Prehistory- period before writing was invented. Define Pre-History



Those who excavate or dig in areas where people live, finding artifacts and analyze them coming up with some conclusion about those people and how they lived.

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Prehistory- period before writing

was invented.


Those who excavate or dig in areas where people live, finding artifacts and analyze them coming up with some conclusion about those people and how they lived.


Paleolithic age-

Old Stone Age

Facts about the Paleolithic age-• Artifacts have been found in East

Africa, China, Southeast Asia, Europe, Middle East and America.

• They lived by fishing, hunting and gathering wild plants.

• They moved in search

of food- **Nomads** they had no permanent shelters..

The Ice Age

• Four ice ages during this period. • Sheets of ice called glaciers covered much

of Northern America, Europe, and parts of Asia.

• At the end of the ice age, dramatic local climates changed around the world. What was once a lush green vegetation was now a desert. Plants were reorganized, animals were reorganized and people moved to adapt to the climate.

Facts about Ice Age

How did anything survive?

National Geographic - Beginning Of An

Ice Age


How did it end?


New stone age

• People now began to farm and not hunt and gather food so much.

• Domesticated animals (tamed animals) Dogs, sheep, goats.

• Women farmed, men hunted. • Agriculture developed. (Anthropologist

believe it began in the Middle East and Africa.)

In this area they grew: Wheat, Barley and oats.

In Asia they grew: Rice and root crops (yams).



• Small Villages began, property was now important.

• Technology began with the development of farms.

• New farming tools and skills were established.

• Weaving was invented for making cloth.

Life in the Neolithic

• The wheel replaced the wooden sled which made transportation easier.

• Animals were used in farming.

• Copper was the first metal used for weapons and tools.

• Later a harder metal, Bronze was used. Combing Tin and

Copper to make bronze.

• As villages were established, Religion was too.

(Had to have an explanation for natural happenings. ) • Early man believed in



Many cave paintings are believed to not be just designs or decoration but

a religious ritual to insure a good hunt

See page 11 in your textbookThis painting is believed to be 15,000

years old. Subtle shading and earth tone.

Tree ofLife

Neolithic part I

Neolithic part II

What does this picture tell you? Write a story about this picture.
