2017 WHRMA Board Meeting Minutes · 2019-04-08 · Swatz, Jacqui Buford, Iris Rodriguez, Michele...


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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Attendees: Elizabeth Rossi, Ann Henning, Victoria Rowe, Daniela Harrychan, Greg Chartier, Sue Zankel, Lena Bodin, Jessica Arnemann, Jacqueline Buford, Steve Felsenfeld, Michele Green, Daniela Harrychan, Anthony Iraola, Allison Madison, Valerie Swatz, Rich Greenwald via telephone.

Minutes of previous Board Meeting: Accepted as presented via prior email. OFFICERS' REPORTS:

President's Welcome and Report: Elizabeth greeted everyone and all present introduced themselves around the table. Special welcome to the new board members. Treasurer's Report: (attached) Nothing special to report but Greg presented an important issue for the board to consider and discuss. The chapter was incorporated in 1951. We are not-for-profit, but we're not tax-exempt. We're eligible for tax exemption under tax code 501-C6 as a "business league" (under common interest). Two years ago Greg was told by NYS that our TIN is invalid. There are concerns related to AMEX business complications – we'd have to pay 28% taxes on our intake. This then goes to having to file old returns. --- We should file for tax exempt status. In the future it seems that we will have to file tax returns. Some costs identified: $800 cost of application fee for IRS tax exempt status. $3,000 for attorney's fees for doing all the work surrounding this issue. If we agree to have an audit done, that would be a separate cost. Some results: The board voted "Yes" to have a tax return prepared and to obtain "Tax Exempt" status. Greg will look into prices for D&O insurance. COMMITTEE REPORTS:

Certification: No report.

College Relations: Ann reported that there are a variety of SHRM events every year such as student conferences, competitions, opportunities for mentorships, etc. Ann, will be judging a competition again this year. Lots of great talent among the student participants. The board discussed trying resurrect a student chapter; there have been several in the past. Communication: Allison has been working on some technical enhancements to our website along with better Pay Pal capabilities. Discussed was the desire to have each chair contribute to a WHRMA blog during the course of the year. Diversity: Jacquie introduced Michele Green as Diversity Co-Chair. June is the target month for a Diversity themed meeting.

Hospitality: Reminded all that we are alternating monthly meetings between P.V.C.C. and Sam's of Gedney Way in White Plains. March and May dates at P.V.C.C. will occupy the later afternoon time slots in order to accommodate members whose schedules don't work for breakfast meetings. HR Job Bank/Networking: No report. July is still slated for a full networking event; the venue is TBD. Legislative: Nothing specific to report. We will see what the new year brings in terms of many issues that could impact HR. Marketing: Steve asked if there was a budget for marketing activities. The answer was/is no, but to figure out what he might like to do and the board will discuss. We've always been flexible and open to reasonable ideas. Membership: Rich and Valerie were scheduled to get together the following day to make some plans for 2017. It appears that there are 200+ members on our website roster. Rich thought that the actual number is closer to 160 but SHRM says around 190, and that count will reflect in the "100%" chapter rebate. Programs: Grant and Nicole forwarded a schedule for 2017 monthly programs and dates. Several dates were slightly off – Elizabeth was contacting Grant with the corrections: Feb. 15th, Apr. 19th, June 21st, Sept. 19th, Oct. 18th, Nov. 14th.

SHRM Foundation: No report. Social Media: Jessica has reached out to the Chicago chapter (who had received a big award last year) to pick their brains on some of their initiatives. She has lots of ideas and is very excited about contributing to the board and the chapter! Some immediate thoughts were to be able to tie into all the areas of board responsibilities and promote to the membership. Website: See comments in Communications section.

Workforce Readiness: Daniela and Iris are working on a number of ideas. Young Professionals: Anthony discussed with the board how excited he is to be working on the board. He has a number of ideas including creating informal events after working hours to introduce area young professionals in, or interested in, the HR profession. Discussed was how many of the committees can work together on such efforts. MISC. DISCUSSION: By-Laws data to Greg for any last minutes changes so that they can finally go off to SHRM. Meeting adjourned 4:55PM.

WHRMA Board Meeting Minutes

February 9, 2017

Attendees: Elizabeth Rossi, Nicole Eissa, Vicki Rowe, Grant Schneider, Maria Siano, Valerie Swatz, Jacqui Buford, Iris Rodriguez, Michele Green, Steve Felsenfeld, Crystal Jamison, Allison Madison, Jessica Arnemann, Lena Bodin Due to weather, the meeting was held via conference call. Elizabeth Rossi called the meeting to order and asked if there were any changes to the minutes. As there were none, the minutes were approved. Elizabeth provided feedback from the NYS SHRM Council Meeting that happened in January. A few of the highlights were:

• NYS Leadership Conference to be held on April 29th in Rochester. Any board member interested

in attending should let Elizabeth know so that the budget can be approved for travel.

• There are 7,943 at large members in NYS as of October 31, 2016. There is an overall goal of

SHRM for a membership acquisition and retention of 5%.

• The VLRC has a printing portal that can help chapters create information for potential members.

• SHRM annual conference in New Orleans – volunteer discounted rate good til February 3.

• Volunteer Leadership Summit in DC November 16 – 18. Daniela Harrychan to attend as

President Elect.

• Case Competitions (Student games) in Philadelphia, April 21 and 22.

• Will be reaching out to John Biagyi regarding applying for non-exempt status.

Elizabeth also reported that the SHAPE report was submitted on time. She will be sharing the materials with the appropriate areas to apply for an Excel award. There was no Treasurer’s Report for this meeting. Website/Communications: Allison Madison initiated a gmail account discussion. The gmail account is a general mailbox attached to our website, which was set up on the recommendation of SHRM who hosts our website. The goal is to be transparent, and not have mail, information, etc. subject to one individual person. Therefore the site has not been set up to send individual emails to the area chair/co-chair. Elizabeth responded that she was in agreement and that she would oversee the gmail account, setting up appropriate folders, for folks to review information. Emails would be sent to those individuals who had “mail” to check. Both Elizabeth Rossi and Daniela Harrychan will oversee the gmail to ensure responses are made as appropriate and the items are filed appropriately. Allison cannot do much more to the site until we figure out how to create different PayPal “buttons”. Greg Chartier was to research. Diversity: Jacqui reported that there was a topic set for June and that Michele Green would actually be the presenter. More details to follow.

Hospitality: 12 people registered thus far for February program. Networking: Maria feported that Whitby Castle in Rye was being considered for the July event. Smaller, more casual events will be schedule for each quarter. The first is March 9th (different date than originally reported at meeting). Legislative: Lena reported that SHRM national is promoting the Women’s March on March 8th. After some discussion it was agreed that WHRMA should not take any political stance on such issues. Membership: Valerie reported that she has met with Rich and is working on getting up to speed. There are 4 pending new members that she will learn what needs to be done to accept them. Programs: Grant reported that programs are set up and confirmed through June. Program chairs are coordinating with Deb for recertification credits. Program topics are following the survey feedback. Grant will be meeting with Jackson Lewis to discuss a Mock trial – feeling is that we may need to partner with another chapter or the Business Council. Social Media: Jessica reported that she is putting a scheduled together for twitter feeds. She will also be working on her blog – which she will share with Elizabeth and Steve Felsenfeld for feedback. Workforce Readiness: Iris reported that she is scheduling the LPN program again at BOCES – focus will be resume building and interviewing skills. She is also working with the Department of Veteran Affairs, the Westchester/Putnam workforce Board Youth Summit, and local high schools. Meeting was adjourned at 4:15pm.


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Attendees: Elizabeth Rossi, Ann Henning – via phone, Victoria Rowe, Daniela Harrychan, Greg Chartier – via phone, Sue Zankel, Lena Bodin, Jessica Arnemann, Jacqueline Buford, Steve Felsenfeld, Michele Green, Daniela Harrychan, Anthony Iraola, Allison Madison, Valerie Swatz, Rich Greenwald – via phone, Crystal Jamison, Iris Rodriguez, Grant Schneider, Edwin Bowman – via phone, Michele Green, Debbie Callaghan – via phone.

Minutes of previous Board Meeting: Accepted as presented via prior email. OFFICERS' REPORTS:

President's Welcome and Report: Elizabeth greeted everyone and commenced the meeting at 3:35. The chapter's membership fee was clarified to be $55.00. Elizabeth announced the Member Appreciation event to be held Thursday, March 30th from 5:30 – 7:30 in Rye. Treasurer's Report: Much discussion on our lack of filing taxes, problems with tax I.D. Greg recommended L. William Fistman, Attorney, to handle. $3K retainer; $375 p/hr. breakdown. Grant shared some information with those assembled on tax exempt vs. non-tax exempt classifications. A suggestion was made to investigate a pro-bono partnership as a possibility to handle our tax filing situation. To be investigated. Greg discussed the chapter by-laws and the need to get them into SHRM. (Greg's reports are attached.) COMMITTEE REPORTS:

Certification: Debbie spoke about the forms from SHRM she presented: SHRM Body of Competency & Knowledge" and "Speaker Information Form" (copy attached): re: qualifications of speakers to be "Recertification Providers".

College Relations: Ann is attending a webinar at Pace to prepare for her stint as a judge at the student games in Philadelphia. Communication: Allison sent a blast sample to advertise the next meeting and the networking event. – We need folks to register for Member Appreciation event in order to get a head count. Diversity: Jacquie and Michele are working on the June program. Details to follow. Hospitality: Nothing out of the ordinary to report. (As it turned out, the meeting had to be cancelled due to the snow storm.)

HR Job Bank/Networking: Member Appreciation Event to be held March 30th from 5:30 to 7:30PM. July event to be announced. Legislative: NYS has its own minimum wage; the federal threshold was eliminated in accordance with recent events. See Lena's email from March 9th discussing NYS Paid Family

Leave Law - effective January 1, 2018. Marketing: Steve reported that he was due to be on a moot court panel the following Saturday – topic-Women in Law Firms. Membership: Approved 6 – 7 new members recently. Membership is at 200 presently. April is membership renewal month for WHRMA. Discussed ways to identify new members at monthly meetings to properly welcome them. Also, an onboarding/welcome packet? Programs: We were on track for the following week's program--prior to the snow storm.

SHRM Foundation: No report. Social Media: Jessica presented brochures she developed to draw interest to our chapter. Nice job Jessica! Website: See remarks in Communications.

Workforce Readiness: Business Council of Westchester's Youth Summit scheduled for April 11th. Iris is working on this and soliciting WHRMA members to volunteer to participate. Young Professionals: Discussed efforts to encourage attendance at meetings and gain new members. Anthony mentioned some ideas, including the possibility of a bowling event. Perhaps an event in August – perhaps a before you go back to school night? Crystal discussed trying to reach out to various institutions to establish a student chapter. Elizabeth will have Maria get in touch with Anthony and Crystal to work on some ideas. Meeting adjourned 5:11PM.


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Attendees: Elizabeth Rossi, Victoria Rowe, Lena Bodin, Jessica Arnemann, Steve Felsenfeld, Michele Green – via phone, Nicole Eissa, Valerie Swatz – via phone, Crystal Jamison, Debbie Callaghan.

Minutes of previous Board Meeting: Accepted as presented via prior email. OFFICERS' REPORTS:

President's Welcome and Report: Elizabeth greeted everyone and commenced the meeting at 3:34pm. Elizabeth shared that five (5) WHRMA Board Members will be attending the Leadership Conference in mid-April, nice representation for our chapter: Iris Rodrigues, Jacqueline Buford, Elizabeth Rossi, Crystal Jamison and Daniela Harrychan. Treasurer's Report: Greg Chartier (not present). Elizabeth reported message from Greg:

• March was a quiet month and the membership appreciation event cost will be reflected on April’s statement. (Greg's reports are attached.)

• Greg researched a ProBono Partnership for free or low cost legal services as suggested at March WHRMA Board Meeting. However, would not benefit our organization.

• “Doing Business As (D/B/A)” Greg filed the application, a formality for NYS. The original corporate organization stays in place.

• Greg will be sending to By-Laws to Susan Post by week end.

• Greg has not completed the tax returns as he wanted to review them with whatever legal help we determine to use. The Board approved Greg to move forward with the process utilizing the services of L. William Fistman, Attorney, in also helping us resolve the issue with our Tax Identification Number and perhaps apply for tax exempt status.


Certification: Debbie Callaghan: Debbie provided handouts for distribution at upcoming program meeting, including activity credit information. She will focus on promoting SHRM certification at upcoming programs to generate interest and recertification, as WHRMA can benefit from those in chapter that recertify.

College Relations: Ann Henning (not present) – no report. Communication: Allison Madison (not present) – no report.

Diversity: Michele Green: Jacquie and Michele are working on the June program. Details to follow. Hospitality: Vickie Rowe: Vicki confirmed there are 23 attendees signed up for April Breakfast Program at Sam’s of Gedney Way. Anticipates a few more will sign up by event date. HR Job Bank/Networking: Maria Siano (not present) – no report. Legislative: Lena Bodin: Lena did not have anything to report, but did make mention of the impending NYS Paid Family Leave Law. Marketing: Steve Felsenfeld: Steve did not have anything to report, however, he is working with Elizabeth to determine an approach to generate sponsors for future meetings, website, etc. Membership: Valerie Swatz: April is renewal month. Renewal email sent out earlier on April 13th. Elizabeth will sort through Gmail account and create folder for “Membership” so they can easily determine when members renew and track payments. Programs: Nicole Eissa: Nicole reached out to Maryann, speaker from cancelled March event, to reschedule, preferably in September. Nicole also plans to connect with Jackson Lewis to set up a date for Mock Trial event for October program. Lena will assist with Jackson Lewis contact. November program would be available for Coaching. June is the Diversity Program, July is all set for networking event, and we do not generally schedule programs for August. SHRM Foundation: Edwin Bowman (not present) - no report. Social Media: Jessica Arnemann: Jessica researched Hootsuite to manage multiple social media profiles at the same time, for WHRMA. Looking to promote sponsors on social media, when appropriate. She will also encourage those attending the Leadership Conference to post on WHRMA Instagram. Website: Allison Madison (not present) – no report.

Workforce Readiness: Iris Rodrigues (not present) – no report. Young Professionals: Crystal Jamison: Crystal and Anthony met to plan activities and research events. Options include bowling night, Lucy’s Wine Bar, or Wood & Fire. Elizabeth also encouraged contacting Ashley Cuthbertson, NYS SHRM College Relations Committee Chair, with great ideas to share. Elizabeth will introduce Crystal to Ashley at the upcoming Leadership Conference. Meeting adjourned 4:14PM.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Attendees: Elizabeth Rossi, Victoria Rowe, Debbie Callaghan, Jessica Arnemann, Lena Bodin – via phone, Jacqueline Buford – via phone, Steve Felsenfeld, Rich Greenwald – via phone, Daniele Harrychan, Ann Henning – via phone, Anthony Iarola – via phone, Crystal Jamison – via phone, Grant Schneider, Valerie Swatz.

Minutes of previous Board Meeting: Accepted as presented via prior email. OFFICERS' REPORTS:

President's Welcome and Report: Elizabeth greeted everyone and commenced the meeting at 3:35pm. Treasurer's Report: Greg Chartier (not present) - no report. COMMITTEE REPORTS:

Certification: Debbie Callaghan: Debbie provided handouts for distribution at upcoming afternoon program, including activity credit information. Quarterly Certification CLA is scheduled for May 24th, but will be at a conference. Will subscribe for recorded version when available, as the last session was very informative. Always looking for ways to improve and deliver information about certification to members.

College Relations: Ann Henning: Attended recent SHRM College Competition as a judge for student presentations. Started conversations with Mercy College, as they may be interested in a student chapter. Communication/Website: Allison Madison (not present) – no report. Diversity: Jacqueline Buford: Attended Volunteer Leadership Conference. Interested in coordinating a panel discussion in 2018 for June Diversity Program, after meeting with leaders at conference. Hospitality: Vickie Rowe: Vicki confirmed there are 15 attendees signed up for May Afternoon Program at Pleasantville Country Club. Anticipates a few more will sign up by event date. Nicole was able coordinate the Mock Trial with Jackson Lewis in November, and Vicki secured the Pleasantville Country Club for the event. HR Job Bank/Networking: Maria Siano (not present) – Elizabeth reported that Maria is working on the July Networking event and more information will be available over the next few weeks.

Legislative: Lena Bodin: Lena did not have anything to report, however, she will explore the inquiry raised about the potential HR legislature that could allow non-exempt employees to be eligible for comp time versus overtime. Lena was also asked to send an email to the chapter about the June 1st webinar regarding NYS Paid Family Leave Law. Marketing: Steve Felsenfeld: Steve did not have anything to report, however, he encouraged board members to reach out to him if they needed assistance marketing their respective events, etc. Membership: Valerie Swatz: Brainstorming on a “Join in June” promotion. Will share more once they have more information and will utilize social media and marketing. Reviewing membership reports in detail to verify SHRM membership for new members and renewals. Programs: Grant Schneider: Jackson Lewis event is secured for November at the Pleasantville Country Club. Grant and Nicole are encouraging heavy marketing to promote this event. The speaker from the March snowed-out event is not available to reschedule in the fall, team is in search of a new speaker SHRM Foundation: Edwin Bowman (not present) - no report. Social Media: Jessica Arnemann: Jessica has observed a lot of retweets and liked from posts during the Leadership Conference in late April. Crystal assisted with adding leadership activities throughout the weekend. Jessica plans to promote our Young Professionals events and efforts on social media, and will aslo be attending the WCA 40 Club and the WBC 40 under 40 club to promote WHRMA and young professional’s initiatives. Workforce Readiness: Iris Rodrigues (not present) – no report. Young Professionals: Crystal Jamison and Anthony Iraola: Confirmed upcoming Happy Hour event after at Wood & Fire after the May Afternoon Program. Vicki will send numbers in order to give restaurant an estimate. Having discussions with Captain Lawrence Brewing Co to price private events. Want to create a page on the WHRMA website dedicated to Young Professionals, will connect with Allison Madison to set up. Miscellaneous Discussion:


• Very positive feedback on recent Leadership Conference. Great networking opportunity. Encourage other Board members to attend in 2018.

• Interested in creating a Volunteer Value Proposition, used as a marketing tool to attract volunteers to our chapter committees as well as future Board Members. Elizabeth will send email requesting feedback from all Board Members.

• Susan Post will be attending our November Board Meeting to discuss various ideas which can assist us in our current or future roles on the WHRMA Board and committees as well as our Chapter efforts.

• Currently researching ideas for “Member Appreciation” gifts, ie: leatherbound notebook, binder or padfolio, pens, etc. Now that the chapter is financially secure, Elizabeth would like WHRMA to resurrect the gift for speakers, thanking them for their time and learning opportunity.

• Elizabeth is encouraging the development of a reserve group of committee members, that may not necessarily be assigned to a particular committee, but potentially be available to assist with any committee initiatives.

• Although Board Slate is not due until later in the year, with the transition of the Presidents role from Elizabeth to Daniela in 2018, Elizabeth will be sending out an email to all WHMRA Board Members to get a better understanding of their interest for the upcoming year. Elizabeth has asked that all current Board Members be open minded to explore different roles, as well as be open to new interest from WHRMA members that may or may not be on the Board, currently.

• Elizabeth will bring copies of the new i-9 form effective January 2017 to the May Afternoon Program, to emphasize the “preparer” section requirements as a courtesy to our WHRMA members.

• WHRMA is one of the few chapters that has Board Job Descriptions for most positions on the Board. These will be reviewed and if necessary, created for those roles that currently do not have one available.

Meeting adjourned 4:24PM.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Attendees: Elizabeth Rossi, Victoria Rowe, Debbie Callaghan, Jessica Arnemann, Lena Bodin – via phone, Jacqueline Buford, Greg Chartier – via phone, Steve Felsenfeld, Michele Green, Rich Greenwald – via phone, Ann Henning – via phone, Anthony Iarola – via phone, Crystal Jamison, Allison Madison, Valerie Swatz – via phone, Sue Zankel.

Minutes of previous Board Meeting: Accepted as presented via prior email. OFFICERS' REPORTS:

President's Welcome and Report: Elizabeth greeted everyone and commenced the meeting at 3:35pm. Treasurer's Report: Greg Chartier (not present for the beginning of meeting).

• Elizabeth shared our account had healthy balances for months ending in April and May. Although the Travel expenses were higher than usual, we had 5 team members participate in Leadership Conference and SHRM College Competition, which WHRMA historically has reimbursed members for the travel and accommodations.

• Elizabeth shared that Greg submitted the WHMRA By-laws to Susan Post for review, and she provided a suggestion regarding item 4.4.b under Membership heading. Her recommendation was to mirror the SHRM by-laws by removing HRCI from the content. The Board recommended that Greg follow up with Susan Post to determine if this was a suggestion or a requirement. If required, we would move forward with complying, if a suggestion, then possibly reword the document so that WHRMA still recognizes the hard work and effort of members that acquired their HRCI certifications.

• Elizabeth shared that the D/B/A application was rejected due to our organization not having a mailing address (other than a PO Box). The Board agreed that Greg should look into organizations that provide address service, so we can continue to pursue our D/B/A.

• DisruptHR – Greg had inquired if Kristen from this organization could have a few minutes to present at our June 21 Program to introduce DisruptHR, which caters to and promotes HR to those involved in various industries.

• STAR Chapter. Organization that can assist with marketing and membership, to help boost attendance.


Certification: Debbie Callaghan: Debbie provided redesigned handouts for distribution at upcoming morning Diversity program, including activity credit information.

College Relations: Ann Henning: Selected to be Alumni with Distinction, planning to celebrate in Fall.

Communication/Website: Allison Madison: Encouraged Board Members to blog. Diversity: Jacqueline Buford: All set for June Diversity Program. Presenter from Westchester OneStop, will include analysis and information for hiring in Westchester. Hospitality: Vickie Rowe: Vicki confirmed there are 18 attendees signed up for June Breakfast Program at Sams of Gedney Way, White Plains. Anticipates a few more will sign up by event date. HR Job Bank/Networking: Maria Siano (not present) – Elizabeth reported that Maria is working on the July Networking event, shared a few venue options and pricing, however, based on feedback and suggestions, further research will be required and event may be moved to August. Legislative: Lena Bodin: Lena did not have anything to report, did mention that companies may begin deductions/calculations for NYS Paid Family Leave Law in July. Marketing: Steve Felsenfeld: Steve did not have anything to report, however, he was encouraged by the Board to research gifts for speakers of our events. He is also to touch base with Edwin to see what marketing gifts/materials may be in storage. Board Members having business cards was also discussed and Jessica plans to look into pricing. Steve will also be connecting with local publications (ie: Journal News) to identify where information about WHRMA events can be published. Membership: Rich Greenwald & Valerie Swatz: Still receiving annual renewals, but needs to go through the gmail account to verify activity. Approved 5-6 new members this morning. Met with Jessica at the end of May to brainstorming a “Join in July” promotion on social media. Board suggested waiting for September. Programs: Grant Schneider (not present) – no report. SHRM Foundation: Edwin Bowman (not present) - no report. Social Media: Jessica Arnemann: Jessica shared that recent social media article content generated over 500 views, and also generated new followers on twitter. Jessica attended the book signing of recent program presenter, Natasha Bowman. Workforce Readiness: Iris Rodrigues (not present) – Job Fair Opportunity. Young Professionals: Crystal Jamison and Anthony Iraola: Thanked everyone for support at recent Young Professionals Happy Hour event at Wood & Fire in Pleasantville. 10 attendees. Looking forward to planning future events. Miscellaneous Discussion: Reminder that Board meetings will resume again in September. Meeting adjourned 4:45PM.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Attendees: Elizabeth Rossi, Victoria Rowe, Grant Schneider, Greg Chartier, Sue Zankel, Steve Felsenfeld. Via telephone: Ann Henning, Debbie Callaghan, Daniela Harrychan, Jessica Arneman, Jacquie Buford, Allison Madison, Valerie Swatz

Minutes of previous Board Meeting: Accepted as presented via prior email. OFFICERS' REPORTS:

President's Welcome and Report: The meeting commenced at 3:35 PM. as Elizabeth welcomed all. Treasurer's Report: (attached) It was a quiet summer as far as financial activity. We received the CFSP in June: $1,162. The tax returns are completed. They cover 3 years: 2014, 2015, 2016. The attorney is checking them currently and upon his releasing them, they will go to Elizabeth for signature. The chapter's new LCD projector was procured over the summer. COMMITTEE REPORTS:

Certification: See attached report from Debbie.

College Relations: No activity over the summer. Ann is again reaching out to Mercy College. NYSHRM Council offered a group discount to the state conference. Communication: See Website. Diversity: Jacquie reported that there was nothing currently new and that she and Michelle will be looking at topics for 2018. Hospitality: Nothing out of the ordinary to report. Attendance of low – mid 20's expected for the following Tuesday's breakfast. Vicki to provide a working template for 2018 Board and general meeting dates. [This was emailed to the Board the following day.] HR Job Bank/Networking: Maria has stepped down from the Board. Jessica and Crystal will look into possibilities for the month of October. Legislative: Nothing specific to report.

Membership: Val was to meet with Rich the following week to discuss strategies for attracting new members. Programs: October = Training/Developing manager; November will be the Jackson Lewis Mock Trial.

SHRM Foundation: No report. Website: Allison reported that the website seems to be working well. There had been a couple of minor issues but were immediately remedied.

Workforce Readiness: MISC. DISCUSSION: Elizabeth discussed plans for the year-end Board Appreciation Dinner. Trevi Restaurant in West Harrison was proposed and approved. The date will be Thursday, November 30th. Elizabeth presented a summary of current Board openings with current status noted. Meeting adjourned 4:11PM.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Attendees: Elizabeth Rossi, Victoria Rowe, Grant Schneider (Victor, Guest), Debbie Callaghan, Steve Felsenfeld, Daniela Harrychan, Crystal Jamison. Via telephone: Iris Rodriguez, Lena Bodin, Sue Zankel, Allison Madison, Valerie Swatz, Rich Greenwald

Minutes of previous Board Meeting: Accepted as presented via prior email. OFFICERS' REPORTS:

President's Welcome and Report: The meeting commenced at 3:34 PM. as Elizabeth welcomed all. Treasurer's Report: (Elizabeth, in Greg Chartier’s absence) Elizabeth signed the tax returns (for 2014, 2015, 2016) and mailed them along with two tax checks ($150 and $1,000). There may be additional fines for the delayed filings, or the IRS may require the chapter to file beyond the three years. Steve Felsenfeld has offered to assist if and when we get to that point. Paypal funds transfer was made to the main checking account, and the September 30th balances look accurate. In order to finalize the chapter by-laws, the Board collectively reviewed Section 4.4 and agreed to comply with the verbiage suggested by SHRM National. COMMITTEE REPORTS:

Certification: (Debbie) – Nothing to report.

College Relations: No report. Communication: (Allison) See Website, below. Diversity: No report Hospitality: (Sue & Vicki) Attendance low – 12 expected for the following Wednesday's breakfast. Crystal will post on social media to attract additional attendees. HR Job Bank/Networking: No report Legislative: (Lena) Nothing to report.

Marketing & Sponsorships: (Steve) Steve shared some research he conducted for WHRMA gifts for program speakers, as well as ideas for chapter member gifts. He will continue to explore viable options from other vendors. Steve shared that he reached out to StarChapter to see how they could assist with marketing our chapter, however, their main focus in website development, and that does not meet our needs at this time, so we will not pursue their services. Regarding sponsorships, Steve will send sponsors logos and posts to Grant for advertising for respective programs. Membership: (Rich & Val) Rich shared membership count is listed at 240 on the website, but believes 200 is more accurate. Val & Rich plan to meet in the following weeks to discuss strategies for attracting new members. Programs: (Grant) – Grant shared that Nicole has stepped down from her responsibilities due to relocation. Grant introduced Victor, who will be on the WHRMA slate for potential Programs co-chair for 2018. Grant shared we are ready for October’s program “Developing Managers & Leaders”, in November, Grant reminded everyone that the Jackson Lewis Mock Trial will take place in the afternoon, at the Pleasantville Country Club. Iris will connect with Grant to firm up January 2018 program speaker.

SHRM Foundation: No report. Website: (Allison) Allison reported that there were a few internal glitches with capturing registrants for upcoming program, but were able to be resolved manually.

Workforce Readiness: (Iris) Shared that Junior Achievement was selected as the program initiative and will be working with Grant for the January 2018 program speaker. Young Professionals: (Crystal) Reviewing proposal for an event in the winter. Coordinating an evening in November, possibly a Friday night, more info to follow. Ideas for next year, to include a “Meet the Speaker” event to follow afternoon program(s), as an additional networking opportunity. MISC. DISCUSSION:

• Elizabeth confirmed plans for the year-end Board Appreciation Dinner at Trevi Restaurant in West Harrison, Thursday, November 30th. She has received 7 RSVP’s and has requested everyone respond within the next couple of weeks.

• Elizabeth presented the Board Slate to all Board Members via email prior to meeting, and most Board Members have responded in favor of the slate.

• Elizabeth reviewed the proposed 2018 WHMRA Calendar of events, including Board Meetings and Programs, approved as follows:

MONTH Board Meeting* Program Location

January 11 23 Pleasantville

February 15 28 White Plains

March 15 20 Pleasantville

April 12 18 White Plains

May 10 15 Pleasantville

June 14 20 White Plains

July N/A N/A

August N/A N/A

September 13 18 Pleasantville

October 11 17 White Plains

November 8 13 Pleasantville

December TBD N/A

*Times and location to be determined for Board Meetings. Locations discussed were The Osborn (Rye), Caremount (Westchester), and Board Members will be inquiring with local colleges for partnership and availability. Discussion will continue at November Board Meeting. Meeting adjourned 4:30PM.


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Attendees: Elizabeth Rossi, Victoria Rowe, Debbie Callaghan, Jessica Arnemann, Steve Felsenfeld, Sue Zankel. Via telephone: Jacqueline Buford, Daniela Harrychan, Crystal Jamison, Lena Bodin, Allison Madison, Valerie Swatz, Grant Schneider.

Minutes of previous Board Meeting: Accepted as presented via prior email. OFFICERS' REPORTS:

President's Welcome and Report: The meeting commenced at 3:41 PM. as Elizabeth welcomed all. Treasurer's Report: (Elizabeth, in Greg Chartier’s absence) Presented October 2017 Income Statement. Accounts seem to be in good order, not noticing any expenses or issues that are out of the ordinary. Greg received a check for $225 from the Mitchell Hamline School for a sponsorship. They are a legal school in Minnesota focused on conducting online HR Compliance Programs. Last month, sent in 2014, 2015 and 2016 taxes for chapter and checks totaling $1,210 for taxes due. Have not heard back from the IRS, to date. COMMITTEE REPORTS:

Certification: (Debbie) – Reaffirmed WHRMA as a recertification provider. We can begin using the new seal in 2018. A new WHRMA events calendar has been prepared for 2018 Board Meetings and Program sessions, subject to change, based upon availability, etc. Debbie is in the process of creating a new handout for program recertification credit and activity information, in order to meet requirements of HRCI & SHRM. Debbie will send Allison and Grant the updated SHRM recertification seal to use on program invites, as currently the 2015-2016 seal is being utilized.

College Relations: No report. Communications/Website: (Allison) Allison reported that she has not been aware of any issues with the site. Laways open to suggestions from others. Will be updating the Board Member profile page with photos and contact information closer to the end of December, beginning of January, when their roles begin. Diversity: (Jacquie) Speaker is prepared for the January program. Hospitality/Accommodations: (Sue & Vicki) Attendance very low – 10 expected for the following Tuesday's Jackson Lewis Mock Trial Afternoon Program. Suggestion was made to

Grant Schneider to find out the exact program/trial content, which may attract additional attendees. Grant will also ask Jackson Lewis to share with their network of contacts. Additional posts have been made to social media to attract attendees, including LinkedIn and Twitter. All are encouraged to share the links to their networks and contacts to spread the word. HR Job Bank/Networking: No report Legislative: (Lena) Lena is preparing a NYS Paid Family Leave email with highlights of program to be sent to WHRMA over the next few days. Program goes into effect on January 1, 2018.

Marketing & Sponsorships: (Steve) Steve received a 3-month sponsorship from the Mitchell Hamline School. He has further researched WHRMA gifts for program speakers, as well as ideas for chapter member gifts. Elizabeth suggested he review dicountmugs.com. He will finalize the gifts for speakers via email with the chapter, so we have something tangible to give with our WHRMA logo on it for speakers in 2018. Membership: (Valerie) Data from SHRM regarding membership audit may have had some discrepancies. The database has been cleaned up to reflect active WHRMA members that also maintain active SHRM memberships. Those members that have lapsed with either WHRMA or SHRM have been contacted, and a few more follow up calls will be necessary. As a note, WHRMA is a 100% chapter, which requires members to maintain as active SHRM National Membership. Chapter is close to 165-170 members at this point.. Programs: (Grant) – Grant has connected with Victor to get him up to speed and familiar with the Programs Co-Chair responsibilities and will get him more involved with the preparation for the planning of 2018 programs. Through his relationship with Fordham, Grant has further researched the ability to use their facilities for future programs and/or meetings at their Westchester West Harrison campus. More information to follow.

SHRM Foundation: No report. Social Media: (Jessica) Jessica prepared a Twitter 101 Tutorial for Board Members and distributed via email earlier today. Has cross posted upcoming event on Tuesday, on various social media sites to attract more attention. Inquired about a shared living document between WHRMA Board Members, to share social media site passwords, etc., and Allison will look into behind the scene website capabilities to address this request. In the meantime, Jessica will send all Board Members the access for WHRMA’s Twitter account. Workforce Readiness: No report. Young Professionals: No report. MISC. DISCUSSION:

• Elizabeth has finalized plans for the year-end Board Appreciation Dinner at Trevi Restaurant in West Harrison, Thursday, November 30th.

• Elizabeth congratulated those that will be new to the Board in 2018 via email, and presented the new 2018 WHRMA Board of Directors to the group.

• Daniella attending SHRM Leadership Conference in Washington DC and will share experience with Board at next meeting.

• Elizabeth has reviewed the calendar for upcoming reports: o CLF Report will be done and sent in by 12/1/17 due date

o SHAPE Report will be due on 1/31/18 o EXCEL Report will be due in March 2018

• After further discussion on whether the Board Meeting dates should be changed to Tuesdays, the Board decided that the meetings would remain on Thursdays. The final 2018 WHRMA Calendar of Events, including Board Meeting and Programs Schedule, is below:

MONTH Board Meeting Dates* 3:30pm-5pm

Program Dates


January 11 23 Pleasantville

February 15 28 White Plains

March 15 20 Pleasantville

April 12 18 White Plains

May 10 15 Pleasantville

June 14 20 White Plains

July N/A N/A

August N/A N/A

September 13 18 Pleasantville

October 11 17 White Plains

November 8 13 Pleasantville

December TBD N/A

*Board Meetings will be located at:

• Westchester/Putnam One Stop Career Center, 120 Bloomingdale Road, White Plains, NY (Room to be determined)

** Program Events will be located at:

• Pleasantville: Pleasantville Country Club, 110 Nannahagan Rd, Pleasantville, NY

• White Plains: Sam’s of Gedney Way, 50 Gedney Way, White Plains, NY Meeting adjourned 4:46PM.