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Presented by

Andy Headworth,

Sirona Consulting 22nd March 2012 Oslo

Hallo Oslo mitt

Twitter heter


� MD of Sirona Consulting

� Recruitment { Strategy | Social | Process | Online }

� Corporates and Recruiters

� Published author of “Smart Social Media Recruitment Strategies”

When I mention social media to HR & Recruiters........

It isn’t what you do – it is who you are

‘Social’ is something you are – it is not something you do.

The media doesn’t determine how social a company.

Does your company culture focus on building relationships

with your customers | employees | prospective employees ?

If not, then it is unlikely

social media will do it

for you.

If yes then lucky you, as

social media will help you all

the way .

Social Media Explained

Twitter > I’m eating a donut

Facebook > I like donuts

Foursquare > This is where I eat donuts

Instagram > Here is a vintage photo of my donut

YouTube > Here I am eating a donut

Thanks to Three Ships Media

YouTube > Here I am eating a donut

LinkedIn > My skills include donut eating

Google+ > I’m a Google employee who eats donuts

Pinterest > Here’s a donut recipe

Spotify > Now listening to “donuts”

Science fiction recruiting becomes reality

The Changes

� National Talent pools are shrinking [especially in-demand skills]

� Global Talent pools are increasing due to mobility

� Company loyalty is diminishing – jobs not careers

� Candidate driven marketplace ensures choice, where money is � Candidate driven marketplace ensures choice, where money is

no longer the primary driver

� Transparency is both a talent problem and an opportunity

Finding ( and employing) good

people is getting harder and


The drivers of change


Talent£, €

The power of social media

Implications of social media



150+ M

500+ M

100+ M

800+ M

160+ M

161+ M

Norway’s Talent

� Oslo now ranks as the fastest-growing

city in Europe due to Norway’s strong


� Immigrants and their first-generation

children are expected to make up 47% of

the Norwegian capital’s population by

2040 (currently 28%).2040 (currently 28%).

� Oslo will invest nearly NOK 25 billion

(USD 4.5 billion) in 63 new construction

projects, including 16 completely new


Sources: Norway’s SSB & NewspaperDagsavisen

The Inbound Talent – where from, who & how?

Social Norway




March 2012 [Working population 2.5M]

A deeper look at Facebook in Norway

Remember over half the population on Facebook .....

Fast growing age group in the last 3 months 45 - 54

Total 2.6 million

Recruitment CAN work on Facebook

A short history of social media in recruitment

Lessons learnedLessons learned

Tactics without strategy

Failure to recognise importance of content

Lack of response management & conversation

Engagement – are you kidding?

You are in the palms of your candidates AND employees

So what does your career site look like on a mobile?

Smartphone penetration in

Norway is 85%

The content shift

Steven Ehrlich – Global VP, Client Development, aia worldwide

“The ubiquity of access has given candidates AND

employees the opportunity to create their own content

about organisations how and when they please”

Candidate expectations are changing

“If you wish to persuade me, you must think my

thoughts, feel my feelings, and speak my words”

Cicero 80BC

What the job seekers are saying…..

Take note employers

How do you communicate with your candidates?

� Tweet

� Direct Message

� Message

� Facetime

� Chat

“If you wish to persuade

me, you must think my

thoughts, feel my feelings,

and speak my words”

� Chat

� Message; Circles

� Huddle; Hangout

� Message

� Company updates

� Inmail

� Message

� Audio Skype

� Video Skype

� RSS Feeds

Cicero 80BC

Social search

Then the game changed......not just social search

Search, plus your world

[Now, do you think it might be worth looking at Google+?]

Adding a social layer is not complex

Why social media for recruitment?

John Sumser , from HR Examiner: "Klout, Peerindex and

Kred are just the start, in 10 years they will be

as advanced as DNA sequencing".

Recruiting by influence

Reach, Influence & Amplification

[ Footnote: Work in progress, but algorithms are improving all the time ]

QR codes anyone?

Tip: Make sure you

take them to a

mobile enabled


The latest, fastest growing social network

I promised you augmented reality.....

No longer are you in control of your brand....

Remember Joey!

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