2011 PMCC Newsletter November



2011 PMCC Newsletter November

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Final rideout night for 2011 took place on October 24th at Plymouth Citybus Club. The actual rideout itself was

cancelled because of the predicted weather forecast , the time needed to prepare the buffet and clubhouse, feed

the members and carry out the presentation of cheques to the charities - but all was done in time.

The three cheques, proceeds of the Plymouth Megaride and the club charity ride, were presented by Mike

Grainger and Ritch and Sue Bounds to representatives of the Chestnut Appeal (£3500), the Starlight Foundation

(£3500) and the Jeremiah’s Journey charities (£300) and the evening was supported by members of the club -

who, as always, had played a major part in making the events a successful and worthwhile exercise. Thanks go

to all who attended and to Steve and Allison Ford , who arranged the buffet, but were unable to attend on the


The club still meets on Mondays fortnightly throughout the winter - so even if you have to leave the bike at

home - you can still attend and new members are always welcome. Date of the next meeting is on the Diary

page - page2.

Final Rideout Night - a successful evening at the Clubhouse for Cheque


Plymouth Motorcycle Club Members, guests, and the cheques.

Cheques presented for proceeds of 2011 Megaride.

PP LEASE NOTE: LEASE NOTE: The above is subject to change or cancellation so before making any travel arrangements The above is subject to change or cancellation so before making any travel arrangements

check the above details are correct by visiting on the club website on: www.plymouthmcc.org.ukcheck the above details are correct by visiting on the club website on: www.plymouthmcc.org.uk


Monday 7thMonday 7th 8pm Club Meeting, City Bus Social Club8pm Club Meeting, City Bus Social Club

Monday 21stMonday 21st 8pm Club Meeting, City Bus Social Club8pm Club Meeting, City Bus Social Club


Monday 5thMonday 5th 8pm Club Meeting, City Bus Social Club8pm Club Meeting, City Bus Social Club

Friday 9th Friday 9th CHRISTMAS PARTY CHRISTMAS PARTY -- Parkway Social Club 7.00pmParkway Social Club 7.00pm

Monday 19thMonday 19th 8pm Club Meeting, City Bus Social Club8pm Club Meeting, City Bus Social Club

Tuesday 27thTuesday 27th End of year rideout 27th December End of year rideout 27th December -- Lee Mill 1200 amLee Mill 1200 am


January 16th 2012 January 16th 2012 Annual General MeetingAnnual General Meeting


Charity events. As you know - each year we try to support local charities with rides etc. These events are put forward

at the AGM in January. If you think you would like to suggest a charity to support - you may like to

start thinking about it now. You will need to have been a member for at least a year and be fully active

in the arranging of dates, how it will be run, where it will go etc. And present a prepared outline to the

club members at AGM. You can get a copy of the Charity Support guidelines from me - by email or



I know some of you have been gallivanting on the Continent lately, and to rallies, - so why not let the other members

share your experiences? We are always looking for interesting items to fill spaces - A few words about what you did

and perhaps a couple of pictures - send them to me or Ritchie or Steve and we’ll add them to the newsletter.


Hospital Christmas Toy run - starting from Star Inn - Liverton 10.30 for 11.00 start - on

the 11th December please if you can bring a gift and wrap it with a label on it stating male or female and age


Are you one of these misfits??

This photo may bring back memories - members of the Plymouth Motorcycle Action Group in 1995

with a cheque for Comic Relief.

I can recognise some - Dave Glynn - Paul Joce, Don Gorvin, Derek Wood - Alan Bettinson? but I’m

sure that you some of you will know many of the youthful faces.

A message from the chairman......

Well that’s the ride out season over with - time for the marshals to relax -- umm don’t

think so ---they will be servicing their bikes ready to lead you guys on more runs ----


Hopefully the membership will come forward with more alternative destinations for

next year. I know lots of you go out on runs: -- lets all enjoy them! Bring them to

the committee and we will try to implement them. A suggestion has been given to me

on the rideouts, - How about ending rideouts in September and introducing more Sun-

day runs to replace the Monday runs?? Please tell us what you think, its you guys in

the club that decide......... Ritchie

If you have any photos of yourselves when you were younger - maybe on the Gold star or the Ariel

Arrow - or even the BSA Bantam - or if you have a vintage classic hidden away you want others to see

-send them in - and we can include them in a memory lane section,- on one condition - they must be


* Dear Ritch and Sue

* Starlight would like to say a big thank you to everyone in the Plymouth Motorcycle Club for raising a fantastic £3,500.00 at the Plymouth

Mega Ride this year. I am so sorry that I am unable to come to thank you in person from London.

* As you know, at Starlight we provide wishes and entertainment in hospitals for seriously and terminally ill children. Our aim is to distract

children from the fear, pain and isolation caused by their illness. In our first year we helped just 4 children (1987), this year we will help

over 500,000 children in hospitals and hospices all over the UK.

* Starlight brightens the lives of our Starlight children by granting wishes and provided hospital entertainment in the form of Parties, Out-

ings, Starlight Fun Centres and Starlight Distraction Boxes. Most local to you at Plymouth Hospital on the childrens ward.

* Your generous donation will help us to fund another Christmas party in December at Plymouth Hospital and a visit from our touring

Panto helping to brighten up their Christmas.

* Thanks to your hard work fundraising we can now grant wishes for children in Devon, including Ayden aged 13 who has cystic fibrosis

and whose wish is to go to Universal Studio’s in America and Macy aged 8 who has laryngomalacia and whose wish is to meet Buzz

Lightyear and Woody in Disneyland Paris.

* The money you have raised will help us to bring happy memories into the lives of many seriously ill children and their families, whatever

the future may hold, and for that we cannot thank you enough.

* Thank you for choosing to support Starlight.




Friday 9th December 2011

Parkway Social Club, Ernesettle

Starts 7.00pm

Disco , Buffet, Prize Draw. Entry £6-00 members £6-50 guests.

Tickets are now available at the club meetings or

Reserve yours by email or phone.

Letter of thanks from the Starlight Foundation

From David Whitton Hello Plymouth Motorcycle Club I did a search on "Nipper Parsons" a noted competition rider from Plymouth in the 50s and 60s. and found a large photo archive in http://swib.wikidot.com .My dad Tom also a noted rider was his friend (Dad had a motorcycle business in the old Ebrington St and later on Mutley plain.) I was wondering if you have any info on a "Trial" that was done with bicycles in, I believe, 1948, as there were serious petrol shortages then? I was about 10 years old and took part so am the boy in this photo, ( Photo supplied)Nipper is in the light stripy suit with the smile and two cups, my dad (half face only) is hidden behind Nipper. Of course I can send a much better quality image if you are interested. Anyone remember this? - if so you can contact david.twhitton@gmail.com

Club night was a TRIUMPH.

Plymouth TRIUMPH

brought a selection of bikes

to the clubhouse and these

photos are some of the shiny

models that the club mem-

bers were able to drool over

-and perhaps dream about

owning. Steve and Allison

Ford - both Triumph owners

themselves - organised the

evening and did a grand job

of supplying a buffet. Club

members were able to try

the bikes for size and ask questions of the Triumph staff who gave their time

and advice. Thanks to all the guys at Triumph for being there , and let’s hope

that we can repeat the experience at some time in the future.

The following is a contribution from the BMF - thought you may like to read this.

Proposed EU rules on motorcyclesby British Motorcyclists Federation (bmf) on Friday, 07 October 2011 at 08:15

As many of you will know, the EU is proposing to change the way new bikes are approved in bulk for use on public roads. This will have some effect on the

motorcycles we buy in the future. However, this is complicated document and discussion are still far from being completed. However, lots of myths and falla-

cies have arisen recently about the issue. We have tried to clear some of them up here.

Proposal: Anti-Tampering – The European Commission wants powers to introduce rules to make changes more difficult to the engine and drive train of mo-


Mythbusting: They will not make it illegal to change components on a motorcycle

There will not be spot checks of motorcycles on the road

It will only apply to new motorcycles

These rules currently exist on 50cc mopeds (which are routinely tampered)

Govt says: No – not necessary on larger bikes and expensive; also has a problem with “delegated act” aspect

We say: No, nay, never

Proposal: Commission wants powers to specify minimum safety equipment for motorcycles including mandatory ABS on larger bikes or CBS on smaller

bikes (from 2017) as well as Automatic Headlights On (AHO) on all bikes

Mythbusting: Original text excludes enduro and trail bikes

Off switch probably up to manufacturer discretion

AHO already on nearly all bikes sold in EU Govt says: ABS likely to have safety benefit; still against delegated powers We say: ABS should be consumer choice, still opposed to mandatory AHO

Proposal: On Board Diagnostics (OBD) will be compulsory in two stages Mythbusting:

Not an onboard tracking device – only shows component failure or component out of range Will not stop bike working Govt says: Too expensive to implement OBD II (more advanced system), but OBD I is supported We say: May make repairs cheaper and quicker so could have net benefit, error codes must be available to consumers and should not disable bikes

Proposal: Bring pollutant limits for bikes in line with cars in three stages over the next decade. Bikes must remain compliant for 50,000km (less for smaller bikes) Mythbusting:

Bikes release a much higher amount of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and some other nasties than cars

Catalytic converters can be fitted to motorcycles and routinely are Bikes over 7 years old will not be banned from entering town centres Govt says: Too expensive to implement later stages compared to benefits, but support initial reduction We say: Strongly support as political support for bikes depends on bikes being at least as clean as cars

Proposal: Manufacturers to publish emissions figures for CO2 and therefore fuel consumption Govt says: Support We say: Strongly support as part of a long campaign to get fuel consumption information for motorcycles

Proposal: Repair and maintenance information must be made available outside dealer network Govt says: Support, although small producers should be exempt on cost grounds We say: Strongly support as it will create better competition amongst garages and will allow users to service more complicated bikes at home

Proposal: Member states can approve a motorcycle individually for use across the EU (similar to current MSVA, but for whole of EU), however bike must conform closer to rules of directive Govt says: Current IVA system is adequate so no change needed We say: Can see some benefit to allowing EU wide individual approval, but rules must be looser
