14 Ways To Show Clients You Love Them Ppt

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Invest five minutes and get 14 tips on how to build stronger relationships with clents. Show customers by word and deed you love working with them, and outsell the competition!

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Send a written thank you card. Yes, you heard it a thousand times, and many reps send written thank you notes after first appointments.

But there are plenty of other times when a thank you note is a great way to say you care. Here are a few examples… •After a new customer gives you the first order.•When a customer does you a favor that helps you out. •When a client refers you. •When the client chooses you over your competitors!

Wouldn’t it be great if someone gave you two free tickets to the movies and told you to have a great time?

I bet you would like it.

So would your client, so why not do it for them?

Say “thank you” on a big scale.

Set up a table in your customer’s lobby one morning. Serve donuts and coffee and tell everyone you’re proud to be a partner.

And just maybe the guy who loves the chocolate frosted donut with vanilla sprinkles will turn out to be an important key contact you’ve been dying to meet!

How long have you been doing business together? A month? A year? A decade?

Acknowledge and celebrate anniversaries. Have a card and cake delivered to the client, and show them you don’t take their business or the relationship for granted.

Give the client a small gift when they give you the first order. It can be a nice pen or candy. It doesn’t have to be

When you get the

first order from a

new customer, give

them a small thank

you gift in return.

Take clients to lunch. Or breakfast. Or dinner.

Invite a group of people. Invite several people from the same company or bring clients from different companies together to share ideas and information.

If customers decline your invitation, find out why. Does company policy prohibit accepting invitations from vendors? Or, do they say no because they don’t like you enough to want to share a meal with you?

If they don’t like you enough, what are you going to do about that?

Pay a sincere compliment. People like it when salespeople notice and remark on something positive. That’s why compliments strengthen relationships.

Being sincere is critical. Salespeople who suck-up simply to get an order won’t help their cause because their actions aren’t perceived as genuine.

Have your boss call and thank the

customer for their business. It shows

them they’re important.

Ask your customer what you could do better. This demonstrates you want them to be happy—which makes them happier about buying from you.

It also helps you identify new pain points, helping you sell more by keeping your relationship fresh.

We all like getting mail that shows others are thinking about us. Send a card to

brighten your customer’s day.

Smile BEFORE you pick up the phone!

Answer every call in a positive, upbeat way.

Listen to your voicemail message and record a friendlier one.

Work harder than your competitors to make customers feel like you’re glad they called.

Are you trying to solve a problem? Ask customers for advice.

Asking customers to share thoughts shows you value their opinions and builds stronger relationships.

Single task when talking to customers on the phone.

There is no greater gift than your undivided


So far, you have 13 ideas. Now it’s time for you to tap into your greatest selling advantage—your intelligence—and come up with one more great idea. Investing time in finding new ways to make clients happy proves you really do love them and want a long-term relationship.

Thanks for taking the time to view this.

If you are looking for practical information to help you sell more today, read “Selling in Tough Times.” This book, written by Linda Bishop, President & Chief Sales Officer of Thought Transformation is available at www.ttbooks.biz and www.amazon.com

To get Linda’s e-newsletter “SELF-TAUGHT SALES,” send an email to lindabishop@thoughttransformation.com

To read Linda’s blog, go to www.salesisnotforsissies.com

Follow Linda on Twitter: @Linda_Bishop