The Ultimate Security Checklist Before Launching Your Android App Enterprise Grade Mobile Security

The Ultimate Security Checklist Before Launching Your Android App

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Page 1: The Ultimate Security Checklist Before Launching Your Android App

The Ultimate Security Checklist Before Launching Your Android App

Enterprise Grade Mobile Security

Page 2: The Ultimate Security Checklist Before Launching Your Android App

Use the Android Application Sandbox, which isolates your app data and code execution from other apps.


Enterprise Grade Mobile Security

Page 3: The Ultimate Security Checklist Before Launching Your Android App

Use an encrypted filesystem that can be enabled to protect data on lost or stolen devices.


Enterprise Grade Mobile Security

Page 4: The Ultimate Security Checklist Before Launching Your Android App

Ensure that the registration and activation process is robust.


Enterprise Grade Mobile Security

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Minimize the number of permissions that your app requests.


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Have application-defined permissions to control application data on a per-app basis.


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Have user-granted permissions to restrict access to system features and user data.


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Do not store sensitive information on external storage, such as SD Cards. These are globally readable and writable.


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Apply caution using network transactions because it involves transmitting data that is potentially private to the user.


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Perform strong input validations. Insufficient input validation is a common security problem affecting applications, regardless of the platform they run on.


Enterprise Grade Mobile Security

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Native code that gets received over the network or from an IPC is vulnerable to threat. You can prevent it by careful handling pointers & managing buffers.


Enterprise Grade Mobile Security

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If you are using data within queries that are submitted to an SQL database or a content provider, SQL injection may be an issue. The best defense is to use parameterized queries.


Enterprise Grade Mobile Security

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Apply caution in using WebView because it consumes web content like HTML & JavaScript - improper use leads to web security issues such as cross-site-scripting (JavaScript injection).


Enterprise Grade Mobile Security

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Minimize the frequency of asking for user credentials—it makes phishing attacks more conspicuous, and less likely to be successful.

Instead use an authorization token and refresh it.


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Android provides algorithms for protecting data using cryptography such as supporting full-filesystem encryption & providing secure communication channels.


Enterprise Grade Mobile Security

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A few apps implement IPC using traditional Linux techniques such as network sockets and shared files. Use Android system functionality for IPC such as Intent, Binder or Messenger with a Service, and BroadcastReceiver.


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Intents are the preferred mechanism for asynchronous IPC in Android. Depending on your application requirements, you might use sendBroadcast(), sendOrderedBroadcast(), or an explicit intent to a specific application component.


Enterprise Grade Mobile Security

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Using Binder or Messenger is the preferred mechanism for RPC-style IPC in Android. They provide a well-defined interface that enables mutual authentication of the endpoints, if required.


Enterprise Grade Mobile Security

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Do not load code from outside of your application APK. It significantly increases the likelihood of application compromise due to code injection or code tampering.


Enterprise Grade Mobile Security

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Maintain security of the backend APIs (services) and the platform (server).


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Ensure secure distribution and provisioning of mobile applications.


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Use encrypted communications between clients and servers through properly configured SSL.


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Here you go with the 21 most essential checks that you should perform before launching your Android App. Even if you already have, it would

be a good revisit.

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Enterprise Grade Mobile Security