La Clutura de This magazine is dedicated to the promotion of the better understanding of the life and culture of Chile. A people proud of their long history and diverse heritage, Chileans want to have good relations with the rest of the world. Welcome. We hope you enjoy this presentation.

Group 3 chile power point

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Page 1: Group 3 chile power point

La Clutura

deThis magazine is dedicated to the promotion of the better understanding of the life and culture of Chile. A people proud of their long history and diverse heritage, Chileans want to have good relations with the rest of the world.

Welcome. We hope you enjoy this presentation.

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Chile has a long history of culture that has been influenced by the Spanish, British, and Americans, along with native cultures, Mapuche, Yaghan, and other tribes. Chile is the only Latin American country preserving their national culture (8). One of the cultures they are preserving is the world’s southernmost indigenous culture in Chile, the Yaghan language and culture (8). Another culture they are preserving is the Mapuche culture and this can be seen in traditional clothing and dance.

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Chilean businessman and weapon scientist, Carlos Cardoen, wearing a chamanto and a chupalla sombrero.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders wearing chamantos during the 2004 summit.

Chamanto is a traditional decorative garment from central Chile. The difference between a chamanto and other ponchos is their reversibility, as both sides — one light, one dark — are fully finished. Traditionally, the dark side of the poncho is used during the day, while its light side is mostly worn at night. The making of a chamanto

demands great diligence, because of the exquisiteness involved in the weaving of the silk and wool, plus the intricacy of the design sketched by crossing the threads.The figures embellishing the chamantos include copihues —Chile’s national flower— barley and wheat ears, blackberries, bunches of grapes, fuchsias, pansies and various birds representative of the national fauna. (1)

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HUASOS Huasos in Chile are similar to the Guachos of

Argentina, the Llaneros of Venezuela and the cowboys of the United States. The difference between the Chilean Huasos and their similar counterparts in other regions is that the Huasos not only deal with cattle but can also be involved in agriculture. Most Chilean Huasos live South of Santiago where there are a lot of cattle farms.

Huaso is also the name used to refer to the man dancing in the Cueca (the Chilean national dance) since he wears their traditional clothing. The female in this dance is called the China (with the flowery dress) or Huasa urbana (with the elegant dress).

The essential clothing of a Huaso consists of:A hat with a round rim which is ironing board flat. This is traditionally black but you will find many that wear light-colored ones.Knee-high leather boots with spurs at the heels.A wide sash around the waist with part of it hanging towards the left. It is usually black, grey or beige.A jacket which is shorter around the waist than normal so that it doesn't cover the sash.The jacket is covered by a Poncho. This Poncho is what characterizes each Huaso since they are each known for their own colors. (2)

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TRADITIONAL DANCE CLOTHESThe national dance of Chile is called the Cueca. The traditional Chilean clothing for the dance is the men dress as a Huasos (Chilean cowboy): hat, shirt, chamanto, riding pants, short jacket, riding boots, and spurs. Women wear a flowered dress with an apron. (3)

This dance is usually performed during festivals and national holidays. The traditional Huasos outfit is also worn at the rodeo events (4)

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MODERN CLOTHESBusiness attire

Casual attire

Business and casual clothes have both a European influence and a North American influence.

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I think this picture sums up the modern style. On the right you have the business man in a suit, the man in the middle is wearing a casual style suit jacket, dress shirt and jeans, while the man on the left, is younger and wearing t-shirt and jeans with a retro rolled up pant legs and tennis shoes. (7)

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SOURCES(1) Chamanto From Widipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamanto(2) Huasos, South America: Chile http://www.southamerica.cl/Chile/Huasos.htm(3) Chile’s National Dance: The Cueca, Pepe’s Chile, Joes Kitchen http://www.joeskitchen.com/chile/2007/08/24/chiles-national-dance-the-cueca/(4) Images of The Cueca, Google images http://www.google.com/search?q=The+Cueca&hl=en&biw=1782&bih=872&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=yn_BTrCoJIGNigL-0PyxAw&ved=0CDcQsAQ(5) Business and Modern clothing, Google images http://www.google.com/search?q=business+clothing+of+Chile&hl=en&biw=1623&bih=872&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=bHLBTsDuH6qsiAKv6JT-Ag&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&sqi=2&ved=0CDUQ_AUoAQ#q=business+clothing+of+Chile&hl=en&sa=X&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=252180ee14dd8f86&biw=1782&bih=872(6) Clothing, Zazzle.com http://www.zazzle.com/kiss_me_im_chilean_tshirt-235295886910203409(7) “A good moment for Chilean cinema” This is Chile.cl http://www.thisischile.cl/6189/2/a-good-moment-for-chilean-cinema-says-director-matias-bize/News.aspx

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Religious AffairsBy Gaelan Hartliep

Throughout this article we will explore the effects of religion on the culture of Chile. The article will also look at the obstacles generated by religious differences and ways to get around them.

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The Religious Demographic

An estimated 73% of the population in Chile claim to be catholic (Silva, 2011).

15% of the Chilean population are associated with the protestant church (Silva, 2011).

8% of the Chilean population abstain from religion (Silva, 2011).

The remaining 4% claim some other religion (Silva, 2011).

Religion is a very important aspect of the Chilean culture.

Chileans hold the upmost respect for others religious affiliations, and expect to be treated the same.

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Walls and Barriers Certain differences create large gaps to be

vaulted when it comes to adapting to another culture.

One barrier can be a difference in religious beliefs.

Ethnocentrism is assuming that one’s cultural traditions are better then someone else’s (Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., Ivy, Lane, Redmond, 2011, p. 157)

This concept can be applied to religious beliefs as well. Belief that your religion is better or more correct.

Stereotyping and prejudice form two other barriers that go hand in hand. Making assumptions about a person because of their affiliations, religious or not, and then judging them based on those assumptions.

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Building Bridges Religious tolerance is a necessity when trying to

adapt and effectively communicate with others that have different beliefs.

You do not need to compromise your own beliefs, but accept that someone has a different viewpoint.

This can be done through a form of Ethnorelative cultural perspective, which is “an appreciation for and sensitivity to cultural differences” (Beebe et al, 2011, p. 162). Simply take this concept and apply it to religious differences.

A way to combat stereotyping and prejudice is to seek information. Do not go into another culture or religion with preconceived notions. Look to truly learn and understand about them, rather then going on what you think you may know.

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Adapting to Others While some will have no issue

adapting to the religious aspect of Chile, others need to understand how it comes into play in the culture and how to adapt to it.

Intercultural Communication Competence is defined as “The ability to adapt one’s behavior toward another person in ways that are appropriate to the other person’s culture” (Beebe et al, 2011, p. 161)

It is important to be able to change one’s behavior to honor another persons culture, especially when it pertains to religion.

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SourcesBeebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., Ivy, D. K., Lane, S. D., Redmond, M. V. (2011). The Blue Book of

Communication Studies. Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions.Image of the Bridge. Retrieved November 11, 2011, from http://www.google.com/search?


Image of Church. Retrieved November 11, 2011, from http://thegreatamericandisconnect.blogspot.com/2010/11/catholic-church-screams-we-are.html

Image of Cats. Retrieved November 11, 2011, from http://cheezburger.com/Roanna/lolz/View/2994248704

Image of The Great Wall of China. Retrieved November 11, 2011, from http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1440&bih=706&q=building+bridges&gbv=2&oq=building+bridges&aq=f&aqi=g8g-m2&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1043l3400l0l3550l16l14l0l2l2l0l173l1169l6.6l12l0

Library of Congress Country Studies. (n.d.) Chile: Religion and Churches. Retrieved November 5 2011, from http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?frd/cstdy:@field%28DOCID+cl0067%29

Silva, P., (2011). Chile. Retrieved November 4, 2011, from http://www.everyculture.com/Bo-Co/Chile.html

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A Cult of MachismoMachismo pervades all aspects of life in Chile, including relationships and interactions with other cultures. Realizing the similarity of the domination and mistreatment of less powerful minorities in our own culture to those treated that way in Chile could lead to better, more nuanced communication.(Beebe, et. al.)

“I was born in ancient times, at the end of the world, in a patriarchal Catholic and conservative family. No wonder that by agefive I was a raging feminist - although the term had not reached Chile yet, so nobody knew what the heck was wrong with me.”Isabel Allende, Chilean human rights advocate(Allende)

By Victoria Quaintance

Machismoism: prominently exhibited or excessive masculinity or manliness. Ranging from a sense of virility to male chauvinism, machismo characteristics include domination, fierceness, aggressiveness and bravado in ways that are showily and histrionically tough. (Dictionary.com)(Farlex)

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Where is machismo found in Chile?

• Chilean men often believe that they can demonstrate their lovethough violent behavior and so perpetuate an environmentwhere violence against women can thrive. Nearly a third ofcollege age women report being the victim of sexual assaultsince age 14, with 17% being victimized in the last year alone.(Lehlear, et. al.).

• Media- Camila Vallejo, the 23 year old student president of the nation’s largest university, leads protests again political corruption and ill treatment of the poor. The paternalistic and sexist media reported "she would fit better on a models' runway than at the barricades," and when she refused to dance at a demonstration; "Camila won't move her butt”.(Vergara)

• Politics- Female representatives make up only 15% of the government, one of the lowest in Latin America. Women have little influence in making policy or working on social, economic and political changes that effect communities as a whole.(Veloso Olguin)

• Gangs- Chileans have set up and are joining criminal organizations for drug trafficking.(Gallardo) A macho based code of ethics and a standard of behavior based on bravado pervade gangs who fight for turf control and rights. Overlords exploit the machismo culture for power and wealth.

• Catholic Church- An ideal of women’s purity achieved through acting as the Virgin Mary in their daily lives has made them valuable as “mothers”. Women are expected to be selfless, devoted to family, and to always put off career or personal goals in favor of other family members. Their moral and sexual immaculacy is directly tied to the honor of male family members.(Chappelle)

Why do you make me hurt you?

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Machismo in America?• Sexism: Sexual harassment is simply an everyday part of life for middle and high school students. Half of

American students, grades 7-12, report being sexually harassed while in school. (Hill, et. al.) “Sexism in American society seems more tolerated than racism, and certainly more acceptable or forgivable,” Katie Couric, CBS news anchor.(Frid, et. al.)

• Every 45 seconds in the US someone is sexually assaulted. 14% of women in college have been raped, however 9 out of 10 women raped on campus never tell anyone. (Crisis Connection)

Cost to Chilean Society• Suppression of Women

– Abortion is illegal in Chile yet is the highest ratein South America: 43 unsafe abortions per 100 livebirths, one of the highest in the world. (WHO)

• Victims are forced to patronize the under-ground medical system with unregulated facilities that are unsanitary, unlicensed and undertrained which results in back ally and self-induced “coat-hanger” abortions.

• Results: unwanted children which overwhelminglyaffects the poor

• Women in the Work Force– Women earn far less than men for the same employment– Subject to rampant discrimination and sexual advances at

work• Women do all housework. If working outside the home they

essentially pull a double shift every day unless earning enoughto pay for domestic help.

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Chile issued a statement rejecting any legislation that would decriminalize Chile’s restriction on abortion by allowing exceptions in the cases of rape, to save the life of the mother, or fetal deformity. (Ertelt)

Women protesting violence.Concepcion, Chile

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• Domestic Violence

– Women are trapped in abusive relationships– Despite increased record keeping there is little tangible support

from the state.– Rape- Most women can not afford or do not have access to

emergency contraceptives.– Femicide (term for the murder of women) averages 50 per year

• Suppression of Children and Aged– Women are tasked with care of other oppressed classes resulting in

further stress on the fabric of society– Disasters (natural or manmade) strike especially hard at women

with already stretched resources and those who rely on them.• Human trafficking – Chile is a known route and has no laws against this

abuse. Women and girls are lured into responding to false ads for jobs and forced into prostitution and labor enslavement for domestic use and for shipment to other countries.(Pratt)

Power exchanges

A Chilean woman looks at an“empty shoe” femicide exhibitdisplaying the names of victims.

The similarities between life in the US and Chile are striking. Bothcultures value women and the feminine as lesser than men. These are just the facts while the reasons behind them are much more convoluted and difficult to understand. Power exchanges incommon interactions will shape outcomes so it is important tohave a working knowledge of how the practice of machismoismpermeates life in Chile when dealing with that culture. Thanks for reading this article.

Where is she?

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Allende, I. (2009) Isabel Allende tells tales of pasion, Video, http://www.ted.com/talks/isabel_allende_tells_tales_of_passion.htmlBeebe, S. J., Beebe, S. A., Ivy, D. K., Lane, S. D., Redmond, M. V., Assuming Differences pg. 158 (2011) The Blue Book of

Communication Studies, Tacoma Community College Custom Edition, Pearson PublishingChappell, D.; Women’s Influence in Chile (the last 150 years) http://www.spotlightchile.com/women.htmCrisis Connection (11-2011), http://www.crisisconnectioninc.org/sexualassault/rapestatistics.htm

Dictionary.com, 11-9-2011 http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/machismoErtelt, S. Catholic Bishops of Chile Oppose Weakening Abortion Ban (1-2011) LifeNews.com


Lehrer, J., Lehrer, V., Lehrer, E., and Oyarzún, P., (2007) Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Sexual Victimization in College Women in Chile, International Family Planning Perspectives Vol. 33, No. 4, Dec. 2007: Guttmacher Institute

The Free Dictionary by Farlex, 11-9-2011 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/machismo

Frid, Y.; There’s only one Katie Couric – and now she’s in Israel, Harretz.com 7-22-2008 http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/features/there-s-only-one-katie-couric-and-now-she-s-in-israel-1.250186

Gallardo, E.: Chile Fears Influx of Drug Gangs, The Seattle Times, 11-9-2011, Hill, C., Holly, K.; Crossing the Line, Sexual Harassment at School (2011): AAUW http://

www.aauw.org/learn/research/upload/CrossingTheLine.pdfPatt, M., (11-2011)"Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery - Chile http://gvnet.com/humantrafficking/Chile.htm

Unsafe abortion: global and regional estimates of the incidence of unsafe abortion and associated mortality in 2008 -- 6th ed. (2008) pg. 19. World Health Organization http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2011/9789241501118_eng.pdf

Vergara, E. Pressure grows as Chile student leader opens talks, The Guardian, Associated Press, 10-05-2011 http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/feedarticle/9879980

Veloso Olguin, J.F.; Women demand greater representation in Chilean politics, The Santiago Times, 11-3-2011 http://www.santiagotimes.cl/chile/politics/22809-women-demand-greater-representation-in-chilean-politics

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Family RolesBy Annalee Stockton

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Family as a Network

• Extended family is very important in the Chilean culture. In fact, it is a central idea.

• Many businesses in Chile are family owned and operated.• Family is seen as a safety network in case something goes

wrong, which is why the family remains so close. • Weekends and holidays are spent with the family.

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Family Structure

In Chile nowadays, immediate families are normally made up of a husband, wife, and two to three children. Many generations ago, immediate families could have been made up of a husband, wife, and six to seven kids.

The family members that are considered to be “extended” family are Aunts, Uncles, cousins Grandparents, and in some cases, very close family friends. “It is also common for close friendships among adults to lead to links that are family-like. For example, children often refer to their parents' friends as ‘uncle’ or ‘aunt.’” (Chile-family structure and 1994)

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Family Roles

Women: Women in the Chilean Culture

were expected to just stay home and take care of the children and household. However, nowadays many women go to school so they can work and help provide for the family. “By 1990 about half the students in the nation's primary and secondary schools were female.” (Lewis, J. J.1994) Women are still expected to perform the duties of the house such as cooking and cleaning.

Men: The men of Chile were considered to be the primary providers for the household. They still do most of the working today, although it is becoming more accustom for women to help with the work. The men are never expected to do any of the housework.

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Roles Continued

Children: The role of the children of a family in Chile is actually gender specific. The female children stay home and work on ‘wifely’ skills with their mothers (if their mothers don’t work). If the mother does work, then they girls are home with a female maid. The male children leave for the day with their father and help with the work. This way, each gender of children can learn from their parents how to behave when they grow up and run their own household.

Extended Family: The role of the extended family is to be around for support. Often, if both parents work or are gone for any reason, the children of that couple go to the care of the extended family during the time of the parents’ absence. Although, as previously stated, the role of the extended family in that respect has lately been turned over to maids. The main role of the extended family is and remains to this day, to provide strong support for one another.

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Chile-family structure and attitudes toward gender roles. (1994, March). Retrieved from http://www.mongabay.com/history/chile/chile-family_structure_and_attitudes_toward_gender_roles.html

Chile - language, culture, customs and etiquette . (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/global-etiquette/chile.html

Have you met any chilean people?. (2009). Retrieved from http://www.chile-attractions.com/chilean-people.html

Lewis, J. J. (1994, March). Chile- family and gender issues. Retrieved from http://womenshistory.about.com/library/ency/blwh_chile_gender_family.htm

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Questions• My question is about the modern clothing. What style do you think influenced the

most for the modern clothes of Chile?• How is religion relevant in Chilean culture today and how do religious differences

affect communication within the population of Chile?• How do you react to macho, sexist domination when you find it in your culture and

what do you think such an encounter would feel like if you found it in a different form, just as ingrained, in another society? How could cooperation between Chile and America make a difference to women in both countries?

We hope you take away from this presentationa better understanding of the culture of a countryso far away from ours yet with many similarities. These common elementscan lead to better communication and friendship between our peoples.

Please consider responding to these questions. Thank you.