Dada, Surrealism, and Abstraction


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Dada, Surrealism, and Abstraction

Marcel Duchamp, “Fountain” 1917

Marcel Duchamp, “LHOOQ” 1919

Salvador Dali

Self-portrait with the Neck of Raphael, 1921

Venus with Cupids, 1925

Invisible Sleeping Woman, 1930

The Old Age of William Tell, 1931

“The Persistence of Memory” 1931

The Hand, 1930

Myself at the Age of Ten When I Was the Grasshopper Child, 1933

Paranonia, 1936

The Anthropomorphic Cabinet, 1936

Autumn Cannibalism, 1936

Swans Reflecting Elephants, 1937

Soft Self-portrait with Grilled Bacon, 1941

Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, 1943

Galatea of the Spheres, 1952

The Disintegration of Persistence of Memory, 1954

The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, 1958

Portrait of My Dead Brother, 1963

The Hallucinogenic Toreador, 1970

Gala Contemplating the Mediterranean Sea Which at Twenty Meters Becomes the Portrait of AbrahamLincoln, 1976

Landscape with Hidden Image of Michelangelo's "David", 1982

Pieta, 1982

Rene Magritte

Alberto Giacometti

Jackson Pollock

“Number 8” 1949.

“Number 18”, 1950

“Lavender Mist” 1950