Tools and Techniques to Manage the Hybrid Cloud Environment Lily Chang, VMware Amit Pathak, iGATE David Wright, VMware VAPP7288 #VAPP7288

VMworld 2013: Tools and Techniques to Manage the Hybrid Cloud Environment

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VMworld 2013 Lily Chang, VMware Amit Pathak, iGATE David Wright, VMware Learn more about VMworld and register at http://www.vmworld.com/index.jspa?src=socmed-vmworld-slideshare

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  • 1. Tools and Techniques to Manage the Hybrid Cloud Environment Lily Chang, VMware Amit Pathak, iGATE David Wright, VMware VAPP7288 #VAPP7288

2. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 2 - Agenda Hybrid Cloud Management Overview Key Challenges and Issues Techniques for Effective Hybrid Cloud Management Cloud Application Deployment Cloud Application Deployment Automation Toolkit Cloud Application Deployment Using Application Director Application Director Components Certification 3. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 3 - Hybrid Cloud Environment Enterprises are deploying their applications across private and public clouds to optimize cost and capacity. Address possible capacity overflow across data centers, private and public clouds Quickly scale the companys needs Expanded capacity Reduced cost 4. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 4 - Moving Applications To Hybrid Cloud Moving Applications to Hybrid Cloud Intensifies Challenges Overhead of monitoring and managing distributed environments Monitoring Overhead Consistent and unified views across clouds while extending cloud featuresUnified View Extending enterprise level authentication policies to clouds Enterprise Security On-premise legacy applicationshow to leverage cloud?Legacy Apps 5. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 5 - Hybrid Cloud Management Key Tools and Techniques 6. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 6 - Hybrid Cloud Broker Hybrid Cloud Environment Challenges: Multiple cloud providers and their own API, services and pricing models makes it challenging to access their interfaces Get cohesive view of these services with a layer of abstraction between cloud providers and end user Hybrid Cloud Broker Allows: Single interface to interact with multiple clouds Monitoring and managing distributed environments Detecting point of failures and healing actions Assist in provisioning resources across multiple clouds Provide recommendations to select appropriate cloud for specific needs Migrating existing resources across clouds 7. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 7 - Hybrid Cloud Broker Platform VMware Enabled Public Clouds Independent Public Clouds Private cloud Unified Monitoring Lifecycle Management Workload Management Hypervisor Replication Cloud Gateway BusinessService Integration ITServiceIntegration Cloud Service Integration Framework Self Service Functions Provision Health Check QoS Migrate Replicate Budget Hybrid Cloud Broker 8. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 8 - Automate Cloud App Deployment Via Toolkit Operationalize Workloads Establish hybrid cloud environment that meets quality standards Dynamically change the workload distribution across clouds based on critical business needs Create Value Add Business Services in Cloud Environment Ability to move resources across clouds Provides a holistic view of available vs consumed capacity Examine infrastructure, identify candidates for migration driven by cost, capacity and service levels Assist in identifying appropriate destination Plan your capacity needs for improved cost savings 9. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 9 - Workload Migration on vCloud Select Source (Seek recommendation) Select Destination (Seek recommendation) Prepare Source/Destination Parameters Export VM as OVF (vCenter API) Upload OVF to vCD Catalog (vCloud API) Deploy vAppTemplate Dynamically change workload distribution across clouds based on critical business needs 10. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 10 - vCloud Feature Extension Provide truly integrated cross product cloud services Extend vCloud capability for specific business needs and build feature rich clouds Leverage vCloud Director API Extensions and provide an integrated mechanism to communicate with external systems Accomplish requisite management and monitoring tasks on underlying vSphere infrastructure View and communicate with external third party products Address business case that demands core infrastructure information via vCloud e.g. Generate a performance dashboard of infrastructure used by vCD Set up policies for affinity and anti-affinity rules 11. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 11 - vCloud Feature Extension - Architecture Response Exchange AMQP Extension WorkflowsSubscription Policy vCloud Director User Extensibility Filter Admin Affinity Q Quick Status Q FT Enable Q Affinity Policy Performance Policy Status Policy FT Enable Policy Performance Q vCD Reply Queue Affinity Performance Quick Status FT Enable Affinity Performance Status FT Enable vCenter Orchestrator Request Exchange vCloud Director API extension examples: Performance statistics for tenants in vCD - Network, CPU, Memory, Network IO consumption Set affinity/anti-affinity settings for VMs/vCD workloads Quick status of virtual machines Enable FT 12. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 12 - vCloud Feature Extension Example Use Case Provide affinity and anti-affinity rule for cloud tenant in vCD Provide performance statistics for cloud tenant in vCD Solution Publish AMQP messages on vCD extension calls for the requisite use case Subscribe to an AMQP queue and process or desterilize AMQP message body Expose API to control external system and do the work of your service Leverage vCO to communicate to external system but maintain correlation to objects in vCD 13. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 13 - Legacy Apps: Facilitate Cloud Gateway Augment on-premise storage with inexpensive cloud storage Seek cloud storage adoption for on-premise legacy applications Connect on-premise legacy applications to cloud storage Translate Block or File based traditional data access (like iSCSI, FC, NFS or CIFS) to object-based cloud data access (like SOAP or REST) and vice-versa Improve performance and cost effectiveness of Cloud Gateway with a local cache ensuring efficient data transfer to the remote cloud 14. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 14 - Cloud Gateway for Legacy Apps 15. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 15 - Extend Enterprise Authentication to Cloud Provide seamless user access to enterprise apps on cloud while Active Directory still on-premise Enforce organization level authentication mechanism and access controls Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is one of the preferred ways Automate deployment of ADFS on the cloud & retain full control of on- premise Active Directory Reduce complexities of configuration, setting up claims based authentication and further configuration to a great extent Deploy ADFS for multiple tenants in a repeatable, consistent and reliable manner resulting in huge savings 16. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 16 - ADFS Automation Workflow Base snapshot workflow App Director Create AD FS proxy workflow Add Claim Provider workflow Add Relying Party workflow Revert to recent snapshot Create standalone AD FS Add Claim Provider Take Snapshot Throw exception Throw exception Yes Yes No No vApp Ready Check for errors Check for errors VCO Deploy Base OVF in Cloud vCloud Director VCO Workflow State Management VCO Sub Workflow Exception Controller 17. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 17 - Cloud Application Deployment Automation 18. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 18 - Cloud App Deployment Automation End to End Workflow Build Package Prepare Package Deploy Parameters Deploy Package Application Deployment Cloud Configure Application integration 2 4 6 7 8 9 Build Artifacts 1 5 3 Env Readiness Check 19. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 19 - Cloud App Deployment Automation End to End Workflow Build Package Prepare Package Deploy Parameters Deploy Package Application Deployment Cloud Configure Application integration 2 4 6 7 8 9 Build Artifacts 1 5 3 Env Readiness Check 20. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 20 - Automate Cloud App Deployment Via Toolkit Build automation framework, create standardized and reusable cloud app deployment packages Address challenges of complexities involved in configuring and setting up applications Mechanism for producing reusable, Cloud-ready deployment packages for business applications Create value add business services in cloud environment Integrated combinations of Tier 1 business apps, database, network and security, pre-integrated to customer directories Leverage VMware tools like vFabric Application Director Blueprint, vCloud Orchestrator, vCD, vCAC etc. to create a business service 21. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 21 - Automate Cloud App Deployment Via Toolkit Build catalog services on the cloud to deploy enterprise applications enabling ready-to-use features Reusable, cloud-ready deployment packages for popular business apps e.g. SharePoint, AD, ADFS, SQL etc. Automated provisioning and operating blueprints for service providers Interrogate target deployment environment to determine if it meets pre-requisites for deploying a specified package Get Application Director Blueprints certified and publish them on VMware Solution Exchange 22. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 22 - Cloud App Deployment Automation End to End Workflow Build Package Prepare Package Deploy Parameters Deploy Package Application Deployment Cloud Configure Application integration 2 4 6 7 8 9 Build Artifacts 1 5 3 Env Readiness Check 23. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 23 - Cloud App Deployment Automation Using Application Director Blueprints 24. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 24 - App Deployment Using Application Director Deploy OS Configure OS Deploy Application Configure Application vFabric Application Director Application Blueprints Scripts & Tasks Deployment Plans Cloud Provider vCloud Director Automated Provisioning for Applications in the Cloud 25. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 25 - App Deployment Using Application Director Model Driven Automation Based on Blueprints Standardized Reusable Components 26. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 26 - VMware Application Director Program (developercenter.vmware.com) http://developercenter.vmware.com/web/dp/vmware-ready- programs/management/app-director 27. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 27 - VMware Ready Application Director Blueprints Program- Benefits Best Practices Guide Program Guide Certification Guide Documentation Webinars to help partners develop content items Partner Support for content development Development Consulting Content including (Services, Blueprints, Script Tasks and VMTemplates) will be certified by VMware Presence in VMware Compatibility Guide (vCG) Certification End customers work with VMware and Partners thru TSAnet to resolve any API issues Front facing GSS GSS (Support) Technical Previews Micro-Site in Solution Exchange; one location to have access to all the content developed by partners Partners upload information and can also host content VMware Ready logo in VSX and Market Success Press-Release Solution Exchange (VSX) Application Director VSX Roadmap Sessions 28. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 28 - VMware Solution Exchange (VSX) Content including (Services, Blue Prints, Tasks and Templates) will be certified by VMware Presence in VMware Compatibility Guide VMware Ready logo in VSX MicroSite in Solutions Exchange; one location to have access to all the Application Director contents Upload new contents and get it certified Leverage existing certified contents 29. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 29 - Application Director Certification - Benefits Develop Your Application Director Blueprints & Upload on VSX Get It VMware Certified VSX & VMware Compatibility Guide (VCG) addresses need to create a dynamic user community for reaching out to the VMware community & share best practices Testing and certification of solutions includes below key areas and best practice validation Blueprint inspection, actions & script verification, dependency checks, errors and exception handling, properties & parameters of script verifications, external communications etc. Importing blueprint in Application Director Blueprint deployment verification, deployment performance, scale out testing, multiplatform support, security checkpoints, network checkpoints etc. Post deployment verification 30. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 30 - Cloud App Deployment Automation End to End Workflow Build Package Prepare Package Deploy Parameters Deploy Package Application Deployment Cloud Configure Application integration 2 4 6 7 8 9 Build Artifacts 1 5 3 Env Readiness Check 31. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 31 - Target Environment Readiness Check Interrogate target cloud environment before cloud app deployment Readiness Check Catalog Check Catalog exists Template exists Access Privilege External Dependency Check Active Directory Domain Name Server DB Oracle, MS SQL , MySQL vCenter Orchestrator Application Director Access Control Check Static route exists Privilege to create routed N/W Privilege to configure firewall Privilege to deploy template Determine if target deployment environment meets requirements of specified package Configurable set of environment checks that can be turned on/off based on specific requirements Validated vCloud Env 32. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 32 - Network Check Catalog Check Readiness Check Key Examples 33. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 33 - Readiness Check Key Examples Readiness Outcome 34. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 34 - Summary Moving applications to cloud intensifies challenges but brings benefits Adopt key techniques - automate & optimize moving applications to cloud Leverage Cloud Broker for unified monitoring Automate workload management using APIs Augment on premise legacy applications with cloud storage Get visibility into core infrastructure by extending vCloud features with vCD extension API Auto deploy cloud apps by creating reusable packages built with blueprints Create value add business services for tier 1 business apps and offer it in cloud catalogs 35. Proprietary and ConfidentialAugust 28, 2013 - 35 - THANK YOU! www.igate.com - 35 - Meet us at Booth# 2004 36. THANK YOU 37. Tools and Techniques to Manage the Hybrid Cloud Environment Lily Chang, VMware Amit Pathak, iGATE David Wright, VMware VAPP7288 #VAPP7288