Reconciling Functional Programming and Exceptions Seamus Mc Gonigle

Reconciling Functional Programming and Exceptions

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Reconciling Functional Programming and ExceptionsSeamus Mc Gonigle


~30 Italians @ Dublin Office

Weekly Scala MeetingsDeveloping in Scala for > 5 years

Active in local and international Scala Community

Remember Logging

I’m a method which returns an Int.

@throws[FileNotFoundException]def someMethod: Int

I’m a method which returns an Int.

@throws[FileNotFoundException]def someMethod: Int

Unless I hit an exception. Then I return nothing.

A) Wrap existing exceptions using the Scala Try type.

B) Return Error Types instead of throwing Exceptions.

The Solution


Failure[T] Success[T]

I return a container holding either the result type or the


def trySomeMethod: Try[Int]

Chaining with Higher Order Functions

Chaining with Higher Order Functions

Chaining with Higher Order Functions

Chaining with Higher Order Functions

Chaining with Higher Order Functions

Example: Imperative Exception Handling

Example: Imperative Exception Handling

Translated To Use Try

Translated To Use Try

Monadic but Not a Monad…

Remember Logging

Don’t be temped to not unwrap when return type is


Don’t Do This!!

Avoid Using foreach

foreach[U](f: (T) ⇒ U): UnitApplies the given function f if this is a Success, otherwise returns Unit if this is a Failure.


def someMethod : Either[IllegalArgumentException,Int]

def someApi: \/[ParseException,String]

Def someApi: Or[String, ParseException]

def trySomeMethod: Try[Int]

try catch scala.util.Try Either Scalatic Or Scalaz.\/

Guaranteed Return Type ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔Return Type Shows Potential Error

✘ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Return Custom Error Objects Which Aren’t Exceptions

✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔

Supports map, flatmap and for comprehensions.

✘ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔

Api Specifies The Type of Exception Returned

✔ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔

Provides Convenience Method For Wrapping Exception Throwing Code

N/A ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘

Compiler Errors > Exceptions

Beware of Nested Wrapper Types

def getSomething: Option[Try[Int]]



Intuitive API’s

The Pure Functional Core

Shrinking the Outer Circle

Boundaries by Gary Bernhardt: https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/boundaries

You still need to know Java.

Not All Exceptions Should Be Handled.

Image from: http://kiowok.com/except.html

Do Not Try to Recover

Handle These

Reading Scala Stack Traces


Defining Exceptions




What if we pushed the reporting down and the

handling up?

The current method.

What I want to be able to do.

Define a reusable error-reporting strategy.

Call the supplied handler in the API code where you would normally escalate the Exception.

Exception used to be thrown here.

Then in your client code tell the APIs what handler to use by defining it in the context as an implicit.

Final Thoughts

Use a return type like Scalatic Or in favor of throwing exceptions in Scala code.

When exceptions are thrown by external API’s contain them in the imperative shell using scala.util.Try

Be considerate of logging once you lose the catch blocks.

Decouple reporting and recovery concerns – in your mind if not in the code.





Bloch, J. (2008). Effective java. Pearson Education India.

http://twitter.github.io/effectivescala/#Error handling





