Social Media, Personal Branding and YOU

Social Media, Personal Branding And You

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Social Media, Personal Branding

and YOU

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Do you want an internship, a job, and the best opportunities?

The internet and social media are ubiquitous, even your grandmother is online and she wants to be your Facebook friend.

What’s the Big Deal?

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Personal branding = How we market ourselves to others

Social Media makes Personal branding easy

What is Personal Branding?

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1) I don’t have a personal brand. FALSE

2) Personal branding is all about you. FALSE

3) Personal branding is image management. FALSE

4) Personal branding is all about getting a job.


5) Not everyone can be successful. FALSE

Personal Branding Myths


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1) Discover: want you want to do in life, your strengths, passions and goals.

2) Create: create your brand, ensure that the content, including pictures and text, are concise, compelling and consistent with how you want to represent yourself. Create collateral: business card, portfolio, resume, cover letter, references document, video resume, LinkedIn, blog, Twitter…

3) Communicate: Join relevant online communities, cyber network, comment on blogs, @ reply on twitter, etc…

4) Maintain: As you grow, the brand people see has to grow too. For every new job, award, press article, or other experience reflect it through your brand.

The Personal Branding Process


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Decide what your using it for. Personal? Professional?

Remember what you share, Do you really want everyone in your network to know everything you do?

Use appropriate profile picture and monitor who you are friends with.


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Why have private tweets, isn’t that what Facebook status updates are for?

Converse, retweet, and share links with your followers.

Seek out those who you wish to connect with, i.e. Advertising professionals, classmates, celebrities, brands, etc.

Twitter can be too much of a good thing. Don’t tweet too much, and don’t start it and then suddenly stop.


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Get on this site and use it!

Connect with classmates, teachers, speakers who come to AdClub meetings, any professional you met in person or online.

Fill out your profile to 100%, it’s not a resume, it’s a bucket list of all of your relevant experience, accomplishments, and goals.

Use your network:. Seek out advice, get informational interviews, see who they know and what jobs/ internships are out there waiting to be uncovered.


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Your hub online, speaks about you and your brand and acts as an online portal to all your social media sites.

www.thompulliam.com http://cspenn.googlepages.com/ http://sukernek.blogspot.com/ http://katharinehansenphd.com/social_media_resume.html

Social Media Resume

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As soon-to-be communication professionals it’s important to communicate your personal brand, your opinions, and abilities.

Be consistent in your use of professional photos, color schemes, tagline, etc.

Use custom domains. I.e. JoeSmith.com, Facebook.com/JoeSmith, LinkedIn.com/Joesmith, Twitter.com/JoeSmith, etc.

Take Aways

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Investigate, look at what others are doing and figure out what works for you. Don’t reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to.

Be aware that what you put online is permanent, it is saved by google and is searchable. Be smart, don’t share things you wouldn’t want a stranger to know.

If you decide to stop using a medium, like Twitter, delete your account. It is better to have never tweeted before than having old updates.

And More

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Personal branding is a state-of-mind. The more you come to the realization that you’re a brand, the more you will be conscious as to how you portray yourself.

Cross-pollinate your social media self. Share links to your sites through all of your profiles. This will help your google page rank and help people find out more about you.

And More