Trending at SXSWi Date March 30, 2012

SXSW 2012 - Top 4 Trends

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Trending at SXSWiDate March 30, 2012

johnst.com 2

1.media convergence 2.brand journalism 3.union of physical and social world 4.Agile marketing


johnst.com 3

1. media convergence

johnst.com 4

Media convergence is the process where several media channels come together to exist and operate in synergy.

johnst.com 6

Transmedia storytelling is the process of telling a story across multiple channels and tailoring the content for those channels and their audiences.

johnst.com 9

Lesson: Rather than striving for consistency across channels, Marketers should be communicating different things across multiple channels based on the audience.

johnst.com 10

2. brand journalism

johnst.com 11

Brand journalism a shift from brands selling themselves to honest brand storytelling that invites audience participation.

Tracking trends to make great content

Times are a changin’ digital story telling today.

The curators and the curated.

Real-time newsjacking cold blooded tweeter.

Entertain or fail .

Brands are the new publishers

Brand journalism in the real world

johnst.com 15

+fresh+engaging +provoking +causes a reaction in your audience

being a journalist

johnst.com 16

Lesson: When creating content we need to focus on what the audience wants to hear rather than what we want to say.

johnst.com 17

3. union of social media and real world experiences

johnst.com 22

Lesson: The ability to drive action with consumers means that as marketers we should focus on what we want consumers to do instead of what we want them to think. Providing platforms that drive action.

johnst.com 23

4. agile marketing


Optimize Make it better based on real world feedback

Learn Gather real world feedback

Test Release products, content, ideas to the real world.

johnst.com 27

Lesson: We should start optimizing based on real world learnings.

johnst.com 28
