Understanding Behavior Flow Reports In Google Analytics


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Behavior Flow Reports in Google Analytics

What is Behavior Flow?

1. A feature in Google Analytics2. Visualizes a path user flow from page to

page3. Can be a single page or multiple pages4. Is used to track the how a user

navigates on your site5. Includes the landing and exit page

Purpose of Behavior Flow Reports

Two basic reasons

❖Identifies the most engaging content on your site

❖Identify problem areas and potential content issues

How to Access?

For accessing behavior reports

I. Login to analytics account

II.Navigate to reporting tab

III.Click Behavior >> Behavior Flow

Using Behavior Flow ReportsYou can view the behavior flow reports in four ways

1.Content Grouping

2.Automatically Grouped Pages


4.Pages & Events

1. Content Grouping

To view flow reports for content grouping you have to create content grouping.

For creating content grouping navigate to

admin >> view >> content grouping

Once you select content grouping as view type, flow reports will show how a user navigates according to content groups

This will identify the potential content groups

2. Automatically Grouped Pages

Automatically grouped pages are the by default grouped pages by google analytics

This will show flow reports about similar pages grouped by GA

3. Events

Selecting view type as event will show flow reports according to the events a user completed during his/her visit

For viewing flow reports according to event type, you must have setup events in your GA account

This will also show the events that are more engaging the user

4. Pages & Events

Pages & event view will show the performance of pages and events together

Structure of Behavior Flow

Behavior flow reports consist of Nodes, Connections & Exits

➔ Nodes are points through which traffic flows & each node represent different dimension according to the view

➔ Connections represent the path from one node to the next and the volume of traffic it takes

➔ An exit indicates where the user left the site


Behavior flow reports are more helpful when you want to measure content engagement and the content that is most popular.

For reading the related article visit : http://marketlytics.com/blog/behavior-flow-reports-google-analytics
