What is Design Thinking?


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10 to Comprehend: Business Topics explained on ten slides What is Design Thinking? Jens Möller wissensWERTE Consulting & Training www.wissenswerte.biz

More than 90% of all new products don‘t meet the needs of the customers, ...

... because their developers were just focusing on the final product.

To change this, Design Thinking has been developed.

Design Thinking is a new approach to innovation, which is not putting the product, ...

... but the customer at the heart of the innovation process.

In an iterative process of 6 phases ...

... all begins with understanding the problem and empathizing with your customer, ...

... to generate as many ideas as possible using your “informed intuition”.

Bring the best ideas to life by building tangible prototypes...

… and test and refine them together with your customer.

Jens Möller wissensWERTE Consulting & Training www.wissenswerte.biz jens.moeller@wissenswerte.biz

Would you like to use Design Thinking for innovation? Attend one of my Design Thinking workshops! I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
