17 Safar 1435H / 20 Disember 2013 · PDF file17 Safar 1435H / 20 Disember 2013 SHIRK) ......


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17 Safar 1435H / 20 Disember 2013


رك ) (الشUstaz Ellyeen Amineen bin Mohd Salleh

Islamic Affairs OfficerIslamic Centre

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


• Dear beloved Brothers,

• Let us have taqwa towards Allah with the utmost taqwa. We hope that by applying it; our life will be filled with blessing and guidance from Allah. Allah says in surah al-Nisaa verse 59:

• Which means:

• O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.

• My dear brothers; The unseen. The unseen is the work of Allah. It is one thing to prove the greatness and the majesty of Allah.

• Every thing that is going on, past, present and future, there is nothing that is not known by Allah. Allah the All-Knowing.

• At the beginning of the sermon, I read Surah An Naml verse 65 which means:

• Say, "None in the heavens and earth knows the unseen except Allah , and they do not perceive when they will be resurrected."

• We are humans. Though we are creatures of Allah, glorified by Allah, but human are by nature weak.

• No matter how superb we are, how smart we are, how strong we are, how good we are, the unseen is not in our power. It is the power of Allah.

• Therefore, there is no need for us to be hasty in wanting to know the unseen things in the wrong way such as fortune telling and predictions, etc. without proving by basic Islamic law.

• This is dangerous because it can destroy the faith and our aqeedah.

• My dear brothers in Islam, Our discussion today is about keeping our faith. Thus this noble mimbar want to give an example.

• Examples of things that can destroy faith. Lest we be wary.

• First: Faith healers and clairvoyants Once our Prophet s.a.w found in the middle of the community, a group of soothsayer.

• Predictive group who claim they can know the unseen things of the past and future, they know. In what way?

• They use the jinn, jinns become their spies. The Prophet (pbuh)then declared war on these people who make false allegations, lies and nonsense because they did not use Islamic Laws as their basis.

• For whoever claims to know the unseen, he has rejected Allah and thus deceive people.

• There was an envoy who came to meet the prophet, they thought the Prophet knows the unseen. So this man put something in his hands and he asked the Prophet:

• O sir, do you know what is in my hands? He said firmly: “I am not a fortune-teller. Indeed , soothsayers and fortune-telling as well as the fortune-tellers, their place is in hellfire.”

• This is the work of soothsayers, they use the jinn to get information, laced with lies and deceit, and deceive people. We must be very careful.

• For today soothsayer sometimes express themselves with an exclusive names, some use the name of medicine man, some use predictor for a name, ustaz, and incidentally they show their ability of becoming invincible and so on.

• Allah is the only one who knows the unseen.

• Second: Sorcery

• Sorcery is one thing. Extraordinary. Very fine. Done by stealth. Hardly visible to the eye.

• Sorcery combined and in tune, synchronized collaboration between the devil. Sorcerers instruct, satan do the job.

• Satan has conditions. If you want me to do, there something I want in return.

• Sorcery can drag someone to associate Allah with something else (shirk) with two things:

• 1) Sorcery usually use the services of satan. Sorcerers, will depend on the devil. According to his will.

• To whom is he slave to? Satan. Do whatever it takes as long as the devil loves it.

• 2) In sorcery, there are claims to know the unseen. But at the beginning of the sermon I have already mentioned. No one knows the unseen except Allah.

• Third: Charms

• In the era of ignorance, charm were used. For what purpose? To avoid being enchanted or harassed. Supposedly.

• They are sometimes made from bones. The teeth of wild animals were used, mantras glorifying the might of the demon god too.

• These charms are forbidden, because it can lead to idolatry when putting trust in bones, canine teeth, putting the scissors under the baby, necklaces and spells that can avoid disaster. So, keep away.

• As for the verses of the Quran there are details. If hung in order to take the blessing, it is enabled.

• As done by placing the Quranic verses on the walls of a store, in the home, in the car and at the office. It is allowable.

• However, this is with the belief that Allah is the absolute protector. The evidence,

• Narrated by Amr bin Syuaib, from his father and from his grandfather: Rasulullah s.a.w taught us few verses for us to read when awaken from a sleep.

• In a narration from Ismail, when one of you woke up in his sleep, he must read:

أعوذ بكلمات هللا التامات من غضبه وعقابه•

وشر عباده ومن همزات الشياطين وأن


• Narrated by Tirmidzi

• Abdullah ibn Amr taught this to his son to read it before going to sleep. As for his small son, he wrote it and hang on his neck.

• Forth: A conveyor who does not follow the Shariah.

• We are to avoid being a news bearer or giving tips related to the unseen.

• Predictions of the future, to predict the fate of the baby by looking at where the umbilical cord is buried, chain message that contain faked stories, apocalypse prediction date, to predict with horoscope for a person’s future based on the type of star like in Greek mythology, and so on.

• Beware. Knowledge that incorrect, when it is magnified, documented and mainstreamed, will be more difficult to recognize the fault without knowledge.

• Explaining the obvious thing will be a huge task to bear by the da’ie. Be careful.

• Let us be strong by the teachings of Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaah with the majority of scholars in disciplines compiled by Asyairah and Maturidiyah.

• Stay away from idolatry, superstition and myths. Because the sin of shirk is a great sin.

• And our real destination is not here. The world is just a stop, we should worry about how our fate will be in the realm of the afterlife.

• Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others with Allah has certainly fabricated a tremendous sin.
