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Presented As Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Magister Degree

of Language Education Programme














1. Kuat Rahayu , my beloved wife

2. Alm. Sarhati, my beloved Mother

3. Supriano, my beloved father

4. The big family of MI Hidayatul Qur’an

5. The big family of Bpk. Supriano

6. The big family of Bpk. Tuhono

7. The big family of Mbah Ngadiso

8. Gus Dayat, my beloved teacher



First of all, the reseacher would like to praise God Almighty, for the

blassing and mercy given to him in finishing this thesis. The thesis entitle: A

Contribution Study Between The Mastery Of Grammar And Reading ability

To Writing Abilitty ( Quantitative Study in The Eleventh Year Students Of Smk

Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten In 2017/2018.

This is to meet one of the conditions and completed studies in order as

partial fulfillment of the requirement for the magister degree of language education

Programme Widya Dharma University Klaten. The researcher realizes that this

thesis can’t be finished without others help. In this chance, the researcher would

like to express the deep appreciation to :

1. Prof. Dr.H. Triyono, M.Pd as the Rector of Widya Dharma University Klaten.

2. Prof. Dr. Herman J. Waluyo, M.Pd as Director of Graduate Programme of

Language Education Departement Graduate Programme Widya Dharma

University Klaten

3. Dr. Dwi Bambang Putut Setiyadi, M.Hum as Head of the Language Education

Departement Graduate Programme Widya Dharma University Klaten

4. Dr. Hersulastuti, M.Hum as the first consultant, for her patience in giving me

guidance, direction, support and help to finish this thesis.

5. Dr.Endang Eko Djati Setiawati, M.Hum as the second consultant, for her

patience in giving me guidance, direction, support and help to finish this thesis.

6. Agus tri Purwanto, S.Pd as the former headmaster of SMK Tunggal Cipta

Manisrenggo Klaten, who always support and give a chance to do this research.

7. Abdul Hakim, S.Pd, Broto, S.Pd as the English teacher of SMK Tunggal Cipta

Manisrenggo Klaten, who has allowed the researcher to carry out the research

in her class and has given some contribution for this research.

In this thesis, the researcher realizes that the thesis is still far from being

perfect, so, needs Advice, and positive criticism from everyone.

Finally, the researcher would like to thank to everybody who want to read

this manuscripts which is hopefully useful for anyone concerned especially for the

English teacher profession.

Klaten, 27 Agust 2020





APPROVAL …........................................................................................ ii

ACCEPTANCE………………………………………………..……….. iii

PRONOUNCEMENT ............................................................................. iv

MOTTO…………………………………………………………..……. v

DEDICATION........….............................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………... vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................... viii

TABLE OF FIGURES............................................................................. xii

LIST OF APPENDICES……………………………………………….. xiii

ABSTRACT............................................................................................ xv

ABSTRAK............................................................................................... xvi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................. 1

A. The Background of the Study………………………………. 1

B. The Identification of the Problem .......................................... 5

C. The Limitation of the Problem ….......................................... 5

D. Statement of the Problem …………………………………. 6

E. Objective of the Study………………………………………. 6

F. Benefit of the Study.....…………………………………......... 7

1. The English teachers........................................................ 7

2. The other researcher......................................................... 7

3. The students...................................................................... 7


4. The reader........................... .............................................. 7


RESERCH AND THEORITICAL FRAMWORK.................................. 8

A. Underlying Theories............................................................... 8

1. Reading......................................................……………... 8

a. Definition of Reading................................................ 8

b. Infortance of Reading................................................ 10

c. Reding Method.......................................................... 12

d. The Strategies to Teach Reading............................... 15

e. How to Inprove Reading Skill................................... 22

2. Writing Skill........................................…......................... 27

a. Definition of Writing.................................................. 27

b. The Nature of Writing................................................ 27

c. Aspects of Writing Skill............................................ 30

d. Aspects of Efective Writing........................................ 32

e. Writing for Learning................................................... 34

f. Writing for Writing..................................................... 36

g. Types of Writing Activities........................................ 36

h. Process of Writing...................................................... 38

i. Approaches to Teaching Writing................................ 40

j. The Elements of a Successful Writing Lesson........... 43

k. The Roles of Teacher in Writing................................ 44

l. Correction................................................................... 46

m. Teaching Spelling....................................................... 48


n. Teaching Punctuation................................................. 49

o. Fluency or Accuracy................................................... 50

3. Grammar............................................................................ 50

a. Concept of Definition of Grammar............................. 50

b. Concept of Consciousness Raising Strategy............... 55

B. Relevant Reseach ….............................................................. 63

C. Theoritical Framework........................................................... 67

D. Hypothesis.............................................................................. 68

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................... 69

A. Setting of the Research.........................…………………...... 69

a. Place of the Research....................................................... 69

b. Time of the Research....................................................... 69

B. Variable of the Study……………………………….......….. 70

C. Oprasional Definition............................................................. 70

D. Population, Sample and Sampling......................................... 72

E. The teachnique of Collecting the Data................................... 75

F. Validity and Reliability of Instrumen.................................... 74

a. Validity............................................................................. 74

b. Reliability......................................................................... 77

G. The teachnique of Analyzing Data......................................... 80


A. Data Finding...................…………………………………… 82

1. Reading Ability to Writing Ability................................... 82

2. Writing Ability.................................................................. 84


B. The Analysis of the Data…………………………………… 85

1. Normality Data Test......................................................... 85

2. Autocountributio Test....................................................... 87

3. Multicollinearity............................................................... 88

C. Hipotesis Testing.................................................................... 89

D. Summary of Data Finding..................................................... 94

E. Discussion.............................................................................. 101


RECOMENDATION.............................................................................. 106

A. Conclusion………………………………………………….. 106

B. Implication………………………………………………….. 107

C. Recomendation....................................................................... 108

BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................... 110

APPENDICES.......................................................................................... 114



1. Appendix 1 Draft Sample Research Of The Eleventh Year Students Of

Smk Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten In 2017/2018................. 118

2. Appendix 2 Kuesioner The Research

( Pernyataan Motivasi Kerja )......................................................... 120

3. Appendix 3 Kuesioner The Research ( Kesiapan Kerja )................ 128

4. Appendix 4 Instrument Of The Research........................................ 132

5. Appendix 5. Research Letters.......................................................... 134

6. Appendix 6. Uji Normalitas............................................................ 135

7. Appendix 7. Uji Multikolinieritas.................................................. 136

8. Appendix 8. Uji Multikolinieritas................................................... 137

9. Appendix 9. Uji Auto Countribution............................................... 138

10. Appendix 10. Uji Regresi Linier Reading Ability ( X2 )

For Reading Ability To Writing Ability......................................... 139

11. Appendix 11. Uji Regresi Linier Grammar Mastery( X1)

For Grammar Mastery To Writing Ability ( Y )............................ 141

12. Appendix 12. Uji Regresi Ganda Grammar Mastery(X1)

And Reading Ability (X2) For Reading Ability To Writing

Ability ........................................................................................... 143

13. Appendix 13 Data Deskriptif Grammar Mastery, Student

Reading Ability And Readiness Writing Ability............................ 145

14. Appendix 14. Analisis Contribution Medium Grammar

Mastery And Grammar Mastery To Writing Ability...................... 146

15. Appendix 15. Perhitungan Tabel Distribusi................................... 147


16. Appendix 16. Uji Validitas Writing Ability.................................... 148

17. Appendix 17. Uji Reliabilitas Reading Ability To Writing Ability...150

18. Appendix 18. Uji Ralibilitas Students Reading Ability................. 151

19. Appendix 19. Uji Validitas Student Reading Ability...................... 152

20. Appendix 20. Data Induk................................................................ 154

21. Appendix 21. Nilai Grammar Ability............................................. 155

22. Appendix 22. Nilai Reading Ability............................................... 157

23. Appendix 23. Nilai Writing Ability................................................ 158

24. Appendix24. Analisis Distribution Simple Reading Ability

To Writing Ability Contributions................................................... 159

25. Appendix Categories Judgment According To Arikunto ( 2002:65) 160

26. Appendix Profil Smk Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo........................ 161

27. Appendix Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)................... 174

28. Appendix Fhoto Sampling Selection, Collection Data................... 195

29. Appendix Sample Of User Try Out............................................... 196



ABAS, NIM 15PSC01751. A Contribution Study Between The Mastery Of

Grammar And Reading Ability To Writing Ability Of The Eleventh Year Students

Of Smk Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten In 2017/2018. Thesis. Language

Education Departement Graduate Programme, Widya Dharma University, Klaten,


Statement of the problem in this research are1) Is there any contributions

of grammar towards students writing ability of the eleventh year students of SMK

Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten in 2017/2018? 2) Is there any contributions of

reading ability towards students writing ability of the eleventh year students of

SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten in 2017/2018? 3) Is there any

contributions between grammar mastery and reading ability simultaneously

towards writing of the eleventh year students of SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo

Klaten in 2017/2018?. The aim of this thesis is to know whether there is a

significant contribution between the students’ mastery of grammar and reading

ability to writing ability of the eleventh year students of SMK Tunggal Cipta

Manisrenggo in 2017/2018. The writer states the hypothesis as the following: There

is significant contribution between the mastery of grammar and writing ability of

the eleventh year students of SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo in 2017/2018.

This research is quantitative , the Population was conducted in the eleventh

year students of SMK Tunggal Cipta Klaten Central java, for 30 days in the

academic year of 2017/ 2018 on second semester. This population the number in

this study of it is 200 students consists of 8 students from five classes to be selected

as the sample by lottery. So, the number of the sample is 40 students. The sampling

technique of this study used random sampling without replacement technique. Data

collection techniques in this study were questionnaires, tests, and documentation.

This research normality test using techniques Kolmogorov-Smirnov, calculations

using SPSS 17.0.

The result of the data analysis shows that the coefficient of contribution

between the mastery of grammar and reading ability to writing ability is 0.404. This

coefficient of contribution is greater than the r table that is 0.312 for 1 % level of

significant and at 5 % level of significance is 0.403 by the number of 40 subjects.

In other words, this coefficient of contribution is significant. The hypothesis states

that there is significant contribution between the mastery of grammar and reading

ability to writing ability of the eleventh year students of SMK Tunggal Cipta

Manisrenggo in 2017/2018 is accepted. So, it can be concluded that there is a

significant contribution between the mastery of grammar and reading ability to

writing ability of the eleventh year students of SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo

in 2017/2018

Keyword : Contribution, Grammar, Reading, Writing.



ABAS, NIM 15PSC01751. Kontribusi Belajar Antara Penguasaan Tata Bahasa

Dan Kemampuan Membaca Terhadap Kemampuan Menulis Siswa Kelas

Sebelas Smk Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten Tahun 2017/2018. Tesis.

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa. Program Pascasarjana Universitas Widya

Dharma, Klaten, 2020.

Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Adakah kontribusi tata

bahasa terhadap kemampuan menulis siswa kelas XI SMK Tunggal Cipta

Manisrenggo Klaten tahun 2017/2018? 2) Adakah kontribusi kemampuan

membaca terhadap kemampuan menulis siswa kelas XI SMK Tunggal Cipta

Manisrenggo Klaten tahun 2017/2018? 3) Adakah kontribusi penguasaan tata

bahasa dan kemampuan membaca secara simultan terhadap kemampuan menulis

siswa kelas XI SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten tahun 2017/201?. Tujuan

dari tesis ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada kontribusi yang signifikan antara

penguasaan tata bahasa dan kemampuan membaca siswa terhadap kemampuan

menulis siswa kelas XI SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo tahun 2017/2018. Penulis

menyatakan hipotesis sebagai berikut: Ada kontribusi yang signifikan antara

penguasaan tata bahasa dengan kemampuan menulis siswa kelas XI SMK Tunggal

Cipta Manisrenggo tahun 2017/2018

Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif, Populasi dilakukan pada siswa kelas XI

SMK Tunggal Cipta Klaten Jawa Tengah selama 30 hari pada tahun ajaran

2017/2018 pada semester kedua. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 200 siswa

yang terdiri dari 8 siswa dari lima kelas untuk dipilih sebagai sampel dengan undian.

Jadi jumlah sampelnya adalah 40 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam

penelitian ini menggunakan random sampling tanpa teknik repllacement. Teknik

pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah angket, tes, dan dokumentasi. Uji

normalitas penelitian ini menggunakan teknik kolgomorov-Smirnov,

perhitungannya menggunakan SPSS 17.0.

Hasil analisa data menunjukkan bahwa koefisien kontribusii antara

penguasaan tata bahasa dan kemampuan membaca pada kemampuan menulis siswa

adalah 0,404. koefisien kontribusi lebih besar dari r tabel yang 0,312 untuk tingkat

1% dari signifikan dan pada 5% tingkat signifikansi adalah 0.403 dengan jumlah

40 subyek. Dengan kata lain, koefisien kontribusi ini adalah signifikan. Hipotesa

yang menyatakan bahwa ada signifikan antara penguasaan tata bahasa dan

kemampuan membaca pada kemampuan menulis siswa kelas II di SMK Tunggal

Cipta Manisrenggo Tahun Ajaran 2017 /2018. diterima. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan

bahwa ada kontribusi yang signifikan antara penguasaan tata bahasa dan

kemampuan membaca pada kemampuan menulis siswa kelas II di SMK Tunggal

Cipta Manisrenggo Tahun Ajaran 2017 / 2018.

Kata kunci: Kontribusi, Tatabahasa, Membaca, Menulis





A. The Background of the Study

There is growing awareness of the role of English as a foreign language

in Indonesia. People who do not want to be left by the rapid development of

science and technology started to think the importance of understanding the

English language, the language is widely used to publish a variety of

information, including science and technology. Then they join an English

course or other programs that they think will allow them to improve their


Many students feel confused when they want to speak English with

smart fast way. But they were confused where to start. Does first have to master

grammar, conversation, vocabulary, reading or writing

Learning a second language involves the handling of four basic skills;

listening writing, reading, and writing. Writing is the ultimate skill that learners

should master. It is a basic communication skill that cannot be acquired; it can

be culturally transmitted or can be learned through formal instruction. Among

the four skills of language, writing and writing are productive skills. Of course,

there are important differences between them. All normal people learn to speak

while writing should be taught to them. In comparison to writing, writing

imposes greater demands on the learners since there is no immediate feedback

in written interaction


One set of skills consists of those that parents and preschool teachers

value and actively promote: reciting the alphabet, recognizing and writing

letters, writing one's own name, reading environmental print (signs and labels),

and knowing how to hold a book upright and turn the pages

In general, the purpose of teaching foreign language is that students

could master the four language skills, namely: listening, writing, reading, and

writing. If all four language skills can be mastered by the learner the objectives

will be achieved. The students’ mastery of the language depends on the

language learning process itself, and the teaching and learning process depends

on the guidance of the teacher presents the material and students' ability to learn

the material because the process can't be separated from the teaching and

learning process.

This fact is an important issue for teachers and students in teaching and

learning. For English students, English is a bridge to understanding the

scientific books because they often have trouble when they apply grammar,

write and reading a book in English.

Actually, the students have completed at least four hours each week in

English language learning in vocational schools, but most of them still feel that

they have learned very little. Language student activities should involve

students in using language or communicative functions in real life. But those

materials that are less relevant to everyday life.

Teaching English as foreign language, especially in vocational school is

different from teaching students in learning their native language. In teaching

and learning English, teachers select materials methods and practice it. The


purpose of learning English is very important to determine the success of

English teaching.

Most of the vocational schools English teacher in Indonesian prioritize

material in grammar rules. It shows when teachers teach, they want their

students to remain silent and pay attention to the teacher's explanation. In

addition most exams in written and reading form. They emphasize the ability to

exercise, without giving an opportunity to the students to express their own

ideas using language freely.

Teaching and learning process of English teaching in SMK Tunggal

Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten. Objectives to use the language for the

communication on student learning English often have difficulty in learning

grammar, writing and reading. It shows by the low achievement test results of

the students SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten.

According to Lado the main issue is about the limits and restriction

patterns of form and meaning of learning. The main problem for the students is

to choose and apply grammar. For example, students write the meaning of

English words into Indonesian. When students look up the word in the

dictionary grammar, they will find more than one pattern grammar. Another

example is when students write their native language into English,’’ a new

country house they can write it to a new home’’. The students have problems in

grammar patterns. In Teaching and Learning English for Writing is very

important to use for grammar and to mastery reading text. So, the students must

choose and apply the grammar patterns and must apply in the reading text.


Without proper grammar, one can’t communicate effectively or express

his ideas in both oral and written form. Has a limited grammar is also a barrier

that prevents students from learning a foreign language. If learners do not know

how to enrich their grammar, for example, learners often gradually lose interest

in learning (Fauziaty, 2001: 155).In real life, the students write various types of

materials such as writing papers, brochures, etc. The students can benefit from

direct grammar instruction. They can effectively expand their knowledge of

grammar, so that instruction meaningful and exciting course should be

organized to achieve successful learning. The ability to write print materials for

foreign language is very important in mastering a foreign language itself. To be

better and faster in writing, students must achieve English grammar because if

students master the grammar they will find out information from written


Reading English text is quite different activity. Only reading will

improve reading (Clarity, 2007: 21). It means that one has to read and practice

reading in order to improve his reading skill. Martin (2009: 44) argues that

reading a book once is not enough. To develop a deeper understanding, a reader

has to highlight, summarize and review important ideas. Those statements

suggest that one should read in order to develop his reading skill. Without

reading, one will have never developed his reading skill. Grabe and Stoller (in

Murcia, 2007: 187) also say that students become better readers only by doing

a lot of reading.

He is use of cooperative learning to support reading is also suggested by

Branders in Murcia (2007: 166). He finds that when children were allowed to


negotiate meaning of an original text they were reading, either through whole

class discussion or with peer of a different level of language proficiency, they

were able to comprehend what they read better than if the text had been

simplified for them to read on their own.

Due to the fact, the writer would like to learn the grammar, writing and

reading skills.The writer is interested in writing a thesis with the title "A

Contribution between mastery of grammar and reading ability to writing ability

of the eleventh year Students of SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten in


B. The Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study the research identified some


1. The students often have difficulties in learning English when they use

grammar towards writing ability of the eleventh year students of SMK

Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten in 2017/2018?

2. The students often have difficulties in learning English when they apply

reading ability towards writing ability of the eleventh year students of

SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten in 2017/2018?

3. The students often have difficulties in learning English when they use

mastery grammar and reading ability towards writing ability of the eleventh

year students of SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten in 2017/2018?

C. Limitation of the Problem

The researcher limited the problem only in the population on this study and

the data which will be analyzed are limited to those are:


1. The grammar in this study is limited on past tense from the students’

writing recount texts

2. The reading skills in this study is limited from reading recount texts

3. The writing in this study is limited to write and understand the recount


Take from the test given by writer about grammar and reading towards

writing texts to the eleventh year students of SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo

Klaten in 2018.

D. Statemen of the Problem

In this case, the writer would like to present the problem that can be

formulated as the following:

1. Is there any contributions of grammar towards students writing ability of

the eleventh year students of SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten in


2. Is there any contributions of reading ability towards students writing

ability of the eleventh year students of SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo

Klaten in 2017/2018?

3. Is there any contributions between grammar mastery and reading ability

simultaneously towards writing of the eleventh year students of SMK

Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten in 2017/2018?

E. Objective of the Study

The research was conducted to achieve the following objectives:

1. To identify the presence or absence of contributions grammar mastery

towards students writing ability of the eleventh year students of SMK


Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten in 2017/2018.

2. To identify the presence or absence of contributions reading ability towards

students writing ability of the eleventh year students of SMK Tunggal Cipta

Manisrenggo Klaten in 2017/2018.

3. To identify the presence or absence of contributions grammar mastery and

reading ability towards simultaneously writing ability of the eleventh year

students of SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo Klaten in 2017/2018.

F. Benefit of the Study

It is hoped that this research gives advantages or benefit for:

1. The English teachers, they can get additional information on the

contribution between mastery of grammar and reading ability to writing.

2. The other researcher can get knowledge and perception about the

contribution between mastery of grammar and reading ability to writing.

3. The students can get help to learn English grammar and reading ability to


4. The reader, they can get additional information on the contribution between

mastery of grammar and reading ability to writing.




This chapter presents the conclusion implication and recomendation based on

finding and discussion of the data analysis.

A. Conclusion

Based on the finding and discussion of the research, it can be concluded that

the coefficient of contribution between the mastery of grammar and reading

ability to writing ability is 0.404. This coefficient of contribution is greater than

the r table that is 0.312 for 1 % level of significant and at 5 % level of

significance is 0.403 by the number of 40 subjects. In other words, this

coefficient of contribution is significant. The hypothesis states that there is

significant contribution between the mastery of grammar and reading ability to

writing ability of the eleventh year students of SMK Tunggal Cipta

Manisrenggo in 2017/2018 is accepted. So, it can be concluded that there is a

significant contribution between the mastery of grammar and reading ability to

writing ability of the eleventh year students of SMK Tunggal Cipta

Manisrenggo in 2017/2018

Based on the finding and discussion of the research can be concluded that:

1. There is positive contribution between student’s grammar mastery to writing

ability at the eleventh grade students of the SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo

( r= 0,84 ; p< 0,01)



2. There is positive contribution between students’s reading ability to writing

ability at the elevent grade students of the SMK Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo

( r =0,96; p< 0,01 )

3. There is positive contribution between student’s grammar mastery and

reading ability to writing ability at the eleventh grade students of the SMK

Tunggal Cipta Manisrenggo ( R = 0,965; p < 0,01 )

B. Implication

The discovery of a significant positive relationship between students

grammar mastery and reading ability alone as well as together to writing ability

resulted in some research implication of the following bellow.

First, theoretical conceptual model wich is reflected through the

hypothetical relationships between variables research has been verified

empirically.The implication of his theory is that the students’ reading to writing

ability will not be granded, but is determined several factors, and one of them

are grammar mastery.

Second, The implication of the theory produce key policy implication that

the students’ readingto writing ability can be pursued through increased

grammar mastery and reading ability, in detail some of the implications of these

policies i are discribed as follows.

1. Some afforts to improve grammar mastery to increase reading ability to

writing ability. This study empirically shows that the grammar mastery is one

of the determinants for the level of reading to writing. This finding suggests

that efforts to increase reading ability to writing ability can be done by

improving grammar mastery. Grammar as has been stated in the study of


theory in the front,the introduction of new words in conversation, if people

want to improve their communication skills more at the some time.

2. Some afforts to improve reading ability to increase reading to writing

ability.Empirical research shows that reading ability is one of the

determinants writing ability. Reading ability as has been stated in the study

of theory in the front, it can be seen that : contributions the extent to which

you make choice about a). Goals to persue and b). The effort you will devote

to that persuit. It is easy assumes that contributionis the condision that is

activates or giving urging to human of making attitude for gaining the

purpose. A summary of oral assessment techniques would therefore be

incomplete without some consideration of extensive grammar task.One of

the most common techniques for elicting oral production is through visual

pictures.We have already looked at this elicitation devide for intensive tasks,

but at this level we consider a picture or series of pictures as stimulus fer a

longer story or deseription.

C. Recomendation

Based on research result, conclutions and implications that have been outlined

above, the following suggestion are proposed as follows:

1. For the students:

a. their grammar, reading and writing ability

b. The students should practice a lot of expression in communication.

c. The students are recommended that they should improve their

background knowledge about the topic,wich will be learned in their

english class.


2. For the english teachers :

The english teachers are suggested to help the students increase reading

ability and improve their grammar ability

a. The English teachers should help the students to be more active in learning

English by helping .them to enrich their communication and their

background knowlede.

b. The English teachers should helpthe students to be more active in learning

English by helping them to enrich their grammar and their reading.

3. For the school.

a. The school is suggested to adapt and to improve the English syliabus based

on the real problems faced by the students while learning English subject.

b. The school should support the English learning process by preparing the

facilitation and instrument completely.

4. For the orther tetachers at school intitution’

a. The orher teachers should participate to raise the student’s motivation


b. Continuosly so that they are better prepared to enter the workforce.

c. The orther teachers should accompeny the students in determining job that

approppiate with their major.



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