Why You Need Social Media

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A presentation I put together for Notre Dame's MBA Career Development. A quick intro to social media, how to get involved, and a brief tutorial on how to use a few of the key tools.

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Why You Need Social Media

for Notre Dame MBA

Career Development

by Dan SweetMBA Class of 2009

What is Social Media?

“Social media is a shift in how people discover, read and share news, information and content. It's a

fusion of sociology and technology, transforming monologue (one to

many) into dialog (many to many) and is the democratization of

information, transforming people from content readers into


What can Social Media do for you?• Free advertising• The easiest networking you’ve

ever done• Powerful research tool• Great way to stay on top of an


How do I get started?

• Assess your Social Media savvy• Decide on your personal brand• Determine your level of

involvement• Choose the most appropriate tools• Start connecting and creating


Assess your Social Media savvy

One point for each of the following:

Are you on Facebook? Yes No

Are you on LinkedIn? Yes No

Can I Google you and find you? Yes No

Do you read any blogs regularly? Yes No

Have you ever commented on a blog? Yes No

Do you use an RSS reader? (Google Reader) Yes No

Do you use Twitter? Yes No

0 – 2 Internets, what?3 – 4 Heading in the right direction5 – 6 Doing great 7 Social media superstar

Determine your personal brand• What are you passionate about?• What are you good at?

• Develop a personal brand statement

• Choose a consistent image of yourself to use across all sites online (called an avatar)Here is mine: aim for professional



• Align your resume, cover letter and online profiles around your brand statement

Determine your involvement

Time Commitment Actions

1-2 hours every 6 months

Keep your profiles current

1 hour per week

Add connections, send emails, write/solicit LinkedIn recommendations

15min+ per dayAll of the above, read blogs, comment on blogs, use Twitter, start your own blog

Choose the most appropriate tools for your goals

Facebookconnecting with friends

LinkedInbusiness networking

Twitterbroadcast txt messaging – networking

Google Readerinbox for blogs you read

Wordpress/Blogger/Typepad start a blog and share your perspective

The Basics of the Tools

Facebook – privacy settings

LinkedIn – connections, recommendations

Google Reader – setup, adding blogs, use

Twitter – setup, following others, tweets, @replies, DMs, Tweetdeck, search, groups


A recent survey showed 1/3 of hiring managers are looking at Facebook profiles

Turn offs: poor judgment, rude comments

Don’t be this guy!

Facebook• Facebook is primarily for your friends • Either keep it clean or consider

removing yourself from search resultsVisit your search privacy settings page and under “Search Visibility” select “Only Friends” (Remember, doing so will remove you from Facebook search results, so make sure you want to be removed totally. Otherwise, you can select another group, such as “My Networks and Friends” which I believe is the default.) Click “Save Changes”

• Consider altering your privacy settings so people can’t tag you in photos if you want to control your image onlineVisit your profile privacy page and modify the setting next to “Photos Tagged of You”. Select the option which says “Customize…” A box will appear. Select the option “Only Me” and then “None of My Networks.” Now no one will be able to tag you in pictures.

LinkedInMany great resources available for LinkedInCheck out these guides:

Official LinkedIn ‘09 Grad Guide

Guy Kawasaki’s 10 Ways to Use LinkedIn

LinkedIn: 22 Ways to Dominate

One Tip: Profiles with more connections and recommendations rank higher in search results. Write a few recommendations for others and ask former bosses and colleagues to recommend you as well.

Google ReaderAn Inbox for the blogs you read


You don’t read blogs? Only guys like this are into blogs?

These people all blog:

• George Soros• Carl Icahn• Mark Cuban• Bill Gates• Paul Allen• Sergey Brin

• Larry Page• Jerry Yang• Oprah• Guy Kawasaki• Seth Godin• Richard Branson

Blogs are written by people in every industry. Reading them regularly allows you to stay on top of what is happening in an industry and keep up on their latest thoughts and ideas. In many cases commenting on the blog will start a conversation with the author.

Google Reader Tutorial

Signup for an account from Gmail.com (try for yourname@gmail.com or something close)

ND’s Gmail isn’t integrated w/ Reader

Set up your ND email to forward to your Gmail



Reader is missing!

Accessing Google Reader

Just click “Reader” from within Gmail or go to reader.google.com and sign in

Treat it just like your email. It is easy to stay current in just a few minutes a day.

2 ways to add subscriptionsFrom the blog you want to add

From within Reader (if you know the feed address)

Look for RSS logo or “Subscribe”

Navigating in Google ReaderThe blogs you subscribe to are on the

leftThe number of unread items is in


A few blogs by industry

Venture Capital / PEA VCGoing Private

MarketingSeth GodinGuy KawasakiDave KnoxAlan WolkBackPocket from Prophet

Banking / InvestingAbnormal ReturnsLeveraged Sell-OutVix and MoreCapital Chronicle Paul Kedrosky’s Infectious


TechnologyTechCrunchScobleizerFake Steve JobsValleywag

Non-ProfitSpare ChangeHave Fun – Do Good

Health CarePharmalotPharmaGossip

ConsultingBlogs by McKinseyitesGDIFC

Subscribe to a few of these and you will quickly find more


What is it? (from Twitter.com) “Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co

workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?”

Twitter is more useful when you answer the question, What is on your mind?

No one cares you just ate some cake.Try to make your tweets “value-add”

Get Twitter setup

• Go to Twitter.com and signup• Pick a username as close to your

real name as possible• Upload your picture (avatar)• Put a link to your

LinkedIn/Facebook or blog in your profile

• Follow some people • Start tweeting!

Quick Twitter Definitions

Tweet (n) = a Twitter messageTweet (v) = to send a Twitter message @replies = put an “@” in front of

anyone’s name to send a public reply to them

DMs = direct messages – send a private message to someone who follows you

RT = retweet – a way to pass on a tweet you find especially interesting, useful, or


Finding people to follow

• Follow me “dsweet”• Look through the people I am following

and follow some of them• Iterate indefinitely

• Once you are following some people you like, use MrTweet.com for customized recommendations of good people to follow

Getting people to follow you

• Be interesting• Be funny• Be helpful• Talk to people using @replies• Get your friends and family on

Twitter• If all else fails, read this article:

Guy Kawasaki: Looking for Mr. Goodtweet

Tweetdeck is Twitter.com on steroids

Final Twitter Tips

Download Tweetdeck at Tweetdeck.com• Search to find people in your target

industries• Organize the people you follow into

groups• Use it to update your Facebook status• Also, follow your Facebook friends

Take Twitter on the go and never be bored• ÜberTwitter for BlackBerry• Twitterific for iPhone• ceTwit for Windows Mobile

Putting it all together…

Use a personal home page or blog to link all the pieces of your online identity.Consider buying yourname.com or set up a free profile with a service like MeeID.com or a Google Profile.

Create an email signature that links to your online identity and allows people to learn more about you easily

Examples:www.meeid.com/dansweet lookuppage.com/users/dansweet

email signature

A final word of caution:Don’t blow yourself up…• Consider steering clear of these topics online:

religion, politics, and sex• Present a consistent image• Don’t spam people• Think before you type - a short case study:

A lucky job applicant tweeted the following:• Cisco just offered me a job! Now I have to weigh the utility

of a fatty paycheck against the daily commute to San Jose and hating the work.

A Cisco exec tweets back:• Who is the hiring manager. I’m sure they would love to know

that you will hate the work. We here at Cisco are versed in the web.

(posted March 17, 2009 on I’m Not Actually a Geek)

The End

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