Sand Casting using 3D Printing

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The method used to make a set of art castings. Using 3D printing technology to make complex sand cores, not possible by conventional processes.

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Metal Casting

Using 3D Printing Technology

The Idea

• I wanted to create a casting using 3D printing of sand cores but also….

• The shape had to be very difficult to produce by conventional core making processes

• This presentation shows the process used to create the sculpture

A complex shape, very difficult to make in metal by conventional (sand casting) means

Many undercuts in different directions

After the design is done… (3D ProEngineer)

..we add features for metal flow and to allow the gas to escape

Cores are designed to allow easy preparation

Base core

Middle core

Upper core with metal in-gate and gas outlets

Lower core with locating features

Middle Core with locating features

Upper core with locating features

Cores are printed by

Cores are removed from machine

Loose sand removal

Upper core with locating features

Middle core with locating features

Core assembly

Lower and middle cores

Core assembly

Pour metal and clean the casting

Remove excess metal and polish

Highlights in the sunshine
