a toast to the glorious grape as Simon and Maggie celebrate with the fruit of the vine.

4:30 Shortland Street

Sophie and Nate investigate; Tania forces Yvonne to make a choice; and Sarah pushes Kip too far. CAST: Kimberley Crossman, Damien Harrison, Faye Smythe, Alison Quigan, Amanda Billing, Will Hall

5:00 Something In The Air: What Goes Around(CC, Repeat, G)The much loved ABC series. The trials and tribulations in the lives of the residents of Emu Springs. Once visited, this small country town in rural Victoria is hard to leave.

5:30 Gardening Australia(CC, Repeat, G)Stephen Ryan meets Melbourne's Royal Botanic Garden Director, Richard Barley, to discuss why weed control in the home garden is critical to the Australian environment.

6:00 Lizzie McGuire(CC, Repeat, G)

6:25 How To Be Indie(CC, Repeat, G)

6:50 Stoked(CC, Repeat, G)

7:15 Oggy And The Cockroaches(CC, Repeat, G)

7:35 Bindi: The Jungle Girl(CC, Repeat, G)

8:00 Wibbly Pig(CC)

8:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill And His Best Friend Corky(CC, Repeat, G)

8:30 Sesame Street(Repeat, G)

9:00 dirtgirlworld(CC, Repeat, G)

9:10 Poko(Repeat, G)

9:25 Pingu(CC, Repeat, G)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Tuesday 26 October 2010

9:30 Play School(CC, Repeat, G)

10:00 Behind The News(CC)

10:25 Our History(CC, Repeat, G)

10:35 What I Wrote(CC)

10:40 What I Wrote(CC)

10:45 What I Wrote(CC)

10:50 What I Wrote(CC)

10:55 What I Wrote(CC)

11:00 Big Ideas(CC)

12:00 Midday Report(CC)

12:30 Architects Of Change(CC)

1:30 The Einstein Factor(CC, Repeat, G)

2:00 Parliament Question Time: The House Of Representatives(CC)

3:05 Play School(CC, Repeat)

3:30 Angelina Ballerina(CC, Repeat, G)

3:50 Olivia(CC, Repeat, G)

4:00 CJ The DJ(CC, Repeat, G)

4:15 Edgar And Ellen(Repeat, G)

4:40 Erky Perky(CC, Repeat, G)

4:55 Kaitangata Twitch(CC, G)

5:20 My Almost Famous Family(CC, Repeat)

5:50 BTN Daily(CC)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Tuesday 26 October 2010

6:00 The Choir: Boys Don't Sing(CC, Repeat, G)Choirmaster Gareth Malone tries to make a choir at a boys' school in Leicester to take to the Royal Albert Hall.

7:00 ABC News(CC)

7:30 The 7.30 Report(CC)The ABC's flagship current affairs program, presented by Kerry O'Brien. In-depth coverage and analysis of the major daily news events - both domestic and international.

8:00 Foreign Correspondent(CC)Mark Corcoran presents stories from the ABC's international correspondents.

8:30 Kevin McCloud: Slumming It(CC, PG)Kevin McCloud goes on an epic journey in this two-part series to experience the beauty and horror of one of the most extreme urban environments on earth - Mumbai's Dharavi slum, made famous by the film 'Slumdog Millionaire'.

9:20 QI(CC)Once again Stephen Fry and his guests trawl the trackless ocean of knowledge. The brain teaser and theme in this episode is Letters, and the panellists are Jimmy Carr, Bill Bailey, Alan Davies and Jo Brand.

9:50 Artscape: In Conversation with Virginia Trioli: Gilbert & George(CC, MA, Coarse language, adult themes and nudity)English contemporary artists, Gilbert & George, renowned for distinctive, highly formal appearance and manner, talk to Virginia Trioli about their work and reveal that they are very unconventional.

10:20 Lateline(CC)A unique nightly news analysis program bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of Australian and international news and events.

10:55 Lateline Business(CC, Repeat)The day's business and finance news, with the latest trends on international share and currency markets, pointing to what Australians can expect in the day ahead.

11:25 Four Corners(CC, Repeat)Australia's longest running TV current affairs program.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Tuesday 26 October 2010

12:10 Media Watch(CC, Repeat)Australia's leading forum for media analysis and comment, presented by Paul Barry.

12:25 The Chaser's War On Everything(CC, Repeat, M, Contains sexual references and other material that may offend some viewers)George W. Bush waged a war on terror, but only The Chaser has the courage to wage a War On Everything.

12:55 Parliament Question Time: The Senate(CC)The Senate

1:50 Movie: Destination Murder(CC, Repeat, B&W, 1950, Movie, PG)A woman enters the underworld to find the murderer of her father. CAST: Joyce MacKenzie, Stanley Clements, Hurd Hatfield DIR: Edward L. Cahn (1950)

3:00 Big Ideas(CC, Repeat)Presents the best public talks, debates and lectures from Australia and around the world.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Wednesday 27 October 2010

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

4:00 Good Game: Good Game Shocks the 80s(CC, Repeat, PG)We hit the retro button big time, taking the show back, right back, to the 80s when video arcades were in their hey-day and many Australians bought their first home console.

4:30 Shortland Street

Yvonne and Maia bond over birth; Brenda feels misjudged by her colleagues; and passions overflow at salsa night. CAST: Alison Quigan, Anna Jullienne, Katherine McRae

5:00 Something In The Air: Under The Hammer(CC, Repeat, G)Megan waits for Lisa's act of revenge and Harry talks Dr Annie into entering the Singles Auction. CAST: Ulli Birve, Colin Moody

5:30 Gardening Australia(CC, Repeat, G)Jane Edmanson visits a couple whose property was devastated by the Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria's Yarra Valley.

6:00 Lizzie McGuire(CC, Repeat, G)

6:25 How To Be Indie(CC, Repeat, G)

6:50 Stoked(CC, Repeat, G)

7:15 Oggy And The Cockroaches(CC, Repeat, G)

7:35 Bindi: The Jungle Girl(CC, Repeat, G)

8:00 Wibbly Pig(CC)

8:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill And His Best Friend Corky(CC, Repeat, G)

8:30 Sesame Street(Repeat, G)

9:00 dirtgirlworld(CC, Repeat, G)

9:10 Poko(Repeat, G)

9:25 Pingu(CC, Repeat, G)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Wednesday 27 October 2010

9:30 Play School(CC, Repeat, G)

10:00 Count Us In(Repeat, G)

10:15 Atoms Of Fire(CC, Repeat, G)

10:30 Behind The News(CC, Repeat)

11:00 Big Ideas(CC)

12:00 Midday Report(CC)

12:30 National Press Club Address(CC)

1:30 Talking Heads(CC, Repeat, G)

2:00 Parliament Question Time: The House Of Representatives(CC)

3:05 Play School(CC, Repeat)

3:30 Angelina Ballerina(CC, Repeat, G)

3:50 Olivia(CC, Repeat, G)

4:00 CJ The DJ(CC, Repeat, G)

4:15 Edgar And Ellen(Repeat, G)

4:40 Erky Perky(CC, Repeat, G)

4:55 Kaitangata Twitch(CC, G)

5:20 My Almost Famous Family(CC, Repeat)

5:50 BTN Daily(CC)

6:00 James Martin's Champagne(CC) FinalJames and fellow English chef, Lawrence Keogh go back off the beaten track to Aix en Othe for the final stop in Champagne. The trailer is parked in a lush field and they cook a delicious meal using local fresh ingredients.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Wednesday 27 October 2010

6:30 Poh's Kitchen(CC)Poh and her good friend French chef Emmanuel Mollois, submerge themselves in the world of salted fish and turn salted mackerel and salted cod into some delicious dishes.

7:00 ABC News(CC)

7:30 The 7.30 Report(CC)The ABC's flagship current affairs program, presented by Kerry O'Brien. In-depth coverage and analysis of the major daily news events - both domestic and international.

8:00 Strictly Speaking(CC)In this week's competition, a law student with a passion for politics, a disability worker who never writes down her speeches and a chef to the stars serve up some discourse.

8:30 The Librarians(CC)Frances meets Indigo the 'new age' real estate agent who is going to sell Pearl's house, and the mystery contents of the shipping container parked in Pearl's front yard are revealed. CAST: Robyn Butler

9:00 The IT Crowd: Italian For Beginners(CC)Jen lies about being able to speak Italian in order to impress the boss, while Roy becomes obsessed with his new girlfriend's sad family history. CAST: Richard Ayoade

9:30 TBA

10:00 At The Movies(CC)Join Margaret and David as they review the latest in cinema releases.

10:30 Lateline(CC)A unique nightly news analysis program bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of Australian and international news and events.

11:05 Lateline Business(CC, Repeat)The day's business and finance news, with the latest trends on international share and currency markets, pointing to what Australians can expect in the day ahead.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Wednesday 27 October 2010

11:30 The Last Enemy(CC, Repeat, M, Contains violence and coarse language) FinalSent to retrieve blood samples from the refugees dying from the tainted vaccine, Stephen has a startling revelation that sends him racing to expose the truth before all evidence is destroyed. CAST: Benedict Cumberbatch

12:30 Parliament Question Time: The Senate(CC)The Senate

1:30 Message Stick: Rydin' Time(CC, Repeat, G, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the following program may contain images and voices of deceased persons.)Already seasoned rodeo riders themselves, three young people, Kaleb Comollatti, Dallas McNamara and John Stacey, are continuing a proud family history of professional saddle bronc and bull riding.

2:00 Big Ideas(CC, Repeat)Presents the best public talks, debates and lectures from Australia and around the world.

3:00 National Press Club Address(CC, Repeat)National forum for discussion of the issues of the day by the personalities who help shape them.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Thursday 28 October 2010

Thursday, 28 October 2010

4:00 Catalyst(CC, Repeat, G)Eggs on ice: new freezing technique aiding women who want to wait; Insects helping to keep an eye out for terrorists: face recognition in bees; footprints in the ash: where the megafauna roamed.

4:30 Shortland Street

Tensions abound between Kip and Alice; Hunter is blinded by love; and Brenda attempts to turn her life around. CAST: Will Hall, Toni Potter, Lee Donoghue, Katherine McRae

5:00 Something In The Air: The Contenders(CC, Repeat, G)In Emu Springs, Doug and Julia now united set plans in place to restore Doug's political credibility. However, Helen and Tom have reached an impasse. Meanwhile, competition is rife at the Singles Auction dinner.

5:30 Gardening Australia(CC, Repeat, G)Josh Byrne shows us some simple organic ways to manage slaters and control the damage they do; Stephen Ryan demonstrates a unique way of propagating shrubs and climbing plants.

6:00 Lizzie McGuire(CC, Repeat, G)

6:25 How To Be Indie(CC, Repeat, G)

6:50 Stoked(CC, Repeat, G)

7:15 Oggy And The Cockroaches(CC, Repeat, G)

7:35 Bindi: The Jungle Girl(CC, Repeat, G)

8:00 Wibbly Pig(CC)

8:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill And His Best Friend Corky(CC, Repeat, G)

8:30 Sesame Street(Repeat, G)

9:00 dirtgirlworld(CC, Repeat, G)

9:10 Poko(Repeat, G)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Thursday 28 October 2010

9:25 Pingu(CC, Repeat, G)

9:30 Play School(CC, Repeat, G)

10:00 For The Juniors(CC, Repeat, G)

10:15 Our Animals(Repeat, G)

10:20 Science Clips(CC, Repeat, G)

10:30 Science Clips(CC, Repeat, G)

10:35 Being Me(CC, Repeat, G)

11:00 Planet Science(CC)

12:00 Midday Report(CC)

12:30 Agatha Christie's Partners In Crime(CC) Final

1:30 Collectors(CC, Repeat)

2:00 Parliament Question Time: The Senate(CC)

3:05 Play School(CC, Repeat)

3:30 Angelina Ballerina(CC, Repeat, G)

3:50 Olivia(CC, Repeat, G)

4:00 CJ The DJ(CC, Repeat, G)

4:15 Edgar And Ellen(Repeat, G)

4:40 Erky Perky(CC, Repeat, G)

4:55 Kaitangata Twitch(CC, G)

5:20 My Almost Famous Family(CC, Repeat, G)

5:50 BTN Daily(CC)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Thursday 28 October 2010

6:00 Lost Gardens: Chatham(CC)By piecing together evidence from the ground, archives and from a detailed model of the Chatham Historical Dockyard dated 1774, the team is able to attempt one of the only accurate Georgian town garden restorations.

7:00 ABC News(CC)

7:30 The 7.30 Report(CC)The ABC's flagship current affairs program, presented by Kerry O'Brien. In-depth coverage and analysis of the major daily news events - both domestic and international.

8:00 Penguin Island(CC)Unlucky-in-love Rocky finally finds a mate in Jess, but it's very late in the season to be raising chicks. With the annual moult only a few weeks away, will Rocky and Jess's chick, Tilda, survive?

8:30 Tibetan Eldorado(CC)The strange, precious half-mushroom, half-caterpillar creature found at 4000m in the Tibetan plateaux has given Tibet’s economy an incredible boost. However, medical experts are still unsure how it works.

9:25 A Ripple Of Hope(CC)An extraordinary and emotional documentary about the night Martin Luther King was assassinated and the decision by Robert F. Kennedy to speak in an African-American neighbourhood.

10:20 Lateline(CC)A unique nightly news analysis program bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of Australian and international news and events.

10:55 Lateline Business(CC, Repeat)The day's business and finance news, with the latest trends on international share and currency markets, pointing to what Australians can expect in the day ahead.

11:25 Live At The Basement: Clint Crighton And Travis Collins(CC, Repeat, G)Clint Crighton and Travis Collins perform at The Basement.

12:20 Parliament Question Time: The House Of Representatives(CC)The House Of Representatives

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Thursday 28 October 2010

1:25 Movie: Split Second(Repeat, 1953, Movie, M, Violence)A gangleader holds a group of people hostage in a small Nevada town, only to discover it's a government nuclear test site. CAST: Stephen McNally, Alexis Smith, Jan Sterling, Keith Andes DIR: Dick Powell (1953)

2:55 Hyena Queen(CC, Repeat, G)A tender and heart-warming documentary by filmmaker Kim Wolhuter shows hyenas as never before... their daily struggles, their hunting techniques and the tenderness of their devotion as mothers.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Friday 29 October 2010

Friday, 29 October 2010

4:00 Can We Help?(CC, Repeat, G)Hosted by Peter Rowsthorn, with a regular panel of experts in their field, Can We Help? responds directly to questions and challenges posed by the show's audience and helps them piece together the puzzles of everyday life.

4:30 Shortland Street

Sarah figures out Alice's problem with Kip; Brenda battles against her own nature; and Hunter's lies are exposed. CAST: Amanda Billing, Toni Potter, Will Hall, Katherine McRae, Lee Donoghue

5:00 Something In The Air: An Early Frost(CC, Repeat, G)Doug and Julia deftly play the political couple, while Joe and Sally get a bitter dose of being in the public eye. Meanwhile, Helen's strange behaviour is affecting Tom. CAST: Ulli Birve, Colin Moody

5:30 Gardening Australia(CC, Repeat, G)John Patrick assesses the success and failures of the summer season in his community vegetable plot, and plants winter crops - carrots, garlic and onions.

6:00 Lizzie McGuire(CC, Repeat, G)

6:25 How To Be Indie(CC, Repeat, G)

6:50 Stoked(CC, Repeat, G)

7:15 Oggy And The Cockroaches(CC, Repeat, G)

7:35 Bindi: The Jungle Girl(CC, Repeat, G)

8:00 Wibbly Pig(CC)

8:15 The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill And His Best Friend Corky(CC, Repeat, G)

8:30 Sesame Street(Repeat, G)

9:00 dirtgirlworld(CC, Repeat, G)

9:10 Poko(Repeat, G)

9:25 Pingu(CC, Repeat, G)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Friday 29 October 2010

9:30 Play School(CC, Repeat, G)

10:00 Numbers Count(Repeat, G)

10:15 Behind The News Specials(CC, Repeat)

10:30 Hazards, Disasters And Survival(CC, Repeat, G)

10:45 Real Chinese(CC, Repeat, G)

11:00 Penguin Island(CC, Repeat)

11:30 The New Inventors(CC, Repeat, G)

12:00 Midday Report(CC)

12:30 Enough Rope With Andrew Denton(CC, Repeat, PG)

1:30 Lilies(CC, Repeat, PG)

2:30 Spicks And Specks(CC, Repeat, PG)

3:05 Play School(CC, Repeat)

3:30 Angelina Ballerina(CC, Repeat, G)

3:50 Olivia(CC, Repeat, G)

4:00 CJ The DJ(CC, Repeat, G)

4:15 Edgar And Ellen(Repeat, G)

4:40 Erky Perky(CC, Repeat, G)

4:55 Kaitangata Twitch(CC, G)

5:20 My Almost Famous Family(CC, Repeat)

5:50 BTN Daily(CC)

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Friday 29 October 2010

6:00 Meerkat Manor(CC)The imminent change in the season has forced Zaphod to finally leave the Whiskers. Having found a potential mate at the Zappa his efforts to get close are being hampered by their dominant male, Houdini.

6:30 Can We Help?(CC)Kate Burridge untangles the history of the phrase 'Mum’s the Word'. We also take a journey with a man in search of one half of his heritage but discover a lot more than anyone expected.

7:00 ABC News(CC)

7:30 Stateline(CC)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Quentin Dempster examines the issues concerning New South Wales.

8:00 Collectors(CC)A series on collectables, collecting, and the collectors who passionately seek, find and enjoy. From antiquities to 20th century icons, from quirky to classy and kitsch to classic, Collectors celebrates the joy of collecting.

8:30 Luther(CC)A young mother has been abducted. Luther realises that this is the work of a collector and writer on the occult who was suspected of the murder of another woman,10 years earlier, but was never charged. CAST: Idris Elba

9:25 Five Daughters(CC) FinalAs police discover the fourth and fifth body, they get DNA evidence for the first time. Drug rehab worker Brian Tobin makes an impassioned plea for help for the girls to beat their addiction.

10:20 Lateline(CC)A unique nightly news analysis program bringing you up-to-the-minute coverage of Australian and international news and events.

11:05 The Gruen Transfer: Cereal(CC, Repeat, PG)Lifts the bonnet on the carefully constructed and manufactured messages that surround us all. Hosted by Wil Anderson.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Friday 29 October 2010

11:35 rage(M)Continuous music programming. For information about rage playlists visit the website:

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Friday 29 October 2010

Other States:

Victoria State

7:30 Stateline(CC)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Josephine Cafagna examines the issues concerning Victoria.

Queensland State

7:30 Stateline(CC)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Jessica van Vonderen examines the issues concerning Queensland.

Tasmania State

7:30 Stateline(CC)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Airlie Ward examines the issues concerning Tasmania.

South Australia State

7:30 Stateline(CC)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Ian Henschke examines the issues concerning South Australia.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Friday 29 October 2010

Northern Territory

7:30 Stateline(CC)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Laetitia Lemke examines the issues concerning the Northern Territory.

Western Australia State

7:30 Stateline(CC)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Eliza Blue examines the issues concerning Western Australia.

Australian Capital Territory

7:30 Stateline(CC)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Chris Kimball examines the issues concerning Canberra.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Saturday 30 October 2010

Saturday, 30 October 2010

4:00 rage(M)Continuous music programming. For information about rage playlists visit the website:

5:00 rage(PG)Continuous music programming. For information about rage playlists visit the website:

6:00 rage(G)Continuous music programming. For information about rage playlists visit the website:

8:00 rage(G)Continuous music programming. For information about rage playlists visit the website:

10:00 rage: Guest Programmer: Dan Kelly(PG)Dan Kelly guest programs rage.

11:00 Poh's Kitchen(CC, Repeat)Poh and her good friend French chef Emmanuel Mollois, submerge themselves in the world of salted fish and turn salted mackerel and salted cod into some delicious dishes.

11:30 Message Stick: Bloodlines: The O'Shane Family(CC, Repeat)Well known magistrate Pat O'Shane, her sister Margaret, and Pat's daughters Lydia and Marilyn Miller all have remarkable individual stories of accomplishment against the odds.

12:00 Stateline(CC, Repeat)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Quentin Dempster examines the issues concerning New South Wales.

12:30 Australian Story(CC, Repeat)Stories of contemporary Australian life and people, told by the subjects themselves.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Saturday 30 October 2010

1:00 Basketball: WNBL 2010/2011: Canberra Vs Adelaide

Canberra Vs Adelaide

3:00 Football: Women's International: Australia Vs Germany 2010

5:00 Bowls: Queensland Open: Men's Singles Final

6:00 Annabel Langbein: The Free Range Cook(CC)Against the breathtaking backdrop of the southern alps of New Zealand, and surrounded by abundant fresh produce, artisan foods and world-class wines, Annabel reveals the pleasures of her free range cooking style.

6:30 Gardening Australia(CC, G)Tino Carnevale plants sweet basil, broccoli, carrots and peas; Jane Edmanson visits a gardener with an amazing collection of unusual Australian plants; Colin Campbell plants spring vegies in a self-watering pot; and more.

7:00 ABC News(CC)

7:30 New Tricks: Shadow Show(CC, PG)When clips of the 1990 film noir Shadow Show are mysteriously posted on the internet, UCOS is forced to re-open the investigation into the producer's death and its star's subsequent disappearance. CAST: Stanley Townsend

8:25 ABC News(CC)

8:30 Spooks(CC, M, Violence)Section D discovers that Harry thwarted a clandestine operation to smuggle weapons-grade uranium into Iraq. Now the rogue officers who masterminded the operation want their uranium back. CAST: Peter Firth

9:25 ABC News Up-Date(CC)

9:30 Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow(CC)UK comic Michael McIntyre visits iconic UK entertainment venues where he introduces a special guest headline act, plus three burgeoning stand-ups from the UK comedy circuit.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Saturday 30 October 2010

10:20 Ashes To Ashes(CC, Repeat, M, Violence)Gene is visited by a former adversary from his old stomping ground of Manchester who has a surprise in store. And Alex is desperate to get to the bottom of the corruption she believes is in the police force. CAST: Keeley Hawes

11:15 rage(M)Continuous music programming. For information about rage playlists visit the website:

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Saturday 30 October 2010

Other States:

Victoria State

12:00 Stateline(CC, Repeat)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Josephine Cafagna examines the issues concerning Victoria.

Queensland State

12:00 Stateline(CC, Repeat)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Jessica van Vonderen examines the issues concerning Queensland.

Tasmania State

12:00 Stateline(CC, Repeat)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Airlie Ward examines the issues concerning Tasmania.

South Australia State

12:00 Stateline(CC, Repeat)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Ian Henschke examines the issues concerning South Australia.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Saturday 30 October 2010

Northern Territory

12:00 Stateline(CC, Repeat)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Laetitia Lemke examines the issues concerning the Northern Territory.

Western Australia State

12:00 Stateline(CC, Repeat)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Eliza Blue examines the issues concerning Western Australia.

Australian Capital Territory

12:00 Stateline(CC, Repeat)The best analysis of politics and insight into the issues that affect you locally. Colourful stories about people and places in your state. Chris Kimball examines the issues concerning Canberra.

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ABC1 Program Guide: National: Week 44Marketing Contacts

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