Telling Your Story in Just 30 Minutes a Day By Holly Porter, Marketing Specialist MidAtlantic Farm Credit

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Telling Your Story in Just 30 Minutes a Day

By Holly Porter, Marketing

SpecialistMidAtlantic Farm Credit

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• What is social media?• Plan to save time• Key platforms to consider• Tools to save time• Success stories• Resources

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What is social media?

• The online tools used to do what you’ve been doing for years – networking and building relationships

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Social media stats

• Over 80% of all American use a social network• Americans spend more time on Facebook than

any other U.S. website• As of September 2011, there were over 800

million Facebook users

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Social media stats

• As of September 2011, 200 million Twitter users – more than 50% active users who log in once a day

• 230 million tweets a day• Over 147 million members of LinkedIn• 40% of social media users access through

mobile devices

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Plan to save time

• Create a social media strategy• Think of it just like any other marketing

strategies• Consider goals, audience, messages,

strategies, tactics and measurables

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Social media strategy• Goals – number of fans, followers, etc.;

interaction; number of blog postings• Audience – customers, potential customers,

family, friends, co-workers, other realtors• Messages – what’s your competitive advantage• Tactics – Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube,

Twitter, Flickr, Wordpress, ??• Measurables – how to determine goals

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• Content, content, content• Find your voice – who are you?• What do you have to offer people?

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• Choose the right platforms for you• Facebook• Twitter• LinkedIn

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• Connect with friends, family, customers, consumers & peers

• Participate/Create groups – things you are passionate about

• Develop lists• Remember content – be active• Use photos/vidoe when you can

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• Twitter is a free social networking micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates (tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length – Wikipedia.com

• Cocktail party with lots of mini conversations going on

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• Set up identifiable twitter name• Complete and customize your profile area –

160 characters• Start tweeting• Find people to follow• Engage

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Twitter• Learn the lingo– Twitter handle = Username– Update = Tweet (a posting)– @Reply = public message sent from one person to

another– Direct Message (DM) = “private” message sent

from one person to another– Retweet (RT) = to repeat what someone else has

tweeted– Hashtags (#) – group events, ideas for search

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• Geared towards professionals looking to network

• Great way to showcase expertise • Approximately 408,000 active realtors with

579 realtor groups

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• Set up profile – 100% completeness• Use keywords to optimize profile• Set up – email, text• Start connecting • Join a group or two• Ask and answer questions – remember these

are professionals

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• Add social media icons to current website• Add social media to mailings/flyers – Find me

on Facebook; Follow me @Name• Add social media to business cards• Add social media to signage• Add social media to ads

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Time saving tools

• RSS feeds/Social Searches• Third-party apps – Hootsuite, Tweetdeck• Mobile apps

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RSS & social search

• Real simple syndication• Great tool to help give ideas and more info

about topics or for name searching• Delivers content right to your

computer/mobile device

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RSS & social search

• Web-Based - Google Reader, My Yahoo, NewsGator

• Browser Built-In – Firefox’s Live Bookmarks, Internet Explorer 7

• Mobile Readers – Yahoo Mobile, Google Mobile, AOL Mobile

• Email-based – Google Alerts, Yahoo!Alerts, Mozilla Thunderbird

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Third party apps

• Don’t Tweet from Twitter• Schedule postings• Monitor several social media tools in one

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Third party apps

• Desktop Applications – TweetDeck – tweetdeck.com– Seesmic Desktop – desktop.seesmic.com– Yoono – yoono.com (Firefox & Google Chrome)

• Browser-Based Applications– Hootsuite – hootsuite.com – free or paid– SocialOomph – socialoomph.com – free or paid– Ping.fm – free service

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Mobile apps

• Social media set-up – Mobile, Text, Email notifications

• Free apps for most mobile devices – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn

• Hundreds of other apps specific for social networking

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Resource list• www.socialmediaexaminer.com/26-promising-social-media-stats-for-small-businesses/ • Brian Solis – Altimeter Group -www.briansolis.com • About.com – Marketing – Laura Lake - marketing.about.com/od/


• appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/category/51 • iphone.appstorm.net/roundups/lifestyle-roundups/100-social-networking-apps-to-f


• Social Media Examiner – socialmediaexaminer.com• Mari Smith – Facebook – marismith.com• Hollis Thomases – WebAdvantage.net • NAR - Field Guide to Social Network for Realtors -

www.realtor.org/library/library/fg125 • HubSpot.com – Intro to Twitter for Business• Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Social Media for Dummies Books

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Thank you!

Holly Porter, Marketing SpecialistMidAtlantic Farm Credit

[email protected]

Find us on Facebook – MidAtlantic Farm CreditText: like MidAtlanticFarmCredit to 32665

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