15th June 2011 Newsletter Web


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Nelson Central SchoW e e k l y N e w s l e t t e r

70 Ni le S tree t , Nel son – P hone 03 548 4972 – Fax 03 548 4483 – Emai l s t a ff@nelsoncen t ra l . schoo l .nz Principal: tumuaki@nelsoncentral.school.nz Secretary: secretary@nelsoncentral.school.nz BOT Chairman: David Jo hnston Website: www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

Our weekly newsletter is kindly sponsored b y – T HE D OCUMENT C OMPANY

whole country as it generates higher returns than any otherspending on education or social programmes for childrenlater in life.The report of the task force provides the government anopportunity to put children first by turning its earlychildhood policy around and putting it on the right track.

A Cultural Competency programmeLast week Maori Affairs Minister Pita Sharples announceda new Cultural Competency programme under whichTeachers will be required to learn the M ā ori competenciesunder new rules to be introduced next month. Theprogramme would begin to be introduced later this year andwould be in every school by the end of 2012. It requiresteachers to study tikanga M ā ori and te reo during their

university studies, training courses and at school.It is good to see te reo competency being recognised as acore part of a teacher’s role. It also recognises that having ateaching workforce with a more in-depth knowledge of tereo and tikanga M ā ori has a big impact on M ā ori studentmotivation and achievement.What teachers and schools will need however is solidresourcing and ongoing professional development. It’simportant that any training in te reo and tikanga M ā ori isbacked up by regular opportunities for teachers to enhancetheir knowledge and skills in the classroom.

This initiative will undoubtedly pose challenges for teachereducation institutions as there is a shortage of fluent te reoteachers generally. At a school level we welcome details onexactly how the programme would work in practice and justhow cultural competency would be measured.

An invitation to attend an On Line Safety SeminarThe Link Learning ICT Cluster of Schools – of which ourschool is a part, is offering parents/caregivers anopportunity to learn more about Cybersafety. You areinvited to a presentation on the subject to be held onTuesday 21 June 7pm at the Honest Lawyer, Monaco

Are you worried about your child ’s safety on line? Comealong and discuss issues around cyber safety and how tokeep yourself and your children safe on line. Thispresentation will provide practical advice to help youaddress the ten most pressing cyber safety issues.Don't delay... register today... and feel more confident aboutsupporting your children on line!RSVP to allanah.king@gmail.comAimed at parents, BoT, teachers & principals.

T E R M 215th June


Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – greetings to friends and

family of Nelson Central School.

Our thoughts go out to the Christchurch people who havebeen doing their best to get their lives back on track afterthe September and February quakes. One family had only

just returned to Christchurch on Saturday and now this …If they return we will welcome then with open arms. In themeantime we hope that new damage is only minimal andthat they and others will be able to continue the rebuild.

MatarikiMatariki continues to be our focus this month and childrenare engaged in a wide range of activities as they learnabout the significance of this event. Kahikatea have a greatdisplay in their corridor and children from other syndicateshave been taking part in more active pursuits. If you get achance later in the week or even early next week youmight like to call by Totara Syndicate classrooms and viewtheir flax/raupo kites. (Some pictures on page 2—Ed.)

Dental ClinicDental services based at the school will cease from the endof this week. Services for our children will take place at anew ‘super clinic’ located in Franklyn Street. We don’tknow when that will start but I expect to receivenotification when the operational details have been worked

out. The new procedure will mean parents/caregivershaving to make their own way to appointments and thenreturn their children to school.The General Election …… is less than six months away – enough time to becomeinformed on some of the issues facing the education sector.

Early Childhood TaskforceThe Early Childhood Taskforce was set up by thegovernment to advise on value for money in earlychildhood education. The task force’s report is at odds withcurrent government actions. While the government

continues to argue that early childhood spending isunaffordable, the report clearly states that early childhoodeducation must be considered a priority even in times of fiscal constraint.The report also recognises how essential quality earlychildhood education is and recommends improvements toteacher qualifications, group sizes and ratios; somethingupon which government has moved in the oppositedirection. In the past year funding has been cut to morethan 2,000 services, the target for having 100% qualifiedteachers has been abandoned, professional developmentfor early childhood teachers has been cut, support forteachers in training and new graduates has been reducedand group sizes have been radically increased.However overall the report reinforces the message thatinvesting in quality early childhood education benefits the

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Nelson Central Achievers1. Andrew D, Ollie M (R12) for some really great written

work 2. Pharoah (R16) for fantastic progress in reading3. Alex N (Ren 2) for great descriptive writing4. Cheyanne S (R9) for outstanding progress with kupu

hou5. Hazel R (R9) for taking great pride in her mahi6. Jessie W (R9) for a super presentation, making good

choices and great leadershipCongratulations and well done – we are very proud of you.Some important school activities:Term 2:20 June Nelson Region Cross Country21 June BOT Meeting Staff RoomTerm 3:9 August International Day of the World's

Indigenous People16 August BOT Meeting Staff Room29 August Start of Eid1 September NIS Promotional visit to NCS

7September Prospective students from all contributingschools invited to view NIS in action(children to make their own arrangementsto attend and advise the class teacher)

7 September Parents/Caregivers of Years 4, 5 & 6invited to NIS for a promotional evening

13 September Winter Tournament19 September Nelson Schools Science Fair20 September BOT Meeting Staff Room22 September 22 September Inter Regional Cross

Country29 September Nelson City School Speech CompetitionsDr Paul PotakaPRINCIPAL

Nelson CentralNelson Central

Social SkillsSocial Skills

Knowing how important it is to be honest

"My grandad bought me a nice, warm hoodie jacket to keep me warm at school , but it disappeared about 3 weeks ago at school . It's a

pink zip-up hoodie wi th "CONVERSE" across the front, and my name's on the tag. We hoped i t woul d have turned up in lost property by now - has anyone spotted i t or taken i t home by mistake? I woul d love to have it back. If you've seen it pl ease call my mum, Rachel, on Ph. 5482889, or l eave i t

at Lost Property or with my teacher at Room 13,Rachel . Thank you, from Camryn B.

Professional after schooltutoring services in

Reading WritingSpelling Maths

Call or email Harriet to arrange a free assessment

03 5482702021 618790 kmecnelson@hotmail.co.nz

At Kip McGrath Nelson students receive a freeassessment to determine their specific strengths

and areas for development. An individualisedprogramme is written and students attend 80minute lessons, once or twice per week, withqualified and experienced teachers.A variety of tailored resources and teachingstrategies are used, including a range of soft waredesigned specifically to support the New ZealandCurriculum, direct instruction, pencil and paperexercises and homework tasks.If you would like to help your child develop a lovefor learning, contact us by phoning, emailing or bydropping into the Centre in the yellow church onTukuka St.

Matariki Pictures—artwork and activities

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51B Brook Street, Nelson 7010Phone 5489936

Email: brookkindy@xtra.co.nzUnder the umbrella of the Nelson District Free

Kindergarten Associa on (Inc)

Limited vacancies are now available for 2 and a half to 5year olds.

Fully qualied and registered teachers20 hours ECE for 3 year olds and older and NO fees for

under 3 year olds (condi ons apply) Call for more informa on or visit the kindergarten and

meet the teaching team.Give your child a great start in life!

Colgate Carton RaceWe are now up to 340 !!

Keep them coming.

We have until June 30 th to collect as manycartons as we can to be in with a chanceto win a share of $60,000 worth of sports

equipment.Collection container in foyer.

WEEKLY SPORTS RESULTSWeek ended 12 th June

NetballCentral Firebirds v Appleby. Central won 16-3.Player of the day: Carleigh H.MiniballCentral Pistons v Hampden St Slammers 332 all adraw. Player of the day: Josephine R.Central Celtics v Enner Glynn Bullets. Celtics won 26-6. Player of the day: Gyung KGame reportWow what an exciting game played by the Celticstonight. I'm sure there was more than one spectatorwith a hoarse voice at the end of the game. We playedEnner Glynn Bullets and won 26 to 6.The Celtics werecalling each other, passing well, shooting baskets andrebounding exceptionally well. The whole teamdeserves player of the day but Gyung shone with hisblocking, rebounding and passing. Well done Gyung!!

Community Meeting InvitationHelping to keep Teens Safe

You are invited to a parent s’ discussion meet ing wherewe discuss useful st rategies on how to keep our childrensafe with the emphasis being on the teenage years. It isto be held in the hall @ Nelson Girls College and therewill usually be a hot drink, followed by a formal t alk/presentation/ followed by a discussion.There have been 2 previous evenings which were veryinformat ive and entertaining. This one will be held at

Nelson Girls College on Monday 20 June at 7pm. Thecontact person is Ingrid Beach, the Safe City Adviserfrom Nelson City Council. If anyone has any inquiriescontact Ingrid or St eph Menzies on 54507269 if anyonewants to com e along with her for the evening.

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Inter School Cross Country

Last week a team of 49 year 5 and 6 students attendedthe Inter School Cross Country Championships held atBranford Park. Schools attending were Hira, AucklandPoint, Hampden Street, Clifton Terrace, Victory and St

Josephs. Conditions were extremely heavy underfootafter the recent heavy rain. Teams raced over achallenging 1.5km course through different terrain. Allrunners performed extremely well under the conditionsand were a credit to the school. The following runnersfinished in the top ten of their section:Year 5 boys 2 nd in year 5 boys teams

event4 th Luke M room 1 Luke M rm 1, Logan C rm 3,8 th Logan C room 3 Jonny L rm2, Baxter C rm 3,

Harry C rm 2Year 6 girls10 th Asti O room 3Year 6 boys 1 st in year 6 boys teamevent3 rd Sam M room 2 Sam M rm 2, Thomas Z rm 1,4 th Thomas Z room 1 David Z rm 3, Albie M rm 2,6 th David Z room 3 Leo D rm 28 th Albie M room 2TeamsYear 5 GirlsLayla M room 9 Isobel M room 2Carmina G room 1 Ella M room 1Maya S room 9 Josephine R room 2

Hannah M room2 Adele C, room 3Year 5 BoysBaxter C room 3 Alex S room 1Logan C room 3 William S room 2Harry C room 2 Johnny L room 2Luke M room 1 William F-A room 2Caleb G room 3 Gyung K room 1

Jack E room3 Beau C room 1Aiden T, room 3Year 6 GirlsIsabella D room 9 Baimon W room 2Ast i O room 3 Isabella S room 1Tayla P room 3 Lydia B room 2Aimee H room 1 Jess ie W room 9Bianca G room 2 Molly M, room 3

Year 6 Boys

Albie M room 2 Jonti W room 1Sam M room 2 Leo D room 2David Z room 3 Callum M room 3Thomas Z room 1 Ronan O room 2Max P room 3 Omar D room 3Sam H room 2 Rohan T room 2

Jacob T-S room 1 Isaac M room 1Ethan P room 3 Joe R room 2

Many thanks to all the parents/caregivers/staff who transported the team to and fromthe event and for supporting them on theday. Thank you to the children from room 2

who helped with the setting up anddismantling of the course. Your help wasinvaluable.

Nelson Central School TennisRepresentatives

On Sunday the 5 th June David Z of room 3and Thomas Z of room 1 representedNelson in a Top of the South TennisTournament in Blenheim.

David won all his three games ( singles,doubles, mixed doubles).

Thomas won 2 singles games and doubles.The Nelson team performed extremely wellbeating Marlborough 18 matches to 14.

Well done David and Thomas.
