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Publishing Documentation with Publican

Stephen Gordon (@sgordon_)Content Author, Red Hat

10th September 2013

Caffeine into Docbook XML!


Introduction to Publican

Publican interaction with OpenStack manuals

Publican Tutorial

Publican Introduction

What is Publican?

A single source publishing tool.

Supports DocBook XML input (others via pandoc).DocBook 5 support a work in progress, experimentally provided in Publican > 3.0.

Generates HTML, HTML-SINGLE, PDF, EPUB, TXT, Man, and WebHelp output.

Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far, away (2008).

One source, many output formats.

DocBook XML 4.5, DocBook XML 5 in > 3.0.

Common examples via pandoc include RST and AsciiDoc.

Man Page generation also possible.

What is Publican?

Written in Perl.

Uses FOP or wkhtmltopdf for PDF generation.

Packaged for Fedora, Debian, and Ubuntu.

Known to work on OS/X, Windows and OpenSuSE 12.1+ (see User Guide for details!).

Many dependencies (Perl universe!)

Publican itself lightweight.

Wkhtmltopdf added in 3.0.

Publican Features

Packaging (RPMs)

Customizable Branding

DocBook sets (stand-alone and distributed)

Site creation/management

i18n (POT/PO file generation)


Generate POT file(s) and PO file(s) for each language.

Provide documentation builds based on PO files.

Typically integrated with Transifex or Zanata.

Who uses Publican (examples)?

Red Hat

~ 2000 en-US documents, ~1000 translations (22 languages)


The Debian Administrator's Handbook

The most well known/obvious.

Who uses Publican (examples)?



Lesser known examples.

Many individual and/or internal projects.

Image by Master isolated images, via (see Acknowledgments slide).

What does this have to do with OpenStack manuals?

OpenStack Documentation

Provides a great environment for single sourcing:

Active and diverse community of authors.

Supported format (DocBook).

Many distribution neutral topics for collaboration.

Provides a living test case for DocBook 5 support in Publican.

Using Publican with OpenStack manuals

Conversion script allows OpenStack manuals to be built with Publican (Work in progress!):

Like all great prototypes (?), written in Bash.

Uses XSL to perform transformations and rearranges directory structure as required.

Conversion script a work in progress, automation gets 95% of the way.

Publican and clouddocs-maven

Using Publican with OpenStack manuals

Allows single sourcing while maintaining ability to use existing publication infrastructure.

Drives improvement of tooling (both Publican and clouddocs-maven).

Improved Tooling?

Publican and clouddocs-maven largely share a problem space. Opportunity to share solutions/experiences.

Many changes in Publican 3.2 as a direct result of this work.Better DocBook 5 support.

Better support for custom directory structures.

Publican Tutorial

Image by Ausis, via (see Acknowledgments slide).

Tutorial - Prerequisites

Publican (> 3.0 recommended).

Installation instructions:

Tutorial - Create

Create a book:$ publican create --name My Test Book

See help for optional arguments:$ publican create --help

Tutorial - Create

$ cd My_Test_Book/

Tutorial - Create

Author_Group.xmlLists authors for a given guide.

Book_Info.xmlDocBook 4.5 element.

DocBook 5 element for .

Chapter.xmlExample chapter to get the writer started.

.entCommon entities for the guide.

Tutorial - Create

.xmlThe element, top of the XML tree.

Preface.xmlCommon Conventions


Revision_History.xml element, can be maintained manually or using `publican add_revision`

publican.cfgBuild and packaging directives, equivalent to pom.xml.

Tutorial - Create

en-US/images (default)Equivalent to src/figures, modifiable with img_dir.

en-US/images/icon.svg taken from brand by default.

en-US/extras (optional)Equivalent to src/samples, modifiable with extras_dir.

en-US/files (optional)Equivalent to ...?

Used for multimedia or other additional material that the author wants included in the resultant RPM.

Tutorial - Create

See User Guide for more detail:

Tutorial - Build

Build a book:$ cd My_Test_Book

$ publican build --formats=html,html-single,pdf,epub \ --langs=en-US

Commonly used parameters/values can be stored in ~/.publican.cfg.langs: en-US

formats: html,html-single,pdf,epub

Output in ./tmp/en-US/

Tutorial - Branding

Using a brand:Set brand in publican.cfg for each book.brand: common

brand: fedora


Creating a brand:$ publican create_brand --name My Test Brand \ --lang en-US

Tutorial - Branding

See the user guide for more information on custom brands!

Tutorial - i18n

Generate pot file(s):$ publican update_pot

Generate po file(s):$ publican update_po --langs=fr-FR,de-DE

Translation typically performed in Transifex or Zanata

Tutorial - i18n

Once translation is complete PO files are synced back into the guide.

Document(s) are built:$ publican build --langs=fr-FR,de-DE \ --formats=html,html-single,pdf,epub

Tutorial Create DocBook 5?

$ publican create --name My Test Book

$ cd My_Test_Book

$ vim publican.cfgAdd dtdver: 5.0

Change brand: common to brand: common-db5

Tutorial Create DocBook 5?

for FILE in `find . -name '*.xml'`; do xsltproc /usr/share/publican/xsl/db4-upgrade.xsl ${FILE} > ${FILE}.new && mv ${FILE}.new ${FILE};



Stephen Gordon (@sgordon_)Content Author, Red Hat

10th September 2013

Slides available at:


Pencil and note pad stock image:By Ausis, via

Stressed Man among Question Marks stock image:By Master isolated images, via

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