167232-Instructions of Rheometer


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  • 8/2/2019 167232-Instructions of Rheometer


    TP nomer 5




    Hand Refractometer Instructions Operating


    Style Model Range Resolution Size Weight

    Salinity/ATC REF 211 0-100;

    1.000~1.070 sg

    1; 0.001 29x40x190mm 220g


    1. Prism 2.Cover plate 3.Correct screw 4.Mirror tube 5.Eyepiece (Adjusting ring of diopter)


    1. Aim the front end of the refractometer to the direction of bright light, and adjust the adjusting ring of

    diopter 5 until the reticle can be seen clearly.

    2. Adjustment of null

    Open the cover plate 2, drop distilled water one or two drops on the surface of the prism. Cover the

    cover plate, rotate and adjust the correcting screw 3 to make the light/ dark boundary coincide with null


    (Salinity/ATC Model should adjust at 20 environmental temperature)

    3. Open the cover plate 2 and clean the water on the prism and cover plate by soft cotton flannel, thendrop one or two drops liquid which is needed to be checked on the prism surface and cover the cover

    plate. The corresponding dial reading of the light/dark boundary can get the percent of the salt content

    of the liquid.

    4. The carved line on the left of scale indicates the specific gravity of the sodium chloride liquor.

    5. After measurement, please clean directly the liquid which had been measured on the surface of prism

    by soft cotton flannel. After drying, please keep appropriately in store.


    1. Adjust the null liquid and specimen should be under the same temperature, if the temperature varied

    greatly, the null point should be adjusted once per 30 minutes. Effect of temperature on the refractive

    index of glass is very small, but big enough for most of the liquid and plastic material there is to know

    its index. Due to the high temperature optical density of a substance is reduced, the refractive index

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    decreases. Change per C ranged from 5.10-5 to 5.10-4. Careful measurements up to the fourth

    decimal is only meaningful if thoroughly well known temperature.

    2. After usage, dont use water to wash the instrument.

    3. As it is a kind of precision optical instrument, you should hand it gently and take good care of it. Dont

    touch and scratch the optical surfaces. It should be kept in the environment of dry, clean and non-

    corrosiveness air, so as to prevent the surface of it turning mouldy and foggy. Please avoid strong shock

    during transportation.4. If the consumers use the instrument in accordance with the mentioned method of usage, it guarantee

    that instrument cant break down. The optical performance cant change.

    http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 29535809/ Apakah-Indeks-Bias-Itu


    Indeks bias suatu zat adalah perbandingan kecepatan cahaya dalam hampa

    udara terhadap kecepatan cahaya

    dalam zat tersebut, atau perbandingan sinus sudut datang terhadap sinus sudut

    bias. Harga indeks bias

    berubah-ubah tergantung pada panjang gelombang cahaya dan suhu.

    Indekst bias nD

    t adalah indeks bias terhadap udara yang diukur pada suhu t C, menggunakan

    sinar natrium.

    Jika tidak dinyatakan lain, gunakan refraktometer Abbe. Indeks bias diukur dalam

    batas suhu + 0.2 C dari

    suhu yang dinyatakan pada masing-masing monografi atau jika suhu tidak

    dinyatakan, indeks bias diukur

    pada suhu 20 C + 0.2 C.

    PRINSIP KERJA REFRAKTOMETERRefractometer adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur kadar /

    konsentrasi bahan terlarut misalnya : Gula, Garam, Protein dsb. Prinsip

    kerja dari refractometer sesuai dengan namanya adalah dengan

    memanfaatkan refraksi cahaya. Seperti terlihat pada Gambar di bawah ini

    sebuah sedotan yang dicelupkan ke dalam gelas yang berisi air akan

    terlihat terbengkok. Pada Gambar kedua sebuah sedotan dicelupkan ke

    dalam sebuah gelas yang berisi lauran gula. Terlihat sedotan terbengkok

    lebih tajam. Fenomena ini terjadi karena adanya refraksi cahaya. Semakin

    tinggi konsentrasi bahan terlarut (Rapat Jenis Larutan), maka sedotan akan

    semakin terlihat bengkok secara proporsional. Besarnya sudutpembengkokan ini disebut Refractive

    Index (nD). Refractometer ditemukan oleh Dr. Ernst Abbe seorang ilmuwan

    dari German pada

    permulaan abad 20.

    Adapun prinsip kerja dari refractometer dapat digambarkan sebagai

    berikut :

    1. Dari gambar dibawah ini terdapat 3 bagian yaitu : Sample, Prisma dan

    Papan Skala.

    Refractive index prisma jauh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan sample.2.Jika sample merupakan larutan dengan konsentrasi rendah, maka sudut

    refraksi akan lebar

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    dikarenakan perbedaan refraksi dari prisma dan sample besar. Maka pada

    papan skala sinar

    aakan jatuh pada skala rendah.

    3.Jika sample merupakan larutan pekat / konsentrasi tinggi, maka sudut

    refraksi akan kecil

    karena perbedaan refraksi prisma dan sample kecil. Pada gambar terlihar



    TP nomer 3

    http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 89076191/Rheo-Meter

    TP nomer 10


    http://www.scribd.com/doc/ 54771167/ Kohesi-Adalah-Gaya-Tarik-Menari k-Antara-Partikel-

    Partikel-Yan g-SejenisKohesi adalah gaya tarik menarik antara partikel partikel yang sejenis.


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    dipengaruhi oleh kerapatan dan jarak antarpartikel dalam zat. Dengan

    demikian, kamu

    pasti tahu bahwa gaya kohesi zat padat lebih besar dibandingkan dengan

    zat cair dan gas

    Gaya kohesi mengakibatkan dua zat bila dicampurkan tidak akan saling

    melekat. Contoh peristiwa kohesi adalah : Tidak bercampurnya air dengan

    minyak, tidakmelekatnya air raksa pada dinding pipa kapiler, dan air pada daun talas.

    Adhesi adalah gaya tarik menarik antara partikel partikel yang tidak

    sejenis. Gaya adhesi

    akan mengakibatkan dua zat akan saling melekat bila dicampurkan.

    Contohnya :

    Bercampurnya air dengan teh/kopi, melekatnya air pada dinding pipa

    kapiler, melekatnya

    tinta pada kertas, dll. (Ada 3 kondisi yg mungkin terjadi jika kita mencampurkan 2

    macam zat

    1.1. Jika gaya kohesi antar partikel zat yang berbeda lebih besar daripada


    adhesinya, kedua zat tidak akan bercampur. Contohnya, minyak kelapa

    dicampur dengan air.

    2. Jika gaya adhesi antar partikel zat yang berbeda sama besar dengan


    kohesinya, kedua zat akan bercampur merata. Contohnya, air dicampur

    dengan alkohol.

    3. Jika gaya adhesi antar partikel zat yang berbeda lebih besar daripadagaya

    kohesinya, kedua zat akan saling menempel. Contohnya, air yang

    menempel pada kaca.

    Akibat adanya kohesi dan adhesi, terjadi beberapa peristiwa menarik dalam


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  • 8/2/2019 167232-Instructions of Rheometer




    http://www.firp.ula.ve/ archivos/cuadernos/ 02_Chap_Kanicky_Shah.pdf

    Theres so much energy resources that exist in this world, but one that have the most

    attractive side is the petroleum that remaining in depleted well. To recover and have use of it,

    many of technology has been developed. The most common and well known technologies is

    the surfactant polymer flooding. But still, te regain the remaining petroleum thats trapped

    inside the well is an challenge to technologies and scientific department. Furthermore,

    enhanced oil recovery technologies are usually very expensive because

    enormous quantities of costly chemicals are injected into an oil well and

    are completely lost during the process. depleted oil wells still contain

    approximately 65% of theoriginal oil in place. The surfactant-polymer method is basically used to

    produce oil from exhausted petroleum well by injecting a slug of surface

    active agents into the reservoir. This agent is injected to lower and

    decrease the interfacial tension and this will build the formation of oil

    bank. The polymer slug prevents water from penetrating the oil bank

    There also exists a need to avoid surfactant aggregate structures such as

    lamellar liquid crystals which exhibit high viscosity (2932). System

    parameters should be such that mixing between the fluids in the

    surfactant, oil and polymer slugs does not occur. A dispersion of surfactant

    and oil would form an undesired emulsion, while a dispersion of surfactant

    and polymer, if incompatible, could lead to phase separation, which would

    decrease the effectiveness of the process. Interfacial tensions can reach

    ultra-low values at low as well as high surfactant concentrations At low

    surfactant concentrations, the system appears to be a two-phase one,

    namely oil and brine in equilibrium with each other. A small change in the

    surfactant concentration around this region could strongly affect the

    interfacial tension. Such a

    change in surfactant concentration might occur due to adsorption of

    surfactant molecules Surface charge density is another parameter thatcan strongly and favourably affect the displacement efficiency of oil. To

    support the surfactant-polymer methods, theres also the foaming of the

    oil bank and acid fracturing of oil well. The foaming have a concept

    involves the unique of rheogilical properties , the most usual is carbon

    dioxide. Surfactants are used to overcome some of the disadvantagesthat

    the CO2 flooding system offers. The crucial disadvantage of CO2 flooding

    is the low viscosity of liquid CO2 when compared to the heavy fractions in

    the oil. A low viscosity implies a higher mobility and this means a

    possibility of CO2 leakage via finger formation or channelling. Surfactants

    are used to decrease this higher mobility by enhancing foam stability. The

    surface tension is properly needed and used as the basic concept of

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  • 8/2/2019 167232-Instructions of Rheometer


    Laporan Praktikum Pengantar Teknik Kimia

    Modul 4

    Penentuan kadar Protein dengan analisa volumetri

    Nama Praktikan : Michael Renaldo W.P.

    NRP : 6210063

    Nama Partner : Kevin Kurnia

    NRP : 6210089

    Nama Partner : Evandi

    NRP : 6210021

    Nama Asisten :

    Tanggal Praktikum : 19 April 2012

    Tanggal Pengumpulan : 24 April 2012

    Shift : Pagi

    Jurusan Teknik Kimia

    Fakultas Teknologi Industri

    Universitas Katolik Parahyangan



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