Chahrou Safar (english)

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  • 7/25/2019 Chahrou Safar (english)


  • 7/25/2019 Chahrou Safar (english)



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  • 7/25/2019 Chahrou Safar (english)



    References ............................................................................................................4

    Historical Events .................................................................................................5

    Magal of Tuubaa ....................................................................................................7

    The Ndigul of the Magal ....................................................................................................7

    The Trip to Tuubaa ....................................................................................................................8

    How do we celebrate the Magal .....................................................................................8

    How do we celebrate the Magal .....................................................................................9

    Alaarbay Kar .................................................................................................... 12Prayers ..........................................................................................................................................12

    Optional Prayers ....................................................................................................................16

    Recommendations ................................................................................................................16

  • 7/25/2019 Chahrou Safar (english)

    4/18I4 - Chahrou Safar


    Cheikh Moussa K, Wolofal Magal yi

    Cheikh Abo Madyana Chouhaybou Mbkke, Khouratoul Ayni, Lumires

    sur les praques religieuses

    Khadim Rassoul Gueye, Brochure La prire du dernier mercredi du

    mois de Safar

    THIAM, El Hadji Ibrahima Sakho, Thse de doctorat : Les aspects du

    Mouridisme au Sngal

    Sam Bousso Abdour-Rahmane, Grand Magal de Tuubaa, Dimension

    religieuse et sociale

    Khalid Mohammad Khalid, Des Hommes autour du Prophte, QuALLAH

    le bnisse et le salue,traduit par Abdou Harkat

    Mor DIOP, Calendrier Musulman : Prieres & Invocaons

    Cheikh Sa Ar-Rahman Al Moubarak Fawri,Ar-Raheeq Al Makhtoum, Le

    Nectar Cachet

    Sam Bousso Abdour-Rahmane,Grand Magal de Tuubaa, dimension

    religieuse et sociale

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    Safar month1, called Diggi Gmmuin Wolof in Senegal, is the month in

    which the Prophet Muhammad (anleyhi Salaatu wa-s-s-Salaam) hadhis serious illness that nally prevailed in heaven. Indeed we belongto Allah and unto him we shall return .This happened at midday on

    Monday 12 Rabbi al Awwal in the year 11 of Hegira, a Monday. TheProphet Muhammad (anleyhi Salaatu wa-s-s-Salaam) - was 63 andfour months years old. It all began the 29th of the month of Safar inthe year 11 of Hegira when the Prophet prayed God to forgive the

    Baqi dead and le the place. Aer then he had headaches accompa-nied with bad fever which we could see the eects over the banner hecarried in his head. His migraine soon became untenable and he wasseized with violent fever. This happened around the end of the monthof Safar in the year 11 of Hegira.

    It is also the beginning of Safar in the year 11 of Hegira that the Prophet

    (anleyhi Salaatu wa-s-s-Salaam) went to Uhud for and said a medita-

    ve prayer for the resng of the souls of the martyrs, in farewell. The-reaer he went in the Mimbar and said : I will go before you. I will beyour witness. By Allah I know now my desnaon. I have been giventhe keys giving access to the treasures of the earth (or the keys of theearth). By Allah! I do not fear your back to associaonism aer me, butI fear you compete. .

    The bale of Sin2took place in the month of Safar in the year 37of Hegira between the army Seyidina Ali (RadiyAllaahu anhu) and ofMuawiya (RadiyAllaahu anhu). It was during this bale that OussoulQarani was martyred while ghng beside Ali (RadiyAllaahu anhu).

    The 1st Safar in the year 08, Khalid ibn Walid, Amr ibn al Haas and Hus-

    maan Talha (RadiyAllaahu anhum), from Mecca to Medina arrive anddeclare their submission to God and pledge allegiance to the Messen-

    ger of God.

    Sheikh Ahmadu Bamba moved to Daaru-s-Salam in the month of1 second month of the Muslim calendar.2 Wednesday, the rst day of the month of Safar. in the plain of Sin near Raqqa on thewestern bank of the Euphrates.

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    6/18I6 - Chahrou Safar

    Safar in the year 1304 (November 1886)...

    On Saturday 18 Safar3in the year 1313 of Hegira (August 18, 1895):Sheikh Ahmadu Bamba le the home he had built in the Jolof for theacquision and disseminaon of science. His departure coincided with

    the departure of the Louga command troops responsible of his arrest.They met at Jewol the evening of the same day.

    Sri Sir Lo was dead the 10th of the month of Safar in the year 1339of the Hegira; he was buried in Njaarem in the presence of ShayhulXadiim.

    His son Ibrahim4was born in Safar 1330 (February 1911).

    3 date which is the Magal of Tuubaa.4 he is Sri Mbkke Ibrahim, son of Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba. His mother Seyyidatou

    Famatou comes from a very large family Sharian branch Awlaad Haj, a line from the famoustribe Khourechites : descent of the Prophet. He was born in 1912 in Darou Alimul Khabir morecommonly known as Ndame. He was a great scholar of the Koran and religious sciences, cheerfuland very welcoming

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    The Ndigul of the Magal

    In 1925 to Njaareem, Sheikh Ahmadu Bamba said that HIS LORD -Subhaanahu wa Tahanlaa - gave him immense benets to the pointthat his only and supreme gratude covers no more, and he appeals toall those who share his happiness to join him in his thanksgiving. ThusSheikh Ahmadu Bamba began to call the enre Muslim community torender thanks to Allah before such leniency.

    Then he recommends celebrang it as we celebrate the Eid-el-Kebir. Heconnues, saying I am not saying that Magal is beer than Tabaski,but it is indeed for you (the Murid). Certainly, the noon of me will dis-

    sipate in the grandeur of Paradise, but God the Creator, Whose Omni-

    potence embraces all by His Knowledge He knows the frequency of this

    day; whenever that day comes 18 Safar, God will do for me and for all

    those who glorify this day so grandiose that benets the people of Pa-

    radise will realize, though unheard of the heavenly life . Also, the one

    who has two sheep, can sacrice one for Tabaski, and keep the other formy day ; But whoever has one sheep should keep it for the Magal dayhe connues.

    Following these remarks, some disciples began to call it Tabaskiwaat5.And when the Sheikh was informed of it, he ordered to call it Magal6. Inthe Quran, Allah the Most High says : Every people of the community[Muslim], we oered an opportunity Day to show their gratude. But

    they do not contradict what is ordered. You should call them rather toyour Master because you are on the right track . (S.22 V.67)) to markthe dierence with the Tabaski day; but probably not to allow some cri-cs take advance of that wrong interpretaon.

    Thus on 18 Safar was marked Magal day ; the meaning comes from threesymbols: Thanksgiving Rejoicing, Worshipping.

    5 Wolof expression that means do again the Tabaski day.6 Magal is a Wolof word meaning thanksgiving celebrang magnify

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    The Trip to Tuubaa

    In 1946 it was Cheikh Mbkke Muhammadu Falilu who iniated the ce-lebraon of the Grand Magal of Tuubaa as we know it today. He askedthe disciples to travel to Tuubaa to celebrate this day. ...

    ...Originally, each disciple celebrated the Magal where it was provided

    to comply with recommendaons of the Sheikh. Over me, the second

    caliph, al-Sheikh Muhammad Fadel, had the idea to gather all the Mou-

    ride community in Tuubaa. The act is part of the strengthening of the

    cohesion of the community. There were thus spiritual objecves, but also

    social objecves (meengs-, exchanges, etc.) and economic because ru-

    ral dwellers could come with their producon and ow them easily with

    the arrival of city dwellers. A trade ow is thus created between the twogroups. All this was not absent from the spirit of the one who gave the

    Magal Day that dimension.

    The second caliph felt it was very benec for the community to gathereveryone in Tuubaa to celebrate the Magal.7

    How do we celebrate the Magal

    This celebraon is in accordance with the precepts of Islam, and espe-cially to the tradion of the Prophet (anleyhi Salaatu wa-s-s-Salaam) ; asspecied in the as stated the Sheikh in these versesJazbul Qulb JazbulQulb li halamil huyb8, about Mawlidu-n-Nabi9:

    Its celebraon is in accordance with the Sunnah (the Sheikh talks

    about how to devote oneself to pious acons; they should be

    consistent in all respects to the Prophet SAW tradion) which can

    lead Paradise; through it, the benets increase for the sincere who

    7 Extract Grand Magal of Tuubaa, religious and social dimensions, Sam Bousso AbdourRahmane.8 The aracon of Hearts to THE CONNOISSEUR OF MYSTERIES.9 celebraon of the birth of the Prophet SAW

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    glorify. qui glorie

    Sasfy your family with benets; chicken and camel aordable to your


    Here is one of the recommendaons of Xadiimu-r-Rasuul (Servant of the

    Prophet SAW) during the Magal Day.Moreover, Sheikh Saalihu Mbkke11 has taught how to celebrate theMagal in these terms: the Commemoraon must be marked by three

    acts: the reading of the Holy Quran in unlimited numbers and make

    pious donaon to the Prophet Muhammad SAW and the Sheikh, do acts

    of grace by oering meals, each according to ones possibilies, and also

    do purely spiritual rejoicing.

    In short, everyone has to perform these acts movated for the MagalDay: the recital of the Quran and Qacidas, make invocaons to Allah -Subhaanahu wa Tahanlaa- and Salaat- anlan-Nabi(Prayers addressedto the Prophet SAW), make sacrice (from hen to camel), serving meals,and make ones family, relaves or parents happy.

    How do we celebrate the Magal

    We are not trying to name all the benets, it is almost impossible. Ne-vertheless we will not fail to name a few.

    First, the Sheikh has informed us that Allah Subhaanahu wa Tahanlaatold him that : What had movated your exile is an acquired irrelevant;but also from today unl the end of the world, whenever that day re-

    turns in me, be reassured, I will grafy you a reward for the equivalent

    of your retribuon which has been the reason of your exile 12.

    Then Shayhul Xadiim had talked about Magal celebraon in these words: Given two people, if one takes into account that day and the other ne-

    glects it; the laer will never cease to see the preeminence of tles the

    other has over that person 13.

    Moreover, Sheikh Muusaa KA14in his work entledWolofalu Magal yi

    10 do not underesmate the hen nor overesmate the camel

    11 Fih Caliph of Muridiyyah

    12 Cf. sermon of Cheikh Abdul Ahad Ibn Sheikh Ahmadu Bamba Mbkke at the approach of theGrand Magal of Tuubaa early Safar 1399 of Hegira13 C.f. Appeal of Sri Saalihu Mbkke for the Magal celebraon in 199014 poet and cantor of Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba

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    10/18I10 - Chahrou Safar

    has praised the Magal celebraon in these verses :

    Neena la YALLA defalone Kaliima

    Fii dhrihii, defal ko Ibrahima

    Ba YALLA Buurba Farataal tabaski

    Ak Tamxarit, maynako gaayi MbakkiBi xidma-l-Xadiimi lil Mahduumi

    Fil bahri farlu leen ila-l-tahziimi

    Biss bil lambo na mbirum Tabaski

    Ak Tamxarit ak Gammu Amna Bark

    Maggal bissup Sex Bamba moo gnn magal

    Biss budul moom. Murid na ngeen koy faggul

    Bu kenn xeep tankaki ine duubalWa law bi dirhamine, yaw yobbul

    Biss bil moonuy mey Qadaa al Haaji

    Moo di bissub Sex Bamba ak Al Haaji

    Maggal la goo xamni nemul ci ter yi

    Ngir myi Sex Bamba xajul ci foor yi

    Maggug Sri Tuubaa waral Maggal ga

    Maggali Njol Makkaa waral dmam ga

    He15said that what GOD has granted KalimaDuring his me, and Ibrahima

    Unl Eid el Kebir orders,And Tamxarit16, he granted the people of Mbkke

    This update contains the secrets el Adha Eid,

    And Tamxarit and Gmmu Days17

    Seex Bambas day celebraon is beerThan any other celebraon. Murid ! Save for him.

    Do not underesmate even a foot, a piece dualEven if it is two dirham, carry it.

    15 referring to the Sheikh16 Wolof term designed the day of Ashura.17 Wolof term; in French: celebrate the night. In this context, it is the celebraon of the birthof Prophet Muhammad (anleyhi Salaatu wa-s-s-Salaam).

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    11/18Chahrou Safar -11 I

    That was the day that gives us the sasfacon of our needsThis is the day of Seex Bamba and AL Haaji18

    It is a day of remembrance that is not in the holy books

    Because the favors granted to Seex Bamba cannot be treated by the learnedscholars.

    It is the greatness of Sri Tuubaa which is at the origin of MagalThis is to give thanks to the Great Mecca he went into exile

    Finally let us nish with this speech of Abdul Ahad Mbkke Cheikh givenat the Grand Magal of Tuubaa in 1980 :

    I have no doubt that every prayer that someone will make, will begranted; everyone walking on earth [Tuubaa] if he comes here on pilgri-

    mage [in this holy place], all their wishes will be accomplished, I am surebecause it is Sri Tuubaa who said it :

    The Creator will grafy me absolutely all the desny of human beings

    of my me. ALLAH gladly honors all requests that I ask him.

    So every pilgrim who will come, I beg them to perfect their resoluon,to purify their intenon in their behaving during the travel because I donot doubt that for any request that everyone will make while going, they

    will return with an agreement if only they purify from the beginning tothe end their resoluon - this is a truth that I will not queson with twohypothesis.19

    18 he is probably referring to the second caliph of the Murid, Sri Fallu Mbkke.19 Extract of the sermon delivered by Sheikh Abdul Ahad Mbkke, beginning 1400.H Safar(1980)

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    12/18I12 - Chahrou Safar


    As for the story of the day Wednesday, know that the Messenger of Allah

    had this day a high fever causing his swoon, ve days before his death- Subhaanahu wa Tahanlaa-. That does not make Wednesday one daycursedas in some tradional customs.

    Our ulema and religious leaders have taught us that the last Wednesdayof the month of Safar is the most dicult day of the year; GOD sentdown each year 320,000 balaa, musiba hardships on earth andon the last Wednesday of that month20. GOD sends down from the sky

    many trials and pains of all sorts on Earth. HE will recommend us to do avery important supererogatory prayer and some invocaons. Whoevermakes this prayer will be protected by God against all evils.


    During the last Wednesday of the month of Safar, it is recommended to

    do four (4) rakas. Each Raka, recite the Faaha(1 me) followed by thesuratAl Kawsara(17 mes), SuratIkhlass(5 mes) followed by the suratFalaqiand suratAn-Nassi(1 me) each. Aer the nal salvaon say (3mes) this invocaon :

    Bismillaahi-r-Rahmani Ar-Rahimi Allahumma Y Shaddal Huw

    wa Y Shaddal mihli Y Hazzu Y Man zallat li Hizzaka jmihu

    xalqika ikn sharra jamhi xalqika Y Muhsinu Y Mujmilu Y Mun-

    himu Y Mutafadilu Y Mukarimu Y man la Ilaaha ill Anta irhamn

    bi Rahmaka Y Ar-hama-r-Rhimina. Allahumma bi-s-sitril hasani

    wa axhi wa jaddih Sal-Allhu Tahnla anleyhi wa Salam wa abhi

    wa ummih wa banhi ikni sharra hz al yawmi wan yanzilu

    hi Y Kyal Muhmma wa Y Dhal baliyy fasayakkahu-

    mul-lhu wa Huwa Samhul Halmu wa hasbuna-l-Lhu wa Nihmal

    Waklu Nihmal Mawla wa Nihma-n-nasiiru.

    Allahumma inniya ahonzubilLaahi min sharri hza shahri wa

    min kulli shidan wa balin wa baliyyan alla qaddarta hi Y

    Dahriyyu Y Dahru Y Dayhru Y Knu Y kaynnu Y Kaynnu

    20 Muslim Calendar: Prayers & Invocaons, Serigne Mor Teachings Excerpts DIOP.

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    Y Abadiyu Y Dahriyyu Y Mubdiyu Y Muhdu Yzal harshil Majii-

    du Anta Taalu m Turdu.

    Allahumma uhrus nafsi wa ahl wa ml wa awld wa duny alla

    abtalaytan bi suhbah bi hurma-l-abrari bi hurmaka Y Haz-

    zu Y Xaru Y Karmu Y Saru wa sal-l-Allahu anl SaydinaMuhammadin wa anl lihi wa sahbih wa sallama taslman.

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    Then we have wrien here the following verses that you will mix withwater and drink it, this preserves the hardships and pains of all kinds.(Arabic) :

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    16/18I16 - Chahrou Safar

    Optional Prayers

    Recite between Zuhr21and Asr22

    N Transliterations References Cycles

    1 Salmoun qawlane min rabbin-rahmS.36 Yn V. 58

    33 times2

    Salmoun alaa Nouhine fl lamna

    inn kazlika najzil mouhsinna

    S.37 A-affat

    V.79-803 times

    3Salmoun alaa Ibrahima kazlika najzil


    S.37 A-affat

    V.109-1103 times

    4Salmoun alaa Moussa wa Harna

    inn kazlika najzil mouhsinna

    S.37 A-affat

    V.120-1213 times

    5 Salmoun alaa li Yna inn kazlikanajzil mouhsinna

    S.37 A-affatV.130-131

    3 times

    6Salmoun aleykoum tibtum fadh-

    lhaa hlidna

    S.39 Az-Zumar

    V.733 times

    7 Salmoun hyya hatta matlahil fajriS.97 Al-Qadr

    V.57 times

    wa salmoune alal moursalna wal hamdou-

    lillhi-r-Rabbil Hlamna

    S.37 A-affat


    1 time


    Avoid during that day to travel, to try out a new garment or not to join anew home or start to do something, and to enter into a marriage or askhis wife to join family home, to circumcise, and to shave. Neither washlaundry, nor take a bath.

    NB :do not forget to give charity according to your possibilies in theday. It is beer to do so before the end of the morning23.

    21 Wolof : Tisbar22 Wolof : Takussan23 Wolof : yor-yor

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