321c4financial Marketing Syllabus


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  • 8/10/2019 321c4financial Marketing Syllabus



    Course Objective:To introduce students to different financial institutions, Markets and the services which are available in


    Course Contents:

    Module I: Money Maret

    Call money market, Treasury bills market, Commercial bills market, Commercial papers and certificates of

    deposits, Discount and Finance House of India, overnment !ecurities Market, "ecent developments.

    Module II: Ca!ital Maret

    Impact of monetary policy, Industrial securities market, #rimary market and !econdary market $ %ature and

    role of financial system & Financial system and markets, 'fficiency and stability, Technolo(y, overnment

    intervention in the financial system.

    Module III: Money" #rices" E$c%an&e Rate and Interest RatesMonetary e)pansion, Interest rates and e)chan(e rates, Monetary e)pansion and prices, "eal and nominal

    values, Inflation and interest rates, Inflation and e)chan(e rates $ The Indian financial system & Introduction,

    The pre *+* period, the post *+* period, 'mer(in( hori-on.

    Module I': Co((ercial )ans

    'volution of modern commercial banks, 'volution of bank assets, iabilities and activities, /ankin(

    structure, Matchin( revenues and costs, Capital ade0uacy$ 1ccountin( policies and related matters, Directinvestments, and credit pro(rammes $ Central bankin( and monetary policy & Central bankin( functions,

    Money creation, process and control, Monetary policy.

    Module ': Non* )anin& Finance Co(!anies +N)FC,

    'volution and present status, Insurance Companies& 'conomics of insurance, The insurance industry and

    its re(ulation$ IC, IC$ Development Finance Institutions 2DFI3s4 & Concept, "ole of DFIs, !ources of

    funds, DFIs in India, 5han Committee "eport, 6niversal bankin( , "ecent trends.

    Module 'I: Merc%ant )anin&

    Merchant bankin(& Meanin(, !cope, Functions, Mana(ement of new issues, Indian e)perience, !'/I

    (uidelines, Future of merchant bankin( in India.

    Module 'II: Mutual Funds

    Mutual funds& Meanin(, Types, Functions, 1dvanta(es$ #rivate and #ublic !ector Mutual Funds$

    #erformance and (rowth of mutual funds in India$ !'/I (uidelines.

    Module 'III: Leasin&

    The concept, Merits and demerits, Types, The Indian leasin( scenario, ease evaluation, ease accountin(.

    Module I-: .ire #urc%aseMeanin($ 7ames "a8 Committee recommendation, "/I (uidelines, Hire purchase and transport industry,

    ease v.Hire purchase$ #roblems and prospects of hire purchase in India.

    Module -: Factorin&

    Concept, !i(nificance, Types, Factorin( mechanism, Factorin( v. leasin(, Factorin( in India and abroad,

    Forfeitures, 5alyanasundaram Committee "ecommendations$ Credit card& Concept, Types, 1dvanta(es and

    disadvanta(es$ Credit ratin( & Mechanism, "ole of C"I!I and IC"1.

  • 8/10/2019 321c4financial Marketing Syllabus


    Evaluation /c%e(e:

    Co(!onent Codes #0/0' CT C EE

    1ei&%ta&e +2, *9 *9 :9

    Note :3 (ars 4or Attendance5

    Te$t 6 Re4erences: ordon and %atara8an, Financial Markets and !ervices, Himalaya #ublishin( House.

    5han, M.;, Financial !ervices, Tata Mcraw Hill.

    7eff Madura, Financial Markets and Institutions, !outhasant Desai, The Indian Financial !ystem, Himalaya #ublishin( House.

    /hole .M, Financial Institutions and Markets, Tata Mcraw Hill.

  • 8/10/2019 321c4financial Marketing Syllabus

