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    (A Correlative Study of the Fourth Semester of English Department Students of Salatiga

    in Academic Year of 2012/2013)


    Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial of the Requirments

    for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

    In English Department

    By :


    NIM : 113 08 118



    S A L A T I G A




    Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. (0298) 323706 Salatiga 50271

    Website: www.stainsalatiga.ac.id Email: administrasi@stainsalatiga,ac.id


    In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and the most Merciful.

    Herby the writer fully declares that the graduating paper is made by the writer himself

    and it is not containing materials written or has been published by other peoples ideas except the

    information from the references.

    The writer is capable to account for this graduating paper if in the future it can be proved

    of containing others ideas or in fact the writer imitates the others graduating paper.

    Likewise, the declaration is made by the writer and he hopes that this declaration can be


    Salatiga, August 23th

    , 2013

    The Writer,


    NIM: 113 08 118



    Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. (0298) 323706 Salatiga 50271

    Website: www.stainsalatiga.ac.id Email: administrasi@stainsalatiga,ac.id

    Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd. Salatiga, August 23th

    , 2013

    The Lecturer of Educational Faculty

    State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga


    Case: AJ Bastians Graduating Paper


    The Head Master of State Islamic

    Studies Institute of Salatiga

    Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

    After reading and correcting AJ Bastians graduating paper entitled A


    THEIR VOCABULARY MASTERY, I have dedicated and would like to propose that if

    could be accepted by educational faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

    Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.






    This graduating paper dedicated to :

    My beloved father (Almadi) and my beloved mother (Kutri Yuliati), thanks for your

    attention, support, trust, finance, encouragement, and everlasting prayer.

    My beloved wife (Eni Irawati) thanks for your support, motivation and spirit.

    My wonderful sisters and brothers Mbak Danie, Mas Arif, Dek Dwik, and Dek Feri

    thanks for your prayer.

    My best friend Doni, Fendi, Syafii thanks for your prayer, support, and motivation to

    make this graduating paper to be perfect.

    My friends in TBI 08, especially TBI D.

    The big family of Al Mina Islamic Primary School.

    All STAIN Salatiga lecturers especially for those who have taught in my class.


    Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

    Alhamdulillah . , in the name of Allah, the lord of universe. Our blesses and

    praises always go to our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who bring us from

    darkness to the lightness. Praise to Allah, the compassionate, the merciful for his blessing

    which come to the writer, in form of support and encouragement to finish this graduating


    However, the writer realize that besides the writers will and effort there are some

    helps from many people, friends, and relatives, which made the process of writing much

    easier, by giving their great helps, and love. In this special occasion, the writer would like

    to express the special gratitude to :

    1. Drs. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag. as the Rector of State Islamic Studies Institute of


    2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Chief of Education Program.

    3. Mrs. Maslikhatul Umami, S. Pd.I M.A as the Chief of English Department Program.

    4. Mrs. Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd. as the consultant who gives support,

    guidance, and useful advice. Thanks for all

    5. All of the lecturers in English Department.

    6. All administration staffs and the librarians staffs for their help in both of areas.

    7. All of my classmates at TBI D 2008.

    8. The big family of STAIN Salatiga.

  • 9. My best friends, Syafii, Fajar, Mas Daim, Jalu, Andi, Nanang, Subur, and Dimas.

    Special thanks to Mr. Deka always support me whenever.

    10. For everyone that I cannot mention one by one, thank you very much for everything.

    No one is perfect, for better every little thing he does, the writer needs all

    constructive criticism, opinion, and suggestion.

    Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

    Salatiga, August , 2013


    NIM. 113 08 118



    Students of Salatiga in Academic Year of 2012/2013.

    This research analyzed the correlation between reading interest and vocabulary mastery.

    The objectives of the research are to know the score of reading interest, the score of vocabulary

    mastery, and to proven the significant correlation between reading interest and vocabulary

    mastery. This graduating paper intended to be a descriptive quantitative research. The writer

    applied questionnaire to found the score of students reading interest, and the writer applied test to found the score of vocabulary mastery of the Fourth Semester of English Department Students

    of Salatiga. Then, the writer applied correlation formula to proven the significant correlation

    between reading interest and vocabulary mastery. The result of this research showed that score of

    reading interest of the Fourth Semester of English Department Students of Salatiga is good. It

    can be seen from the result of reading interest score is 77.31%. It showed that the students have

    interest in reading English book because they often went to library to read English book and did

    the assignment for presentation which given by lecturer. In this research also showed that score

    of vocabulary mastery the respondents is excellent. It was known from the result of score of

    vocabulary test is 83.70%. It showed that the student did most of vocabulary tests and also

    understood the verb of the text. In this research they understand lecturers explanation about vocabulary study. Then the result of correlation formula showed that the r-calculation is 0.483.

    To know the significance of variable X to variable Y, r-calculation is compared with r-table with

    the number of sample (27) students and the level of significance 5% (0.05), which is 0.381. It

    proved that r-calculation is almost the same with r-table because r-calculation is 0.483 while r-

    table is 0.381. It also proved that there was positive correlation between reading interest and

    vocabulary mastery. Because the correlation between reading interest and vocabulary mastery

    are significance.

    Key words: correlation study, reading interest, vocabulary mastery.



    TITLE PAGE ...i




    MOTTO ..v



    ABSTRACT viii



    Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION

    A. Background of the Study .1

    B. Limitation of the Problems ...2

    C. Statement of the Problems ...3

    D. Objectives of the Study ....3

    E. Significance of the Study ....4

    F. Definition of Key Terms .....5

    G. Previous Studies ..6

    H. Hypothesis ...7

    I. Thesis Organization .8


    A. Reading ...9

    1. Definition of Reading ...9

    2. Purposes for Reading ....9

    3. Benefit of Reading Skill ..11

    4. Reading Strategies ...14

    5. Reading Interest ..16

    B. Vocabulary 18

    1. Definition of Vocabulary .18

    2. Mastery on Vocabulary 19

    3. Classes of Vocabulary ......19

    4. Aspect of Learning Vocabulary ...22

    5. Influence of Reading Interest to Vocabulary Mastery 24


    A. Research Methodology ...26

    1. Type of the Research 26

    2. Approach ..26

    3. Setting of the Research .26

    4. Object of the Research ..27

    5. Technique of Collecting Data ...28

    6. Technique of Data Analysis .30

  • B. History and General Situation of STAIN Salatiga .....32

    C. Teaching Staff 32

    D. Official Staff ...33

    E. Facilities of STAIN Salatiga ..33

    Chapter IV DATA ANALYSIS .35

    A. Hypothesis...35

    B. Testing Validity and Reliability of the Questionnaire ...36

    C. Students Reading Interest .39

    D. Students Vocabulary Mastery ...43

    E. Correlation between Students Reading Interest and Students

    Vocabulary Mastery ...43

    F. Result of Theoretical Analysis ...46

    Chapter V CLOSURE ...48

    A. Conclusion .48

    B. Suggestion .49




    Table 3.1 The number of the fourth semester students of English Department of STAIN

    Salatiga on the academic year 2012/2013 ..27

    Table 3.2 Indicator of Questionnaire ..29

    Table 3.3 The number of Lecturers Staff of STAIN Salatiga on the academic year

    2012/2013 ...33

    Table 3.4 The number of Official Staff of STAIN Salatiga on the academic year

    2012/2013 ...34

    Table 4.1 Reliability Calculation ....38

    Table 4.2 The Questionnaire Calculation ...41

    Table 4.3 Students Vocabulary Test .43

    Table 4.4 Correlation between Reading Interest and Vocabulary Mastery of Students ...45



    A. Background of the Study

    People use language to ask for and give people information, but as we know that

    most knowledges information in Indonesia is not only spread orally. People also read by

    books. Furthermore, both of them are the window of knowledge. The statement above

    shows that reading is very important.

    One of important skill in learning English is reading. Reading is important aspect

    of students learning activity. Reading is an understanding a message explained by the

    writer through visual and non visual. This activity involves an interaction between

    thought and language. For the process, the reader processes his background knowledge

    and text using specific skills and strategies to form expectations or predictions of the

    meaning of text, then selecting, and using the most productive clues to confirm or reject

    those predictions (Fauziati, 2005: 139).

    Reading texts provide opportunities to study language about vocabulary,

    grammar, punctuation, and the way that construct sentence, paragraphs, and texts.

    Furthermore, good reading texts can introduce interesting topics, stimulate discussion,

    and excite imaginative responses (Harmer, 2001:68).

    Vocabulary is central to language and of critical importance to typical language

    learner. Without a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot communicate effectively or express

    his ideas in both oral and written form. Having a limited vocabulary is also a barrier that

  • precludes learners from learning a foreign language. When they do not know how to

    enrich their vocabulary, for example, they often gradually lose interest in learning

    (Fauziati, 2005: 155).

    Vocabulary is commonly defined as "all the words known and used by a

    particular person". Knowing a word, however, is not as simple as simply being able to

    recognize or use it. There are several aspects of word knowledge which are used to

    measure word knowledge. Students have to master rich vocabularies to develop and

    express their ideas in target language because it is the foundation to apply the integrated

    skills namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

    In language learning, vocabulary takes a very important role. How the learners

    can understand what they listen, speak, read, and write if they do not understand any

    word? A learner should keep learning new vocabulary items every day so as to make his

    or her understanding English better. Based on the explanation above, the writer is

    interested in conducting a research entitled A Correlation Study between Students

    Reading Interest toward their Vocabulary Mastery.

    B. Limitation of the Problems

    The writer needs to limit this research because there are many factors that

    influence students vocabulary mastery. Therefore, the writer choose the factor that

    influence vocabulary mastery namely reading interest. Reading interest is the

    independent variable (x) and vocabulary mastery is the dependent variable (y). The writer

    assumes that reading interest is contributes a lot to vocabulary mastery. Therefore, the

  • writer is going to investigate and prove that the first variable (x) contributes to the second

    one (y).

    C. Statement of the Problems

    The writer formulates the statement of the problems are as follow:

    1. How far is the score of reading interest of the fourth semester of English Department

    students of STAIN Salatiga in academic year of 2012/2013?

    2. How far is the score of vocabulary mastery of the fourth semester of English

    Department students of STAIN Salatiga in academic year of 2012/2013?

    3. Is there a correlation between reading interest and vocabulary mastery of the fourth

    semester of English Department students of STAIN Salatiga in academic year of


    D. The Objectives of the Study

    The general objective of the study is to prove that reading interest contributes a lot

    to vocabulary mastery. The objectives are then specified into the following goals:

    1. To find out the score of reading interest of the fourth semester of English Department

    students of STAIN Salatiga in academic year of 2012/2013.

    2. To find out the score of vocabulary mastery of the fourth semester of English

    Department students of STAIN Salatiga in academic year of 2012/2013.

  • 3. To find out the correlation of reading interest to vocabulary mastery of the fourth

    semester of English Department students of STAIN Salatiga in academic year of


    E. Significance of the Study

    The writer hopes that the result of this research can give information about the

    level of students reading interest and vocabulary mastery. The writer also hopes that it

    beings some benefits for the teachers, students, and school especially the students of

    English Department of STAIN Salatiga.

    1. For the College Teacher

    The positive result of this research can support the English college teacher in their

    teaching vocabulary. They will know the significance of reading interest as a students

    habit that can improve students vocabulary mastery.

    2. For the University Students

    The positive result of this research can support the university students to master

    English vocabulary. It also will improve the students interest of reading.

    3. For the English Department

  • The result of this research also can support the English Department to develop the

    curriculum of English teaching and learning. The English Department can give

    recommendation for English college teacher who want to apply the curriculum that make

    university students reading English actively.

    F. Definition of the Key Terms

    1. Correlation

    Correlation is the connection between two things in which one thing changes

    as the other does (Oxford University Press, 2003: 94).

    2. Reading

    Reading is useful for other purposes too: any exposure to English (provided

    students understand it more or less) is a good thing for language students. At the very

    least, some of the language sticks in their minds as part of the process of language

    acquisition, and, if the reading text is especially interesting and engaging, acquisition

    is likely to be even more successful (Harmer, 1998: 68).

    3. Interest

    Interest is the feeling of a person whose attention, concern, or curiosity is

    particularly engaged by something (Oxford University Press, 2003: 197).

    4. Vocabulary

    Vocabulary is a powerful carrier of meaning. Beginners often manage to

    communicate in English by using the accumulative effect of individual words. A

  • learner, recognizing the communicative power of vocabulary, might reasonably aim

    to acquire a working knowledge of a large number of words. The long lists of words

    and their translations in our exercise books somehow always seem to defy memory,

    and even when we can recall the word we want, it doesnt always seem to fit

    comfortably into our own sentences (Scrivener Jim, 1994: 73).

    5. Mastery

    Mastery is complete control or the commitment to the ongoing evolution of

    skill and wisdom in an area of thought or activity through practice, contemplation,

    application and exploration (Oxford University Press, 2003: 230).

    G. Previous Studies

    In this graduating paper, the writer took some previous studies from the other

    graduating paper as comparison. The writer used the other graduating paper, and the title

    is a Correlative Study between Vocabulary Mastery and the Ability to Translate English

    into Indonesian by Titik Nurkhasanah in 2005. She was the student of State Islamic

    Studies Institute of Salatiga. In this graduating paper, she analyzed that there was a

    significant correlation between Vocabulary Mastery and the Ability to Translate English

    into Indonesian.

    The second previous studies to this research, the title is a Correlation between

    Vocabulary Mastery and Grammatical Competence Towards Translation Skill of a

    Correlation between Vocabulary Mastery and Grammatical Competence towards

    Translation Skill of second year students of Smu Muhamadiyah 4 Andong Boyolali in the

  • academic year 2003/2004, by Shofwan in 2004. He was the student of State Islamic

    Studies Institute of Salatiga. In this graduating paper, he analyzed that there was a

    significant correlation between Vocabulary Mastery and the Grammatical Competence

    Towards Translation Skill.

    The third previous studies to this research, the title is The Correlation Study

    between Students Activeness in Watching English TV Programs and their Vocabulary

    Mastery, which has been researched by Sri Widyaningsih in 2004. She was the student

    of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga. In this graduating paper, she analyzed that

    there was a significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and the students

    activeness in watching English TV programs.

    My research is different from the previous studies because of the reasons:

    1. This graduating paper emphasized on reading interest of the students.

    2. The object of this graduating paper is the fourth semester of English Department

    students of STAIN Salatiga.

    H. Hypothesis

    Hypothesis is a predicated answer of research problem with data (Arikunto,

    2006:102). Hypothesis is a temporary answer to the problem of research, and the validity

    still must to be tested empirically. The steps of the research present in this chapter are a

    summary from the theoretical conclusion which gets from previous studies. Hypothesis is

    an answer toward research problem which considered most possible and has highest

    validity (Suryabrata, 1995:69). The writer tries to determine the hypothesis of this

  • research. The hypothesis of this research is There is a significant correlation study

    between studentss reading interest toward their vocabulary mastery.

    I. Thesis Organization

    This thesis is divided into five chapters.

    Chapter I contains of introduction. It consists of the background of the study,

    limitation of the problems, statement of the problems, the objectives of the study,

    significance of the study, definition of the key terms, previous studies, hypothesis, and

    thesis organization. Chapter II contains of the Theoretical Framework. The writer

    explains what the meaning of reading interest, some theories of vocabulary mastery and

    possible relation between reading interest and vocabulary mastery. Chapter III, the writer

    describes about research methodology that consist of type of the research, approach,

    setting of the research, object of the research, technique of collecting data, and technique

    of data analysis. Furthermore, history and general situation of STAIN Salatiga, teaching

    staff, official staff and facilities of STAIN Salatiga. In chapter IV, the writer explains the

    data analysis that consist of hypothesis, testing validity and reliability of the

    questionnaire, students reading interest, students vocabulary mastery, correlation

    between students reading interest and students vocabulary mastery, the last is result of

    theoretical analysis. In Chapter V, the writer ends the graduating paper by giving

    conclusion and suggestion.



    A. Reading

    1. Definition of Reading

    There are many definitions and the goal of reading because of the complexity

    of the reading process. It is the suitable reason to discuss the difference of it.

    According to Nababan (1993:164) that reading is a complex activity because it

    depends on the language skill and the level of intellectual activity of the reader.

    According to Fauziati (2005:138) briefly it states that comprehending a text is

    an interactive process between the readers background knowledge and the text.

    Efficient comprehension, thus, requires the ability to relate the textual material to

    ones own knowledge. It can be inferred that reading is an interactive and

    interpretative process. The reader process his background knowledge and the printed

    text using specific skills and strategies to form expectations or predictions about the

    text, selecting and using the most productive cues to confirm or reject those

    predictions. This process takes place until the reader is satisfied with the information

    he gets from the printed message, and then, reacts to it accordingly (Fauziati, 2005:


    2. Purposes for Reading

    According to Risdianto (2012:94), there are some purposes for reading,


  • a. For pleasure or for personal reasons to find general information such as what a

    book is mostly about.

    b. To find a specific topic in a book or article.

    c. To learn subject matter that is required for a class.

    Once students have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will begin to read

    for a variety of purposes. If they are reading a book or article for fun or if they simply

    want to know about a particular subject such as frogs, they may want to read fast. It

    isnt necessary for them to read every word or even know the meaning of every word

    in the text. According to Risdianto (2012:95), they can do some of this step:

    a. Skimming for General Information

    Students who want to find general information about a subject such as Frogs

    will want to skim through a book or several books to determine how the books are

    organized and what they cover. When they skim, they run or flip through the pages of

    the book or article quickly to find out whether it might cover the information they


    b. Scanning for Specific Information

    When a student wants to know how tadpoles (Indonesian:berudu, cebong)

    become frogs, he will need to scan a book or article about amphibians or frogs to find

    out whether the material covers tadpoles. When he scans, he will look at the title, the

    table of contents, the headings, and the index to find out if the material gives

    information about tadpoles.

    c. Reading to Learn

  • Another purpose for reading calls for reading carefully and slowly. When a

    student studies for a test, he will want to skim the book or chapter first to see what it

    covers. Then he will read the headings and subheadings to discover how the book is

    organized. He should try to make connections between the material and what he

    already knows.

    3. Benefit of Reading Skill

    In addition, reading has many benefits and function. There are 8 (eight)

    reading functions according to St. Y. Slamet (2007) as quoted by P Iwuk (2007:8).

    The functions of reading such as:

    a. Intellectual Function

    Reading has intellectual function if with reading the learner can improve

    intellectuality and our brain power. For example: when the learner read research

    report, journal, or graduating paper. The material like that can be helping everyone to

    brain sharpen.

    b. Increase the Creativity

    After usually in reading the learner often fell challenging for doing something

    new or new things. The new things appear because the learner gets some information

    from reading. For example: read the material of text which built the inspiration for

    write a poem.

    c. Practically Function

    The practically function of reading when the learner read, the learner get some

    information which have the practically quality or building on practice. The

  • information which has the practically quality is information in our mind about the real

    activity or bring into reality. For example: reading about the manner of make a kite,

    prescription to make beverage and food, take a picture technique, etc.

    d. Recreatively Function

    The meaning of reading with recreatively function is reading to get some

    entertainment. For example: reading the popular novel, funny stories, or pictures


    e. Informative Function

    The meaning of reading with informative function is reading to get some

    information. The information can organized as anything what the learner need in

    daily life. After The learner get some information, maybe the learner dont do

    anything. However, the learner still remembers the information in our mind. The

    learner can put outside or using some information anytime the learner need.

    f. Religious Function

    In this function, reading can using for improve the faithful, right thinking, and

    near himself with god. For example: when the learner read the material which has the

    quality religious, like spiritual magazine or holy book.

    g. Social Function

    Reading with social function is reading in an oral manner and high pitched.

    When the learner read the others people can get some information from listened what

    the learner read. The learner can give some benefit from reading activity with attitude

    instruction such as pronounce, deed, and think. The example of reading activity is like

    reading news, reading belles letters, and reading announcement.

  • h. Disappearance of Quiet Function

    The learner get the reading function as disappearance of quiet when the

    learner have some purpose to fill the time off. The learner wants to read just for

    spending the time. For example: reading magazine or a news paper when the learner

    waiting friends or doesnt have activity except reading a book.

    In teaching and learning process, reading is very important for achieving

    success for teachers and students. The students will have more positive activities if

    they use part of their time to read English book continually, they can plan how long

    they need to read an English book. Then the teachers will have an important part of

    their job. Many of them want to be able to read texts in English for achieving their

    careers, for study purposes and others.

    Reading is a good thing for language students. At very least, some of the

    language aspect that in their minds as part of the process of language acquisition and

    it will be more successful if reading text is especially interesting and engaging

    (Harmer, 2001:68).

    Beside that, the students also have their purposes why they read English book

    or others. The purpose of the reader is an important aspect of reading. It is also useful

    for understanding process of entire reading, and the purpose of reading can be found

    (Djiwandono, 2001:76).

    According to Nababan (1993:164) that there are two purposes of reading:

    a. To know the contents of text efficiently.

    b. To get information:

  • Cognitive and intellectual information, this is applied by reader who want to

    add their own knowledge.

    Reference and factual information, it is applied by reader who want to know

    the real facts in the world.

    Effective and emotional information, this is applied by reader who want to

    discover the enjoyment in reading.

    4. Reading Strategies

    There are many strategies of reading. It is applied by many readers. They will

    choose different way to read. According to Johan (2004: 1-10) that there are five

    macro skills of reading:

    a. Deducing the meaning of words from contexts

    Deducing the meaning of words from contexts is reading by looking for

    the attending words and phrase of words. In order to know the functions of words

    and the kinds of the words. So, the meaning of word can be found.

    b. Understanding the form and meaning of non-idiomatic phrases.

    Meaning of Non-idiomatic phrases is the definite meaning. For example:

    Noun phrase, gerund, participial phrases, etc.

    c. Understanding sentence meaning through syntactical structures

    This skill is the application of the grammatical knowledge especially in

    syntax. It is in the word and phrase identification, or the functional sub-clause

    such as subject, verb, object, and complement.

    d. Recognizing and understanding rhetorical structures

  • Understanding rhetorical structures are include the understanding of

    meaning, function of words, phrase, discourse markers, and a certain structure

    that is used by writers to explain their idea. Rhetorical structures can be found in

    the level of sentence, paragraph or inter-sentences, and level of the text entirely.

    e. Critical reading skills

    Understanding the purpose of the writer

    For example: the writer wants to give information, guessing the idea,

    or influence the reader, etc.

    Understanding point of view of the writer

    The writer sees the problem from many points of views such as:

    economic, politic, education, religion, etc.

    Understanding intonation of the writer

    The writers have humor or serious intonation for their written.

    According to Fauziati (2005:141) that to be to read well, learners have to

    detect and select the right clues to form concepts or meaning. There are some

    activities which are done by the readers in order to understand texts-based processing


    a. Recognizing word

    To find the word means by using context clues. Then, figure out the

    unfamiliar word by word analysis that is recognizing the parts of word.

    b. Recognizing Phrases

    In order to enable the reading learners understand the meaning of the word,

    they have to be able to recognize the position of the word in phrases. For that

  • purpose, they should see and understand the characteristics of the phrase and know

    how it is functionally constructed.

    c. Recognizing Structures

    Students learn about the types of sentences: simple, compound, and complex

    sentences. They are also familiar with the classification of sentence into declarative,

    interrogative, and imperative sentences.

    d. Discourse Analysis

    Discourse analysis enables students to get interpretation meanings of ideas

    those carried by reading text. The students need to be familiarized with sentences.

    5. Reading Interest

    Reading interest is a feeling that accompanies or causes special attention to

    reading. The students will read actively if they are interest in reading. Because it can

    make them consider reading activity as a habitual activity for them. Interest is very

    influence for reading activeness. Because of reading for and achievement in reading

    are also dependent upon the students motivational reading, and poor reading or

    reading failure may be caused by lack of interest. To achieve in reading, the students

    must want to learn.

    The students generally come to school wanting to learn to read. However,

    when the students are disabled readers, they almost certainly do not want to read.

    Teachers must know how to get the disabled reader interested in reading and they

    must also be concerned with the type and the readability of reading materials that will

  • encourage extensive and that will raise the students general level of reading interests

    and tastes.

    According to Ortlieb (2010:2) that is imperative that teachers use non-

    traditional texts to engage readers so that students do not become disinterested in the

    reading process. Too many times, students develop a dislike toward reading, which

    can last a lifetime. Beneath layers of frustration and previous failures, there lies an

    urge to read within every student. Often, students love to read other types of printed

    text such as magazines and newspapers while they would not even consider reading a


    According to Ortlieb (2010:5) interests are positive attitudes of attraction

    toward objects or events. They are learned responses which predispose the organism

    to certain lines of activity and which facilitate attention. Interest is the set of

    attending, the tendency to give selective attention to something. Interests arise

    through the interaction of basic needs and the means used to satisfy them. The child

    who is interested in reading is usually the child for whom reading satisfies the basic

    needs of personal adequacy or self-esteem, esteem of others, curiosity, or success.

    B. Vocabulary

    1. Definition of Vocabulary

    Vocabulary is one of the elements of language learning. Vocabulary is one of

    the most obvious components of language and one of the first things applied linguists

    turned their attention to (Richard, 2001:4). Vocabulary is one of the most important

  • parts of language. Without vocabulary, a language will not be formed. Any language

    in this world has vocabulary which is different from one and other, either in the way

    of pronunciation or writing, thought the purpose of giving the meaning is the same to

    express the existence of something either an abstract or concrete thing.

    The existence of vocabulary has an important role in any language event.

    Accordingly, its necessary to know the meaning or definition of vocabulary.

    Vocabulary is a powerful carrier of meaning. Beginners often manage to

    communicate in English by using the accumulative effect of individual words. A

    learner, recognizing the communicative power of vocabulary, might reasonably aim

    to acquire a working knowledge of a large number of words. The long lists of words

    and their translations in our exercise books somehow always seem to defy memory,

    and even when we can recall the word we want, it doesnt always seem to fit

    comfortably into our own sentences (Scrivener Jim, 1994: 73).

    However, a new vocabulary item may be more than a single word, for

    example : public- car, father in law, etc. which are constructed of more than one word

    but expressing one single meaning unit. In learning vocabulary, it is important for

    students to understand the meaning of the new language. People talk in order to

    express the meaning of their thoughts, and they listen in order to discover the

    meaning of what other say. Without meaning there would be no real point in

    language. Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that vocabulary is the

    total number of words, written or spoken that has certain meanings from a certain

    group of people.

  • 2. Mastery on Vocabulary

    Every language has vocabulary and the mastery on vocabulary plays a very

    significant part in learning new language. We can not master a language well unless

    we have a good mastery on vocabulary we are learning. In learning a foreign

    language is basically a matter of learning the vocabulary of language. The English

    language has a vocabulary of half a million words. The mastery on vocabulary is the

    vital aspect in learning language. As Burton and Humpries (1992:65) said that, your

    vocabulary is the range of words that you can use. The larger it is, the better will be

    your performance in all aspects of English language work. A large vocabulary helps

    you to express your ideas precisely, vividly, and without repeating yourself in

    composition. Therefore, vocabulary has an important role because it is the basic

    instrument of language.

    3. Classes of Vocabulary

    According to Victoria Fromkin (1999:64), there are two classes of words,


    a. Lexical content words

    In English, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs make up the largest part

    of the vocabulary. They are the content words of language, which are sometimes

    called the open class of lexical items because we can and regularly do add new

    words to them. Modem, for example, was added to the classes or nouns as a result

    of developments in personal computing.

    b. Function words

  • Conjunction such as and and or, preposition such as in or of, the articles

    the and a/an, part of the class of determiners, and pronouns have been referred to

    as closed class words that is called grammatical or function words. It is not easy

    to think of new conjunction or preposition or pronouns that have recently entered

    the language.

    According to Brown (1995:372) that have been analyzing to more than

    100 ESL students, that resulted in a very clear model where the strategies fall into

    five essential steps :

    Encountering new words

    The first essential step for vocabulary learning is encountering new

    words, that is having a source for words. The students strategies here

    included learning new words by reading books, listening to TV and radio

    or reading newspapers and magazines. As far as incidental learning of

    vocabulary goes, this step is obviously the most vital.

    Getting the word from

    The second essential step to vocabulary learning is getting the

    word form. This step was shown in comments such as associating new

    words with words that have similar sound in native language, in example :

    o Demonstration (English) Demonstrasi (Indonesian)

    o Production (English) Produksi (Indonesian)

    o Performance (English) Performa (Indonesian)

    Getting the word meaning

  • The third essential step in vocabulary learning is getting the word

    meaning. In this step learners often get close to the meaning of the English

    word based on the context. In example, upon, as used in the test sentence

    does relate to time, but it does not mean since, after, once or by. Usually

    learners guessing the words meaning from the situation, discourse, and


    Consolidating word form and meaning in memory

    The fourth necessary step revealed by Brown and Paynes analysis

    is the consolidation of form and meaning in memory. This step may be

    become the hardest step for the learners, but this difficulty can solve with,

    using flashcards, covering one side of the aired lists (words and their

    meanings) and trying to guess the other, drawing lines between words in

    one list and their meaning in another list with a different order. Although

    this method may not be as curtaining as others, there are sufficient persons

    who have learned languages in this way.

    Using the word

    The final step in vocabulary learning is using the word. Some

    would argue that this step is not necessary if all that is desired is a

    receptive knowledge of the word. However, if the goal is to help learners

    move as far along the continuum of word knowledge as they can, word use

    is essential.

    Based on explanation above, the writer concludes that learning

    vocabulary of a language needs more practices and patients. The learner

  • can not learn it from one source only. They should try many ways that can

    help them in enlarge their vocabulary and the last, learner can not master

    many vocabularies of a language in a short time.

    4. Aspect of Learning Vocabulary

    In learning vocabulary to get the appropriate meaning of the words of

    sentences, the thing that must be considered is sense relation. It is important to

    distinguish the meaning of individual item of what they mean in the real word, their

    meaning in relation to other words within the vocabulary system of the language

    Mccharty (1990:14). Beside that there are many important aspects in learning

    vocabulary. They are :

    a. Synonym

    Synonym means that two or more words have the same meaning Mccharty

    (1990:16). Many words in English appear very close in the meaning to each other.

    For example :

    Short = small

    Good = better

    Finish = end

    Toilet = lavatory

    b. Antonym

    Antonym means that the word that is opposite in meaning to the other

    Mcharty (1990:17). For example :

    Large >< small

  • Close >< open

    Difficult >< easy

    Little >< big

    c. Homonym

    Homonym is word spelt and pronounced like another word but with a

    different meaning, for example :

    Beach - bitch

    Head - hat

    See - sea

    Peace - piece

    Our - hour

    d. Idioms

    Idiom is group of words with a meaning that is different from the meaning

    of all the individual words. For example :

    At last (finally)

    Called up (telephone)

    Get on (entire)

    Talk over (discussion)

    e. Quantifiers

    Victoria Neufeldt (1991:1099) defines quantifiers is logic word, term,

    prefix, symbol, etc. that quantifies. Examples:

    Someone anyone everyone no one none

    Somebody anybody everybody no body

  • Something anything nothing

    From the explanation above, the writer concludes that in general,

    vocabulary can be classified into some parts covering all words in language. After

    knowing some points of vocabulary, it is clear that the students should have a

    great skill on vocabulary. Not only mastery in a rich vocabulary but also

    recognize and understand about the words and words meaning adequately.

    5. Influence of Reading Interest to Vocabulary Mastery

    Reading has been the skill most emphasized in traditional Foreign Language

    (FL) teaching, and even today is the mainstay of English as Foreign Language (EFL)

    instruction in many countries (Risdianto, 2012:35). Reading interest has a significant

    correlation with the advance of country. Especially for English language study,

    reading interest is very useful for students. By reading as a habitual activity, they will

    use their time to do positive activity. It is believed that they will get information little

    by little.

    Reading texts also provides opportunities to study language, vocabulary,

    grammar, punctuation, and the way that construct sentence, paragraphs, and texts.

    Finally, good reading texts can introduce interesting topics, stimulate discussion, and

    excite imaginative responses (Harmer, 2001:68).

    Therefore, the writer can assume that reading interest can influence the other

    aspects of language study especially vocabulary mastery. Thus, in this research the

    students can improve their vocabulary mastery by reading English text or other.



    A. Research Methodology

    1. Type of the Research

    This is a correlation research. A correlation research is a detection of the

    correlation between one variable and others based on the available correlation

    coefficient (Suryabrata, 2009:82).

  • 2. Approach

    In this research the writer applies a quantitative approach. Quantitative is a

    process of getting knowledge by using a number of data as instruments to explain the

    subject (Margono, 2005:105).

    3. Setting of the Research

    The research conducted at English Department of STAIN Salatiga, located on

    Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 2. It is one of principle Islamic University in Salatiga and it

    has one of good Islamic English education in the right environment to improve the

    English subject. The students who want to study there should have good achievement

    in their Senior high school.

    4. Object of the Research

    a. Population

    According to Suharsimi Arikunto (2010:173) Population is all research

    objects. The research is a population research. When there are someone wants to

    make research all elements in the research area, the study or research is also being the

    population study or census study.

    The population took as source of this research was all the fourth semester

    students of the English Department of STAIN Salatiga on academic year 2012/2013.

    The total numbers of this population were 134 students. The detail data of population

    as follows:

    Table 3.1

  • The number of the fourth semester students of English Department of STAIN Salatiga

    on the academic year 2012/2013

    No. Class Male Female Total

    1 TBI A 8 20 28

    2 TBI B 10 17 27

    3 TBI C 9 15 24

    4 TBI D 8 22 30

    5 TBI E 10 15 25

    Total 45 89 134

    Resource: Academic Stain Salatiga

    b. Sample

    Sample is a part of the population which is investigated (Arikunto, 2006:

    131). The writer used the method of population research, if the research subject

    less than 100 is better to take all of it. Thus, it is regarded as a population

    research. If the research subject more than 100, the researcher can takes 10-15%

    or 20-25% from the population (Arikunto, 2006:134). Because of the population

    of this research are more than 100, so the writer takes 20% of the population to

    represent total of 27 students. The random sampling chosen because the writer

    took sampling with mixing the subject of population research and all subjects

    were having the same characteristic. Thereby, the researcher gave equal right to

    choose the subjects of study as the sample.

    5. Technique of Collecting Data

    This research used a question and a test as instrument. In this case, the writer

    gave the reading interest question and vocabulary test to get the data or information

  • about the students interest in reading and their vocabulary mastery. The techniques

    for collecting the data the writer has used two techniques, they are:

    a. Questionnaire

    Questionnaire is commonly used as a research method chosen to collect

    the data. According Arikunto questionnaire is the number of written questions that

    used to acquire information from respondents (Arikunto, 2006: 151).

    Questionnaire in this research was question or statement about students reading

    interest that given to the students to find out information about how far their

    reading interest. The writer chose columns of scale as an indication for strongly

    agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. The questionnaire consists of 20

    items of statements.

    This is the dependent variable. The students interest in reading English

    indicated by the following 7 indicator :

    Table 3.2

    Indicator of Questionnaire

    NO Indikator 1 : Many experiences in reading

    1 Saya suka membaca materi kuliah bahasa inggris dari internet, buku, majalah dan Koran.

    2 Saya selalu membaca materi kuliah sebelum perkuliahan.

    Indikator 2 : Habitually in reading

    3 Saya selalu mempersiapkan materi kuliah bahasa inggris secara mandiri atau berkelompok.

    4 Saya selalu meluangkan waktu saya dengan membaca teks berbahasa inggris seperti buku,

    novel, dan Koran.

    5 Saya selalu memanfaatkan lirik lagu, movie/film untuk menambah vocab/kosa-kata saya.

    Indikator 3 : Reading Hobbies

    6 Saya suka membaca teks-teks bahasa inggris yang berkaitan dengan mata kuliah saya.

  • 7 Saya sering membeli buku, novel, dan Koran berbahasa inggris di toko buku.

    8 Hobi membaca buku-buku berbahasa inggris sangat menyenangkan dan tidak ketinggalan


    Indikator 4 : To know something / to get information

    9 Saya selalu mencatat dan mengingat kata-kata bahasa inggris yang sulit kemudian untuk

    dicari artinya.

    10 Ketika ada teks berbahasa inggris yang sulit dipahami, saya selalu mendiskusikannya dengan

    teman dan dosen.

    11 Saya sering mencari dan membaca buku-buku berbahasa inggris di perpustakaan dan online

    resources di internet untuk membuat tugas yang diberikan dosen.

    Indikator 5 : Pursuit achievement

    12 Saya membaca banyak resources books seperti teks narrative, descriptive, genre dll, untuk

    membuat teks yang baik.

    13 Saya selalu menyisihkan uang saku untuk membeli buku mata kuliah bahasa inggris,

    makalah atau presentasi.

    14 Saya selalu mempersiapkan, membaca dan mengerjakan tugas presentasi bahasa inggris.

    Indikator 6 : Satisfaction in reading

    15 Saya berlangganan novel, majalah dan Koran berbahasa inggris untuk menambah kosa-kata


    16 Kegiatan membaca teks narrative, descriptive, genre dll membuat motivasi belajar saya terus


    17 Kegemaran mendengarkan lirik lagu dan film berbahasa inggris menambah kosa-kata saya.

    Indikator 7 : Support and motivation

    18 Orang tua saya selalu menyuruh untuk selalu rajin membaca teks berbahasa inggris setiap


    19 Tugas dari dosen memotivasi saya untuk membaca pembuatan teks/genre melalui tugas


    20 Fasilitas hotspot area mendukung saya dalam proses membaca yang lebih baik.

    b. Test

  • Test is a stimulus instrument which is given to a person, which the

    purpose to get the answer which is used to decide a score number (Margono,

    2004:170). Testing provides a form of feedback, both learners and teachers.

    Moreover, testing has a useful backwash effect: if learners know they are going to

    be tested on their vocabulary learning, they are may take vocabulary learning

    more seriously (Thornbury, 2002:129). This method was to know the score of

    students vocabulary mastery. The writer used single test double trial technique,

    with this technique the writer only used one test but doing as many twice try out.

    The test that given to the students divided into ten variables, that was

    objective test to know the level of students reading interest and vocabulary

    mastery test in the form developing a topic of subjects. This method was to know

    the score of students vocabulary mastery.

    Based on the vocabulary test there were 10 variables that tested, there

    were 20 numbers depend on the each variables :

    Content words on the test number 2 and 9

    Function words on the test number 1, 11 and 12

    Encountering new words on the test number 13

    Getting the word form on the test number 16 and 18

    Getting the word meaning on the test number 14 and 15

    Consolidating word form and meaning in memory on the test

    number 3

    Using the word on the test number 8 and 10

    Synonym on the test number 19 and 20

  • Antonym on the test number 17

    Deducing meaning from the form on the test number 4, 5, 6 and 7

    6. Technique of Data Analysis

    To calculate the data obtained, the writer used the data as follows:

    1. To calculate the score of reading interest, the writer applied the following


    P : Percentage

    X : The sum of reading interest score

    N : Number of the samples

    2. To calculate the score of vocabulary mastery, the writer applied the following


    P : Percentage

    X : The sum of reading interest score

    N : Number of the samples

    P = X x 100%

    N x 100

    P = Y x 100%

    N x 100

  • 3. To calculate the correlation between reading interest and vocabulary mastery,

    the writer applied correlation formula:

    r : Product moment correlation coefficient of variable X and Y

    XY : The sum of the product multiplying of vocabulary test scores and

    the questioners scores

    X : The sum of the reading interest scores

    Y : The sum of vocabulary mastery scores

    (X) : The sum of reading interest square

    (Y) : The sum of vocabulary mastery square

    N : The total number of samples

    B. History and General Situation of STAIN Salatiga

    Since established until now, STAIN Salatiga has passed the long history, and

    many time institutional changes. In the beginning STAIN Salatiga established because of

    the desire of islamic society in Salatiga to have islamic studies institute. Finally the hope

    of islamic society in Salatiga had been answered. In 1997, STAIN Salatiga established,

    with notarical document of Indonesian President Number 11/ 1997, exactly on March 21.

    With this decision, STAIN Salatiga become an independent institution under supervisor

    of Indonesian Religion Department. Therefore STAIN Salatiga has same position and

    function with other institution or university. The location of STAIN Salatiga is on

    Tentara Pelajar street number 2 Salatiga.

    r = NXY (X)(Y)

    {NX - (X)} {NY - (Y)}

  • C. Teaching Staff

    In teaching learning process, teachers have important roles. Their existence is

    always needed in every school or education institution. They gave material of subjects.

    There were data of STAIN Salatiga about the teachers or lecturers :

    Table 3.3

    The number of Lecturers Staff of STAIN Salatiga on the academic year 2012/2013

    No. Education degree Male Female Total

    1 S 3 15 0 15

    2 S 2 63 26 89

    3 S 1 3 5 8

    Total 82 30 112

    Resource: Academic Stain Salatiga

    D. Official Staff

    To manage the educational activities, every institution needs official staff. It is

    expected that every activity can be performed effectively and efficiently, so that the goal

    of teaching can be achieved. The official staffs are hoped that the duties which are given

    to them can be done well, so the official can help the educational activities. There are the

    data about the official staff of STAIN Salatiga:

  • Table 3.4

    The number of Official Staff of STAIN Salatiga on the academic year 2012/2013

    No. Education Degree Male Female Total

    1 S 2 4 2 6

    2 S 1 23 16 39

    3 SMA 6 2 8

    Total 33 20 53

    Resource: Academic Stain Salatiga

    E. Facilities of STAIN Salatiga

    To develop the quality of education, teaching learning process equipment and

    facilities have the main role in the educational process. The institution must try to fulfill

    them. Therefore, the teaching learning process can be successful. Especially in English

    department, they have language laboratory to conduct teaching learning process. The

    students do not always go to the laboratory, they can go to the classroom for studying

    English. There are students chairs, a table, and a chair for lecturer, a white board and

    electric lamp.

    Other facilities are the library and internet. The library is one of major supporting

    facility to fulfill scientific information needed by the students. Meanwhile, the library

    could become an assessment of quality in the institution.



  • In this study the writer analyzed data collected from twenty seven students of the

    fourth semester of English Department students of STAIN Salatiga in academic year of

    2012/2013. Analyzing the data included calculating and interpretation of the research

    finding. Interpretation of research finding needed a research finding. Interpreting of the

    research needs a research hypothesis. Therefore, the writer tried to review the hypothesis


    A. Hypothesis

    Hypothesis is the temporary answer in a research until the end of a research

    (Arikunto, 2010: 110). In this research, the writer found out the correlation of students

    reading interest toward their vocabulary mastery. There were two variables that analyzed

    in this graduating paper, namely:

    1. Independent variable ( X ) is students reading interest.

    2. Dependent variable ( Y ) is students vocabulary mastery.

    Based on the description above, the researcher has two hypothesis as follow:

    1. Ho ( statistical / null hypothesis): there is no correlation between students reading

    interest toward their vocabulary mastery.

    2. Ha ( calculative hypothesis): there is correlation between students reading interest

    toward their vocabulary mastery.

    B. Testing Validity and Reliability of the Questionnaire of Pilot Study

    1. Validity

  • Validity is the something measure to show the precise and reasonable an

    instrument. A validity instrument has high validity value. On the contrary, if validity

    instrument minus it shows that low validity (Arikunto, 2006: 168). In this step, the writer

    gave the questionnaire to 27 respondents (they are not the samples of the study) to

    analyze the validities using validity external with deviation price to find out the

    significance of the variable, with r table (n= 27, {1% = 0.505 } {5% = 0,396 }. The

    example to established testing validity (the questionnaire calculation for number 1, for

    number 2 20 calculation using the Microsoft excel program. The other result can be

    seen on the questionnaire validity table).

    Where : n = 27

  • rcalculation = 0,6513

    rtabel= 0,396 (5%)

    0,505 (1%)

    Thus, because of r-calculation r-table, so the questionnaire number 1


    2. Reliability

    Table 4.1

    Reliability Calculation





    (Y) X2 Y2 XY

    1 42 41 1764 1681 1722

    2 22 18 484 324 396

    3 38 31 1444 961 1178

    4 33 30 1089 900 990

    5 33 33 1089 1089 1089

    6 28 28 784 784 784

    7 32 31 1024 961 992

    8 34 30 1156 900 1020

    9 34 37 1156 1369 1258

    10 28 32 784 1024 896

    11 26 30 676 900 780

    12 46 43 2116 1849 1978

    13 23 24 529 576 552

    14 28 27 784 729 756

    15 41 36 1681 1296 1476

    16 29 27 841 729 783

    17 36 34 1296 1156 1224

    18 20 18 400 324 360

    19 33 36 1089 1296 1188

  • 20 21 22 441 484 462

    21 36 33 1296 1089 1188

    22 35 30 1225 900 1050

    23 34 37 1156 1369 1258

    24 32 32 1024 1024 1024

    25 37 32 1369 1024 1184

    26 36 34 1296 1156 1224

    27 28 27 784 729 756

    SUM 801 772 26697 24738 25588

    where: n = 27

    r = 27 x 25588 (2086) (2260)

    {(27 x 26697 (801)2} {27 x 24738 (772)2}

    The next calculation value r11 with Spearman-Brown formula :

  • Compare with rtabel value (5% 0,396 dan 1% 0,505) R11>rtabel , so the questionnaire is reliable.

    From the result above, the writer saw that the questionnaire has score reliability 0,939.

    Thus, because of r-calculation r-table, so the questionnaire that is used by writer can be

    believed. On the strength of validity and reliability on the table 4.1 and 4.2 can be concluded that

    the instruments can be accepted.

    C. Students Reading Interest

    The purpose of this graduating paper was to discuss the correlation between students

    reading interest and students vocabulary mastery. The students should be read English text

    or book in order to improve their vocabulary mastery. Reading interest in this research is the

    level of reading interest habit. Those habits is reading English story book, magazine, text

    narrative, descriptive, genre, etc. That be done by the fourth semester of English Department

    students of STAIN Salatiga in academic year of 2012/2013.

    The writer was able to give information about students reading interest score of the

    fourth semester of English Department students of STAIN Salatiga in academic year of

    2012/2013. To know the percentage of students reading interest score, the writer showed the

    questionnaire calculation (Table 4.2).

  • Table 4.2

    The Questionnaire Calculation




    TOTAL X (10/8) 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

    1. 0 0 5 7 8 0 0 15 21 40 76 95

    2. 4 12 4 0 0 4 24 12 0 0 40 50

    3. 0 3 8 6 3 0 6 24 24 15 69 86.25

    4. 0 2 13 5 0 0 4 39 20 0 63 78.75

    5. 0 3 9 7 1 0 6 27 28 5 66 82.5

    6. 0 8 8 4 0 0 16 24 16 0 56 70

    7. 0 4 10 5 1 0 8 30 20 5 63 78.75

    8. 0 0 16 4 0 0 0 48 16 0 64 80

    9. 0 2 5 13 0 0 4 15 52 0 71 88.75

    10. 3 2 7 8 0 3 4 21 32 0 60 75

    11. 4 3 7 5 1 4 6 21 20 5 56 70

    12. 1 6 9 2 2 1 12 27 8 10 58 72.5

    13. 0 1 9 10 0 0 2 27 40 0 69 86.25

    14. 5 4 10 1 0 5 8 30 4 0 47 58.75

    15. 1 4 14 1 0 1 8 42 4 0 55 68.75

    16. 0 2 5 7 6 0 4 15 28 30 77 96.25

    17. 0 7 10 3 0 0 14 30 12 0 56 70

    18. 0 1 8 11 0 0 2 24 44 0 70 87.5

    19. 6 10 4 0 0 6 20 12 0 0 38 47.5

    20. 0 3 5 12 0 0 6 15 48 0 69 86.25

    21. 8 7 2 0 3 8 14 6 0 15 43 53.75

    22. 0 3 8 6 3 0 6 24 24 15 69 86.25

    23. 3 5 3 2 7 3 10 9 8 35 65 81.25

    24. 0 2 10 3 5 0 4 30 12 25 71 88.75

    25. 2 1 8 7 2 2 2 24 28 10 66 82.5

    26. 2 2 6 10 0 2 4 18 40 0 64 80

    27. 0 3 8 6 3 0 6 24 24 15 69 86.25


    P = X x 100%

    N x 100

    Where is :

    X : 2087.5

  • N : 27

    P = X x 100%

    N x 100

    P = 2087.5 x 100%

    27 x 100

    P = 2087.5


    P = 77.31%

    From the questionnaire result, it can be known that among 27 students have

    different levels of reading interest score. The highest score is 96.25 and the lowest score

    is 47.5 from total score 100. Thus, the entire percentage of reading interest score of the

    fourth semester of English Department students of STAIN Salatiga in academic year of

    2012/2013 is 77.31%. It means that the students reading interest is good. The result of

    the analysis is first, the students often read English texts such as English story book,

    magazine, text narrative, descriptive, genre, etc. The result of the analysis is first, the

    students often read English texts such as English story book, magazine, text narrative,

    descriptive, genre, etc. They also like watching English movie. Beside that, most of them

    used their time to read English text when have assignment from their teacher and to got a

    good mark.

    D. Students Vocabulary Mastery

    The writer was able to give information about the students vocabulary mastery in

    the fourth semester of English Department students of STAIN Salatiga in academic year

    of 2012/2013 based on the result of vocabulary test.

    Table 4.3

  • Students Vocabulary Test


    1 LA 90

    2 FM 80

    3 IS 95

    4 FWN 85

    5 RI 95

    6 AF 90

    7 MI 75

    8 SS 85

    9 LG 90

    10 SR 85

    11 FF 85

    12 RAF 90

    13 AR 70

    14 DR 70

    15 FQA 70

    16 PRF 90

    17 DSAP 75

    18 MH 95

    19 IL 60

    20 HA 90

    21 AK 90

    22 RH 100

    23 IN 75

    24 IR 100

    25 SA 75

    26 MS 80

    27 NA 75

    SUM 2260

    P = Y x 100%

    N x 100

    Where is :

    Y : 2260

    N : 27

  • P = Y x 100%

    N x 100

    P = 2260 x 100%

    27 x 100

    P = 2260


    P = 83.70%

    The score of students vocabulary mastery of the fourth semester of English

    Department students of STAIN Salatiga is excellent. It is proven by result of vocabulary

    test that highest score is 100 and the lowest score is 60 from total score 100. Therefore

    the entire percentage of vocabulary test score of the fourth semester of English

    Department students of STAIN Salatiga in academic year of 2012/2013 is 83.70%. It

    meant that between the questionnaires result 77.31% and vocabulary tests result were

    came near. The next point, the writer explained the correlation between questionnaires

    result and vocabulary tests result in order to know the detail result of the research.

    E. Correlation between Students Reading Interest and Students Vocabulary Mastery

    In order to find out a good arrangement, the writer applied a statistic formula to

    observe correlation between students reading interest and students vocabulary mastery.

    The analyzed of the correlation for both variables as follow:

    The correlation formula is as follow:

    TABLE 4.4

    r = nXY (X)(Y)

    {nX - (X)} {nY - (Y)}




    1 LA 95 90 9025 8100 8550

    2 FM 50 80 2500 6400 4000

    3 IS 86 95 7396 9025 8170

    4 FWN 79 85 6241 7225 6715

    5 RI 82 95 6724 9025 7790

    6 AF 70 90 4900 8100 6300

    7 MI 79 75 6241 5625 5925

    8 SS 80 85 6400 7225 6800

    9 LG 89 90 7921 8100 8010

    10 SR 75 85 5625 7225 6375

    11 FF 70 85 4900 7225 5950

    12 RAF 72 90 5184 8100 6480

    13 AR 87 70 7569 4900 6090

    14 DR 59 70 3481 4900 4130

    15 FQA 69 70 4761 4900 4830

    16 PRF 96 90 9216 8100 8640

    17 DSAP 70 75 4900 5625 5250

    18 MH 87 95 7569 9025 8265

    19 IL 47 60 2209 3600 2820

    20 HA 86 90 7396 8100 7740

    21 AK 54 90 2916 8100 4860

    22 RH 86 100 7396 10000 8600

    23 IN 81 75 6561 5625 6075

    24 IR 89 100 7921 10000 8900

    25 SA 82 75 6724 5625 6150

    26 MS 80 80 6400 6400 6400

    27 NA 86 75 7396 5625 6450

  • SUM 2086 2260 165472 191900 176265

    r = nXY (X)(Y)

    {nX - (X)} {nY - (Y)}

    Where : XY : 176265

    X : 2086

    Y : 2260

    N : 27

    X : 165472

    Y : 191900

    r = nXY (X)(Y)

    {nX - (X)} {nY - (Y)}

    r = (27 x 176265) (2086) (2260)

    {(27 x 165472 (4351396)} {27 x 191900 (5107600)}

    = 4759155 - 4714360

    116348 x 73700

    = 44795


    = 44795


    = 0.483

  • The analysis showed that the r-calculation is 0.483. It meant that there was a positive

    correlation between reading interest and vocabulary mastery. Because the correlation

    between reading interest and vocabulary mastery are significance. To know the significance

    of variable X to variable Y, the r-calculation should be compared with r-table with the

    number of sample (27) students and the level of significance 5%(0.05), which is 0.381. It

    proven that arithmetic calculation is almost same with r-table because of r-calculation is

    0.483 while r-table is 0.381.

    F. Result of Theoretical Analysis

    A students reading interest was based on the level of students reading interest.

    Those interests were reading English story book, magazine, text narrative, descriptive,

    genre, etc.

    The result of reading interest scores is 77.31%. It was a good score. They did

    some efforts to read such as reading English story book, magazine, text narrative,

    descriptive, genre, etc. Furthermore, they prefer to watch English movie. Moreover, to

    get a good score, they read English texts.

    The result of reading vocabulary scores is 83.70%. It was an excellent score. They

    did some efforts to study such as understand the material of encountering new words,

    getting the word form, getting the word meaning, consolidating word form and meaning

    in memory and using the word or the vocabulary material which their lecturer teaches

    because they understand lecturers explanation about vocabulary study.

    The result of correlation between students reading interest and students

    vocabulary mastery scores is 83.70%. There was a positive correlation between reading

  • interest and vocabulary mastery of the fourth semester of English Department students of

    STAIN Salatiga in academic year of 2012/2013. The level of significance 5% (0.05),

    which is 0.381. It proven that r-calculation is almost same with r-table because of r-

    calculation is 0.483 while r-table is 0.381. It meant that there is a significant correlation

    between reading interest and vocabulary mastery.



    This research involved two variables namely students reading interest and students

    vocabulary mastery. There were three points describing students reading interest, students

    vocabulary mastery and to predicted the correlation between students reading interest and

    vocabulary mastery of the Fourth Semester of English Department Students of Salatiga in

    Academic Year of 2012/2013.

    A. Conclusion

    Based on the previous theoretical review and data analysis, the writer drew the

    conclusion of this graduating paper were as follow:

    1. The score of reading interest of the respondents showed a good result because they

    achieved 77.31%.

    2. The score of vocabulary mastery of the respondents showed an excellent result

    because they achieved 83.70%.

    3. There was a positive correlation between reading interest and vocabulary mastery.

    Because the correlation between reading interest and vocabulary mastery are

    significance. It can be described the level of significance 5% (0.05), which is 0.381. It

  • proven that r-calculation is almost same with r-table because r-calculation is 0.483

    while r-table is 0.381.

    B. Suggestion

    Considering the conclusion above and the analysis result, the writer would like to

    propose some suggestions, which hopefully would be useful for teachers, students, and


    1. For the Teacher

    Teacher should have the abilities to motivate the students habit and reading

    by using other sources, not only the text books. Using the new method can be a good

    alternative or variation in their teaching reading are as follows :

    a. To teacher, it is better for them to find other sources of reading material in order

    to avoid the students boredom.

    b. The teacher should be careful in selecting extensive reading materials for their

    students since proper selection will lead them to gain better comprehension.

    2. The Students

    The students have to develop their reading comprehension skill by doing

    much practice. Reading English books can be a suggestion and a help to improve

    their reading skills and motivate them to read in an enjoyable situation are as follows:

    a. The students should read more English books.

    b. The students can choose what kind of reading they like, such as short stories,

    novels, magazine, text narrative, descriptive, genre and other resources to improve

    their skills.

  • c. The students should read English book, such as short stories, novels, magazine,

    text narrative, descriptive, genre because their vocabulary especially the English

    expression could be enriched.

    3. The other Researcher

    The result of this research may be reference to the following research. The

    other researcher can observe the same title of this research with different objectives or



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    Resource: Academic Stain Salatiga