“The surge” From communication to context Where EU5 mobile is today

The Surge: Summary of Mobile in Europe (EU5)

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Presentation provides insight and statistics into the use and penetration on mobile in EU5 countries.

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Page 1: The Surge: Summary of Mobile in Europe (EU5)

“The surge” From communication to context

Where EU5 mobile is today

Page 2: The Surge: Summary of Mobile in Europe (EU5)

The 7th Mass Media

Page 3: The Surge: Summary of Mobile in Europe (EU5)

Mobile Internet Outpaces Desktop Internet AdoptioniPhone + iTouch Users = 8x AOL users 8 Quarters after launch

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Apps: from walled garden to open playground43% off all mobile apps downloaded globally where for location based social

networking services






693 Developer20%





Store Owner30%







The Apps model has changed the value chain of mobile content…

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Source: ComScore Mobile Metrix+ Media Lense 2009 Metrix

Page 5: The Surge: Summary of Mobile in Europe (EU5)

The 3 Mobile Era’s Communication, Content, Context

Page 6: The Surge: Summary of Mobile in Europe (EU5)

The size of the EU5 mobile marketGrowth of mobile media and browsing

Germany, France and UK are the most established mobile markets > substantial growth of mobile media in the next five years Italy has the potential to become a leading mobile market; high 3G adoption, propensity to browse mobile content and a user base that will migrate out of PAYG in the near future

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1,442 separate devices being used for Mobile media in EU5 iPhone only represents 9% of mobile media users in EU5Nokia represents 34% of mobile media users, double the market share of its nearest rival Samsung with 18%INSIGHT: Lots of handsets but 20% of handsets account for 79% of mobile media users

27% of all 288 million EU5 consumers are mobile media users (browsed the

internet from phone, dowloaded/used an app) 27% mobile media users, 15% only voice users, 58% SMS users with no mobile mediaLow mobile media usage when compared to the US (35%)3G phone with unlimited data tarrifs represent only 5% in Europe, while 21% in the U.S INSIGHT: EU5 consumers with unlimited data plans are 196% more likely to use mobile media

84% of Italian mobile users (42 million) are Pay as you Go (PAYG) mobile usersConsiderably high when compared to EU5 average of 46%, 22% in France and 39% in Germany While PAYG has no impact on SMS or MMS mobile usage it does impact mobile media usageItaly is the exception, it is the same size market as UK, but a PAYG market and yet matches UK in mobile media consumptionINSIGHT: While Germany and UK are the largest markets, consumers in Italy demonstrate

willingess to spend on services and devices

Figures shaping mobile in Europe (EU5) The story behind the numbers

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morning forenoon afternoon evening

Mobile is part of EU5 consumers daily media consumptionThe only “always on” device

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Younger demographics create their own ringtones, use social networking services and listen to music

Mobile Internet services (browsing, apps and e-mail) skew 65-70% male.

Unlimited data plan subscribers average age 35.

Demographics of EU5 Mobile Media activitiesAverage mobile media user is 33 years old and 40% are female

Source: ComScore Mobile Metrix+ Media Lense 2009 Metrix

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The age comparison between PC and Mobile Internet users is indicative of the need for money when browsing on the mobile device (advanced device and data plans).

Mobile social networkers has a more even gender than mobile browsers for news and info.

Source: ComScore Mobile Metrix+ Media Lense 2009 Metrix

Demographics of EU5 Mobile Media activitiesPC Internet versus Mobile Internet demographics

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Growth of EU5 Mobile Media activitiesSocial networking and apps are driving growth

Social networking and apps are showing the highest gains with 106% and 64% Y/Y growth in users.

GPS mapping will emerge as a key category given Google and Nokia recent announcement to offer service free of charge

Source: ComScore Mobile Metrix+ Media Lense 2009 Metrix

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Usage of mobile in the United Kingdom

Top 10 Mobile Web Properties by Unique Visitors in the UK


Top 10 Mobile Web Properties by Time Spent (minutes) in

the UK (000)

Source: Comscore GSMA MMM December 2009

65% Google and Facebook it65% of mobile users access Facebook and Google site through their mobile phones every month

10 = 70% of all time spenttop 10 properties account for 70% of all time spent by mobile users

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Source: Comscore GSMA MMM December 2009

Average Minutes per Usage Day (minutes) by access

device in the UK

Distribution of users and usage between smart and non-smart


Usage of mobile in the United Kingdom

66% more timemobile users spend in average 66% more time on the four largest social media properties than fixed access users

51% of all time spentdriven by Smartphone users which only represent 29% of overall mobile phone users in the UK

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Source: Nielsen Company

Fastest growing UK mobile phone (all phone types)

media activities (Q2/09 to Q3/09)

Usage patterns of mobile phone users the United Kingdom

10.4 millionUsers using mobiles to access the internet , 21% of all mobile phones users

4.1 millionUsers using mobiles to download applications, 1 million users in Q3 when compared to Q2

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Source: ComScore Mobile Metrix+ Media Lense 2009 Metrix

Top sites accessed by mobile What sites are consumers accessing via mobile?

While 17% of Facebook users in EU5 are accessing via mobile, there is significant differences by country with 22% of UK Facebookers accessing via mobile, compared to less than 10% of German Facebook users.

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The 4 future drivers of mobile in Europe Social networking and web based apps will drive growth

2. Community > Proximity networksProximity networks shaping the way users use their mobile to inform and update and recommend their peers and social group. Emerging segment it supports: Shout Out’ers

3. Location > Augmented realityAugmented reality shaping the behaviour of mobile phone users by turning their cameras into everything from surrounding readers to sign translator. Emerging segment it supports: Insightseer

4. Transaction > Point and find technologyPoint and find technology shaping the way users use their mobile to identify, research and pay for products at point of purchase. Emerging segment it supports: Mobile hunters

1. Accesability > Web based appsWeb based apps such as HTML5 shaping the way mobile applications are built; low entry and based on Google supported HTML5 & Opera JavaScript as opposed to C++ based Windows Mobile, iPhone OS