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WebShoppers 24ª Edição - Inglês

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24th edition

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24th edition


Copyright e-bit – All rights reserved



What s WebShoppers......................................................................................... ................... ................................................. 03

About e-bit............................................................................................................................................................................... 04

WebShoppers data: Methodology.................................................................................................................. ......................... 06

Executive summary................................................................................................................................................................. 08

Report Structure....................................................................................................................................................................... 09

Parte I – Balance of the first two quarters of 2011 ................................................. ............................................................... 10

Six months with significant numbers

E-Commerce: Satisfaction for buyers!

The seasonal dates

The best-selling categories

Part II – The professionals of e-commerce.......................................................... .................................................................. 15

Who is behind this growth?

How much money get a professional e-commerce?

There is much more to come

Part III – The virtual security ....................................................................................... ......................................................... 20

The e-commerce security

The choice of e-commerce

Why is it safe?

Part IV – Forecast for the last two quarters of 2011 .......................................................... ................................................... 25

The second half begins!

Many orders in view

About e-bit................................................................................................................................. ............................................. 30

About camara-e.net................................................................................................................. ............................................... 31

About Ecommerce School......................................................................................................... ............................................... 32

Contacts...................................................................................................................................... ............................................ 33

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24th edition


Copyright e-bit – All rights reserved


What’s WebShoppers

An e-bit’s initiative, WebShoppers goal is to spread out essential information for the understanding of Brazilian internet users shopping behavior and their relation with e-commerce.

WebShoppers analyzes the electronic commerce evolution, the changes in e-consumers behavior and preferences, and it also attempts to find aspects to be improved in Brazilian’s e-commerce development.

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Present in the Brazilian market since January 2000, e-bit achieved a highlight spot in the electronic commerce development in the Country, becoming a reference in e-commerce information.

Through a sophisticated data collecting system, e-bit generates daily detailed information about e-commerce, considering online consumer data for final purchases in more than 4,000 Brazilian virtual stores.

e-bit has collected over 11.5 million e-consumers evaluation questionnaires. e-bit offers its services to companies as well as to online consumers.

To the consumers, e-bit works as an internet shopping adviser, by publishing in its website (www.ebit.com.br) virtual stores evaluations from people who actually shopped at them.

On the other hand, information regarding services directed to the companies may be found on e-bit’s institutional site (www.ebitempresa.com.br).

e-bit Certification – BitConsumidor (bitConsumer) is a groundbreaking virtual stores evaluation service in Latin America and also an electronic commerce reference in Brazil. e-bit has an agreement with more than 4,000 virtual stores whose consumers are invited to fill out a survey right after they close their purchase on the internet. There are two steps: the first one occurs immediately after the purchase, and the other one, some days after it, to evaluate the product delivery. It’s an automatic and simple process, done on the internet.

E-commerce Information – The questionnaires, regarding virtual stores services quality, supplies e-bit’s database. By processing them, e-bit emits reports that profile online consumers – gender, age, income, educational level, habits –and also evaluate comparatively the virtual stores services, payment methods, revenue, etc.

About e-bit

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e-Dashboard - The e-Dashboard is a modern online tool that provides daily updated information to keep track of e-commerce growth and help you monitor the performance of your e-shop. This product helps you to make decisions based on accurate information in order to increase the volume of sales, conversions and profits. The data presented are collected from bitConsumidor surveys, at checkout of more than 4,000 Brazilian e-stores.

Retail Monitor – apart from the sales follow-up reports performed in Brazilian e-commerce, e-bit also develops reports to monitor virtual consumers purchase intentions. This product, called “Retail Monitor” enables you to evaluate the most searched categories, products and brands by consumers at the time they use internet to execute a purchase. Find out more information concerning this brand new service by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

Survey Panel – e-bit owns a panel of high qualified respondents, basically formed by more than 1,3 million virtual consumers. They can be invited to participate in quantitative and qualitative surveys through online access with own incentive: “bits”. It is possible to perform a sample pre-segmentation by means of information – gender, age, income, educational level, geographic area and subjects of interest.

E-mail Marketing - bitMail allows communication with a highly qualified public: e-bit associates base. It is mainly composed of e-consumers, an adult public with high purchasing power and countless segmentation possibilities. bitMailuses technological resources that enable an excellent return to the client supported on permission marketing (opt-in, records unity control).

Advertising on e-bit’s website – www.ebit.com.br website is used by virtual consumers as a reference site for their online purchases, being monthly visited by more than 400 thousand different users. In their pages, advertisers and virtual stores can spread their products and services to an adult public with high purchasing power, obtaining an excellent return insales and brands publicity.

About e-bit

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About e-bit

E-customer Retention Management – Receiving complaints from clients should be seen as a gift in electronic retail. The worst client is the one who’s unsatisfied with the purchase, doesn’t complain but won’t go shopping in that store again. Thinking about that, e-bit developed a special product for those stores that participate in e-bit Satisfaction Survey, and that can now choose to receive unsatisfied clients comments in real time, with the order number. This way, it is possible to immediately detect the eventual problem and act in order to solve it and retain the client, converting an unsatisfied customer into a loyal one. Find out more information concerning this e-bit innovation by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

With this 24th WebShoppers edition, e-bit expects to contribute for internet and e-commerce development in Brazil.

Enjoy your reading!

e-bit Team

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WebShoppers data: Methodology

WebShoppers, in its 24th edition, uses information originated from surveys performed by e-bit with more than 4.000virtual stores and its e-consumers panel.

bitConsumer Survey

Since January 2000 e-bit has collected over 11.5 million questionnaires answered after online purchase process through bitConsumer system.

It adds more than 200.000 new questionnaires to that amount every month.

e-bit data is collected from online buyers, immediately after their check-out. BitConsumer allows purchasers to evaluate not only the store and shopping experience, but also the post-sale service, the delivery service and the probability of returning to the virtual store.

This information, compiled, monthly generates Market Intelligence reports that indicate the e-consumer social and demographic profile, as well as the most sold products, most used method of payment, among other information.

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Executive Summary

In the first six months of the year were billed R$ 8.4 billion in products on the web. In the first half of 2010, revenue was R$ 6.8 billion, anincrease of 24% from one year to another.

The numbers of sales in the first half of this year are higher than the R$ 8.2 billion recorded during 2008.

Of the new costumers of e-commerce in Brazil, 61% have household incomes of up to R$ 3.000. The average ticket was R$ 320.

In the first half of 2011, four million customers have bought for the first time on e-commerce. With this number, we arrived at 27.4 million e-consumers who have made at least one purchase on the Internet until today.

25 million requests were made in six months. It is expected that , by the end of 2011, we arrived in 54 million requests.

Valentine's Day and Mother's Day contributed with R$ 1.4 billion from the R$ 8.4 billion revenues in the first half of 2011.

There is large difficulty in finding manpower among the virtual stores. 63% of the companies have hired professionals in the last six months, and

found that 79% of candidates did not meet all the necessary skills for the job.

The survey revealed that 34% of e-commerce professionals receive salaries above R$ 5.000,00. Of the respondents, 40% occupy the top

positions - coordinator (10%), manager (24%) or director (4%).

81% of users access the Internet in order to make a purchase online, either in a virtual store, in a virtual outlet or collective purchases. websites

The use of internet banking is still a barrier between e-consumers: 26% do not use this service. Within this universe, 58% of users said they did

not feel safe with online banking.

The profile of these "non-users of internet banking" is mostly male, more graduate and monthly income. In contrast, the women, despite givingmore credibility to these operations, has less knowledge about the workings of internet banking.

Among users, 70% feel safer with shopping on the Internet today than two years ago.

It is expected that e-commerce presents a revenue of R$18.7 billion at the end of 2011, representing a nominal increase around 26% compared to

2010, when the sector earned R$ 14.8 billion.

Approximately 4.7 million people will make their first online purchasing over the second half of the year. This way, at the end of the year , we will

reach 32 million people who made at least one purchase online until today.

With approximately 29 million requests scheduled for the 2nd half and the preferences of e-consumers in appliances, electronics, computer and

fashion, that lead the ranking of categories best sellers, the expectation is that the average ticket during turn around R$ 350.

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Report Structure


The professionals of e-commercePART II



The virtual security

Forecast for the last two quarters of 2011

Balance of the 1st half of 2011

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Balance of the 1st half of 2011

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The first half of 2011 ended and with it the certainty that the e-commerce continues on a path of ascent. Only in the first sixmonths of the year were billed R$ 8.4 billion in products on the web. This number proves once again the growth that the sectorhas shown in recent years. In the first half of 2010, online revenues reached R$ 6.8 billion, an increase of 24% from one year toanother.

To get an idea of the amount of electronic shopping in Brazil, the numbers of sales in the first half of this year were higher thanthe R$ 8.2 billion recorded during the year 2008.

Balance of the 1st half of 2011

Six months with significant numbers

Revenues R$ 8.4 billion

Average Ticket R$ 355

Nominal growth compared to 2010 24%

Number of orders 25 million

Balance of the 1st half of 2011

Source: e-bit Information (www.ebitempresa.com.br)

There are reasons for understanding the development of the sector. Despite suffering a slight decrease in growth compared tothe previous year, when some factors have contributed effectively in the results as the World Cup and the growing adherence tothe sales of products with higher added value, the online retail in 2011 brings important factors in your route.

The entry of low-income on the channel is one of them - 61% of new entrants in the Brazilian e-commerce had a family incomeof up to R$ 3.000. The average ticket of the public was R$ 320.

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Revenue Growth – First halfs(in billions)

One of the main events in the first half was the number of e-consumers. During the period, 4 million of virtual consumers bought

for the first time in e-commerce. With this number, we arrived at 27.4 million e-consumers who made at least one purchase on the

Internet until today. The number of orders also deserved to be noted: 25 million in six months!

R$ 8,4 bi

E-Commerce: Satisfaction for buyers!

If it depends on the e-consumers point of view, e-commerce should not stop evolving. Although logistical issues have affectedthe sector in the first half, the virtual consumers remain secure and confident in making purchases on the web. According to datacollected by e-bit, in partnership with Movimento Internet Segura (MIS), a committee of the Câmara Brasileira ComércioEletrônico (Camara-e.net), on average, 86.54% of Brazilian consumers were satisfied with e-commerce in the first half. In thesame period last year, this same indicator was 86.0%.

Balance of the 1st half of 2011

Source: e-bit Information (www.ebitempresa.com.br)

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85% - Level of excellence set by Camara.e-net

The seasonal dates

One of the main features of e-commerce are the seasonal dates, adding relevant numbers for the sector and representing largeshare of revenue. To get an idea, Valentine's Day and Mother's Day contributed R$ 1.4 billion from R$ 8.4 billion revenue in thefirst half of 2011. On both dates, there was a strong movement in the sale of 'Fashion'. On Valentine's Day, for example, thecategory figured for the first time in the history of e-commerce among the five most widely sold. This not only indicates a greateracceptance of consumers in buying clothes and apparel over the Internet, but also a strong tendency to choose this type ofproduct to give to people nearby.






jan/11 fev/11 mar/11 abr/11 mai/11 jun/11

e-bit / Internet Segura Customer Satisfaction Index

Balance of the 1st half of 2011

Source: e-bit Information (www.ebitempresa.com.br)

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1º Appliances 13%

2º Computers 12%

3º Health, Beauty and Medications 11%

4º Books, subscriptions of Magazine and Newspaper 8%

5º Eletronics 6%

Best-Selling categories – Two quarters of 2011

(volume of orders)

The best-selling categories

The first six months in the e-commerce promoted a bitter dispute between the categories. Stabilizing is increasingly seen as the

favorite among e-consumers in recent years, 'Appliances' was in first place with 13% of total share, followed closely by

‘Computers‘ with 12% and ‘Health, Beauty and Medications' with 11%. The category 'Books and Subscriptions of Magazine and

Newspaper', historically known for leading the industry, dropped to 4th place ranking, with 8%. The Top 5 was completed for

'Electronics', with 6%.

Balance of the 1st half of 2011

Source: e-bit Information (www.ebitempresa.com.br)

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The professionals of e-commerce

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The professionals of e-commerce

Who is behind this growth?

The growth of e-commerce in Brazil is made with technology and people. Behind this growth is a workforce increasinglyconcerned in improving their ability to differentiate in this market. In addition, a large number of jobs and opportunities are opendaily and traditional schools are still unable to train professionals to meet this demand.

In view of this, e-bit prepared for this edition of WebShoppers, in partnership with Ecommerce School, a special survey on the labor market in e-commerce. The numbers shown are based on desk research done by Ecommerce School in search engines, price comparison, shopping malls and virtual e-commerce platforms. Were also used data from the Central Bank, IBGE, Sebraeand Ministry of Labor. Besides, a quantitative research was conducted with 282 stores in Brazil.

From the point of view of active virtual stores, there is great difficulty in finding manpower. Among the stores surveyed, 63%hired professionals for the past six months and found that 79% of candidates did not meet all the necessary skills.

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Of the professionals who have hired people in the past six months, 64% came to the appointment of candidates through friends,relatives or someone from the company. Its interest to note that 11% reached the candidates through social networks.

Once hired, these professionals must be trained to work in e-commerce. Of these, 73% were trained by their own manager and

only 3% did not need training. When asked where they seek to upgrade, 54% of these professionals use social networks such as

blogs, Twitter and Facebook, to search for professional information.

Source: www.ecommerceschool.com.br and e-bit Information www.ebitempresa.com.brBase: 282

The professionals of e-commerce

What are the difficulties to hire employees?

Does not meet all the necessary skills

Don t know where to find specific


Higher wages than you could afford

Candidates already in other companies

Candidates living far away from the


Sample: 282

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Above R$12.000 Between R$8.000 and R$12.000

Between R$5.000 and R$8.000 Between R$3.000 and R$5.000

Between R$1.000 and R$3.000 Under R$1.000

Rather not say

How much money get a professional e-commerce?

With increasing demand for professionals, the market is beginning to face a turnover in management positions. To retain theseprofessionals, businesses of large and medium sizes have come to offer more aggressive bonuses in reaching the goals.

The survey revealed that 34% of e-commerce professionals receive salaries above R$ 5.000,00. Of the respondents, 40% occupy the positions of coordinator (10%), manager (24%) or director (4%). These values were not considered benefits and bonuses.

Fonte: www.ecommerceschool.com.br e e-bit Information www.ebitempresa.com.brBase: 282

Monthly salary range

The professionals of e-commerce

Sample: 282

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There is much more to come

About the necessary skills for future professionals, the research identified some items for which average knowledge prevails.These are the points that will open more job opportunities, since it will require ever more specialized professionals in thesematters. In the case of forwarding and logistics, only 42% of professionals said they had knowledge or a lot of knowledge on thesubject.

Degree of awareness among professionals of e-commerce have on the following activities today

Source: www.ecommerceschool.com.br and e-bit Information www.ebitempresa.com.brBase: 282

The professionals of e-commerce

Logistics and shipping

Financial Management

Digital Marketing

Sales techniques

Any knowledge Little knowledge Average knowledge knowledge Much knowledge

Sample: 282

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The virtual security

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The virtual security

The e-commerce security

E-commerce offers several facilities to virtual consumers. However, aspects such as security and lack of confidence are still facingsome obstacles. Mindful of this fact, e-bit has conducted research for this particular edition of WebShoppers to try to betterunderstand the perceptions of users when it comes to security in e-commerce.

The study was conducted between 27.07.2011 and 07.29.2011 and had 2,043 answers of e-consumers throughout Brazil.

The choice of e-commerce

Among the respondents, 69% reported having made more than four shopping online in the last 6 months. At the same time, only3% said they had not made any purchases during the same period, with 56% of the total, said they would like to see or try theproducts and services before making a purchase, while 19% did not feel safe inform personal data and credit card.

Did notpurchase



2 a 3 times24%

4 a 5 times22%

6 a 10 times 20%

More than 10 times27%

Base: 2.000

Virtual purchases made in the last 6 months

Sample: 2000

Source: e-bit Information (www.ebitempresa.com.br)

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If we analyze the reasons of buying online survey aimed at the convenience of buying (93%) and the perception that prices arelower on the Internet (74%) emerged as major supporters. Already 15% said they shop online because there are no physical stores network chosen for purchase in your city.

Despite still suffering from the suspicion of a slice of the population, the research shows that the Internet is an important sales channel, and very popular today.

The study found that 81% of users access the Internet in order to make a purchase online, either in a virtual store, in a virtual

outlet or collective purchases websites.











Check emails


News and Entertainment

Search Engines

Internet banking

Social Networks

Download musics and watch videos


Chat and instant messaging tools


0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%

Base: 2.043

You usually access the Internet with what purposes?

The virtual security

Sample: 2043

Source: e-bit Information (www.ebitempresa.com.br)

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The report also revealed that e-consumers are increasingly mature and cautious with regard to safety when consuming: 69%make purchases of a personal computer, while 27% use the computer of work for the same purpose. Yet when it comes to theuse of internet banking, 59% enjoy the service of a personal computer, while 34% carry out their banking operations in a workcomputer.

The use of internet banking, incidentally, is still an obstacle between the e-consumers: 26% do not use this service. Within thisuniverse, 58% of users said they did not feel safe with online banking.

The profile of these "non-users of internet banking" is mostly male, more graduate and monthly income. In contrast, the women,despite giving more credibility to these operations, has less knowledge about the workings of internet banking.







Think it s unsafe to conduct a financial transaction online

Prefer to be served at the agency, instead of using the services of the site

Problems with technical support

It has no knowledge of the workings of Internet banking

Do not know the potential services that can be conducted at the site

Other reason

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Base: 533

Why did you not use the internet banking services?

The virtual security

Sample: 533Source: e-bit Information (www.ebitempresa.com.br)

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Why it is safe?

The reputation of virtual stores and the security that they convey to the customers is something relevant to be taken intoaccount. According to the survey, 70% of respondents said that certification labels given to retailers by the quality of servicesand products offered for sale are the most important safety items to be observed.

Also according to figures revealed by the survey, 70% of respondents also feel more secure in shopping on the Internet todaythan two years ago, proving that consumers rely increasingly on e-commerce and the services provided by stores.

Much Secure 21%


Equally secure23%

Less secure4%

Much lesssecure


Prefer not to evaluate


Base: 2.000

How do you evaluate the security over the Internet to make purchases when compared to 1 or 2 years ago?

The virtual security

Sample: 2000

Source: e-bit Information (www.ebitempresa.com.br)

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Forecast for the last two

quarters of 2011

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Forecast for the last two quarters of 2011

Revenue growth(in billion)

The second half begins!

In the second half of 2011, online sales in Brazil will keep growing and, if the first part of the year was good, the tendency is tocontinue going forward, despite the economic instability that has affected world markets. Historically, 55% of annual sales belongto the period between July 1st and December 31, which should mean a total revenue of R$10.3 billion in sales during the secondhalf of the year (excluding collective purchases, car sales, airline tickets and online auction sites).

Therefore, it is expected that e-commerce presents a turnover of R$ 18.7 billion at the end of 2011, representing a nominalincrease of around 26% compared to 2010, when the sector earned R$ 14.8 billion.

R$ 6,3

R$ 8,2

R$ 10,6

R$ 14,8

*R$ 18,7






Source: e-bit Information (www.ebitempresa.com.br)* forecast

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One of the main factors for the largest share of sector revenues belong to the second semester is the largest number of seasonaldates in this period. In addition to having Father's Day (01/08 to 14/08) and Children's Day (27/09 to 11/10), which already havelarge financial part in the share of e-commerce at the end of the year, Christmas arrives as the most relevant data andcontributes to higher sales volume for the sector. In 2010, for example, were billed R$2.2 billion in sales.

The e-commerce should close 2011 with a high number of e-consumers at its base. It is expected that approximately 4.7 millionpeople make their first online purchasing over the second half of the year. This way, at the end of the year will reach 32 millionpeople who made at least one purchase online until today. The data becomes even more relevant if we think that in just twoyears, that number nearly doubled in size (there were 17.6 million e-consumers in 2009).

Source: e-bit Information (www.ebitempresa.com.br)* forecast

Number of e-consumers(in million)

Forecast for the last two quarters of 2011

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Many orders in view

With approximately 29 million requests scheduled for the 2nd half and the preferences of e-consumers in appliances, electronics,computer and fashion, that lead the ranking of categories best sellers, the expectation is that the average ticket during turnaround R$ 350.


Forecast average ticket

Forecast for the last two quarters of 2011

Source: e-bit Information (www.ebitempresa.com.br)

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About e-bit

Present in the Brazilian market since January 2000, e-bit achieved a highlight spot on the electronic commerce development in the Country, becoming a reference in e-commerce information supply..

e-bit offers its services to companies as well as to online consumers. To the consumers, e-bit works as an Internet shopping adviser, by publishing virtual stores evaluations of people who actually shopped at them (at its website: www.ebit.com.br). On the other hand, information about services directed to the companies may be found on e-bit's institutional website (www.ebitempresa.com.br).

Main clients

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About camara-e.net

Câmara Brasileira de Comércio Eletrônico (Camara-e.net), founded in May 7, 2001, is the leading multi-sectoral

body of the Digital Economy in Brazil and Latin America, focused on electronic business as a strategic factor in

sustainable economic development century. Its mission is to empower individuals and organizations to practice

safe e-business, through the generation and dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge, and advocating

consensus positions opposite the main public and private, national and international, related to the promotion of

technologies information and communication. Among the main priorities of the camara-e.net is formulating and

proposing public policies, regulatory and market authorities to encourage the production and the benefits of

universal information and communication technologies. The 100 members of the organization representing the

leading companies of the major sectors of the Brazilian economy and world.

Go www.camara-e.net.

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About Ecommerce School

The Ecommerce School (www.ecommerceschool.com.br) was founded in June 2007 as the first Brazilian school specializing in ecommerce and social media. Among the courses offered, we highlight the training Ecommerce managers, training managers and Social Media Course for Small Business Ecommerce. In 2011, won as a partner GS Gouvêa de Souza & MD (www.gsmd.com.br), the largest retail consulting in Latin America and a member of Ebeltoft (www.ebeltoftgroup.com) formed by consultants from more than 15 countries, specialized in retail, business services and cross-channel strategies. Currently Ecommerce School has published two books and formed more than three thousand professionals in ecommerce and social media for years, with a faculty of 50 teachers including, agency owners, book authors, business executives and experienced consultants.

Access www.ecommerceschool.com.br

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Pedro GuastiGeneral Director

Cris Rother


[email protected] 11 3047-4999


Ludovino LopesPresident

[email protected] 11 3231-0445


Mauricio [email protected]

Managing Partner

Alexandre [email protected]

Research Director

55 11 3405-4223