10 Reasons to come to GWAVACon EMEA 2013

This is why you should come to gwava con

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Page 1: This is why you should come to gwava con

10 Reasonsto come toGWAVAConEMEA 2013

Page 2: This is why you should come to gwava con

Hardly rememberlast yearsGWAVACon?

Page 3: This is why you should come to gwava con

Or even worse:You haven‘t

been there?!

Page 4: This is why you should come to gwava con

You can‘tbe serious!

Page 5: This is why you should come to gwava con

OK – you‘re forgiven.

Here‘s a quick reminder!

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The TOP 10 ReasonsYOU SHOULD REGISTER TODAYworse:You haven‘tbeen there?!

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GWAVAMANWill rock theshow!And who would‘t wanna hugthat lovable superhero?!

Guido might be there, too! And guess what..He will play the trumpet!


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“The Voice“ O‘Brien

Just in case:He is the man in black on the left…


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There won‘t be a soccer match this year.We promise.


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E-Mail Archivierung?

That meansfor you:Less injuries than last year!

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We‘ll be honest – you need toconcentratehard most ofthe time…


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Which doesn‘tmean that youhave no time tohang around andrelax a little, too!

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This might be a good reason as well:There will be lots of good food.


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No worries. You will have the chance to loose unwanted calories!

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You can meet our boss from North America.Even during lunch*. *To be on the safe side: We are not suggesting that you disturb hislunch break though.


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You can find true friends! #9

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#10Register for GWAVACon