Safety Precautions a Must on Adventure Wildlife Safaris and Tours in India

Safety precautionsamustonadventurewildlifesafarisandtoursinindia

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The Tiger, who still pondered for more than 10 minutes upon sighting the intruder in his enclosure, was aggravated by the restless crowd of visitors who pelted stones at him, to finally attack the youth...........

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Page 1: Safety precautionsamustonadventurewildlifesafarisandtoursinindia

Safety Precautions a Must on Adventure Wildlife Safaris and Tours in India

Page 2: Safety precautionsamustonadventurewildlifesafarisandtoursinindia

• It was indeed a very sad incident which occurred at the Delhi Zoo where a visitor fell into the enclosure of the White Tiger named Vijay, where the visitor met his untimely death. The video of that horrifying event was a scary scene which one normally wouldn’t forget for years to come.

Page 3: Safety precautionsamustonadventurewildlifesafarisandtoursinindia

• The Tiger, who still pondered for more than 10 minutes upon sighting the intruder in his enclosure, was aggravated by the restless crowd of visitors who pelted stones at him, to finally attack the youth. The happening created quite a flutter amongst one and all. The lack of timely steps that could have been taken by the zoo personnel to save the human life seemed to be the talk of the town.

Page 4: Safety precautionsamustonadventurewildlifesafarisandtoursinindia

The point to say here is that one must take proper safety precautions while going to a zoo or on an Adventure Wildlife Safari to the various wildlife parks such as Ranthambore National Park, Kanha National Park, Bandhavgarh National Park & Pench National Park to name a few. The tour operators at Tigeroath.com are licensed and well trained to undertake the Jungle Safaris. The tour guides as well as the driver of the vehicles whether it is jeep safaris or canter safaris are well versed with the jungle trails and keep the vehicles at a safe distance from the animals such as Royal Bengal Tigers, Sloth Bears, leopards, hyenas, caracals and others.

Page 5: Safety precautionsamustonadventurewildlifesafarisandtoursinindia

Whether you are an individual tourist or a couple or a group of people, the basic thing to understand is that wildlife is best viewed from a safe distance. However, some overzealous people who tend to walk right up to the animals are calling for danger to their own life. So for your own good, follow the good advice of the tour guides and take home happy memories of your sightings rather than tales of woe.