Secrets of email success part 1



How to dirve higher ROI from your email subscribers my minimizing attrition and growing your email base.

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How to Drive Higher ROI From Your Email Subscribers(Part 1)Addressing Attrition

By Lora Downie, Digital Analyst–Email Specialist, Catalyst

July 13, 2011


Your Best Asset: Subscribers

Most marketers are so focused on getting the next email out the door that they don’t take the time to give their subscribers the attention they deserve.


Your Best Asset: Subscribers

With a little time and analysis, your subscriber and website data can uncover invaluable information about your email program:

What’s working/not workingContent directionLay the foundation for testing a strategyPoint you in the right direction for future growth

Understanding Attrition


1. Attrition Will Happen

Your email list will experience attrition:UnsubscribesSpam complaintsLoss of interest

If your job is to grow your email base, then it is also your job to understand your attrition drivers and focus on minimizing them.


2. Where to Start

To minimize an activity that happens at the end of a subscriber’s lifetime you typically have to look at the beginning.


3. Build the Relationship

Look at how you capture email addresses now and find ways to optimize your capture process.

If you optimize this upfront component you are building the relationship on trust and transparency from the onset.


4. Demonstrate the Value

Do you properly convey the value of your program and/or content?

Have you provided an opportunity for subscribers to evaluate what you’re offering them to see whether it’s a good fit?


4. Demonstrate the Value

If your relationship is built on common goals and expectations, the likelihood of subscribers unsubscribing or losing interest is considerably lower.


5. Listen to Subscribers

Provide opportunities for feedback throughout your subscribers’ lifetime.

Keep the conversation flowing.


5. Listen to Subscribers

People’s interests change…and your content needs to reflect this in order for your relationship to continue.

Have a question? Want to learn more?Email me at Be sure to download Part 2: Growing Engagement and Part 3: Driving Growth.


About the Author

Lora Downie specializes in email program strategy, design strategy and best practices at Catalyst, a Rochester, NY-based direct and digital marketing agency. She is a certified MarketingSherpa email specialist and has been published twice in DM News’ Email Marketing Guide.