In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forma and conventions of real media products? Magazine evaluation.

Question 1 evaluation media

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In what ways does your media product use, develop

or challenge forma and conventions of real media

products?Magazine evaluation.



• My masthead I have used is conventional due to the fact when you just look at the title it conveys the main theme of this magazine which is music. To find my masthead I tried to think of different words for music or sound and thought that the word ‘TUNE’ was very appropriate. I also had a look if there was any magazines out there with the same masthead. I done this so I would not be accused of stealing another magazines name. I like how the NME is outlined in colors that really makes the text stand out and the text is easy to see. I took this inspiration and chose a text that had outlines within the text to make my masthead look bolder and more defined. I chose the colour white as it stood out on the green, textured background. I also chose white as it is the best house the colour to match the background.


• I have chose to put my model in front of a dark, textured background. I done this as the model was wearing bright clothing so it would make her stand out. Also I thought it would look good as most magazines have their models in front of a plain background and I wanted my magazine to be different. When looking at other magazines in my research I realized that the most common shot used for a single model was mid shot this s why I have chosen a mid shot of my model.

• When editing my photo using Photoshop I decided to increase the brightness of the model. This is because I wanted the model to stand out and not just blend into the background. I also wanted the image I used to look professional so I was trying to get the effect of high key lighting. I made the background darker by reducing the saturation as I wanted my house style colours to be visible on the background. Also


Within my magazine I used people such as: the Artic Monkeys, the 1975, Imagine Dragons and The Killers. I have choses these as they are bands that everyone know but are bands from the indie rock genre. Also because they are well known bands other people who are not into the indie genre because of the artists inside. I have chose The Killers to feature on the front of my magazine as personally I think they are the most well known out of the bands I have featured inside. This could be due to the fact the band has been going for longer than all the others. Also some of their songs have been heard on movies such as Hot Fuss. I have chose the 1975 as they are a well known band for teenagers and young adults. Have included a variety of bands for all ages as I want everyone to be able to ready my magazine, there is no stereotypical age group.


• Within my magazine I decided to use a small amount of text fonts, I have done this as I don’t want my magazine to look unprofessional and messy. I got the majority of my fonts online from a website called dafont.co.uk and then downloaded them into the Photoshop software so they are there to use whenever I need them. The main font I used throughout my contents page and DPS is “Cochin Italic”. I used this font as it is easy to understand and it fit with the style of my magazine.

How is genre reflected?

• To reflect the genre of my magazine I used a range of things. One way of reflecting the genre straight away was by using the sell line ‘ why has the uk gone indie mad’. This single sentence tells the reader the genre of the magazine straight away.

• Also I have included many stories about other indie rock artist what people will know of. This will also give the reader an idea of the genre and will attract people who like these artists.