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This application is related to application 08/00806/FUL which follows next on the agenda.

Wordsworth Avenue Local Centre is situated on the north western side of Newport Pagnell. The centre, which is predominantly retail, comprises a range of mostly single-storey brick built buildings with associated car parking. The existing uses comprise supermarket, chemist, day nursery, public house, community centre and sheltered housing. It is bounded to the north by Portfields Combined School. Access is obtained via Wordsworth Avenue and Westbury Lane, but there is no through route. The retail elements are owned separarately from the remaining uses.


Permission is sought for the demolition of existing south block containing three retail units and erection of a residential scheme consisting of 2 two-storey blocks providing a total of eight flats and one single-storey dwelling. The proposed buildings would be sited to the south and east of the site. The southern building would be part single and part two-storey with external dimensions of 28.4m long x 6.7m deep sited adjacent to the Sheltered Housing (Abbotswood). The attached single-storey section would have a maximum depth of 9m and would provide a two bedroom bungalow. The proposed east block would measure 21m long x 6.5m deep and would be sited adjacent to the entrance to the site from Westbury Lane. Access to the first floor flats would be via two staircase projections with refuse bin storage areas beneath.

The proposal includes the provision of sheltered walkways linking the facilities with gazebos at node points. It is proposed to improve and retain a total of 34 parking spaces, the maximum allowable under the current parking standards.

The application is accompanied by a Design and Access statement summarised below: - 1. The proposal would constitute a good use of land and; 2. improve the existing facilities in the area; 3. Would relate well to the site and its immediate surroundings

4. The proposal would increase the area's attractiveness and introduce a residential element, which will bring variety to the locality.


1. Principle of residential development 2. Layout design and appearance 3. Amenity Issues 4. Parking and Highway Matters 5. Sustainability


Adopted Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001 - 2011D1 - Impact of Development Proposal on Locality D2 - Design of Buildings D2A - Urban Design Aspects of New Development D4 - Sustainable Construction LC2 - Non Retail Uses in Local Centres LC3 - New Development in Local Centres TC19 - Housing in Town, District and Local Centres T10 -Traffic T15 - Parking


The original development dates from 1979. 07/01249/FUL - Demolition of existing retail units and erection of new building comprising 3 retail units and 2 flats and erection of a block of flats comprising 4 flats (withdrawn). 08/00806/FUL - Erection of a new retail unit (decision pending).


Newport Pagnell Town Council: - Objects to the application on the grounds that: - the proposal is an overdevelopment of the site and out of keeping with the surrounding area. The Council is also concerned at the removal or loss of local facilities and the disruption to the elderly residents living nearby. The additional traffic generated would also have a detrimental effect on the area.

Highway Officer: - Commented that the revised plans retains 34 car parking spaces, the maximum allowable under the current car parking standards, which is acceptable. He recommends conditions relating to a traffic calming ramp, parking and cycle storage.

The closure of the pedestrian link from the northern part of the car park follows discussions with the ward councillors. This advice was given on the basis of making the facility more secure by reducing the number of possible 'would be escape routes' by persons that may commit a felony in the local centre. On this basis I am happy to accept its closure provided that the

existing pedestrian route around the northern periphery of the site remains open.

The revised plans show an improved arrangement for the raised footway crossings/speed control ramps. Whilst these appear acceptable minor details will require agreement as part of a S278 legal agreement as the proposed ramp at the entrance from Westbury Lane abuts adopted highway. The plans now show arrangements for cycle storage but it unclear whether these are both secure or covered.Overall, there is no highway objection, subject to conditions.

Urban Design: - Commented that the proposal for residential development on this site is appropriate to solve the issues of crime and vandalism in the area and achieves a mix of uses. The scale of the development is in proportion to the surrounding and their orientation forms an enclosure with the local centre. However there are concerns on the layout, character, quality of public realm and the architecture of the building that need to be addressed and should be accepted only if these major amendments are made.

Buckingham and River Ouzel Internal Drainage Board - Commented that confirmation should be sought from Anglian Water that a suitable surface water sewer exists and can satisfactorily accommodate the additional flows from the site.

Environmental Health Officer - No objection subject to the imposition of recommended condition in respect of assessment of ground conditions.

Development Plans Officer - Commented that the applicant has provided the Pre Assessment Estimator tool confirming that the proposed development will be designed to Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4. Evidence to verify the achievement of this rating (or any higher rating) will need to be dealt with by a condition. The Carbon Offset payment of £200 per tonne of carbon will need to be part of any S106 agreement. To conclude the proposal complies with policy D4.

Head Teacher, Portfields Combined School - Objects to the proposed covered walkway on the grounds that this may promote problems with vandalism and could be dangerous.

Four individual letters have been received from neighbouring occupiers of Abbotswood Sheltered Housing objecting to the proposal as summarised below: -

- Not in keeping with the character of the area and detracts from the background of existing properties. - Unreasonable noise and disturbance for neighbours. - Adverse impact on the character and appearance of the area. - Loss of privacy and loss of light to adjoining residential occupiers. - Loss of existing key retail unit (The Chemist).

- There is no indication in the application whether the dwellings will be sold privately or rented. - It may be appropriate for the dwellings to be let or sold to people of over 50 years old only in order to minimise noise and disturbance on amenities of neighbouring occupiers.


Principle of residential developmentThe site is allocated on the Proposals Map of the adopted Local Plan as a Local Centre, which provides a diverse range of services to the local community. Policy LC2 states that: - "Planning permission will be granted for non retail uses in Local Centres if: (i) At least one general convenience store will remain in the centre (ii) The proposed use would not adversely affect the amenity of neighbouring properties or the surrounding area." Policy LC3 goes further by stating that: - "Planning permission will be granted for new retail and other facilities in Local Centres provided the scale and nature of the proposal is consistent with their role and function as Local Centres."

The proposal would result in the loss of the existing three retail units located on the southern part of the site. However, the applicant has now submitted an application reference 08/00806/FUL for erection of a new retail unit to replace the loss of the chemist, which provides an essential facility or service to the local community. The proposed residential development is therefore considered acceptable and complies with policy LC2 and LC3. This outcome followed negotiations arising from the involvement of local Members.

Layout, design and appearancePolicy D2 of the adopted Local Plan deals with design of buildings, in terms of scale, relationship to the existing environment, access, visual interest and crime. Policy D2A deals with character in townscape and landscape terms, continuity of street frontage, public realm, ease of movement, layout, building form and tenure.

The proposed scheme comprising two blocks located to the south and east of the site would form a coherent relationship with the existing buildings on the site. Although, the new buildings would be two-storeys the style and particularly the appearance and form of the buildings indicating narrow traditional plan form with roof pitches of similar ridge and eaves height are considered acceptable. The proposed covered walkways linking the facilities with gazebos would provide safe and convenient access and shelter from the weather at all times for pedestrians and users of the centre. Materials and details are also generally traditional to reflect the local vernacular and would not detract from the traditional buildings that characterise the area. Notwithstanding the comments of the Urban Design section the design and layout are considered acceptable having regard to the established character and appearance of the area. The proposal therefore complies with policy D2 and D2A.

Impact on residential amenity/existing facilitiesPolicy D1 of the adopted Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001 - 2011 deals with the impact of development proposals on the locality in terms of traffic generation, access, privacy, pollution and physical damage to the site.

In terms of privacy, the nearest residential properties are located to the east of the proposed southern block and comprise a terrace of 7 bungalows (Abbotswood). The nearest property to the building is number 83 Abbotswood, which would be at a distance of approximately 10m from the single-storey part of the block. The orientation of the building including the distance between the property and the boundary, position of windows to habitable rooms would not result in overlooking, loss of privacy or loss of outlook to the neighbouring occupiers. The proposal is therefore acceptable in line with policy D1 of the adopted Local Plan.

Access and ParkingThe revised plans retain 34 car parking spaces, the maximum allowable under the current car parking standards, which is acceptable. The closure of the pedestrian link from the northern part of the car park would make the facility more secure by reducing the number of possible 'would be escape routes' by persons that may commit crime in the local centre.

The highway officer is satisfied with the proposed access and parking as shown on the revised plans, including an improved arrangement for the raised footway crossings/speed control ramps. However, there are minor details, which could be dealt with by the imposition of the recommended conditions in respect of access and parking.

SustainabilityThe application has been augmented by a Sustainability Statement which demonstrates how the buildings will accord with the ten criteria set out under Policy D4 of the adopted Local Plan in terms of energy efficiency, renewable energy, water efficiency measures, building materials, landscaping, waste and carbon emissions.

The Development Plans Officer has advised that the Sustainability Assessment is acceptable and would comply with all the criteria set out under Policy D4 subject to conditions. The applicant has confirmed that he is willing to provide a carbon offset payment as required by Policy D4.


In determining this application, material consideration has been afforded to the perceived impact upon the established character and appearance of the area/locality and the net benefit that such a scheme may provide to the local community. It is considered that although the combined proposals would result in a net loss of two retail units there would be a net gain of 9 dwellings and retention of a pharmacy facility and that there would be no undue impact

on amenities of neighbouring properties. Furthermore, there is no sufficiently strong policy, environmental and other material objections to the proposed scheme to warrant a refusal of this application.


It is recommended that permission be granted subject to the completion of a satisfactory section 106 agreement for the development to be carried out in tandem with application reference 08/00806/FUL delivering a replacement pharmacy, the covered walkways and carbon offset payment @ £200 per tonne and to conditions relating to materials, access, parking, traffic calming ramp, levels, ground surface and boundary treatment, ground conditions, landscaping, drainage, details of covered walkways, no overhead wires, cycle storage and wheel cleaning facilities.

Report author / case officer – Richard Sakyi Contact details - 01908 252509 richard.sakyi@milton-keynes.gov.uk
