ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University 1 Better Cities of the Future Name: Yeow Jinn Sheng Student ID: 0318797 FNBE FEB 2014


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


Better Cities of the Future

Name: Yeow Jinn Sheng

Student ID: 0318797


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University



1. Introduction

2. A City

3. Investigation on Better City Guidelines and Issues

4. Investigation & Data Collection: Ancient and old

5. Investigation & Data Collection: The present city/cities

Investigation & Data Collection: The future city/cities

6. Case study on the selected type of the future city

7. The New “X” City / Or the new name The Conclusion

8. References list

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University



In project two “Built Environment”, which as known as final project in subject

ENBE. The title for the project is “Better Cities of the Future”. Student needs to

imagine themselves as a mayor for X city, was somehow deemed to be a place that

is no longer to live. Therefore, students have to think an idea of future city, it can be

an underground city, an underwater city, a floating on water city, a city in the air or

a city next to water.

Students are required to carry out two presentation, part A and part B. Part A

is an i while Part B is group work. The task in Part A, an A4 report and 3 minute video.

while a model and A2 presentation board in Part B.

By carrying out this project, students can understand how to apply ENBE on

project. They have to create a city with the elements, such as transportation, water

system, infrastructures. At the same time, they build the environment which is

sustainable in the future so that people can live, work and have fun in the city.

A floating on water city City next to water (river) An underground city

Floating in the air city An underwater city

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


The City

Definition of city

-City is an urban area which consists of population, commerce and culture. It

known as metro polis. It provided a fertile ground for the evolution of human

culture: the arts, scientific research, and technical innovation. They serve as

centers of communication, where new ideas and information are spread to

the surrounding territory and to foreign lands.

Brief history of city

-During ancient time, people don’t have a place to live. They moved time by

time to find food, water and shelter. When all the people found a better

place that can live together, a village or a simple society formed, as well as

the social organization. They have job, they have a leader to bring the village

to another stage. Gradually, a town formed. As the population growth and

development of the area go rapid, a city born. Uruk is the first city that exists in

this world.

What makes a city

-Concentration of talent, mixture of peoples,

and economic surplus become the element

to become a compound, which is a city.

What makes a good city

-Smart growth. This identifies and nurtures the very best opportunities for

growth, plans ways to cope with its demands, integrates environmental

thinking, and ensures that all citizens enjoy a city’s prosperity.

-Well city planning. A good city must consider few aspect so it can ensures all

the people live in a better city. Circulation system and walkability is important

since in a city, people moving around for their work or living. Power and food

supply should managed in the best way as well.

-Hi-tech system. An advanced city system provides a good space for people

to enjoy and utilize the technology that brought to them. Not just

convenience, but saves a lot of time and energy. For example, high tech

waste management system, smooth data connection etc.

What is the future city

- The city of the future addresses problems like overpopulation, pollution and

sprawl by building high-density vertical neighborhoods that are

interconnected at all levels so residents can move freely from one place to

another on foot. Future city also considered as a revolution of generation, like

a change to a better stage.

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


Investigation & Data Collection:

Ancient Cities (Mohenjo-Daro)

History of Mohenjo-Daro

-Chandragupta Maurya unified all the janapada ( republic) into a

mahajanapada ( united republic ). Maurya leaded his army forces and

successfully colonize the whole India. His son, Bindusara continues

colonization with his very own way, which is religion affect instead of using the

violence or war. Asoka, the son of Bindusara spreads their area after won the

War of Kalinga. It’s destruction was by the hands of invading Aryan hordes, as

some historians believe, or was triggered by an earthquake, or flood remains

yet to be established. This city been abandoned and not discovered until the

year 1922.

Basic info

-Built around 2600 BCE. It is one of the largest settlements of ancient Indus

Valley Civilization (Harappa Civilization ) . Mohenjo- Daro means Mound of

Dead in Sindhi. Development started around 3000 BCE from the prehistoric

Indus culture.

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


What ancient city are you concentrating on

-Mohenjo- Daro is a city on land nearby river. This city located in the Lakarna

District of Sindh, Pakistan, on a Pleistocene ridge in the middle of the flood

plain of the Indus River Valley. The site occupied the central position between

the Indus River and the Ghaggar-Hakra River.

What are the details that make the city significant

- Largest city of Indus valley

-One of the important early cities of South Asia

-Most developed and advanced city in South Asia with its planning and civil


-High degree of social organization (houses were protected from noise, odors,

and thieves)

-The world's first urban sanitation systems

-The city was destroyed seven times and each time it was rebuilt with

excellent planning

-The Great bath of Mohenjo- Daro for ritual bathing practicing

-Sewage from the houses flowed into a sewer line that followed down the

street grid


-Mohenjo- Daro did such a great job in developing a city. Not just fulfill the

basic term and condition to be a city, but it also upgrades into an advanced

level so people can get a better and comfortable life. The buildings

arrangement also impress me since the street can divide the city in very neat

arrangement. Their opened mind also allow them to meet with other

civilization and finally built a better city by exchanging ideas.

Information that consider for my new future city

-The planned layout ( In Mohenjo- Daro, layout based on street grid with

rectilinear buildings) allows my future city looks neat and tidy

-Way to manage sanitation system (advanced system for waste removal)

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


Investigation & Data Collection:

Present Cities (Kuala Lumpur)

History of Kuala Lumpur

-Kuala Lumpur’s history began just over 150 years ago when tin miners came

to explore the muddy confluence between Gombak and KL. Raja Abdullah,

one of the member from Selangor Royal family opened parts of Klang Valley

to tin prospectors. Since the extraction industry of tin rises, prospectors start to

pouring into few settlements on the bank of muddy confluence. “Kuala”

means junction while “Lumpur” means muddy.

With more labors replace tin miners, traders and merchants began

establish their business and town formed. As the new town keep growing, the

peace between the parties never goes last…finally bloody feuds and wars

happened. For example, race riot on 13 May 1969.

Kapitan Yap Ah Loy, third leader of Chinese community as a leader to bring

the peace back to Kuala Lumpur by converting the sleeping mining site into

a commercial town.

Sir Frank Swettenham appointed the Resident after death of Kapitan

Yap. After the completion of trailway from KL to Klang, the growth of

population was futher boosted and keep going on evolution.

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


Basic info

- Kuala Lumpur was conferred city status on 1st Feb 1972 and declared as

Federal Territory on 1974. The area of Kuala Lumpur is 243km square. The

population is 1.59 million on year 2010.

What present city are you concentrating on

-Kuala Lumpur is skyscraper city. Kuala Lumpur is home to the tallest twin

buildings in the world, the Petronas Twin Towers, which have become an

iconic symbol of Malaysia's futuristic development.

What are the details that make the city significant

- Capital city of Malaysia

-A generally efficient infrastructure which provides with basic facilities (KTM,

hotel, airport, LRT, bus)

-Streets tend to be safe due to heavy police presence

-Significant building (Central markets, Istana Budaya) / skyscrapers (Petronas

Twin Tower, KL tower, )


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


-After the case study of Kuala Lumpur, we can make a better city with

providing the facilities that people need indeed. From history to present, the

culture plays an important role in forming a good city. It teaches us a lot, it

can be a new idea for a building, it can be a new way for evolution. So, we

should appreciate the past and also proud of our country.

Information that consider for my new future city

-Skyscrapers create cityscape. (Build more skyscrapers in my future city)

-Fully provided with the facilities and infrastructure

: Transportation (petrol-free car, electro-bicycle, parking lot)

: Accommodation (hotels, well-planning residential area)

: Communication (free wifi, excellent connection line)

: Education (university, campuses, vocational school, online-edu)

: Religion and culture (mosque, temples, museum)

: Commercial (industrial area, shopping center, markets)

: Defense system (police, army, natural disaster prevention)

: Recreational site (parks, streets, passive landscape)

: Health (clinics, hospitals)

: Administration and data center

: Water supply, electricity, food

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


Investigation & Data Collection:

Future Cities ( Car-free City China)

History of Car-free City

- A theoretical design for a carfree city of one million people was first

proposed by J.H. Crawford in 1996 and further refined in his books, Carfree

Cities and Carfree Design Manual.

What future city are you concentrating on

-A future city which is free from cars. The purpose of this action is to promote

zero-carbon concept to collaborate with green cities idea.

What are the details that make the city significant

-An existing city can be made a car-free city areas by strategic closures of

streets to car traffic and by opening streets and squares to exclusive

pedestrian use. A pedestrian and bicycle network gradually emerges and

joins several parts of the city. Similarly, prompted by the same need to avoid

conflicts with car traffic and enhance pedestrian movement, pedestrian

networks have emerged below street level (Underground City) or above

road-level to connect large downtown areas. For new areas on the fringe of

cities or new towns, two new complementary ideas have recently emerged.

The concept of Filtered Permeability (2007) and a model for planning towns

and subdivisions - the Fused Grid (2003). Both focus on shifting the balance of

network design in favour of pedestrian

and bicycle mobility.

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


Case study on the future underground


I get my information of future underground city from Derinkuyu Underground City

at Turkey. It is the deepest underground city among the 36 underground cities in

Cappadocia, Turkey. It contains all the usual rooms found in an underground city

(stables, cellars, storage rooms, refectories, churches, wineries etc. The 55m deep

ventilation shaft was also used as a well. Derinkuyu contains at least 15,000

ventilation ducts that provide fresh air deep within the underground city. It is

unlikely that the underground cities were ever intended for permanent dwelling,

or even long stays, but they were clearly built to withstand attack and could

support large numbers of people and their domestic animals, for extended

periods of time. The urban organization was very complex, and there was

probably always work in progress.

The extensive networks of passages, tunnels, stepped pits and inclined corridors

link family rooms and communal spaces where people would meet, work and

worship. The cities were complete with wells, chimneys for air circulation, niches

for oil lamps, stores, water tanks, stables and areas where the dead could be

placed until such time as conditions on the surface would allow their proper

disposal. Most importantly, carefully balanced moving stone doors, resembling

mill stones, were devised to quickly block the corridors in the event of an attack.

Of course, these doors operated from one side only!

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


The New “X” City

Under Ta’nah

How does the idea comes up

and why Under Ta’nah

-In year 2114, the ozone layer,

which plays a role as an UV

radiation absorber was

destroyed because of the

chemical substances such as



finally it’s totally depleted.

As a consequence, the

sunlight from the Sun directly strikes to Earth. People cannot live since the

sunlight can causes the skin cancer on human. Plants will also affected, in the

end, reduced growth, photosynthesis and flowering.

By increasing of the UV radiation, plankton are heavily threaten and dead

finally. Without the food, people cant survive longer. The climate will change

to higher temperature as well.

Therefore, I come up with the idea of underground city. It can avoid from the

sunlight, hence, its colder than above. And the population estimated will

expand by 3 times in 100 years. Underground is not yet developed…so,

there’s still space for more people and following generation.

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


Characteristic and elements

-Under Ta’nah is a brand new city which made up from 1 nanogon and three

circles surround it.

-Area : 30km2

-Population : 250, 000 (Malaysian)

Why nanogon?

Each corner means an aspect

which comes from one major


There is three major elements, that is

Social, Environment and Economy.

These 3 elements mean a lot for a



The outer surface of Under Ta’nah is

covered by solar panel. The upper part

of the city expose to the outside so can

absorb the maximum sunlight. The solar

energy is the main resource to power up

the whole city. Smartly utilize the energy

since the sunlight is strong and high

ability to convert to more useful energy.

The absorber in the cover is useful in

absorbing the shock when there’s a

earth quake. Then the shock power will

then convert into energy to use again.

This tube is to channel the solar energy

absorbed to the power supply station for

convert to electrical energy and finally

distribute to the whole city


Human activity

Facilities and infrastructure





High technology





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Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University






Train trail way

Transit station


Fishing area

Water storage

Power supply station


Agricultural area

/// Wastage decompose site

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University



Factory :

The place where produce

the daily products, such as

food, furnitures etc.

People can work over

here. It also uses the high

technology to maximize

the efficiency of


Fishing area:

Port where boats park and

the harvesting area. After

collecting, the marine

products will send to market

for selling.

Water storage :

Place to store the

water for people

in daily life. The

water is tunnel

into the water

storage from sea.

After the filtration

and cleaning, it

will distribute

throughout the

city via the

underground tunnel.

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


Power supply area :

The solar energy absorbed from the

solar panel is transport to the power

supply station. The station will convert

the solar energy to electrical energy

and eventually distribute to all parts of


Market : A gathering place where all the

deal and trading carry out. People can

obtain their item to fulfill the requirement

in daily life.

Agricultural area : Plantation in this

area to provide the plant or

vegetables for users. All the product

will soon collect and send to market

for all residents.

The transparent wall with the special

UV- eliminate screen to allow

sunlight to pass through for the


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University




Train trail way

Transit station

Residential area

Sport Complex

Resident service center

Police station

Religional buildings

Water fountain


Educational buildings

/// Waste decompose site

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University



Residence area and sport complex: The residential area is in a L shape. All the

residents will stay into the two bars. While the joint ( circle ) is the sport complex,

located at the middle so residents can reach there for exercise in a short time. The

rooftop provides swimming pool and park.

Resident service center : A place

where resident can gather for

meeting or minute for better

resident society. It also known as

Resident Life Central that open for

all residents to enjoy games and

have fun inside!

Police station : To ensure the residential

area’s safety, this building is a must to build


Hospital : A medical center for all citizens to

receive treatment

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


Religional buildings and water fountain: These buildings are provided for all residents

since Under Ta’nah is a society with multi-races. Not just for ritual ceremony or

praying, but it also can attracts tourist. Water means unstoppable, therefore, the

water will flow into four directions and bounding the religional buildings.


buildings: A

place to


education for all

from primary

school to


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University




Train trail way

Transit station



Historial buildings

Theme park

Hot spring



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Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


Park : A peaceful place for all to relax and

carry out activities such as jogging, cycling

etc. The green landscape beautify the

whole park.

Statue: A sculpture is place at the center of the park. It’s

a mayor statue, as a symbol for Under Ta’nah City.

Historial buildings: A venue where

including museum, memorial hall

etc. The buildings reflects back

the history of Under Ta’nah.

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


Theme park

& hot spring:

Both places is

prepared for

public to

have fun in

Under Ta’nah

City. Robot

theme park is

a brand new

place to enjoy the excitement and moment with

family and friends! Hot spring is easily produced

since it’s closer to the Earth’s core.

Forest & lake : Place where has the most

softscape, for all to feel in the natural


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University




Train trail way

Data center

Government building



Food court

Commercial block

Shopping mall

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Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


Data center and government building : Located at the heart of the city since the

administration is important for a city. This allow the easy to access to every places in


Departments : Buildings that responsible on each obligation to ensure the city

can function well, such as Department of Health, Department of Defense etc.

Data Center Government



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Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


Food court, commercial block,

shopping mall : A heaven for all to

enjoy just in one area. Live, Work,


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Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


Transportation and energy resource

On-the-ground train trail way is in one way. So there will be one way to the

Government area and one way OUT from the Government area.

Floating car

On-the ground train

Tunnel bullet train






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Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University



Throughout the researches and findings, finally I done

my proposal for my Underground City “Under Ta’nah”. Its

special created for future…since nowadays the disaster

have been destroyed the some part of our world. Therefore, I

came up with this idea to overcome this nightmare so

everyone can continue their living.

After that, I realize an existence of a city is much

important because it can be a lot of roles. It can be a place

for live, it can be a place to play, it can be a place to

work…so we should not neglect our responsibility to build up

a better environment for our own, as well as our generation.

Planning a future city isn’t an easy task to do because

everything is just under our imagination. The important

information that required when planning a future city is the

basic infrastructure and facilities, such as education,

transportation, communication, community etc.

The high technology may change the perspective of

people towards a city. Therefore, a future city must be build

innovatively and creatively with the aid of advanced

technology. By this, not just people can enjoy a brand new

life but a new image for all! Furthermore, sustainable future

city is an important issue. If a city doesn’t function for long

term, it’s not make any sense if we pay a lot of effort.

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Yeow Jinn Sheng | 0318797 | Group Ms D | FNBE Feb 2014 | Taylor’s University


Reference Links http://mashable.com/2012/12/26/urban-tech-wish-






















Google for some images