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Steria Corporate Responsibility 2011

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Corporate Responsibility Report 2011

Sharing responsibility

Page 2: Steria Corporate Responsibility 2011

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GRI index



A message from our CEO 04

Steria and the triple bottom line 06

About this report 08

About Steria 10

Promoting sustainable solutions 12

Our approach to corporate responsibility 14

Steria and stakeholders 15

Responsibility is its own reward 16

Corporate governance in Steria 18

Responsibility in the marketplace 22

Marketplace case study 23

Responsibility in the workplace 24

Workplace case study 31

Responsibility for the environment 32

Sustainability case studies 34

Responsibility in the community 36

Community case studies 38

We aimed high. How did we do? 40

GRI index 46

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“When Steria was founded in 1969, it was as much a social project as an enterprise, and we continue to build our business in a way that promotes social, environmental and economic sustainability. The global financial crisis has taught us that if financial markets and institutions continue to dictate the goals of business – making profit our only concern – then crisis will be a recurrent reality. At Steria, we believe that long-term value comes from seeing financial growth as a part of a bigger picture, encompassing people, society and the environment. I firmly believe that a business cannot succeed in a society that does not live up to its responsibilities. We need to go beyond profit to build a stronger bond of trust between finance, business and society.

This publication marks our first sustainability report based on the guidelines developed by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). We find that reporting is a useful tool, not only to provide transparency to our stakeholders, but also to improve the quality of our everyday work with sustainability.

Steria is firmly committed to respecting and promoting international norms and principles of corporate responsibility. Following our signature of the Ten Principles in the UN Global Compact in 2004, we developed a Code of Ethics and set up a Corporate Responsibility Programme that clearly assigns roles and responsibilities within Steria’s organisational structure. We also established a Corporate Responsibility Advisory Board comprising members from government, business, academia and civil society, to get an external perspective on our progress.

IT as an industry has few direct negative impacts on its stakeholders, compared to many other industries, and IT is often said to contribute positively to the environment. However, we need to acknowledge that emissions from ICT use are estimated at 2% of global total CO2 emissions – equivalent to the aviation industry. We see it as an important responsibility to minimise our own negative impact, as well as maximising our positive impact: implementing Green IT, and the strategic use of IT, can significantly reduce the CO2 emissions of our clients. Helping clients minimise their carbon footprint is a key goal for us. Whilst environmental sustainability is clearly a key concern, we view sustainability in its widest sense. For example, we are also committed to contributing to sustainable social and economic development in the societies in which we operate, by helping disadvantaged groups cross the digital divide, through training and education.

Our long-term strategic priorities centre around four areas:

• Marketplace – being a responsible service provider, by adhering to the highest ethical standards and countering corruption.

• Workplace – being a responsible employer, by implementing work-life balance policies and consistent HR policies across all our operations – on-shore, near-shore and off-shore.

• Environment – supporting sustainability, by radically reducing our CO2 emissions and helping our clients reduce theirs.

• Community – enabling disadvantaged people, by bridging the digital divide, giving access to IT, education and job opportunities.

We are especially proud of becoming carbon neutral for air and road business travel, and of moving into our new, state of the art, energy positive head office for Steria France. We are also extremely pleased to be the highest scoring company in the Carbon Disclosure Project in our industry. We have continued to expand our efforts to bring IT to everybody – today, the majority of Steria countries are sponsoring schools in India by establishing computer labs and providing scholarships for bright students.

In 2012, we want to build on this momentum and we recognise that there is still much to be done. We will particularly focus on enforcing our responsible procurement policy, on reinforcing our efforts on ethics and anticorruption, and on further developing our ‘One Steria, One Country, One School’ Programme. We are also pleased to have implemented the ‘Great Place to Work’ employee survey across all Steria countries, giving a third party benchmark of employee satisfaction that tells us where to concentrate our future efforts.

You are warmly invited to read about our endeavours and achievements in 2011, and I welcome your responses and reflections.”

François Enaud, General Manager and CEO of Group Steria

Group General Manager – CEO

A message from our CEO

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Steria has always believed in bringing a human touch to technology – combining business performance with social values. This is highlighted by our strong, people-friendly values: Respect | Openness | Simplicity | Creativity | Independence

Our sOcial bOttOm line

IT, as an industry, has some very specific social challenges. The World Health Organisation has identified work-related stress as a major risk for both physical and mental health. While businesses in every sector must be vigilant about absenteeism, we must also be particularly conscious of work-life balance. This is because modern technology now enables people to work around the clock, blurring the boundary between their professional and private life. At Steria, the well-being of our employees is paramount, which means work-life balance issues are a serious priority for our company.

On a macro level, the IT sector is part of a bigger social issue about the ‘digital divide’. Although IT is a major facilitator, it can create inequalities between people in terms of having knowledge of, and access to, information and communication technologies. As a socially responsible company, we have made it our priority to address the digital divide. We do this by facilitating access to IT through our educational programmes and scholarships.

You can read more about our efforts and achievements for Steria’s social bottom line in the chapters ‘The workplace’ and ‘The community’.

Our ecOnOmic bOttOm line

Profits are vital to being a viable and lasting enterprise. But, at Steria, we also strive to create economic development in the societies in which we operate. We actively contribute to local communities by creating employment, raising competence and encouraging innovation. This is a particular concern in our off-shore units in Asia, where bringing technology, education and economic development to disadvantaged groups is at the very core of our community engagement programmes.

A key priority in the coming years is to fully implement our new ethical procurement policy. We will do this by ensuring that we use our purchasing power to support best-in-class companies, and to make certain that we avoid doing business with partners that have unacceptable environmental, social or ethical standards.

You can read more about our efforts and achievements for Steria’s economic bottom line in the chapter ‘The marketplace’.

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Our approach to sustainable development is based on the concept of the ‘triple bottom line’; we aim to achieve a balance between our environmental, social and economic performance.

Steria and the triple bottom line

One Steria. Three ways of measuring performance


2 3Key highlights Of the year:

• Achieving an A-rating in the Carbon Disclosure Project with the best ranking in our industry

• Being awarded the Golden Peacock Award for excellence in CR

• Implemented the ‘Great Place to Work’ Survey across all Steria countries

• Steria Norway achieving third place in the ‘Great Place to Work’ Survey

• The results from our yearly community event, One Day Challenge, were the best ever

• Opening of the Green Office in Paris

• Defining a Group-wide Work-life Balance Policy

• Maintained our carbon neutrality for air and road business travel

• Publishing a Group-wide Sustainability Procurement Policy

We are a diverse company with over 20,000 employees spanning 16 countries and three continents, and our impacts, risks and opportunities relating to sustainability are exceptionally varied. While enthusiastically encouraging local initiatives in all our worldwide offices, we want to emphasise that we are ‘One Steria’ with one environmental policy, one Code of Ethics and a consistent HR strategy. This strategy applies to all our operations, regardless of location – we do not accept double standards across our on-shore, near-shore or off-shore units. We believe in the Power of Sharing – a term coined by Steria to describe the collective benefits of sharing challenges, knowledge, skills and experience, to make something less complicated or better.

Our strategic priorities for the future, across our Triple Bottom Line, are:

Our envirOnmental bOttOm line

IT, as an industry, is a relatively large CO2 emitter and contributes to one of the largest environmental challenges of our time. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is, therefore, our main strategic priority – to reduce our own emissions, as well as enabling our clients to reduce theirs. As a provider of IT services, not only are we well-positioned to reduce our own greenhouse gas emissions, but we also support our clients in reducing their own emissions, by ‘Living Green’ and ‘Selling Green’.

living green

Steria, as a Group, has become carbon neutral for air and road business travel – and is now ranked top performer in our sector in the Carbon Disclosure Project. In addition to this, some of our country offices are in state of the art eco-buildings using green energy wherever possible, and our own ‘Green Agent’ employees ensure that we continuously strive to improve our environmental performance.

selling green

We also believe we have a definite responsibility to help our clients to reduce their own emissions. Our applications for smart cities and smart metering help them to understand their consumption patterns. Even better, by providing Green IT, we can radically reduce the electricity consumption of our clients’ IT solutions.

You can read more about the strategies and achievements for Steria’s environmental bottom line in the chapter ‘The environment’.

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This report is a landmark for us by being our first sustainability report based on the Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) guidelines for sustainability reporting. The process of selecting GRI indicators for the report started in 2009 when Steria’s CR team did their first assessment. In identifying our main impacts and most pressing sustainability issues, the GRI indicators were carefully selected and discussed by a dedicated group of senior executives representing the larger Steria areas, whilst also seeking the opinions of shareholders and other stakeholders. The final selection of indicators is, therefore, a result of a two-year review process between the CR network leaders, Steria’s CR Advisory Board of external stakeholders and Steria’s Executive Committee. This review process with a broader audience ensures that the different perspectives of our stakeholders are taken into consideration in setting the priorities for the report.

In choosing the indicators we emphasised the most relevant and pressing CR issues related to the services that we deliver and the geographic spread of our offices.

The report covers the fiscal year for 2011 and meets GRI’s reporting level B according to our own evaluation. Quantitative and qualitative data has been through an extensive review and approval process internally, including the Group CEO, the Group Legal Manager, the Group CR Programme Director and our Director of Communications. While this is our first GRI-based report, we provide historical data where possible to give a clearer picture of Steria’s sustainability performance. There have been no significant changes in the company structure during the reporting period that affect the reported data.

The report will be published annually and covers Steria’s offices and activities in 16 countries. The data reported includes subsidiaries. Data measurement techniques and compilation follows the Indicator Protocol of the GRI guidelines, unless stated otherwise.

We aim to cover all material aspects of Steria’s positive and negative impacts on the Triple Bottom Line in a transparent way, according to the ideals advanced by the Global Reporting Initiative.

For more information or clarity, please visit us at: www.steria.com

About this report

Why this report is so important and how it has been compiled


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In the 43 exciting years that Steria has been operating, we have seen IT develop from a pioneering science to a leading component of our economy. In that time, we have established ourselves as a major player. The next 40 years will offer new challenges which we are ready to meet head-on. The entrepreneurial boldness of our founder Jean Carteron is reflected today in our drive to devise new services and solutions, to react to changes in the market and to thrive whatever the conditions. Here are our current key facts and figures:

• Our total revenue for 2011 was €1.75 billion (up from €1.69 billion in 2010)

• Founded in 1969, in Paris, today 70% of our revenue comes from outside France

• We have offices in Europe, India, North Africa and South East Asia

• We are 20,000 people strong, working across 16 countries

• 30% of employees work off-shore or near-shore; one of the highest percentages among European IT companies

• Our off-shore and near-shore delivery centers are located in India, Poland and Morocco

• Approximately 21% of our capital is owned by our employees

We touch the lives of millions around the globe each day through our systems, services and processes. Steria has built a pervasive global presence in 16 countries across Europe, India, North Africa and South East Asia. We see our diversity as a powerful asset, embracing many different cultures across the world – each individual bringing an extra dimension to the way we work as a whole. But, although our cultures are diverse, we have a shared vision and shared values. We believe this gives us a cohesion that is a real differentiator.

This international presence can be seen from the top down – our Executive Committee includes seven different nationalities and a fair balance of men and women. It ensures that all Group businesses, geographies and business lines are represented, as well as the marketing, finance and human resources functions.

We believe that it is our culture of collaborative entrepreneurialism and remaining true to our founding values that has led to our growth and success. Steria was originally founded with the vision to unite strong business performance with solid social values. Steria has maintained a culture of ethical entrepreneurialism ever since.

As innovators for over 40 years, we have risen to the challenge to solve real-world problems across diverse sectors, geographies and technology environments. The last four decades have seen some remarkable changes in the way technology shapes our world. Steria has played a big part in this. We have grown in size ten times over since 1998 and, more recently, our acquisitions of Mummert (2005) and Xansa (2007) have allowed us to offer our clients a unique portfolio of services from consulting to business process outsourcing – shaping operational excellence for many organisations that we partner.

About Steria

The facts, the figures and the people behind them



United Kingdom

Germany and Austria








1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,0000












On-shoreAustria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

near-shorePoland, Morocco


Employee headcount


20,000 21%

Steria total revenue for 2011

People working for Steria

Steria capital owned by its employees

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Only collaboration can make today’s world turn. At Steria, we are passionate about our sharing vision and values. We call it the ‘Power of Sharing’ and it is a highly collaborative way of working that has helped make us one of the Top 10 IT services companies in Europe. We have a highly industrialised delivery model that utilises the support of our network of industry-leading service partners, combined with a profound understanding of our clients’ businesses and in-depth expertise in IT and business process outsourcing. From advice to execution, we take on our clients’ challenges and develop innovative solutions to solve them – working with them to transform their businesses and letting them get on with what they do best.

We are constantly mindful, however, that – within our solutions – we must provide responsible products and services. More and more, our focus is on sustainability, and on devising new ways of meeting one of the greatest challenges the world has ever faced – climate change. Yet sustainability is as much an ethical issue as it is an environmental one, calling for a change in mindset as well as in physical practices. At Steria we take both into account, which means we can help our clients manage their carbon footprint much more effectively.

Whilst constantly seeking to develop new services and solutions for our clients, we never lose sight of their business needs and responsibilities – and we look beyond the initial transformation opportunity to operational delivery, day after day.

Our full range of IT-enabled services helps our clients to minimise their energy use while maximising their efficiency:

• As a business advisory partner for our clients, we help them to set goals and implement their strategy. We provide them with all the concepts, methods and process analysis necessary to plan for successful transformation.

• Systems integration provides turnkey solutions with full integration into the clients’ environment. Our experience and expertise means we take care of the complex challenges of integrating diverse technologies the clients organisation already has and those it plans to deploy in the future.

• Application Management helps clients to evolve and fine-tune their application portfolios to meet emerging business challenges. We give our clients access to a comprehensive range of Application Management services based on leading technologies.

• Testing, which involves expertise ranging from consulting to delivery and experience right across the business process and IT, ensures that clients’ systems are fit for purpose, reliable, secure and scalable.

• Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) primarily provides middle and back office services. Emphasis is on automation and execution of world-class business processes to keep critical services running and relevant. These include finance and accounting, procurement and human resources.

• Infrastructure Management helps clients keep pace with accelerating demands on IT infrastructure while delivering substantial cost savings, productivity increases and energy efficiency.

Promoting sustainable solutions

Only the best ideas are sustainable Minimising energy, maximising efficiency: welcome to our full-range of IT-enabled services

IT Management


ions (Systems Integration)

Process Management

Vertical BPO










Application Management


Ho rizontal Solutions Vert

ical S



Business Expertise(Consulting)

Powered by sharing



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Our approach to corporate responsibility

A structure with clearly defined responsibilities

Group CEO

CR Programme Director CR Advisory Board

Executive sponsor for Community

Executive sponsor for Workplace

Network Leader

Network Leader

Executive sponsor for Marketplace

Executive sponsor for Environment

Network Leader

Network Leader

Internal or external, effective corporate responsibility is a collective endeavour. Which is why, at Steria, we engage with stakeholder networks and organisations on a global, national and local level. In 2004, we signed the UN Global Compact. This charter encourages companies to promote ten universal principles in the areas of human rights, working conditions, the environment and the fight against corruption. Then, in 2009, we developed our own Code of Ethics – a protocol that ensures healthy business practices across the business. Additionally, to ensure closer

contact with our stakeholders, we are also active members of several local and European CR organisations, such as the Institut du Mécénat Social in France and we also partner with NGOs such as Digital Bridges (Passerelles Numériques). Our Corporate Responsibility programme involves multiple external stakeholders. Our relationships with these stakeholders are the primary responsibility of each CR network leader, relating to their respective field of expertise. These external stakeholders include:

Steria and stakeholders

Making decisions on a global, national and local level

external stakeholder major role internet site

Carbon Disclosure Project The Carbon Disclosure Project is an independent non-profit organisation holding the world’s largest database of corporate climate change information. The CDP provides international environment rankings.


ISO 14001 certification companies

Environmental management standard. The certification companies audit our ISO 14001 sites in our various locations.


Global Compact UN initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. The Global Compact provides a globally recognised framework for corporate responsibility.


VIGEO CR rating agency in the areas of environment, social and governance topics. www.vigeo.com

GAÏA Sustainability index for midcaps on the Paris Stock Exchange. www.gaïa-index.com

Institut du Mécénat Social A network of companies promoting CR in society. www.imsentreprendre.com

Global Reporting Initiative Association developing and promoting the leading international standard for sustainability reporting.


Syntec Numerique Steria has a key position in Syntec, our industry association, where the CEO of Steria France is the vice president.




Global Reporting Init iat ive

Institut du

Mécénat Social


The way we are organised shows our real commitment to responsible operations. This structure ensures a clear division of responsibility from the top down in whichever location we work. The highest level of our company monitors our CR performance: the Audit Committee of our Supervisory Board reviews non-financial risks annually, and our Executive Committee reviews our sustainability performance on a regular basis. The strategic and practical work is organised like this:

The General Manager and the Executive Committee – Steria’s General Manager has ultimate responsibility for our global Corporate Responsibility (CR) programme, with members of the Executive Committee acting as sponsors for designated parts of the programme.

The CR Programme Director – The CR Programme Director is the driving force of Steria’s CR strategy, responsible for developing strategies, policies and measurable objectives and ensuring their implementation, as well as acting as an advisor to the Executive Committee on stakeholder issues.

The CR Network Leaders – Steria has CR Network Leaders, responsible for the areas of Community, Workplace, Environment and Marketplace. The network leaders are responsible for implementing action plans in each of the four areas throughout the Group, in collaboration with the country network members who manage the implementation within each country.

CR Advisory Board – As a large company, spread across three continents, we wanted to ensure that our top management gets systematic, expert advice and insights from the perspective of our stakeholders. This is why we established the CR Advisory Board, consisting of independent CR experts from government, industry and society. The Board meets three times a year to review Steria’s progress from a stakeholder perspective and to advise on how to coordinate our CR activity across the company.

Key topics discussed by the cr advisory board in 2011:

• The introduction of key performance indicators and a Supplier’s Charter

• Preparation of a CR report based on the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines

• Our portfolio of CR projects in India

• Our ‘One Day Challenge’

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*See www.vigeo.com to access criteria used for rating – VIGEO ratings are provided every 18 months

**See www.gaia-index.com to access criteria used for rating

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Responsibility is its own reward

rating agency/cr index 2009/2010 evolution

vs 2008/09

VIGEO*HR:Human Rights:Environment: Business behaviour:Corporate governance: Community:

2009/10 2008/09

GAIA** 85.1% 78.4%

2011 2010

CDP 93% 89%

Although there is always more to strive for, we are very pleased with our CR endeavours and achievements to date. In 2010 and 2011, we attained the following rewards and certifications:

reward/certification Purpose cr component year

ISO 14001 in 10 Countries Environmental management system certification (see: www.iso.org) Environment 2009, 2010 and 2011

Asia’s Best CR Practice Award in Singapore Excellence in the field of CR Community 2011

Subir Raha Foundation Award at Hyderabad Sharing knowledge and best practices in CR Community 2011

Best CR Practice award by Bombay Stock Exchange, for third consecutive year

Best CR practice Community 2010

INDY’s Best CR Practice Award, presented by ‘Stars of the Industry’

Best CR practice Community 2010

Nasscom Social Innovation Honours Award 2010 IT led innovation reaching out to communities Community 2010

Golden Peacock Special Commendation for CR excellence 2010/2011, awarded Steria India Foundation

Encouraging initiatives in CR, promoting sustainable development Community 2010 and 2011

Catalan Government Spain Supporting gender equality Workplace 2010

Listed in Norway’s top ten ‘Best Places to Work’ Steria Norway | Employee Opinion survey Workplace 2010 and 2011

Winner of the Grand Prix from the French Federation of Associations for Employee Shareholding

Employee shareholding, CR component Workplace 2010

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the general manager and executive committee

General Management of Groupe Steria comes under the responsibility of François Enaud who has been General Manager since 1998. Appointed at the General Meeting of Shareholders, and proposed by the Supervisory Board after agreement with the General Partner, he stays in office for a maximum renewable term of six years.

The General Manager is assisted by an Executive Committee composed of three Senior Executive Vice-Presidents who meet every week, and seven Executive Vice-Presidents. The Executive Committee meets monthly and ensures that all Group businesses, geographies and business lines are represented, while also ensuring the representation of the marketing, finance and human resources functions.

Groupe Steria has set up a particularly innovative and unique governance system designed to help the company distinguish itself from the competition and to develop and enhance its appeal. This governance system uses the legal structure of a limited share partnership (Société en Commandite par Actions) under French law (SCA) in an original way where the General Partner is a simplified stock company called Soderi, which represents exclusively the Group employee shareholders.

a clear separation between management and control bodies

The corporate governance of Groupe Steria is based on a separation between the powers of the Management of the Group that is assured by a General Manager and the control powers entrusted to a Supervisory Board completely separate from the Management, and reporting directly to shareholders.

two types of partner

the limited partners (the shareholders)The limited partners provide capital. They own the company’s shares.

They meet at least once a year in Ordinary and/or Extraordinary General Meeting(s) of Shareholders in order to decide upon the resolutions submitted for their approval and, notably, to appoint the General Manager, approve his remuneration, appoint members of the Supervisory Board as well as the Statutory Auditors and approve the annual financial statements.

the general partner: soderiThe General partner is represented by the simplified joint-stock company (société par actions simplifiée), Soderi, whose unique feature is to bring together the community of Group employee shareholders.

Corporate governance in Steria

Sharing power

soderi sas general Partner

(Employee shareholders)

limited Partners


groupe steria sca

General Manager Executive Committee

soderi sas board


Authorisation of major decisions

groupe steria sca supervisory board


Authorisation of major decisions Control

Operational subsidiaries















100% 100%






















grOuPe steria sca

steria sca































uniteD KingDOm













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the supervisory board

The Supervisory Board has responsibility for ongoing control of the management of the Company on behalf of shareholders. The Supervisory Board has a clear Charter and Internal Regulations; these describe professional ethical behaviour and rules to be respected by its members. Within the Board, there are three committees; a Strategy Committee which is responsible for reviewing the company’s medium to long-term development; an Appointments and Remuneration Committee which is responsible for evaluating new appointments to the EXCOM and benefits plans; and an Audit Committee which is responsible for controlling risk and accounts.

The Board performs an annual self-assessment – one of which resulted in a decision to increase the number of women on the board to better reflect the company’s diversity. The Supervisory Board has, traditionally, been male dominated. However, in 2011, we recruited the first woman on to the board, with a goal of 20% women members for 2012. A target has been set of 40% of the board to be women by 2014.

the members of the supervisory board after the general assembly, may 2012:

Jacques Bentz, Chairman of the Board, Manager of Tecnet Participations.

Eric Hayat, Vice-Chairman of the Board, Chairman of Groupement d’Intérêt Public (GIP), Modernisation des déclarations sociales.

Léo Apotheker

Patrick Boissier, Chairman and CEO of DCNS.

Séverin Cabannes, Deputy CEO of the Société Générale Group.

Elie Cohen, Economist – Research Director at CNRS, Professor at Sciences-PO-CAE.

Bridget Cosgrave, Founder and Chairman of EveryEuropeanDigital (EED).

Pierre Desprez, Chairman of Group Steria Mutual Fund (Employee Shareholding).

Pierre-Henri Gourgeon, Chairman of the PH Gourgeon Conseil.

Laetitia Puyfaucher, CEO of Pelham Media.


steriaBy bringing Steria’s employee shareholders into

Soderi, and giving Soderi the power to participate in the governance of the company, Steria is a pioneer in participative governance. There is no other listed

company in Europe where the employee shareholders have such influence in corporate governance.

“Broad and open share ownership by employees is another example of Steria’s revolutionary corporate style.

Revolutionary, yes, but not utopian. The principle, enshrined in Soderi is founded on my conviction that economic and

ethical interests are not mutually exclusive, and that financial performance follows from employees’ direction of and

dedication to a company in whose future they have a stake.”Jean Carteron, founder of Steria.


Ever since Steria was founded in 1969, our culture has been based on participative governance built on strong employee shareholding, symbolised by Soderi. Soderi is the company owned by Groupe Steria’s employee shareholders. It is the core element of Steria’s participative governance.

This unique governance model is ground-breaking within the IT industry. It gives our people a significant say in determining our future strategy. Our employees now own 21% of the Company, showing that the original idea of the founder Jean Carteron is still alive.

Steria’s 6,000 employee shareholders are able to take part in the company’s strategic decisions through Soderi. Soderi is managed by a Board of Directors with 17 members elected by the employee shareholders. The Soderi Board is fully aligned with Steria’s commitment to diversity – among the 17 members, there is a good gender balance and a wide blend of different nationalities from France, the UK, Germany, Norway, India and Belgium.

The Board gives prior approval to any resolution put to the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of Groupe Steria SCA and to any proposal put forward by the Steria General Manager relating to a change in the company’s consolidation due, for example, to an acquisition or a significant loan. The General Manager therefore reports to two Boards: the Soderi Board of Directors and the Groupe Steria SCA Supervisory Board.

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Our commitment to sustainability stems from our founding commitment to running an ethical business. This is embedded within the Steria Code of Ethics, which sets out our beliefs and policies on such issues as human rights, diversity, labour standards, the environment, combating corruption and conflicts of interest.

To ensure that all managers and employees live our values, we have taken several steps to improve ethics and compliance awareness throughout our organisation. Backed by a practical Book of Internal Control to systemise implementation, our Code of Ethics is available to everyone via our intranet. From the start, this code is emphasised in our employee training. It is also signed by our top 400 managers. In addition, we have implemented a ‘conflicts of interest declaration process’ for the area CEOs and CFOs, as well as the Supervisory Board – a process followed up directly by the Groupe Steria SCA Audit Committee at least once a year.

steria’s approach to anti-bribery

As part of our commitment to the UN Global Compact principle on anti-corruption, we will be providing awareness modules on corruption and conflicts of interest by developing specific training for our local Executive Committees.

It is part of our ethical pledge as a business that we will continue implementing the Code of Ethics throughout 2012 and beyond. We need to continuously improve our communication, awareness and training initiatives related to this document, and streamline our best practice guidelines against corruption across the company.

We will implement the following initiatives in 2012:

• To include a review of ethics as part of the annual programme of the Groupe Steria SCA Supervisory Board.

• To have our Area CEOs sign the Code of Ethics publicly.

• To include a dedicated session on ethics led by our Group CEO in the senior management meeting calendar.

As a company, we aim to provide responsible and safe products and services, and to comply with all relevant laws and regulations. In 2011 we had no significant fines for non-compliance with product regulations, and we also stepped up our efforts to ensure responsible products, by developing our own procurement code.

ensuring a responsible supply chain

As a large multinational company, we fully acknowledge our responsibility to use our resources and influence in an accountable way with our suppliers, partners and subcontractors. To ensure a responsible supply chain, we intend to launch a Group Procurement Code of Conduct, in 2012, which will be clearly communicated to our purchasing community. Due to the global extent of our supply chain, implementing such a Code of Conduct requires substantial effort and investment on our part. We will develop a long-term strategy to monitor the progressive implementation of our CR procurement policy. As an element of this project we will screen our supply chain for risks related to corruption, child labour, unacceptable working conditions and labour union rights. We are determined to protect the people that help make Steria a success.

Responsibility in the marketplace

How we do what we do – and how all our actions have an impact – are important considerations in our commitment to being a sustainable business. We aim to provide benefits to society through everything we do, and we always bear in mind the potential ethical dimension of every service or solution we offer.

400Amount of top Steria managers who have

signed the Code of Ethics

An example from the UK – our approach to anti-bribery Case study in the marketplace:

Product responsibility: selling biometric solutions responsibly

the issue:

Privacy of data is a real and present issue surrounding biometrics. Global security of fingerprint data depends largely on which agency or firm captures the data.

Our solution:

The Steria ‘Biometric Centre of Excellence’ located in Oslo, Norway, has a mandate to ensure that its solutions are not used in any way that conflicts with human rights. We are fully aware that human rights are inadequately protected in some parts of the world, making it necessary for us to take our own steps to ensure that we are not complicit in human rights violations. To make sure our products are used according to our ethical guidelines, we examine each request individually to ensure our products are not used for illegal monitoring. Then we decide whether the opportunity is one we wish to proceed with, using the guidelines set out at Group level. Through discussions with the Group Risk Manager, a final decision is made, taking both ethical and financial aspects into consideration.

Effective mechanisms in place to track, monitor, escalate, resolve and report

Controls reviewed annually as

part of risk assessment

Robust communication and training plans in place

Committed to compliance

with bribery act

Bribery policy, Fraud policy, Code of Ethics and Business Integrity policy Reviewed annually

monitoring and review


top-level commitment

communication and training

adequate procedures

risk assessment

steria uK’s anti-bribery approach

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We are committed to maintaining the highest standards for our employees, providing a safe and healthy working environment in accordance with the relevant guidelines for every country in which we operate. We operate within the same standards across our on-shore, near-shore or off-shore units.

In all Steria countries health and safety issues are overseen by formal health and safety committees or local HR departments. We had zero work-related fatalities in 2011.

Work-life balance

Steria believes in a healthy balance between our employees’ personal and professional lives. This balance is important for employee satisfaction, as well as for reducing absenteeism and increasing productivity. In 2011, we therefore launched a Group-wide ‘Work-life Balance Policy’ to support our employees. The local HR directors are responsible for implementing this policy, and we encourage them to implement effective and locally adapted initiatives in 2012 and 2013. A key objective of the policy is to make our employees and managers aware of the type of actions and attitudes they could promote in their employees. The policy is focused on five key areas:

• Creating a working environment where our employees can develop their skills.

• Giving our employees as much flexibility as possible within the limitations of their work.

• Supporting our employees in identifying their personal work-life balance.

• Supporting employees in their efforts to live a healthy lifestyle.

• Supporting employees in times of need.

A tool kit for managers dealing with stress among their employees has been developed. This tool kit will be distributed to all countries in 2012.

Personal development and training

As a company founded to combine business performance with social values, Steria has consistently nurtured ethical entrepreneurialism. For us, shareholder value and stakeholder responsibility drive everything we do – including the way we work together. When it comes to creating equal opportunities, we aim to be a diligently responsible employer. That means fostering an entrepreneurial spirit throughout the business and creating a working environment that provides every employee with pride, enjoyment and purpose.

Training and development is at the heart of ensuring that each of us knows how we can truly develop our competencies and maximise our potential. Steria’s Global Career Framework helps employees define and achieve their personal development goals. The framework helps to define levels of expertise and competency requirements and it supports employees to define their career objectives. In this way the framework is an important pillar for our training and development strategy.

Another important pillar is our annual talent and competency review of all employees. This review, called CEDRE, helps us to balance our collective ambitions with the talents we already have and those we need to attract. To support the development of our employees, we also provide regular personal development interviews. In these interviews, which take place on an annual basis, the results of previous years are evaluated and targets are set for the new year.

In 2011, we invested in a total of 67,149 days of training for our employees – an average of 3.4 training days per employee. The number of training days was up by 32% in 2011 compared to 2010. The cost of training dropped, however, due to streamlining of training purchases and the introduction of e-learning.

The ‘Steria Academy’ is our international training programme for Steria’s senior managers, and covers Programme Management, Sales and Marketing and Leadership courses. In the design and development of the training modules, we always involve senior members of the organisation. The Academy therefore serves as a platform for knowledge transfer and better dissemination of shared tools and practices. This method of organising encourages networking and building inter-departmental relationships.

Within the local entities, Human Resources and Training Management focuses on the development of technical expertise and innovative technologies, as well as on personal and managerial skills.

Responsibility in the workplace

In a company as diverse and international as Steria, ensuring dialogue with our employees and taking into account their well-being is an essential means of boosting involvement and satisfaction.









ce UKIn

























Female Steria’s policy is to measure training in days.

Training – by gender/country

In the future, our ambition is to strengthen our focus on training and development by increasing the amount of training offered by the Steria Group Academy, as well as to establish local Steria Academies in each country. A key priority for 2012 is training specifically tailored to the challenges of our employees in management positions.

Work-life trainin


local initiatives to support work-life balance:

• In the UK, a training programme on time management is available from the Learning and Engagement department, as well as e-learning modules which also address the topic.

• In France, we launched a programme called ‘Zen IT’, which addressed different areas of need relating to health and well-being.

• In Spain, we launched a work-life balance plan in 2009, taking Steria Spain one step further than the existing Spanish legislation. For example, various combinations of unpaid leave are offered to employees, with social security charges guaranteed by Steria. In 2011, Steria also implemented a new policy about paid leave for family illness, medical visits and school meetings.

• In Norway, the topic of work-life balance is addressed both in induction training and in leadership training.

• In India, we have put a number of policies in place to ensure the well-being of employees at work. These include: working from home, a compulsory minimum of 15 days leave, part-time work, crèche or day care facilities for children, training programmes on stress management and a Health Screening policy. All employees, across all levels, are given funding for an individual health check.

• In the UK a new assessment and development centre was set up in 2011 for the Project Management community. 100 managers have taken part in this initiative which includes simulations, self-appraisal and development plans.

• In Norway, Steria implemented training courses comprised of modules dedicated to consulting, project management, and systems architecture skills.

• In France the integration process has been improved to facilitate the arrival of new employees by a combination of welcome sessions, intranet space, innovative e-learning systems adapted to each individual job profile and integration days where employees get to meet managers and broaden their network of contacts.

• To develop our future leaders in Germany, we launched a new leadership programme. Over a total of 18 months, young managers are exposed to different experiences in the area of personal effectiveness and leadership. The programme also includes a week’s work experience in a Non-Governmental Organisation.

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employee relations

The third principle of the UN Global Compact states that businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. At Steria, we are committed to this principle. In our Code of Ethics, we state the right to collective bargaining, and this applies to all Steria countries. We already have a number of collective agreements in place, established under local legislation in the respective country, but all employees have the same rights to salaries and company benefits regardless of being member of a labour union or not.

For trans-European issues, we have created a ‘European Works Council’ (EWC). The EWC is composed of 14 members, representing ten countries. The EWC meets on a regular basis, and discusses topics that are relevant for employees throughout the Group. Examples of recent topics include: the results of the ‘Great Place to Work’ employee survey and internal IT tools.

employee satisfaction and engagement

Employee satisfaction and engagement is important to Steria. To measure how well our employees engage with the company and its aims, we carry out an employee survey. In 2011 – for the very first time – all Steria geographies participated in the ‘Great Place to Work’ survey. The Great Place to Work Institute uses a proven method, developed over the past 20 years, to conduct employee engagement surveys that then allow companies to benchmark themselves, both internally and externally against other organisations. The survey is a management tool that allows us to analyse the feedback from our employees and to put in place activities to address any issues and meet employees’ expectations. Each country will follow up the survey, implement their locally specific action plan and exchange best practices between countries. Some countries also participate in an external benchmark and Steria has been ranked among the top ten Best Workplaces in Norway five years running. Our aim is to bring the other countries progressively up to the same level.

Attrition of employees is also an issue we need to address. The results of the Great Place to Work survey combined with information from exit-interviews give us guidance on which areas need improvement, and these recommendations serve as a good guide as to where to strengthen our efforts in 2012 and 2013.

human rights and diversity

Respecting rights and diversity at all times, we are dedicated to recognising human rights in all our relations with employees, clients, shareholders, suppliers and local communities. We never tolerate discrimination or harassment, in any form. Even though we are vigilant, three incidents of discrimination were brought to the management’s attention in 2011. These incidents were dealt with internally and serve as a reminder that we constantly need to stay aware and focus on the way we interact.

Across the company workforce as a whole there is a distribution of 30% women and 70% men. Even though this gender composition is imbalanced, it is above industry standard in many of our countries. Nevertheless, we have several programmes with universities and upper secondary school students to encourage more women to choose technical careers.

There are also local variations, which we are determined to improve. This is a long-term objective and will not be changed overnight. We will work to increase female representation in management positions through awareness programmes, recruitment practices and training. The first step is to raise awareness and to make conscious decisions on promotions and recruitment.

Gender split

Local Excoms Leaders Managers

69% Male

31% Female

86% Male

14% Female

79% Male

21% FemaleMale


Steria average male

Steria average female

% of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews


ce UKIn



























Local executive committees – by gender










r co










38% 70%

30% 11%





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The majority of our workforce is between 30 and 50, and it is the relatively younger age mix in India that mainly drives these figures. Most of the other countries, on the other hand, are striving to increase the number of young people employed. In France, however, there has been a particular focus on senior employee policies. Following meetings in 2009 with trade unions, the action plan for 2010-2012 will concentrate on maintaining senior people (above 55) in their jobs. As well as age range, another approach to diversity in Steria is our commitment to supporting disabled workers. A Steria Group Disability Policy has been designed and communicated throughout the company. The key objectives of this policy are:

• To raise awareness of disability in the workplace and to underline the need for compliance with local laws.

• To encourage decision makers working in recruitment to pay special attention to disabled applicants so that we can extend our recruitment base.

We are currently working to meet the standards set in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG*) for our internet and intranet solutions. In 2012, we completed the rollout of our new ‘Digital One’ platform, ensuring consistency for all country websites across the Group. We are working with our internal accessibility experts to implement changes in all our new or revised websites so that each website meets the level A of the WCAG standard as it goes live. Our objective is to achieve standard AA on all our sites by the end of 2012. This means that all our core corporate and country websites will be accessible for people with disabilities. Whenever possible, Steria has adapted a working environment that is beneficial for all types of disabled people. For instance, home working is offered, most of our major office buildings are accessible to wheelchair users and we provide special equipment whenever necessary.

Local legislation is a key driver for different initiatives relating to disability. In the UK, training about the Disability Discrimination Act is part of a core management workshop given to all new and newly promoted managers. A significant number of workshops for managers took place in 2011.

In France, we signed an agreement with a government organisation four years ago that led to twice as many disabled people being hired in Steria France than in previous years. This agreement provides customised services for disabled people (a dedicated hotline, training and transportation) as well as improving recruitment.

* http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG/

Age composition




Employees under 30 years old

Employees between 30 and 50 years old

Employees over 50 years old

local initiatives to promote gender equality

Several initiatives, across all locations, have been implemented to improve gender equality. Some examples include:

• In Spain, a programme was launched in 2009 to ensure equal opportunities between male and female employees, as part of a government initiative. Steria is the first IT company in Spain to develop an action plan in this area. Topics addressed in the programme include prevention of sexual harassment, maternity leave, family-friendly working schedules and a female perspective on our recruitment promotion processes. The programme has been improved throughout 2011 and will be developed further in 2012.

• A Norwegian initiative was started in 2011 to include five Steria employees in a ‘Role Model Agency’. Its objective is to inspire young people, especially girls, to choose technical studies at university. Schools are encouraged to book role models to visit their schools to give talks to their students.

As well as having a fair balance of the genders, we also believe that it is important to have a diverse range of ages working within our business. The age distribution of employees in our company is:

• 30% of employees are under 30

• 57% of employees are between 30 and 50

• 13% are above 50

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Absence rates differ considerably across our different locations, and they often parallel general differences in absence rates across these countries. Our aim is to have an absence rate below the relevant average national rate in each country.



Steria average male

Steria average female


ce UKIn



























Employee turnover – by gender


ce UKIn



























Absence days as % of work days



Steria average male

Steria average female


ce UKIn



























Rate of hiring – by genderCase study in the workplace:

germany: stress and burnout prevention

The objectives:

Our aim was to make our employees aware of what stress is, how it comes about and what they can do to handle it and prevent burnout. Additional objectives were to make the company aware of stress in the workplace and to prepare everyone for a big internal project about employee engagement.

Why this initiative started:

It was initiated because burnout is a key topic in the press and other media in Germany. It was timed to accompany the implementation of Steria’s family support service.

What the initiative involves:

External professionals do regular presentations about what stress and burnout are, how they happen and what employees can actively do to cope. We offer two-day workshops, twice a year, where employees learn and practise how to cope with stress. And, every month, there is a half hour phone briefing about stress and burnout – we record these so that they can be downloaded at any time, together with literature and PowerPoint presentations on the subject. Our intranet is a comprehensive source of information on stress, available any time and we offer regular sporting activities for all employees.

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We have shown our commitment by signing the ten UN Global Compact principles, and promoting environmental responsibility. As an IT company we feel particularly responsible in promoting the Compact’s ninth principle which is to encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. To do so, we aim to lead by example and to support clients with thought leadership, consultancy services and practical technological solutions to their environmental challenges.

Our sustainability services and solutions represent our vision of the way environmental questions need to be addressed:

• Sustainability Consulting – providing expertise and practical advice that combines methods, practices and potential partners to provide fully-integrated solutions.

• Energy Management – combining expertise, methods and software to devise effective energy-reduction strategies based on calculations of carbon consumption.

• Smart Transport – transforming vehicle fleets to achieve lower fuel consumption, optimising routes and avoiding congestion.

• Green IT – while IT is an enabler of greener, more efficient business practices it is also a high-level consumer of energy. We provide solutions, including virtualising servers or delivering them from the cloud and replacing estates of ‘thick’ desktop client PCs with ‘thin’ ones that use less power.

To give momentum to our sustainability objectives, a Senior Executive Vice President sponsors a Committee – the Group Green Committee (GGC). This committee consists of senior managers or directors from each country who drive the strategy, plan, operations and performance measures in their countries. The GGC is an integral part of our Corporate Responsibility programme. Additionally, since January 2010, Steria has operated a cross-border Green Business Community which is responsible for making solutions that have been developed in one country available to clients in other countries.

We regularly update all our employees about our strategy, commitment, plans and progress and always take account of their feedback and ideas. We’re also encouraging environmental sustainability by obtaining and exceeding ISO14001 requirements, cutting our carbon footprint by 10% over a three-year period, developing specialist services that help our clients to become greener and embedding green thinking and leadership into our bids, tenders and proposals. In addition to this, we’re moving towards a greener purchasing policy and sharing best ‘green’ practice with suppliers, clients and partners. As a sharing company, we collaborate with industry, trade and professional bodies on environmental sustainability and – in the interests of transparency – we report externally on our performance levels and aspirations.

There are six major company-wide initiatives that are particularly important to our environmental performance:

• Living Green – this initiative helps everyone at Steria contribute personally to a more sustainable world. Key elements include behavioural change to embrace sustainability, reducing resource use, greater recycling and leveraging technology to reduce business travel.

• Business travel management – since January 2010, we have become carbon-neutral in both our air and road travel.

• Energy management – implementation of Steria’s Energy Payment and Analytical Service solution (EPAS) across Steria countries and to selected clients.

• ISO14001 certification – we are already certified in Spain, Poland, Germany, Austria, Norway, Sweden, UK, India, Switzerland and Denmark. We will be continuing our certification during 2012, and beyond, to the rest of the countries.

• Green offers – IT has the power to improve business processes in a way that significantly reduces our clients’ carbon footprint; and we consistently support them in this.

• External reporting – in addition to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), we participate in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). We are pleased to have scored 93% and to have received an ‘A-‘ rating from the Carbon Disclosure Project 2011, the highest performance for our sector.

reductions in greenhouse gas emissions

The Steria perimeter for this performance indicator relates to Scope 1 of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and includes Natural Gas and Diesel Oil used for generators and heating.

Our environmental strategy based on where we can make maximum positive impact

Responsibility for the environment

To achieve sustainability, we need to change the way companies operate, now and in the future.

1. The Steria perimeter for this performance indicator relates to Scope 1 of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and includes Natural Gas and Diesel Oil used for generators and heating.

2. The Steria perimeter for this performance indicator relates to Scope 2 of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and includes purchased Electricity for offices and data centres.

3. The Steria definition includes Scope 1 and 2 of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

4. The Steria definition is Business Travel related emission as per Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

Direct energy consumption1

Indirect energy consumption2

Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions3

Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions4



-20%2008 2009 2010









-9.2% -6.2%-3.6%

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france: the green Office®

The objectives:

To demonstrate Steria’s commitment to environmental sustainability and provide an ecological workplace for our employees.

The solution:

Steria France has moved into a large-scale, energy-positive office building. The building has a BREEAM Europe Office 2008 certification rating of ‘Excellent’; BREEAM is the world’s foremost environmental assessment method and rating system for buildings. It also has a HQE Construction certification rating of ‘Exceptional’. Our Energy Performance Contract (EPC), the first private EPC for an office building in France, ensures that Green Office is run under the best possible economic and environmental conditions. Its innovative features include:

• A bioclimatic design that extends to ventilation, lighting and heating.

• 4,200 square metres of solar panels and a vegetable oil boiler for the production of renewable energies for heat and electricity.

• A network intelligence system that controls installations.

• An energy monitoring system designed and implemented by Steria which manages comfort levels and energy use and production and enables a proactive improvement in our use of facilities, leading to better control of energy costs and CO2 savings.

Through its experience of Green Office, Steria not only saves hundreds of tons of CO2 emissions a year but has embarked on a continuous improvement process to lower our carbon footprint, transforming behaviour in the workplace. We also provide a Steria Smart Energy Management solution and offer consulting expertise to our clients.

india: the green café

The objective:

To bring to life an employee idea to provide a fun, green environment.

The solution:

As part of the work done by the teams of Green Agents in each country, we welcome and explore ideas from employees. One idea was the Green Café in Pune, India where pedal power is used to generate electricity to power the cafeteria. The café also doubles as a gym where employees can get fit while meeting the wider objective of making their workplace more eco-friendly. Steria has installed six pedal generators that generate power by conserving the energy produced by people cycling on them. Three staff pedalling for 15 minutes a day can generate enough energy to light up a specially designed LED lighting system for four hours – making great savings on the energy bill. The bikes also calculate how many calories have been burned and show the cyclists the exact value of the savings they have generated – making exercise even more rewarding.

Denmark: green electricity

The objective:

To reduce emissions from energy consumption to support our carbon reduction initiative.

The solution:

The majority of Steria’s carbon footprint comes from energy use and business travel. Uniting Steria’s commitment to sustainability and Denmark’s green-conscious outlook, our Danish office has transformed its electricity supply to 100% wind power. This green initiative was part of the process of becoming certified according to the ISO14001 Environmental Management System in 2011.

Sustainability case studies


Area covered by solar panels on the Steria

France HQ

15Minutes of pedalling

required by three people to generate four hours

of lighting at Steria India’s Green Café


Amount of electricity generated by wind power

at Steria Denmark

ISO 14001

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At Steria, we believe that self-sufficiency and local development comes from strengthening community links, better education and increased employment. Our volunteer-driven community programmes give people in the communities where we operate greater access to education, IT and jobs. We have created three related programmes that drive our community activities across the Group:

• The One IT and Education Enablement programme.

• The One Steria, One Country, One School programme in India, where each country in the Group is invited to sponsor a school for three years.

• The One Certifying Training programme that gives training to local people seeking jobs in Cambodia and India.

bringing greater independence to disadvantaged people

From the very beginning, our founding commitment to community action has led us to engage in dialogues with society and local communities. This two-way communication has a specific aim: to help people who live with disadvantages to become more independent and self-sufficient. This belief has generated a number of initiatives in the many countries where Steria Group is situated. The main objectives are to provide access to education, to IT and to a job, with the dedicated help of volunteers and support from our clients.

volunteer-driven programmes: we have a growing number of community programmes that are mainly volunteer-driven and take place in our employees’ free time. These programmes are often also part of training initiatives. For example, consultants in Germany had a ‘social week’ in India as part of their Leadership Training Programme, where they contributed through educational and social work in schools. Whatever we do, the overall aim is to inspire and support voluntary employee projects that encourage personal and professional development and complement career growth. In 2011 we held our fourth annual community day, called the One Day Challenge. It was organised and run on Steria sites around the world. The goal was to draw attention to the plight of the most disadvantaged people in the community and to encourage volunteering. Despite the economic crisis, and a tight business agenda, the event produced outstanding results; raising €134,693, with support from 41 of our clients and suppliers, helping us to support 79 different charities worldwide.

community programmes: our progressive, worldwide, programmes form an innovative community model that fully involves Steria, its employees and its clients. The global community budget for 2011 amounted to €638,000 which included operational and functional costs and employee fundraising.

giving access to education: education is one of the main drivers of wealth in society and a real initiator of social mobility – particularly in India where our Group has 5,680 employees. The ‘One Steria, One Country, One School’ (OSOCOS) programme recommends that all Group countries sponsor one school in India, over a three-year partnership. Each country adopts one school and allocates a budget that can, for example, be used to open a computer centre, library or a play area. Another significant educational programme is the Graduate Scholarship Scheme, which aims to give access to higher education to bright young children in Steria-supported schools. Two promising students from each of our schools are sponsored for four years. So far, we have supported the higher education of 112 students who are studying graduate degrees in engineering, computer sciences or commerce.

giving access to it: our main objective is to help reduce the digital divide by supporting IT enablement programmes and activities for social and professional inclusion. Our focus is on utilising volunteer expertise and tutoring for NGOs, and promoting the use of best practices from one country to another. For example, in 2011, the Steria-Institut de France Foundation supported ten IT projects, of which five new ones benefited from a total of €48,000. The Foundation was created in 2001, thanks to substantial donations from 20 Steria managers, and has already supported 37 projects in France, Morocco, Niger, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia and the Philippines – with the help of over 100 Steria volunteers. In India, our aim has been to develop solar-powered computer labs and intelligent classrooms in our sponsored schools, and we are pleased that two of these have now been successfully installed in Chennai and Pune.

giving access to a job: with the aim of providing real, long-term livelihoods for people in need, we developed the ‘One Certifying Training Programme’. Started four years ago, it is mainly operational in Cambodia and India. With our partner, Digital Bridges (Passerelles Numeriques) in Cambodia, we support the training of disadvantaged youngsters in IT network administration and web development. In November 2011, 50 students – from classes sponsored by Steria – received their diploma after two years of studies, with all finding permanent jobs. In India, the idea was to provide short-term training for young people who need to find a job quickly to take care of their families. We have helped provide short, IT-based vocational training courses followed by work placements in India’s booming hospitality and retail sectors. So far, 110 students have found permanent jobs following their training.

give access to education (x 1,000)

Number of children and young people benefiting from education or training programmes in Steria-supported schools.

give access to education

Number of Steria scholars.

give access to it

Number of IT projects contributing to the reduction of the digital gap.

give access to a job

Number of people who have found a job or decided to continue studies following training in the Digital Bridges (Passerelles Numeriques) Programme in Cambodia and the Graduate Scholarship Programme in India.

Helping people to help themselves is the best way to reduce poverty, promote inclusion and encourage self-respect.

Responsibility in the community

*87: 40 IT labs in each of the Steria sponsored schools in India + 37 IT projects supported by the Steria Foundation.

**185: 75 students from the Passerelles Numériques programme in Cambodia out of 261 students + 112 students from the Graduate Scholarship Programme in India.

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2008 2009 2010 2011











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cambodia: Digital bridges Project (Passerelles numériques)

The objectives:

Steria funds a project in Cambodia which supports disadvantaged young people so that they can benefit from a two-year training programme leading to a job.

The help provided:

During the past four years, Steria has sponsored the studies of 75 students, who all now have a job. In addition, each year, the Steria Foundation sends volunteers to Cambodia who offer technical support and training to the IT and teaching staff. Examples of help include; the implementation of a staff server, a solution to manage schedules, a document management solution, a mail server, a virtual private network and an individual development plan for IT staff. With the help of this project, 525 people have been taken out of poverty and are now contributing to the economic development of Cambodia.

india: graduate scholarship scheme

The objectives:

The Graduate Scholarship Scheme was developed three years ago to provide higher education funding for bright children from Steria-supported schools. To date, this programme has supported the college education of 112 students.

The help provided:

Sangeetha, the daughter of a security guard on Steria’s campus at Chennai, had a dream of becoming an engineer. The Steria India CSR team decided that Sangeetha must go to college. Sangeetha’s fees were paid and the seeds of the Steria India Foundation Graduate Scholarship Scheme – SIFGSS – were sown. Today, four years later, the Steria India CSR

team is proud to announce that Sangeetha is a fully fledged computer engineer, and has decided to join the Steria team at Chennai.

germany: social Project Week

The objectives:

The aim of the Social Project Week is to offer opportunities for practical learning and experience in previously unknown areas, such as the day-to-day life of social institutions and projects. This learning improves all aspects of person-to-person competencies such as sensitivity, communication skills, creativity and conflict management. It helps to heighten perception and awareness of social questions and removes prejudices by providing an insight into different ways of life, benefiting both the participants and the company.

The help provided:

This social project week offers a unique two-way opportunity for both parties to find out about each other’s lives. One example of this is the Next Generation Leadership Programme, an 18-month long modular training concept. Many managers from Germany have already taken part in this project, offering care for the disadvantaged.

africa: telemedicine Project

The objectives:

To encourage students to create, and develop, community projects using IT through the creation of a students’ award by the Steria Foundation.

The help provided:

The winners of the students’ award, the ESIGETEL engineering school, aim to implement an experimental project to provide a remote health system for people with cardiovascular diseases in rural areas of Cameroon, based on mobile communications such as smartphones. Patients are equipped with mobile phones and monitors that check various physical parameters such as blood pressure, temperature and heart rate. These measurements are then communicated to a doctor who can get immediate help to his patients if critical data is received.

Community case studies



Number of people taken out of poverty in Cambodia through the Digital Bridges project

Number of children and young people benefiting

from education or training programmes in Steria-supported schools

112Number of students supported through

college in India

1,300Number of senior

managers who have taken part in the programme since

it started

How can I Help?

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2011 objectives:

2011 achievements:

We aimed high. How did we do?


2012 objectives:

• To develop communication, awareness and training materials for the Code of Ethics.

• To make our Code of Ethics more interactive and increase the level of engagement.

• To train some specific ‘risky’ populations in ethics issues.

• For the Area CEOs, or SEVPs, to sign the COE (together with the Group CEO).

• For the CEO to deliver a talk, once a year, on ethics related subjects.

• To identify CR issues with key suppliers and implement related contracts and systems.

• To ensure that all employees behave according to our Code of Ethics.

• In the annual performance development interview, the assessment of each employee starts by evaluating the alignment of behaviour with our values.

• To ensure we focus on the importance of adhering to Steria values in all management reviews and training sessions.

• The awareness of the Code of Ethics was strengthened and the importance of adhering to Steria values was a focus in all management reviews and training sessions.

• To ensure we work with the area procurement departments and suppliers to ensure contractual consistency with our values.

• In addition to several local initiatives, we are in the process of developing and implementing a Group Procurement Code of Conduct to ensure consistency across the organisation.

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Workplace Community

2012 objectives:

• To develop skilled, empowered and people-oriented top and middle managers.

• To support the growth and development of our people.

• To focus on gender equality to achieve a visible female presence.

• To support the participation of disabled workers.

• To support every employee by providing a healthy workplace.

• To achieve AA standard of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines on all Steria websites.

2012 objectives:

• With the support of all countries in the Group, we will develop our ‘One Steria, One Country, One School’ Programme, giving children in India access to IT labs, libraries, teachers and solar power in schools.

• We will engage clients and partners from all our Group countries in our One Day Challenge community event and aim to achieve fundraising of over €100,000.

• We will support 30-40 new Steria students from the Graduate Programme and place 100 students from the Career Development Centre into permanent jobs.

• We will continue to create local community activities based on our Group community platform and/or local needs.

• To ensure we carry out a comprehensive new employee survey in 2011.

• We engaged our external partner ‘Great Place to Work’ to conduct an employee survey in 2011.

• To ensure we complete the work started on defining management behaviour in line with Steria values. We will then integrate these definitions with our global leadership programmes and in all local management training and recruitment.

• We have begun to develop a company-wide competency framework during 2011 which will be completed during 2012.

• To ensure we deploy a new manager’s tool kit for dealing with stress as well as a work-life balance policy. Both of these will be integrated into management training.

• We launched a policy on work-life balance and a tool kit called ‘How to deal with stress’. Both of these topics will be integrated within our management training curriculum in 2012.

• To ensure we assign at least one woman to Steria’s Supervisory Board and evaluate gender salary equality in Steria.

• We have completed a gender salary evaluation and a woman has been appointed to Steria’s Supervisory Board during 2011.

• To ensure we prepare for Steria participation in the EU e-skills week initiative in 2012.

• The preparation for e-skills week participation did not start in 2011, but has started in some countries in 2012.

• To ensure we investigate the attitude towards diversity among our managers.

• We began our investigation of diversity in 2011 by examining attitudes in the UK, Norway and Spain and have evaluated the findings.

• To ensure we incorporate software in the Master for all Steria laptops to adapt the Human Machine interface to any type of disability.

• The software is now incorporated in all laptops in France. Other countries are considering the value of translating the software for local use.

2011 objectives:

2011 achievements:

2011 objectives:

2011 achievements:

• To ensure we plan to expand the Career Development Centre (CDC) programme in Noida in 2011.

• Following the opening of the CDC in Noida, providing short-term qualifying training for students supported by Steria, 100 students have since been placed in jobs during 2011.

• To ensure we continue to increase our ‘One Steria, One Country, One School’ Programme and expand engagement of our existing sponsors.

• Singapore joined us in 2011, bringing the total of participating countries to ten. Our client, CFS Britannia, generously contributed.

• During our community event, the One Day Challenge, we will engage one client in each country to participate in Steria’s community programmes.

• During our One Day Challenge event, we engaged 29 clients and 12 partners in nine countries.

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2012 objectives:

• To promote and support clients with our sustainability consulting and solutions.

• To continue with the implementation of ISO14001, the Environmental Management Standard, in France and Belgium.

• To gain an external verification of our greenhouse gas emissions such as ISO14064-3.

• To continue with our Carbon Neutral Programme for air and road travel.

• To begin Supply Chain Evaluation with the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) relating to climate change in France, UK and Germany.

• To continue reporting publicly through programmes such as the Carbon Disclosure Project, GRI and other initiatives as appropriate.

• To ensure we continue to develop and promote green solutions, such as our Travel and Energy Management solutions, which support our clients in expanding their sustainability efforts.

• Through Steria’s international Green Business Community, we have continued to develop and promote our suite of solutions that reduce our clients’ environmental impact, and which broaden the potential market for our services. Steria’s sustainability solutions to clients include sustainability consulting, smart energy management, smart transport, all of which promote carbon reductions.

• To ensure we develop our business in line with decisions taken during our Strategic Review.

• The Green Business Community had its own Strategic Review and secured Board commitment to it. Steria have pursued this strategy, establishing sustainability as a feature of our solutions and services.

• To ensure we continue in our overall drive to make Steria’s operations even more environmentally sustainable.

• The majority of countries within Steria have baselined their Travel and Energy footprints and have embarked on carbon reduction projects – reducing travel through better use of technology and switching to greener offices and greener electricity, for example.

• To ensure we continue with our carbon neutral programme relating to business travel.

• Steria not only continued with our carbon neutral travel (air and road) programme during 2011, but has made a three-year commitment (2011-13) for carbon offsetting with The CarbonNeutral Company.

• To continue to implement our Energy Management solution.

• Steria is continuing with the implementation of our Energy Management solution (Carbon EPAS), which records buildings-based energy consumption and baseline information to undertake energy reducing projects.

• To ensure we continue with our carbon intensity reduction programme.

• Steria has continued its carbon intensity reduction programme, reducing our emissions by 11.3% over two years and beating our target of a 10% reduction over three years.

• To ensure we continue our transparent reporting through the Carbon Disclosure Project and Global Reporting Initiative.

• Steria responded to Investor CDP 2011 (covering calendar 2010) and was awarded a Carbon Disclosure score of 93% and a Carbon Performance Leadership Index Rating of ‘A-’, making it the top performer in our sector. Steria will participate in CDP 2012 (covering calendar 2011).

• In 2011, and beyond, we will expand our ISO 14001 programme to the remaining countries in which Steria operates.

• ISO14001 certification has continued, with India, Denmark and Switzerland achieving it during 2011. This is in addition to Spain, Poland, UK, Germany, Austria, Norway and Sweden who have already attained it.

2011 objectives:

2011 achievements:

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strategy and analysis

1.1 Statement from the most senior decision maker of the organisation (e.g. CEO, chair, or equivalent senior position) about the relevance of sustainability to the organisation and its strategy.

The statement should present the overall vision and strategy for the short-term, medium-term (e.g. 3-5 years), and long-term, particularly with regard to managing the key challenges associated with economic, environmental and social performance. The statement should include:


1.2 Description of key impacts, risks and opportunities. The reporting organisation should provide two concise narrative sections on key impacts, risks and opportunities.

Section One should focus on the organisation’s key impacts on sustainability and effects on stakeholders, including rights as defined by national law and relevant internationally agreed standards. This should take into account the range of reasonable expectations and interests of the organisation’s stakeholders. This section should include:


Organisational profile

2.1 Name of the organisation. 1

2.2 Primary brands, products and/or services.

The reporting organisation should indicate the nature of its role in providing these products and services, and the degree to which it utilises outsourcing.


2.3 Operational structure of the organisation, including main divisions, operating companies, subsidiaries and joint ventures.


2.4 Location of organisation’s headquarters. 5

2.5 Number of countries where the organisation operates, and names of countries with either major operations or that are specifically relevant to the sustainability issues covered in the report.


2.6 Nature of ownership and legal form. 20-21

2.7 Markets served (including geographic breakdown, sectors served and types of customers/beneficiaries).


2.8 Scale of the reporting organisation. 8

2.9 Significant changes during the reporting period regarding size, structure or ownership including:


2.10 Awards received in the reporting period. 16-17

report parameters: report profile

3.1 Report profile: Reporting period (e.g. fiscal/calendar year) for information provided.


3.2 Report profile: date of most recent previous report (if any). 8

3.3 Report profile: reporting cycle (annual, biennial, etc).

3.4 Report profile: contact point for questions regarding the report or its contents.


report parameters: report scope and boundary

3.5 Process for defining report content, including: 8

3.6 Boundary of the report (e.g. countries, divisions, subsidiaries, leased facilities, joint ventures, suppliers).

See GRI Boundary Protocol for further guidance.


3.7 State any specific limitations on the scope or boundary of the report.

If boundary and scope do not address the full range of material economic, environmental, and social impacts of the organisation, state the strategy and projected timeline for providing complete coverage.


3.8 Basis for reporting on joint ventures, subsidiaries, leased facilities, outsourced operations, and other entities that can significantly affect comparability from period to period and/or between organisations.


3.9 Data measurement techniques and the bases of calculations, including assumptions and techniques underlying estimations applied to the compilation of the Indicators and other information in the report.

Explain any decisions not to apply, or to substantially diverge from, the GRI indicator Protocols.


3.10 Explanation of the effect of any re-statements of information provided in earlier reports, and the reasons for such re-statement (e.g. mergers/acquisitions, change of base years/periods, nature of business, measurement methods).


3.11 Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, boundary, or measurement methods applied in the report.


report parameters: gri content index

3.12 Table identifying the location of the Standard Disclosures in the report.


report parameters: assurance

3.13 Policy and current practice with regard to seeking external assurance for the report. If not included in the assurance report accompanying the sustainability report, explain the scope and basis of any external assurance provided. Also explain the relationship between the reporting organisation and the assurance provider(s).


governance, commitments and engagement: governance

4.1 Governance structure of the organisation, including committees under the highest governance body responsible for specific tasks, such as setting strategy or organisational oversight.


4.2 Indicate whether the Chair of the highest governance body is also an executive officer (and, if so, their function within the organisation’s management and the reasons for this arrangement).


4.3 For organisations that have a unitary board structure, state the number and gender of members of the highest governance body that are independent and/or non-executive members.

State how the organisation defines ‘independent’ and ‘non-executive’. This element applies only for organisations that have unitary board structures. See the glossary for a definition of ‘independent’.


GRI indexStandard disclosures Performance indicators

economic indicators

EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed, including revenues, operating costs, employee compensation, donations and other community investments, retained earnings, and payments to capital providers and governments.


EC8 Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit through commercial, in-kind, or pro bono engagement.


environmental indicators

EN3 Direct energy consumption by primary energy source. 32-33

EN4 Indirect energy consumption by primary source. 33

EN16 Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight. 33

EN17 Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight. 33

human rights

HR4 Total number of incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken.


HR5 Operations and significant suppliers identified in which the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be violated or at significant risk, and actions taken to support these rights.


HR6 Operations and significant suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labour, and measures taken to contribute to the effective abolition of child labour.


HR7 Operations and significant suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labour, and measures taken to contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour.


labour practices and decent work

LA1 Total workforce by employment type, employment contract and region, broken down by gender.


LA2 Total number and rate of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender and region.


LA4 Percentage of employees covered by collective agreements and collective bargaining.


LA7 Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities, by region and by gender.


LA6 Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint management-worker health and safety committees that help monitor and advise on occupational health and safety programmes.


LA10 Average hours of training per year per employee, by gender, and by employee category.


LA13 Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee category according to gender, age group minority group membership, and other indicators of diversity.



SO1 Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programmes.


SO2 Percentage and total number of business units analysed for risks related to corruption.


SO3 Percentage of employees trained in organisation’s anti-corruption policies and procedures.


Product responsibility

PR9 Monetary value of significant fines for non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning the provisions and use of products and services.


4.4 Mechanisms for shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or direction to the highest governance body.

Include reference to processes regarding:


4.5 Linkage between compensation for members of the highest governance body, senior managers, and executives (including departure arrangements), and the organisation’s performance (including social and environmental performance).


4.6 Processes in place for the highest governance body to ensure conflicts of interest are avoided.


4.7 Process for determining the composition, qualifications and expertise of the members of the highest governance body and its committees, including any consideration of gender and other indicators of diversity.

11, 20, 27, 28

4.8 Internally developed statements of mission or values, codes of conduct, and principles relevant to economic, environmental, and social performance and the status of their implementation.

7, 22-23

4.9 Procedures of the highest governance body for overseeing the organisation’s identification and management of economic, environmental, and social performance, including relevant risks and opportunities, and adherence or compliance with internationally agreed standards, codes of conduct and principles.

Include frequency with which the highest governance body assesses sustainability performance.


4.10 Processes for evaluating the highest governance body’s own performance, particularly with respect to economic, environmental, and social performance.


governance, commitments and engagement: commitments to external initiatives

4.11 Explanation of whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organisation.


4.12 Externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organisation subscribes or endorses.


4.13 Memberships in associations. 15

governance, commitments and engagement: stakeholder engagement

4.14 List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organisation.

Examples of stakeholder groups are:


4.15 Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage.


4.16 Approaches to stakeholder engagement, including frequency of engagement by type and by stakeholder group.


4.17 Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organisation has responded to those key topics and concerns, including through its reporting.


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Groupe Steria SCA 43-45 Quai du Président Roosevelt F-92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux CEDEX France © Steria GSTE_CSR July 2012

About Steria: www.steria.com

Steria delivers IT enabled business services which help organisations in the public and private sectors operate more efficiently and profitably. By combining an in-depth understanding of our clients’ businesses with expertise in IT and business process outsourcing, we take on our clients’ challenges and develop innovative solutions to address them. Through our highly collaborative consulting style, we work with our clients to transform their business, enabling them to focus on what they do best. Our 20,000 people, working across 16 countries, support the systems, services and processes that make today’s world turn, touching the lives of millions around the globe each day.

Founded in 1969, Steria has offices in Europe, India, North Africa and South East Asia and a 2011 revenue of €1.75 billion. 21 percent of Steria’s capital is owned by its employees. Headquartered in Paris, Steria is listed on the Euronext Paris market.

Steria is committed to supporting a sustainable world and is Certified Carbon Neutral

for Flight and Fleet Travel
